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G'ODtL NS'ivj
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February, I976
Dear Friends:
"You led me to the Lord.now,
what can I do for you?" These
words were spoken to Lew Cass and
Bob as they talked with a welder
about coimnitting his life to Christ.
Today, that man was immersed into
the Body of Christ, eager & thrilled
at the idea of starting a new life.
In Janua.ry, we began our new year
with foreseeable opportunities and
goals for teaching here in the Sal-
atiga area.. Nineteen were baptized,
7 from the village of Pendinga.n &
12 from Salatiga. One was Pak Ahli,
a gentleman about seventy years old.
The other fellow was Kartjono, the
Health Officer from the area which includes Pendingan and other villages.
One young fellow from the village had attended services in the past, but
quit coming these past two years- However, since our return here, he once
again occasionally attended. Then on one of our visits to Pendingan before
Christmas, Diane and Vida Cass stopped in to see the family and especially
the new baby. Karmin had just brought in some rice grass from the field as
cattle feed. Coincidentally, Debbie had been_looking for grass straw to use
in a manger scene of a play which she was doing with the other young people
for Christmas. We asked Karmin if he knew where we could get some grass.
Karmin very generously gave his to Debbie, We offered him 200 Rp., which
is equivalent to about 5O0. From that visit, Karmin returned to the services
28^1 ..a "
quite faithfully. The first Sunday of this new year, Karmin surrendered
his life to the Lord. We were able, through Christ, to point a heart toward
a new life. Just a little bit of love and a small amount of grass straw.
We do pray that each of you will have many opportunities to witness the
Love of Christ, as we start a new year working together for the One Cause
that makes it all worth v;hile
Sights *n Sounds around our house
SCHOOL is taking up most of Diane*s time. Since the kids were two months
behind Debbie had l-J- years to accomplish in about 7 months, you can see
who monopolizes the typewriter. Going from 3rd grade times tables in New
Math, to learning all about folkways, mores and taboos in Sociology,
dictation of advanced Shorthand for a senior, and then to atomic fission
and trace elements in Science, and why was Rome an important city in its
early days in World History as part of ninth grade studies, then back to
old King Bozo of Sraithland in the 3rd grade reader all in one day. It does
exhaust a motherly mind, when she has people to see, shopping to do, visit
ing guests, meals to plan and prepare, correspondence notwithstanding. Thus
a shortage of newsletters these.past month^-, however-,-a-New--year-*-s
"resolutio"n more letters!
Our present need is SI700 for house rental, including repairs the
Ron Ritchey family will be returning in April, thus we will be needing a
home of our own. It takes months looking for a suitable house, then the
process of bcrtering for it. After that, the task of setting it in order
for moving in. Perhaps your gifts at Easter time might be sent to help
with this need. Vie would love to have you more of a part of Indonesia.
This past year has been quite a busy one although very rewarding. We wish
to thank each of you for past sharing and giving toward Christ*s work here.
Serving Christ in Indonesia,
Bob,- Diane, Debbie and Laurie
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to Indoneiia
May, 1976
Salam didalam Kristus,
In the course of our daily comings and goings, we meet interesting sit
uations and people. Take for instance, Joko, 15, a handsome young lad.
Some time ago, some Christian, somewhere, planted a seed, and the seed
lay in the ground, unwatered, uncared for. When one of our missionaries
started a new Bible study in the Kampong (neighborhood) near Joko's
house,, that seed began to stir a little, and he began to visit. So in
tense was his interest, that right away he wanted our friends to talk to
his friend, Iman. That week, Iman began coming to the study. The
question; "What to do to become a Christian?" Joko, his friend, and his
sister, Hesti, now all have accepted Christ and are following Him.
On visiting Joko's family, you will find an old grandma taking care of
them all. More'than four years ago, twelve children had been left by
their parents, the youngest being only three months old at the time.
Grandma, too old to work, gave them a place to stay by sharing her small,
humble home.
Two of the older children have since married. The others at home are
still too young to find jobs. Joko is determinded to keep his family
together. He knows what he wants for his family and he knows what they
need and we know he intends to give them Jesus Christ. It brings tears
of sadness and humbleness on our part to see a plight such as this, but
it also brings tears of joy to see the lighted smile of knowing Jesus
shining through on Joko's face daily. What a LIGHTII
Just finished overhaul
of VW engine
From South Side Church
of Christ Danville, IL
Around the Home
As many of you know, Debbie had planned on finishing her High School
here and then return to the States this summer, planning to enroll in
Lincoln Bible College this fall. Because of numerous reasons, Debbie
has decided to stay oh here another year. She will be a great asset in
teaching school next year, plus doing offiqe work in which she is well
Our Needs
still in need of $1700 for a house....in our last newsletter we
mentioned this need and as of this date, we have not received sufficient
funds for this, thus, because of having to move by the first of May, we
had to borrow money to do so. The money has to be returned as soon as
We continually Praise the Lord for all the prayers and support on our
behalf, as we labor together for the cause of Jesus Christ!
Please note our change of address:
R. Sigafoose
Jl. Iman Bonjol 65
Salatiga, Jateng
Z1819 'Hi 'uijtoo
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^er^hg Him,
Bob, Diane & Girls
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ta liuloit&iuiL
P.O. Box 569
Catlin, II. 61817
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. . . Look around you! Vast fields of
human .iouls arc ripening all around us,
and arc ready note for reaping. The
reapers will be paid good wages and
will he gathering eternal souls into the
granaries of heaven! What joys await
the soffcr and the reaper, both together!
