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Centro Educacional Larun Rayun

Prueba De Nivel Ingls

Teacher MFSA

Name:_________________________________________Date:_____________ Grade: 7 _____
Score: _____/______
Objetivos de la evaluacin:
1. Identificar vocabulario temtico de la unidad.
2. Identificar modal can/ cant.
3. Identificar presente simple.
4. Leer y comprender un texto breve.

1. Evite el uso de corrector. Las respuestas que posean este material, se invalidarn.
2. Lea con atencin para poder responder.
3. Marque su alternativa correcta con lpiz de mina y, al estar seguro, pselas a lpiz pasta.
4. Las respuestas que se encuentren con lpiz de mina no pueden ser reclamadas.

I. Preguntas de conocimiento

1) The present simple is:

a) An action in the future
b) A habit action.
c) An action in the past
d) none of them (ninguna de ellas)

2) The question for the answer is:

Im 13 years old

a) When is your birthday?
b) What is your name?
c) Where are you?
d) How old you?

3) I can dance but I cant cook in Spanish is:

a) Yo puedo cocinar pero no puedo bailar
b) Yo puedo cantar pero no puedo cocinar
c) Yo puedo bailar pero no puedo cocinar
d) Mi mama puede bailar pero yo no puedo cocinar

4) Yo puedo nadar in English is:

a) I swim every day
b) I cant swim
c) I can swim
d) none of them (ninguna de ellas)

5) Name the auxiliary in negative for 3
person in
Present Simple.

a) did
b) do not
c) will not
d) does not

6) Which does show the personal pronoun she?

a) My sister is a doctor
b) My sister is a doctor
c) My sister is a doctor
d) My sister is a doctor

7) Which does show the personal pronoun they?

a) Maria y Juan are good students
b) Maria y Juan are good students
c) Maria y Juan are good students
d) Maria y Juan are good students

8) The following sentence is in Present Simple:

a) I will cook
b) I was cooking
c) I go to school every day
d) I worked in a hospital

II. Preguntas de comprensin

Read the text and answers the question 9, 10, 11 and

Indoor: Puertas adentro
Outdoor: Puertas afuera
Fun: Divertido
Own: por ti mismo

Free time activities

We can do different types of activities in our free time.
Some activities are indoor activities. You do them at
home or in a special place. Some activities are outdoor
activities. You do them outside. There are activities for
one person and activities for groups.
Watching films is a fun indoor activity. You can watch
films on your own or with your friends. Some people
like watching films at the cinemas. Some people like
watching films at home.
Playing basketball is a fun indoor or outdoor activity.
You can play basketball with your friends. Basketball
players like running and jumping. They are also good
at throwing balls.
Playing the piano is a good indoor activity. You can
play the piano on your own. Piano players are good at
reading music.

9) True or false?

We can do indoor activities inside our house.

a) False
b) True

10) True or false?

There are individual and group activities.

a) False
b) True

11) True or false?

You can watch films only at home.

a) False
b) True

12) True or false?

You can play basketball only outdoors.

a) False
b) True

III. Preguntas de aplicacin

Completa de la 13 a la 17 con las siguientes opciones.
Complete the questions with the words :

a) What b) When c) Who d) Where e) How

13. __________ much is the computer?

14. __________ is your mother?

15. __________ do you live?

16. __________ is History test?

17. __________is your name?

18. My sister ______ _______ to music.

a) like / listen
b) likes / listen
c) likes / listening
d) like / listens

19. Tiare ______ ________ Italian songs.

a) hate / sing.
b) hates / sings.
c) hate / singing.
d) hates / singing.

20. My boyfriend _____ ______ the guitar.

a) cant / playing.
b) cant / plays
c) cant / to play.
d) can / play.

21) Cats _____ ________ History.

a) cant learn.
b) can / learns.
c) cant / learns
d) cant learning.

IV. Interpretation item.
Look at the table and answer the following
Swim Surf Play

22) True or false?

Tom can swim but he cant play baseball.
a) False
b) True

23) True or false?

Tom can sing and play the guitar.
a) False
b) True

24) True or false?

Tom cant surf.
a) False
b) True

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