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The Second Quarter Regional Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (RMEA) tracks the progress of the
region in its deliver of education services as !ell as its performance as an organi"ation for the period of
April, Ma and #une $%&'( This is done purposel to provide regional management and technical )
functional divisions information on the implementation and achievement of regional programs, adjust
approaches and strategies that !ill ensure proper allocation and e*uita+le distri+ution, eas access,
effective and optimal use of Education Resources in the divisions and schools and esta+lish information as
+asis for determining appropriate approach / strategy to, improve organi"ational performance in fulfillment of
the Regional mandate and strengthen collective actions to service +etter the divisions and schools !ithin the
accounta+ilit of the Region(
The RMEA as a strateg promotes the participation of the various functional as !ell as administrative units
of the region in all the M-E processes !ith the end.point of o+taining information for the regional
management to make decisions on adjusting its !ork plans and strategies
The lead functional division to conduct *uarterl RMEA is the Qualit Assurance /ivision !ith the
participation of the various functional as !ell as administrative units of the region !ith the end.point of
o+taining information for the regional management to make decisions and adjusting its !ork plans and
The conduct of the Quarter $ RMEA is guided + the Regional M - E 0rame!ork, that specifies the focal
areas to +e monitored as sho!n in 0igure & +elo!,
0igure &
The present 0rame!ork shall serve as a roadmap to!ards +ringing the region to a culture of *ualit and
accounta+ilit as an organi"ation(
2.0. SCOPE
1ith the implementation frame!ork of the sstem no! in place and accepted + the Regional Management,
an important part of the process is its implementation( The Second Quarter RMEA !as conducted on #ul
2.&%, $%&'( Quantitative and *ualitative information per R3 unit !ere gathered, anal"ed, interpreted and
presented to the Regional Management( 4ut prior to the actual conduct of the RMEA, there !as 5re.RMEA
conducted on #ul 2, $%&'( 1ork 5lans !ere the +asis of accounting the performance of ever functional
and support divisions(
The Second Quarter RMEA covers the intermediate results of the t!o areas for 67 $%&' namel,
Education Programs & Projects are curricular and non.curricular interventions to promote student
learning outcomes( 0unds for 5rograms and projects are +eing used for regional monitoring and
evaluation purposes(
Organiationa! E""ecti#eness !hich pertains to individual, team and organi"ational
effectiveness of the region( 3utputs achieved per individual R3 8nit and those co.implemented
+ at least $ or more R3 units, implementation issues of each regional unit)functional division
regarding !ork plan implementation, institutional issues that involves multiple functional divisions
and lessons learned are tracked do!n(
Organiationa! Resource Su$$ort concerns mainl !ith availa+ilit and ade*uac of resource
re*uirements for the region to carr out its mandate efficientl and effectivel( This includes the
analsis of ho! the region +est optimi"es its financial, human and organi"ational capa+ilities in
performing its functions + individual units and as a team(

%.0. &ET'ODO(O)*
Methodolog of MEA follo!s three phases of !ork(
/uring the Pre+.or- acti#it/ on #ul 2, $%&' at /epE/ 6onference Room, 6e+u 6it, all 6hiefs, 9nternal M
- E of ever R3 unit and QAA/ personnel and in ever R3 unit convened and did actual data collection on
*uantitative and *ualitative information on 5hsical Accomplishments( Tools !ere given for efficient data

9n plenar during the 5re.RMEA, the follo!ing instructions !ere given for the simultaneous division)unit
group !ork,
Each functional division)unit must have a designated official documenter
4ased on the accomplished 0/)8nit 3utput Matri: in Ta+le &.A, each 0/ computed the division)unit;s
phsical accomplishment using the Ta+le &.4 on 5rograms and 5rojects, Ta+le &.6 on 0/s 5hsical
Accomplishment, Ta+le &./ on 4udget and 0inance and Admin(
9n plenar, consolidation of the functional division )unit phsical accomplishment using Ta+le &.E !as
Each 0/ reported the +alance of phsical outputs and identified reasons for variance using Ta+le &.0(
Then, ever 0/ has to identified the value added contri+utions using the Ta+le &.<
See anne:es for the cop of the outputs of the various R3 units(
Specific Quarter $ for 67 $%&' information from the different focal areas !ere provided + the follo!ing
0/s)R3 8nits,
0oca! 1rea In"ormation In+c2arge
A( 5rograms - 5rojects &( Accomplishments of 5)5s
