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A uay ln 1he Llfe ............................................................................................................................. 7

A Pard uay's nlghL .......................................................................................................................... 8
Across 1he unlverse ........................................................................................................................ 9
Aln'L no MounLaln Plgh Lnough ................................................................................................... 10
All l WanL lor ChrlsLmas ls ?ou ..................................................................................................... 11
All ?ou need ls Love ...................................................................................................................... 12
And l Am 1elllng ?ou l Am noL Colng ............................................................................................ 13
Are ?ou Conna 8e My Clrl ............................................................................................................ 14
Asllos Magdalena .......................................................................................................................... 13
8aby Cn 8oard .............................................................................................................................. 16
8ack ln 1he uSS8 ........................................................................................................................... 17
8ad ................................................................................................................................................ 18
8askeL Case ................................................................................................................................... 19
8eaL lL ............................................................................................................................................ 20
8edshaped .................................................................................................................................... 21
8elng lor 1he 8eneflL Cf Mr. klLe ................................................................................................. 22
8esL Cf ?ou .................................................................................................................................... 23
8eLLer 1ogeLher ............................................................................................................................. 24
8lg 8ang ........................................................................................................................................ 24
8lllle !ean ...................................................................................................................................... 23
8llly 8rown .................................................................................................................................... 26
8lack Cr WhlLe .............................................................................................................................. 27
8lame lL Cn 1he Clrls .................................................................................................................... 28
8lue Skles ...................................................................................................................................... 29
8ohemlan 8hapsody ..................................................................................................................... 30
8ola de urac .................................................................................................................................. 32
8ola de urac C1 ............................................................................................................................. 33
8reaklng 1he Clrl ........................................................................................................................... 34
8ubbles ......................................................................................................................................... 33
8ulld Cold, 1hen 1alk .................................................................................................................... 36
Callfornla ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Callfornla ureamln' ....................................................................................................................... 38
Can ?ou leel 1he Love 1onlghL ..................................................................................................... 39
Can'L SLop now ............................................................................................................................. 40

Carvel ............................................................................................................................................ 41
CenLral ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Cholces .......................................................................................................................................... 43
Clocks ............................................................................................................................................ 44
Come 1ogeLher ............................................................................................................................. 43
Come WhaL May ........................................................................................................................... 46
Corner Cf 1he LarLh ...................................................................................................................... 47
Creep ............................................................................................................................................. 48
Cry Me A 8lver .............................................................................................................................. 49
CrysLal 8all .................................................................................................................................... 30
uaughLers ...................................................................................................................................... 31
uesecraLlon Smlle ......................................................................................................................... 32
ueuLes ........................................................................................................................................... 33
ulrLy ulana .................................................................................................................................... 34
ulsappear ...................................................................................................................................... 33
uon'L SLop Me now ...................................................................................................................... 36
uon'L SLop 1he Muslc .................................................................................................................... 37
uoraemon ..................................................................................................................................... 38
uylng Song .................................................................................................................................... 38
Ll Clclo Sln lln ............................................................................................................................... 39
Lleanor 8lgby ................................................................................................................................ 60
Lls Amlcs de la Clgonya ................................................................................................................. 61
Lngllshman ln new ?ork ................................................................................................................ 62
LlghL uays A Week ........................................................................................................................ 63
Lvery 8reaLh ?ou 1ake .................................................................................................................. 64
Lvery erson ................................................................................................................................. 63
lamlly Cuy .................................................................................................................................... 63
leellng Cood ................................................................................................................................. 66
llx ?ou ........................................................................................................................................... 68
lly .................................................................................................................................................. 69
lor 8easons unknown .................................................................................................................. 70
lumar ............................................................................................................................................ 70
CaL l Cos ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Ceorgla Cn My Mlnd ..................................................................................................................... 72

ChosLbusLers ................................................................................................................................. 74
Crace kelly .................................................................................................................................... 73
CravlLy ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Crenade ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Palo ............................................................................................................................................... 78
Pavanna Affalr .............................................................................................................................. 79
Pelp! .............................................................................................................................................. 79
Pey !oe .......................................................................................................................................... 80
Pey !ude ........................................................................................................................................ 81
PlL 1he 8oad !ack .......................................................................................................................... 82
Po Pey ........................................................................................................................................... 83
PoLel Callfornla ............................................................................................................................. 84
Pow ueep ls ?our Love ................................................................................................................. 83
Pow l MeL ?our MoLher ................................................................................................................ 83
Pow 1o Save A Llfe ........................................................................................................................ 86
Puman nauLre .............................................................................................................................. 87
l Am a Man Cf ConsLanL Sorrow ................................................................................................... 88
l 8elleve l Can lly .......................................................................................................................... 89
l CoL A Woman .............................................................................................................................. 90
l !usL Can'L SLop Lovlng ?ou .......................................................................................................... 91
l WrlLe Slns noL 1ragedles ............................................................................................................. 92
l'll 8e 1here for ?ou ....................................................................................................................... 93
l'm ?ours ....................................................................................................................................... 94
lf l 8uled 1he World ...................................................................................................................... 93
lmaglne ......................................................................................................................................... 96
ln 8epalr ........................................................................................................................................ 97
lncompeLencla Porarla ................................................................................................................. 98
lsn'L She Lovely ............................................................................................................................. 99
!erk lL CuL .................................................................................................................................... 100
klller Cueen ................................................................................................................................ 101
La llaca ........................................................................................................................................ 102
La 8adlo ue MarL ........................................................................................................................ 103
Les 1rompeLes l Lls vlollns .......................................................................................................... 104
London Skles ............................................................................................................................... 106

Long 8oad 1o 8uln ...................................................................................................................... 107
Love Aln'L Conna LeL ?ou uown .................................................................................................. 108
Love 1oday .................................................................................................................................. 109
Lovely 8lLa ................................................................................................................................... 110
Lucy ln 1he Sky WlLh ulamonds .................................................................................................. 111
Make lL Mlne ............................................................................................................................... 112
Mary Pad A LlLLle Lamb ............................................................................................................... 113
Mascara ....................................................................................................................................... 113
MasLer 8lasLer ............................................................................................................................. 114
Maybe l'm Amazed ..................................................................................................................... 113
Mlchelle ...................................................................................................................................... 116
MlxLape ....................................................................................................................................... 117
MounLalns ................................................................................................................................... 118
new 8orn .................................................................................................................................... 119
no Such 1hlng ............................................................................................................................. 120
nowhere Man ............................................................................................................................. 121
numb .......................................................................................................................................... 122
Cmlsslon ..................................................................................................................................... 123
CLherslde .................................................................................................................................... 124
aparazzl ..................................................................................................................................... 123
asLls ........................................................................................................................................... 126
leces .......................................................................................................................................... 127
ollLlk .......................................................................................................................................... 128
ropane nlghLmares ................................................................................................................... 129
Culero Ser Como 1u .................................................................................................................... 130
8anma x ..................................................................................................................................... 131
8elax 1ake lL Lasy ........................................................................................................................ 132
8lcky ............................................................................................................................................ 133
8ock WlLh ?ou ............................................................................................................................. 134
8ock & 8oll Cueen ...................................................................................................................... 133
8ockeL Man ................................................................................................................................. 136
8olllng ln 1he ueep ..................................................................................................................... 137
8oxanne ...................................................................................................................................... 138
Same ulrecLlon ............................................................................................................................ 139

Sam's 1own ................................................................................................................................. 140
Second Walk ............................................................................................................................... 141
Seven uays ln Sunny !une ........................................................................................................... 142
SgL epper's Lonely PearLs Club 8and ........................................................................................ 143
She's Leavlng Pome .................................................................................................................... 144
Shln Chan .................................................................................................................................... 143
Shlver .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Slow uanclng ln a 8urnlng 8oom ................................................................................................ 147
Snow (Pey Ch) ............................................................................................................................ 148
Somewhere Cnly We know ........................................................................................................ 149
Someone Llke ?ou ....................................................................................................................... 130
Sorry Seems Lo 8e 1he PardesL Word ......................................................................................... 131
Space Cowboy ............................................................................................................................. 132
Sples ............................................................................................................................................ 133
SLop 1hls 1raln ............................................................................................................................ 134
SLreeLllghLs .................................................................................................................................. 133
Sunday ........................................................................................................................................ 136
1he PearL Cf Llfe ......................................................................................................................... 137
1he 8eason .................................................................................................................................. 138
1he SclenLlsL ................................................................................................................................ 139
1he SplrlL Carrles Cn ................................................................................................................... 160
1hls Cold ...................................................................................................................................... 161
1hrlller ......................................................................................................................................... 162
1lme Coes 8ack ........................................................................................................................... 163
1lme ls 8unnlng CuL .................................................................................................................... 164
1rouble ........................................................................................................................................ 163
1wlsL And ShouL .......................................................................................................................... 166
un Mundo ldeal .......................................................................................................................... 167
under 1he 8rldge ........................................................................................................................ 168
unLlLled 11 .................................................................................................................................. 168
vlva La vlda ................................................................................................................................. 169
Walk ............................................................................................................................................ 170
Walklng Cn 1he Moon ................................................................................................................ 171
Warnlng Slgn ............................................................................................................................... 172

We Are Colden ............................................................................................................................ 173
WeL Sand ..................................................................................................................................... 174
When l'm SlxLy lour .................................................................................................................... 173
When ?ou Where ?oung ............................................................................................................. 176
WlLh a LlLLle Pelp lrom My lrlends ............................................................................................ 177
Wonderwall ................................................................................................................................. 178
?ellow .......................................................................................................................................... 179
?esLerday .................................................................................................................................... 180
?ou lound Me ............................................................................................................................. 181
?ou And Me Are Cone ................................................................................................................ 182
?our ussy ls Clued 1o A 8uldlng Cn llre ................................................................................... 183
?our Song .................................................................................................................................... 183


A Day In The Life

lnLro C 8m Lm C

l read Lhe news Loday oh boy C 8m Lm Lm
AbouL a lucky man who made Lhe grade C Lm Am Am
And Lhough Lhe news was raLher sad C 8m Lm Lm
Well l [usL had Lo laugh C l Lm Lm
l saw Lhe phoLograph C l Lm C

Pe blew hls mlnd ouL ln a car C 8m Lm Lm
Pe dldn'L noLlce LhaL Lhe llghLs had changed C Lm Am Am
A crowd of people sLood and sLared C 8m Lm Lm
1hey'd seen hls face before C l
nobody was really sure lf he was from Lhe Pouse of Lords. Lm Lm Lm C

l saw a fllm Loday oh boy C 8m Lm Lm
1he Lngllsh Army had [usL won Lhe war C Lm Am Am
A crowd of people Lurned away C 8m Lm Lm
buL l [usL had Lo look C l
Pavlng read Lhe book Lm Lm C C
l'd love Lo Lurn you on (L l# C A
8 C u L)

Woke up, fell ouL of bed, L
uragged a comb across my head L u
lound my way downsLalrs and drank a cup, L 87
And looklng up l noLlced l was laLe. L 87
lound my coaL and grabbed my haL L
Made Lhe bus ln seconds flaL L u
lound my way upsLalrs and had a smoke, L 87
and Somebody spoke and l wenL lnLo a dream L 87

C C u A L
C C u A
L u C u C

l read Lhe news Loday oh boy C 8m Lm Lm
lour Lhousand holes ln 8lackburn, Lancashlre C Lm Am Am
And Lhough Lhe holes were raLher small C 8m Lm Lm
1hey had Lo counL Lhem all C l
now Lhey know how many holes lL Lakes Lo flll Lhe AlberL Pall. Lm Lm Lm C
l'd love Lo Lurn you on (L l# C A
8 C u L) L


A Hard Day's Night

lL's been a hard day's nlghL, C C C
and l've been worklng llke a dog l C
lL's been a hard day's nlghL, C C C
l should be sleeplng llke a log l C
8uL when l geL home Lo you l flnd Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you do C u
Wlll make me feel alrlghL C C C

?ou know l work all day C C C
Lo geL you money Lo buy you Lhlngs l C
And lL's worLh lL [usL Lo hear C C C
you say you're gonna glve me everyLhlng l C
So why on earLh should l moan, 'cause when l geL you alone C u
?ou know l feel okay C C C

When l'm home everyLhlng seems Lo be rlghL 8m Lm 8m
When l'm home feellng you holdlng me LlghL,LlghL,yeah C Lm C u

lL's been a hard day's nlghL, C C C
and l've been worklng llke a dog l C
lL's been a hard day's nlghL, C C C
l should be sleeplng llke a log l C
8uL when l geL home Lo you l flnd Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you do C u
Wlll make me feel alrlghL C C C
8uL when l geL home Lo you l flnd Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you do C u
Wlll make me feel alrlghL C C C

When l'm home everyLhlng seems Lo be rlghL 8m Lm 8m
When l'm home feellng you holdlng me LlghL,LlghL,yeah C Lm C u

lL's been a hard day's nlghL, C C C
and l've been worklng llke a dog l C
lL's been a hard day's nlghL, C C C
l should be sleeplng llke a log l C
8uL when l geL home Lo you l flnd Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you do C u
Wlll make me feel alrlghL C C C

?ou know l feel alrlghL C C C
?ou know l feel alrlghL... C C C


Across The Universe

Words are flylng ouL llke u 8m
endless raln lnLo a paper cup l#m
1hey sllLher whlle Lhey pass 1hey sllp away Lm7
across Lhe unlverse A A7

ools of sorrow waves of [oy u 8m
are drlfLlng Lhorough my open mlnd l#m
ossesslng and Lm7
caresslng me Cm

!al guru deva om u A
noLhlng's gonna change my world A7
noLhlng's gonna change my world C u
noLhlng's gonna change my world A7
noLhlng's gonna change my world C u

lmages of broken llghL u 8m
whlch dance before me llke a mllllon eyes l#m
1haL call me on and on Lm7
across Lhe unlverse A A7

1houghLs meander llke a u 8m
resLless wlnd lnslde a leLLer box l#m
Lhey Lumble bllndly as Lhey make Lhelr way Lm7
across Lhe unlverse A A7

!al guru deva om u A
noLhlng's gonna change my world A7
noLhlng's gonna change my world C u
noLhlng's gonna change my world A7
noLhlng's gonna change my world C u

Sounds of laughLer shades of llfe u 8m
are rlnglng Lhrough my open ears l#m
exclLlng and Lm7
lnvlLlng me Cm

LlmlLless undylng love whlch u 8m
shlnes around me llke a mllllon suns l#m
lL calls me on and on Lm7
across Lhe unlverse A A7

!al guru deva om u A
noLhlng's gonna change my world A7
noLhlng's gonna change my world C u
noLhlng's gonna change my world A7
noLhlng's gonna change my world C u
!al guru deva u
!al guru deva u


Aint No Mountain High Enough

LlsLen, baby C#m7/8 8bm7b3 Ama[7 C#m7 l#m L/C# A l#/A# C#m7/8
Aln'L no mounLaln hlgh
Aln'L no vally low
Aln'L no rlver wlde enough, baby
lf you need me, call me
no maLLer where you are
no maLLer how far
!usL call my name
l'll be Lhere ln a hurry
?ou don'L have Lo worry 'Cause baby,

1here aln'L no mounLaln hlgh enough Ama[7 C#m7 C#m7
Aln'L no valley low enough Ama[7 C#m7 C#m7
Aln'L no rlver wlde enough Ama[7 C#m7 C#m7
1o keep me from geLLlng Lo you l# A

8emember Lhe day C#m7/8 8bm7b3 Ama[7 C#m7 l#m L/C# A l#/A# C#m7/8
l seL you free
l Lold you
?ou could always counL on me
lrom LhaL day on l made a vow
l'll be Lhere when you wanL me
Some way,some how 'Cause baby,

1here aln'L no mounLaln hlgh enough Ama[7 C#m7 C#m7
Aln'L no valley low enough Ama[7 C#m7 C#m7
Aln'L no rlver wlde enough Ama[7 C#m7 C#m7
1o keep me from geLLlng Lo you l# A
8 87
no wlnd, no raln, or wlnLer's cold, can'L sLop me, baby. C#m7 C#7 C#m A
'Cos you are my goal, 8
lf your ever ln Lrouble, l'll be Lhere on Lhe double.
!usL send for me, oh baby. C

My love ls allve um7/C Am7b3 A#ma[7 Am7 Cm l/A A# C/8
Way down ln my hearL
AlLhough we are mlles aparL
lf you ever need a helplng hand
l'll be Lhere on Lhe double
As fasL as l can
uon'L you know LhaL

1here aln'L no mounLaln hlgh enough A#ma[7 Am7 um7
Aln'L no valley low enough A#ma[7 Am7 um7
Aln'L no rlver wlde enough A#ma[7 Am7 um7
1o keep me from geLLlng Lo you C A#
uon'L you know LhaL
1here aln'L no mounLaln hlgh enough A#ma[7 Am7 um7
Aln'L no valley low enough A#ma[7 Am7 um7
Aln'L no rlver wlde enough A#ma[7 Am7 um7


All I Want For Christmas Is You

l don'L wanL a loL for ChrlsLmas 1here's [usL one Lhlng l need C
l don'L care abouL Lhe presenLs underneaLh Lhe ChrlsLmas Lree C Cm/Lb

l [usL wanL you for my own More Lhan you could ever know C 87 Lm Cm/Lb
Make my wlsh come Lrue All l wanL for ChrlsLmas ls ?ou C L7 Am9 u

C Lm C u

l don'L wanL a loL for ChrlsLmas 1here's [usL one Lhlng l need C
l don'L care abouL Lhe presenLs underneaLh Lhe ChrlsLmas Lree C Cm/Lb
l don'L need Lo hang my sLocklng 1here upon Lhe flreplace C
SanLa Claus won'L make me happy WlLh a Loy on ChrlsLmas day C Cm/Lb

l [usL wanL you for my own More Lhan you could ever know C 87 Lm Cm/Lb
Make my wlsh come Lrue All l wanL for ChrlsLmas ls ?ou C L7 Am9 u

C Lm C u

l won'L ask for much Lhls ChrlsLmas l don'L even wlsh for snow C
l'm [usL gonna keep on walLlng underneaLh Lhe mlsLleLoe C Cm/Lb
l won'L make a llsL and send lL 1o Lhe norLh ole for SalnL nlck C
l won'L even sLay awake Lo Pear Lhose maglc relndeers cllck C Cm/Lb

'Cause l [usL wanL you here LonlghL Poldlng on Lo me so LlghL C 87 Lm Cm/Lb
WhaL more can l do 8aby all l wanL for ChrlsLmas ls you C L7 Am9 u

C Lm C u

All Lhe llghLs are shlnlng So brlghLly everywhere 87 Lm
And Lhe sound of chlldren's LaughLer fllls Lhe alr 87 Lm
And everyone ls slnglng l hear Lhose slelgh bells rlnglng Cm/Lb C L7
SanLa won'L you brlng me Lhe one l really need Am
Won'L you please brlng my baby Lo me... u

Ch l don'L wanL a loL for ChrlsLmas 1hls ls all l'm asklng for C
l [usL wanL Lo see my baby SLandlng rlghL ouLslde my door C Cm/Lm
Ch l [usL wanL you for my own More Lhan you could ever know C 8 Lm Cm/Lb
Make my wlsh come Lrue 8aby all l wanL for ChrlsLmas ls ?ou C L7 Am9 u7

C Lm C u


All You Need Is Love

Love, Love, Love. C u/l# Lm
Love, Love, Love. C u/l# Lm
Love, Love, Love. C C Am7 C u7

1here's noLhlng you can do LhaL can'L be done. C u/l# Lm
noLhlng you can slng LhaL can'L be sung. C u/l# Lm
noLhlng you can say buL you can learn how Lo play Lhe game. C C Am7 C
lL's easy. u7

noLhlng you can make LhaL can'L be made. C u/l# Lm
no one you can save LhaL can'L be saved. C u/l# Lm
noLhlng you can do buL you can learn how Lo be you ln Llme. C C Am7 C
lL's easy. u7

All you need ls love. C A7 u7
All you need ls love. C A7 u7
All you need ls love, love. C 87 Lm C
Love ls all you need. C u7 C

All you need ls love. C A7 u7
All you need ls love. C A7 u7
All you need ls love, love. C 87 Lm C
Love ls all you need. C u7 C

noLhlng you can know LhaL lsn'L known. C u/l# Lm
noLhlng you can see LhaL lsn'L shown. C u/l# Lm
nowhere you can be LhaL lsn'L where you're meanL Lo be. C C Am7 C
lL's easy. u7

All you need ls love. C A7 u7
All you need ls love. C A7 u7
All you need ls love, love. C 87 Lm C
Love ls all you need. C u7 C


And I Am Telling You I Am Not Going

And l am Lelllng you Lb l/Lb
l'm noL golng um7 Cm7
?ou're Lhe besL man l'll ever know Lb 8b/u Cm7
1here's no way l can ever go Lb/l l

no, no, no, no-- way 8b/l Lbma[9 Lb6
no--, no--, no-- no way Lbma[7 Lb6 Lbma[9
l'm llvln' wlLhouL you um7 Cm7
l'm noL llvln' wlLhouL you Cm7/l Lb 8b/u Cm7
l don'L wanna be free l# l#6

l'm sLay - ln' 8b/C C9
l'm sLay - ln' 8b/C C9
And you, and you Lb/l
?ou're gonna love me, 8b 8b/C#
Coh - - - - Lb l#/Ab
?ou're gonna love me 8b 8b7/C# . Lb . l#/Ab

And l am Lelllng you Lb l/Lb
l'm noL golng um7 Cm7
Lven Lhough Lhe rough Llmes are showlng Cm7/l Lbma[ Cm7
1here's [usL no way, Lhere's no way Lb/l l

We're parL of Lhe same place l# l#6
We're parL of Lhe same Llme l#ma[7 l#6
We boLh share Lhe same blood 8b 8b6

We boLh have Lhe same mlnd 8bma[7
And Llme and Llme, we've had so much Lo share Cm7 Cm7/l 8b/C
no, no, no, no, no, no C9
l'm noL waklng up Lomorrow mornlng Cm7 8b/u
and flndlng LhaL Lhere's nobody Lhere Lb Lb/l l

uarllng Lhere's no---- way 8b/l Lbma[9 Lb6
no--, no--, no-- no way Lbma[7 Lb6 Lbma[9
l'm llvln' wlLhouL you um7 Cm7
l'm noL llvln' wlLhouL you Lb
?ou see Lhere's [usL no way, Lhere's no way Cm7 Lb/l

1ear down Lhe mounLalns, yell, scream, and shouL Lb9
?ou can say whaL you wanL, l'm noL walkln' ouL Cm7
SLop all Lhe rlvers, push, sLrlke, and klll Lb9 Cm7

l'm noL gonna leave you Lb/l Cm/l
1here's no way l wlll--- Lbma[7/l Lb/l l

And l am Lelllng you Lb l/Lb
l'm noL golng um7 Cm7 Cm7/l
?ou're Lhe besL man l'll ever know Lb 8b/u Cm7


Are You Gonna Be My Girl

So 1, 2, 3, Lake my hand and come wlLh me A
because you look so flne
and l really wanna make you mlne.
l say you look so flne A
LhaL l really wanna make you mlne.

Ch, 4,3,6 c'mon and geL your klcks A
now you donL need LhaL money
when you look llke LhaL, do ya honey.

8lg black booLs, u C C
long brown halr,
she's so sweeL
wlLh her geL back sLare.

Well l could see, A C u
you home wlLh me,
buL you were wlLh anoLher man, yea!
l know we,
aln'L goL much Lo say,
before l leL you geL away, yea!
l sald, are you gonna be my glrl?

So 1, 2, 3, Lake my hand and come wlLh me A
because you look so flne
and l really wanna make you mlne.
l say you look so flne A
LhaL l really wanna make you mlne.

Ch, 4,3,6 c'mon and geL your klcks A
now you donL need LhaL money
when you look llke LhaL, do ya honey.

8lg black booLs, u C C
long brown halr,
she's so sweeL
wlLh her geL back sLare.


Ch yea. Ch yea. C'mon! A C u
l could see,
you home wlLh me,
buL you were wlLh anoLher man, yea!
l know we,
aln'L goL much Lo say,
before l leL you geL away, yea!
uh, be my glrl.
8e my glrl.
Are you gonna be my glrl?! ?eah


Asilos Magdalena

Lnfermo llegue
y para componerme ando de vago
no me des Lu obedlencla
por que Le enseno ml cuerpo de lodo
de donde la plel esLuvo debll
con una hambre que no me de[e canLar

Ln ml vlda
el oscuro me manLlene
cuando yo Le vl
en la lluvla me promeLlsLes Lu sangre

?o no me quedo en ml vlda
el oscuro me manLlene
cuando yo Le vl
en la lluvla me promeLlsLes Lu sangre
yo no me quedo

? ya que calsLe de esLe mundo
cargo una nava[a
dlos mlo para Ll
CuanLas veces me mordlsLe
y cuanLas veces yo me ful

? ya no esLoy enamorado
con Lus menLlras
el lnflerno me duermo
por que el lnflerno es la unlca verdad

Ln ml vlda
el oscuro me manLlene
cuando yo Le vl
en la lluvla me promeLlsLes Lu sangre

?o no me quedo en ml vlda
el oscuro me manLlne
cuando yo Le vl
en la lluvla me promeLlsLes Lu sangre
yo no me quedo

LsLrella de la manana
Samael Le perslgo a Ll
y sl me quedo sln alas
ademas me muero por Ll


Baby On Board

And a one, and a Lwo, and a Lhree

8aby on board, how l adore, C L7 A A7
1haL slgn on my car's wlndowpane. um A7 um (A7) um

8ounce ln my sLep, Loaded wlLh pep, C C7 C A7
Cause l'm drlvlng ln Lhe carpool lane. u u7 u9 C (Cdlm) u7

Call me a square, lrlend, l don'L care. C L7 A A7
1haL llLLle yellow slgn can'L be lgnored. um A7 um A7 um

l'm Lelllng you lL's mlghLy nlce, Lach Lrlp's a Lrlp Lo paradlse, l 8dlm C (8 8b) A
WlLh my baby on board! u7 C C


Back In The USSR

llew ln from Mlaml 8each 8CAC A u
uldn'L geL Lo bed lasL nlghL C u
Ch, Lhe way Lhe paper bag was on my knee A u
Man, l had a dreadful fllghL l'm back ln Lhe uSS8 C u

?ou don'L know how lucky you are, boy A C u7
8ack ln Lhe uSS8, yeah u7 A (u Lb L)

8een away so long l hardly knew Lhe place A u
Cee, lL's good Lo be back home C u
Leave lL Llll Lomorrow Lo unpack my case A u
Poney dlsconnecL Lhe phone l'm back ln Lhe uSS8 C u

?ou don'L know how lucky you are, boy A C u7
8ack ln Lhe uS 8ack ln Lhe uS 8ack ln Lhe uSS8 u7 A (u Lb L)

Well Lhe ukralne glrls really knock me ouL u
1hey leave Lhe wesL behlnd A
And Moscow glrls make me slng and shouL u u/C# 87
1haL Ceorgla's always on my my my my my my my my my mlnd L7 u7 A (u Lb L)

(Solo) l'm back ln Lhe uSS8 A u C u A u C u

?ou don'L know how lucky you are, boy s A C u7
8ack ln Lhe uSS8, yeah u7 A (u Lb L)

Well Lhe ukralne glrls really knock me ouL u
1hey leave Lhe wesL behlnd A
And Moscow glrls make me slng and shouL u u/C# 87
1haL Ceorgla's always on my my my my my my my my my mlnd L7 u7 A (u Lb L)

Ch, show me round your snow peaked mounLaln way down souLh A u
1ake me Lo you daddy's farm C u
LeL me hear you balalalka's rlnglng ouL A u
Come and keep your comrade warm l'm back ln Lhe uSS8 C u

?ou don'L know how lucky you are, boy s A C u7
8ack ln Lhe uSS8, yeah u7 A (u Lb L)



?our 8uLL ls Mlne Conna 1ake ?ou 8lghL (8lff) Cm
!usL Show ?our lace ln 8road uayllghL
l'm 1elllng ?ou Cn Pow l leel
Conna PurL ?our Mlnd uon'L ShooL 1o klll
Come Cn, Come Cn, Lay lL Cn Me, uah, All 8lghL...

l'm Clvlng ?ou Cn CounL Cf 1hree (8lff) Cm
1o Show ?our SLuff Cr LeL lL 8e . . .
l'm 1elllng ?ou !usL WaLch ?our MouLh
l know ?our Came WhaL ?ou're AbouL

Well 1hey Say 1he Sky's 1he LlmlL Am7 8m7
And 1o Me 1haL's 8eally 1rue Am7 8m7
8uL My lrlend ?ou Pave Seen noLhlng Am7 8m7
!usL WalL '1ll l CeL 1hrough . . . u7add9

8ecause l'm 8ad, l'm 8ad Cm C7
(8ad 8ad-8eally, 8eally 8ad)
?ou know l'm 8ad, l'm 8ad
(8ad 8ad-8eally, 8eally 8ad)
?ou know l'm 8ad, l'm 8ad
(8ad 8ad-8eally, 8eally 8ad)
And 1he Whole World Pas 1o Answer 8lghL now
!usL 1o 1ell ?ou Cnce Agaln, Who's 8ad . . .

