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Signature Assignment:
Attention-Defiit !"#erati$it" Disorder
%itoria Ramire&
'resno (aifi Uni$ersit"
*+a"ton had a+,a"s -een a handfu+. E$en as a todd+er/ he ,ou+d run through the house
+i0e a tornado/ shouting/ roughhousing and 1um#ing around on the furniture. 2ut his mother
,asn3t too onerned at first/ after a++ he ,as a -o"/ and -o"s ,ou+d -e -o"s/ right4 It ,as not
unti+ 0indergarten ,hen his teaher3s omments a-out his disru#ti$eness and inattention in the
+assroom -eame too fre5uent to ignore/ *+a"ton3s mother -egan to ,orr" a-out her son3s
o$er+" ati$e -eha$ior. She shedu+ed *+a"ton an a##ointment ,ith his #ediatriian/ ,ho
reommended an e$a+uation for Attention-defiit6h"#erati$it" disorder 7AD!D8.
The senario desri-ed a-o$e is a++ too fami+iar for some #arents/ ha++enged -" their
hi+dren3s ina-i+it" to sta" sti++ and6or #a" attention9 the" are +eft to #onder on the 5uestions: is
m" hi+d too ati$e4 Is their ina-i+it" to #a" attention hindering their gro,th and de$e+o#ment4
And fina++" the u+timate 5uestion/ no #arent is tru+" read" to enounter: does m" hi+d ha$e
attention-defiit6h"#erati$it" disorder 7AD!D84
Dotors a++ AD!D a neuro#s"hiatri disorder. This means #ro-+ems in the -rain ause
a-norma+ #atterns of -eha$ior. Aording to the CDC/ hi+dren ,ith AD!D ma" ha$e trou-+e
#a"ing attention/ ontro++ing im#u+si$e -eha$iors/ or -e o$er+" ati$e. And e$en though e$er"
hi+d ma" e:#eriene one of these t"#es of -eha$iors e$er" no, and then/ a hi+d ,ith AD!D
e:#erienes them more fre5uent+" and more se$ere+" than other hi+dren. S"m#toms of AD!D
usua++" -egin to a##ear $er" ear+" on in hi+dhood and tend to get steadi+" ,orse. Aording to
C!ADD 7Chi+dren and Adu+ts ,ith Attention-defiit6!"#erati$it" Disorder8/ s"m#toms usua++"
a##ear at age ; or 4 and h"#er and im#u+si$e -eha$iors #ea0 at around age < or =9 h"#erati$it"
usua++" sett+es do,n in the teenage "ears/ -ut im#u+si$e -eha$ior an +ead into adu+thood.
AD!D affets an estimated >? to @0? of shoo+-age hi+dren and interesting+" enough/ as ,e
see in *+a"ton3s stor"/ -o"s are a-out three times more +i0e+" than gir+s to -e diagnosed.
There are three main t"#es of AD!D de#ending on ,hih t"#es of s"m#toms are
strongest in the indi$idua+: an inattenti$e t"#e/ a h"#erati$e-im#u+si$e t"#e and a om-ined
A hi+d diagnosed ,ith an inattenti$e t"#e dis#+a"s the ina-i+it" to #a" attention to detai+s
or a tenden" to ma0e are+ess errors on shoo+,or0 or other ati$ities/ diffiu+t" fo++o,ing
instrutions and a$oidane or dis+i0e to,ards tas0s that re5uire menta+ effort. A hi+d diagnosed
,ith this t"#e of AD!D a+so dis#+a"s fre5uent aounts of distrati-i+it"/ forgetfu+ness and
#ro-+ems ,ith organi&ation.
A hi+d diagnosed ,ith a h"#erati$it"-im#u+si$e t"#e of AD!D strugg+es ,ith sta"ing
sti++ or seated for short #eriods of time. This hi+d ma" -e desri-ed as onstant+" fidget" or
s5uirm" and the" a+,a"s seem to -e Aon the goB. Chi+dren ,ith this t"#e of AD!D dis#+a"
diffiu+ties ,ith ,aiting for their turn or ,aiting in +ine9 the" are a+so desri-ed as e:essi$e
ta+0ers and dis#+a" issues ,ith interru#ting and intruding.
The third t"#e of AD!D is desri-ed as a om-ined t"#e. Chi+dren ,ho are diagnosed
,ith this t"#e of AD!D dis#+a" s"m#toms ,hih in$o+$e a om-ination of -oth the inattenti$e
t"#e and h"#erati$it"-im#u+si$e t"#e. This t"#e of AD!D is the most ommon out of the three.