$(Regional Education 3utcomes + M03
4( 3rgani"ational
Annual 5hsical 3utputs of 0/s
=essons learned
6( 3rgani"ational Resource
&(Status of 8tili"ation of Resources for 0/s
=essons =earned
R&E1 Pro$er
The actual conduct of RMEA took place on #ul >, $%&' at the /epE/ 6onference Room,=ahug, 6e+u 6it(
The *uantitative and *ualitative information gathered during the 5re.RMEA !ere validated + the all
mem+ers of the R3 8nits +efore the actual reporting(
/uring the RMEA proper, all 6hiefs of the R3 8nits reported on their accomplishments, +alances, value
added contri+utions, issues, lessons learned and proposed recommendations( The !ere made to identif
the outputs that can +e considered as their technical assistance made to the Schools /ivision 3ffices(
Post R&E1
5ost RMEA includes report !riting + the mem+ers of the QAA/( The findings and proposed recommendations
are presented to the regional management through RE@E63M for actions and decisions(
3.0 0indings
3.1. Education Programs & Projects
To improve learning outcomes, the Region has +een implementing several programs and projects( Some of
these are the Alternative =earning Sstem Accreditation and E*uivalenc Test (A=S A-E Test),
Strengthening Technical.Aocational Education 5rogram (STAE5), /rop.out Reduction 5rogram (/3R5),
Special 5rograms for 0oreign =anguage (S50=), Regional Schools 5ress 6onference 5rogram (RS56),
Modified 9n.School and 3ff.School Approach (M9S3SA), and MA/RASA< 5rogram 9mplementation(
To ensure *ualit implementation of these programs and projects, it is the task of the Regional 5rogram
6oordinators to consistentl conduct monitoring on the progress of implementation making sure that
appropriate technical assistance are provided and interventions are made in order to address challenges(
Ta+le & sho!s the details of monitoring and evaluation findings made + the program coordinators in the
implementation of the Region;s 5rograms and 5rojects( 9t is clearl sho!n that eight program coordinators
!ere a+le to monitor the implementation of the different programs and projects in Quarter $ of 67 $%&'(
Ta4!e 1
& & E 0indings o" Regiona! Programs and Projects
Name O" Program5 Project & & E 0indings
Alternative =earning Sstem
6onducted Quarterl Meeting !ith the /ivision A=S 6oordinators
6onducted A=S M9S 6oordinators for the consolidation of reports
Monitored on the 9mplementation of A=S 5rogram,
B A+ot Alam 5rogram
B 4asic =iterac 5rogram
B 453SA
B 9C0E/
5rovide Technical Assistance on the 9mplementation of A=S
Monitored the 5ilot Schools in the 4ASA 5ilipinas 5rogram
6ulture and Arts
6onducted the 0inali"ation of Session Duides (0lute and Duitar Ensem+le)
6onducted meeting to all E5S in Music
6onducted Meeting !ith the E5S & of MD and Aral 5an
Monitored the 5ilot Schools in the 4ASA 5ilipinas 5rogram
6onducted Quarterl 6onference of all /ivision Supervisors in S5E/
6onducted 6onference to all E5S Supervisors of Eindergarten
Man of the Eindergarten classes are still su+.standards(
6ontinuing training +e given to Eindergarten teachers especiall
the ne! ones(
B Ce! sets of 9nstructional Materials received + the /ivisions
have +een distri+uted + districts and !ere found out to have
some defects especiall the +locks(
=i+rar <u+
4aa!an =i+rar <u+ in 4aa!an 6it /ivision has the structure +ut no
facilities and e*uipment (not 0unctional)
Alco =i+rar <u+ and Eal.anan =i+rar <u+ is not functional(
9ndigenous 5eoples Education
F Schools /ivision 3ffices ( Cegros, 6e+u 6it, Caga 6it, 4ohol and
=apu.=apu 6it) conducted Advocac and 3rientation in 95Ed 5rogram
95 pupils )students enrolled in schools
6lasses !ere organi"ed in the &% Schools /ivisions ( 6e+u 6it, Mandaue
6it, =apu.=apu 6it, Talisa 6it, 6e+u, 4ohol, Tag+ilaran 6it,
/umaguete 6it, Tanja 6it and Cegros 3riental) implementing the
BAll teachers and students can communicate the language using
communicative strategies(
BThe increasing num+er of students getting interested in foreign
B The increasing a!areness of and support to the program + the parents
as !ell as the /epEd officials
3.2 Organiationa! E""ecti#eness
P2/sica! 1ccom$!is2ments
Ta+le $ highlights the Quarter $ actual phsical accomplishments of outputs targeted or planned at the start
of $%&'(
8pon accounting the phsical accomplishments of the Region, it can +e seen from Ta+le $ that the Region
attained 67.718 accomplishment amidst issues like inade*uacies in personnel and office e*uipment and
unprecedented tasks that had to +e prioriti"ed as these !ere mandated + the 6entral 3ffice such as
outputs in relation to E to &$ 6urriculum 9mplementation(
Ta4!e 2
Status o" 1nnua! P2/sica! 1ccom$!is2ments o" 0unctiona!5Su$$ort Di#isions
0D5SD Targets 1ccom$!is2ed 8 o" 1ccom$!is2ment
0/ &, 55R/
?F ?? >'($>
0/ $, <R//
G F G&('?