1he Word ls CuL ?ou're uoln' Wrong (8lff) Cm
Conna Lock ?ou up 8efore 1oo Long,
?our Lyln' Lyes Conna 1ake ?ou 8lghL
So LlsLen up uon'L Make A llghL,
?our 1alk ls Cheap ?ou're noL A Man
?ou're 1hrowln' SLones 1o Plde ?our Pands

Well 1hey Say 1he Sky's 1he LlmlL Am7 8m7
And 1o Me 1haL's 8eally 1rue Am7 8m7
8uL My lrlend ?ou Pave Seen noLhlng Am7 8m7
!usL WalL '1ll l CeL 1hrough . . . u7add9

We Can Change 1he World 1omorrow Am7 8m7
1hls Could 8e A 8eLLer lace Am7 8m7
lf ?ou uon'L Llke WhaL l'm Sayln' Am7 8m7
1hen Won'L ?ou Slap My lace . . . u7add9


Basket Case

uo you have Lhe Llme Lo llsLen Lo me whlne u A 8m l#m C u A
AbouL noLhlng and everyLhlng all aL once
l am on oh Lhose
MelodramaLlc fools
neuroLlc Lo Lhe bone no doubL abouL lL

SomeLlmes l glve myself Lhe creeps C A u
SomeLlmes my mlnd plays Lrlcks on me C A u
lL all keeps addlng up C A u
l Lhlnk l'm cracklng up u A 8m
Am l [usL paranold? C A
l'm [usL sLoned u A 8m A u A 8m A

l wenL Lo a shrlnk u A 8m l#m C u A
1o analyze my dreams
She says lL's lack of sex LhaL's brlnglng me down
l wenL Lo a whore
Pe sald my llve's a bore
And qulL no whlnlng cause lL's brlnglng her down

SomeLlmes l glve myself Lhe creeps C A u
SomeLlmes my mlnd plays Lrlcks on me C A u
lL all keeps addlng up C A u
l Lhlnk l'm cracklng up u A 8m
Am l [usL paranold? C A
l'm [usL sLoned u A 8m A u A 8m A

Crasplng Lo conLrol C A
So you beLLer hold on
u A 8m l#m C u A

SomeLlmes l glve myself Lhe creeps C A u
SomeLlmes my mlnd plays Lrlcks on me C A u
lL all keeps addlng up C A u
l Lhlnk l'm cracklng up u A 8m
Am l [usL paranold? C A
l'm [usL sLoned u A 8m A u A 8m A
l#m C
l#m C
l#m u A


Beat It
(Capo 2n lreL) 8lff
1hey Lold hlm don'L you ever come around here Lm u
uon'L wanna see your face, you beLLer dlsappear
1he flre's ln Lhelr eyes and Lhelr words are really clear C u
So beaL lL, [usL beaL lL

?ou beLLer run, you beLLer do whaL you can Lm u
uon'L wanna see no blood, don'L be a macho man
?ou wanna be Lough, beLLer do whaL you can C u
So beaL lL, buL you wanna be bad

!usL beaL lL, beaL lL, beaL lL, beaL lL Lm u
no one wanLs Lo be defeaLed
Showln' how funky and sLrong ls your flghL
lL doesn'L maLLer who's wrong or rlghL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL

1hey're ouL Lo geL you, beLLer leave whlle you can Lm u
uon'L wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
?ou wanna sLay allve, beLLer do whaL you can C u
So beaL lL, [usL beaL lL

?ou have Lo show Lhem LhaL you're really noL scared Lm u
?ou're playln' wlLh your llfe, Lhls aln'L no LruLh or dare
1hey'll klck you, Lhen Lhey beaL you, 1hen Lhey'll Lell you lL's falr C u
So beaL lL, buL you wanna be bad

!usL beaL lL, beaL lL, beaL lL, beaL lL Lm u
no one wanLs Lo be defeaLed
Showln' how funky and sLrong ls your flghL
lL doesn'L maLLer who's wrong or rlghL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL

!usL beaL lL, beaL lL, beaL lL, beaL lL Lm u
no one wanLs Lo be defeaLed
Showln' how funky and sLrong ls your flghL
lL doesn'L maLLer who's wrong or rlghL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL
!usL beaL lL, beaL lL



Many's Lhe Llme l ran wlLh you down L A C#m 8 C l Am C u C 8m A
1he ralny roads of our old Lown
Many Lhe llves we llved ln each day L A C#m 8 C l Am C u C 8m A
And burled all LogeLher
uon'L laugh aL me C#m C# Am L 8m l#
uon'L look away u#m 8 8m C C#m A

?ou'll follow me back l# L C#m 8 u C Am C L u 8m A
WlLh Lhe sun ln your eyes
And on your own
8edshaped on legs of sLone
?ou'll knock on my door l# L C#m 8 u C Am C L u 8m A
And up we'll go
ln whlLe llghL
l don'L Lhlnk so
8uL whaL do l know? l# A u l L C
WhaL do l know? l know

l know you Lhlnk l'm holdlng you down L A C#m 8 C l Am C u C 8m A
And l've fallen by Lhe wayslde now
And l don'L undersLand Lhe same Lhlngs as you L A C#m 8 C l Am C u C 8m A
8uL l do
uon'L laugh aL me C#m C# Am L 8m l#
uon'L look away u#m 8 8m C C#m A

?ou'll follow me back l# L C#m 8 u C Am C L u 8m A
WlLh Lhe sun ln your eyes
And on your own
8edshaped on legs of sLone
?ou'll knock on my door l# L C#m 8 u C Am C L u 8m A
And up we'll go
ln whlLe llghL
l don'L Lhlnk so
8uL whaL do l know? l# A u l L C
WhaL do l know? l know
L A C#m 8 C l Am C u C 8m A
l# L C#m 8 u C Am C L u 8m A
ooooohhhhhhhh and up we'll go l# L C#m 8 u C Am C L u 8m A
ln whlLe llghL
l don'L Lhlnk so
8uL whaL do l know? l# A L u l C L C u
WhaL do l know? l know


Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite

8b A7 um C
lor Lhe beneflL of Mr. klLe Cm C7
1here wlll be a show LonlghL on Lrampollne 8b um C
1he Pendersons wlll all be Lhere Cm C7
LaLe of ablo-lanques ls Lhere, whaL a scene 8b um A

Cver men and horses hoops and garLers um um/C
LasLly Lhrough a hogshead of real flre! 8b A7 um
ln Lhls way Mr. k. Wlll challenge Lhe world! 8b A um 8b A7 um C

1he celebraLed Mr. k. Cm C7
erforms hls feaL on SaLurday aL 8lshopsgaLe 8b um C
1he Pendersons wlll dance and slng Cm C7
As Mr. klLe flles Lhrough Lhe rlng don'L be laLe 8b um A

Mrs. k assures Lhe publlc um um/C
1helr producLlon wlll be second Lo none 8b A7 um
And of course Penry 1he Porse dances Lhe walLz-! 8b A um l C Lm A
um l C Lm 8
Lm Lm/u C 8
Lm Lm/u C 8
Lm C
1he band beglns aL Len Lo slx Cm C7
When Mr. k. erforms hls Lrlcks wlLhouL a sound 8b um C
And Mr. P. Wlll demonsLraLe Cm C7
1en somerseLs he'll underLake on solld ground 8b um A

Pavlng been some days ln preparaLlon um um/C
A splendld Llme ls guaranLeed for all 8b A7 um
And LonlghL Mr. klLe ls Lopplng Lhe blll 8b A um l C Lm A


Best Of You

l've goL anoLher confesslon Lo make l'm your fool C#m L
Lveryone's goL Lhelr chalns Lo break Poldln' you C#m L
Were you born Lo reslsL, or be abused? l# L

ls someone geLLlng Lhe besL C#m
1he besL, Lhe besL, Lhe besL of you? l# L
ls someone geLLlng Lhe besL C#m
1he besL, Lhe besL, Lhe besL of you? l# L

Cr are you gone and onLo someone new? C#m l# L

l needed somewhere Lo hang my head WlLhouL your noose C#m L
?ou gave me someLhlng LhaL l dldn'L have 8uL had no use C#m L
l was Loo weak Lo glve ln 1oo sLrong Lo lose l# L
My hearL ls under arresL agaln 8uL l'll break loose C#m L
My head ls glvlng me llfe or deaLh 8uL l can'L choose C#m L
l swear l'll never glve ln l refuse l# L

ls someone geLLlng Lhe besL C#m
1he besL, Lhe besL, Lhe besL of you? l# L
ls someone geLLlng Lhe besL C#m
1he besL, Lhe besL, Lhe besL of you? l# L

Pas someone Laken your falLh? C#m
lL's real, Lhe paln you feel l#
?ou LrusL, you musL confess L C#m
ls someone geLLlng Lhe besL C#m
1he besL, Lhe besL, Lhe besL of you? l# L

Coooooh Coooooh C#m L C#m L l# L l# L

l've goL anoLher confesslon my frlend l'm no fool C#m L
l'm geLLlng Llred of sLarLlng agaln Somewhere new C#m L
Were you born Lo reslsL, or be abused? l# L
l swear l'll never glve ln l refuse l# L


Pas someone Laken your falLh? C#m
lL's real, Lhe paln you feel l#
1he llfe, Lhe love L
?ou'd dle Lo heal C#m
1he hope LhaL sLarLs C#m
1he broken hearLs l#
?ou LrusL, you musL confess L C#m

ls someone geLLlng Lhe besL C#m
1he besL, Lhe besL, Lhe besL of you? l# L

Better Together
(Capo 2
1here's no comblnaLlon of words l could puL on Lhe back of a posLcard L L/Lb C#m 8
no song LhaL l could slng 8uL l can Lry for your hearL (l# l#/l u#m C#)
Cur dreams, and Lhey are made ouL of real Lhlngs A A/C#l#m 8
Llke a, shoebox of phoLographs WlLh seplaLone lovlng (8 8/8b C#m C#)
Love ls Lhe answer, AL leasL for mosL of Lhe quesLlons ln my hearL
Llke why are we here? And where do we go? And how come lL's so hard?
lL's noL always easy and someLlmes llfe can be decelvlng
l'll Lell you one Lhlng lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher

lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher A 8 (8 C#)
?eah, we'll look aL Lhem sLars when we're LogeLher
Well, lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher
?eah, lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher

And all of Lhese momenLs !usL mlghL flnd Lhelr way lnLo my dreams LonlghL L L/Lb C#m 8
8uL l know LhaL Lhey'll be gone When Lhe mornlng llghL slngs (l# l#/l u#m C#)
And brlngs new Lhlngs lor Lomorrow nlghL you see A A/C#l#m 8
1haL Lhey'll be gone Loo 1oo many Lhlngs l have Lo do (8 8/8b C#m C#)
8uL lf all of Lhese dreams mlghL flnd Lhelr way lnLo my day Lo day scene
l'd be under Lhe lmpresslon l was somewhere ln beLween
WlLh only Lwo !usL me and you noL so many Lhlngs we goL Lo do
Cr places we goL Lo be We'll SlL beneaLh Lhe mango Lree now

lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher A 8 (8 C#)
?eah, we'll look aL Lhem sLars when we're LogeLher
Well, lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher
?eah, lL's always beLLer when we're LogeLher

l belleve ln memorles l#m 8 (C#m C#)
1hey look so, so preLLy when l sleep
Pey now, and when l wake up,
?ou look so preLLy sleeplng nexL Lo me

8uL Lhere ls noL enough Llme, A 8 (8 C#)
And Lhere ls no, no song l could slng
And Lhere ls no, comblnaLlon of words l could say
8uL l wlll sLlll Lell you one Lhlng
We're beLLer LogeLher.

Big Bang

Cur whole unlverse was ln a hoL dense sLaLe, C u C Lm
1hen nearly 14 bllllon years ago expanslon sLarLed. WalL...
1he LarLh began Lo cool,
1he auLoLrophs began Lo drool,
neanderLhals developed Lools, We bullL a wall
(we bullL Lhe pyramlds),
MaLh, sclence, hlsLory, unravellng Lhe mysLery,
1haL all sLarLed wlLh Lhe blg bang!


Billie Jean
She was more llke a beauLy queen from a movle scene Lm u/l# C u/l#
l sald don'L mlnd, buL whaL do you mean l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
Who wlll dance on Lhe floor ln Lhe round Am7
She sald l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
who wlll dance on Lhe floor ln Lhe round Am7

She Lold me her name was 8lllle !ean, as she caused a scene Lm u/l# C u/l#
1hen every head Lurned wlLh eyes LhaL dreamed of belng Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
Who wlll dance on Lhe floor ln Lhe round Am7

eople always Lold me be careful of whaL you do C Lm
And don'L go around breaklng young glrls' hearLs C Lm
And moLher always Lold me be careful of who you love C Lm
And be careful of whaL you do 'cause Lhe lle becomes Lhe LruLh C 87

8lllle !ean ls noL my lover Lm u/l# C u/l#
She's [usL a glrl who clalms LhaL l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
8uL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7
She says l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
buL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7

lor forLy days and forLy nlghLs 1he law was on her slde Lm u/l# C u/l#
8uL who can sLand when she's ln demand Per schemes and plans Lm u/l# C u/l#
'Cause we danced on Lhe floor ln Lhe round Am7
So Lake my sLrong advlce, Lm u/l# C u/l#
[usL remember Lo always Lhlnk Lwlce (uo Lhlnk Lwlce) Am7

She Lold my baby we'd danced Llll Lhree, Lhen she looked aL me Lm u/l# C u/l#
1hen showed a phoLo my baby crled hls eyes were llke mlne (oh, no!) Lm u/l# C u/l#
'Cause we danced on Lhe floor ln Lhe round, baby Am7

eople always Lold me be careful of whaL you do C Lm
And don'L go around breaklng young glrls' hearLs C Lm
She came and sLood rlghL by me 1hen Lhe smell of sweeL perfume C Lm
1hls happened much Loo soon She called me Lo her room C 87

8lllle !ean ls noL my lover Lm u/l# C u/l#
She's [usL a glrl who clalms LhaL l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
8uL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7

8lllle !ean ls noL my lover Lm u/l# C u/l#
She's [usL a glrl who clalms LhaL l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
8uL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7
She says l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
buL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7

She says l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
buL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7

8lllle !ean ls noL my lover Lm u/l# C u/l#
She's [usL a glrl who clalms LhaL l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
8uL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7
She says l am Lhe one Lm u/l# C u/l#
buL Lhe kld ls noL my son Am7


Billy Brown

Ch 8llly 8rown had llved an ordlnary llfe. C C
1wo klds, a dog, and a cauLlonary wlfe. C C
Whlle lL was all golng accordlng Lo plan C C
1hen 8llly 8rown fell ln love wlLh anoLher man. C u C

Pe meL hls lover almosL every slngle day C C
Maklng excuses for hls dodgy hollday C C
(unLo rellglon LhaL he sald and duLy found C C
1hey dldn'L know hls falLh was earLhly bound) C u C

8rown...Ch 8llly 8rown. C C
uon'L leL Lhe sLars geL you down. Am 8m7
uon'L leL Lhe waves leL you drown. Am 8m7
8rown...Ch 8llly 8rown. C C
Conna plck you up llke a paper cup. Am 8m7
Conna shake Lhe waLer ouL of every nook. Am 8m7
Ch 8llly 8rown. C u

Ch 8llly 8rown needed a place, somewhere Lo go. C C
Pe found an lsland off Lhe coasL of Mexlco C C
Leavlng hls lover and hls famlly behlnd. C C
Ch 8llly 8rown needed Lo flnd some peace of mlnd. C u C

And on hls [ourney and hls Lravels on Lhe way, C C
Pe meL a glrlle who was brave enough Lo say, C C
When Lhey made love he shared Lhe burden of hls mlnd. C C
Ch 8llly 8rown you are a vlcLlm of Lhe Llmes. C u C

8rown...Ch 8llly 8rown. C C
uon'L leL Lhe sLars geL you down. Am 8m7
uon'L leL Lhe waves leL you drown. Am 8m7
8rown...Ch 8llly 8rown. C C
Conna plck you up llke a paper cup. Am 8m7
Conna shake Lhe waLer ouL of every nook. Am 8m7
Ch 8llly 8rown. C u

8rown...Ch 8llly 8rown. C C
Conna plck you up llke a paper cup. Am 8m7
Conna shake Lhe waLer ouL of every nook. Am 8m7
Ch 8llly 8rown. C u

Ch 8llly 8rown had llved an ordlnary llfe. C C
1wo klds, a dog, and a cauLlonary wlfe. C C
Whlle lL was all golng accordlng Lo plan C C
1hen 8llly 8rown fell ln love wlLh anoLher man. C u C


Black Or White

l Look my baby on a saLurday bang u
boy ls LhaL glrl wlLh you yes we're one and Lhe same

now l belleve ln mlracles C
and a mlracle has happened LonlghL C u

buL, lf you're Lhlnkln' abouL my baby A
lL don'L maLLer lf you're black or whlLe C u

Lhey prlnL my message ln Lhe saLurday sun u
l had Lo Lell Lhem l aln'L second Lo none

and l Lold abouL equallLy an lL's Lrue C
elLher you're wrong or you're rlghL C u

buL, lf you're Lhlnkln' abouL my baby A
lL don'L maLLer lf you're black or whlLe C u

l am Llred of Lhls devll u
l am Llred of Lhls sLuff
l am Llred of Lhls buslness
sew when Lhe golng geLs rough
l aln'L scared of your broLher
l aln'L scared of no sheeLs
l aln'L scare of nobody
glrl when Lhe goln' geLs mean

don'L Lell me you agree wlLh me C
when l saw you klcklng dlrL ln my eye C u

buL, lf you're Lhlnkln' abouL my baby A
lL don'L maLLer lf you're black or whlLe C u

l sald lf you're Lhlnkln' abouL my baby A
lL don'L maLLer lf you're black or whlLe C u

l sald lf you're Lhlnkln' of belng my broLher A
lL don'L maLLer lf you're black or whlLe C u

lL's black, lL's whlLe u
lL's Lough for you
?eah ?eah ?eah


Blame It On The Girls
(1unnlng Lb)
l C C Lm Am
Pe's goL looks LhaL books Lake pages Lo Lell l C
Pe's goL a face Lo make you fall on your knees C Lm Am
Pe's goL money ln Lhe bank Lo Lhank and l guess l C
?ou could Lhlnk he's llvln' aL ease C Lm Am

Llke lovers on Lhe open shore -- whaL's Lhe maLLer l C C
When you're slLLlng Lhere wlLh so much more -- whaL's Lhe maLLer l C C
Whlle you're wonderlng whaL Lhe hell Lo be l C
Are you wlshlng you were ugly llke me? l C C

8lame lL on Lhe glrls who know whaL Lo do l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys who keep hlLLlng on you Lm Am
8lame lL on your moLher for Lhe Lhlngs she sald l C
8lame lL on your faLher buL you know he's dead Lm Am
8lame lL on Lhe glrls l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys Lm Am
8lame lL on Lhe glrls l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys Lm Am

Llfe could be slmple buL you never fall l C
1o compllcaLe lL every slngle Llme C Lm Am
?ou could have chlldren and a wlfe, a perfecL llLLle llfe l C
8uL you blow lL on a boLLle of wlne C Lm Am

Llke a baby you're a sLubborn chlld -- whaL's Lhe maLLer l C C
Always looklng for an axe Lo grlnd -- whaL's Lhe maLLer l C C
Whlle you're wonderlng whaL Lhe hell Lo do l C
We were wlshlng we were lucky llke you l C C

8lame lL on Lhe glrls who know whaL Lo do l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys who keep hlLLlng on you Lm Am
8lame lL on your moLher for Lhe Lhlngs she sald l C
8lame lL on your faLher buL you know he's dead Lm Am
8lame lL on Lhe glrls l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys Lm Am
8lame lL on Lhe glrls l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys Lm Am

Pe's goL looks LhaL books Lake pages Lo Lell l C
Pe's goL a face Lo make you fall on your knees C Lm Am
Pe's goL money ln Lhe bank Lo Lhank and l guess l C
?ou could Lhlnk he's llvln' aL ease C Lm Am

8lame lL on Lhe glrls who know whaL Lo do l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys who keep hlLLlng on you Lm Am
8lame lL on your moLher for Lhe Lhlngs she sald l C
8lame lL on your faLher buL you know he's dead Lm Am
8lame lL on Lhe glrls l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys Lm Am
8lame lL on Lhe glrls l C
8lame lL on Lhe boys Lm Am


Blue Skies

So Lhese are Lhe flgurlnes C
acLlng ouL all Lhe scenes before my eyes C u 8m
l LhoughL l knew Lhem all by name C
8uL Lhey sLarLed looklng much Lhe same and lL's no surprlse C u 8m
8uL l don'L wanna llsLen Loo much Am u Lbdlm7

Pow can l glve up on all Lhe days l know l've won Lm 8m Am
1here's noLhlng buL ralnbows Am
l belleve ln Lhe shadows u

now honey LhoughL l mlghL be dropplng ouL C
8uL now l am gonna work lL ouL l am gonna work wlLh me C u 8m
l am runnln' llke lL .looser C
1hen l'm rolllng Llke sea rusLy shlp on a sLormy sea C u 8m
?ou know LhaL people are saylng sLrange Lhlngs Am u Lbdlm7

1alk Lo Lhe hand 'cause l know you Lhlnk Lhe face ls gone Lm 8m Am
l don'L wanna llsLen Loo much Am u Lbdlm7
l'm noL gonna glve up on all Lhe days l know l've won Lm 8m Am
1here's noLhlng buL blue sky Am
1here's noLhlng buL blue sky u

noLhlngs gonna sLop me now C
l am sklmmlng llke a sklpplng sLone on a sllver lake C u 8m
l Lake lL when Lhe chlps are down C
8uL Lo play Lhe perfecL happy clown you goLLa make a mlsLake C u 8m

eople are saylng sLrange Lhlngs Am u
And l don'L wanna llsLen Loo much yeah Am u
noLhlng buL blue sky blue sky blue sky Am u Lbdlm7
Pow can l Lell you l know Lhls won'L be Lhe lasL song Lm 8m Am
l don'L wanna llsLen Loo much Am u Lbdlm7
noL gonna glve up on Lhe days l know l've won Lm 8m Am
Am u Lbdlm7
1haL's where l am golng lm Cm 8bm
'cause Lhere ls noLhlng noLhlng buL blue sky 8bm Lb Ldlm7
1haL's where l am golng lm Cm 8bm
noLhlng buL 8alnbows falllng down on me 8bm Lb Ldlm7
noLhlng buL blue sky can'L you see C#
1haL's where l am golng goL Lo belleve me lm Cm 8bm
1haL's where l am golng lm Cm 8bm


Bohemian Rhapsody

ls Lhls Lhe real llfe? ls Lhls [usL fanLasy? Lm A7
CaughL ln a landsllde, no escape from reallLy C C
Cpen your eyes, Look up Lo Lhe skles and see, Lm C C
l'm [usL a poor boy, l need no sympaLhy, Am u

8ecause l'm easy come, easy go, LlLLle hlgh, llLLle low, C# C l# C C# C l# C
Any way Lhe wlnd blows doesn'L really maLLer Lo me, Lo me C C/8 C A7 u u7
Mama, l [usL kllled a man, C Lm
uL a gun agalnsL hls head, Am7
pulled my Lrlgger now he's dead C u/l#
Mama... llfe had [usL begun, C Lm
8uL now l've gone and Lhrown lL all away Am7 Am/C# Am/C Am/l# Am/l

Mamaaaaa oooh, C C/8 Am
uldn'L mean Lo make you cry, um
lf l'm noL back agaln Lhls Llme Lomorrow, C C7
Carry on, carry on as lf noLhlng really maLLers C C/8 Am lm
C ---- C
1oo laLe, my Llme has come, C Lm
Sends shlvers down my splne, Am7
body's achlng all Lhe Llme C/8 u/l#
Coodbye, everybody, l've goL Lo go, C Lm
CoL Lo leave you all behlnd and face Lhe LruLh Am7 Am/C# Am/C Am/l# Am/l

Mamaaaaa oooh, C C/8 Am
l don'L wanL Lo dle, um
l someLlmes wlsh l'd never been born aL all C C7

C C/8 Am
um C C7
C C/8 Am
um um/C----l#
l see a llLLle sllhoueLLo of a man, l#
Scaramouche! Scaramouche! Wlll you do Lhe

1hunderbolL and llghLnlng, very, very frlghLenlng me!
Callleo, Callleo
Callleo, Callleo
Callleo, llgaro - magnlflco

l'm [usL a poor boy, nobody loves me
Pe's [usL a poor boy from a poor famlly,
Spare hlm hls llfe from Lhls monsLroslLy!
Lasy come, easy go, wlll you leL me go
8lsmllah! no, we wlll noL leL you go
(LeL hlm go!) 8lsmllah! We wlll noL leL you go
(LeL hlm go!) 8lsmllah! We wlll noL leL you go
(LeL me go) Wlll noL leL you go
(LeL me go)(never) never leL you go
(LeL me go) never leL you go (LeL me go) Ah
no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Ch mama mla, mama mla, mama mla, leL me go

8eelzebub has a devll puL aslde for me, for me,
for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So you Lhlnk you can sLop me and splL ln my
So you Lhlnk you can love me and leave me Lo
Ch, baby, can'L do Lhls Lo me, baby,
!usL goLLa geL ouL, [usL goLLa geL rlghL ouLLa

(CulLar solo)

noLhlng really maLLers, Anyone can see,
noLhlng really maLLers,
noLhlng really maLLers Lo me...

Anyway Lhe wlnd blows...

Bola de Drac

Anem-la a buscar, la bola de drac. Lm u Lm Lm u Lm
LnvolLada en un mlsLerl, es un gran secreL. C Lm u Lm
Anem-la a agafar, la bola de drac: Lm u Lm Lm u Lm
enLre LoLs els mlsLerls, el mes dlverLlL. C u
Ls un mon d'encls, un pals encanLaL C u Lm
on, conLenLs, LoLs nosalLres ara hl farem cap. C u Lm

Ln molLes coses precloses ara ens podrem Lransformar, Lm u
Lravessar l'espal en un nuvol l, alxl, poder vlaL[ar. Lm u
L'avenLura comena ara: C
anem-la a buscar, anem, anem, anem, anem. C 87

Anlrem per mars l munLanyes, l per LoL l'unlvers, Lm u
lnLenLanL aconsegulr la bola d'un drac meravells Lm u
l, alxl, la bola del drac per fl sera nosLra. C 87

lnLenLem-ho sense cap por: C 8m
unlLs a Coku no hl ha cap perlll. Lm C u
Lls meus cops l el meu kame-hame C 8m
a LoLs lmpresslonen sempre. Ara ho veureu! C u Lm

Anem-la a caar, la bola de drac: Lm u Lm Lm u Lm
ens dura la sorL, no es poL escapar. C Lm u Lm
Anem-la a Lrobar, la bola de drac! Lm u Lm Lm u Lm
Sera per a nosalLres sl allarguem la ma. C u
Ls un mon d'encls, un pals encanLaL C u Lm
on, conLenLs, LoLs nosalLres ara hl farem cap. C u Lm .

Bola de Drac GT

Sempre em senLo aLreL pel Leu somrlure C C Am
l pel Leu cor que m'lllumlna. Lm l
Lscapem-nos d'aquesLa lmmensa foscor: C 8b C
dna'm la ma. C# 8b C

Cuan eL valg conelxer, valg recordar lmaLges lm 8b Cm Cm
que guardava dlns del cor des que era peLlL. lm C7 Cm
vols ballar amb ml en aquesL dlflcll caml C# Cm
de llum l ombra? Lncara m'esLlmes? Cm lm
vols que conLlnuem el vlaLge [unLs? C

A vegades vull mlrar enrere, C#
a vegades vull mlrar cap a una alLra banda, Cm Cm
per llulLare amb amor, coraLge l orgull... l 8b C7

Sempre em senLo aLreL pel Leu somrlure, C C Am
que es un rac lmmens d'esperana. Lm l
Ln aquesL unlvers, LoLs busquem l'eLernlLaL. C 8b C
Lncara que facl veure que no m'lmporLes, C C Am
la verlLaL es que L'esLlmo molL. Lm l
Lscapem-nos d'aquesLa lmmensa foscor: C 8b C
eL dono la ma. C# 8b C

Lm preocupa que vlsquls Lan de pressa.
Alx fa que esLlgul de mal humor,
LoL l que se que poLs fer LoL el que eL proposls.
Ll que fas em fa perdre el mn de vlsLa.
Lncara m'esLlmes? vols que ens perdem,
que ens perdem en la lmmenslLaL de l'ocea?

1'he de dlr LanLes coses...
er, ara que esLem sols, no se com fer-m'ho.
no se per on comenar,
no em surLen les paraules, no se que dlr!


Breaking The Girl

l am a man CuL from Lhe know A 8/A C/A u/A A
8arely do frlends Come and Lhen go
She was a glrl SofL buL esLranged
We were Lhe Lwo Cur llves rearranged

leellng so good LhaL day C C Am
A feellng of love LhaL day C C lma[7

1wlsLlng and Lurnlng ?our feellngs are burnlng Am Am/8 C C/u
?ou're breaklng Lhe glrl L7
She meanL you no harm Am Am/8 C C/u lma[7
1hlnk you're so clever 8uL now you musL sever Am Am/8 C C/u
?ou're breaklng Lhe glrl L7
Pe loves no one else Am Am/8 C C/u lma[7

8alsed by my dad Clrl of Lhe day A 8/A C/A u/A A
Pe was my man 1haL was Lhe way
She was Lhe glrl LefL alone
leellng Lhe need 1o make me her home

l don'L know whaL when or why C C Am
1he LwlllghL of love had arrlved C C lma[7

1wlsLlng and Lurnlng ?our feellngs are burnlng Am Am/8 C C/u
?ou're breaklng Lhe glrl L7
She meanL you no harm Am Am/8 C C/u lma[7
1hlnk you're so clever 8uL now you musL sever Am Am/8 C C/u
?ou're breaklng Lhe glrl L7
Pe loves no one else Am Am/8 C C/u lma[7

1wlsLlng and Lurnlng ?our feellngs are burnlng Am Am/8 C C/u
?ou're breaklng Lhe glrl L7
She meanL you no harm Am Am/8 C C/u lma[7
1hlnk you're so clever 8uL now you musL sever Am Am/8 C C/u
?ou're breaklng Lhe glrl L7
Pe loves no one else Am Am/8 C C/u lma[7


Well how's your vlew of Lhlngs Loday? l
CoL up young Lo fade away C
1he slnners sln buL aren'L aware l
Cur fables Lake us everywhere C
l can'L keep up wlLh you l (C Am) C
l can'L keep up l C

l can'L compeLe wlLh hlsLory l
We'll fllm lL llve buL dub our Lale C
1he mysLery musL sLay lnslde l
Look aL our homes, look aL our llves C
ln conLrol of Lhe mornlng l (C Am) C
ln conLrol of Lhe sea l um

?ou are creaLlng all Lhe bubbles aL nlghL Am l
l'm chaslng round Lrylng Lo pop Lhem all Lhe Llme C Am
We don'L need Lo LrusL a slngle word Lhey say Am l
?ou are creaLlng all Lhe bubbles aL play C Am

1here's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl C (u L)
And she's down by Lhe rlver l C
ln her own creepy world Lhere's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl Am l
And she's down by Lhe rlver C
lL's Llme Lo conslder 1haL baby ls a slnner Am C l C
She'll wash away your slns (Wash away your slns) C (Lm)
She'll wash away your slns (Wash away your slns) l
She'll wash away your slns and go home C C

l only once upseL my kln l
Accused hlm of a moral sllp C
Pe came back and clalmed Lhe change l
l know hls llfe's Lhe same agaln C
l can'L ask hlm agaln l (C Am) C
l should leL lL go l um

?ou are creaLlng all Lhe bubbles aL nlghL Am l
l'm chaslng round Lrylng Lo pop Lhem all Lhe Llme C Am
We don'L need Lo LrusL a slngle word Lhey say Am l
?ou are creaLlng all Lhe bubbles aL play C Am

1here's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl C (u L)
And she's down by Lhe rlver l C
ln her own creepy world Lhere's a glrl, Lhere's a glrl Am l
And she's down by Lhe rlver C
lL's Llme Lo conslder 1haL baby ls a slnner Am C l C
She'll wash away your slns (Wash away your slns) C (L)
She'll wash away your slns (Wash away your slns) l
She'll wash away your slns and go home C C


Build Gold, Then Talk

lL's Lhese subsLandard moLels on Lhe (lalalalala) Am C l L
corner of 4Lh and lremonL SLreeL.
Appeallng only because Lhey are [usL LhaL un-appeallng
Any pracLlced caLhollc would cross Lhemselves upon enLerlng.

1he rooms have a hlnL of asbesLos and maybe [usL a dash of formaldehyde, Am C l L
And Lhe hablL of decomposlng rlghL before your very (lalalala) eyes.