Chi+dren ,ith this t"#e dis#+a" inattention/ h"#erati$it" and im#u+si$it". The om-ined t"#e is
the most o-$ious form of AD!D/ and often in+udes disru#ti$e and aggressi$e -eha$ior.
A diagnosis of AD!D de#ends on the #resene of a++ or some of the a-o$e traits and
harateristis. !o,e$er/ aording to the CDC/ for the s"m#toms to add u# to AD!D/ the"
must meet ertain standards suh as: the s"m#toms must ha$e -egun -efore age =/ must +ast for
at +east < months and must interfere ,ith ae#ta-+e #rogress in shoo+ or in soia+ ad1ustment
7C'ats a-out AD!D/C )0@48. In addition/ the s"m#toms must -e e:essi$e for the hi+d3s age
and stage of gro,th and must not -e aused -" other disorders in order to fa++ under the AD!D
As *+a"ton3s mother found out/ the diagnosis #roess of AD!D is a se$era+ ste#
#roedure. The first ste# in diagnosing AD!D in+udes a media+ e:am in order to ru+e out other
media+ onditions/ the ne:t se$era+ ste#s ma" in$o+$e he0+ists/ 5uestionnaires and e$a+uations
rating the fre5uen" of s"m#tomati -eha$iors from #arents/ and6or aregi$ers/ teahers and
sometimes/ the hi+d. After se$era+ months of e$a+uations/ 5uestionnaires and om#+etion of
forms/ the fina+ diagnosis for *+a"ton ,as indeed AD!!/ and -ased on his s"m#toms he ,as
diagnosed ,ith a om-ined t"#e.
Aording to the CDC/ a orret diagnosis is im#ortant -eause then an effeti$e
treatment #+an an -e #ut into #+ae 7C'ats a-out AD!D/C )0@48. Aording to C!ADD8
effeti$e AD!D treatment re5uires a om#rehensi$e a##roah that #rofessiona+s refer to as
mu+timoda+. This means that the -est outomes are ahie$ed ,hen mu+ti#+e inter$entions ,or0
together as a om#rehensi$e treatment #+an. The e+ements of a mu+timoda+ treatment a##roah
in+ude: #arent training/ -eha$iora+ inter$ention strategies/ an a##ro#riate eduationa+ #rogram/
and ,hen neessar"/ mediation.
Dust +i0e in *+a"ton3s ase/ shoo+ is usua++" a ha++enge for man" hi+dren diagnosed
,ith AD!D. !o,e$er/ there are different tehni5ues and strategies that an -e used -" -oth
#arents and teahers in order to he+# hi+dren ,ith AD!D thri$e in their eduationa+ areer.
Chi+dren ,ith AD!D are a#a-+e of dis#+a"ing a##ro#riate +assroom -eha$ior9 ho,e$er the"
need struture and +ear e:#etations in order to 0ee# their s"m#toms in he0. Ehen ,or0ing
,ith hi+dren ,ith AD!D some of the 0e" e+ements needed in order to he+# them sueed are
#atiene/ reati$it"/ onsisten" and most im#ortant+" a #ositi$e attitude.
Aording to a re#ort -" the U.S. De#artment of Eduation tit+ed/ Teaching Children
with ADHD (2006)/ suessfu+ #rograms for hi+dren ,ith AD!D integrate three 0e"
om#onents: aademi instrution and -eha$iora+ inter$entions and +assroom aommodations.
