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Quantum Biology and Entanglement

The human body is a constant flux of thousands of chemical/biological

interactions and processes connecting molecules, cells, organs, and fluids,
throughout the brain, body, and nervous system. Up until recently it was
thought that all these interactions operated in a linear sequence, passing on
information much like a runner passing the baton to the next runner. However,
the latest findings in quantum biology and biophysics have discovered that
there is in fact a tremendous degree of coherence within all living systems.
The accelerating electrons explain not only the axwell !quations and the
"pecial #elativity, but the Heisenberg Uncertainty #elation, the $ave%&article
'uality and the electron(s spin also, building the )ridge between the *lassical
and +uantum Theories.
The &lanck 'istribution ,aw of the electromagnetic oscillators explains the
electron/proton mass rate and the $eak and "trong -nteractions by the
diffraction patterns. The $eak -nteraction changes the diffraction patterns by
moving the electric charge from one side to the other side of the diffraction
pattern, which violates the *& and Time reversal symmetry.
The diffraction patterns and the locality of the self%maintaining
electromagnetic potential explains also the +uantum !ntanglement, giving it
as a natural part of the #elativistic +uantum Theory and making possible to
understand the +uantum )iology.
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 2
Quantum Biology..................................................................................................................... 3
Quantum Consciousness .......................................................................................................... 3
Creating quantum technology ................................................................................................... 4
Quantum Entanglement ........................................................................................................... 4
The Bridge .............................................................................................................................. 4
Accelerating charges ............................................................................................................ 4
Relativistic effect .................................................................................................................
!eisen"erg #ncertainty Relation ...............................................................................................
$ave % Particle &uality ............................................................................................................
Atomic model .........................................................................................................................
The Relativistic Bridge ..............................................................................................................
The 'ea( interaction ............................................................................................................... )
The *eneral $ea( +nteraction ............................................................................................... ,
-ermions and Bosons ............................................................................................................... ,
.an &er $aals force ................................................................................................................ ,
Electromagnetic inertia and mass .............................................................................................. /
Electromagnetic +nduction .................................................................................................... /
Relativistic change of mass .................................................................................................... /
The frequency de0endence of mass ....................................................................................... /
Electron % Proton mass rate .................................................................................................. /
*ravity from the 0oint of vie' of quantum 0hysics ..................................................................... /
The *ravitational force ......................................................................................................... /
The !iggs "oson ...................................................................................................................... 1
!iggs mechanism and Quantum *ravity ....................................................................................23
$hat is the 40in5 ................................................................................................................23
The *raviton ......................................................................................................................23
Conclusions ...........................................................................................................................22
References ............................................................................................................................22

Author6 *eorge Ra7na
The human "ody is a constant flu8 of thousands of chemical9"iological interactions and 0rocesses
connecting molecules: cells: organs: and fluids: throughout the "rain: "ody: and nervous system; #0
until recently it 'as thought that all these interactions o0erated in a linear sequence: 0assing on
information much li(e a runner 0assing the "aton to the ne8t runner; !o'ever: the latest findings in
quantum "iology and "io0hysics have discovered that there is in fact a tremendous degree of
coherence 'ithin all living systems; <=
Quantum entanglement is a 0hysical 0henomenon that occurs 'hen 0airs or grou0s of 0articles are
generated or interact in 'ays such that the quantum state of each 0article cannot "e descri"ed
inde0endently % instead: a quantum state may "e given for the system as a 'hole; <4=
+ thin( that 'e have a sim0le "ridge "et'een the classical and quantum mechanics "y understanding
the !eisen"erg #ncertainty Relations; +t ma(es clear that the 0articles are not 0oint li(e "ut have a
d8 and d0 uncertainty;

