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Welcome to S.T.E.M. Summer Camp. This week you will experience and be a part of enrichment
that you will remember for the rest of your life. I realize at this point, you may think thats a bit of
an exaggeration. However, I can personally assure you that its not. Youre at the start of a new
adventure where you will see, hear, touch, taste, and feel the growth inside yourself. Once youve
experienced that you will be forever changed.

Every one of us at S.T.E.M. wants you to have an amazing, incredible, beyond-belief time this
summer as you learn about yourself. To help you on your journey of discovery and improvement
weve created daily devotions. Theres one for each day of your camp experience.

Its going to be a great camp experience, so get ready to BE ALL YOU CAN BE.


What do I expect?

1. ._______________________________

2. ._______________________________

3. ._______________________________

4. ._______________________________

5. ._______________________________

6. ._______________________________




Look at the titlemyself. Hey, this devotion is all about you! Sort of. Talking about yourself can
be interesting to say the least. There are some things you probably really like about yourself
and some things that you might not prefer, or even absolutely despise!

So heres an exercise. Take one minute to list as many things as possible about yourself that you
dont like, be honest. Ready? Go! Now that youre minute is done, look back through the list.
What surprises you about what youve written?

OK, ready to switch things up? You now have another full minute to make a list of the things you
like about yourself. Ready again? Remember be honest. Go! Again, look at what you wrote.
Whats your very favorite thing out of all the positives that you just listed?

Many people have a hard time finding the positive in themselves. Its just a lot easier to be
negative. And despite lots of hard work, our most stubborn faults are often hard to fix or remove.
Jesus had a great perspective about himself. Maybe your response to that is, Well, of course he
did he was God! But that wasnt it. In factit was just the opposite. And his wisdom and insight
gives us a great pattern to follow regarding how we should see ourselves.

Read John 5:19. So Jesus explained, I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He
does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. (NLT)

Jesus perspective on himself was it wasnt about him. It was about God. Everything about his
own self-identity came from knowing God, and doing his will. And the more we do thatseek after
God and not after ourselvesthe more our list of things we like will grow, and the parts we dislike
will fade. Not because of me but because of Him!

Discussion Questions

1. Using 100 percent as a total, how much time do I spend thinking about God vs. thinking
about myself. Try to give it your best, most accurate number.

2. What steps would I need to take to increase Gods percentage? (Try to come up with at least
three that you could actually do.) If I did that, what would be different about the way I see
myself 6 months from now?

Now, share this with one other person and ask them to keep you accountable doing the things you
listed above.

What is a Habit?

List 3 good habits List 3 bad habits List 3 that dont matter
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.

Sow a thought, and you reap an act;
Sow an act, and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, and you reap a character;
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.

On the next page is a chart with numbers from 1 to 54. Your challenge is to find each number on the
chart, starting at 1, then 2, then 3 and so on, all the way to 54. Take 1 minutes and see how many
numbers you can find. There are no missing numbers or tricks. Ready. Set. Go.


Your Paradigm

Its how you see things. Your perception. Your point of view.

How do you see yourself? With the distributed newsprint, draw a full body self-portrait. Do your best, no
one is expecting a Picasso.



Being Proactive
Proactive and Reactive Behavior
What other things does reactive and proactive behavior
remind you of? Draw or write them below.

Example: A volcano

Example: A bottle of water


Successes: What have been your greatest successes so far in your life? What factors
contributed to your success?

GREATEST CHALLENGES: List what you have found most challenging?


The Circle of Concern versus the Circle of Influence

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teen

Where does the idea come
The circles represent the two areas
where you can focus your time and
energy. Many people spend time
worrying about things in their circle of
concern. These represent things in life
that we cannot change or things over
which we do not have any control.

Highly effective people think and act
primarily within their Circle of
Influence. They forget about the
things over which they have no control,
preferring to focus their time and
energy on issues where they can
actually make a difference. By doing
this, they gradually expand their Circle
of Influence as they earn more power
and respect.

How is this relevant to me as an individual?
As a teen, you might sometimes feel like there are insurmountable obstacles in your path and this
can be very frustrating. Today you have had the chance to reflect on your successes as well as
challenges. In your life, you will find that there are many things that are outside of your circle of
influence. It is important that you understand and acknowledge this and that you do not allow these
things to dictate what you do. It is also very important to acknowledge that these will be different
in every life context.


Consider the challenges you identified
Identify which fall in to your circle of
concern and which fall in to your circle of

Consider what actions you might take when you go about your daily routine:
1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________




Do you think your friends are awesome? Most people do. Heres something to think about. You like your
friends, but you probably dont prefer everyone elses friends. But, those other people really like their
friends. So whats up with that?

