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1. What are the aspects Maven manages?

Answer: Build, Documentation, Reporting, Dependencies, SCMs,

Releases, Distribution.

2. What is a Maven Arch-type?
Answer: An arch-type is defined as an original model or pattern from
which all otherthings of the same kind are made. In Maven, an arch-
type is a template of a projectwhich is combined with some user input
to get the desired outcome.

3. What is the command to create a new project based on an archtype?
Answer:mvn archetype:generate

4. What makes up an arch-type?
Answer: Archtypes are packaged up in Jar file and they consist of the
archtype metadatawhich describes the content of the archtype and a
set of Velocity templates which makeup a prototype project.

5. What is POM?
Answer: A Project object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of
work in Maven. It isan xml file that contains information about the
project and configuration details used tobuild a project by Maven. It
contains default value for most projects. Like, the build directory is

6. Name the build, source and test source directory for POM in Maven.
Answer: build=target, source=src/main/java,test=src/main/test.

7. How do you know the version of mvn you are using?
Answer: mvn version

8. Name the 3 build lifecycle of Maven
Answer: default, clean and site.

9. Name default phases of a build lifecycle in Maven.
Answer: validate, compile, test, package, integration test, verify,
install deploy.

10. What would this command do mvn clean dependency:copy-
dependencies package?
Answer: This command will clean the project, copy the dependencies and
execute allphases up to and including project.

11. What is Maven?
Answer: Maven is an attempt to apply patterns to a projects build
infrastructure in order to promote comprehension and productivity by
providing a clear path in the use of bestpractices. Maven is essentially a
project management and comprehension tool.

12.Can Installation and user configuration be used to add shared project
Answer: No. For this, you should have your projects inherit from a
company-wide parentpom.xml

13. How many artifacts are downloaded at a time from different groups
by default?
Answer: 5. To only download single artifacts at a time, do
Mvn Dmaven.artifact.thread=1 clean install
To set this option permanently use MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to

14. How do you compile your source code in Maven?
Answer: Change to the directory where pom.xml is created by
archetype:create andexecute the following command to compile your
application sources.
mvn compile

15. When you compile a Maven project, where do you find the class files?

16. What command should you use if you simply want to compile your test
sources ( but notexecute the tests?
mvn test-compile

17. How do you compile my test sources and run my unit tests?Answer:
mvn test

18. What is the Maven command to make a JAR File?
Answer: mvn package

19. How does Maven know to make JAR file when you do mvn package
Answer: from the packaging element in pom.xml file.

20. What is the default location for your local repository?

21. What is the command to install JAR file in local repository?
mvn install

22. What is the command to quickly build your Maven site?
mvn site

23. What would mvn clean do ?
Answer: it will remove the target directory with all the build data before
starting so that itis fresh.

24. What would the jar:jar goal do?
Answer: jar:jar will not recompile sources
it wills imply just create a JAR from thetarget/classes directory, under the
assumption everything else had already been done.

25. How do you use plugin?
Answer: Add
element to pom.xml file.

STANDARD Directory layout
src/main/java Application/Library sources
src/main/resources Application/Library resources
src/main/filters Resource filter files
src/main/assembly Assembly descriptors
src/main/config Configuration files
src/main/webapp Web application sources
src/test/java Test sources
src/test/resources Test resources
src/test/filters Test resource filter files
src/site Site
Project's license
Notices and attributions required by libraries that the project depends on
Project's readme

26. How can you override directory structure?
Answer: via the project descriptor.

27. How can you add resources to your JAR file?
Answer: place the resource (directory or files) under
The simple rule applied by Maven is this: any directories or files place
within the ${basedir}/src/main/resources directory are packaged in the JAR
with the exactsame structure starting at the base of the JAR.

28. How you add resources to the classpath for your unit tests?
Answer: To add resources to the classpath for your unit tests, you follow
the samepattern as you do for adding resources to the JAR except the
directory you placeresources in is

29. How can you have Maven filter resources when copying?
Answer set filtering to true for the resource directory in your pom.xml file.

30. What is the default value of filtering element in pom.xml file?
Answer: false.

31. How do you reference a property defined in your pom.xml file?
Answer: To reference a property defined in your pom.xml, the property
name uses the names of the XML element that define the value, with pom being
allowed as an alias for the project(root) element. So ${pom.name} refers to
the name of the project,${pom.version} refers to the version of the project,
{pom.build.finalName} refers to thefinal name of the file created when the
built project is packaged, etc. The default values dont need to be explicitly
defined to be available via referencing. Similarly, values in the users settings.xml
can be referenced using property namesbeginning with setting.

32. What does mvn process- resources command do?
Answer: it copies and filter resources and replace reference with actual
value inproperties file under resources directory.