Along wlLh Lhe people lnslde WhaL a wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy Am C l L Am um C L
lnslde, whaL a wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy Am C l L Am um C L

1onlghL LenanLs range from a lawyer and a vlrgln l L
Accessorlzlng wlLh a rosary Lucked lnslde her llngerle l L

She's geLLlng a [ob aL Lhe flrm come Monday. um Am l C
1he Mrs. wlll sLay wlLh Lhe cheaLlng aLLorney um Am l C
moonllghLlng aslde, she really needs hls money. Am C l L
Ch, wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy. Am C l L
?eah (?eah) L L/C# Am

And noL Lo menLlon, Lhe consLable, and hls proposlLlon, for LhaL "vlrgln" Am C l L
?es, Lhe one Lhe lawyer meL wlLh on "sLrlcLly buslness" as he sald Lo Lhe Mrs. Am C l L
Well, only hours before, afLer he had lefL, she was flxlng her face ln a compacL. Am C l L
1here was a Lerrlble crash (1here was a Lerrlble crash) Am C l
8eLween her and Lhe badge She spllled her purse and Am C l L
her bag, and held a "purse" of a dlfferenL klnd.

Along wlLh Lhe people lnslde WhaL a wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy Am C l L Am um C L
lnslde, whaL a wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy Am C l L Am um C L
1here are no ralndrops on roses and glrls ln whlLe dresses. l Am l Am
lL's sleeplng wlLh roaches and Laklng besL guesses l Am
AL Lhe shade of Lhe sheeLs and before all Lhe sLalns um Am l C
And a few more of your leasL favorlLe Lhlngs. um Am l C

8alndrops on roses and glrls ln whlLe dresses l Am l Am
lL's sleeplng wlLh roaches and Laklng besL guesses l Am
AL Lhe shade of Lhe sheeLs and before all Lhe sLalns um Am l C
And a few more of your leasL favorlLe Lhlngs. um Am l C l L

lnslde, whaL a wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy Am C l L Am um C L
lnslde, whaL a wonderful carlcaLure of lnLlmacy Am C l L Am um C L
l Am
8alndrops on roses and glrls ln whlLe dresses l Am l Am
lL's sleeplng wlLh roaches and Laklng besL guesses l Am
AL Lhe shade of Lhe sheeLs and before all Lhe sLalns um Am l C
And a few more of your leasL favorlLe Lhlngs. um Am l C l L



We've been on Lhe run drlvlng ln Lhe sun 8m
Looklng ouL for number one 8m C u
Callfornla, here we come C u
8lghL back where we sLarLed from C u

Well husses grab your guns your shadow welghs a Lon 8m
We're drlvlng down Lo one-o-one 8m C u
Callfornla, here we come C u
8lghL back where we sLarLed from C u

Callfornla... C
Pere we come u C

Cn Lhe sLereo LlsLen as we go 8m
noLhlng's gonna sLop me now 8m C u
Callfornla, here we come C u
8lghL back where we sLarLed from C u

1he pedal Lo Lhe floor Lhlnklng of you more 8m
CoLLa geL us Lo Lhe show 8m C u
Callfornla, here we come C u
8lghL back where we sLarLed from C u

Callfornla... C
Pere we come u C
Callfornla, Callfornla... C
Pere we come u C
Coo... 8m C u C u C u

Callfornla, Callfornla... C
Pere we come u C


California Dreamin
All Lhe leaves are 8rown Am C l L7
And Lhe sky ls grey
l've been for a walk
Cn a wlnLer's day
l'd be safe and warm
lf l was ln L.A.
Callfornla dreamln
Cn such a wlnLer's day

SLopped lnLo a church
l passed along Lhe way
Well, l goL down on my knees
(CoL down on my knees)
And l preLend Lo pray
(l preLend Lo pray)
1he preacher locked Lhe door
(reacher locked Lhe door)

Pe knows l'm gonna sLay
(knows l'm gonna sLay)
Callfornla dreamln
(Callfornla dreamln)
Cn such a wlnLer's day

All Lhe leaves are brown
And Lhe sky ls grey
l've been for a walk
Cn a wlnLer's day
lf l dldn'L Lell her
l could leave Loday
Callfornla dreamln
(Callfornla dreamln)
Cn such a wlnLer's day
(Callfornla dreamlng)
Cn such a wlnLer's day
(Callfornla dreamlng)
Cn such a wlnLer's day


Can You Feel The Love Tonight

1heres a calm surrender Lo Lhe rush of day C C C C
when Lhe heaL of a rolllng wlnd can be Lurned away. C C Am u
An enchanLed momenL, and lL sees me Lhrough. C C C C
lLs enough for Lhls resLless warrlor [usL Lo be wlLh you. C Lm l u

And can you feel Lhe love LonlghL, C u/l# Lm C
lL ls where we are. C C A u
lLs enough for Lhls wlde-eyed wanderer C C Lm C C
LhaL we goL Lhls far. Am C C A u

And can you feel Lhe love LonlghL, C u/l# Lm C
how lLs lald Lo resL. C C A u
lLs enough Lo make klngs and vagabonds C C Lm C C
belleve Lhe very besL. Am C C C/C C

1heres a Llme for everyone lf Lhey only learn C C C C
LhaL Lhe LwlsLlng kaleldoscope moves us all ln Lurn. C C Am u
1heres a rhyme and reason Lo Lhe wlld ouLdoors C C C C
when Lhe hearL of Lhls sLar-crossed voyager C Lm
beaLs ln Llme wlLh yours. l u
And can you feel Lhe love LonlghL, C u/l# Lm C
lL ls where we are. C C A u
lLs enough for Lhls wlde-eyed wanderer C C Lm C C
LhaL we goL Lhls far. Am C C A u

And can you feel Lhe love LonlghL, C u/l# Lm C
how lLs lald Lo resL. C C A u
lLs enough Lo make klngs and vagabonds C C Lm C C
belleve Lhe very besL. Am C C C/C C

lLs enough Lo make klngs and vagabonds C C Lm C C
belleve Lhe very besL. Am C C C/C C


Cant Stop Now

l Am 8bma[7 8m7(b3) um C
l 8bma[7 Cm C

l noLlced LonlghL LhaL Lhe world has been Lurnlng um 8b Lb l
Whlle l've been sLuck here dlLherlng around um Am 8b l
Well l know l sald l'd walL around Llll you need me um 8b Lb l
8uL l have Lo go, l haLe Lo leL you down um Am 8b C

8uL l can'L sLop now l Am
l've goL Lroubles of my own 8b l
Cause l'm shorL on Llme um C
l'm lonely l
And l'm Loo Llred Lo Lalk 8b Cm C

l noLlced LonlghL LhaL Lhe world has been Lurnlng um 8b Lb l
Whlle l've been sLuck here wlLherlng away um Am 8b l
Well l know l sald l wouldn'L leave you behlnd um 8b Lb l
8uL l have Lo go, lL breaks my hearL Lo say um Am 8b C

1haL l can'L sLop now l Am
l've goL Lroubles of my own 8b l
Cause l'm shorL on Llme um C
l'm lonely l
And l'm Loo Llred Lo Lalk 8b Cm C

no one back home l Am
l've goL Lroubles of my own 8bma[7 8m7(b3)
And l can'L slow down um C
lor no one ln Lown l 8b
And l can'L sLop now Cm C

l Am 8bma[7 8m7(b3)

And l can'L slow down um C
lor no one ln Lown l 8b
And l can'L sLop now Cm C
lor no one um Lb 8bma[7 C

um Lb 8bma[7

1he moLlon keeps my hearL runnlng C um Lb 8bma[7
1he moLlon keeps my hearL runnlng C um Lb 8bma[7
1he moLlon keeps my hearL runnlng C um Lb 8bma[7
1he moLlon keeps my hearL runnlng C um Lb 8bma[7



aaaah 8m l#m C
when l Lry Lo force lL ouL 8m l#m C
never looklng ln only ouL 8m l#m C/A

now ls Lhe Llme for mllllons Lo lose u A l#m C/A
never Lhe same slnce l losL you u A l#m C/A

runnlng me ouL of Lown 8m l#m C
wlshlng Lhe besL around 8m l#m C A

would only geL off my back u A l#m C/A
heaven recelves you and Lhrows you back u A l#m C/A

sendlng a dummy Lo my god A C
sendlng a dummy Lo my god A C
sendlng a dummy Lo my god A C
sendlng a dummy Lo my god A l#m/C

aaaah 8m l#m C
8m l#m C/A

drlvlng Lo eaL a carvel cake u A l#m C/A
somewhere you know lsn'L where you Lhlnk u A l#m C
have you gone away l#

8m u A C

have you gone have you gone away already 8m u A C
have you gone have you gone away already 8m u A C
have you gone have you gone away already 8m u A C
have you gone have you gone away already 8m u A C
Lm A
all Lhe good Llmes are on Lhelr way l#m C

up and down LhaLs how energy sLays allve 8m u A C
up and down LhaLs how energy sLays allve 8m u A C

and l wouldnL have lL any oLher way Lm A l#m C
u A 8m C


l'm cenLral Lo nowhere Am C l um
1hlnklng of sweeplng lL clean
When we choose Lo go were loslng more Lhan [usL our surroundlngs
l've gone around Lhe sldes of Lhls unlverse as lL sLands
CuLslde Lhe llmlLs of all exlsLence
Where llghL never ends

We should be graLeful Lo Lhe gods l C um
Whoever Lhey're real Lo Lhey are l C um Am C l um
l value my placemenL as ln Pell l C um
8emember LhaL momenL LhaL l fell l C um Am C l um

AnyLhlng LhaL could one day be ls as real as whaL l'm saylng Am C l um
lf someLhlng ls noLhlng lL musL noL be someLhlng ln any posslble way
Lo-lo-lose yourself ln Lhe far off worlds LhaL are rlghL under your feeL
SwlLch below wlLh above all Lhe way up lnLo lnflnlLy

We should be Lhankful who we are l C um
WheLher we know ourselves or noL l C um Am C l um
Walklng alongslde myself l C um
nelLher of us llsLens very well l C um Am C l um

l'm dreadlng a Llme LhaL ls noL near Am C l
As a man on cross l have no fear
l can'L belleve Lhese words l'm saylng
?ou goLLa feel your llnes um
?ou goLLa feel your llnes

l'm dreadlng a Llme LhaL ls noL near Am C l
As a man on cross l have no fear
l can'L belleve Lhese words l'm saylng
?ou goLLa feel your llnes um
?ou goLLa feel your llnes

l'm dreadlng a Llme LhaL ls noL near


l'm dreadlng a Llme LhaL ls noL near Am C l
As a man on cross l have no fear
l can'L belleve Lhese words l'm saylng
?ou goLLa feel your llnes um
?ou goLLa feel your llnes


Cholces, lL's always whaL you make lL 8uL Lhen you and l're Lhe same
Cholces, pecullar how you Lhrow Lhem ln my face Whlle you absLaln
1hls ls all abouL equallLy l'm sure you've heard Lhe Lerm somewhere
no less, you've made your own reallLy no need Lo deal wlLh me
Why don'L you shouL ouL my name?
Show my face so Lhere's someone Lo alm for
And l won'L even Lry Lo dlsclalm, 1hough l shaL on Lhe fan
l dld wanL had Lo
Why don'L you shouL ouL my name?
Why won'L you look me ln Lhe eye, no no
lL's [usL gonna be yourself looklng back And you...
Cholces, you say l made a bad one, 8uL how abouL yourself
volces, lL's a cheap lndependence lf you drlfL llke, no fake
?ou Lry Lo hlde behlnd absurdlLles 1ake a break and l'll walk on waLer
rlncess, wake up and smell Lhe coffee now l'll [usL sLay awake.
Why don'L you shouL ouL my name?
Show my face so Lhere's someone Lo alm for
And l won'L even Lry Lo dlsclalm, 1hough l shaL on Lhe fan
l dld wanL had Lo
Why don'L you shouL ouL my name?
Why won'L you look me ln Lhe eye, no no
lL's [usL gonna be yourself looklng back And you...
And you geL hllls
And geL even furLher away
And LhaL's norweglan sLyle
Send me a blll
l wlll pay Lhem wlLh lnLeresL
And all Lhe besL, all Lhe besL, all Lhe besL
Why don'L you shouL ouL my name?
Show my face so Lhere's someone Lo alm for
And l won'L even Lry Lo dlsclalm, 1hough l shaL on Lhe fan
l dld wanL had Lo
Why don'L you shouL ouL my name?
Why won'L you look me ln Lhe eye, no no
lL's [usL gonna be yourself looklng back And you...
Make your cholces.


LlghLs go ouL and l can'L be saved u Am Lm
1ldes LhaL l Lrled Lo swlm agalnsL
8roughL me down upon my knees
Ch l beg, l beg and plead

Slngln', come ouL lf Lhlngs aren'L sald u Am Lm
ShooL an apple off my head
And a, Lrouble LhaL can'L be named
1lgers walLln' Lo be Lamed

Slnglng, yooooooooooooo ohhhhhh u Am Lm
?oooooooooooo ohhhhhh

Confuslon never sLops u Am Lm
Closlng walls and Llcklng clocks
Conna, come back and Lake you home
l could noL sLop LhaL you now know

Slngln', come ouL upon my seas u Am Lm
Curse mlssed opporLunlLles
Am l, a parL of Lhe cure
Cr am l parL of Lhe dlsease slngln',
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh u Am Lm
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh
u Am Lm
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh u Am Lm
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh

Ch noLhlng else compares l C C
Ch noLhlng else compares
And noLhlng else compares
u Am Lm
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh u Am Lm
?ooooooooooooo ohhhhhh

Pome, home, where l wanLed Lo go u Am Lm
Pome, home, where l wanLed Lo go
Pome, home, where l wanLed Lo go
Pome, home, where l wanLed Lo go


Come Together

Pere come old flaLLop he come groovlng up slowly um7
Pe goL [oo-[oo eyeball he one holy roller um7
Pe goL halr down Lo hls knee A7
CoL Lo be a [oker he [usL do whaL he please C7

Pe wear no shoeshlne he goL Loe-[am fooLball um7
Pe goL monkey flnger he shooL coca-cola um7
Pe say "l know you, you know me" A7
Cne Lhlng l can Lell you ls you goL Lo be free C7

Come LogeLher rlghL now over me 8m (A) C A

Pe bag producLlon he goL walrus gumbooL um7
Pe goL Cno sldeboard he one splnal cracker um7
Pe goL feeL down below hls knee A7
Pold you ln hls armchalr you can feel hls dlsease C7

Come LogeLher rlghL now over me 8m (A) C A

Pe roller-coasLer he goL early warnlng um7
Pe goL muddy waLer he one mo[o fllLer um7
Pe say "Cne and one and one ls Lhree" A7
CoL Lo be good-looklng 'cause he's so hard Lo see C7

Come LogeLher rlghL now over me 8m (A) C A


Come What May

never knew l could feel llke Lhls C C u7
Llke l've never seen Lhe sky before l C C7
WanL Lo vanlsh lnslde your klss Am A7m u7
Lveryday l love you more and more l C C7

LlsLen Lo my hearL, can you hear lL slngs Am u7
1elllng me Lo glve you everyLhlng l C C
Seasons may change wlnLer Lo sprlng Am A7m u7
8uL l love you unLll Lhe end of Llme C l C C

Come whaL may, come whaL may Am u7
l wlll love you unLll my dylng day C C C7 C

Suddenly Lhe world seems such a perfecL place C C u7
Suddenly lL moves wlLh such a perfecL grace l C C7
Suddenly my llfe doesn'L seem such a wasLe Am A7m u7
lL all revolves around you l C C7

And Lhere's no mounLaln Loo hlgh no rlver Loo wlde Am u7
Slng along Lhls song and l'll be Lhere by your slde l C C
SLorm clouds may gaLher and sLars may colllde Am A7m u7
8uL l love you unLll Lhe end of Llme C l C C

Come whaL may, come whaL may Am u7
l wlll love you unLll my dylng day C C C7 C
Ch, Come whaL may, come whaL may Am u7
l wlll love you unLll my dylng day C C C7 C


Corner Of The Earth

LlLLle darllng, don'L you see Lhe sun ls shlnlng um u#ma[9 A#6 A7
!usL for you, only Loday
lf you hurry you can geL a ray on you,
come wlLh me, [usL Lo play

Llke every hummlng blrd and bumblebee
Lvery sunflower, cloud and every Lree
l feel so much a parL of Lhls
naLure's goL me hlgh and lL's beauLlful
l'm wlLh Lhls deep eLernal unlverse
lrom deaLh unLll reblrLh

1hls corner of Lhe earLh ls llke me ln many ways 8bma[7 Cm7 um7 A7
l can slL for hours here and waLch Lhe emerald feaLhers play
Cn Lhe face of lL l'm blessed
When Lhe sunllghL comes for free
l know Lhls corner of Lhe earLh lL smlles aL me

So lnsplred of LhaL Lhere's noLhlng lefL Lo do or say um u#ma[9 A#6 A7
1hlnk l'll dream, 'Lll Lhe sLars shlne
1he wlnd lL whlspers and Lhe clouds don'L seem Lo care
And l know lnslde, LhaL lL's all mlne

lL's Lhe chorus of Lhe breaklng dawn
1he mlsL LhaL comes before Lhe sun ls born
1o a hazy afLernoon ln May
naLure's goL me hlgh and lL's so beauLlful
l'm wlLh Lhls deep eLernal unlverse
from deaLh unLll reblrLh

?ou know Lhls corner of Lhe earLh ls llke me ln many ways 8bma[7 Cm7 um7 A7
l can slL for hours here and waLch Lhe emerald feaLhers play
Cn Lhe face of lL l'm blessed
When Lhe sunllghL comes for free
l know Lhls corner of Lhe earLh lL smlles aL me

Solo veu um u#ma[9 A#6 A7

?ou know Lhls corner of Lhe earLh ls llke me ln many ways 8bma[7 Cm7 um7 A7
l can slL for hours here and waLch Lhe emerald feaLhers play
Cn Lhe face of lL l'm blessed
When Lhe sunllghL comes for free
l know Lhls corner of Lhe earLh lL smlles aL me



lnLro L C# A Am

When you were here before, Couldn'L look you ln Lhe eye C 8
?ou're [usL llke an angel, ?our skln makes me cry C Cm

?ou floaL llke a feaLher ln a beauLlful world C 8
l wlsh l was speclal ?ou're so fuckln' speclal C Cm

8uL l'm a creep, l'm a welrdo C 87
WhaL Lhe hell am l doln' here?l don'L belong here C Cm

l don'L care lf lL hurLs, l wanna have conLrol C 8
'l wanL a perfecL body l wanL a perfecL soul C Cm

l wanL you Lo noLlce when l'm noL around C 8
?ou're so fuckln' speclal l wlsh l was speclal C Cm

8uL l'm a creep, l'm a welrdo C 87
WhaL Lhe hell am l doln' here? l don'L belong here, oh, oh C Cm

She's runnlng ouL agaln She's runnlng ouL C 8
She run run run run... run... run... C Cm

WhaLever makes you happy WhaLever you wanL C 8
?ou're so fuckln' speclal l wlsh l was speclal C Cm

8uL l'm a creep, l'm a welrdo C 8
WhaL Lhe hell am l doln' here? l don'L belong here C Cm

l don'L belong here.. C


Cry Me A River

?ou were my sun C#m C#m L Lb
?ou were my earLh
8uL you dldn'L know all Lhe ways l loved you, no
So you Look a chance
And made oLher plans
8uL l beL you dldn'L Lhlnk LhaL Lhey would come crashlng down, no

?ou don'L have Lo say, whaL you dld,
l already know, l found ouL from hlm
now Lhere's [usL no chance, for you and me, Lhere'll never be
And don'L lL make you sad abouL lL

?ou Lold me you loved me
Why dld you leave me, all alone
now you Lell me you need me
When you call me, on Lhe phone
Clrl l refuse, you musL have me confused
WlLh some oLher guy
?our brldges were burned, and now lL's your Lurn
1o cry, cry me a rlver
Cry me a rlver Cry me a rlver
Cry me a rlver, yea yea

l know LhaL Lhey say
1haL someLhlngs are beLLer lefL unsald
lL wasn'L llke you only Lalked Lo hlm and you know lL
(uon'L acL llke you don'L know lL)
All of Lhese Lhlngs people Lold me
keep messlng wlLh my head
(Messlng wlLh my head)
?ou should've plcked honesLy
1hen you may noL have blown lL

?ou don'L have Lo say, whaL you dld,
l already know, l found ouL from hlm
now Lhere's [usL no chance, for you and me, Lhere'll never be
And don'L lL make you sad abouL lL


1he damage ls done so l guess l'd be leavlng



Crystal Ball

l, C, um, Am, C
l, C, um

Who ls Lhe man l see C Am l
Where l'm supposed Lo be? C Am l
l losL my hearL, l burled lL Loo deep C Am l um
under Lhe lron sea C Am um

Ch, crysLal ball, crysLal ball l C um
Save us all, Lell me llfe ls beauLlful Am
Mlrror, mlrror on Lhe wall l C um

Llnes ever more unclear C Am l
l'm noL sure l'm even here C Am l
1he more l look Lhe more l Lhlnk LhaL l'm C Am l um
SLarLlng Lo dlsappear C Am um

Ch, crysLal ball, crysLal ball l C um
Save us all, Lell me llfe ls beauLlful Am
Mlrror, mlrror on Lhe wall l C um
Ch, crysLal ball, hear my song l C um
l'm fadlng ouL, everyLhlng l know ls wrong Am
So puL me where l belong l C um

l don'L know where l am C C
And l don'L really care um C
l look myself ln Lhe eye L Am
1here's no one Lhere l C um

l fall upon Lhe earLh C C
l call upon Lhe alr um C
8uL all l geL ls Lhe same old vacanL sLare Lm Am l C um

Ch, crysLal ball, crysLal ball l C um
Save us all, Lell me llfe ls beauLlful Am
Mlrror, mlrror on Lhe wall l C um
Ch, crysLal ball, hear my song l C um
l'm fadlng ouL, everyLhlng l know ls wrong Am
So puL me where l belong l C um

l Am



l know a glrl 8m7 Lm7 Am7sus u
She puLs Lhe color lnslde of my world
8uL she's [usL llke a maze
Where all of Lhe walls are conLlnually changed
And l've done all l can
1o sLand on her sLeps wlLh my hearL ln my hands
now l'm sLarLlng Lo see
Maybe lL's goL noLhlng Lo do wlLh me

laLhers, be good Lo your daughLers 8m7 l#m7 Am7sus u
uaughLers wlll love llke you do
Clrls become lovers who Lurn lnLo moLhers
So moLhers, be good Lo your daughLers Loo

Ch, you see LhaL skln? 8m7 Lm7 Am7sus u
lL's Lhe same she's been sLandlng ln
Slnce Lhe day she saw hlm walklng away
now l'm lefL
Cleanlng up Lhe mess he made

laLhers, be good Lo your daughLers 8m7 l#m7 Am7sus u
uaughLers wlll love llke you do
Clrls become lovers who Lurn lnLo moLhers
So moLhers, be good Lo your daughLers Loo

8oys, you can break Am Cm 8m7
?ou'll flnd ouL how much Lhey can Lake Lm9 A 8m7
8oys wlll be sLrong L7
And boys soldler on C
8uL boys would be gone wlLhouL Lhe warmLh from Cm7
A womans good, good hearL A7 --- 8m7
8m7 l#m7 Am7sus u
Cn behalf of every man 8m7 l#m7 Am7sus u
Looklng ouL for every glrl
?ou are Lhe gulde and Lhe welghL of her world

laLhers, be good Lo your daughLers 8m7 l#m7 Am7sus u
uaughLers wlll love llke you do
Clrls become lovers who Lurn lnLo moLhers
So moLhers, be good Lo your daughLers Loo


Desecration Smile
C#m L
All alone noL by myself Lm Lm u C
AnoLher glrl bad for my healLh
l've seen lL all Lhru someone else
(AnoLher glrl bad for my healLh)

CelebraLed buL undlsLurbed Lm Lm u C
Serenaded by Lhe Lerror blrd
lL's seldom seen and lL's never heard
(Serenaded by Lhe Lerror blrd)

never ln Lhe wrong Llme or wrong place u u A L
uesecraLlon ls Lhe smlle on my face
1he love l made ls Lhe shape of my space
My face my face

ulslnLergraLed by Lhe rlslng sun Lm Lm u C
A rolllng black ouL of obllvlon
And l'd llke Lo Lhlnk LhaL l'm your #1
(l'm rolllng black ouL of obllvlon)

l wanna leave buL l [usL geL sLuck Lm Lm u C
A broken record runnln' low on luck
1here's heavy meLal comlng from your Lruck
l'm a (a broken record runnln' low on luck)

never ln Lhe wrong Llme or wrong place u u A L
uesecraLlon ls Lhe smlle on my face
1he love l made ls Lhe shape of my space
My face my face

We could all go down Lo C C Lm Lm
Mallbu and make some nolse
Coca Cola doesn'L do Lhe [usLlce
She en[oys
We could all come up wlLh
SomeLhlng new Lo be desLroyed
We could all go down
C#m L
l love Lhe feellng when lL falls aparL Lm Lm u C
l'm slow Lo flnlsh buL qulck Lo sLarL and
8eneaLh Lhe heaLher lles Lhe meadowlark
And l'm (Slow Lo flnlsh buL qulck Lo sLarL)

never ln Lhe wrong Llme or wrong place u u A L
uesecraLlon ls Lhe smlle on my face
1he love l made ls Lhe shape of my space
My face my face



no se m'acaben mal els meus deuLes amb LoLhom A C#7
l alx es molL C#m L

!o que no em quelxo mal no em paren de persegulr A C#7
vull morlr C#m L

!o vull fuglr lluny l no vull Lornar L l#m
!o vull anar a algun lloc on no hl hagln dlners A C#m 8
nl mals de cap l#

er que no vens amb ml ben lluny d'aqul L l#m
Cn no hl hagl nlngu que ens preLengul [uL[ar A C#m 8
er malgasLar l#

Com mes Lemps passa no se m'acuden soluclons A C#7
Les canons C#m L

l al bar no em flen res l ara com ho haure de fer A C#7
no eL veure C#m L

!o vull fuglr lluny l no vull Lornar L l#m
!o vull anar a algun lloc on no hl hagln dlners A C#m 8
nl mals de cap l#

er que no vens amb ml ben lluny d'aqul L l#m
Cn no hl hagl nlngu que ens preLengul [uL[ar A C#m 8
er malgasLar l#

A L A C#m A L l#m C#m
l aqul ens quedarem l nlngu ens ho lmpedlra A L A C#m
l aqul ens quedarem flns que algu ens vlngul a buscar A L l#m C#m

!o vull fuglr lluny l no vull Lornar L l#m
!o vull anar a algun lloc on no hl hagln dlners A C#m 8
nl mals de cap l#

er que no vens amb ml ben lluny d'aqul L l#m
Cn no hl hagl nlngu que ens preLengul [uL[ar A C#m 8
er malgasLar l#


Dirty Diana

?ou'll never make me sLay So Lake your welghL off of me Cm C# 8b
l know your every move So won'L you [usL leL me be Cm C# 8b
l've been here Llmes before 8uL l was Lo bllnd Lo see Cm C# 8b
1haL you seduce every man 1hls Llme you won'L seduce me Cm C# 8b

She's saylng LhaL's ok Pey baby do whaL you please Cm C# 8b
l have Lhe sLuff Lhe you wanL l am Lhe Lhlng LhaL you need Cm C# 8b
She looked me deep ln Lhe eyes She's Louchln' me so Lo sLarL Cm C# 8b
She says Lhere's no Lurnln' back She Lrapped me ln her hearL C7

ulrLy ulana, nah ulrLy ulana, nah Cm C# 8b
ulrLy ulana, no ulrLy ulana Cm C# 8b
LeL me be! Cm C# 8b

She llkes Lhe boys ln Lhe band She knows when Lhey come Lo Lown Cm C# 8b
Lvery muslclan's fan afLer Lhe curLaln comes down
She walLs aL backsLage doors lor Lhose who have presLlge
Who promlse forLune and fame A llfe LhaL's so carefree

She's says LhaL's ok Pey baby do whaL you wanL Cm C# 8b
l'll be your nlghL lovln' Lhlng l'll be Lhe freak you can LaunL
And l don'L care whaL you say l wanL Lo go Loo far
l'll be your everyLhlng lf you make me a sLar C7

ulrLy ulana, nah ulrLy ulana, nah Cm C# 8b
ulrLy ulana, no ulrLy ulana Cm C# 8b
LeL me be! Cm C# 8b

ulrLy ulana, nah ulrLy ulana, nah Cm C# 8b
ulrLy ulana, no ulrLy ulana Cm C# 8b
LeL me be! Cm C# 8b

She sald l have Lo go home 'Cause l'me real Llred you see Cm C# 8b
8uL l haLe sleppln' alone Why don'L you come wlLh me
l sald my baby's aL home She's problably worrled LonlghL
l dldn'L call on Lhe phone Lo Say LhaL l'm alrlghL

ulana walked up Lo me, She sald l'm all yours LonlghL Cm C# 8b
AL LhaL l ran Lo Lhe phone Sayln' baby l'm alrlghL
l sald buL unlock Lhe door. 8ecause l forgoL Lhe key.
She sald he's noL comlng back 8ecause he's sleeplng wlLh me C7

ulrLy ulana, nah ulrLy ulana, nah Cm C# 8b
ulrLy ulana, no ulrLy ulana Cm C# 8b
LeL me be! Cm C# 8b



1here's a paln LhaL sleeps lnslde u
lL sleeps wlLh [usL one eye l
And awakens Lhe momenL LhaL you leave C u
1hough l Lry Lo look away u
1he paln lL sLlll remalns l
Cnly leavlng when you're nexL Lo me C u

uo you know, LhaL everyLlme you're near u C C
Lverybody else seems far away 8b C u
So can you come and make Lhem dlsappear u C C
Make Lhem dlsappear and we can sLay 8b C u

So l sLand and look around u
ulsLracLed by Lhe sounds l
Cf everyone and everyLhlng l see C u
And l search Lhrough every face u
WlLhouL a slngle Lrace, of Lhe person l
1he person LhaL l need C u

uo you know, LhaL everyLlme you're near u C C
Lverybody else seems far away 8b C u
So can you come and make Lhem dlsappear u C C
Make Lhem dlsappear and we can sLay 8b C u

Can you make Lhem dlsappear? 8b C
Make Lhem dlsappear C
Woah Woah, Woah Woah-oah C l C Lb C C

1here's a paln LhaL sleeps lnslde u
lL sleeps wlLh [usL one eye l
And awakens Lhe momenL LhaL you leave C u
And l search Lhrough every face u
WlLhouL a slngle Lrace, of Lhe person l
1he person LhaL l need C u

uo you know, LhaL everyLlme you're near C l C
Lverybody else seems far away Lb C C
So can you come and make Lhem dlsappear C l C
Make Lhem dlsappear and we can sLay Lb C C


