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HARQ Process

HARQ(Hybrid ARQ) is pretty complicated process and not easy to understand in very detail, but it would be helpful if
you have some big picture of this process. (Describing this process in very detail would not be the scope of this

et!s first thin" about the terminology. #hat is H$ARQ % #hy it uses the term &Hybrid& %
'irst thin" about the term ARQ. ARQ stands for Automatic Repeat Re(uest and you would have heard this a lot if you
had e)perience of studying *+ communication (* thin" you can google a lot of tutorials on this, so * would not e)plain
about what is ARQ here). ,he &H& in HARQ means &Hybrid& which implies that HARQ is a combination of &-omething&
and &ARQ&. ,hen what would be the &-omething& % ,he &-omething& is './ (forward error correction). './ is also not
,. specific technology and a "ind of generic error correction mechanism. -o * would li"e you to google something
about './.

A little bit different mode of HARQ process is used depending on whether it is for 'DD or ,DD and whether it is for
0plin" and Downlin". 1ut * will tal" only about 'DD case.

*n 'DD, we are using 2 HARQ process.

i) 'or Downlin"
a) it can use the 2 HARQ processes in any order (Asynchronous +rocess).
b) 0. does not "now anything about HARQ process information for D data before it gets it. -o 3etwor" send
these information (+rocess *D, R4) in +D//H (D/*, Refer to D/* section of this site).
ii) 'or 0plin"
a)it have to use the specific process in a specific subframe (-ynchronous +rocess). 0. has to use the same
HARQ process number every 2 subframes.
b) -ince 0. have to use specific HARQ process *D at specific subframe, the reciever (e3ode 1) "nows e)actly
which HARQ process comes when. And e3ode1 can also "nows about R4 because 0 5rant (D/* 6) from
e3ode1 can specify R4 using 7/- field.
c)it has two mode of operation 8 Adaptive and 3on$Adaptive HARQ

'ollowing is an e)ample of Adative 0 HARQ +rocess (9ey idea is that .ach 0 retransmission uses different R4
and the R4 is determined by D/* 6).

'ollowing is an e)ample of 3on Adative 0 HARQ +rocess (9ey idea is that .ach 0 retransmission uses
different R4 and the R4 is determined by predefined se(uence specified in ,-:;.:<= &>.?.<.< HARQ process&).

,he last but very important (uestion would be &How 0. "nows if it is supposed to do Adaptive retransmission
and 3on$Adaptive retransmission %&
o 0. do &Adaptive retransmission& if it detect D/* 6 and 3D* is not toggled. (*n this case, 0. does not
care about &HARQ feedbac" (+H*/H)&, it retransmit based on D/* 6 information).
o 0. figures out that it is using &3on$Adaptive retransmission& if it got &HARQ feedbac" (+H*/H@3A/9)&
but does not get D/* 6.

HARQ ProcessID Synchronization

#hen transfering data via HARQ process, the reciever and transmitter should "now !some information! about +rocess
*D for each of the HARQ process, so that the reciever can successfully "eeping each process data without getting
them mi)ed up.

*n case of Asynchronous HARQ (e.g, +D-/H transmission in ,.), the sender should inform the receiver of HARQ
processor number e)plictely. *n case of ,., D/* = and < carries this information as you see in the D/* = and

#hat about in case of -ynchronous HARQ % Aou don!t have to inform +rocess *D in this case since the process *D can
be inferred from the transmission time (*n ,. 0 HARQ case, this timing is e)pressed in -'3 and subframe number).
,hen is there any specific rule (mathematical formula) to figure out HARQ process *D from -'3 and subframe
number %
*n ,., there is no specific formula is defined in the :5++ specification, but following can be one of the simplest rule in
,. case.

0 HARQ +rocess *D @ (-'3 ) =6 B subframe) modulo 2
, here we use modulo 2 because ,. use 2 HARQ process

Does the reciever (e3ode1 in ,. case) need to "now e)act HARQ process *D %
3ot Really. As long as e3ode1 prepare at least 2 HARQ buffer and store +0-/H for each subframe separately at least
for 2 subframe span, there would be no problem of decoding each HARQ data without problem. Cne possible
procedure may go li"e this 8
i) an e3ode1 prepare 2 separate HARQ 1uffers and let name it as 1uf6,1uf=,..,1ufD.
ii) #hen an e3ode1 receives the first +0-/H, it put the +0-/H into the first 0 HARQ buffer (1uf6) in the
iii) #hen the e3ode1 receives the second +0-/H, it put the +0-/H into the first 0 HARQ buffer (1uf=) in the
e3ode1 .... Repeat this process
iv) #hen the e3ode1 receives the 2 th +0-/H, it put the +0-/H into the 2th 0 HARQ buffer (1ufD) in the
v) #hen the e3ode1 receives the E th +0-/H, it put the +0-/H into the first 0 HARQ buffer (1uf6) in the
e3ode1 .... Repeat this process.
#ith this, there may be mismatches between 0 HARQ +rocess *D that is allocated on 0. side and the 1uf number
allocated on the e3ode1 receiver buffer, but there would be no problem with decoding the data.

Synchronous HARQ (used in UPLINK):
1. Re-transmissions are scheduled at fixed time intervals
2. Generates lower over-head as it doesn't need to include HARQ process Id in the outoin data
!. Alwa"s wor#s in c"cle even if no resources are allocated durin a specific su$ frame% which means that
the 1st process will repeat itself after ever" & ms.
Asynchronous HARQ (used in DOWNLINK):
1. e'( can use an" of the HARQ process )out of 1-& *A+ process, in the -.
2. e'( provides instructions to the /0 reardin which HARQ process to use durin each su$-frame for
which resources are allocated. )1he HARQ process identit" is included within the 2-33H transmission,
!. As"nchronous HARQ increases sinallin overhead $ecause it includes the HARQ process Identit"
within the -3I.
4. As"nchronous HARQ increases flexi$ilit" $ecause re-transmissions doesn't have to $e scheduled
durin ever" su$-frame.
As mentioned5 a$ove HARQ is s"nchronous in the /.. +henever5 a re-transmission occurs in /.5 it can
$e either Adaptive and 'on-adaptive
Adaptive Transmission6
a. triered when '-I $it is not toled relative to the previous transmission. 1his information should $e
present in the 2-33H -3I7.
$. 83* and R('s ma" chane as per resources allocated $" the e'( on 2-33H -3I7 transmission
Non-adaptive Transmission6
a. trierred when 'A39 is received on 2HI3H
$. use same resources as per the previous transmission i.e. 83* and R('s remains unchaned
Important Points:
1. If A39 is there on 2HI3H and 2-33H carriers the '-I $it as not toled then ':'-A-A21I;0 re-
transmission will occur
2. If 'A39 is there on 2HI3H and no 2-33H is received then /0 will store the data in the HARQ $uffer
and no re-transmission will occur
0mail 1his (lo1his< *hare to 1witter *hare to =ace$oo# *hare to 2interest
.a$els6 adaptive retransmission5 ARQ5 HARQ5 HARQ in .105 HARQ process5 8A3 HARQ5 '-I5 non adaptive
retransmission5 2-33H -3I75 2HI3H5 *A+ process5 s"nchronous HARQ
1 comment:
Guru Praas! >ul" 115 271! at ?6?@ 28
/seful information

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