Quantum Biology
Researchers have long sus0ected that something unusual is afoot in 0hotosynthesis; Particles of light
called 0hotons: streaming do'n from the 4un> arrive randomly at the chloro0hyll molecules and
other light?a"sor"ing @antennaA 0igments that cluster inside the cells of every leaf: and 'ithin every
0hotosynthetic "acterium; But once the 0hotonsA energy is de0osited: it doesnAt stay random;
4omeho': it gets channeled into a steady flo' to'ards the cellAs 0hotosynthetic reaction centre:
'hich can then use it at ma8imum efficiency to convert car"on dio8ide into sugars; Quantum
coherence in 0hotosynthesis seems to "e "eneficial to the organisms using it; But did their a"ility to
e80loit quantum effects evolve through natural selection5 Br is quantum coherence 7ust an
accidental side effect of the 'ay certain molecules are structured5 <)=
Quantum Consciousness
E8tensive scientific investigation has found that a form of quantum coherence o0erates 'ithin living
"iological systems through 'hat is (no'n as "iological e8citations and "io0hoton emission; $hat
this means is that meta"olic energy is stored as a form of electromechanical and electromagnetic
e8citations; These coherent e8citations are considered res0onsi"le for generating and maintaining
long?range order via the transformation of energy and very 'ea( electromagnetic signals; After
nearly t'enty years of e80erimental research: -ritC?Al"ert Po00 0ut for'ard the hy0othesis that
"io0hotons are emitted from a coherent electrodynamics field 'ithin the living system;

$hat this means is that each living cell is giving off: or resonating: a "io0hoton field of coherent
energy; +f each cell is emitting this field: then the 'hole living system is: in effect: a resonating field?a
u"iquitous nonlocal field; And since "io0hotons are the entities through 'hich the living system
communicates: there is near?instantaneous intercommunication throughout; And this: claims Po00:
is the "asis for coherent "iological organiCation ?? referred to as quantum coherence; This discovery
led Po00 to state that the ca0acity for evolution rests not on aggressive struggle and rivalry "ut on
the ca0acity for communication and coo0eration; +n this sense the "uilt?in ca0acity for s0ecies
evolution is not "ased on the individual "ut rather living systems that are interlin(ed 'ithin a
coherent 'hole6 Diving systems are thus neither the su"7ects alone: nor o"7ects isolated: "ut "oth
su"7ects and o"7ects in a mutually communicating universe of meaning; ; ; ; Eust as the cells in an
organism ta(e on different tas(s for the 'hole: different 0o0ulations enfold information not only for
themselves: "ut for all other organisms: e80anding the consciousness of the 'hole: 'hile at the
same time "ecoming more and more a'are of this collective consciousness;

Bio0hysicist Fae?$an !o descri"es ho' the living organism: including the human "ody: is
coordinated throughout and is Gcoherent "eyond our 'ildest dreams;G +t a00ears that every 0art of
our "ody is Gin communication 'ith every other 0art through a dynamic: tuna"le: res0onsive: liquid
crystalline medium that 0ervades the 'hole "ody: from organs and tissues to the interior of every

$hat this tells us is that the medium of our "odies is a form of liquid crystal: an ideal transmitter of
communication: resonance: and coherence; These relatively ne' develo0ments in "io0hysics have
discovered that all "iological organisms are constituted of a liquid crystalline medium; -urther: &HA
is a liquid?crystal: lattice?ty0e structure I'hich some refer to as a liquid crystal gelJ: 'here"y "ody
cells are involved in a hologra0hic instantaneous communication via the emitting of "io0hotons Ia
source "ased on lightJ; This im0lies that all living "iological organisms continuously emit radiations of
light that form a field of coherence and communication; Foreover: "io0hysics has discovered that
living organisms are 0ermeated "y quantum 'ave forms; <=
Creating quantum technology
Another area of 0otential a00lication is in quantum com0uting; The long?standing goal of the
0hysicists and engineers 'or(ing in this area is to mani0ulate data encoded in quantum "its Iqu"itsJ
of information: such as the s0in?u0 and s0in?do'n states of an electron or of an atomic nucleus;
Qu"its can e8ist in "oth states at once: thus 0ermitting the simultaneous e80loration of all 0ossi"le
ans'ers to the com0utation that they encode; +n 0rinci0le: this 'ould give quantum com0uters the
0o'er to find the "est solution far more quic(ly than todayAs com0uters can K "ut only if the qu"its
can maintain their coherence: 'ithout the noise of the surrounding environment: such as the
7ostling of neigh"oring atoms: destroying the synchrony of the 'aves. <)=
Quantum Entanglement
Feasurements of 0hysical 0ro0erties such as 0osition: momentum: s0in: 0olariCation: etc;
0erformed on entangled 0articles are found to "e a00ro0riately correlated; -or e8am0le: if a 0air of
0articles is generated in such a 'ay that their total s0in is (no'n to "e Cero: and one 0article is
found to have cloc('ise s0in on a certain a8is: then the s0in of the other 0article: measured on the
same a8is: 'ill "e found to "e countercloc('ise; Because of the nature of quantum measurement:
ho'ever: this "ehavior gives rise to effects that can a00ear 0arado8ical6 any measurement of a
0ro0erty of a 0article can "e seen as acting on that 0article Ie;g; "y colla0sing a num"er of
su0erim0osed statesJ> and in the case of entangled 0articles: such action must "e on the entangled
system as a 'hole; +t thus a00ears that one 0article of an entangled 0air G(no'sG 'hat
measurement has "een 0erformed on the other: and 'ith 'hat outcome: even though there is no
(no'n means for such information to "e communicated "et'een the 0articles: 'hich at the time of
measurement may "e se0arated "y ar"itrarily large distances; <4=
The Bridge
The accelerating electrons e80lain not only the Fa8'ell Equations and the 40ecial Relativity: "ut the
!eisen"erg #ncertainty Relation: the 'ave 0article duality and the electronAs s0in also: "uilding the
"ridge "et'een the Classical and Quantum Theories; <2=