Aording to the same re#ort/ Teaching Children with ADHD (2006) teahers ,ho are
suessfu+ in teahing hi+dren ,ith AD!D use a three-#ronged strateg"9 first the teaher
e$a+uates the hi+d3s indi$idua+ strengths and needs/ then the" se+et a##ro#riate instrutiona+
#raties and fina++"/ the teaher om-ines the #raties into an indi$idua+i&ed eduationa+
#rogram 7IE(8. In regards to the aademi instrution #resented to a hi+d ,ith AD!D/ it is
im#ortant to remem-er that a student ,ith AD!D +earns -est ,ith a arefu++" strutured
aademi +esson9 one that sets +earning and -eha$iora+ e:#etations and 0ee#s instrutions/
hoies and shedu+es sim#+e to om#rehend and arr" out unti+ om#etition. In order to ondut
the most #roduti$e +esson for hi+dren ,ith AD!D there are se$era+ strategies a teaher an use
to 0ee# students fous and on tas0. Some of these strategies in+ude: su##orting the student3s
#artii#ation in the +assroom -" using ues and ad$aned ,arnings ,hen the" ,i++ -e a++ed
u#on to #artii#ate/ di$iding ,or0 into sma++er units/ high+ighting 0e" #oints/ and +o,er noise
+e$e+. A++ of these strategies an he+# reate a #ositi$e +earning en$ironment for a hi+d ,ith
The seond ma1or om#onent of effeti$e instrution for hi+dren ,ith AD!D in$o+$es
the use of -eha$iora+ inter$entions. Chi+dren ,ith AD!D often at immature+" and ha$e
diffiu+t" +earning ho, to ontro+ their im#u+si$eness and h"#erati$it". These hi+dren usua++"
ha$e trou-+e forming friendshi#s ,ith other hi+dren in the +assroom and ma" ha$e diffiu+ties
,ith soia+ e:#erienes and interations. Aording to the re#ort, Teaching Children with ADHD
(2006), the main #ur#ose of -eha$iora+ inter$entions is to assist students in dis#+a"ing the
-eha$iors that most ondui$e to their o,n +earning and that of +assmates. Effeti$e teahers
use man" different -eha$iora+ inter$entions tehni5ues to #romote se+f-ontro+ and #ositi$e
soia+ s0i++s. The most ommon and #erha#s the most effeti$e tehni5ue man" teahers use is
$er-a+ reinforement of a##ro#riate -eha$iors a+so 0no,n as #raise. In order for #raise to -e
most effeti$e teahers shou+d 0ee# the fo++o,ing ti#s in mind: define the a##ro#riate -eha$ior
,hi+e gi$ing #raise/ gi$e #raise immediate+"/ $ar" the statements gi$en as #raise/ and most
im#ortant+" -e onsistent and sinere ,hen using #raise.
In addition to $er-a+ reinforements/ the fo++o,ing set of genera+i&ed -eha$iora+
tehni5ues ha$e -een #ro$en to -e he+#fu+ ,ith students ,ith AD!D: se+eti$e+" ignoring
ina##ro#riate -eha$iors/ remo$a+ of nuisane items ,ithin the +earning en$ironment/ in+usion of
a designated a+ming area and a+ming mani#u+ati$es 7CTeahing hi+dren ,ith AD!D/C )00<8.
Effeti$e teahers a+so use -eha$iora+ #rom#ts ,ith their students ,ith AD!D/ as reminders of
e:#eted +earning and -eha$iora+ e:#etation. Suh #rom#ts suh $isua+ ues/ #ro:imit" ontro+
and hand gestures ha$e -een #ro$en usefu+ ,hen fostering a suessfu+ +earning en$ironment for
hi+dren ,ith AD!D.
The +assroom an sometimes -e an e:treme+" distrati-+e en$ironment/ es#eia++" for a
hi+d ,ith AD!D9 therefore there are ertain aommodations that an -e made ,ithin the
+assroom en$ironment in order to he+# minimi&e the distrations and disru#tions of AD!D. 'or
e:am#+e/ hanges ou+d -e made in the seating arrangement ,ithin the +assroom9 a hi+d ,ith
AD!D shou+d -e seated furthest from a ,indo, or door/ +imiting the #ossi-i+ities of fre5uent
distrations aused -" outside fators. And if #ossi-+e/ the student shou+d -e seated fair+" +ose to
the teaher/ in order to +essen the hane of them -eoming distrated or distrating others
around them. In addition/ another seating arrangement that ou+d -e -enefiia+ to a hi+d ,ith
AD!D ,ou+d -e to seat them near a student ro+e mode+9 this #ro$ides o##ortunit" for the
hi+dren to ,or0 oo#erati$e+" and to +earn from their #eers in the +assroom.
Ehen *+a"ton ,as first diagnosed ,ith AD!D/ his mother3s first reation ,as se+f--+ame
and she ou+dn3t he+# -ut #onder on some om#+e: 5uestions: ,as it her #arenting st"+e that +ed
her son to de$e+o# this disorder4 Eas it something she ,as feeding him/ too muh sugar
#erha#s4 Aording to an arti+e tit+ed/ Breaking the Silence of ADHD Stigma/ these are often
misone#tions surrounding AD!D and unfortunate+" AD!D sometimes sti++ gets attri-uted to
#oor #arenting. Eithin the arti+e/ (s"hothera#ist Terr" Mat+en/ ACSE/ stated/ AThe genera+
thin0ing is often that the #arent is not strit enough and the hi+d is in ontro+ of the situation/ -ut
a hi+d ,ith AD!D isn3t diso-edient on #ur#ose9 the" ha$e a -io+ogia++" -ased disorder that
disru#ts se+f-regu+ation. And sim#+" a##+"ing more disi#+ine G ,ithout treating the AD!D G
doesn3t ,or0B 7 Tarta0o$s0"/ )0@)8.
