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Sonadandasutta of Dighanikaya.

(a source of socio- cultural and political issues)

Sonadandasutta mainly speaks of the necessary qualities that needed to be a true
Brahmin. According to the Brahmanic tradition, initially Sonadanda mentions more
important five of those, as
1. High level birth,
2. no!ledge in mantras,
". #hysically good looking,
$. %irtue
&. 'isdom.
But at the end of conversation !ith the Buddha he reaches to an agreement to accept
last two as vital for not only to be a Brahmin but also to be a gentleman !ith good
Sonadanda(sutta is not only important over these matters. )t reveals the political
atmosphere prevalent during the Buddha*s time. Accordingly, ing Seniya Bimbisara and
#asenadi osala had respectively been governing +agadha and osala countries, the
largest provinces of ,orthern )ndia. -ampa, a city !ithin the territory of +agadha !as
populous and prosperous !here necessary things to live a comfortable life !ere
available. As Sonadanda(sutta says, this locality !as assigned to Brahmin Sonadanda as
a royal gift. .his kind of practice is seen in countries !here monarchism !as the system
of governing. -ertain lands together !ith inhabitants therein !ere ascribed to elites
identified by the king as respectable personalities. #eople in that locality !ere said to
pay tax not to the king but to the local leader. Sonadanda is reported to have en/oying
such facility because of his personal achievements.
-onsidering the cultural values of that society, cast system of )ndia !as the main
criteria on !hich human rights !ere decided. #eople born to Brahmin families !ere
respected and follo!ed by others irrespective of their !isdom and conduct. Here,
Sonadanda !as not only a Brahmin by birth, but he had many more other qualities too.
His knowledge, sound figure, pleasing nature, polite words, bodily signs, fame,
virtue and conduct also increased his reputation and !ealth. .herefore, he !as al!ays
follo!ed by a group of people. According to this sutta people like Sonadanda had
luxurious lives, mansion like residences !ith upper floors, servants to attend, and they
en/oyed siesta after lunch, their movements !ere observed and taken into consideration
by follo! people. As a learned, Sonadanda did not malign others like the Buddha,
!elcomed and honored guests. So, this sutta is important to us as a source of cultural
0egarding the education of that time, this sutta reveals some of the importance
factors, such as subects of education, methods and means of education etc. as sub/ects
of education three-fold !eda gets prominence, rules and rituals, lore of sound and
meanings, history, lexicons and bodily signs of great man and the like. Hundreds of
students have come from far and across the country, learning by heart seems the main
method of education. ,o mention is made here, about the fee for education and therefore
!e are said to believe of free education there.
According to the !ords of Sonadanda, going forth and abandoning of possessions
in order to be recluses !ere highly appreciated, !hich can*t be practiced by many. .he
Buddha*s renouncement !as taken into serious consideration, because he had left
behind a royal life, entering to the homelessness in his youth.
.his sutta also indicates the religious harmony prevalent bet!een learned
teachers like the Buddha and Sonadanda, !hich !as not among many others !ho
employed unla!ful means to increase follo!ers. 1n these accounts, Sonadanda(sutta
could be considered a source of valuable information.

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