Accelerating charges
The moving charges are self maintain the electromagnetic field locally: causing their movement and
this is the result of their acceleration under the force of this field; +n the classical 0hysics the charges
'ill distri"uted along the electric current so that the electric 0otential lo'ering along the current: "y
linearly increasing the 'ay they ta(e every ne8t time 0eriod "ecause this accelerated motion;
The same thing ha00ens on the atomic scale giving a d0 im0ulse difference and a d8 'ay difference
"et'een the different 0art of the not 0oint li(e 0articles;
Relativistic effect
Another "ridge "et'een the classical and quantum mechanics in the realm of relativity is that the
charge distri"ution is lo'ering in the reference frame of the accelerating charges linearly6 ds9dt L at
Itime coordinateJ: "ut in the reference frame of the current it is 0ara"olic6 s L a92 t

Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation
+n the atomic scale the !eisen"erg uncertainty relation gives the same result: since the moving
electron in the atom accelerating in the electric field of the 0roton: causing a charge distri"ution on
delta 8 0osition difference and 'ith a delta 0 momentum difference such a 'ay that they 0roduct is
a"out the half Planc( reduced constant; -or the 0roton this delta 8 much less in the nucleon: than in
the or"it of the electron in the atom: the delta 0 is much higher "ecause of the greater 0roton mass;
This means that the electron and 0roton are not 0oint li(e 0articles: "ut has a real charge
ave ! Particle "uality
The accelerating electrons e80lains the 'ave % 0article duality of the electrons and 0hotons: since
the elementary charges are distri"uted on delta 8 0osition 'ith delta 0 im0ulse and creating a 'ave
0ac(et of the electron; The 0hoton gives the electromagnetic 0article of the mediating force of the
electrons electromagnetic field 'ith the same distri"ution of 'avelengths;
Atomic model
The constantly accelerating electron in the !ydrogen atom is moving on the equi0otential line of the
0roton and itMs (inetic and 0otential energy 'ill "e constant; +ts energy 'ill change only 'hen it is
changing its 'ay to another equi0otential line 'ith another value of 0otential energy or getting free
'ith enough (inetic energy; This means that the Rutherford?Bohr atomic model is right and only that
changing acceleration of the electric charge causes radiation: not the steady acceleration; The steady
acceleration of the charges only creates a centric 0ara"olic steady electric field around the charge:
the magnetic field; This gives the magnetic moment of the atoms: summing u0 the 0roton and
electron magnetic moments caused "y their circular motions and s0ins;

The Relativistic Bridge
Commonly acce0ted idea that the relativistic effect on the 0article 0hysics it is the fermionsM s0in ?
another unresolved 0ro"lem in the classical conce0ts; +f the electric charges can move only 'ith
accelerated motions in the self maintaining electromagnetic field: once u0on a time they 'ould
reach the velocity of the electromagnetic field; The resolution of this 0ro"lem is the s0inning
0article: constantly accelerating and not reaching the velocity of light "ecause the acceleration is
radial; Bne origin of the Quantum Physics is the Planc( &istri"ution Da' of the electromagnetic
oscillators: giving equal intensity for 2 different 'avelengths on any tem0erature; Any of these t'o
'avelengths 'ill give equal intensity diffraction 0atterns: "uilding different asymmetric
constructions: for e8am0le 0roton ? electron structures IatomsJ: molecules: etc; 4ince the 0articles
are centers of diffraction 0atterns they also have 0article % 'ave duality as the electromagnetic
'aves have; <2=