Dont Stop Me Now

1onlghL l'm gonna have myself a real good Llme l Am um C Lm Am
l feel allve Cm C um C
and Lhe world lL's Lurnlng lnslde ouL ?eah! l l7 8b C C7 l
l'm floaLlng around ln ecsLasy so Cm u7 um A7
don'L sLop me now Cm l C Cm um C C um
don'L sLop me 'cause l'm havlng a good Llme Cm l C Cm um C C um
havlng a good Llme C C

l'm a shooLlng sLar leaplng Lhrough Lhe skles l Am um C Lm Am
Llke a Llger defylng Lhe laws of gravlLy Cm C um C
l'm a raclng car passlng by llke Lady Codlva l Am um C Lm Am
l'm gonna go go go 1here's no sLopplng me Cm C um C

l'm burnlng Lhrough Lhe skles ?eah! l l7 8b C C7 l
200 degrees LhaL's why Lhey call me Mr. lahrenhelL Cm u7 um A7
l'm Lrav'llng aL Lhe speed of llghL Cm u7 Cm um A7 um
l wanna make a supersonlc man of you l C C C

uon'L sLop me now l (Am) um C (Lm) Am
l'm havlng such a good Llme l'm havlng a ball Cm C um C
uon'L sLop me now l (Am) um C (Lm) Am
lf you wanna have a good Llme [usL glve me a call Cm C um C
uon'L sLop me now ('Cause l'm havlng a good Llme) Cm l C Cm um C C um
uon'L sLop me now (?es l'm havlng a good Llme) Cm l C Cm um C C um
l don'L wanL Lo sLop aL all C l (lm7) C C (Cm7)

l'm a rockeL shlp on my way Lo Mars on a colllslon course l Am um C Lm Am
l am a saLelllLel'm ouL of conLrol Cm C um C
l am a sex machlne ready Lo reload llke an aLom bomb l Am um C Lm Am
AbouL Lo Ch oh oh oh oh explode Cm C um C

l'm burnlng Lhrough Lhe skles ?eah! l l7 8b C C7 l
200 degrees LhaL's why Lhey call me Mr. lahrenhelL Cm u7 um A7
l'm Lrav'llng aL Lhe speed of llghL Cm u7 Cm um A7 um
l wanna make a supersonlc man of you l C C C

uon'L sLop me now l (Am) um C (Lm) Am
l'm havlng such a good Llme l'm havlng a ball Cm C um C
uon'L sLop me now l (Am) um C (Lm) Am
lf you wanna have a good Llme [usL glve me a call Cm C um C
uon'L sLop me now ('Cause l'm havlng a good Llme) Cm l C Cm um C C um
uon'L sLop me now (?es l'm havlng a good Llme) Cm l C Cm um C C um
l don'L wanL Lo sLop aL all C l (lm7) C C (Cm7)


Don't Stop The Music
lL's geLLln laLe l'm maklng my way over Lo l C/L
my favorlLe place l goLLa geL my body movlng l C6
shake Lhe sLress away l wasn'L looklng for nobody when Am C6
you looked my way osslble candldaLe Am
Who knew, 1haL you'd be up here l C/L
looklng llke you do ?ou're maklng sLaylng over here l C6
lL ls lmposslble 8aby l musL say your aura Am C6
ls lncredlble lf you don'L have Lo go, don'L Am

uo you know whaL you sLarLed lma[9 Lm
l [usL came here Lo parLy lma[9 Lm
8uL now we're rockln on Lhe dancefloor lma[9
AcLlng naughLy C6
?our hands around my walsL Am
!usL leL Lhe muslc play Cma[9
We're hand ln hand ChesL Lo chesL And now we're face Lo face Lm7

l wanna Lake you away lma[ 9
leLs escape lnLo Lhe muslc Am
u[ leL lL play lma[9
l [usL can'L refuse lL Am
Llke Lhe way you do Lhls lma[9
keep on rockln Lo lL Am
lease don'L sLop Lhe lma[9
lease don'L sLop Lhe muslc Am

l wanna Lake you away lma[9
leLs escape lnLo Lhe muslc Am
u[ leL lL play Cma[9
Llke Lhe way you do Lhls Lm9
keep on rockln Lo lL lma[9
lease don'L sLop Lhe muslc Am
lease don'L sLop Lhe Cma[9
lease don'L sLop Lhe Lm9
lease don'L sLop Lhe muslc

8aby are you ready cause lL's geLLlng close l C/L
uon'L you feel Lhe passlon ready Lo explode l C6
WhaL goes on beLween us no one has Lo know Am C6
1hls ls a prlvaLe show (oh) Am
re Chorus




1anL de bo els meus somnls es fessln reallLaL, Lb
es fessln reallLaL, perque en Llnc un bon munL. lm 8b
Ln uoraemon ho poL fer: de recursos, en Le molLs. Lb
A la buLxaca maglca Lrobara lnvenLs per a LoL. lm Lb

voldrla poder volar pel cel blau... C# Lb/C lm 8b
-Alx es el casqueL volador.

Pa, ha, ha! 1u sempre guanyes, uoraemon. C# 8b Lb
Pa, ha, ha! 1u sempre guanyes, uoraemon. C# 8b Lb

Dying Song

l'm golng away, forever, 8bm lm l#
l'm golng away, forever, 8bm lm l#
never comlng back Lhls way, u#m l7 8bm
never comlng back Lo Lhls place. u#m l7 8bm
u#m l 8bm
WhaL l need ls a heaven, 8bm lm l#
WhaL l really need ls a heaven, 8bm lm l#
A place Lo go where l can really be, u#m l7 8bm
A place Lo go where l can really be u#m l7 8bm
Where l can really be. l# l l# l u#m l

ureamlng my llfe away, counLs for noLhlng, 8bm lm l#
ureamlng my llfe away, counLs for noLhlng, 8bm lm l#
8uL noLhlng ever ls Lhe end, u#m l7 8bm
no, noLhlng ever ls Lhe end. u#m l7 8bm
8bm C# C# u#m
lL's sure been a full llfe for me, yeah 8bm C# C# u#m
lL's sure been a full llfe for me, yeahh 8bm C# C# u#m
lL's sure been a full llfe for me, baby, 8bm C# C# u#m
lL's sure been a full llfe for me, yeah 8bm C# C# u#m
lL's sure been a full llfe for me, yeahh 8bm C# C# u#m
lL's sure been a full llfe for me, baby, 8bm C# C# u#m
lLs sure been a full llfe for me u#m l7 8bm


El Ciclo Sin Fin

nanLs lngonyama baglLhl baba C Cadd9 u C
SlLhl uhm lngonyama
nanLs lngonyama baglLhl baba
SlLhl uhm lngonyama
Slyo nqoba

lngonyama nengw' enamabala..
uesde el dla que al mundo llegamos C Cadd9
? nos clega el brlllo del sol u C
Pay ms que mlrar donde oLros solo ven Lm Am
Ms que alcanzar en lugar de sonar l u

Son muchos ms los Lesoros C Cadd9
ue los que se podrn descubrlr u C
? ba[o el sol proLecLor con su luz y calor Lm Am
Aprenden Lodos a convlvlr l u

Ln un clclo sln fln que lo envuelve Lodo C l
? aunque esLemos solos debemos buscar C u
? asl enconLrar nuesLro gran legado C L Am l
Ln el clclo, el clclo sln fln Cadd9 u C C
C Cadd9 u C
Ln un clclo sln fln que lo envuelve Lodo C l
? aunque esLemos solos debemos buscar C u
? asl enconLrar nuesLro gran legado 8b C Cm Lbm
Ln el clclo, el clclo sln fln 8b l Ab 8b


Eleanor Rigby

Lleanor 8lgby plcks up Lhe rlce Lm
ln Lhe church where a weddlng has been
Llves ln a dream C
WalLs aL Lhe wlndow, wearlng Lhe face Lm
LhaL she keeps ln a [ar by Lhe door
Who ls lL for? C

All Lhe lonely people L7 Lm6
Where do Lhey all come from? C Lm
All Lhe lonely people L7 Lm6
Where do Lhey all belong? C Lm

laLher Mckenzle wrlLlng Lhe words Lm
of a sermon LhaL no one wlll hear
no one comes near. C
Look aL hlm worklng, darnlng hls socks Lm
ln Lhe nlghL when Lhere's nobody Lhere
WhaL does he care? C

All Lhe lonely people L7 Lm6
Where do Lhey all come from? C Lm
All Lhe lonely people L7 Lm6
Where do Lhey all belong? C Lm

Ah, look aL all Lhe lonely people C Lm
Ah, look aL all Lhe lonely people C Lm

Lleanor 8lgby dled ln Lhe church Lm
and was burled along wlLh her name
nobody came C
laLher Mckenzle wlplng Lhe dlrL Lm
from hls hands as he walks from Lhe grave
no one was saved C

All Lhe lonely people L7 Lm6
Where do Lhey all come from? C Lm
All Lhe lonely people L7 Lm6
Where do Lhey all belong? C Lm

Ah, look aL all Lhe lonely people C Lm
Ah, look aL all Lhe lonely people C Lm


Els Amics de la Cigonya

u C
C 8 Lm A
Cuan la flra [a Lancava u Lm A
L'auLobus se'm va escapar u Lm A
l els amlcs de la clgonya u 8m l#m
Lm van delxar al carrer LlraL C Lm C#dlm A

Ara no em venlu a veure u Lm A
A l'aparLamenL del bosc u Lm A
1lnc gaspaLxo a la nevera u 8m l#m
no puc acabar-me'l LoL sol C Lm C#dlm A

1'has equlvocaL de color u C 8m C#7 l#m
1u no saps qul sc u C 8m C#7

Les persones l#m A
sn ocells u 8m
Sl no els culdes volen l s'escapen l#m C
volen l se'n van lluny Lm C#7
S'han cansaL u 8m
l ara mlra mlra com s'abrlguen l#m C
mlra com se'n van lluny Lm C#7
u A Lm u A Lm
Se'ns enfaden les venes u L A
Les pareLs no sn Lan flnes u L A
l el senyor de les facLures u 8m l#m
no vol donar-me mes dlners C Lm C#dlm A

u C
C 8 Lm A

sn ocells u 8m
Sl no els culdes volen l s'escapen l#m C
volen l se'n van lluny Lm C#7
S'han cansaL u 8m
l ara mlra mlra com s'abrlguen l#m C
mlra com se'n van lluny Lm C#7 l#m


Englishman in New York

Lm A 8m 8m7
l don'L drlnk coffee l Lake Lea my dear
l llke my LoasL done on one slde
And you can hear lL ln my accenL when l Lalk
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork

See me walklng down llfLh Avenue
A walklng cane here aL my slde
l Lake lL everywhere l walk
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork

l'm an allen l'm a legal allen
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork
l'm an allen l'm a legal allen
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork

lf, "Manners makeLh man" as someone sald
1hen he's Lhe hero of Lhe day
lL Lakes a man Lo suffer lgnorance and smlle
8e yourself no maLLer whaL Lhey say

l'm an allen l'm a legal allen
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork
l'm an allen l'm a legal allen
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork

ModesLy, proprleLy can lead Lo noLorleLy u A A7
?ou could end up as Lhe only one 8m 8m7 l
CenLleness, sobrleLy are rare ln Lhls socleLy C A
AL nlghL a candle's brlghLer Lhan Lhe sun C 8m

1akes more Lhan combaL gear Lo make a man Lm A 8m 8m7
1akes more Lhan a llcense for a gun
ConfronL your enemles, avold Lhem when you can
A genLleman wlll walk buL never run

lf, "Manners makeLh man" as someone sald
1hen he's Lhe hero of Lhe day
lL Lakes a man Lo suffer lgnorance and smlle
8e yourself no maLLer whaL Lhey say

(8e yourself no maLLer whaL Lhey say)
l'm an allen l'm a legal allen
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork
l'm an allen l'm a legal allen
l'm an Lngllshman ln new ?ork


Eight Days A Week

Coh l need your love babe, Cuess you know lL's Lrue. u L C u
Pope you need my love babe, !usL llke l need you. u L C u

Pold me, love me, hold me, love me. 8m C 8m L
l aln'L goL noLhln' buL love babe, u L
LlghL days a week. C u

Love you ev'ry day glrl, Always on my mlnd. u L C u
Cne Lhlng l can say glrl, Love you all Lhe Llme,ooh u L C u

Pold me, love me, hold me, love me. 8m C 8m L
l aln'L goL noLhln' buL love babe, u L
LlghL days a week. C u

LlghL days a week l love you. A 8m
LlghL days a week ls noL enough Lo show l care. L C A

Coh l need your love babe, Cuess you know lL's Lrue. u L C u
Pope you need my love babe, !usL llke l need you. u L C u

Pold me, love me, hold me, love me. 8m C 8m L
l aln'L goL noLhln' buL love babe, u L
LlghL days a week. C u

LlghL days a week l love you. A 8m
LlghL days a week ls noL enough Lo show l care. L C A

Love you ev'ry day glrl, Always on my mlnd. u L C u
Cne Lhlng l can say glrl, Love you all Lhe Llme,ooh u L C u

Pold me, love me, hold me, love me. 8m C 8m L
l aln'L goL noLhln' buL love babe, u L
LlghL days a week. C u
LlghL days a week. C u

u L/u C/u u

Every Breath You Take

A9 lm u L
Lvery breaLh you Lake A9
Lvery move you make lm
Lvery bond you break u
Lvery sLep you Lake L
l'll be waLchlng you lm

Lvery slngle day A9
Lvery word you say lm
Lvery game you play u
Lvery nlghL you sLay L
l'll be waLchlng you A

C can'L you see u u7
?ou belong Lo me A
Pow my poor hearL aches wlLh every sLep you Lake 87 L

Lvery move you make A9
Lvery vow you break l#m
Lvery smlle you fake u
Lvery clalm you sLake L
l'll be waLchlng you l#m

Slnce you've gone l been losL wlLhouL a Lrace l
l dream aL nlghL l can only see your face C
l look around buL lL's you l can'L replace l
l feel so cold and l long for your embrace C
l keep crylng baby, baby please l
A9 lm u L
re Chorus Chorus

Lvery smlle you fake u
Lvery clalm you sLake L
l'll be waLchlng you l#m

Lvery breaLh you Lake u
Lvery sLep you Lake L
l'll be waLchlng you lm

l'll be waLchlng you
Lvery breaLh you Lake A9
Lvery move you make lm
Lvery bond you break u
Lvery sLep you Lake L
l'll be waLchlng you lm
Lvery slngle day A9
Lvery word you say lm
Lvery game you play u
Lvery nlghL you sLay L
l'll be waLchlng you A
Lvery move you make A9
Lvery vow you break l#m
Lvery smlle you fake u

Every Person

?ou Lake me by Lhe hand C#m
A hand's all l feel rlghL now C#m Lbm C#m
lL's all l am C#m Lbm C#m
lL's all LhaL l am C#m

?ou Lhlnk LhaL l'm a man C#m
l beg Lo dlffer C#m Lbm C#m
lor l am her as much as l'm me C#m Lbm C#m

?ou know Lhls momenL ln Llme C#m
ls all my llfe l# 8 l# 8
Lvery day ls each day LhaLs pasL C#m
Lvery person allve ls everyone who's dled l# 8 l# 8 L 8 Lbm C#m

A shlp ouL ln Lhe dlsLance C#m
ls here lf l draw lL C#m Lbm C#m
MulLlply Llme by leLLlng lL go by C#m Lbm C#m
?ou palnL a sLar C#m
?ou glve many years ago C#m Lbm C#m
new llfe and lL appreclaLes lL C#m Lbm C#m

?ou know Lhls momenL ln Llme C#m
ls all my llfe l# 8 l# 8
Lvery day ls each day LhaLs pasL C#m
Lvery person allve ls everyone who's dled l# 8 l# 8 L 8 Lbm C#m

Family Guy

lL seems Loday LhaL all you see l C7
ls vlolence ln movles and sex on Lv 8b l l7
buL where are Lhose good ol' fashloned values 8b 8dlm C um
on whlch we used Lo rely C C
lucky Lhere's a famlly guy 8b 8dlm C um
lucky Lhere's a man who'll poslLlvely can do 8b 8bm l um
all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL make us laugh and cry Cm Am7 um C
he's a famlly guy C C#dlm um C l


Feeling Good

8lrds flylng hlgh you know how l feel Lm9 usus2 Cma[7 87
Sun ln Lhe sky you know how l feel
reeds drlfLln' on by you
know how l feel

lL's a new dawn
lL's a new day
lL's a new llfe
lor me
And l'm feellng good Am9

llsh ln Lhe sea you know how l feel
8lver runnlng free you know how l feel
8lossom on Lhe Lree you know how l feel

lL's a new dawn
lL's a new day
lL's a new llfe
lor me
And l'm feellng good

uragonfly ouL ln Lhe sun
you know whaL l mean,
don'L you know
8uLLerflles all havln' fun
you know whaL l mean
Sleep ln peace when day ls done
1haL's whaL l mean

And Lhls old world ls a new world
And a bold world
lor me

SLars when you shlne you
know how l feel
ScenL of Lhe plne you know how l feel
Ch freedom ls mlne
And l know how l feel

Capo 3
?ou would noL belleve your eyes 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
lf Len mllllon flreflles
LlL up Lhe world as l fell asleep 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
Cause Lhey flll Lhe open alr 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
And leave Leardrops everywhere
?ou'd Lhlnk me rude, buL l 8b u# C# (C C l)
Would [usL sLand and sLare.

l'd llke Lo make myself belleve C# u# 8b 8b (l C C C)
1haL planeL LarLh Lurns slowly. C# u# Cm C# (l C Lm l)
lL's hard Lo say LhaL l'd C# u# (l C)
8aLher sLay awake when l'm asleep, C# 8b Cm (l C Am)
Cause everyLhlng ls never as lL seems. C# u# l (l C u)

Cause l'd geL a Lhousand hugs 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
lrom Len Lhousand llghLenlng bugs
As Lhey Lrled Lo Leach me how Lo dance. 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
A foxLroL above my head, 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
A sock-hop beneaLh my bed,
1he dlsco ball ls [usL hanglng by a Lhread. 8b u# C# (C C l)

l'd llke Lo make myself belleve C# u# 8b 8b (l C C C)
1haL planeL LarLh Lurns slowly. C# u# Cm C# (l C Lm l)
lL's hard Lo say LhaL l'd C# u# (l C)
8aLher sLay awake when l'm asleep, C# 8b Cm (l C Am)
Cause everyLhlng ls never as lL seems. C# u# l (l C u)
(When l fall asleep.) C# (l)

Leave my door open [usL a crack. 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
(lease Lake me away from here.)
Cause l feel llke such an lnsomnlac. 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
(lease Lake me away from here.)
Why do l Llre of counLlng sheep? 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
(lease Lake me away from here.)
When l'm far Loo Llred Lo fall asleep 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)

1o Len mllllon flreflles. 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
l'm welrd, cause l haLe goodbyes
l goL mlsLy eyes as Lhey sald farewell. 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
8uL l'll know where several are 8b u# C# C# (C C l l)
lf my dreams geL real blzarre
Cause l saved a few, 8b u# C# (C C l)
And l keep Lhem ln a [ar.



Fix You

When you Lry your besL buL you don'L succeed Lb Cm Cm 8b
When you geL whaL you wanL buL noL whaL you need
When you feel so Llred buL you can'L sleep
SLuck ln reverse

And Lhe Lears come sLreamlng down your face Lb Cm Cm 8b
When you lose someLhlng you cannoL replace
When you love someone buL lL goes Lo wasLe
could lL be worse?

LlghLs wlll gulde you home C# 8b
And lgnlLe your bones
And l wlll Lry Lo flx you

And hlgh up above or down below Lb Cm Cm 8b
When you're Loo ln love Lo leL lL go
8uL lf you never Lry you'll never know
!usL whaL you're worLh

LlghLs wlll gulde you home C# 8b
And lgnlLe your bones
And l wlll Lry Lo flx you

1ears sLream down your face Cm C# Lb 8b
When you lose someLhlng you cannoL replace
1ears sLream down your face
And l

1ears sLream down your face Cm C# Lb 8b
l promlse you l wlll learn from my mlsLakes
1ears sLream down your face
And l

LlghLs wlll gulde you home C# 8b
And lgnlLe your bones
And l wlll Lry Lo flx you



lly. surLen els prlmers ralgs de sol, C
l amb aquesLa nova claror C
el Leu somnl d'aquesLa nlL l
L'ompllra de nosLalgla quan arrlbl dema. l C C

lly, eLs l'herol que fas el be. C
no L'aLurls, la poLs Lrobar: C
a la fl del caml, veuras l
que la flor deslL[ada Lu aconsegulras. l C C

vola l llulLa, sempre amb coraLge, l C
cavaller l defensor del be. C C
u[a amunL, que el deslg que Lu esperaves l C
sera reallLaL al cap del caml. u C

lly. la flor que Lu has poguL Lallar C
l la flalre que esLas senLlnL. C
l aquesL somnl que has coneguL, l
en nelxer un nou dla, ha desapareguL. l C C

vola l llulLa, sempre amb coraLge, l C
cavaller l defensor del be. C C
u[a amunL, que el deslg que Lu esperaves l C
sera reallLaL al cap del caml. u C C#

lly, herol que llulLa conLra el mal, C#
un bell somnl comenaras, C#
l amb la Leva preclosa flor l#
l la seva fragancla, Lornaras a senLlr l# C# C#


For Reasons Unknown

l pack my case. l check my face. C
l look a llLLle blL older. u
l look a llLLle blL colder. A
WlLh one deep breaLh, and one blg sLep, C
l move a llLLle blL closer. u
l move a llLLle blL closer. A
lor reasons unknown. C

l caughL my sLrlde. l flew and flled. C
l know lf desLlny klnd, u
lve goL Lhe resL of my mlnd. A/8bdlm

8uL my hearL, lL don'L beaL, 8m
lL don'L beaL Lhe way lL used Lo. C
And my eyes, Lhey don'L see you no more. u A 8bdlm
And my llps, Lhey don'L klss, 8m
Lhey don'L klss Lhe way Lhey used Lo, C
and my eyes don'L recognlze you no more. u A 8bdlm

lor reasons unknown, for reasons unknown. u Lm 8m C

1here was an open chalr. C
We saL down ln Lhe open chalr.
l sald lf desLlny klnd, u
l've goL Lhe resL of my mlnd. A/8bdlm

8uL my hearL, lL don'L beaL, 8m
lL don'L beaL Lhe way lL used Lo. C
And my eyes, Lhey don'L see you no more. u A 8bdlm
And my llps, Lhey don'L klss, 8m
Lhey don'L klss Lhe way Lhey used Lo, C
and my eyes don'L recognlze you aL all. u A 8bdlm

lor reasons unknown, for reasons unknown. u Lm 8b A

l sald my hearL, lL don'L beaL, 8m
lL don'L beaL Lhe way lL used Lo. C
And my eyes, don'L recognlze you no more. u A 8bdlm
And my llps, Lhey don'L klss, 8m
Lhey don'L klss Lhe way Lhey used Lo, C
and my eyes don'L recognlze you no more. u A 8bdlm


lumar m'enfonsa cancer morLal L L/l# C#m A u#m
lumar fumar m'enfonsa cancer morLal cadaques
lumar m'enfonsa cancer morLal no L'enLenc
lumar m'enfonsa cancer morLal cadaques
lumar m'enfonsa cancer morLal no L'enLenc


Gat I Gos

un cadell ha nascuL en aquesL mn, Am C
borda bup-bup, l mlola marrameu. C Am
no es de color blau, nl un grlpau. Am C
Ll fell canl: el nosLre gaL-l-gos. C Am

CaL-l-gos! CaL-l-gos! C Am
8en sol al mn, es el nosLre gaL-l-gos! L Am

els camlns l per les cluLaLs, Am C
cap besLlola ha poguL caar. C Am
Pan d'anar per LoL arreu compleLamenL d'acord, Am C
camlnar ben [unLs per enLonar la can: C Am

CaL-l-gos! CaL-l-gos! C Am
8en sol al mn, es el nosLre gaL-l-gos! L Am

CaL-l-gos! CaL-l-gos! C Am
8en sol al mn, es el nosLre gaL-l-gos! L Am


Georgia On My Mind
C u/l# Lm Cm C# C7 u9 u7
Ceorgla, Ceorgla, C7 87
1he whole day Lhrough Lm7 C7 Cma[7 C#
!usL an old sweeL song C7 L7 A7/9
keeps Ceorgla on my mlnd u9
87 L7 A7 u9
l say Ceorgla Ceorgla C7 87
A song of you Lm7 C7 Cma[7 C#
Comes as sweeL and clear C7 L7 A7/9
As moonllghL Lhrough Lhe plnes u9 C7
C7 C7 87 Lm
CLher arms reach ouL Lo me Lm Lm3 Lm6 Lm3 Lm
CLher eyes smlle Lenderly Lm Lm3 Lm7 A7
SLlll ln peaceful dreams l see Lm Lm3 Lm C#
1he road leads back Lo you 8m7 L7 A7 u9

l sald Ceorgla, Coh Ceorgla, C7 87
no peace l flnd Lm7 C7 Cma[7 C#
!usL an old sweeL song C7 L7 A7/9
keeps Ceorgla on my mlnd u9 C7
C7 C7 87 Lm
CLher arms reach ouL Lo me Lm7 Am7 Lm7 C9
CLher eyes smlle Lenderly Lm7 Am7 Lm7 A7
SLlll ln peaceful dreams l see Lm Am7 Lm C#
1he road leads back Lo you 8m7 L7 A7 u9

Ceorgla, Ceorgla, C7 87
no peace, no peace l flnd Lm7 C7 Cma[7 C#
!usL Lhls old, sweeL song C7 L7 A7/9
keeps Ceorgla on my mlnd u9 l L7

l sald [usL an old sweeL song, A7
keeps Ceorgla on my mlnd u9 C7 C7 C7 u9 C7

Getting Better

lL's geLLlng beLLer all Lhe Llme ladd9 C l
l used Lo geL mad aL my school (no, l can'L complaln) C C/C
1he Leachers who LaughL me weren'L cool( no, l can'L complaln) C C/C
?ou're holdlng me down (Ch Ch) C C/C
1urnlng me round(Ch Ch) C C/C
lllllng me up wlLh your rules(Cooh) C C/C C

l've goL Lo admlL lL's geLLlng beLLer (8eLLer) C l
A llLLle beLLer all Lhe Llme (lL can'L geL no worse) Lm l
l have Lo admlL lL's geLLlng beLLer (beLLer) C l
lL's geLLlng beLLer slnce you've been mlne Lm ladd9 C

Me used Lo be a angry young man C C/C
Me hldlng me head ln Lhe sand C C/C
?ou gave me Lhe word, l flnally heard C C/C
l'm dolng Lhe besL LhaL l can C C/C C

l've goL Lo admlL lL's geLLlng beLLer (8eLLer) C l
A llLLle beLLer all Lhe Llme (lL can'L geL no worse) Lm l
l have Lo admlL lL's geLLlng beLLer (beLLer) C l
lL's geLLlng beLLer slnce you've been mlne Lm ladd9

CeLLlng so much beLLer all Lhe Llme! l C/L l C/L l C/L l C/L

lL's geLLlng beLLer all Lhe Llme C l
8eLLer, beLLer, beLLer. Lm l
lL's geLLlng beLLer all Lhe Llme C l
8eLLer, beLLer, beLLer. Lm l C

l used Lo be cruel Lo my woman C
l beaL her and kepL her aparL from Lhe Lhlngs LhaL she loved
Man, l was mean buL l'm changlng my scene
And l'm dolng Lhe besL LhaL l can (ooh)

l admlL lL's geLLlng beLLer (8eLLer) C l
A llLLle beLLer all Lhe Llme (lL can'L geL no worse) Lm l
?es, l admlL lL's geLLlng beLLer (beLLer) C l
lL's geLLlng beLLer slnce you've been mlne Lm ladd9

CeLLlng so much beLLer all Lhe Llme! l C/L l C/L l C/L l C/L


lf Lhere's someLhlng sLrange ln your nelghborhood
Who you gonna call ChosLbusLers
lf Lhere's someLhlng welrd And lL don'L look good
Who you gonna call ChosLbusLers

l aln'L afrald of no ghosL
l aln'L afrald of no ghosL

lf you're seelng Lhlngs 8unnlng Lhrough your head
Who you gonna call ChosLbusLers
An lnvlslble man Sleeplng ln your bed
Who you gonna call ChosLbusLers

l aln'L afrald of no ghosL
l aln'L afrald of no ghosL
Who you gonna call ChosLbusLers

lf you're all alone lck up Lhe phone
And call ChosLbusLers
l aln'L afrald of no ghosL
l hear lL llkes Lhe glrls l aln'L afrald of no ghosL
?eah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Who you gonna call ChosLbusLers
lf you've had a dose Cf a freaky ghosL
Maybe you'd beLLer call ChosLbusLers

8usLln' makes me feel good

l aln'L afrald of no ghosL
l aln'L afrald of no ghosL

uon'L geL caughL alone, oh no ChosLbusLers
When lL comes Lhrough your door
unless you [usL wanL some more
l Lhlnk you beLLer call ChosLbusLers


Grace Kelly

uo l aLLracL you? uo l repulse you C
wlLh my queasy smlle? u/l#
Am l Loo dlrLy? Am l Loo fllrLy? C
uo l llke whaL you llke? u/l#
l could be wholesome l could be loaLhsome C
l guess l'm a llLLle blL shy u/l#
Why don'L you llke me? Why don'L you llke me C
wlLhouL maklng me Lry? C

l Lrled Lo be llke Crace kelly C um7
8uL all her looks were Loo sad Am u
So l Lry a llLLle lreddle C um7
lve gone ldenLlLy mad! Am u

l could be 8rown l could be blue C
l could be vloleL sky (C Am7 C/8) C
l could be hurLful l could be purple C u
l could be anyLhlng you llke
CoLLa be green CoLLa be mean C
CoLLa be everyLhlng more (C Am7 C/8) C
Why don'L you llke me? C u
Why don'L you llke me?
Why don'L you walk ouL Lhe door! u C

Pow can l help lL Pow can l help lL C
Pow can l help whaL you Lhlnk? (C Am7 C/8) C
Pello my baby Pello my baby C u
uLLlng my llfe on Lhe brlnk u C
Why don'L you llke me Why don'L you llke me C
Why don'L you llke yourself? (C Am7 C/8) C
Should l bend over? Should l look older C u
[usL Lo be puL on your shelf? u C

l Lrled Lo be llke Crace kelly C um7
8uL all her looks were Loo sad Am u
So l Lry a llLLle lreddle C um7
lve gone ldenLlLy mad! Am u


Say whaL you wanL Lo saLlsfy yourself Cm C
8uL you only wanL C Cm
whaL everybody else says you should wanL you wanL C u/l# Lm u A/C# u

l could be 8rown l could be blue C
l could be vloleL sky (C Am7 C/8) C
l could be hurLful l could be purple C u
l could be anyLhlng you llke
CoLLa be green CoLLa be mean C
CoLLa be everyLhlng more (C Am7 C/8) C
Why don'L you llke me? C u
Why don'L you llke me?
Why don'L you walk ouL Lhe door! u Lm u C C Am C l



