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5 : Grammar Assignment
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 : ING Forms as Objects of a Preposition

Choose the best option that completes the sentence:
Our Biology teacher has been
without saying
a word in the classroom. We think he is very
upset with us because our lack of participation through the forum.
Puntos: 1
Unit 2 : Present Progressive with Future Meaning

Choose the best option that completes the sentence:
Martin is taking a violin lesson this evening. My uncle is fishing in the lake this afternoon and my
are studying

Mathematics tonight. What can I do?
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Compound Adjectives

Choose the best option:

The combination for creating the compound adjective Nicely-decorated is:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Noun + Noun

b. Number + Adjective

c. Adjective + Noun

d. Adverb + past participle
Puntos: 1
Unit 3 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a bus

b. in a taxi

c. on the street

d. in an elevator
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 : Relative Clauses

Choose the best option:

The expression They have special talents which make them uncommon
people; the relative clause which replaces to:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Talents

b. They

c. People

d. Children
Puntos: 1
Unit 3 : Vocabulary

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a hotel

b. in a pub

c. on a plane

d. in a department store
Puntos: 1
Unit 1 : Infinitives

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a theater (teatro de arte, no cinema)

b. at the police station

c. in a cinema (sala de cine)

d. in a forest
Puntos: 1
Unit 5 : In order to

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a bakery

b. in a hotel

c. in a car park

d. In a bookstore
Puntos: 1
Unit 8 : Time Markers

Complete the following sentence using appropriately the time markers:

He has worked as an English teacher __________ a long time.
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. for

b. since

c. from

d. of
Puntos: 1
Unit 3 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a church

b. in a school

c. in a hotel

d. in a cafeteria
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Tiempo restante

Usted se ha autentificado como Carlos Csar Briceo Contreras (Salir)
Act. 5 : Grammar Assignment

Grammar Assignment

This is the Grammar Assignment. You will need to review and study the Online Content (Units 1- 7). It was specially made to evaluate your knowledge about:

Use of compound adjectives
Forming the Present Progressive,
Present Progressive with Future Meaning.
Word order in requests with modal verbs.
Uses of -ing forms: Nouns and Adjectives
Gerunds as subjects
The past progressive and time clauses
Expressing obligation and giving advice (Modal verbs).
To develop this activity you will have to answer the questions by choosing the correct option according to the reading or situation.
Punctuation : 20
Attempts : 1
Date : March 15ht to 31st
Course Director
Lmite de tiempo: 1 hora
Cuestionario abierto: sbado, 15 de marzo de 2014, 00:05
Cuestionario cerrado: lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014, 23:55
Resumen de sus intentos previos
Intento Completado Puntos / 10 Calificacin / 20 Comentario -
1 lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014, 11:53 10 20 Felicitaciones! Su aprehensin de las temticas es excelente.
No se permiten ms intentos
Su calificacin final en este cuestionario es 20 / 20
Retroalimentacin general
Felicitaciones! Su aprehensin de las temticas es excelente.

Usted se ha autentificado como Carlos Csar Briceo Contreras (Salir)

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