The #ea$ interaction
The 'ea( interaction transforms an electric charge in the diffraction 0attern from one side to the
other side: causing an electric di0ole momentum change: 'hich violates the CP and time reversal
symmetry; The Electro'ea( +nteraction sho's that the $ea( +nteraction is "asically electromagnetic
in nature; The arro' of time sho's the entro0y gro's "y changing the tem0erature de0endent
diffraction 0atterns of the electromagnetic oscillators;
Another im0ortant issue of the quar( model is 'hen one quar( changes its flavor such that a linear
oscillation transforms into 0lane oscillation or vice versa: changing the charge value 'ith 2 or ?2; This
(ind of change in the oscillation mode requires not only 0arity change: "ut also charge and time
changes ICPT symmetryJ resulting a right handed anti?neutrino or a left handed neutrino;
The right handed anti?neutrino and the left handed neutrino e8ist only "ecause changing "ac( the
quar( flavor could ha00en only in reverse: "ecause they are different geometrical constructions: the
u is 2 dimensional and 0ositively charged and the d is 2 dimensional and negatively charged; +t needs
also a time reversal: "ecause anti 0article Ianti neutrinoJ is involved;
The neutrino is a 292s0in creator 0article to ma(e equal the s0ins of the 'ea( interaction: for
e8am0le neutron decay to 2 fermions: every 0article is fermions 'ith N s0in; The 'ea( interaction
changes the entro0y since more or less 0articles 'ill give more or less freedom of movement; The
entro0y change is a result of tem0erature change and "rea(s the equality of oscillator diffraction
intensity of the Fa8'ell%BoltCmann statistics; This 'ay it changes the time coordinate measure and
ma(es 0ossi"le a different time dilation as of the s0ecial relativity;
The limit of the velocity of 0articles as the s0eed of light a00ro0riate only for electrical charged
0articles: since the accelerated charges are self maintaining locally the accelerating electric force;
The neutrinos are CP symmetry "rea(ing 0articles com0ensated "y time in the CPT symmetry: that is
the time coordinate not 'or(s as in the electromagnetic interactions: consequently the s0eed of
neutrinos is not limited "y the s0eed of light;
The 'ea( interaction T?asymmetry is in con7unction 'ith the T?asymmetry of the second la' of
thermodynamics: meaning that locally lo'ering entro0y Ion e8tremely high tem0eratureJ causes the
'ea( interaction: for e8am0le the !ydrogen fusion;
Pro"a"ly "ecause it is a s0in creating movement changing linear oscillation to 2 dimensional
oscillation "y changing d to u quar( and creating anti neutrino going "ac( in time relative to the
0roton and electron created from the neutron: it seems that the anti neutrino fastest then the
velocity of the 0hotons created also in this 'ea( interaction5

A quar( flavor changing sho's that it is a reflection changes movement and the CP? and T? symmetry
"rea(ingOOO This flavor changing oscillation could 0rove that it could "e also on higher level such as
atoms: molecules: 0ro"a"ly "ig "iological significant molecules and res0onsi"le on the aging of the

+m0ortant to mention that the 'ea( interaction is al'ays contains 0articles and anti0articles: 'here
the neutrinos IantineutrinosJ 0resent the o00osite side; +t means "y -eynmanAs inter0retation that
these 0articles 0resent the "ac('ard time and 0ro"a"ly "ecause this they seem to move faster than
the s0eed of light in the reference frame of the other side;

-inally since the 'ea( interaction is an electric di0ole change 'ith N s0in creating> it is limited "y the
velocity of the electromagnetic 'ave: so the neutrinoAs velocity cannot e8ceed the velocity of light;