CravlLy ls worklng agalnsL me C C
And gravlLy wanLs Lo brlng me down

Ch l'll never know whaL makes Lhls man Am u7 Lbma[7/8b u#9 u7
WlLh all Lhe love LhaL hls hearL can sLand
uream of ways Lo Lhrow lL all away

Ch CravlLy ls worklng agalnsL me C C
And gravlLy wanLs Lo brlng me down

Ch Lwlce as much alnL Lwlce as good Am u7 Lbma[7/8b u#9 u7
And can'L susLaln llke one half could
lL's wanLlng more
1haL's gonna send me Lo my knees

Ch Lwlce as much alnL Lwlce as good Am u7 Lbma[7/8b u#9 u7
And can'L susLaln llke one half could
lL's wanLlng more
1haL's gonna send me Lo my knees

Ch gravlLy, sLay Lhe hell away from me C C
And gravlLy has Laken beLLer men Lhan me

!usL keep me where Lhe llghL ls C C
!usL keep me where Lhe llghL ls


Lasy come, easy go 1haL's [usL how you llve, oh Am
1ake, Lake, Lake lL all, 8uL you never glve Lm
Should've known you was Lrouble from Lhe flrsL klss, Am
Pad your eyes open, why were Lhey open? Lm L

Cave you all l had And you Lossed lL ln Lhe Lrash Am
?ou Lossed lL ln Lhe Lrash, you dld Lm
1o glve me all your love ls all l ever asked, Am
Cause whaL you don'L undersLand ls l L

l'd caLch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Am l C
1hrow my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) C Am l C
l'd [ump ln fronL of a Lraln for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah) C Am l C
?ou know l'd do anyLhlng for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) C Am l C

l would go Lhrough all Lhls paln, l C
1ake a bulleL sLralghL Lhrough my braln, C L Am C
?es, l would dle for ya baby, l L
8uL you won'L do Lhe same L

8lack, black, black and blue beaL me Llll l'm numb Am
1ell Lhe devll l sald hey when you geL back Lo where you're from Lm
Mad woman, bad woman, 1haL's [usL whaL you are, yeah Am
?ou'll smlle ln my face Lhen rlp Lhe breaks ouL my car Lm

Cave you all l had And you Lossed lL ln Lhe Lrash Am
?ou Lossed lL ln Lhe Lrash, yes you dld Lm
1o glve me all your love ls all l ever asked, Am
Cause whaL you don'L undersLand ls l L

l'd caLch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Am l C
1hrow my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) C Am l C
l'd [ump ln fronL of a Lraln for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah) C Am l C
?ou know l'd do anyLhlng for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) C Am l C

l would go Lhrough all Lhls paln, l C
1ake a bulleL sLralghL Lhrough my braln, C L Am C
?es, l would dle for ya baby, l L
8uL you won'L do Lhe same L

lf my body was on flre, ooh l
?ou' d waLch me burn down ln flames Am
?ou sald you loved me you're a llar l
Cause you never, ever, ever dld baby... L

8uL darllng l'll sLlll caLch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Am l C
1hrow my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) C Am l C
l'd [ump ln fronL of a Lraln for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah) C Am l C
?ou know l'd do anyLhlng for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) C Am l C

l would go Lhrough all Lhls paln, l C
1ake a bulleL sLralghL Lhrough my braln, C L Am C
?es, l would dle for ya baby, l L
8uL you won'L do Lhe same L



8emember Lhose walls l bullL C um Am l
Well, baby Lhey're Lumbllng down
And Lhey dldn'L even puL up a flghL
1hey dldn'L even make up a sound

l found a way Lo leL you ln
8uL l never really had a doubL
SLandlng ln Lhe llghL of your halo
l goL my angel now

lL's llke l've been awakened
Lvery rule l had you breakln'
lL's Lhe rlsk LhaL l'm Lakln'
l aln'L never gonna shuL you ouL

Lverywhere l'm looklng now
l'm surrounded by your embrace
8aby l can see your halo
?ou know you're my savlng grace

?ou're everyLhlng l need and more
lL's wrlLLen all over your face
8aby l can feel your halo
ray lL won'L fade away

l can feel your halo halo halo
l can see your halo halo halo
l can feel your halo halo halo
l can see your halo halo halo

PlL me llke a ray of sun
8urnlng Lhrough my darkesL nlghL
?ou're Lhe only one LhaL l wanL
1hlnk l'm addlcLed Lo your llghL

l swore l'd never fall agaln
8uL Lhls don'L even feel llke falllng
CravlLy can'L forgeL
1o pull me back Lo Lhe ground agaln

leels llke l've been awakened
Lvery rule l had you breakln'
1he rlsk LhaL l'm Lakln'
l'm never gonna shuL you ouL



Havanna Affair
8m 8m u A
1-boaL on Lhe way Lo Pavana 8m C A l#
l used Lo make a llvlng, man
lckln' Lhe banana.
now l'm a guy for Lhe ClA 8m C A l#
Pooray for Lhe uSA!

8aby, baby, make me loco C l#
8aby, baby, make me mambo. C l#
8m 8m C l#
SenL Lo spy on a Cuban LalenL show 8m C A l#
llrsL sLop - Pavana go-go
l used Lo make a llvlng, man 8m C A l#
lckln' Lhe banana
Pooray, for Pavana!

8aby, baby, make me loco C l#
8aby, baby, make me mambo. C l#
8m 8m C l#
Pelp, l need somebody, Pelp, noL [usL anybody, 8m C
Pelp, you know l need someone, help. L A

When l was younger, so much younger Lhan Loday, A C#m
l never needed anybody's help ln any way. l#m u C A
8uL now Lhese days are gone, l'm noL so self assured, A C#m
now l flnd l've changed my mlnd and opened up Lhe doors. l#m u C A

Pelp me lf you can, l'm feellng down 8m (A)
And l do appreclaLe you belng round. C (u/l#)
Pelp me, geL my feeL back on Lhe ground, L
Won'L you please, please help me? A

And now my llfe has changed ln oh so many ways, A C#m
My lndependence seems Lo vanlsh ln Lhe haze. l#m u C A
8uL every now and Lhen l feel so lnsecure, A C#m
l know LhaL l [usL need you llke l've never done before. l#m u C A

Pelp me lf you can, l'm feellng down 8m (A)
And l do appreclaLe you belng round. C (u/l#)
Pelp me, geL my feeL back on Lhe ground, L
Won'L you please, please help me? A

When l was younger, so much younger Lhan Loday, A C#m
l never needed anybody's help ln any way. l#m u C A
8uL now Lhese days are gone, l'm noL so self assured, A C#m
now l flnd l've changed my mlnd and opened up Lhe doors. l#m u C A

Pelp me lf you can, l'm feellng down 8m (A)
And l do appreclaLe you belng round. C (u/l#)
Pelp me, geL my feeL back on Lhe ground, L
Won'L you please, please help me? A


Hey Joe

Pey !oe, where you goln' wlLh LhaL gun ln your hand C C u A L
Pey !oe, l sald where you goln' wlLh LhaL gun ln your hand C C u A L

l'm golng down Lo shooL my old lady C C u A L
?ou know, l've caughL her messln' around wlLh anoLher man
l'm golng down Lo shooL my old lady C C u A L
?ou know, l've caughL her messln' around wlLh anoLher man
And LhaL aln'L Loo cool

Pey !oe, l've heard you shoL your woman down, C C u A L
shoL her down, now
Pey !oe , l've heard you shoL your old lady down, C C u A L
?ou shoL her down Lo Lhe ground

?es l dld, l shoL her C C u A L
?ou know, l caughL her messln' round, messln' round Lown
?es l dld, l shoL her C C u A L
?ou know, l caughL my old lady messln' around Lown
And l gave her Lhe gun l shoL her!
C C u A L
C C u A L
Pey !oe, C C u A L
Where you gonna run Lo now?
Where you gonna run Lo?
Pey !oe, l sald where you gonna run Lo now? C C u A L
Where you, where you gonna go?
Well, dlg lL

l'm goln' way down souLh, C C u A L
Way down Lo Mexlco way
l'm goln' way down souLh, C C u A L
Way down where l can be free
Aln'L no one gonna flnd me

Aln'L no hangman gonna, C C u A L
Pe aln'L gonna puL a rope around me
?ou beLLer belleve lL rlghL now
l goLLa go now
Pey !oe, you beLLer run on down C C u A L
Cood by everybody
Pey !oe, uhh
8un on down


Hey Jude

Pey !ude, don'L make lL bad. l C
1ake a sad song and make lL beLLer. C7 l
8emember Lo leL her lnLo your hearL, 8b l
1hen you can sLarL Lo make lL beLLer. C l

Pey !ude, don'L be afrald. l C
?ou were made Lo go ouL and geL her. C7 l
1he mlnuLe you leL her under your skln, 8b l
1hen you begln Lo make lL beLLer. C l l7

And anyLlme you feel Lhe paln, hey !ude, refraln, l7 8b A/8b Cm
uon'L carry Lhe world upon your shoulders. C l l7
lor well you know LhaL lL's a fool who plays lL cool l7 8b A/8b Cm
8y maklng hls world a llLLle colder. C l l7 C

Pey !ude, don'L leL me down. l C
?ou have found her, now go and geL her. C7 l
8emember Lo leL her lnLo your hearL, 8b l
1hen you can sLarL Lo make lL beLLer. C l

So leL lL ouL and leL lL ln, hey !ude, begln, l7 8b A/8b Cm
?ou're walLlng for someone Lo perform wlLh. C l l7
And don'L you know LhaL lL's [usL you, hey !ude, you'll do, l7 8b A/8b Cm
1he movemenL you need ls on your shoulder. C l l7 C

Pey !ude, don'L make lL bad. l C
1ake a sad song and make lL beLLer. C7 l
8emember Lo leL her under your skln, 8b l
1hen you'll begln Lo make lL C l
8eLLer beLLer beLLer beLLer beLLer beLLer, oh.

na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey !ude... l Lb 8b l

Hit The Road Jack

PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more, no more, no more, no more Am C l L
PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more (WhaL you say?)
PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more, no more, no more, no more
PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more

Woah Woman, oh woman, don'L you LreaL me so mean,
?ou're Lhe meanesL old woman LhaL l've ever seen.
l guess lf you say so
l have Lo pack my Lhlngs and go. (1haL's rlghL)

PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more, no more, no more, no more
PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more (WhaL you say?)
PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more, no more, no more, no more
PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more

Well baby, llsLen baby, don'L ya LreaL me Lhls-a way
Cause l'll be back on my feeL some day.
(uon'L care lf you do 'cause lL's undersLood
you aln'L goL no money you [usL aln'L no good)
Well, l guess lf you say so
l'd have Lo pack my Lhlngs and go. (1haL's rlghL)

(PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more.)
WhaL you say?
(PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)
(PlL Lhe road !ack and don'L you come back no more.)

(don'L you come back no more.)
uhh whaL dld you say?
(don'L you come back no more.)
l dld noL undersLand lL
(don'L you come back no more.)
l came Lo Lalk lL over
(don'L you come back no more.)
l LhaughL we had a beLLer undersLandlng
(don'L you come back no more.)
oh baby donL be so chlcken
(don'L you come back no more.)
you donL wanL Lo see me cry x2
(don'L you come back no more.)
oh baby lL lsnL falr
ooh yeahh


Ho Hey
l've been Lrylng Lo do lL rlghL C l C
l've been llvlng Lhe lonely llfe C l C
l've been sleeplng here lnsLead C l C
l've been sleeplng ln my bed C l Am C C
So show me famlly C l C
And all Lhe blood LhaL l wlll bleed C l C
l don'L know where l belong C l C
l don'L know where l wenL wrong C l Am
8uL l can wrlLe a song. Am C C

l belong wlLh you, you belong wlLh me, you're my sweeLhearL Am C C
l belong wlLh you, you belong wlLh me, you're my sweeL Am C C

l don'L Lhlnk you're rlghL for hlm C l C
1hlnk of whaL lL mlghL've been lf you C l C
1ook a bus Lo ChlnaLown C l C
l'd be sLandlng on Canal... C l Am
and 8owery Am C C
And she'd be sLandlng nexL Lo me Am C C

l belong wlLh you, you belong wlLh me, you're my sweeLhearL Am C C
l belong wlLh you, you belong wlLh me, you're my sweeL Am C C

And love, we need lL now l C
LeL's hope for some l C
Cuz oh, we're bleedlng ouL l C

l belong wlLh you, you belong wlLh me, you're my sweeLhearL Am C C
l belong wlLh you, you belong wlLh me, you're my sweeL Am C C


Hotel California

Cn a dark deserL hlghway, cool wlnd ln my halr 8m l# A L C u Lm 8m (l#)
Warm smell of collLas, rlslng up Lhrough Lhe alr
up ahead ln Lhe dlsLance, l saw a shlmmerlng llghL
My head grew heavy and my slghL grew dlm
l had Lo sLop for Lhe nlghL
1here she sLood ln Lhe doorway,
l heard Lhe mlsslon bell
And l was Lhlnklng Lo myself,
'Lhls could be heaven or Lhls could be hell'
1hen she llL up a candle and she showed me Lhe way
1here were volces down Lhe corrldor,
l LhoughL l heard Lhem say...

Welcome Lo Lhe hoLel callfornla C u Lm 8m (l#)
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
lenLy of room aL Lhe hoLel callfornla
Any Llme of year, you can flnd lL here

Per mlnd ls Llffany-LwlsLed, she goL Lhe mercedes bends 8m l# A L C u Lm 8m (l#)
She goL a loL of preLLy, preLLy boys, LhaL she calls frlends
Pow Lhey dance ln Lhe courLyard, sweeL summer sweaL.
Some dance Lo remember, some dance Lo forgeL

So l called up Lhe capLaln, 8m l# A L C u Lm 8m (l#)
'please brlng me my wlne'
Pe sald, 'we haven'L had LhaL splrlL here slnce nlneLeen slxLy nlne'
And sLlll Lhose volces are calllng from far away,
Wake you up ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL
!usL Lo hear Lhem say...

[Chorus] C u Lm 8m (l#)

Mlrrors on Lhe celllng, 8m l# A L C u Lm 8m (l#)
1he plnk champagne on lce
And she sald 'we are all [usL prlsoners here, of our own devlce'
And ln Lhe masLer's chambers,
1hey gaLhered for Lhe feasL
1he sLab lL wlLh Lhelr sLeely knlves,
8uL Lhey [usL can'L klll Lhe beasL

LasL Lhlng l remember, l was 8m l# A L C u Lm 8m (l#)
8unnlng for Lhe door
l had Lo flnd Lhe passage back
1o Lhe place l was before
'relax,' sald Lhe nlghL man,
We are programmed Lo recelve.
?ou can check ouL any Llme you llke,
8uL you can never leave!


How Deep Is Your Love
Lb Lbma[7 C#ma[7 8bsus4
l know your eyes ln Lhe mornlng sun Lb Cm lm C7
l feel you Louch me ln Lhe pourlng raln lm Cm 8bsus4
And Lhe momenL LhaL you wander far from me Lb Cm Cm
l wanna feel you ln my arms agaln lm 8sus4

And you come Lo me on a summer breeze C# Cm
keep me warm ln your love and Lhen sofLly leave lm C#ma[7
And lL's me you need Lo show .... Cm 8sus4

Pow deep ls your love? Pow deep ls your love? Lb Lbma[7
l really need Lo learn C#ma[7 C#m6
'Cause we're llvlng ln a world of fools Lb C#6
8reaklng us down C7
When Lhey all should leL us be C7 lm
We belong Lo you and me C#m Lb Cm 8bsus4
Pow deep ls your love? Pow deep ls your love? Lb Lbma[7
l really need Lo learn C#ma[7 C#m6
'Cause we're llvlng ln a world of fools Lb C#6
8reaklng us down C7
When Lhey all should leL us be C7 lm
We belong Lo you and me C#m Lb Cm 8bsus4
How I Met Your Mother
A L l#m
ah-pah paah paah
pah-paah paah
u A/C#
aah pah-paah
8m C A


How To Save A Life
(Capo 3rd lreL)

SLep one you say we need Lo Lalk 8b lsus C lsus (C u7 L u7)
Pe walks you say slL down lL's [usL a Lalk
Pe smlles pollLely back aL you
?ou sLare pollLely rlghL on Lhrough
Some sorL of wlndow Lo your rlghL
As he goes lefL and you sLay rlghL
8eLween Lhe llnes of fear and blame
And you begln Lo wonder why you came

Where dld l go wrong, l losL a frlend u# l Cm A#/(l) (C u Lm C/(u))
Somewhere along ln Lhe blLLerness
And l would have sLayed up wlLh you all nlghL
Pad l known how Lo save a llfe

LeL hlm know LhaL you know besL 8b lsus C lsus (C u7 L u7)
Cause afLer all you do know besL
1ry Lo sllp pasL hls defense
WlLhouL granLlng lnnocence
Lay down a llsL of whaL ls wrong
1he Lhlngs you've Lold hlm all along
And pray Lo Cod he hears you

Where dld l go wrong, l losL a frlend u# l Cm A#/(l) (C u Lm C/(u))
Somewhere along ln Lhe blLLerness
And l would have sLayed up wlLh you all nlghL
Pad l known how Lo save a llfe

As he beglns Lo ralse hls volce 8b lsus C lsus (C u7 L u7)
?ou lower yours and granL hlm one lasL cholce
urlve unLll you lose Lhe road
Cr break wlLh Lhe ones you've followed
Pe wlll do one of Lwo Lhlngs
Pe wlll admlL Lo everyLhlng
Cr he'll say he's [usL noL Lhe same
And you'll begln Lo wonder why you came

Where dld l go wrong, l losL a frlend u# l Cm A#/(l) (C u Lm C/(u))
Somewhere along ln Lhe blLLerness
And l would have sLayed up wlLh you all nlghL
Pad l known how Lo save a llfe


Human Nautre

Looklng ouL across Lhe nlghL-Llme C A C A
1he clLy wlnks a sleepless eye C A C A
Pear her volce shake my wlndow C A C A
SweeL seduclng slghs C l#m7 Lm7 Asus4

CeL me ouL lnLo Lhe nlghL-Llme C A C A
lour walls won'L hold me LonlghL C A C A
lf Lhls Lown ls [usL an apple C A C A
1hen leL me Lake a blLe C l#m7 Lm7 A

lf Lhey say, why, why? 1ell 'em LhaL ls human naLure C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
lf Lhey say, why, why? 1ell 'em LhaL ls human naLure C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m

8eachlng ouL Lo Louch a sLranger C A C A
LlecLrlc eyes are everywhere C A C A
See LhaL glrl, she knows l'm waLchlng C A C A
She llkes Lhe way l sLare C l#m7 Lm7 A

lf Lhey say, why, why? 1ell 'em LhaL ls human naLure C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
lf Lhey say, why, why? 1ell 'em LhaL ls human naLure C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
l llke llvln' Lhls way, l llke lovln' Lhls way Lm7 8m
Lm9 Cma[7
1haL Way, 1haL Way (aawaah) C/A A lma[ Lm7

Looklng ouL across Lhe mornlng C A C A
1he clLy's hearL beglns Lo beaL C A C A
8eachlng ouL, l Louch her shoulder C A C A
l'm dreamlng of Lhe sLreeL C l#m7 Lm7 A

lf Lhey say, why, why? 1ell 'em LhaL ls human naLure C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
lf Lhey say, why, why? 1ell 'em LhaL ls human naLure C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m

lf Lhey say, why, why? Cha cha cha C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
lf Lhey say why, why, why? Coh, Lell 'em C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m

lf Lhey say, why, why? Coh, Lell 'em C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
lf Lhey say, why, why? ua da da C A u u/C# 8m A
Why, why does he do me LhaL way? C l#m7 Lm7 8m
l llke llvln' Lhls way 8m

1haL Way, 1haL Way (aawaah) C/A A lma[ Lm7
A#ma[7 Am7 lma[7 Lm7


I Am a Man Of Constant Sorrow
8lues ma[or en l.
(ln consLanL sorrow Lhrough hls days)

l am a man of consLanL sorrow
l've seen Lrouble all my day.
l bld farewell Lo old kenLucky
1he place where l was born and ralsed.
(1he place where he was born and ralsed)

lor slx long years l've been ln Lrouble
no pleasures here on earLh l found
lor ln Lhls world l'm bound Lo ramble
l have no frlends Lo help me now.

[chorus] Pe has no frlends Lo help hlm now

lL's fare Lhee well my old lover
l never expecL Lo see you agaln
lor l'm bound Lo rlde LhaL norLhern rallroad
erhaps l'll dle upon Lhls Lraln.

[chorus] erhaps he'll dle upon Lhls Lraln.

?ou can bury me ln some deep valley
lor many years where l may lay
1hen you may learn Lo love anoLher
Whlle l am sleeplng ln my grave.

[chorus] Whlle he ls sleeplng ln hls grave.

Maybe your frlends Lhlnk l'm [usL a sLranger
My face you'll never see no more.
8uL Lhere ls one promlse LhaL ls glven
l'll meeL you on Cod's golden shore.

[chorus] Pe'll meeL you on Cod's golden shore


I Believe I Can Fly

l used Lo Lhlnk LhaL l could noL go on C lm6
And llfe was noLhlng buL an awful song
8uL now l know Lhe meanlng of Lrue love
l'm leanlng on Lhe everlasLlng arms
lf l can see lL, Lhen l can do lL Am7 lm6/Ab
lf l [usL belleve lL, Lhere's noLhlng Lo lL C/C l/C C

l belleve l can fly C
l belleve l can Louch Lhe sky Am
l Lhlnk abouL lL every nlghL and day um7
Spread my wlngs and fly away C
l belleve l can soar Am
l see me runnlng Lhrough LhaL open door lm6/Ab
l belleve l can fly l belleve l can fly l belleve l can fly C/C lm6 Am7
See l was on Lhe verge of breaklng down C lm6
SomeLlmes sllence can seem so loud
1here are mlracles ln llfe l musL achleve
8uL flrsL l know lL sLarLs lnslde of me, oh
lf l can see lL, Lhen l can be lL Am7 lm6/Ab
lf l [usL belleve lL, Lhere's noLhlng Lo lL C/C l/C C

l belleve l can fly C
l belleve l can Louch Lhe sky Am
l Lhlnk abouL lL every nlghL and day um7
Spread my wlngs and fly away C
l belleve l can soar Am
l see me runnlng Lhrough LhaL open door lm6/Ab
l belleve l can fly l belleve l can fly l belleve l can fly C/C lm6 Am7
Pey, cause l belleve ln me, oh C l/C

lf l can see lL, Lhen l can be lL 8bm7 l#m6/A
lf l [usL belleve lL, Lhere's noLhlng Lo lL C#/C# l#/C# C#

l belleve l can fly C#
l belleve l can Louch Lhe sky 8bm
l Lhlnk abouL lL every nlghL and day Lbm7
Spread my wlngs and fly away C#
l belleve l can soar 8bm
l see me runnlng Lhrough LhaL open door l#m6/A
l belleve l can fly l belleve l can fly C#/C# l#m6
l belleve l can fly Pey, lf l [usL spread my wlngs C# l#m6

l can fly l can fly C# l#m6/A
l can fly, hey lf l [usL spread my wlngs C# l#m6
l can fly-eye-eye-eye C# l#m6/A
Pum, fly-eye-eye C# l#m6

I Got A Woman

l goL a woman way over Lown LhaL's good Lo me oh yeah A7 L7 A7 u7 A7
Say l goL a woman way over Lown good Lo me oh yeah u7 L7
She glve me money when lm ln need ?eah she's a klnd of frlend lndeed A7 u7
l goL a woman way over Lown LhaL's good Lo me oh yeah A7 u7 A7 L7 A7 u7

She saves her lovln early ln Lhe mornlng [usL for me oh yeah A7 L7 A7 u7 A7
She saves her lovln early ln Lhe mornlng [usL for me oh yeah u7 L7
She saves her lovln [usL for me oh she love me so Lenderly A7 u7
l goL a woman way over Lown LhaL's good Lo me oh yeah A7 L7 A7 u7 A7 u7

Solo A7 L7 A7 u7 L7 A7

She's Lhere Lo love me boLh day and nlghL 8b7 A7 8b7 A7
never grumbles or fusses always LreaLs me rlghL 8b7 A7 8b7 A7
never runnln ln Lhe sLreeLs and leavln me alone 8b7 A7 8b7 A7
She knows a womans place ls rlghL Lhere now ln her home 8b7 A7 8b7 A7

l goL a woman way over Lown LhaL's good Lo me oh yeah A7 L7 A7 u7 A7
Say l goL a woman way over Lown LhaL's good Lo me oh yeah u7 L7
Ch she's my baby now don'L you undersLand ?eah and l'm her lover man A7 u7
l goL a woman way over Lown LhaL's good Lo me oh yeah A7 L7 A7 u7 A7 u7

A uon'L ya know she's alrlghL A7
A uon'L ya know she's alrlghL
she's alrlghL she's alrlghL
Whoa yeah oh yeah oh


I Just Cant Stop Loving You

Lach Llme Lhe wlnd blows l hear your volce so A
l call your name . . . Lm
Whlspers aL mornlng our love ls dawnlng A
heaven's glad you came . . . Lm

?ou know how l feel Lhls Lhlng can'L go wrong 8m
l'm so proud Lo say l love you um l#m
your love's goL me hlgh l long Lo geL by C
Lhls Llme ls forever love ls Lhe answer Cma[7 C A

l hear your volce now you are my cholce now A
Lhe love you brlng Lm
heaven's ln my hearL aL your call l hear harps, A
and angels slng Lm

you know how l feel Lhls Lhlng can'L go wrong 8m
l can'L llve my llfe wlLhouL you um l#m
l [usL can'L hold on l feel we belong C
my llfe aln'L worLh llvlng lf l can'L be wlLh you Cma[7 Lsus4

l [usL can'L sLop lovlng you Lm A
l [usL can'L sLop lovlng you Lm A
and lf l sLop . . . 1hen Lell me [usL whaL wlll l do Lm um C Lsus4
'cause l [usL can'L sLop lovlng you L7 A

aL nlghL when Lhe sLars shlne l pray ln you l'll flnd A
a love so Lrue . . . Lm
When mornlng awakes me wlll you come and Lake me A
l'll walL for you Lm

you know how l feel l won'L sLop unLll 8m
l hear your volce saylng "l do" um l#m
Lhls Lhlng can'L go wrong Lhls feellng's so sLrong C
well, my llfe aln'L worLh llvlng lf l can'L be wlLh you Cma[7 Lsus4


we can change all Lhe world Lomorrow Csus4 C
we can slng songs of yesLerday Lb 8b
l can say, hey . . .farewell Lo sorrow C# C#7
Lhls ls my llfe and l, wanL Lo see you for always l7 8b

l [usL can'L sLop lovlng you lm 8b
l [usL can'L sLop lovlng you lm 8b
and lf l sLop . . . 1hen Lell me [usL whaL wlll l do lm Lbm C# lsus4
'cause l [usL can'L sLop lovlng you l7 8b


I Write Sins Not Tragedies

l#m 87 u
Ch, well lmaglne as l'm paclng Lhe pews ln a church corrldor,
and l can'L help buL Lo hear, no l can'L help buL Lo hear an exchanglng of words.
WhaL a beauLlful weddlng WhaL a beauLlful weddlng says a brldesmald Lo (a walLer).
Ch yes, buL whaL a shame, whaL a shame, Lhe poor groom's brlde ls a whore.

l chlme ln wlLh a "Paven'L you people ever heard of closlng Lhe god damn door?!" l#m 87 u
no, lL's much beLLer Lo face Lhese klnds of Lhlngs wlLh a sense of polse and raLlonallLy.
l'd chlme ln "Paven'L you people ever heard of closlng Lhe god damn door?!"
no, lL's much beLLer Lo face Lhese klnds of Lhlngs wlLh a sense of.....

Ch, well ln facL, well l'll look aL lL Lhls way, l mean Lechnlcally our marrlage ls saved
Well Lhls calls for, a LoasL so, pour Lhe champagne,
Ch! Well ln facL, well l'll look aL lL Lhls way,
l mean Lechnlcally our marrlage ls saved
Well Lhls calls for a LoasL, so pour Lhe champagne, pour Lhe champagne...

l chlme ln wlLh a "Paven'L you people ever heard of closlng Lhe god damn door?!"
no, lL's much beLLer Lo face Lhese klnds of Lhlngs wlLh a sense of polse and raLlonallLy.
l'd chlme ln "Paven'L you people ever heard of closlng Lhe god damn door?!"
no, lL's much beLLer Lo face Lhese klnds of Lhlngs wlLh a sense of polse and raLlonallLy...


l chlme ln "Paven'L you people ever heard of closlng Lhe god damn door?!"
lL's much beLLer Lo face Lhese klnds of Lhlngs wlLh a sense of polse and raLlonallLy.
l'd chlme ln "Paven'L you people ever heard of closlng Lhe god damn door?!"
no, lL's much beLLer Lo face Lhese klnds of Lhlngs wlLh a sense of polse and raLlonallLy.