What do you think are the reasons that you like your friends? Try to list at least five reasons. Have you
ever had a time when someone said they were your friend, but they turned out not to be? Write down or
share some details about that situation.

Jesus had many people who said they were his friends. We dont know much about thembecause their
stories didnt make history. They were the people that surely ran around town saying, Oh Jesus? Yea, I
know him were pretty good friends. Or, Jesus? I could call him and get him to heal you. Hes my
friend, you know. All those peoplenot true friends. Maybe they were nice and polite to Jesus, and
smiled when he was around, but when the tough times came, they disappeared.

Read Luke 23:48-50. And when the crowd that came to see the crucifixion saw what had happened, they
went home in deep sorrow. But Jesus friends, including the women who had followed him from Galilee,
stood at a distance watching.

1. What do you think made Jesus friends different from all the other people?

2. Do you think your friendships are like or unlike the ones in this passage? Explain why.

3. What are some of the amazing stories that the true friends of Jesus could tell when they got old?
(Open up your Bible to the book of Acts if you need some help.) Friendships that are grounded in a
common Christian faith are hard to beatand hard to stop, too. That doesnt mean that youll be
best friends with every other Christian. But it does mean that when you develop true Christian
friendships, theres nothing that God cant do through you. Its an unstoppable force. And thats
something that you can experience through your upcoming mission trip. Great friendships will
develop that will be long-lasting, based on common faith, and full of great stories to tell. Enjoy it!
And a final thought to consider

4. What steps can I take to deepen my friendships with other people going on the trip? Try to come
up with at least three things that you can actually do.


Now heres a hot-button topic FAMILIES! They can be weird, wacky, wonderful, or way-too-complicated.
And they are often full of people that we may never pick to be our friends. Yet, somehow, were stuck with
them for our entire lives! But if youre going on a mission trip with your youth group, your family shouldnt
be an issue, right? Wrong! Today, families come in all shapes and sizes. Big, small, traditional, broken, re-
connected, adoptive, dysfunctional, awesome, and disappointing are some categories that people have used
to describe theirs. How about you? What is one word that you could share that would sum up your family?

Well, to go on a mission trip means you have to leave from somewhere, and most of you dont live at the
church. You get your stuff together at a place you call home and with people who are, for better or worse,
considered your family. They are important peoplepeople that can be a huge support for your upcoming
mission trip. Your family can be there for you to help you deal with details, issues, finances, and most
importantly, to celebrate what God will be doing in your life. Just like a good friendship, family relationships
take a little work. And its probably even harder work than what youre going to do on your mission trip.
Think about thisGod wasnt off on vacation when he placed you into your particular family. He did it on
purpose, and Gods purposes for you are never bad or mistaken. They are always meant to give you
something good.

So as you prepare for your mission trip, take some time to strengthen your family ties. And whether you
have big or small family issues (or anything in between), theres some great advice in the Bible on how to
make things better.

Read James 3:13-18. If you are wise and understand Gods ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing
good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish
ambition in your heart, dont cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness is not
Gods kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and
selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. But the wisdom from above is first of all
pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good
deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace
and reap a harvest of righteousness.

1. When you read that passage, what is the most challenging or dicult thing that stands out to you
about improving your relationship with your family?

2. What would it look like for you to do that thing, and what would the benefit be?

3. What if you tried, but the other people in your family didnt react well or even care? Then what?
Right now, pray that Jesus would speak to you and give you direction about your family. Go ahead.
Take your time.

4. Now, write down at least one thing that Jesus said to you during your time of prayer. If possible,
share it with a friend to help keep you accountable to act on Gods direction.


Whether or not we are aware of it, our past has a powerful impact on who we are and how we view life.
What went before and the wounds we acquire can affect us in both positive and negative ways, It can also
be a significant influence in our choices, decisions, goals and aspirations. Hurts that are left unhealed can
cause a person to become excessively controlling or passive; become a bully or someone who jumps at
shadows. Our history colors how we react to positive or negative experiences. For some of us, the struggles
with our past have driven us to commit life-changing decisions that can build or destroy.
Most of us have experienced a violation of our trust by another person, and the pain of such an experience
can make it very difficult to ever trust again. Many of us are disappointed or have the circumstances of our
life change. It can be a time of growth but usually we allow it to bury ourselves in regret and steal our
confidence and belief that God made us in His image.
Many years ago the phrase Let go and let God was coined. Its so simple to say, but why is it so hard for us
to do? To truly let go and let God? Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own
understanding, Proverbs 3:5 reminds us. If we cant trust people or what we know how can we trust God?
Does God want us to trust Him? Absolutely! Does God understand the hurts from our past? Completely! He
wants to heal our hearts so we can be all that He has created us to be. But how do we get there
1. Think of the things that are in your past, one a sheet of paper write down all that actions and
experiences that make you fill less than.
2. Today start a journal of daily positive actions. Some good happens to each and every one of use
each day.
3. Tonight take your past hurts and throw them in the fire. Fire can destroy but it is also a method of