The %eneral ea$ &nteraction
The $ea( +nteractions T?asymmetry is in con7unction 'ith the T?asymmetry of the 4econd Da' of
Thermodynamics: meaning that locally lo'ering entro0y Ion e8tremely high tem0eratureJ causes for
e8am0le the !ydrogen fusion; The arro' of time "y the 4econd Da' of Thermodynamics sho's the
increasing entro0y and decreasing information "y the $ea( +nteraction: changing the tem0erature
de0endent diffraction 0atterns; A good e8am0le of this is the neutron decay: creating more 0articles
'ith less (no'n information a"out them;
The neutrino oscillation of the $ea( +nteraction sho's that it is a general electric di0ole change and
it is 0ossi"le to any other tem0erature de0endent entro0y and information changing diffraction
0attern of atoms: molecules and even com0licated "iological living structures;
$e can generaliCe the 'ea( interaction on all of the decaying matter constructions: even on the
"iological too; This gives the limited lifetime for the "iological constructions also "y the arro' of
time; There should "e a ne' research s0ace of the Quantum +nformation 4cience the Mgeneral
neutrino oscillationM for the greater then su"atomic matter structures as an electric di0ole change;
There is also connection "et'een statistical 0hysics and evolutionary "iology: since the arro' of
time is 'or(ing in the "iological evolution also;
The -luctuation Theorem says that there is a 0ro"a"ility that entro0y 'ill flo' in a direction o00osite
to that dictated "y the 4econd Da' of Thermodynamics; +n this case the +nformation is gro'ing that
is the matter formulas are emerging from the chaos; 4o the $ea( +nteraction has t'o directions:
sam0les for one direction is the Heutron decay: and !ydrogen fusion is the o00osite direction;

'ermions and Bosons
The fermions are the diffraction 0atterns of the "osons such a 'ay that they are "oth sides of the
same thing;
(an "er aals force
Hamed after the &utch scientist Eohannes &ideri( van der $aals % 'ho first 0ro0osed it in 2/,3 to
e80lain the "ehaviour of gases % it is a very 'ea( force that only "ecomes relevant 'hen atoms and
molecules are very close together; -luctuations in the electronic cloud of an atom mean that it 'ill
have an instantaneous di0ole moment; This can induce a di0ole moment in a near"y atom: the
result "eing an attractive di0ole%di0ole interaction;
Electromagnetic inertia and mass
Electromagnetic &nduction
4ince the magnetic induction creates a negative electric field as a result of the changing acceleration:
it 'or(s as an electromagnetic inertia: causing an electromagnetic mass; <2=
Relativistic change of mass
The increasing mass of the electric charges the result of the increasing inductive electric force acting
against the accelerating force; The decreasing mass of the decreasing acceleration is the result of the
inductive electric force acting against the decreasing force; This is the relativistic mass change
e80lanation: es0ecially im0ortantly e80laining the mass reduction in case of velocity decrease;
The frequency de)endence of mass
4ince E = h and E = mc
: m = h /c
that is the m de0ends only on the frequency; +t means that the
mass of the 0roton and electron are electromagnetic and the result of the electromagnetic
induction: caused "y the changing acceleration of the s0inning and moving chargeO +t could "e that
the m
inertial mass is the result of the s0in: since this is the only accelerating motion of the electric
charge; 4ince the accelerating motion has different frequency for the electron in the atom and the
0roton: they masses are different: also as the 'avelengths on "oth sides of the diffraction 0attern:
giving equal intensity of radiation;
Electron ! Proton mass rate
The Planc( distri"ution la' e80lains the different frequencies of the 0roton and electron: giving
equal intensity to different lam"da 'avelengthsO Also since the 0articles are diffraction 0atterns
they have some closeness to each other % can "e seen as a gravitational force; <2=
There is an asymmetry "et'een the mass of the electric charges: for e8am0le 0roton and electron:
can understood "y the asymmetrical Planc( &istri"ution Da'; This tem0erature de0endent energy
distri"ution is asymmetric around the ma8imum intensity: 'here the annihilation of matter and
antimatter is a high 0ro"a"ility event; The asymmetric sides are creating different frequencies of
electromagnetic radiations "eing in the same intensity level and com0ensating each other; Bne of
these com0ensating ratios is the electron % 0roton mass ratio; The lo'er energy side has no
com0ensating intensity level: it is the dar( energy and the corres0onding matter is the dar( matter;