33. How to reference a property defined in an external file?
Answer: add a reference of that file in pom.xml and use 31.

34. What is the other alternative of using an external file?Answer: include
the properties in your pom.xml under properties tag. Another alternativeis
to get values from system properties; either the system properties built into
Java ( like java.version or user.home) or poerties defined on the command
line using the standardJava D parameter. mvn process-resources "-
Dcommand.line.prop=hello again"

35. How do you specify dependency?
Answer; using the dependency tag in pom.xml

36. What are the things you need to define for each external dependency?
Answer: groupID, artifactID,version, and scope (compile, test, runtime)

37. Where does Maven reference dependency from?
Answer: Maven looks in your local repository (~/m2/repository).

38. How to search for a dependency (e.g. log4j)/
Answer: search for site:www.ibiblio.org maven2 log4j
in google.

39. Run the command that will in a multi-module scenario where it will
traverse into all thesubprojects and run clean, then install.
Answer: mvn clean install

40. What is a goal in building Maven?
Answer: A goal represents a specific task ( finer than a build phase ) which
contributesto the building and managing a project. It regulates how a build
phase would carry outhis duty.

41.What would this command do mvn clean dependency:copy
-dependencies package
Answer: The clean phase will be executed first ( meaning it will run all
preceeding phases of the clean lifecycle, plus the clean phase itself), and
then the dependency:copy_dependencies goal, before finally executing the
package phase ( and allits proceeding build phases of the default lifecycle).

42. What are the default values for packaing element? If there is no
packaing element defined?What is the default value for that?
Answer: jar, war, ear, pom. JAR.

43. What is the value for packaging element in pom for a project that is
purely meta-data?
Answer: pom.

44. What must be done when adding plugins to make it usable?
Answer: Add goals and specify the build phases the goals will be applied.

45. What is the use of execution element in pom file ?
Answer: The execution element is there so that you can run the same goal
multiple timeswith different configuration if needed. Separate execution can
also be given an ID so thatduring inheritance or the application of profiles
you can control whether goalconfiguration is merged or turned into an
additional execution.

46. What are the minimum required elements for POM?
Answer: project root, modelVersion, groupID, artifactID, version.

47. What is a projects fully qualified artifact name?

48. If you do not define any information, where does your pom inherits that
Answer: Super POM.

49. What are the elements in the POM that are merged?
Answer: dependencies,developers and contributors,plugin lists ( including
reports),plugin executions with matching ids,plugin configuration,resources.

50. how do you override the value of a parent POM ?
Answer: do not include the element in child POM.

51.By Default parent pom.xml is one directory higher than that of the modules
pom.xml .what if the parent is not yet installed and if the directory structure
is different?
Answer: we would have to add < relativePath> element to your parent

52. What is project Agreegation?
Answer: Project Aggregation is similar to Project Inheritance. But instead of
specifyingthe parent POM from the module, it specifies the modules from
the parent POM. Bydoing so, the parent project now knows its modules,
and if a maven command is invoked against the parent project, that maven
command will then be executed to the parents
modules as well.

53. How can you do project aggregation?
Answer: Change the parent POMs packaging to the value pm and specify
in the parent POM the directories of its modules (child poms).

54. During project aggregation, how do you handle different directory
Answer: <module> ../my-module </module>

55. How can you achieve both Project Aggregation and Project
Answer: Specify in every child POM who their parent POM is.Change the
parent POMs packaging to POM.Specify in the parent POM the directories
of its modules (children POM).

56. How maven processes variables?Answer: variables are preceded after
inheritance as outlined above. This means that if aparent project uses a
variable, then its definition in the child, not the parent, will be theone
eventually used.

57. How can you customize the build timestamp fromat?
Answer: by declaring the in proerpty element the

58. How profiles are specified in Maven?
Answer: Profiles are specified using a subset of the elements available in
the POM itself.

59. What are the different types of profile in Maven?
Answer: per project, per user, global, profile descriptor.

60. What is the option to specify a profile to be invoked?
Answer: Profiles can be explicitly using the
P CLI option.
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal P profile-1,profile-2
No profile other than those specified in the option argument will be

61. How can you activate a profile using Maven settings.
Answer: profiles can be activated in the maven settings via the
elements,each containing a profile-id inside.

62.How do you activate a profile when the system property environment is specified
With value prod?
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -Denvironment=test

63. How can you activate a profile when a file is missing or existing?
Answer: using the <missing> or <exists> tag in under
/profiles/profile/activation xpath.

64. Can you interpolate properties and values defined in POM itself
Answer: No.

65. What special about using <activeByDefault> element?
Answer: The profile will automatically be active for all builds unless another
profile in thesame POM is activated using settings.xml/profiles.xml All
profiles that are active bydefault are automatically deactivated when a
profile in the POM is activated on thecommand line or through its activation

66. How to deactivate a profile?
Answer: using the command line by prefixing their identifier with either the
character ! or - as shown below.
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -P !profile-1,!profile-2

67. What are the elements in POM that a profile can modify when specified
in the POM?Answer:

68. Why profile is used in Maven?
Answer: to give portability to projects ( e.g. windows, linux etc).

69. What is the use of repositories in Maven?
Answer: A repository in Maven is used to hold build artifacts and
dependencies ofvarying types. There are two type of repositories: local and

70. What are the benefit of storing JARS/external dependencies in local
repository instead ofremote one?
Answer: It uses less sorage, it makes checking out project quicker, non
need forversioning JAR files.