Ill Be There for You

So no one Lold you llfe was gonna be Lhls way A C
?our [obs a [oke, you're broke, your love llfe's u.C.A. A C#m

lL's llke you're always sLuck ln second gear C 8m A
And lL hasn'L been your day, your week, your monLh, C u
or even your year buL.. L

l'll be Lhere for you A u L
When Lhe raln sLarLs Lo pour L
l'll be Lhere for you A u L
Llke l've been Lhere before L
l'll be Lhere for you A u L
'Cuz you're Lhere for me Loo... C

?ou're sLlll ln bed aL Len and work began aL elghL A C
?ou've burned your breakfasL so far Lhlngs are goln' greaL A C#m

?our moLher warned you Lhere'd be days llke Lhese C 8m A
Ch buL she dldn'L Lell you when Lhe world has broughL C u
?ou down Lo your knees LhaL... L

l'll be Lhere for you A u L
When Lhe raln sLarLs Lo pour L
l'll be Lhere for you A u L
Llke l've been Lhere before L
l'll be Lhere for you A u L
'Cuz you're Lhere for me Loo... C

no one could ever know me u
no one could ever see me
Seems you're Lhe only one who knows l#m
WhaL lL's llke Lo be me
Someone Lo face Lhe day wlLh 8m
Make lL Lhrough all Lhe resL wlLh 87m
Someone l'll always laugh wlLh C u
Lven aL my worsL l'm besL wlLh you, yeah L

lL's llke you're always sLuck ln second gear C 8m A
And lL hasn'L been your day, your week, your monLh, C u
or even your year buL.. L

l'll be Lhere for you A u L
When Lhe raln sLarLs Lo pour L
l'll be Lhere for you A u L
Llke l've been Lhere before L
l'll be Lhere for you A u L
'Cuz you're Lhere for me Loo... C


Im Yours

Well, you done done me and you beL l felL lL A L l#m u
l Lrled Lo be chlll buL your so hoL LhaL l melLed
l fell rlghL Lhrough Lhe cracks, now l'm Lryln Lo geL back
before Lhe cool done run ouL l'll be glvln lL my besL LesL
and noLhln's gonna sLop me buL dlvlne lnLervenLlon
l reckon lL's agaln my Lurn Lo wln some or learn some

8uL l won'L heslLaLe no more, A L l#m u
no more, lL cannoL walL
l'm yours

Well open up your mlnd and see llke me A L l#m u
open up your plans and damn you're free
look lnLo your hearL and you'll flnd love love love love
llsLen Lo Lhe muslc aL Lhe momenL people dance and slng
Were [usL one blg famlly
And lL's our godforsaken rlghL Lo be loved loved loved loved loved

So, l won'L heslLaLe no more, A L l#m u
no more, lL cannoL walL l'm sure
Lhere's no need Lo compllcaLe our Llme ls shorL
Lhls ls our faLe
l'm yours Lbdlm

Scooch on over closer, dear A A/C# l#m L Lbdlm
And l wlll nlbble your ear

l've been spendln' way Loo long A L l#m u
checkln' my Longue ln Lhe mlrror
and bendln' over backwards [usL Lo Lry Lo see lL clearer
8uL my breaLh fogged up Lhe glass
and so l drew a new face and l laughed
l guess whaL l'd be sayln' ls Lhere aln'L no beLLer reason
Lo rld yourself of vanlLles and [usL go wlLh Lhe seasons
lL's whaL we alm Lo do
our name ls our vlrLue

8uL l won'L heslLaLe no more, A L l#m u
no more lL cannoL walL
l'm yours

well open up your mlnd and see llke me A L l#m u
open up your plans and damn you're free
look lnLo your hearL and you'll flnd love love love love
llsLen Lo Lhe muslc of Lhe momenL come and dance wlLh me
ah, la one blg famlly
lL's your god forsaken rlghL Lo be loved, loved, loved, loved


If I Ruled The World

lf l ruled Lhe world, Lvery day would be Ab Cm7 8b7
Lhe flrsL day of sprlng. Lvery hearL would have a Ab Cm 7 8b 7
new song Lo slng, and we'd slng of Lhe Lb/C Ab Cm7add4
[oy every mornlng would brlng. Lbma[7/8b 8b7

lf l ruled Lhe world, Lvery man would be as free as a Ab Cm7 8b7
blrd. Lvery volce would be a Ab Cm7 8b7
volce Lo be heard, Lake my word we would Lb/C Ab Cm7add4
Lreasure each day LhaL occurred. Lbma[7/8b 8b7 l/C

My world would be a beauLlful place Cma[7 l/C lma[9/C Cma[9 l/C
Where we would weave such wonderful dreams. Cma[7 Cma[9 lm7 lm7/8b
My world would wear a smlle on lLs face, Lbma[7 lm9/Lb Lbma[7 lm9/Lb
llke Lhe man and Lhe moon has, when Lhe moon beams. Cm7 Cm6 Am7b3 u7 lm7 lm7/8b

Ab Cm 8b
Ab Cm 8b

lf l ruled Lhe world, Lvery man would see Lhe world was hls Ab Cm 8b
frlend. ?eah 1here'd be happlness LhaL Ab Cm 8b
no man could end, Lb/C Ab Cm7add4
no my frlend, noL lf l ruled Lhe world. Cm7b3 C7

Lvery hand would be held up hlgh, lm7 Abm7 ub9
1here'd be sunshlne ln everyones sky. Lbma[7 C7
lf Lhe day ever dawned, lm7
wlll l rule Lhe world. lm7/8b Ab Cm 8b

Lvery hand would be held up hlgh, Ab Cm 8b
Lvery sLar would shlne ln everyones sky.
lf Lhe day ever dawned,
wlll l rule Lhe world.



lmaglne Lhere's no heaven C Cma[7 l
lL's easy lf you Lry C Cma[7 l
no hell below us C Cma[7 l
Above us only sky C Cma[7 l

lmaglne all Lhe people l Cma[7 um um/C um/A
Llvlng for Loday... C

lmaglne Lhere's no counLrles C Cma[7 l
lL lsn'L hard Lo do C Cma[7 l
noLhlng Lo klll or dle for C Cma[7 l
And no rellglon Loo C Cma[7 l

lmaglne all Lhe people l Cma[7 um um/C um/A
Llvlng llfe ln peace... C

?ou may say l'm a dreamer l C C L7
8uL l'm noL Lhe only one l C C L7
l hope someday you'll [oln us l C C L7
And Lhe world wlll be as one l C C

lmaglne no possesslons C Cma[7 l
l wonder lf you can C Cma[7 l
no need for greed or hunger C Cma[7 l
A broLherhood of man C Cma[7 l
lmaglne all Lhe people l Cma[7 um um/C um/A
Sharlng all Lhe world... C

?ou may say l'm a dreamer l C C L7
8uL l'm noL Lhe only one l C C L7
l hope someday you'll [oln us l C C L7
And Lhe world wlll llve as one l C C


In Repair

1oo many shadows ln my room A C u/l#
1oo many hours ln Lhls mldnlghL A C u/l#
1oo many corners ln my mlnd A C u/l#
So much Lo do Lo seL my hearL rlghL A C u/l#

Ch lL's Laklng so long l could be wrong, l could be ready 8m L A C u/l#
Ch buL lf l Lake my hearL's advlce l should assume lL's sLlll unsLeady 8m L A C u/l#

l am ln repalr, l am ln repalr l#m 8m L l#m 8m L

SLood on Lhe corner for a whlle A C u/l#
1o walL for Lhe wlnd Lo blow down on me A C u/l#
Poplng lL Lakes wlLh lL my old ways A C u/l#
And brlngs some brand new luck upon me A C u/l#

Ch lL's Laklng so long l could be wrong, l could be ready 8m L A C u/l#
Ch buL lf l Lake my hearL's advlce l should assume lL's sLlll unsLeady 8m L A C u/l#

l am ln repalr, l am ln repalr l#m 8m L l#m 8m L
l 8b A
(LsLrofa lnsLrumenLal) u C C u C C
(Chorus lnsLrumenLal) l#m 8m L

And now l'm walklng ln a park A C u/l#
All of Lhe blrds Lhey dance below me A C u/l#
Maybe when Lhlngs Lurn green agaln A C u/l#
lL wlll be good Lo say you know me A C u/l#

Ch lL's Laklng so long l could be wrong, l could be ready 8m L A C u/l#
Ch buL lf l Lake my hearL's advlce l should assume lL's sLlll unsLeady 8m L A C u/l#

Ch, yeah l'm never really ready A C u/l#
Ch, yeah l'm never really ready
l'm ln repalr, l'm noL LogeLher buL l'm geLLlng Lhere
l'm ln repalr, l'm noL LogeLher buL l'm geLLlng Lhere

Incompetncia Horria

1'has aLrapaL en un A
carrer sense sorLlda 8m
l es molL Llplc de Lu A
culpar els alLres de la Leva 8m
lncompeLencla horarla u L 87
no m'exLranya u L 87

l algun proces menLal A
has de fer de LanL en LanL 8m
quan se L'enfada la genL A
l a Lu eL sembla un malenLes 8m
per LoL es culpa Leva (culpa Leva) u L 87
es culpa Leva (culpa Leva) u L

l LoLes les coses que has LocaL A L
s'han espaLllaL A C#7
uuaa uuaa uuaaa C#m L C#m C#7 u L

l alguna cosa haruas de fer A L
Lu no esLas be A C#7
uuaa uuaa uuaaa C#m L C#m C#7 u L
hl ha coses que es mlllor A l#m
delxar per aquesLa no A l#m

l es com el cop aquell u
a la casa que Le el marc 8m
a la munLanya l vam A
decldlr quan Lu no hl ereLs 8m
que puLse eL maLavem (eL maLavem) u L 87
l L'a[udavem u L

l LoLes les coses que has LocaL A L
s'han espaLllaL A C#7
uuaa uuaa uuaaa C#m L C#m C#7 u L

l alguna cosa haruas de fer A L
Lu no esLas be A C#7
uuaa uuaa uuaaa C#m L C#m C#7 u L


Isnt She Lovely

lsn'L she lovely Am7 u7 l/C C
lsn'L she wonderfull
lsn'L she preclous
Less Lhan one mlnuLe old

l never LhoughL Lhrough love we'd be lma[7 L9m Am7 u7 l/C C
Maklng one as lovely as she
8uL lsn'L she lovely made from love

lsn'L she preLLy Am7 u7 l/C C
1ruly Lhe angel's besL
8oy, l'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed

l can'L belleve whaL Cod has done lma[7 L9m Am7 u7 l/C C
Lhrough us he's glven llfe Lo one
8uL lsn'L she lovely made from love

Parmonlca Solo Am7 u7 l/C C
lma[7 L9m Am7 u7 l/C C

lsn'L she lovely Am7 u7 l/C C
Llfe and love are Lhe same
Llfe ls Alsha
1he meanlng of her name

Londle, lL could have noL been done lma[7 L9m Am7 u7 l/C C
WlLhouL you who concelved Lhe one
1haL's so very lovely made from love


Jerk It Out

Wlnd me up Am C C l
puL me down
sLarL me off and waLch me go
l'll be runnlng clrcles around you sooner Lhan you know
A llLLle off cenLer
and l'm ouL of Lune
[usL klckln Lhls can along Lhe avenue
8uL l'm alrlghL

coz lL's easy once you know how lL's done l C/Am C Am
you can'L sLop now
lL's already begun
you feel lL
runnlng Lhrough your bones
and you [erk lL ouL

shuL up Am C C l
hush your mouLh
can'L you hear you Lalk Lo loud?
no l can'L hear noLhlng 'cause l goL my head up ln Lhe clouds
l blLe off anyLhlng LhaL l can chew
l'm chaslng cars up and down Lhe avenue
8uL LhaL's ok

coz lL's easy once you know how lL's done l C/Am C Am
you can'L sLop now
lL's already begun
you feel lL
runnlng Lhrough your bones
and you [erk lL ouL


Killer Queen

She keeps MoeL eL Chandon ln a preLLy cablneL Am C
'LeL Lhem eaL cake' she says !usL llke Marle AnLolneLLe Am C C
A bullL-ln remedy lor khrushchev and kennedy C C C7 l
AL anyLlme an lnvlLaLlon ?ou can'L decllne lm C C

Cavlar and clgareLLes Well versed ln eLlqueLLe L7 Am C7 C
LxLraordlnarlly nlce 87 Lm

She's a klller Cueen Cunpowder, CelaLlne C 8m Lm 8m
uynamlLe wlLh a laser beam Lm l#7 8m
CuaranLeed Lo blow your mlnd AnyLlme L7 A C

8ecommended aL Lhe prlce l#7 8m
lnsaLlable an appeLlLe L7 Am
Wanna Lry? A C

1o avold compllcaLlons She never kepL Lhe same address Am C
ln conversaLlon She spoke [usL llke a baroness Am C C
MeL a man from Chlna WenL down Lo Asla Mlnor C C C7 l
1hen agaln lncldenLally lf you're LhaL way lncllned lm C C

erfume came naLurally from arls (naLurally) L7 Am C7 C
for cars she couldn'L care less lasLldlous and preclse 87 Lm

She's a klller Cueen Cunpowder, CelaLlne C 8m Lm 8m
uynamlLe wlLh a laser beam Lm l#7 8m
CuaranLeed Lo blow your mlnd AnyLlme L7 A C

urop of a haL she's as wllllng as layful as a pussy caL L7 Am L7 Am
1hen momenLarlly ouL of acLlon 1emporarlly ouL of gas C C C C
1o absoluLely drlve you wlld, wlld 87 Lm u C u C u
(She's ouL Lo geL you)
She's a klller Cueen Cunpowder, CelaLlne u7 C 8m Lm 8m
uynamlLe wlLh a laser beam Lm l#7 8m
CuaranLeed Lo blow your mlnd AnyLlme L7 A C

8ecommended aL Lhe prlce l#7 8m
lnsaLlable an appeLlLe L7 Am
Wanna Lry? A C


La Flaca

Ln la vlda conocl mu[er lgual a la flaca Am Lm u C/Lm
Coral negro de La Pabana
Lremendlslma mulaLa
Clen llbras de plel y hueso
40 kllos de salsa
y en la cara los soles
que sln palabras hablan.
Cue sln palabras hablan.

La flaca duerme de dla Am Lm u C/Lm
dlce que asl el hambre engana
cuando cae la noche
ba[a a ballar a la Lasca
? ballar y ballar
y Lomar y Lomar
una cerveza Lras oLra
pero ella nunca engorda,
pero ella nunca engorda.

or un beso de la flaca l C Am u
darla lo que fuera
por un beso de ella
aunque solo uno fuera.
or un beso de la flaca
darla lo que fuera
por un beso de ella
aunque solo uno fuera.
Aunque solo uno fuera.

Coge mls sabanas blancas Am Lm u C/Lm
como dlce la canclon
recordando las carlclas
que me brlndo el prlmer dla y
Lnloquezco de ganas de dormlr a su ladlLo
porque ulos que esLa flaca a
ml me Llene loqulLo.
A ml me Llene loqulLo.

or un beso de la flaca l C Am u
yo darla lo que fuera
por un beso de ella
aunque solo uno fuera.
or un beso de la flaca
yo darla lo que fuera
por un beso de ella
aunque solo uno fuera.


La Rdio De Mart

una hlsLrla es un full en blanc
una nola amb cabell esLrany l Am Cm u C 8m um L
quan la mare eL dlu que no
el Leu pare vesLelx de marr Cm 8b C7 C7 Am C u7 u7
Lls amlcs desapareguLs
sempre corren pel mal caml l Am Cm u C 8m um L
l el selenL de davanL de LoL
es on sempre us rleu de ml Cm 8b C7 C7 Am C u7 u7

Ll clnema m'esLa maLanL
[a no puc amb el vldeoArL C# Caug lm C#7 8b uaug Cm 8b7
Sl ho mlrem amb els ulls d'un bolg
es mes rapld l facll C# Aaug 8bm Lb Lb 8aug Cm l

8allanL a la boLabara
mlreu com [uguen al plng pong 8b Lb Cm7 l#aug C l Am7 Caug
sn els rels de l'esporL l lm Cm7 Lbm7 C Cm um7 lm7
l mlreu com s'enfllen a la boLavara
culpanL sempre al nol equlvocaL 8b Lb Cm7 l#aug C l Am7 Caug
la maLelxa can l lm Cm7 Lbm7 C Cm um7 lm7
de la radlo de marL Cm7 l#aug 8b C7 Am7 Caug C u7

nord amerlca s'ha LrencaL
l a Lurodlsney hl ha quaLre gaLs l Am Cm u C 8m um L
la oflclna [a no exlsLelx
perque els beaLles esLan [ubllaLs Cm 8b C7 C7 Am C u7 u7
Lls agenLs de la kC8
veuen vodka del mes baraL l Am Cm u C 8m um L
per en el fons es lrrellevanL
perque Lu esLas escolLanL Cm 8b C7 C7 Am C u7 u7

Ll clnema m'esLa maLanL
[a no crec en el vldeoArL C# Caug lm C#7 8b uaug Cm 8b7
Sl ho mlrem amb els ulls d'un bolg
es mes rapld l facll C# Aaug 8bm Lb Lb 8aug Cm l

8allanL a la boLabara
mlreu com [uguen al plng pong 8b Lb Cm7 l#aug C l Am7 Caug
sn els rels de l'esporL l lm Cm7 Lbm7 C Cm um7 lm7
l mlreu com s'enfllen a la boLavara
culpanL sempre al nol equlvocaL 8b Lb Cm7 l#aug C l Am7 Caug
la maLelxa can l lm Cm7 Lbm7 C Cm um7 lm7
de la radlo de marL Cm7 l#aug 8b C7 Am7 Caug C u7


Les Trompetes I Els Violins

Pl ha un home de blau que mou els llavls per no se'l senL u C
A l'auLoplsLa ara hl ha molL d'amblenL u C
LsLlc esLes a Lerra l me'n rlc de la genL u C
Lls reLrovlsors del Corsa els Llnc aqul maLelx u C

alsaLge de vldres geganLs 1enles una vlda per endavanL C C u

vlnga nols anem-hl LoLs correnLs a l'hosplLal u C
lluorescenLs que volen recLlllnls l consLanLs u C

Clor d'hemorragla l meLall Comena el Leu vlaLge dlns l'hlperespal C C u

!a sc aqul senyors, [o sc el docLor que eL porLa al cllmax u C 87
AscendenL per les maresmes Lm u/l# C A
maledes Lm u/l# C A/C#

Culna bellesa rau en la preclsl de la lnclsl u C 87
LxLlrparem LoL el dolor Lm u/l# C A
agafa'L forL Lm u/l# C u

l dlrlgelx-Le cap al clm C A
Ll cel [a s'esLa obrlnL C A
LscolLa les LrompeLes l els vlollns C A
C u/l# l L
l mlra com desfllen Am C/8 C u
MunLanyes de records l genL que esLlmes Am C/8 C u
Ls el flnal, es el flnal. Ls el flnal!! l 8b l 8b Cm C Cm C
C# Cseml -- Cma[7
Pl ha un home de blanc que mou els braos l esLa conLenL 8 Cma[7
senyor SampleLro sembla que ha anaL prou be 8 L
recolzl els peus a Lerra per Lornar a comenar 8 Lbm L C#m
poLser senLlra molesLles
poLser Lrobara. Cue LoL ha canvlaL. 8

LeL lL 8e

lnLro C C Am l C C l

When l flnd myself ln Llmes of Lrouble, C C
moLher Mary comes Lo me, Am l
speaklng words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l
And ln my hour of darkness C C
she ls sLandlng rlghL ln fronL of me, Am l
speaklng words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l

LeL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be. Am C l C
Whlsper words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l

And when Lhe broken hearLed people C C
llvlng ln Lhe world agree, Am l
Lhere wlll be an answer, leL lL be. C C l
lor Lhough Lhey may be parLed Lhere ls C C
sLlll a chance LhaL Lhey wlll see, Am l
Lhere wlll be an answer. leL lL be. C C l

LeL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be. Am C l C
Lhere wlll be an answer. leL lL be. C C l

LeL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be. Am C l C
Whlsper words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l

C C Am l C C l

LeL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be. Am C l C
Whlsper words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l

And when Lhe nlghL ls cloudy, Lhere ls C C
sLlll a llghL, LhaL shlnes on me, Am l
shlne unLll Lomorrow, leL lL be. C C l
l wake up Lo Lhe sound of muslc, C C
moLher Mary comes Lo me, Am l
speaklng words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l

LeL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be. Am C l C
Lhere wlll be an answer. leL lL be. C C l

LeL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be, leL lL be. Am C l C
Whlsper words of wlsdom, leL lL be. C C l


London Skies
Capo 4Lh lreL

alnL a plcLure,
Clear cuL and pale on a cold wlnLers day,
Shapes and cool llghL wander Lhe sLreeLs llke an army of sLrays,
Cn a cold wlnLers uay.

Wlll you leL me romanLlclze,
1he beauLy ln our London Skles,
?ou know Lhe sunllghL always shlnes,
8ehlnd Lhe clouds of London Skles.

aLlenL momenLs you chlll Lo Lhe bone under lnflnlLe greys,
vlslon hlndered mlsL seLLllng low llke a ghosLly balleL,
Cn a cold wlnLers uay.

Wlll you leL me romanLlclze,
1he beauLy ln our London Skles,
?ou know Lhe sunllghL always shlnes,
8ehlnd Lhe clouds of London Skles.

noLhlng ls cerLaln excepL everyLhlng you know can change,
you worshlp Lhe sun buL now,
can you fall for Lhe raln...

Wlll you leL me romanLlclze,
1he beauLy ln our London Skles,
?ou know Lhe sunllghL always shlnes,
8ehlnd Lhe clouds of London Skles.


Long Road To Ruin

Pere now don'L make a sound Say have you heard Lhe news Loday? C
Cne flag was Laken down 1o ralse anoLher ln lLs place l
A heavy cross you bear A sLubborn hearL remalns unchanged C
no home, no llfe, no love no sLranger slnglng ln your name l

Maybe Lhe season Am C/8
1he colours change ln Lhe valley skles C C/8
uear Cod l've sealed my faLe Am C/8
8unnlng Lhrough hell, heaven can walL C u

Long road Lo ruln Lhere ln your eyes l C
under Lhe cold sLreeLllghLs l C C/8
no Lomorrow, no dead end ln slghL Am u l

LeL's say we Lake Lhls Lown no klng or queen of any sLaLe C
CeL up Lo shuL lL down Cpen Lhe sLreeLs and ralse Lhe gaLes l
l know one wall Lo scale l know a fleld wlLhouL a name C
Pead on wlLhouL a care 8efore lL's way Loo laLe l

Maybe Lhe season Am C/8
1he colours change ln Lhe valley skles C C/8
uear Cod l've sealed my faLe Am C/8
8unnlng Lhrough hell, heaven can walL C u

Long road Lo ruln Lhere ln your eyes l C
under Lhe cold sLreeLllghLs l C C/8
no Lomorrow, no dead end Am u l

Long road Lo ruln Lhere ln your eyes l C
under Lhe cold sLreeLllghLs l C C/8
no Lomorrow, no dead end ln slghL Am u l

lor every plece Lo fall ln place C C
lorever gone wlLhouL a Lrace C C
?our horlzon Lakes lLs shape C C
no Lurnlng back, don'L Lurn LhaL page Am C

Come now, l'm leavlng here LonlghL Am C C
Come now, leL's leave lL all behlnd C Am7
ls LhaL Lhe prlce you pay? C
8unnlng Lhrough hell, heaven can walL C u

Long road Lo ruln Lhere ln your eyes l C
under Lhe cold sLreeLllghLs l C C/8
no Lomorrow, no dead end Am u l

Long road Lo ruln Lhere ln your eyes l C
under Lhe cold sLreeLllghLs l C C/8
no Lomorrow, no dead end ln slghL Am u l


Love Ain't Gonna Let You Down

Lveryone knows LhaL l'm rlghLfully yours C#m7 C#7 l# 8ma[7
So brlng ouL your dlrL from your prevlous wars C#m7 C#9 l# 8ma[7
So lay Lhee Lo resL C#m7 8b7
'cause l'm chaslng away all Lhe dusL LhaL you're leavlng behlnd u#m7 l# 8 A#7/u u#m7
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more (hmm) l#
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more C#7

'Cause l'll Lurn your world around l# L 8
and love aln'L gonna leL you down (hm)

So you wear your hearL llke a brooch for all Lo see C#m7 C#7 l# 8ma[7
8uL Lhe blood LhaL pumps Lhrough So wlll you save LhaL for me C#m7 C#9 l# 8ma[7
l've sweeLened my Longue C#m7 8b7
And l've sharpened my words and my wlL And l've wrlLLen my llnes u#m7 l# 8 A#7/u u#m7
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more (hmm) l#
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more C#

'Cause l'll Lurn your world around l# L 8
and love aln'L gonna leL you down (hm)

leel lL burnlng llke a bomb raglng A
a Lhousand summers grazlng on your skln l#/A#
resLlessly anLlclpaLlng so many Llny Lhlngs uo u#m7

1he pursulL of love consumes us all A
l'll be your labrlce wlLhouL Lhe war l#/A#
uo you dream abouL lL wrlLLen for uo
8ursLlng wlLh all of Lhe welghL of a mllllon rhymes u#m7 l# 8 A#7/u u#m7
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more (hmm) l#
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more l#
8ecause Love aln'L gonna leL you down 8ma[7
love aln'L gonna leL you down no more C#

'Cause l'll Lurn your world around l# L 8
and love aln'L gonna leL you down (hm)


Love Today

uoom dududu domm boom da da boom.. 8

Lverybodys gonna love Loday, love Loday love Loday, 8 L l#
Lverybodys gonna love Loday, 8
anyway you wanL Lo, anyway youve goL Lo, A L
love love me, love love me, love love l# 8

l've been crylng for so long, 8 L l#
flghLlng Lears [usL Lo carry on, 8
buL now, buL now, lLs gone away, A L l# 8

hey glrl why can'L you carry on, 8 A
ls lL cause you're [usL llke your moLher, A l#
a llLLle LlghL, llke Lo Lease for fun, 8 A
well you aln'L gonna Lease no oLher, L l#
gonna make you a lover,

Lverybodys gonna love Loday, love Loday love Loday, 8 L l#
Lverybodys gonna love Loday, 8
anyway you wanL Lo, anyway youve goL Lo, A L
love love me, love love me, love love l# 8

glrl wlLh a groove wlLh Lhe blg busL on, blg busL on, 8 L l#
walL Llll your moLher and your papas gone, papas gone , 8
Momma, momma, papa, A L
shock shock me, shock shock me, shock shock, l# 8

l sald, Lverybodys gonna love Loday, love Loday love Loday, 8 L l#
Lverybodys gonna love Loday, 8
anyway you wanL Lo, anyway youve goL Lo, A L
love love me, love love me, love love l# 8

carollna slLs on nlneLy flve 8 L l#
glve her a dollar and shell make you smlle, 8
hook her, book her, nook her, walk away! A L l#

Carry dresses llke a kld for fun, 8 A
llcks her llps llke Lhelr someLhlng oLher, L l#
Lrles Lo Lell you llfe has [usL begun, 8 A
buL you know she's geLLlng someLhlng oLher L l#
1haL Lhe love from Lhe moLher

Lverybodys gonna love Loday, love Loday love Loday, 8 L l#
Lverybodys gonna love Loday, 8
anyway you wanL Lo, anyway youve goL Lo, A L
love love me, love love me, love love l# 8

glrl wlLh a groove wlLh Lhe blg busL on, blg busL on, 8 L l#
walL Llll your moLher and your papas gone, papas gone , 8
Momma, momma, papa, A L
shock shock me, shock shock me, shock shock, l# 8


Lovely Rita

Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C l
Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C C

Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C 8b l
noLhlng can come beLween us, C C
When lL geLs dark l Low your hearL away. Am u C

SLandlng by a parklng meLer, C l
When l caughL a gllmpse of rlLa, 8b Lb
lllllng ln a LlckeL ln her llLLle whlLe book. C C

ln a cap she looked much older, C l
And Lhe bag across her shoulder 8b Lb
Made her look a llLLle llke a mlllLary man. C C (C Am um C)

Lovely rlLa meLer mald, C 8b l
May l lnqulre dlscreeLly, C C
When are you free, Am
1o Lake some Lea wlLh me. u C (l Lm um)
Ah 8lLa! C C

1ook her ouL and Lrled Lo wln her, C l
Pad a laugh and over dlnner, 8b Lb
1old her l would really llke Lo see her agaln, C C

CoL Lhe blll and rlLa pald lL, C l
1ook her home l nearly made lL, 8b Lb
SlLLlng on Lhe sofa wlLh a slsLer or Lwo. C C (C Am um C)

Ch, lovely rlLa meLer mald, C 8b l
Where would l be wlLhouL you, C C
Clve us a wlnk and make me Lhlnk of you. Am u C

Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C l
Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C C
Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C l
Lovely rlLa meLer mald. C C

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

lcLure yourself ln a boaL on a rlver, A A/C A/l# l
WlLh Langerlne Lrees and marmalade skles.
Somebody calls you, you answer qulLe slowly,
A glrl wlLh kaleldoscope eyes.

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green, 8b C
1owerlng over your head. l 8b
Look for Lhe glrl wlLh Lhe sun ln her eyes, C C
And she's gone. u

Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds, C C u
Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds,
Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds,
Ah... Ah...

lollow her down Lo a brldge by a founLaln, A A/C A/l# l
Where rocklng horse people eaL marshmallow ples.
Lveryone smlles as you drlfL pasL Lhe flowers,
1haL grow so lncredlbly hlgh.

newspaper Laxls appear on Lhe shore, 8b C
WalLlng Lo Lake you away. l 8b
Cllmb ln Lhe back wlLh your head ln Lhe clouds, C C
And you're gone. u

Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds, C C u
Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds,
Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds,
Ah... Ah...

lcLure yourself on a Lraln ln a sLaLlon, A A/C A/l# l
WlLh plasLlclne porLers wlLh looklng glass Lles.
Suddenly someone ls Lhere aL Lhe LurnsLlle,
1he glrl wlLh kaleldoscope eyes.

Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds, C C u
Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds,
Lucy ln Lhe sky wlLh dlamonds,
Ah... Ah...


Make It Mine

Wake up everyone Cma[7
Pow can you sleep aL a Llme llke Lhls 8m
unless Lhe dreamer ls Lhe real you Am7
LlsLen Lo your volce Cma[7
1he one LhaL Lells you Lo LasLe pasL Lhe Llp of your Longue 8m
Llp and Lhe neck wlll appear Am7

l don'L wanna wake before Cm7 u
1he dream ls over 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
?es l... l know lL 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
?es l'll make lL all mlne Cma[7

l keep my llfe on a heavy roLaLlon Cma[7
8equesLlng LhaL lL's llfLlng you up 8m
up up and away Am7
And over Lo a Lable aL Lhe gradlLude cafe Cma[7 u

And l am flnally Lhere Cma[7
And all Lhe angels Lhey'll be slnglng 8m
Ah la la la ah la la la l la la la la love you Am7 Am7 Am7 u

l don'L wanna break before Am7 u
1he Lour ls over 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
?es l...l know lL 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
?es l'll make lL all mlne Cma[7

Am7 u 8m7 Lm7
Am7 u 8m7 Lm7
Am7 u Cma[7

And Llmlng's everyLhlng u#ma[7
And Lhls Llme Lhere's plenLy 8bma[7
l am balanclng u#ma[7
Careful and sLeady 8bma[7
And revellng ln energy LhaL everyone's emlLLlng Am7 u

l don'L wanna walL no more Am7 u
no l wanna celebraLe Lhe whole world 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
8ecause l'm followlng your [oy 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
8ecause l... l am open 8m7 Lm7
l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
?es l... l'm gonna show lL 8m7 Lm7
?es l'm gonna make lL mlne Am7 u
?es l wlll make lL all mlne Cma[7


Mary Had A Little Lamb

lnLro L7 L7 A7 L7 87 A7 L7

Mary had a llLLle lamb A7 L7 87 A7 L7
Pls fleece was black as coal, yeah
And everywhere Lhe chlld wenL
1haL llLLle lamb was sure Lo go now.

Pe followed her Lo school one day A7 L7 87 A7 L7
Whlch broke Lhe Leachers cool
8uL whaL a Llme dld Lhey have
1haL day aL school.

1lskeL! 1askeL! baby A7 L7 87 A7 L7
A green and yellow baskeL
l wroLe a leLLer Lo by baby
And on my way l pasL lL.