%ravity from the )oint of vie# of quantum )hysics
The %ravitational force
The gravitational attractive force is "asically a magnetic force;
The same electric charges can attract one another "y the magnetic force if they are moving 0arallel
in the same direction; 4ince the electrically neutral matter is com0osed of negative and 0ositive
charges they need 2 0hotons to mediate this attractive force: one 0er charges; The Bing Bang caused
0arallel moving of the matter gives this magnetic force: e80erienced as gravitational force;
4ince graviton is a tensor field: it has s0in L 2: could "e 2 0hotons 'ith s0in L 2 together;
Pou can thin( a"out 0hotons as virtual electron % 0ositron 0airs: o"taining the necessary virtual
mass for gravity;
The mass as seen "efore a result of the diffraction: for e8am0le the 0roton % electron mass rate
F0L2/43 Fe; +n order to move one of these diffraction ma8imum Ielectron or 0rotonJ 'e need to
intervene into the diffraction 0attern 'ith a force a00ro0riate to the intensity of this diffraction
ma8imum: means its intensity or mass;

The Big Bang caused acceleration created radial currents of the matter: and since the matter is
com0osed of negative and 0ositive charges: these currents are creating magnetic field and attracting
forces "et'een the 0arallel moving electric currents; This is the gravitational force e80erienced "y
the matter: and also the mass is result of the electromagnetic forces "et'een the charged 0articles;
The 0ositive and negative charged currents attracts each other or "y the magnetic forces or "y the
much stronger electrostatic forcesO5

The gravitational force attracting the matter: causing concentration of the matter in a small s0ace
and leaving much s0ace 'ith lo' matter concentration6 dar( matter and energy;
There is an asymmetry "et'een the mass of the electric charges: for e8am0le 0roton and electron:
can understood "y the asymmetrical Planc( &istri"ution Da'; This tem0erature de0endent energy
distri"ution is asymmetric around the ma8imum intensity: 'here the annihilation of matter and
antimatter is a high 0ro"a"ility event; The asymmetric sides are creating different frequencies of
electromagnetic radiations "eing in the same intensity level and com0ensating each other; Bne of
these com0ensating ratios is the electron % 0roton mass ratio; The lo'er energy side has no
com0ensating intensity level: it is the dar( energy and the corres0onding matter is the dar( matter;