The future. Its out there. What in the world will it look like? Not things like flying cars and teleporting. Sure,
that would be nice. But when you think about the future your future what would you want it to look
like? Take a few minutes to answer that question. If the future came right now, what would you be doing,
where would you be working, what would your family look like the whole works? Go ahead and describe it.

If you recall in your Day 3 Devotion, My Faith, we looked at John 6:47.That verse is in the middle of a
passage where Jesus was saying some controversial things about himself in a synagogue setting. In other
words, the traditional religious people were getting pretty upset. Grab a Bible and read the passage. Its
John 6:22-65.

After the whole episode, people started to split. Rememberthats what fake friends do. They take off when
things get dicult or uncomfortable. And many people did just that. When things began, there were people
all aroundlistening to Jesus battle of words with the synagogue leaders. But when Jesus started to say
things that were hard to believe, everyone scattered. Except the 12 disciples. They stayed. And at that point,
their future began.

Read John 6:66-69. At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him. Then Jesus turned to
the Twelve and asked, Are you also going to leave? Simon Peter replied, Lord, to whom would we go? You
have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.

What did the disciples know about their future right then?

If you had been there, do you think you would have stuck it out with Jesus or left? Why?

Heres what we dont know. We dont know what hopes and dreams the disciples had before they met
Jesus. Maybe they wanted to be doctors or lawyers or travel or have lots of kids or WHO KNOWS???

But heres what we do know. After being around Jesus, they didnt know much about their future. But they
were content to say these words, Lord, to whom else would we go?They could have chosen a different
future. One that was more secure or safe. But they chose Jesus as their future. To whom else would they

If Jesus showed up right now, what would keep you from saying those words to him?

If you could say those words to him right now, how might your future look different from how you imagined
it earlier?

Youll be on your way to your mission trip soon. May your prayer be as you go and serveand long after you
come home Lord, to whom else I could go?



The word faith is thrown around a lot about a bunch of different topics. We have faith in people, our own
faithful and trusty dogs, see people of faith head off to worship on the weekends, hear about faith-based
organizations doing good things around the world, and maybe even listen to Faith Hill on the radio. Faith
must be everywhere!

Yet, in regular, normal conversation, the word faith is rarely used. When is the last time you actually used
faith in a common sentence about family, school, work, or whatever? Youre probably having a hard time
coming up with an answer. So lets not talk anymore about others definitions of faith. What about yours?
What does faith look like in your life? And how would your life be different if you didnt have your faith?

Being able to say and know that you have true faith may be the most important thing youll ever know. Ever.
To help wrap your mind around that statement, you should know what faith isnt.

Right now, take one minute to list as many facts about Jesus as you possibly can. Ready? Go!

Look back at your list. None of what you wrote is actually faith, because faith isnt head knowledge. Like
knowing who the first president is. Thats good to know, but it doesnt do very much eternal good. In the
same way, knowing facts about Jesus is nice, but it wont give you what youre looking for.

Faith, like a good friend, also isnt temporary. Like those quick prayers, we pray before a really hard test that
we forgot to study for. Lord, please help me with this test, and I promise Ill never say another bad word.
Or whatever. Thats just a kind of faith that is looking for some quick assistance. Can you think of something
that youve prayed that was for a quick fix? Thats not faiththats a Christmas list!

True faiththe kind of faith in Jesus that lasts for all eternityis what happens when your knowledge about
him turns into belief in himand in what he did for you on the cross. Thats faith.

Read the words of Jesus in John 6:47. I tell you the truth; anyone who believes has eternal life.

If those words dont quite make sense to you right now, or if they feel right, but youd like a refresher, heres
an assignment for you. Grab a Bible thats easy to read, or go online to a website like
www.biblegateway.com and head to the book of John in the New Living Translation. Just read it. Yes, the
book of John. Its relatively short, and it tells the story of Jesus in a way thats easy to understand. Youll get
the scoop about who Jesus really iswhat he didand what hes asking of you by believing in him. If you can
put the book down, or shut off your computer screen, and quietly say yes to Jesusyour life will never,
ever be the same.

So what things about Jesus are hard for you to believe?

Pray, asking God to help you with your areas of unbelief.

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