0/ ?, 6=M/ F' '$ GG(G2
0/ ', ESS/ $H $F >H(&F
0/ F, 0TA/ ?F ?$ >&('?
0/ H, QA/
$H $$ 2H(H$
A/ &, Admin/ &%,>?& &%,&FH >?(%%
A/ $, 0inance/ &% >(H$ >H($%
Total 67.71
The reason +ehind the num+er of accomplished outputs that are in t!o decimal places is that it is agreed in
the Region that even if an output like a provision of technical assistance like capa+ilit +uilding is
successfull delivered, an accomplishment of that output is not &%%I if the num+er of re*uired participants
is not met( <ence, onl a fraction of the output is considered in order that 0unctional /ivisions ensure *ualit
of participation in ever undertaking that the pursue(
The 0inance /ivision !as a+le to have the highest performance for Quarter $, follo!ed + the Education
Support Services /ivision (ESS/), then 5lanning, 5olic and Research /ivision (55R/)( 1hile 6=M/,
<R// and QA/ reported to have their +alances on their planned outputs due to some intervening factors
like the holding of 5alarong 5am+ansa and E to &$ Mass training of Drade ? and Drade > teachers(
3ne positive effect of efficienc in setting content and process standards is that 0unctional /ivisions and
Support /ivisions do not mention overlapping)conflicting activities anmore as one of their implementation
issues +ecause instead of e:pecting individual participants to come to capa+ilit +uilding programs, the
onl re*uire representatives of teams or 0unctional /ivisions(
Another important insight of the Region in the regular conduct of RMEA is that aside from the original targets
set at the start of the ear, 0/s and S/s make some adjustments ever after 5rogress M-E, Quarterl
RMEA, + (&) dropping some planned outputs +ecause of relia+le and valid reasons and ($) crafting ne!
outputs in the form of technical assistance that are deemed indispensa+le to address issues and challenges
that the meet as the do monitoring activities in the field(
Im$!ementation Issues
Ta+le ? sho!s the issues raised in Quarter $ of 67 $%&'( Most of the issues that recur refer to repair,
maintenance or replacement of defective or malfunctioning office e*uipment that need to +e addressed this
*uarter +ecause the are +asic tools in office operation( The lack of personnel is mentioned + some of the
functional divisions(
Ta4!e %
Im$!ementation Issues Raised in 9uarter 2
6=M/ !ere not allo!ed to
monitor the /ivision E to &$
Mass Training of teachers,
particularl Drade ?
3verloading of responsi+ilities
Some programs and projects
during R0TATs !ere not given
focus (
/efective =aptops and
4eond the 8nit;s
Re*uest the Management to allo!
6=M/ to monitor future Eto&$
Refer to the Management
=et the focal person do the M-E
Refer to the Management
=ack of <R// 5ersonnel Technical Refer to <igher Authorities and
/efective laptop of one QA/
9rregular !ater suppl for hand
!ashing and comfort rooms(
Re*uest replacement
Refer to Management
Some of the R0TATs do not su+mit
the consolidated report on time(
Technical 0or /iscussion during RE@E63M
=ack of technical gadgetsKlaptop,
desktop, =6/ projector, desktop
Refer to the Management
0inance /
/elaed su+mission of 0orm G from
the field
/elaed su+mission of monthl and
*uarterl reports from the field
=ack of manpo!er
6onstant follo!.up through phone
and email
6onstant follo!.up through phone
and email
<iring of additional personnel to
complement the manpo!er
=ack of =aptops, one for
replacement and t!o additional
=ack of t!o additional printers
Telephone (5=/T) cannot access
long distance(
63 4E9S Sstem is not et open,
so some outputs are still to +e
Refer to the Management
Refer to the Management
Refer to the Management
6arr over outputs in the ?rd Quarter
/TR.related issues
/elaed su+mission
6onsecutive) 0re*uent lates and
Cot reim+ursa+leJ 34 original
certificate of appearance is re*uired(
/TRs should +e signed + the 6hief
Several re*uests for time adjustment
/TR unsigned + chiefs
/efective /TR attachments

Travel orders that lack travel order
num+er and date