71. How can you download artifacts from a remote repository?
Answer: Downloading in Maven is triggered by a project declaring a
dependency that isnot present in the local repository. By default, Maven will
download from the centralrepository (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/). To
override this, you need to specify amirror in settings.xml or pom.xml

72. How can you build your project offline?
Answer: mvn -o package.

73. What is transitive dependency in Maven?
Answer: Transitive dependency means to avoid needing to discover and
specify the libraries that your own dependencies require, and including
them automatically.

74. How Maven handles and determines what version of dependency will
be used when multiple version of an artifact are encountered?
Answer: Maven 2.0 supports only using the nearest definition which means that it
use the version of the closest dependency to your project in the tree of
dependencies.You can always guarantee a version by declaring it in POM.
If two dependency versionare at the same depth in the dependency tree, in
Maven 2.0.9 it is the order in thedeclaration that counts. This is called
dependency mediation
75. How do you exclude dependency?
Answer: using the exclusion element.

76. Name all the dependency scope.
Answer: compile (default), provided, runtime, test, system, import.

77. What does dependency management mean in the context of transitive
dependency?Answer: Dependency management mean to allow project
authors to directly specify theversions of artifacts to be used when they are
encountered in transitive dependencies orin dependencies where no
version has been specified. A project can include adependency in its
dependencyManagement section and directly control which version isused.

78. What does import scope means in the context of dependency scope?

Answer: This scope is only used on a dependency of type pom in the
<dependencyManagement> section. Since they are replaced, dependencies
with ascope of import do not actually participate in limiting the transitivity of

79. What is the minimal set of information for matching a dependency
references against adependencyManagement section ?
Answer: {groupId,artifactId,type,classifier}.

80. What is a BOM bill of materials?
Answer: The root of the project is the BOM pom. It defines the version so f
all theartifacts that will be created in the library. Other projects that wish to
use the libraryshould import this pom into the dependencyManagement
section of their pom. It isbasically the parent of the parent.

81. Does Maven handle circularity ( circular reference) in terms of declaring
a pom as aparent?
Answer: No

82. What is a system dependency?

Answer: Dependency with scope system are always available and are not
looked up inrepository, they are usually used to tell Maven about
dependencies which are providedby the JDK or the VM. Thus, system
dependencies are especially useful for resolvingdependencies on artifacts
which are now provided by the JDK.

83. What is the use of optional dependency?
Answer: Optional dependencies are used when it is not really possible to
split a projectup into sub-modules. The idea is that some of the
dependencies are only used for certain features in the project, and will not be
needed if that feature isnt used. It
is notonly important to declare optional dependencies in order to save
space/memory/etc. it isvital to control the list of actual dependencies a
person needs in order to use aproject.

84. How do you use optional tag?
Answer: setting <optional> true in your dependency declaration.

85. What is the difference between optional dependency and dependency
exclusion?Answer: improvise

86. What does maven-clean-plugin do?
Answer: it is responsible for removing the target directory of Maven 2
project. The clean plugin is used when you want to remove the files
generated at build- time in a projects directory.

87. How can you run the clean plugin automatically during the build?
Answer: you can put the clean plugin inside the execution tag in pom.xml

88. Can you delete files other than that in target directory using clean
Answer: Yes. Using pom.xml file.

89. What is the minimal required information for a plugin to be
configured?Answer: groupId, artifactId, version.

90. Where can you configure your plugins?
Answer: in the configuration section in pom.xml

91. ******How do you see all the parameters for a given goal?*****
Answer: Recent Maven plugins have generally an help goal to have in the
command linethe description of the plugin, with their parameters and types.
To understand the javadocgoal, call:
Mvn javadoc:help Ddetail Dgoal=javadoc.

92. How can you bind a mojo to a phase/goal?
Answer: using the
@goal,@phase annotation. It can be overridden by phase tag in
pom.xmlfile under plugin configuration.

93. How to stop the propagation of plugins to child POMs?Answer: set
<inherited> to false.

94. If your plugin has a dependency and you want to use the latest version
of that artifact,how can you avail this?
Answer: using the dependency tag inside plugin.

95. What can be used to exclude all reports?
Answer: <reportSets><reportSet><reports/></reportSet></reportSets>

96. What is the convention for making plugin prefix?Answer:
for plugins from the apache maven project.
for plugins from other sources.

97. When Maven determines plugin information?
Answer: during build time.

98. Why is it illegal to specify a mojo using its plugin-prefix when dealing
with lifecyclemappings?
Answer: this helps Maven avoid the case where the jar lifecycle behaves
differently ontwo users machines, simply due to their local Maven configuration.

99. How do Maven resolves plugins version?
Answer: Projects POM, plugin registry, latest version metadata, release

100. What is the packaging type of archtype?
Answer: JAR.

101. What is the command to install 3
party JARs in local repository?
Answer: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> \
-DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>

102. Which plugin you would use in Maven to call your class?
Answer: exec:java

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