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Pachacutec was the son of Viracocha Inca and the Coya Mama Runtu, who called Cusi Yupanqui.

Born in Cusco by the year 1410 very young he showed an aptitude for government and conquests.;
however, was relegated unfairly benefit Urco, a prince without sufficient merit.

When chancas invaded Cusco in 1438, fled shamefully Urco Viracocha and then Cusi Yupanqui
assumed leadership for the defense of the city. Supported by general and Apo Vicaquirao Maita
organized resistance. The attackers arrived and led by Astoy Huaraca Tumay Huaraca, were
reputed invincible and had the support of the Ayarmacas. Cuzquenos supported by the cops
managed to contain bloody clashes with the very gates of the city. Enthused by the courage of Cusi
Yupanqui thousands of men and women returned to combat and drove the invaders. The final
battle was fought near the Apurimac River, on the plain of Ichupampa. The Incas conquered
categorically when Cusi Yupanqui succeeded Astoy Huaraca king beheaded. Thousands of Cusco
chancas and died in that field was named in adelente Yawarpampa ("plain of blood").

After invading the country of the Chanca, Cusi Yupanqui returned to Cusco with many prisoners, a
rich and glorious booty. It was hailed as a new and lofty Sapa Inca Pachacuti named the
"transformer of the earth." Urco revolted claiming power, but was defeated at the Battle of
Pachacutec Paca (Tambo River) and thrown into a ravine. The old Viracocha, resigned, apologized
to the winner and recognized him as the new ruler.

Pachacutec was the founder of the Inca Empire. After subjecting chancas launched several
campaigns to conquer and annex kingdoms and dominions possessed fertile farmland and people
able to tax labor for the Incas. Undertook the task of subduing their powerful neighbors, the
Ayarmacas; achieving got beat and capture his king Tocay Capac.

Then beat the drums Urubamba advancing towards land Piccho Vitcos and Vilcabamba where he
built some llaqtas defense and emergency shelter. Obeying its expansionist vocation annexed to
Soras and Lucanas of Ayacucho and sent his brother Capac Yupanqui to conquer the Chincha,
Huarco, Ishma, Yauyos Huancas, Taramas, Pumpus, Conchucos and Cuismancus.

Meanwhile he underwent Collas Lake Titicaca before heading to Condesuyos where it conquered
all manors of Arequipa. He sent his son Amaru Yupanqui to conquer the ponds and later Tupac
Yupanqui and Chimu Yarowilca to realms. All these campaigns were tough but victorious for the
Incas who became the new masters of the Andean world. Transformer World, Pachacutec, also
had a great administrative work. The new role of the Incas in the Andean space generated new
needs and tasks that were faced effectively. Sapan Inca Cusco undertook the reconstruction; a
new plane, the contours form a sacred puma, was the basis for the aggrandizement of llaqta,
employing thousands of mitayos (shift workers) from subject nations, mainly Aymara experts
petreas constructions. He was particularly interested in the construction of the majestic
Koricancha, temple god Sol, where once stood the old Inticancha. For god Viracocha and built the
Quishuarcancha Illapa, Sacsayhuaman. Also he built the acllahuasi (home of the hit), the
Poquencancha (historical museum) and Sancayhuasi (prison) and out of Cusco ordered the
construction of llaqtas (administrative centers) to serve the Empire as Ollantaytambo,
Machupicchu, Vilcashuamn Huaytar Tambo Colorado and Huanucopampa.

Pachacutec is attributed to the implementation of the system or mitimaes mitmak (villages
transferred) for the purpose of colonization of conquered areas. Established land confiscation "for
the sun" and "for the Inca," ordered the construction of irrigation channels, platforms (agricultural
terraces) and colcas (deposits pantries or state) in all regions of the empire.

He hit all llaqtas (cities) will build and expand the Capac Nan (road network) and its dairy sections
(chambers) where rested and imperial officials or provisioned servers were built. Chasquis service
(messengers) and training quipucamayoc (counter) helped accelerate and store communications
for state purposes. He also divided the Empire into four regions (regions), and these in huamanis

He established a network of loyal officials to Sapan Inca: Suyuyuc Apu, for the regions; Apunchic to
the provinces; Tucuy Ricoc to supervise the work of the chiefs in their ayllu or communities. Sun
worship prioritized and ordered the construction of many temples in his honor, and also secured
land mitayos (shift workers) for the support of tarpuntaes and vilcas (priests). He supplemented
his inclusive to establish the use of Quechua or Runa Simi official language of Tawantinsuyu work.

Being as old Hatun Auqui named Pachacutec (Prince successor) to Amaru Yupanqui, a decision that
overturned definitively designate Tupac Yupanqui, having shown better skills and lder.Este
conqueror ruler who lived up to his name to renew the Andean world, quite old died in 1471 his
mallqui (mum) was kept and venerated by his powerful call Panaca. Hatun ayllu.

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