Travel 3rders !ith tampered date of
@ero: cop of not reim+ursa+le
certificate of appearance
6ertificate of Appearance should
have the corresponding travel order(
5roduce $ copies of Travel 3rder L
one for the person !ho travels and
one should +e furnished to 5ersonnel
3fficer + 3R/ir staff for updating
e/TR +efore traveling
Common Issues
There !ere three common issues raised in the Quarter $ RMEA, as sho!n in Ta+le ' +elo!(
Ta4!e 3
Common Issues Raised in 9uarter 2
Im$!ementation Issue Categor/ Pro$osed Reso!ution
9s there still a need to issue certificate of
appearance for an activit held at the Regional
9nstitutional Re*uest that instead of giving
certificates of appearance, R3 A99
participants make use of the
1henever there is an activit, some R3 A99
participants still have to +e called to report to the
activit venue(
9nstitutional Re*uest personnel to report to the
activit venue promptl (2,%% A(M(
and)or &,%% 5(M()
/ifficult and risk of travel to and from R3 to
S/3 and vice versa and time constraint to come
+ack on 0rida for the R0TAT discussion
9nstitutional 9nstead of 1ednesda and
Thursda, change schedule to
Thursda and 0rida
(essons (earned
9n carring out outputs, the lessons learned + the 0unctional and Support /ivisions from the factors that
facilitate and hinder output accomplishments are the follo!ing,
9ua!it/ 1ssurance and 1ccounta4i!it/ Di#ision and ot2er 0Ds5SDs
6oordination, colla+oration and consultation among functional divisions enhanced performance
0ocus, dedication, and help from 3#Ts ena+le QA/ to get comple: things done fast + developing
tools to organi"e !hat has +een chaotic and seeing a pattern in !hat appeared to +e random(
6ommitment to !ork ena+les some QA/ personnel to rise a+ove uncertainties +rought a+out +
their status of emploment(

Curricu!um and (earning &anagement Di#ision
6=M/ should have +een involved in conducting M-E of the Eto&$ Training for Drade ? teachers to
ensure effective implementation of the program(

'uman Resource De#e!o$ment Di#ision
Sustained colla+oration +et!een and among personnel across functional divisions ensures
effective and efficient completion of targeted outputs(
Po!ic/ P!anning and Researc2 Di#ision
6oordination, team!ork, and commitment result to smooth sailing and on time su+mission of
reports for an efficient and effective data for the users(
1ork +ecomes lighter and easier if it is properl and evenl distri+uted among cooperative and
committed personnel(
:udget and 0inance Di#ision
/edication and commitment to !ork ena+le 0inance /ivision to accomplish targets despite
reduced num+er of personnel(
0ie!d E""ecti#eness Di#ision
0ocus of R0TAT mem+ers on the Technical Assistance activities to assigned S/3 esta+lishes
harmon and colla+orationJ thus, improve !ork performance(
Education Su$$ort Ser#ices Di#ision
0ocus of R0TAT mem+ers on the Technical Assistance activities to assigned S/3 esta+lishes
harmon and colla+orationJ thus, improve !ork performance(
3.% Education Resource Su$$ort
0igure & sho!s that the Region, as of #une $%&', had utili"ed around ?2I of its $>million pesos
Maintenance and 3ther 3perating E:penses (M33E)( The data in the figure implies that it is most likel that
the Region shall have spent for a+out && million and still has the +alance of more &G million pesos from its
total M33E for $%&'(
0igure $
Status of 8tili"ation of $%&' Regional M33E
As of #une, $%&'
Total MOOE for 2014: 5hp $>, %GF,%%%
Cotice in 0igure $ that the Region spent almost H$ I of the total amount of M33E for office supplies( 3ther
e:penses such as travel, communication, electricit, janitorial services, fidelit +onds, and other professional
services are also taken from the M33E in the region(
Sho!n in Ta+le F +elo! is the detailed e:penses taken from the M33E as of #une $%&',
Ta4!e ;
E<$enditures ta-en "rom t2e &OOE
Php 29, 075,000
Php 29, 075,000
Items Amount
1. 3ffice Supplies ?,$GH,$H&(%%
:( 3ther M33E &,FFF,''>(G?
C( Electricit &,?&&,F$2(F?