In addition/ Mart+en diret+" -+ames the e:essi$e media attention on the stimu+ant a-use
in the fue+ing of the f+ame of stigmatisms and stereot"#es surrounding AD!D. In the fi+m tit+ed/
America !edicated "id (20#0), #resenter Houis Therou: addresses this stigmatism first hand
-" $isiting fami+ies ,ith AD!D hi+dren to get a #ersona+ #ers#eti$e into the +i$es of those ,ho
strugg+e ,ith the disorder/ fousing on gaining insight from #rofessiona+s and #arents on the
ontro$ers" surrounding AD!D and the use of mediation. In the on+usion of the fi+m/
#resenter Houis Therou: diso$ered that o#inions regarding AD!D treatments $ar" amongst
indi$idua+s/ fami+ies and #h"siians. 2ut des#ite of the $ar"ing o#inions/ he found that fami+ies
that strugg+e ,ith a hi+d diagnosed ,ith AD!D are more than ,i++ing to e:#+ore a++ treatments
neessar" to he+# their hi+dren/ e$en mediation. !o,e$er/ Therou: a+so found that for man"
#arents mediation is usua++" the +ast resort of treatment/ -ut the genera+ thin0ing of soiet"
#resents a different #ers#eti$e/ ,ith man" assuming that mediation is often the first and on+"
treatment offered to #atients diagnosed ,ith AD!D. This negati$e #ers#eti$e amongst u+tures
and soiet" attri-utes to the ontro$ers" o$er the o$eruse of mediation in the treatment of this
disorder. In *+a"ton3s ase/ +i0e man" #arents/ his #arents o#ted to ho+d off on mediation and to
tr" other treatments first. Unfortunate+"/ +i0e man" hi+dren/ he ontinued to strugg+e9 therefore
mediation ,as integrated into his treatment #+an and his #arents/ teaher and e$en *+a"ton
seemed to -e ha##" ,ith the resu+ts.
Des#ite the stigmatism and stereot"#es surrounding AD!D/ hi+dren ,ith the disorder
ha$e a high hane of gro,ing u# and e:#eriening a norma+ adu+thood. Aording to the fi+m
tit+ed $i%ing with ADHD/ more than F0? of hi+dren diagnosed ,ith AD!D in their ear+"
hi+dhood "ears3 e:#eriene +itt+e to no s"m#toms as adu+ts 7!ori&on-22C/ )00F8. Statistis +i0e
these gi$e *+a"ton and his fami+" ho#e for a -right future/ regard+ess of his AD!D diagnosis.
An AD!D diagnosis an -e trou-+ing/ -ut the good ne,s is there are ,a"s to ease the
strugg+e AD!D hi+dren fae9 ,ith the a##ro#riate aommodations/ indi$idua+i&ed instrution/
-eha$iora+ inter$entions/ onsisten"/ a +ot of #atiene and e$en sometimes mediation/ AD!D
an -e managed and ontro++ed. AD!D is a disorder and there is no ure. !o,e$er/ ,ith the
a##ro#riate su##ort and guidane from a++ those around them/ hi+dren ,ith AD!D an thri$e
and sueed in e$er" as#et of their +i$es.

Cam#-e++/ *./ J,en/ D. 7)0@4/ Danuar" )=8. Inter$ie, -" % Ramire& KL. *+a"tonMs adhd stor".
C!ADD. 7)0@48. Children and ad&lt with attention'deficit(h)*eracti%it) diorder. Retrie$ed
from htt#:66,,,.hadd.org6
'ats a-out adhd. 7)0@48. Center for dieae control and *re%ention (CDC)/ Retrie$ed from
'ront+ine. 7)00>8. The medicated child KEe-L. Retrie$ed from
!ori&on-22C. 7(roduer8 7)00F8. $i%ing with adhd KEe-L. Retrie$ed from
Tarta0o$s0"/ M. 7)0@)8. 2rea0ing the Si+ene of AD!D Stigma. +)ch Central. Retrie$ed on
Danuar" )I/ )0@4/ from htt#:66#s"hentra+.om6-+og6arhi$es6)0@)60460)6-rea0ing-the-
Therou:/ H. 7(resenter8 7)0@08. America, medicated kid KD%DL.
U.S. De#artment of Eduation/ Jffie of S#eia+ Eduation and Reha-i+itati$e Ser$ies. 7)00<8.
Teaching children with attention'deficit(h)*eracti%it) diorder. Retrie$ed from ED (u-s/
Eduation (u-+iations Center/ ,e-site:

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