The Higgs boson
By Farch 2323: the 0article had "een 0roven to "ehave: interact and decay in many of the e80ected
'ays 0redicted "y the 4tandard Fodel: and 'as also tentatively confirmed to have Q 0arity and Cero
s0in: t'o fundamental criteria of a !iggs "oson: ma(ing it also the first (no'n scalar 0article to "e
discovered in nature: although a num"er of other 0ro0erties 'ere not fully 0roven and some 0artial
results do not yet 0recisely match those e80ected> in some cases data is also still a'aited or "eing
4ince the !iggs "oson is necessary to the $ and R "osons: the di0ole change of the $ea( interaction
and the change in the magnetic effect caused gravitation must "e conducted; The $ien la' is also
im0ortant to e80lain the $ea( interaction: since it descri"es the T
change and the diffraction
0atterns change; <2=
Higgs mechanism and Quantum %ravity
The magnetic induction creates a negative electric field: causing an electromagnetic inertia; Pro"a"ly
it is the mysterious !iggs field giving mass to the charged 0articles5 $e can thin( a"out the 0hoton
as an electron?0ositron 0air: they have mass; The neutral 0articles are "uilt from negative and
0ositive charges: for e8am0le the neutron: decaying to 0roton and electron; The 'ave % 0article
duality ma(es sure that the 0articles are oscillating and creating magnetic induction as an inertial
mass: e80laining also the relativistic mass change; !igher frequency creates stronger magnetic
induction: smaller frequency results lesser magnetic induction; +t seems to me that the magnetic
induction is the secret of the !iggs field;
+n 0article 0hysics: the !iggs mechanism is a (ind of mass generation mechanism: a 0rocess that
gives mass to elementary 0articles; According to this theory: 0articles gain mass "y interacting 'ith
the !iggs field that 0ermeates all s0ace; Fore 0recisely: the !iggs mechanism endo's gauge "osons
in a gauge theory 'ith mass through a"sor0tion of Ham"u%*oldstone "osons arising in s0ontaneous
symmetry "rea(ing;
The sim0lest im0lementation of the mechanism adds an e8tra !iggs field to the gauge theory; The
s0ontaneous symmetry "rea(ing of the underlying local symmetry triggers conversion of
com0onents of this !iggs field to *oldstone "osons 'hich interact 'ith Iat least some ofJ the other
fields in the theory: so as to 0roduce mass terms for Iat least some ofJ the gauge "osons; This
mechanism may also leave "ehind elementary scalar Is0in?3J 0articles: (no'n as !iggs "osons;
+n the 4tandard Fodel: the 0hrase G!iggs mechanismG refers s0ecifically to the generation of masses
for the $
: and R 'ea( gauge "osons through electro'ea( symmetry "rea(ing; The Darge !adron
Collider at CERH announced results consistent 'ith the !iggs 0article on Euly 4: 2322 "ut stressed
that further testing is needed to confirm the 4tandard Fodel;
hat is the *)in+
4o 'e (no' already that the ne' 0article has s0in Cero or s0in t'o and 'e could tell 'hich one if 'e
could detect the 0olariCations of the 0hotons 0roduced; #nfortunately this is difficult and neither
ATDA4 nor CF4 are a"le to measure 0olariCations; The only direct and sure 'ay to confirm that the
0article is indeed a scalar is to 0lot the angular distri"ution of the 0hotons in the rest frame of the
centre of mass; A s0in Cero 0articles li(e the !iggs carries no directional information a'ay from the
original collision so the distri"ution 'ill "e even in all directions; This test 'ill "e 0ossi"le 'hen a
much larger num"er of events have "een o"served; +n the mean time 'e can settle for less certain
indirect indicators;
The %raviton
+n 0hysics: the graviton is a hy0othetical elementary 0article that mediates the force of gravitation in
the frame'or( of quantum field theory; +f it e8ists: the graviton is e80ected to "e massless I"ecause
the gravitational force a00ears to have unlimited rangeJ and must "e a s0in?2 "oson; The s0in
follo's from the fact that the source of gravitation is the stress?energy tensor: a second?ran( tensor
Icom0ared to electromagnetismMs s0in?2 0hoton: the source of 'hich is the four?current: a first?ran(
tensorJ; Additionally: it can "e sho'n that any massless s0in?2 field 'ould give rise to a force
indistinguisha"le from gravitation: "ecause a massless s0in?2 field must cou0le to Iinteract 'ithJ the
stress?energy tensor in the same 'ay that the gravitational field does; This result suggests that: if a
massless s0in?2 0article is discovered: it must "e the graviton: so that the only e80erimental
verification needed for the graviton may sim0ly "e the discovery of a massless s0in?2 0article; <3=
Bne of the most im0ortant conclusions is that the electric charges are moving in an accelerated 'ay
and even if their velocity is constant: they have an intrinsic acceleration any'ay: the so called s0in:
since they need at least an intrinsic acceleration to ma(e 0ossi"le they movement ;
The accelerated charges self?maintaining 0otential sho's the locality of the relativity: 'or(ing on
the quantum level also; <2=
The "ridge "et'een the classical and quantum theory is "ased on this intrinsic acceleration of the
s0in: e80laining also the !eisen"erg #ncertainty Princi0le; The 0article % 'ave duality of the electric
charges and the 0hoton ma(es certain that they are "oth sides of the same thing;
The 4ecret of Quantum Entanglement that the 0articles are diffraction 0atterns of the
electromagnetic 'aves and this 'ay their quantum states every time is the result of the quantum
state of the intermediate electromagnetic 'aves; <2=
These relatively ne' develo0ments in "io0hysics have discovered that all "iological organisms are
constituted of a liquid crystalline medium; -urther: &HA is a liquid?crystal: lattice?ty0e structure
I'hich some refer to as a liquid crystal gelJ: 'here"y "ody cells are involved in a hologra0hic
instantaneous communication via the emitting of "io0hotons Ia source "ased on lightJ; This im0lies
that all living "iological organisms continuously emit radiations of light that form a field of coherence
and communication; Foreover: "io0hysics has discovered that living organisms are 0ermeated "y
quantum 'ave forms; <=
Basing the gravitational force on the accelerating #niverse caused magnetic force and the Planc(
&istri"ution Da' of the electromagnetic 'aves caused diffraction gives us the "asis to "uild a #nified
Theory of the 0hysical interactions also;
<2= The Fagnetic field of the Electric current and the Fagnetic induction
<2= 3 &imensional 4tring Theory
<3= *raviton Production By T'o Photon and Electron?Photon Processes +n UaluCa?Ulein Theories $ith
Darge E8tra &imensions
<4= Quantum Entanglement
<= Quantum Consciousness
<)= Quantum Biology

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