D. Travel -Training &,$&',2FF(HH
E. =a+or - 1ages HH?,?G'('$
0. 6ommunication (5hone, mailing,
ca+le, satellite)
). 9nternet Su+scription 'HF,%%%(%%
'. 4uilding Repair - Maintenance ?F&,%$2(2F
I. 9nternet (0i+er 3ptic 6onnection &'
M4 )
=. 3ther 5rofessional Services ?$$,$G$(G%
>. 0idelit 4ond 5remiums $'>,?GF(%%
(. #anitorial Services $'F,$H&($&
&. Repair - Maintenance (9T, 3ffice
E*uipment, Motor Aehicles)
N. Dasoline, 3il - =u+ricants &F&,F&2(F?
O. 3ther Supplies E:pense &'F,GG2(%%
P. E:traordinar and Miscellaneous,
Su+scription, Representation,
9nsurance, Auditing, Accounta+le
0orms, Securit Services)
TOT1( 11?10%?270.73
Among the M33E e:penditures, it is utili"ation of M33E 3ffice supplies !as given the highest allocation
as sho!n in Ta+le F( A+out ?,$GH,$H&(%% pesos !ere utili"ed for office supplies follo!ed + other M33E
and electricit !hich is &,FFF,''>(G? pesos in Quarter $ of 67 $%&'(
;. 0 )enera! Statements
Education Programs and Projects
The efficienc and effectiveness of the Regional Education 5rograms and 5rojects can +est +e determined
+ looking at the comprehensive details of implementation through regular monitoring and evaluation +
the 5rogram 6oordinators of Regional 5rograms and 5rojects(
Organiationa! E""ecti#eness
Quarterl RMEA is an avenue that provides o+jective information on the status of performance of each
0unctional or Support /ivision in particular and the !hole Region in general(
Qualit M-E ensures that *ualit is maintained + the 0unctional and Support /ivisions in discharging their
roles and responsi+ilities(
Education Resource Su$$ort
Effective management of M33E results to sustain the maintenance issues on office e*uipment like printer,
computer, photocoping machine, telephone, and fa: machine(
@.0 Recommendations
Education Programs and Projects
&( 5rogram 6oordinators of Regional 5rograms and 5rojects should report the M-E findings +oth
*uantitative and *ualitative information *uarterl during RMEA(
$( 5rogram 6oordinators should manage efficientl and ma:imi"e the use of support funds to ensure *ualit
implementation of these programs and projects, and ma:imi"e e:pected results(
Organiationa! E""ecti#eness
&( <ire additional personnel to complement the re*uirement at 40/(
$( 1e+.+ased form of reporting)su+mission of forms the 40/
?( Re*uest for additional <R// supervisors)personnel(
'( Re*uest Cational =RM/S programmers to enhance the functionalit of the =RM/S !e+ portal(
F( Re*uest office e*uipment such as laptops for 6=M/, QAA/ and ESS/(
H( Reported +alance in 6=M/, 40/ and QA/ are to +e carried over in the Third Quarter(
Education Resource Su$$ort
The Region adopts a long.term solution to repair, maintenance, and inade*uac issues of office e*uipment
like printer, computer parts, photocoping machine, and laptops through rent to o!n +asis(
7.0 &anagement Res$onse
The Regional /irector congratulated everone for contri+uting to!ards a high Regional 5erformance Rating
in the RMEA and reminded everone to not onl focus on a accomplishments of target outputs +ut to
al!as consider carring out *ualit outputs(
3n the lack of personnel, the Regional Management !ould like open the vacancies for possi+le replacement
and to appoint personnel especiall as soon as the RAT 5lan is approved(
Regarding the issues on office e*uipment, Mr( Ananiano 4autista, #r( suggested a rent to o!n +asis to solve
the need for office laptops, and commissioned Mr( Allan Aillacampa to scout companies !ho are amena+le
to rent to o!n agreement(
The management commented to the 5A5s 6oordinators to personall monitor the details of the program)
project implementation and su+mit reports *uarterl(
3n issue on telephone, Mr( #aime Mino"a is commissioned to call.up 5=/T for repair of defective landlines(
3n F%% !orth of cellphone load for the supervisors, the management suggested to ask 63A first for
clearance +efore it is given(
0or those !ho are getting their salaries over the counter at the /45, the R3 personnel can go to /45 !ith
pass slip and +e given official consideration(
0or activities held at the Regional 3ffice, there is no need of 6ertificate of Appearance +ecause everone
can punch in and out at the kiosk(
0or the R0TAT visit monthl, it is suggested and approved that visit !ill +e done on Thursda and 0rida
instead of 1ednesda and Thursda(
The regional office has done ver !ell in Quarter $ of this ear, !ith the support of the t!o support divisions
namel 4udget and 0inance /ivision and Admin /ivision( The culture of giving service !ith a smile and
looking ahead positivel must +e maintained + everone in the region(

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