1here's a powdered sun drlpplng Lhrough a porLhole C 8b
ln a seL deslgn Cm Lb
Can you read your name 8b l
lL's been so long slnce we bloomed from Lhe lnslde Cm C
So where have you been slnce you fell off Lhe flaL edge C# Cm lC# L

Cf a world under noLhlng sky L l# C#m
?ou've been lylng by L l# C#m
1hey clalm men you dance under Lhe moonllghL L l# C#m L l# L

uo whaL you Lhlnk ls Lhe sum L l# C#m
8uLs lL a flesh and blood of a L l# C#m
ulsmembered gone assembly L l# C#m
ln four Lhousands of your years L l# C#m L l# L

you felL llke hlsLory ln your Lhlghs Am (L)Am l C
you're Lhe one LhaL makes me reallze Am (L)Am l C

wlLh waLer flowlng Lhrough Lo Lomorrow l C
l flnally reallzed you musL have bullL l Cm C C#
ln your snake, your llLLle duck house C

makes me feel llke l'm allve Am (L)Am l C
you're my klnd, you're my klnd
you always make me feel llke a moon ls ln my llfe, Am (L)Am l C
all Lhe Llme
lL always makes me feel good Lo know you're allve, l C
apples and cake musL have been your mlsLake Lhls Llme l Cm C C# C

l've been lnsane well Lhe Llme ls slow Cm Lb A# C#
Lhe pope don'L maLLer when Lhe pawn ls your sea, don'L you Cm Lb A# C# C
agree? when you're around l'm wound around your Lhumb. Cm Lb A# C#
you wanna be numb. lnslde Lhe gun. Cm Lb A# C# C
all your dlfferenL llghLs are one blg flghL agalnsL Lhe
8aby lnslde LhaL you've mlsLaken for paln. wlLhouL you. Cm

Master Blaster

Lveryone's feellng preLLy Cm 8b C# Cm l Cm 8b
lL's hoLLer Lhan !uly
1hough Lhe world's full of problems
1hey couldn'L Louch us even lf Lhey Lrled
lrom Lhe park l hear rhyLhms
Marley's hoL on Lhe box
1onlghL Lhere wlll be a parLy
Cn Lhe corner aL Lhe end of Lhe block

uldn'L know you Cm 8b l
Would be [ammln' unLll Lhe break of dawn
l beL nobody ever Lold you LhaL you
would be [ammln' unLll Lhe break of dawn
?ou would be [ammln' and [ammln' and [ammln', [am on

1hey wanL us Lo [oln Lhelr flghLlng Cm 8b C# Cm l Cm 8b
8uL our answer Loday
ls Lo leL all our worrles
Llke Lhe breeze Lhrough our flngers sllp away
eace has come Lo lmbabwe
1hlrd World's rlghL on Lhe one
now's Lhe Llme for celebraLlon
'Cause we've only [usL begun

uldn'L know LhaL you Cm 8b l
Would be [ammln' unLll Lhe break of dawn
8eL you nobody ever Lold you LhaL you
Would be [ammln' unLll Lhe break of dawn
?ou would be [ammln' and [ammln' and [ammln', [am on

8eL you nobody ever Lold you LhaL you
(We're ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe makln's of Lhe masLer blasLer [ammln')
Would be [ammln' unLll Lhe break of dawn
l know nobody Lold you LhaL you
(We're ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe makln's of Lhe masLer blasLer [ammln')
Would be [ammln' unLll Lhe break of dawn
We're [ammln', [ammln', [ammln', [am on

?ou ask me am l happy Cm 8b C# Cm l Cm 8b
Well as maLLer of facL
l can say LhaL l'm ecsLaLlc
'Cause we all [usL made a pacL
We've agreed Lo geL LogeLher
!olned as chlldren ln !ah
When you're movlng ln Lhe poslLlve
?our desLlnaLlon ls Lhe brlghLesL sLar


Maybe Im Amazed
8b um lm lm Lb Lbm 8b
Maybe l'm Amazed AL 1he Way ?ou Love Me All 1he 1lme l# C# C# Lb
Maybe l'm Afrald Cf 1he Way l Love ?ou l# C# C# C#
Maybe l'm Amazed AL 1he Way ?ou ulled Me CuL Cf 1lme l# C# C# Lb
And Pung Me Cn A Llne l# C#
Maybe l'm Amazed AL 1he Way l 8eally need ?ou L l# C#

Maybe l'm A Clrl And Maybe l'm A Lonely Clrl 8b um lm
Who's ln 1he Mlddle Cf SomeLhlng lm
1haL She uoesn'L 8eally undersLand Lb Lbm 8b
Maybe l'm A Clrl And Maybe ?ou're 1he Cnly Man 8b um lm
Who Could Lver Pelp Me lm
8aby Won'L ?ou Pelp Me undersLand Lb Lbm 8b Lb l

(LsLrofa lnsLrumenLal)
Maybe l'm A Clrl And Maybe l'm A Lonely Clrl 8b um lm
Who's ln 1he Mlddle Cf SomeLhlng lm
1haL She uoesn'L 8eally undersLand Lb Lbm 8b
Maybe l'm A Clrl And Maybe ?ou're 1he Cnly Man 8b um lm
Who Could Lver Pelp Me lm
8aby Won'L ?ou Pelp Me undersLand Lb Lbm 8b Lb l

Maybe l'm Amazed AL 1he Way ?ou're WlLh Me All 1he 1lme l# C# C# Lb
Maybe l'm Afrald Cf 1he Way l Leave ?ou l# C# C# C#
Maybe l'm Amazed AL 1he Way ?ou Pelp Me Slng My Song l# C# C# Lb
8lghL Me When l'm Wrong l# C#
Maybe l'm Amazed AL 1he Way l 8eally need ?ou L l# C#

Maybe l'm A Clrl And Maybe l'm A Lonely Clrl 8b um lm
Who's ln 1he Mlddle Cf SomeLhlng lm
1haL She uoesn'L 8eally undersLand Lb Lbm 8b
Maybe l'm A Clrl And Maybe ?ou're 1he Cnly Man 8b um lm
Who Could Lver Pelp Me lm
8aby Won'L ?ou Pelp Me undersLand Lb Lbm 8b Lb l

(LsLrofa lnsLrumenLal)
8b um lm lm Lb Lbm 8b
8b um lm lm Lb Lbm 8b
Lbm l


lm lm/L lm/u C#ma[7 C7
Mlchelle, my belle. lm 8bm7
1hese are words LhaL go LogeLher well, Lb udlm C
My Mlchelle. 8dlm C

Mlchelle, my belle. lm 8bm7
SonL des moLs qul vonL Lres blen ensemble, Lb udlm C
1res blen ensemble. 8dlm C

l love you, l love you, l love you. lm
1haL's all l wanL Lo say. C#7 C#
unLll l flnd a way C lm
l wlll say Lhe only words l know LhaL lm lm/L lm/u
?ou'll undersLand. C#ma[7 C7

Mlchelle, my belle. lm 8bm7
SonL des moLs qul vonL Lres blen ensemble, Lb udlm C
1res blen ensemble. 8dlm C

l need Lo, l need Lo, l need Lo. lm
l need Lo make you see, C#7 C#
Ch, whaL you mean Lo me. C lm
unLll l do l'm hoplng you wlll lm lm/L lm/u
know whaL l mean. C#ma[7 C7

l love you... lm 8bm7 Lb udlm C 8dlm C

l love you, l love you, l love you. lm
l Lhlnk you know by now C#7 C#
l'll geL Lo you somehow. C lm
unLll l do l'm Lelllng you so lm lm/L lm/u
?ou'll undersLand. C#ma[7 C7

Mlchelle, my belle. lm 8bm7
SonL des moLs qul vonL Lres blen ensemble, Lb udlm C
1res blen ensemble. 8dlm C

l wlll say Lhe only words l know LhaL lm lm/L lm/u
?ou'll undersLand. My Mlchelle C#ma[7 C7



LveryLhlng l know ls you Cm u
LeL me Lell you whaL we're llsLenlng Lo Lb 8b l
l'm a genLle soul l'm sure Cm u
8uL on Lhe sLereo l'm a dlcLaLor Lb 8b l

uo you even have a Lape machlne? l#
1o faclllLaLe my plasLlc dreams C#ma[7
All Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l have seen, from 8bm7
Morrlssey Lo !ohn ColLrane ah!... Lb
ClnemaLlc CrchesLra, l#
ue La Soul Lhe Shangrl-La's C#ma[7
An adolescenL love leLLer, 8bm7
a sparkllng [ewel of manual labour Lb

l'll make you a mlxLape LhaL's a blueprlnL of my soul 8b Cm7
lL may sound grand buL babe lL's all you need Lo know um7 Lbma[7
l'll make you a mlxLape LhaL wlll charm you lnLo bed 8b Cm7
lL deLalls everyLhlng LhaL's runnlng round my head um7 Lbma[7
8b 8b7 Cm7 8bsus4
1haL's runnlng round my head 8b 8b7 Cm7 8bsus4

londllng, record and play Cm u
WlLhouL you lL's records nlghL and day Lb 8b l
1hls aln'L no dlsc of M3's Cm u
1hls one' handmade, fashloned lovlngly Lb 8b l

lanL Lhe ryLhm ln your bones l#
?ou're Lhe only angel ln headphones C#ma[7
My love can palnL a mllllon Lones 8bm7
lrom nlne lnch nalls Lo Louls ArmsLrong Lb
So resurrecL your sLereo l#
And Lhe swaLhrs of melodles wlll flow C#ma[7
1helonlous, Maurlzlo 8bm7
l Lell you babe lL wlll make your hearL glow Lb

l'll make you a mlxLape LhaL's a blueprlnL of my soul 8b Cm7
lL may sound grand buL babe lL's all you need Lo know um7 Lbma[7
l'll make you a mlxLape LhaL wlll charm you lnLo bed 8b Cm7
lL deLalls everyLhlng LhaL's runnlng round my head um7 Lbma[7

Coh Coh 8b u/l# Cm Lbma[7


l Look a blLe ouL of a mounLaln range Lm
1houghL my LeeLh would break, Lhe mounLaln dld C
LeL's go, l wanL Lo go Lm
All Lhe way Lo Lhe horlzon C

l Look a drlnk ouL of Lhe ocean and Lm
l'm Lreadlng waLer Lhere before l drown C
LeL's dlve, l wanL Lo dlve Lm
1o Lhe boLLom of Lhe ocean C

1ook a rlde, l Look a rlde u
l wouldn'L go Lhere wlLhouL you Lm
LeL's Lake a rlde, we'll Lake a rlde u
l wouldn'L leave here wlLhouL you Lm
l am a mounLaln C u/l#
l am Lhe sea C u/l#
?ou can'L Lake LhaL away from me Lm u/l#
l am a mounLaln C u/l#
l am Lhe sea C u/l#
?ou can'L Lake LhaL away from me Lm

'Cause you Lear us aparL u/l# Lm C
WlLh all Lhe Lhlngs you don'L llke C u/l#
?ou can'L undersLand Lm C
1haL l won'L leave C u/l#
'1ll we're flnlshed here Lm C
And Lhen you'll flnd ouL C u/l#
Where lL all wenL wrong Lm C

l wroLe a noLe Lo Lhe [ungle and Lm
1hey wroLe me back LhaL l was never crowned C
klng of Lhe [ungle so Lm
1here's an end Lo my horlzon C

1ook a rlde, l Look a rlde u
l wouldn'L go Lhere wlLhouL you Lm
LeL's Lake a rlde, we'll Lake a rlde u
l wouldn'L leave here wlLhouL you Lm

[Chorus osL Chorus]
Lm u/l# C C/8 Am C Lm u/l# C Am C
noLhlng lasLs forever, excepL you and me Lm u/l# C C C
?ou are my mounLaln, you are my sea u/l# C C Am
Love can lasL forever, beLween you and me Lm u/l# C C C
?ou are my mounLaln, you are my sea u/l# C C
l am a mounLaln C u/l#
l am Lhe sea C u/l#
?ou can'L Lake LhaL away from me Lm u/l#
l am a mounLaln C
l am Lhe sea
l am a mounLaln C
l am Lhe sea


New Born

Llnk lL Lo Lhe world Lm 8
Llnk lL Lo yourself Lm 8
SLreLch lL llke a blrLh squeeze Lm C C 8
1he love for whaL you hlde Lm 8
lor blLLerness lnslde Lm 8
ls growlng llke Lhe new born Lm C C 8
When you've seen, seen Loo much Lm 8 Lm 8 Lm C C 8
1oo young, young Lm 8 Lm 8
Soulless ls everywhere Lm C C 8
Lm Am u C/8
C 8bdlm Lm 8
Popeless Llme Lo roam Lm 8
1he dlsLance Lo your home Lm 8
lades away Lo nowhere Lm C C 8
Pow much are you worLh? Lm 8
?ou can'L come down Lo earLh Lm 8
?ou're swelllng up ?ou're unsLoppable Lm C C 8
Cos you've seen Lm 8
Seen Loo much Lm 8 Lm C C 8
1oo young, young Lm 8
Soulless ls everywhere Lm C C 8

uesLroy Lhe splneless Lm Am u
Show me lL's real C u/l# C
WasLlng our lasL chance Lo come away 8bdlm Lm 8
!usL break a sllence Lm Am u
Cause l'm drlfLlng away C u/l# C
Away from you 8bdlm Lm 8
Lm 8 Lm 8 Lm 8 C 8
Llnk lL Lo Lhe world Lm 8
Llnk lL Lo yourself Lm 8
SLreLch lL llke a blrLh squeeze Lm C C 8
And 1he love for whaL you hlde Lm 8
and Lhe blLLerness lnslde Lm 8
ls growlng llke Lhe new born Lm C C 8
When you've seen, seen Loo much Lm 8
1oo young, young Lm 8
Soulless ls everywhere Lm C C 8

uesLroy Lhe splneless Lm Am u
Show me lL's real C u/l# C
WasLlng our lasL chance Lo come away 8bdlm Lm 8
!usL break a sllence Lm Am u
Cause l'm drlfLlng away C u/l# C
Away from you 8bdlm Lm 8


No Such Thing
Lma[9 Ladd9 Lma[9
Welcome Lo Lhe real world Lma[9
she sald Lo me condescendlngly Ama[9
Lake a seaL, Lake your llfe C#7sus4
ploL lL ouL ln black and whlLe C
well l never llved Lhe dreams of Lhe Lma[9
prom klngs and Lhe drama queens Ama[9
l'd llke Lo Lhlnk Lhe besL of me C#7sus4
ls sLlll hldlng up my sleeve l#7

Lhey love Lo Lell you sLay ln-slde Lhe llnes Asus2
buL someLhlng's beLLer on Lhe oLher slde l#7 Asus2 Asus2/C# Lma[9

l wanL Lo run Lhrough Lhe halls of my hlgh school Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l wanL Lo scream aL Lhe Lop of my lungs Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l [usL found ouL Lhere's no such Lhlng as Lhe real world Am9 Am7 Lma[9
[usL a lle you've goL Lo rlse above Am9 Am7 Lma[9

so Lhe good boys and glrls Lake Lhe Lma[9
so called rlghL Lrack faded whlLe haLs Ama[9
grabblng credlLs and maybe Lransfers C#7sus4
Lhey read all Lhe books buL Lhey can'L flnd Lhe answers C

all of our parenLs, Lhey're geLLlng older Lma[9
l wonder lf Lhey've wlshed for anyLhlng beLLer Ama[9
whlle ln Lhelr memorles C#7sus4
Llny Lragedles l#7

Lhey love Lo Lell you sLay ln-slde Lhe llnes Asus2
buL someLhlng's beLLer on Lhe oLher slde l#7 Asus2 Asus2/C# Lma[9

l wanL Lo run Lhrough Lhe halls of my hlgh school Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l wanL Lo scream aL Lhe Lop of my lungs Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l [usL found ouL Lhere's no such Lhlng as Lhe real world Am9 Am7 Lma[9
[usL a lle you've goL Lo rlse above Am9 Am7 Lma[9

l am lnvlnclble lma[7#11 Am9
l am lnvlnclble lma[7#11 Am9
l am lnvlnclble lma[7#11 Am9
as long as l'm allve Csus9

l#7 Asus2 Asus2/C# Lma[9

l wanL Lo run Lhrough Lhe halls of my hlgh school Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l wanL Lo scream aL Lhe Lop of my lungs Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l [usL found ouL Lhere's no such Lhlng as Lhe real world Am9 Am7 Lma[9
[usL a lle you've goL Lo rlse above Am9 Am7 Lma[9

l [usL can'L walL for my Len year reunlon Am9 Am7 Lma[9
l'm gonna busL down Lhe double doors Am9 Am7 Lma[9
and when l sLand on Lhese Lables before you Am9 Am7 Lma[9
you wlll know whaL all Lhls Llme was for Am9 Am7 Lma[9 Lma[7


Nowhere Man

Pe's a real nowhere man, (u)
SlLLlng ln hls nowhere Land,
Maklng all hls nowhere plans Lm Cm
for nobody. u

uoesn'L have a polnL of vlew, u A
knows noL where he's golng Lo, C u
lsn'L he a blL llke you and me? Lm Cm u

nowhere Man please llsLen, l#m C
?ou don'L know whaL you're mlsslng, l#m C
nowhere Man,Lhe world ls aL your command! l#m Lm7 A7

(lead gulLar) u A C u Lm Cm u

Pe's as bllnd as he can be, u A
!usL sees whaL he wanLs Lo see, C u
nowhere Man can you see me aL all? Lm Cm u

nowhere Man, don'L worry, l#m C
1ake your Llme, don'L hurry, l#m C
Leave lL all Llll somebody else lends you a hand! l#m Lm7 A7

uoesn'L have a polnL of vlew, u A
knows noL where he's golng Lo, C u
lsn'L he a blL llke you and me? Lm Cm u

nowhere Man please llsLen, l#m C
?ou don'L know whaL you're mlsslng, l#m C
nowhere Man,Lhe world ls aL your command! l#m Lm7 A7

Pe's a real nowhere man, (u)
SlLLlng ln hls nowhere Land,
Maklng all hls nowhere plans Lm Cm
for nobody. u
Maklng all hls nowhere plans Lm Cm
for nobody. u
Maklng all hls nowhere plans Lm Cm
for nobody. u



l'm Llred of belng whaL you wanL me Lo be um 8b l C
leellng so falLhless, losL under Lhe surface
l don'L know whaL you're expecLlng of me
uL under Lhe pressure of walklng ln your shoes

(CaughL ln Lhe underLow [usL caughL ln Lhe underLow) 8b C um l 8b C
Lvery sLep LhaL l Lake ls anoLher mlsLake Lo you
(CaughL ln Lhe underLow [usL caughL ln Lhe underLow)

l've become so numb l can'L feel you Lhere um 8b l C
8ecome so Llred so much more aware
l'm becomlng Lhls all l wanL Lo do
ls be more llke me and be less llke you

Can'L you see LhaL you're smoLherlng me? um 8b l C
Poldlng Loo LlghLly, afrald Lo lose conLrol
Cause everyLhlng LhaL you LhoughL l would be
Pas fallen aparL rlghL ln fronL of you

(CaughL ln Lhe underLow [usL caughL ln Lhe underLow) 8b C um l
Lvery sLep LhaL l Lake ls anoLher mlsLake Lo you
(CaughL ln Lhe underLow [usL caughL ln Lhe underLow) 8b C um l 8b C
And every second l wasLe ls more Lhan l can Lake

l've become so numb l can'L feel you Lhere um 8b l C
8ecome so Llred so much more aware
l'm becomlng Lhls all l wanL Lo do
ls be more llke me and be less llke you

And l know l may end up falllng Loo 8b C um/C um/C
8uL l know you were [usL llke me 8b C Am
WlLh someone dlsappolnLed ln you A

l've become so numb l can'L feel you Lhere um 8b l C
8ecome so Llred so much more aware
l'm becomlng Lhls all l wanL Lo do
ls be more llke me and be less llke you



(x4)omlL myself C C7 Am l
(Lake myself from your eyes)

omlL myself as a favor for god C C7 Am l
(all my rlghLs and everyones enemy)
suffer faLe cause lLs Lhe only llfL youve goL
dedlcaLe all of you before Lo now
emphaslzlng Lhese Lhlngs you wonL allow

(x2)omlL myself C C7 Am l
(Lake myself from your eyes)

omlL myself as a favor for god C C7 Am l
(all my rlghLs and everyones enemy)
suffer faLe cause lLs Lhe only llfL youve goL
dedlcaLe all of you before Lo now
emphaslzlng Lhese Lhlngs you wonL allow
C C7 Am l

never now we need Lhe oLher l u7m
(cenLrallze Lhe force of roL)
ln your llfe we Lake our cover
(echolng whaL ls noL)
C C7 Am l
golng nowhere C C7 Am l
(Lake myself from your eyes)
golng nowhere
(Lake myself from your eyes)

golng nowheres Lhe only clear shoL C C7 Am l
(all my rlghLs are everyones enemy)
aL belng someone Lhe faLes Lhlnk your noL
somewheres hole Lo dlvldes any way you wanL
faklng now faklng who you are

never now we need eachoLher l u7m
(cenLrallze Lhe force of roL)
ln your llfe lll Lake my cover
(echolng whaL ls noL)

never now l need Lhe oLher C C7 Am l
(and lf your sufferelng a loL)
ln your llfe we Lake ouL cover
(Lry belng someone your noL)
C C7 Am l



How long how long will I slide Am l C C
Separate my side I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat It's all I ever

I heard your voice through a photograph Am Lm
I thought it up it brought up the past
Once you know you can never go back
I've got to take it on the otherside C Am

Centuries are what it meant to me Am Lm
A cemetery where I marry the sea
Stranger things could never change my mind
I've got to take it on the otherside C Am
Take it on the otherside
Take it on Take it on

How long how long will I slide Am l C C
Separate my side I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat It's all I ever

Pour my life into a paper cup Am Lm
The ashtray's full and I'm spillin' my guts
She wants to know am I still a slut
I've got to take it on the otherside C Am

Scarlet starlet and she's in my bed Am Lm
A candidate for my soul mate bled
Push the trigger and pull the thread
I've got to take it on the otherside C Am
Take it on the otherside
Take it on Take it on

How long how long will I slide Am l C C
Separate my side I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat It's all I ever

Turn me on take me for a hard ride Lm C
Burn me out leave me on the otherside
I yell and tell it that It's not my friend
I tear it down I tear it down And then it's born again

How long how long will I slide Am l C C
Separate my side I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat It's all I ever


We are Lhe crowd We're comlng ouL 8m
CoL my flash on lL's Lrue need LhaL plcLure of you 8m
lL's so maglcal C
We'd be so fanLasLlc, oh 8m

LeaLher and [eans Carage glamorous 8m
noL sure whaL lL means 8uL Lhls phoLo of us 8m
lL don'L have a prlce C
8eady for Lhose flashlng llghLs 8m
'Cause you know LhaL baby l

l'm your blggesL fan l'll follow you unLll you love me C u
apa-aparazzl Lm
8aby Lhere's no oLher supersLar ?ou know LhaL l'll be your C u
apa-aparazzl Lm

romlse l'll be klnd 8uL l won'L sLop unLll LhaL boy ls mlne Lm u Lm C

8aby you'll be famous Chase you down unLll you love me C u
apa-aparazzl Lm

l'll be your glrl backsLage aL your show 8m
velveL ropes and gulLars 8m
?eah cause you're my rock sLar ln beLween Lhe seLs C
Lyellner and clgareLLes 8m

Shadow ls burnL, yellow dance and reLurn 8m
My lashes are dry - purple Leardrops l cry 8m
lL don'L have a prlce C
Lovlng you ls Cherry le 8m
'Cause you know LhaL baby l

l'm your blggesL fan l'll follow you unLll you love me C u
apa-aparazzl Lm
8aby Lhere's no oLher supersLar ?ou know LhaL l'll be your C u
apa-aparazzl Lm

romlse l'll be klnd 8uL l won'L sLop unLll LhaL boy ls mlne Lm u Lm C

8aby you'll be famous Chase you down unLll you love me C u
apa-aparazzl Lm

8eal good, We're danclng ln Lhe sLudlo 8m
Snap, snap, Lo LhaL shlL on Lhe radlo 8m
uon'L sLop, for anyone C
We're plasLlc buL we sLlll have fun 8m

l'm your blggesL fan l'll follow you unLll you love me apa-aparazzl C u Lm
8aby Lhere's no oLher supersLar ?ou know LhaL l'll be your apa-aparazzl C u Lm

romlse l'll be klnd 8uL l won'L sLop unLll LhaL boy ls mlne Lm u Lm C

8aby you'll be famous Chase you down unLll you love me apa-aparazzl C u Lm


Mellndros l crosanLs salaLs l# lma[7
lellos vlnL-l-Lres l# lma[7
Se m'envan les mans sl eL Llnc davanL 8

S'esveren LoLs els anlmals l# lma[7
lan cua per poder passar l# lma[7
Al flnal de LoL es mol mes fosc 8

CenLenars de peLlLes coses que em fan enfadar l# lma[7 8
CenLenars de peLlLes coses que em fan enfadar l# lma[7 8

!a n'hl ha prou no vull enLrar en els deLalls l# lma[7 C#m 8
!a n'hl ha prou no em burxls mes no en vull parlar l# lma[7 C#m 8

CenLenars de peLlLes coses que em fan enfadar l# lma[7 8
CenLenars de peLlLes coses que em fan enfadar l# lma[7 8
Lbm C#
!a n'hl ha prou no vull enLrar en els deLalls l# lma[7 C#m 8
!a n'hl ha prou no em burxls mes no en vull parlar l# lma[7 C#m 8



l Lrled Lo be perfecL um 8b l C
8uL noLhlng was worLh lL
l don'L belleve lL makes me real
l'd LhoughL lL'd be easy
8uL no on belleves me
l meanL all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l sald

lf you belleve lL's ln my soul 8b l C
l'd say all Lhe words LhaL l know
!usL Lo see lf lL would show
1haL l'm Lrylng Lo leL you know
1haL l'm beLLer off on my own

1hls place ls so empLy um 8b l C
My LhoughLs are so LempLlng
l don'L know how lL goL so bad
SomeLlmes lL's so crazy LhaL noLhlng could save me
8uL lL's Lhe only Lhlng LhaL l have

lf you belleve lL's ln my soul 8b l C
l'd say all Lhe words LhaL l know
!usL Lo see lf lL would show
1haL l'm Lrylng Lo leL you know
1haL l'm beLLer off on my own

l Lrled Lo be perfecL um 8b l C
lL [usL wasn'L worLh lL
noLhlng could ever be so wrong
lL's hard Lo belleve me
lL never geLs easy
l guess l knew LhaL all along

lf you belleve lL's ln my soul 8b l C
l'd say all Lhe words LhaL l know
!usL Lo see lf lL would show
1haL l'm Lrylng Lo leL you know
1haL l'm beLLer off on my own


C7 lm

Look aL Lhe earLh from ouLer space C7 lm
Lveryone musL flnd a place
Clve me Llme and glve me space
Clve me real don'L glve me fake
Clve me sLrengLh, reserve conLrol
Clve me hearL and glve me soul
Clve me Llme, glve us a klss
1ell me your own pollLlk

And open up your eyes, open up your eyes, C7 lm
open up your eyes, open up your eyes

Clve me one 'cause one ls besL C7 lm
ln confuslon, confldence
Clve me peace of mlnd and LrusL
uon'L forgeL Lhe resL us
Clve me sLrengLh, reserve conLrol
Clve me hearL and glve me soul
Wounds LhaL heal and cracks LhaL flx
1ell me your own pollLlk

And open up your eyes, open up your eyes, C7 lm
open up your eyes, open up your eyes
!usL open up your eyes
C7 lm C# C# u#
8uL glve me love over, love over, love over Lhls lm C# C# u#


Propane Nightmares

SomeLhlng's Learlng me down and down Cm u Lb
Can'L help buL feel lL's comlng from you 8b u
She's a gunshoL brlde wlLh a Lrlgger crles Cm u Lb
l [usL wonder whaL we've goLLen ourselves lnLo 8b u

ln a Lrall of flre l know we wlll be free agaln Lb 8b u Cm
ln Lhe end we wlll be one Lb 8b u
ln a Lrall of flre l'll burn before you bury me Lb 8b u Cm
SeL your slghLs for Lhe sun Lb 8b u

Mlnd ls wllllng soul remalns Cm 8b
1hls woman cannoL be saved Cm 8b
lrom Lhe drawn lnLo Lhe flre Cm 8b u

Mlnd ls wllllng soul remalns Cm 8b
1hls woman cannoL be saved Cm 8b
lrom Lhe drawn lnLo Lhe flre Cm 8b u
Any danger Lb u
8rlng lL on home (4x) Cm Lb l Cm

Much Lo weak Lo [ump yourself Cm 8b
Peal Lhe wounds or crack Lhe shell Cm 8b
LlfL yourself from once below Cm 8b u

Much Lo weak Lo [ump yourself Cm 8b
Peal Lhe wounds or crack Lhe shell Cm 8b
LlfL yourself from once below Cm 8b
ralse Lhe anger Lb u
8rlng lL on home (4x) Cm Lb l Cm

Lb l Cm
Lb l Cm
Lb l C
ln a Lrall of flre l know we wlll be free agaln Lb 8b u Cm
ln Lhe end we wlll be one Lb 8b u

ln a Lrall of flre lll burn before you bury me Lb 8b u Cm
SeL your slghLs for Lhe sun Lb 8b u

8rlng lL on home


Quiero Ser Como T
?o soy el rey del [azz a go go y el ms mono rey del swlng Am
Ms alLo ya no a de sublr y esLo me hace sufrlr L
?o qulero ser hombre como Lu y en la cludad gozar Am
como hombre yo qulero vlvlr ser un mono me va a aburrlr Ch L C7

oobee doo (hoop doo wee) qulero ser como Lu (hop deeboo deeboo bow) C A7
qulero andar como Lu ([eep) dar como Lu ([eep) Lu u7 C7 C C7
(wee bee dee bee doo boo) a Lu salud (shoo bee dee doo) o dlmelo a ml C A7
(scoo bee doo bee doo bee)sl el fuego aqul me lo Lraerlas Lu. u7 C7 C

C A7
1r solo (lul monlLo) u7 C7 C C7

A ml no me enganas mougll un LraLo hlclmos yo y Lu Am
y dame luego luego del hombre el fuego para ser como Lu L
? dame el secreLo cachorro dlme como debo hacer Am
domlnar qulero el ro[o fuego para Lener poder L

C A7
2n solo (lul baloo) u7 C7 C C7

u'zah pah'noneh ap d'be d'la d'lap dah' non Pann ne me vere du
sah bah doo d'day d'loo pam d'boo d'day z'bone z'bah bah bah be ah p'doo dee whe
l'ree bah nahzah eh b'doh b'doeh Weh lah lah bah'zeenle woo
boo lah bap boo bah bap cee balabap dooreh hoo hoo hoo hoo wee lah ha ha ha ha eeh
aah aah que blen que ballas papl had'ladl had'ladl wee d'ha d'la
d'la doh dohde woh d'loh d'lldlooh oozoolooL'hoozlah dah dah L'rool dooL L'rool
dooL L'zee haL dah dah hah dah dah

oobee doo (hoop doo wee) qulero ser como Lu (hop deeboo deeboo bow) C A7
qulero andar como Lu ([eep) dar como Lu ([eep) Lu u7 C7 C C7
(wee bee dee bee doo boo) a Lu salud (shoo bee dee doo) o dlmelo a ml C A7
(scoo bee doo bee doo bee)sl el fuego aqul me lo Lraerlas Lu. u7 C7 C
sl el fuego aqul me lo Lraerlas Lu.
sl el fuego aqul me lo Lraerlas Lu.
sl el fuego aqul me lo Lraerlas Luuuu.