John 4:35^ 36
The Living New Testament
.... is the world's fifth largest nation of 120 million! And Indonesia
is turning to Christ! Most of the population live on the island of
Java. This one island is made up of many small villages and in these
villages the greatest response to Christ is found. Many people have
never heard the gospel message. In one village we visited, an old
woman said, "I have lived here all of my life and I have never heard
about Jesus Christ before." "Why have you waited so long to come
and tell me about Him?" We have been asked to help in many differ
ent places because there are not enough preachers and teachers to
meet the demand.
Now, we are living in a small town called Salatiga, located in Central
Java. Population in and around the surrounding area is approximately
seventy thousand. Many churches can be found in the city, but out
side, in the villages, there is virtually no work being done. We are
going into these villages teaching and preaching to the people there.
Several visits have already been made and the response has been
It will be our job to train men who will be teaching their own people.
We will work with those who are already Christians, to strengthen
them so they might know what God would have them do and we will
start New Testament congregations.
To suppose that the work is almost completed is surely to forget
that each generation has to be won for Christ!
Bob was born in Danville, Illinois where he attended grade and high
school. Thereafter, he served in the United States Navy, 1951 - 1954.
Diane is a native of Fairmount, Illinois and attended grade and high
school in the Vermilion County area.
Bob and Diane were baptized into Christ at the South Side Church
of Christ in Danville, Illinois where Bob served as deacon and held
other leadership positions along with printing of the "South Side
Side-Lites". They attended Illiana School of the Bible while at South
Side, absorbing as many courses as possible.
Moving to the Davenport, Iowa area in 1967, they began working
with the Bettendorf Christian Church congregation. Bob served there
as deacon and chairman of the Youth Guidance Committee.
They have two daughters:
Debora, born July 4, 1958 in Terre Haute, Indiana;
Laura, born December 21, 1960 in Danville, Illinois.
Bob has attended Lincoln Christian College. While enrolled there,
he took courses in Missions and Church Growth from Max Ward
Kandall, along with other Bible courses and printing. Bob intends
to continue his studies while on furlough.
Bob and Diane earnestly need your prayers and support. Prayer is
essential in doing the Lord's work. Pray they will continue to grow
in Christ; that the work in Indonesia will continue to be open to them.
Pray for all the missionaries throughout the world. For if we pray,
.souls will be added daily.
I could not be happier than I am in the fact that Bob and his
family are going to Indonesia, one of the greatest areas poten
tially in the whole world for discipling vast multitudes ....
Max Ward Randall
Professor of Missions
It is mv Christian privilege to recommend Robert Sigafoose
and family .... Their response to this great need is an answer
to prayer .... Indonesia is one of the ripest and most demand
ing areas for workers at the present time ....
James D. Strauss
A.sst. Professor of Philosophy
Christian Doctrine
Without hesitation, we recommend the Sigafoose family to
Christians everywhere .... They ai-e totally committed to
Christ in body, mind, and soul . . .
Minister, elders, Bettendorf Christian Church
We, the Eldership, give our full support and prayers to Bob
Sigafoose and his family.
Elders, South Side Church
Danville, Illinois
We are so happy to have Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Prather of Catlin, Illinois as our
forwarding agents. They will be receiving all funds for us and handling
all correspondence. You may contact them if you would like us to visit
your congregation.
P. O. Box 569
Catlin, Illinois 61817
G-cotL NeuM
t& liulofiedla
December 1978
What an EXCITING time
to be in America this time of the year, seeing snow for the first
time in years, to see the fantastic abundance of Christmas items
found in the stores, and how unbelievable it is for us to have
all the choices in candies, tree lights, bulbs, ribbons, and
colorful printed wrapping paper. Can you imagine the big deci
sion for us to choose which kind of Christmas candy we would en
joy the most?
What a THRILLING time
to be able to spend a little time with friends and loved ones we
have missed over the years, to be able to share experiences and
joys, to be able to travel to visit so many of our churches
throughout the States, enjoying wonderful hospitality, fellow-
shipping, and sharing in love for the common cause of Christ.
What a THANKFUL time
to once more have a taste of freedom that comes from our wonder
ful America, to express opinions and ideas without the threat of
danger, to be able to publicly PROCLAin that we serve a RISEN
If the light of the gospel is to "glow" in a dark world, then we,
as wise men, must bow daily at the feet of Christ and offer cost
ly gifts. He gave His all for us that we might give our all
to Him.
John 3:16:
fon. God 10 lovtd this mnJid tkcut He gave His one and only Son,
th^ whosvQJi bzH2.v2M In Hlrt shall not perish but have. eXvonal
Of all the billions of stars, only one led to Bethlehem and
one gave us an ETERNAL Gift.
Please Note:
Beginning January 1st, 1979, our new Forwarding Agent will be:
Delmer Rhodebeck
Post Office Box 67
Col 1insville, Illinois 62234
Telephone Number: 618-877-7120
We can still be contacted through Roy and Pat Prather at Box 569, Cat-
lin, n. 61817, as they will be taking care of our personal needs.
We would IJke to wish each of you and^j/ours a very bJLessed Christmas
and a truly Happy New Year in our Lord.
Love in Jesus,
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