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Tutorial 1: Mole Balance

1. Calculate the volume of a CSTR for the conditions used to calculate the plug-flow reactor
volume in Example 1-3 (p.1! "ogler #.C.! Third Edition$.
%. Calculate the time to reduce the num&er of moles of ' to 1( of its initial value in a constant-
volume &atch reactor for the reaction and data in Example 1-3 (p.1! "ogler #.C.! Third
3. )hat assumptions were made in the derivation of the design e*uation for+
a. the &atch reactor
&. the CSTR,
c. the plug-flow reactor (-"R$,
d. the pac.ed-&ed reactor (-/R$,
e. State in words the meanings of -rA! -rA! and rA. 0s the reaction rate -rA an extensive
*uantit1, Explain.
2. )hat is the difference &etween the rate of reaction for a homogeneous s1stem! -rA and the
rate of reaction of a heterogeneous s1stem! -rA, 3se mole &alance to derive an e*uation
analogous to E*uation (1-4$ (p. 11! "ogler #.C.! Third Edition$ for a fluidi5ed CSTR
containing catal1st particles in terms of the catal1st weight! W! and other appropriate terms.
. The reaction
' 6 /
is to &e carried out isothermall1 in a continuous-flow reactor. Calculate &oth the CSTR and
-"R reactor volumes necessar1 to consume 77( of ' (i.e.! CA 8 9.91CAo$ when the entering
molar flow rate is mol:h! assuming the reaction rate -rA is+
a. -rA 8 k with
9 . 9 = k
&. -rA 8 kCA with
s 91 . 9 = k
The entering volumetric flow rate is 19 dm
:h. ;Note+ FA 8 CAv. "or a constant volumetric
flow rate v8 vo! then FA 8 CAvo. 'lso ! CAo 8 FAo:vo 8 ( mol:h$:(19 dm
:h$ 8 9. mol:dm
4. The gas-phase reaction
'6 /=C
is carried out isothermall1 in a %9-dm
constant-volume &atch reactor. Twent1 moles of pure
' is initiall1 placed in the reactor. The reactor is well mixed.
a. 0f the reaction is second order+
-rA = kC
A with
dm %
= k
calculate the time necessar1 to consume 17.9 mol of '.
&. 0f the temperature is 1%>
C! what is the initial total pressure, )hat is the final total
pressure assuming the reaction goes to completion,
>. 'dditional pro&lem. Example 1-% (p.>! ?ctave @evenspiel! Third Edition$.
' human &eing (> .g$ consumes a&out 4999 .A of food per da1. 'ssume that the food is
all glucose and that the overall reaction is
C4#1%?4 = 4?% 6 4C?% = 4#%? -#r 8 %B14 .A
"ind manCs meta&olic rate (the rate of living! loving! and laughing$ in term of moles of
ox1gen used per m
of person per second.

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