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C Program implementing the
Newton Raphson Method
(Numerical Computing) for a
/*This program in C illustrates the Newton Raphson method.
This program calulate the approximation to the root of x*x-5.
The maximum error between 2 succesive approximation is taken as input from the user
alongwith the maximum number of iterations and the initial approximation.
double F(double x)
{//our function
return ((x)*(x)-5);
double Fd(double x)
{//function's differentiation
return (2*(x));
int main()
double x0,h,err,root,x1;
int miter,iter;
printf("Enter the first approximation ,the max error and the maximum number of iterations\n");
h=F(x0)/Fd(x0);//calculatinf f(x)/f'(x)as we do in Newton Raphson method
printf("The approximation's value after %d iteration is %.12lf\n",iter,x1);
if(fabs(h)<err)//If the difference between the 2 approximations is below the max error
root=x1;//then make the approximation as the root
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{//display root and the function value
printf("The root is: %.12lf\n",root);
double fncvalue = F(root);
printf("Value of F(root) is: %.12lf",fncvalue);
printf("The unsufficent number of iteration");//In case root!=x1 then number of iteration were insufficient
/*A sample run of thje program was carried out and the results were found to be as:-
Enter the first approximation ,the max error and the maximum number of iterations
The approximation's value after 1 iteration is 2.250000000000
The approximation's value after 2 iteration is 2.236111111111
The approximation's value after 3 iteration is 2.236067977916
The approximation's value after 4 iteration is 2.236067977500
The approximation's value after 5 iteration is 2.236067977500
The root is: 2.236067977500
Value of F(root) is: 0.000000000000

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