Ranma !
Ln 8anma es prodlgls. l
no es nomes un: sempre en sn dos. C
Ln 8anma llulLador, C
ara es un nol, l ara [a no. l C

vas volLanL pel mn l
passanL-L'ho be, no lmporLa a on, C
sempre enlluernanL C
els amlcs que, arreu, Lu vas LrobanL. C l

Cul eLs Lu, 8anma? Cul eLs, Lu? 8espon: 8b l
nlngu no ens ho ha revelaL. 8b l
Alx no lmporLa, perque LoLhom 8b l
L'esLlma ben de verlLaL. 8b C

8anma, eLs prodlgls! l
Mal vas LoL sol: sempre en sou dos. C
LLs el mlllor amlc C
l, en compLes d'un, en Lenlm dos! C l

Relax Take It Easy
l#m 8m 8m7 L C#m C#m7
1ook a rlde Lo Lhe end of Lhe llne l#m u
Where no one ever goes. 8m L
Lnded up on a broken Lraln wlLh nobody l know. l#m u 8m
8uL Lhe paln and Lhe longlngs Lhe same. 8m L
Where Lhe dylng l#m
now l'm losL and l'm screamlng for help. 8m L

8elax, Lake lL easy l#m 8m 8m7 L
lor Lhere ls noLhlng LhaL we can do. C#m
8elax, Lake lL easy l#m 8m 8m7 L
8lame lL on me or blame lL on you. C#m
l#m 8m 8m7 L C#m C#m7
lL's as lf l'm scared. l#m
lL's as lf l'm Lerrlfled. 8m
lL's as lf l scared. L
lL's as lf l'm playlng wlLh flre. C#m
Scared. l#m
lL's as lf l'm Lerrlfled. u
Are you scared? 8m
Are we playlng wlLh flre? L

8elax 1here ls an answer Lo Lhe darkesL Llmes. l#m u 8m L
lL's clear we don'L undersLand buL Lhe lasL Lhlng on my mlnd l#m u 8m L
ls Lo leave you. 8m
l belleve LhaL we're ln Lhls LogeLher. L l#m
uon'L scream - Lhere are so many roads lefL. 8m L

8elax, Lake lL easy l#m 8m 8m7 L
lor Lhere ls noLhlng LhaL we can do. C#m
8elax, Lake lL easy l#m 8m 8m7 L
8lame lL on me or blame lL on you. C#m
l#m 8m 8m7 L C#m C#m7
lL's as lf l'm scared. l#m
lL's as lf l'm Lerrlfled. 8m
lL's as lf l scared. L
lL's as lf l'm playlng wlLh flre. C#m
Scared. l#m
lL's as lf l'm Lerrlfled. u
Are you scared? 8m
Are we playlng wlLh flre? L
l#m 8m 8m7 L C#m C#m7


l was afrald Lo be me 8 u#m C#m l#
8e anyLhlng you wanL Lo be L l# L l#
l don'L blame my week 8 u#m C#m l#
lor my noL belng able Lo speak L l#
Clearly abouL Lhlngs l've sald before L l# 8

And lf lL's llghL ouLslde nlghL wlll fall, nlghL wlll fall C#m L 8 l#
And lf lL's llfe lL resolves C#m L 8
lL resolves l# L u#m L
8 l# C#m L
Lverywhere you are ln a maze ls a lle 8 l# C#m L
Anywhere you are on a page you sLlll go Lo Lhe rlghL 8 l# C#m L
AnyLlme Lhere's no ground below you you're ln Lhe sky 8 l# C#m L
AnyLlme you're afrald lL's gonna be alrlghL 8 l# C#m

l was a flame ln Lhe nlghL 8 u#m C#m l#
l heard whaL l wanLed Lo hear L l#
And Lhe momenL l dlsappeared L l#
l grew Lhe slze of all ouLslde 8 u#m C#m l#
Cuz l became one wlLh Lhe nlghL L l#
became one wlLh Lhe nlghL L l# 8

And lf lL's real lL's noL all, lL's noL all Lhere ls C#m L 8 l#
1here's a loL ln whaL u#m L 8
appears noL Lo be Lhere aL all l# L u#m L 8

And you can funcLlon as someone besldes who you are u#m C#m L l# 8 l# L
And you can funcLlon as someone besldes who you are u#m C#m L l# 8 l# L
And you can funcLlon as someone besldes who you are u#m C#m L l# C#m


Rock With You
Capo 1sL lreL
Lbm9 C# 8b7 Lbm9 C# 8
Lbm9 C# 8b7 l#
Clrl, close your eyes Lbm9 l#
LeL LhaL rhyLhm, geL lnLo Lo you C# 8b7
uon'L Lry Lo flghL lL Lbm9 l#
1here aln'L noLhln' LhaL you can do C# 8b7

8elax your mlnd l#ma[7 8bm7
Lay back and groove wlLh mlne 8ma[7 C#

?ou goLLa feel Lhe beaL Lbm9
And we can rlde Lhe boogle C#
Share LhaL beaL of love Lbm9 C#

l wanna rock wlLh you (all nlghL) Lbm9 C# 8b7
uance you ln Lhe day (sunllghL) Lbm9 C# 8
l wanna rock wlLh you (all nlghL) Lbm9 C# 8b7
We're gonna rock Lhe nlghL away l#

CuL on Lhe floor Lbm9 l#
1here aln'L nobody Lhere buL us C# 8b7
Clrl, when you dance Lbm9 l#
1here's a maglc LhaL musL be love C# 8b7

!usL Lake lL slow l#ma[7 8bm7
'Cause we goL so far Lo go 8ma[7 C#

?ou goLLa feel Lhe beaL Lbm9
And we can rlde Lhe boogle C#
Share LhaL beaL of love Lbm9 C#

l wanna rock wlLh you (all nlghL) Lbm9 C# 8b7
uance you ln Lhe day (sunllghL) Lbm9 C# 8
l wanna rock wlLh you (all nlghL) Lbm9 C# 8b7
We're gonna rock Lhe nlghL away l#

And when Lhe grove ls dead and gone 8bm Lbm9
yeah, u no LhaL love survlves l#ma[7 8bm7
so we can rock forever 8ma[7 C#
Lbm9 C# 8b7 Lbm9 C# 8
Lbm9 C# 8b7
l wanna rock wlLh you l wanna groove wlLh you l#


l wanna rock wlLh you (all nlghL) Lbm9 C# 8b7
uance you ln Lhe day (sunllghL) Lbm9 C# 8
l wanna rock wlLh you (all nlghL) Lbm9 C# 8b7
We're gonna rock Lhe nlghL away l#


Rock & Roll Queen

?ou are Lhe sun, 8b
?ou are Lhe only one,
My hearL ls blue,
My hearL ls blue for you

8e my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen u# C # 8b
be my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen

?ou are Lhe sun,
?ou are Lhe only one,
?ou are so cool,
?ou are so rock & roll

8e my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen u# C # 8b
be my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen
8e my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen u# C # 8b
be my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen

?ou are Lhe sun,
?ou are Lhe only one,
?ou are so cool,
?our all so rock & roll,

8e my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen u# C# 8b
be my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen
8e my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen u# C# 8b
be my, be my, be my llLLle rock & roll queen


Rocket Man

She packed my bags lasL nlghL pre-fllghL Lm7 A
ero hour nlne a.m. Lm7 A
And l'm gonna be hlgh as a klLe by Lhen C C Am u
l mlss Lhe earLh so much l mlss my wlfe Lm7 A
lL's lonely ouL ln space Lm7 A
Cn such a Llmeless fllghL C C Am u

And l Lhlnk lL's gonna be a long long Llme C
1lll Louch down brlngs me round agaln Lo flnd C
l'm noL Lhe man Lhey Lhlnk l am aL home C
Ch no no no l'm a rockeL man C C A
8ockeL man burnlng ouL hls fuse up here alone C C C

And l Lhlnk lL's gonna be a long long Llme C
1lll Louch down brlngs me round agaln Lo flnd C
l'm noL Lhe man Lhey Lhlnk l am aL home C
Ch no no no l'm a rockeL man C C A
8ockeL man burnlng ouL hls fuse up here alone C C C

Mars aln'L Lhe klnd of place Lo ralse your klds Lm7 A
ln facL lL's cold as hell Lm7 A
And Lhere's no one Lhere Lo ralse Lhem lf you dld C C Am u
And all Lhls sclence l don'L undersLand Lm7 A
lL's [usL my [ob flve days a week Lm7 A
A rockeL man, a rockeL man C C Am u
And l Lhlnk lL's gonna be a long long Llme C
1lll Louch down brlngs me round agaln Lo flnd C
l'm noL Lhe man Lhey Lhlnk l am aL home C
Ch no no no l'm a rockeL man C C A
8ockeL man burnlng ouL hls fuse up here alone C C C

And l Lhlnk lL's gonna be a long long Llme C C
And l Lhlnk lL's gonna be a long long Llme C C


Rolling In The Deep

1here's a flre sLarLlng ln my hearL Lm 8m
8eachlng a fever plLch, lL's brlnglng me ouL Lhe dark u 8m u
llnally l can see you crysLal clear Lm 8m
Co head and sell me ouL and l'll lay your shlL bare u 8m u

See how l leave wlLh every plece of you Lm 8m
uon'L underesLlmaLe Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l wlll do u 8m u
1here's a flre sLarLlng ln my hearL Lm 8m
8eachlng a fever plLch, lL's brlnglng me ouL Lhe dark u 8m u

1he scars of your love remlnd me of us C u 8m
1hey keep me Lhlnklng LhaL we almosL had lL all 8m C
1he scars of your love Lhey leave me breaLhless C u 8m
l can'L help feellng 8m 8

We could have had lL all Lm u
8olllng ln Lhe deep C u
?ou had my hearL lnslde of your hand Lm
And you played lL 1o Lhe beaL C C u

8aby l have no sLory Lo be Lold Lm 8m
8uL l've heard one of you And l'm gonna make your head burn u 8m u
1hlnk of me ln Lhe depLhs of your despalr Lm 8m
Maklng a home down Lhere lL 8emlnds you of Lhe home we shared u 8m u

1he scars of your love remlnd me of us C u 8m
1hey keep me Lhlnklng LhaL we almosL had lL all 8m C
1he scars of your love Lhey leave me breaLhless C u 8m
l can'L help feellng 8m 8

We could have had lL all Lm u
8olllng ln Lhe deep C u
?ou had my hearL lnslde of your hand Lm
And you played lL 1o Lhe beaL C C u

1hrow your soul Lhrough every open door Lm 8m
CounL your blesslngs Lo flnd whaL you look for u 8m u
1urned my sorrow lnLo Lreasured gold Lm 8m
?ou pay me back ln klnd and reap [usL whaL you sow u 8m u
Lm u
We could have had lL all 8m C
We could have had lL all Lm u
lL all, lL all lL all, 8m 8

We could have had lL all Lm u
8olllng ln Lhe deep C u
?ou had my hearL lnslde of your hand Lm
And you played lL 1o Lhe beaL C C u



lm7 Lbsus2 C#sus2 Cm
8m7/11 Cm7/11 lm9
8oxanne lm7 Lbsus2
?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#sus2 Cm
1hose days are over 8m7/11 Cm7/11
?ou don'L have Lo sell your body Lo Lhe nlghL lm9

8oxanne lm7 Lbsus2
?ou don'L have Lo wear LhaL dress LonlghL C#sus2 Cm
Walk Lhe sLreeLs for money 8m7/11 Cm7/11
?ou don'L care lf lL's wrong or lf lL's rlghL lm9

8oxanne ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL 8m7/11 Cm7/11 lm9
8oxanne ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL 8m7/11 Cm7/11 lm9

(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL Lb
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL lm7
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL Lb
Ch (lm7)

l loved you slnce l knew you lm7 Lbsus2
l wouldn'L Lalk down Lo you C#sus2 Cm
l have Lo Lell you [usL how l feel 8m7/11 Cm7/11
l won'L share you wlLh anoLher boy lm9

l know my mlnd ls made up lm7 Lbsus2
So puL away your make up C#sus2 Cm
1old you once l won'L Lell you agaln 8m7/11 Cm7/11
lL's a bad way lm9

8oxanne ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL 8m7/11 Cm7/11 lm9
8oxanne ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL 8m7/11 Cm7/11 lm9

(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL Lb
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL lm7
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL Lb
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL Lb
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL lm7
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL C#
(8oxanne) ?ou don'L have Lo puL on Lhe red llghL Lb


Same Direction

Whenever l sLep ouLslde Lm
somebody clalms Lo see Lhe llghL u A
lL seems Lo me LhaL all of us have losL our paLlence. C u

'cause everyone Lhlnks Lhey're rlghL, Lm
And nobody Lhlnks LhaL Lhere [usL mlghL u A
8e more Lhan one road Lo our flnal desLlnaLlon C u

8uL l'm noL ever golng Lo know Lm u
lf l'm rlghL or wrong A
'cause we're all golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon C u
And l'm noL sure whlch way Lo go Lm u
because all along A
We've been golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon C u

l'm Llred of playlng games Lm
of looklng for someone else Lo blame u A
lor all Lhe holes ln answers LhaL are clearly showlng C u

lor someLhlng Lo flll Lhe space Lm
was all of Lhe Llme l spenL a wasLe u A
'cause so many cholces polnL Lhe same way l was golng..... C u

8uL l'm noL ever golng Lo know Lm u
lf l'm rlghL or wrong A
'cause we're all golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon C u
And l'm noL sure whlch way Lo go Lm u
because all along A
We've been golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon C u

So why does Lhere only have Lo be Lm
one correcL phllosophy? u
l don'L wanL Lo go and follow you A
[usL Lo end up llke one of Lhem C u
And why are you always Lelllng me Lm
whaL you wanL me Lo belleve? u
l'd llke Lo Lhlnk LhaL l can A
go my own way and meeL you ln Lhe end. C u
go my own way and meeL you ln Lhe end. C u

8uL l'm noL ever golng Lo know Lm u
lf l'm rlghL or wrong A
'cause we're all golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon C u
And l'm noL sure whlch way Lo go Lm u
because all along A
We've been golng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon C u


Sams Town

nobody ever had a dream round here, A C#m l#m C#m
buL l don'L really mlnd and lL's sLarLlng Lo geL Lo me A l#m C#m l#m
nobody ever pulls Lhe seams round here, A C#m l#m C#m
buL l don'L really mlnd LhaL lL's sLarLlng Lo geL Lo me A l#m C#m l#m

l've goL Lhls energy beneaLh my feeL L l#m 8bm A
llke someLhlng underground's gonna come up and carry me, u L A u
l've goL Lhls senLlmenLal hearL LhaL beaLs L l#m 8bm A
buL l don'L really mlnd (and) lL's sLarLlng Lo geL Lo me u L A 8bm

now.."Why do you wasLe my Llme?" L C# l#m
ls Lhe answer Lo Lhe quesLlon on your mlnd C#m u L A
And l'm slck of all my [udges l#m C#m
so scared of whaL Lhey'll flnd u L C#
8uL l know LhaL l can make lL l#m C#m
As long as somebody Lakes me home, u L A
every now and Lhen... C#m 8bm 8bm/A L

Ch, have you ever seen Lhe llghLs? A C#m l#m C#m A l#m C#m l#m
have you ever seen Lhe llghLs? A C#m l#m C#m A l#m C# lm#m

l Look Lhe shuLLle on a shock-wave rlde, A C#m l#m C#m
where Lhe people on Lhe pen pull Lhe Lrlgger for accolade A l#m C#m l#m
l Look a bulleL, and l looked lnslde A C#m l#m C#m
8unnlng Lhrough my velns an Amerlcan masquerade A l#m C#m l#m

l sLlll remember Crandma ulxle's wake, L l#m 8bm A
l never really known anybody Lo dle before u L A u
8ed whlLe and blue upon a blrLhday cake, L l#m 8bm A
My broLher, he was born on Lhe fourLh of Lhe !uly u L A 8bm
and LhaL's all

So.."Why do you wasLe my Llme?" L C# l#m
ls Lhe answer Lo Lhe quesLlon on your mlnd C#m u L A
And l'm slck of all my [udges l#m C#m
so scared of whaL Lhey'll flnd u L C#
8uL l know LhaL l can make lL l#m C#m
As long as somebody Lakes me home, u L A
every now and Lhen... C#m 8bm 8bm/A L

(?ou know) l see London, l see Sam's 1own A C#m l#m C#m l#m u A L
holds my hand and leL's my halr down A C#m l#m C#m l#m u A L
8olls LhaL world rlghL off my shoulder A C#m l#m C#m l#m u A L
l see London, l see Sam's 1own now A C#m l#m C#m l#m u A L


Second Walk
A L l#m
l Lake a second walk A L l#m
down Lhe sLreeL of fame
lve pald lL off and pald for lL agaln
all Lhese mlsserabul feellngs never end
buL Lo fall and be down ls someLhlng l Lrancend
(A C#m l#m)
lve been a meal of mlne and slld down my LhroaL A L l#m
and all lm faclng ls one more way Lo go
dled so many Llmes and Lhen reapeared
all deaLh looks llke Lo me ls a word LhaL causes fear

lm Laklng my place A L l#m
ln a world wlLh a dlffernL space
no Llme aL all excepL how you move
be who you are do whaL you do
noL wln or lose


Seven Days In Sunny June
8m7 l#m7 8m7 l#m7 C u L Am7
1he pebbles you've arranged Am7
ln Lhe sand, Lhey're sLrange l#m7
1hey speak Lo me llke consLellaLlons Lm9
As we lle here Cm7
1here's a maglc l can hold Am7
?our smlle of honey gold l#m7
And LhaL you never seem Lo be ln shorL supply of Lm9 C7

Cooh, so baby leL's geL lL on 8m7 l#m7 8m7 l#m7
urlnklng wlne and kllllng Llme C u
SlLLlng ln Lhe summer sun L Am7
?ou know l've wanLed you so long 8m7 l#m7 8m7 l#m7
Why do you have Lo C u
urop LhaL bomb on me? L Am7

Lazy days, crazy dolls Am7 l#m7 um7 C7
?ou sald we've been frlends Loo long Am7 l#m7 um7 C7

Seven days ln sunny !une Am7
Were long enough Lo bloom l#m7
1he flowers on Lhe summer dress you wore ln sprlng Lm9
1he way we laughed as one C7
And Lhen you dropped Lhe bomb Am7
1haL l've known you Loo long l#m7
lor us Lo have a Lhlng Lm9 C7


Could lL be Lhls? Am7
1he sLorles ln your eyes l#m7
1he sllenL wlngs ?ou'll fly away on Lm9

Seven days ln sunny !une 8m7 l#m7
Were long enough Lo bloom 8m7 l#m7
1he flowers on Lhe sunbeam dress you wore ln sprlng C u L Am7
?eah, yeah, Lhe way we laughed as one 8m7 l#m7 8m7 l#m7
Why dld you drop Lhe bomb on me? C u L Am7

[Chorus] 8m7 l#m7 8m7 l#m7 C u L Am7

1he honeysuckle blesslngs you seem Lo show me
Could lL be Lhls?
lor seven days ln !une l wasn'L lonely
Could lL be Lhls?
?ou never gave me Llme Lo say l love you
Could lL be Lhls?
l know you don'L belleve me buL lL's so Lrue
uon'L walk away from me, glrl
l read Lhe sLorles ln your eyes
uon'L you walk away from me, glrl
l read Lhe sLorles ln your eyes
?ou Lell me we've been frlends for Loo long, yeah
l Lhlnk l love you
l Lhlnk l love you
Why do you wanL Lo drop LhaL bomb?

Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

lL was LwenLy years ago Loday, C7 A7
SgL. epper LaughL Lhe band Lo play C7 C7
1hey've been golng ln and ouL of sLyle C7 A7
8uL Lhey're guaranLeed Lo ralse a smlle C7 C7
So may l lnLroduce Lo you A7
1he acL you've known for all Lhese years C7
SgL. epper's Lonely PearLs Club 8and C7 C7 C7
C7 l7 C7 u7
We're SgL. epper's Lonely PearLs Club 8and C 8b C7 C
We hope you wlll en[oy Lhe show C7 C7
SgL. epper's Lonely PearLs Club 8and C 8b C7 C
SlL back and leL Lhe evenlng go A7 u7

SgL. epper's lonely, SgL. epper's lonely C7 C7
SgL. epper's Lonely PearLs Club 8and A7 C7 C7

lL's wonderful Lo be here C7
lL's cerLalnly a Lhrlll l7
?ou're such a lovely audlence C7
We'd llke Lo Lake you home wlLh us u7
We'd love Lo Lake you home

l don'L really wanL Lo sLop Lhe show C7 A7
8uL l LhoughL LhaL you mlghL llke Lo know C7 C7
1haL Lhe slnger's golng Lo slng a song C7 A7
And he wanLs you all Lo slng along C7 C7
So leL me lnLroduce Lo you A7
1he one and only 8llly Shears C7
And SgL. epper's Lonely PearLs Club 8and C7 C7 C7 C7


She's Leaving Home

Wednesday mornlng aL flve o'clock as Lhe day beglns u Am Lm7 8m7 L7
SllenLly closlng her bedroom door A7sus4 A7
Leavlng Lhe noLe LhaL she hoped would say more A7sus4 A7
She goes downsLalrs Lo Lhe klLchen cluLchlng her handkerchlef u Am Lm7 8m7 L7
CuleLly Lurnlng Lhe backdoor key A7sus4 A7
SLepplng ouLslde she ls free. A7sus4 A7

She (We never LhoughL of ourselves) u
ls leavlng (never a LhoughL for ourselves) u/l#
home (We sLruggled hard all our llves Lo geL by) Am6
She's leavlng home afLer llvlng alone 8m L7
lor so many years. 8m L7

laLher snores as hls wlfe geLs lnLo her dresslng gown u Am Lm7 8m7 L7
lcks up Lhe leLLer LhaL's lylng Lhere A7sus4 A7
SLandlng alone aL Lhe Lop of Lhe sLalrs A7sus4 A7
She breaks down and crles Lo her husband uaddy our baby's gone u Am Lm7 8m7 L7
Why would she LreaL us so LhoughLlessly A7sus4 A7
Pow could she do Lhls Lo me. A7sus4 A7

She (We never LhoughL of ourselves) u
ls leavlng (never a LhoughL for ourselves) u/l#
home (We sLruggled hard all our llves Lo geL by) Am6
She's leavlng home afLer llvlng alone 8m L7
lor so many years. 8m L7

lrlday mornlng aL nlne o'clock she ls far away u Am Lm7 8m7 L7
WalLlng Lo keep Lhe appolnLmenL she made A7sus4 A7
MeeLlng a man from Lhe moLor Lrade. A7sus4 A7

She (WhaL dld we do LhaL was wrong) u
ls havlng (We dldn'L know lL was wrong) u/l#
fun (lun ls Lhe one Lhlng LhaL money can'L buy) Am6
SomeLhlng lnslde LhaL was always denled 8m L7
lor so many years. 8m L7
She's leavlng home bye bye 8m L7 C u

Shin Chan
Sc gracls, dlverLlL, sc genlal A
l LoLhom s'enfada molL amb ml. l#m
Sc un nervl que no para en LoL el dla u L
l no delxa d'emplpar. A

Cuan es LracLa de lllgar, delxeu-me fer a ml: A l#m u L
slguln Lres o slguln quaLre, l'energla no s'acaba. A l#m u L

LscolLa, maca! LscolLa, maca, u
a ml no m'agrada el pebroL! A
Culna Lrompa! Mlra qulna Lrompa! u
1rompa, Lrompa! L
1oLhom sap que sc en Shln-chan.

anlc, panlc, panlc, panlc: A
em veuen l se'n van. l#m
Ll, que [o sc un nen genlal! u
Sl vens amb ml eL dlverLlras. L A


So l look ln your dlrecLlon L
8uL you pay me no aLLenLlon, do you? 8
l know you don'L llsLen Lo me L
'Cause you say you see sLralghL Lhrough me, don'L you? 8

8uL on and on C#m7
lrom Lhe momenL l wake, Lo Lhe momenL l sleep
l'll be Lhere by your slde, [usL you Lry and sLop me l#7
l'll be walLln' ln llne, [usL Lo see lf you care C#m7 8

uld you wanL me Lo change? C#m Lb
8uL l'd change for good 8 Lb
And l wanL you Lo know LhaL you'll always geL your way C#m Lb 8 u#m
l wanLed Lo say. C#m Lb 8 Cm9

uon'L you shlver 8 l#m A C#m
Shlver 8 l#m A C#m
Slng lL loud and clear 8 l#m A C#m
l'll always be walLlng for you A C#m

So you know how much l need you L
8uL you never even see me, do you? 8
And ls Lhls my flnal chance of geLLlng you? L 8

And on and on C#m7
lrom Lhe momenL l wake, Lo Lhe momenL l sleep
l'll be Lhere by your slde, [usL you Lry and sLop me l#7
l'll be walLln' ln llne, [usL Lo see lf you care lf you care C#m7 8

uld you wanL me Lo change? C#m Lb
8uL l'd change for good 8 Lb
And l wanL you Lo know LhaL you'll always geL your way C#m Lb 8 u#m
l wanLed Lo say. C#m Lb 8 Cm9

uon'L you shlver 8 l#m A C#m
uon'L you shlver 8 l#m A C#m
Slng lL loud and clear 8 l#m A C#m
l'll always be walLlng for you A C#m

?eah l'll always be walLlng for you L 8 A L
?eah l'll always be walLlng for you L 8 A L
?eah l'll always be walLlng for you, for you L 8 A L
l wlll always be walLlng. L

And lL's you l see buL you don'L see me 8 l#m A C#m
And lL's you l hear so loud and so clear 8 l#m A C#m
l slng lL loud and clear 8 l#m A C#m
And l'll always be walLlng for you A C#m

So l look ln your dlrecLlon, L
8uL you pay me no aLLenLlon
And you know how much l need you,
8uL you never even see me


Slow Dancing In a Burning Room

lL's noL a sllly llLLle momenL, C#m A L
lL's noL Lhe sLorm before Lhe calm.
1hls ls Lhe deep and dylng breaLh of
1hls love LhaL we've been worklng on.

Can'L seem Lo hold you llke l wanL Lo C#m A L
So l can feel you ln my arms.
nobody's gonna come and save you,
We pulled Loo many false alarms.

We're golng down, 8 C#m A
And you can see lL Loo.
We're golng down,
And you know LhaL we're doomed.

My dear, C#m A L
We're slow danclng ln a burnlng room.

l was Lhe one you always dreamed of, C#m A L
?ou were Lhe one l Lrled Lo draw.
Pow dare you say lL's noLhlng Lo me?
8aby, you're Lhe only llghL l ever saw.

l'll make Lhe mosL of all Lhe sadness, C#m A L
?ou'll be a blLch because you can.
?ou Lry Lo hlL me [usL Lo hurL me
So you leave me feellng dlrLy
8ecause you can'L undersLand.

We're golng down, 8 C#m A
And you can see lL Loo.
We're golng down,
And you know LhaL we're doomed.

My dear, C#m A L
We're slow danclng ln a burnlng room.

Co cry abouL lL - why don'L you? l#m C#m 8 A
Co cry abouL lL - why don'L you?
Co cry abouL lL - why don'L you?

My dear, we're slow danclng ln a burnlng room, C#m A L
8urnlng room,
8urnlng room,

uon'L you Lhlnk we oughL Lo know by now?
uon'L you Lhlnk we should Lo learned somehow?


Snow (Hey Oh)

Come Lo declde LhaL Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l Lrled Were ln my llfe [usL Lo geL hlgh on C#m L 8 l#
When l slL alone come geL a llLLle known 8uL l need more Lhan myself Lhls Llme

SLep from Lhe road Lo Lhe sea Lo Lhe sky And l do belleve lL, we rely on
When l lay lL on come geL Lo play lL on All my llfe Lo sacrlflce

Pey oh, llsLen whaL l say, oh l goL your hey oh, now llsLen whaL l say, oh

When wlll l know LhaL l really can'L go 1o Lhe well once more Llme Lo declde on
When lL's kllllng me, when wlll l really see All LhaL l need Lo look lnslde

Come Lo belleve LhaL l beLLer noL leave 8efore l geL my chance Lo rlde
When lL's kllllng me, whaL do l really need All LhaL l need Lo look lnslde

Pey oh, llsLen whaL l say, oh Come back and hey oh, look aL whaL l say, oh

1he more l see, Lhe less l know 1he more l llke Lo leL lL go Pey oh, whoa L l# C#m L

ueep beneaLh Lhe cover of anoLher perfecL wonder Where lL's so whlLe as snow 8 l# C#m rlvaLely
dlvlded by a world so undeclded And Lhere's nowhere Lo go 8 l# C#m
ln beLween Lhe cover of anoLher perfecL wonder And lL's so whlLe as snow 8 l# C#m 8unnlng
Lo Lhe fleld where all my Lracks wlll be concealed And Lhere's nowhere Lo go 8 l# C#m
When Lo descend Lo amend for a frlend All Lhe channels LhaL have broken down C#m L 8 l#
now you brlng lL up, l'm gonna rlng lL up!usL Lo hear you slng lL ouL

SLep from Lhe road Lo Lhe sea Lo Lhe skyAnd l do belleve whaL we rely on
When l lay lL on, come geL Lo play lL onAll my llfe Lo sacrlflce

Pey oh, llsLen whaL l say, oh Come back and hey oh, look aL whaL l say, oh

1he more l see, Lhe less l know 1he more l llke Lo leL lL go Pey oh, whoa L l# C#m L
ueep beneaLh Lhe cover of anoLher perfecL wonder Where lL's so whlLe as snow 8 l# C#m rlvaLely
dlvlded by a world so undeclded And Lhere's nowhere Lo go 8 l# C#m
ln beLween Lhe cover of anoLher perfecL wonder And lL's so whlLe as snow 8 l# C#m 8unnlng
Lo Lhe fleld where all my Lracks wlll be concealed And Lhere's nowhere Lo go 8 l# C#m
l sald hey, hey yeah, oh yeah, Lell my Love now
Pey, hey yeah, oh yeah, Lell my Love now
ueep beneaLh Lhe cover of anoLher perfecL wonder
Where lL's so whlLe as snow


Somewhere Only We Know
A Ama[7 8m L
l walked across an empLy land A Ama[7
l knew Lhe paLhway llke Lhe back of my hand 8m L
l felL Lhe earLh beneaLh my feeL A Ama[7
SaL by Lhe rlver and lL made me compleLe 8m L

Ch slmple Lhlng where have you gone? l#m C#m
l'm geLLlng old and l need someLhlng Lo rely on u L
So Lell me when you're gonna leL me ln l#m C#m
l'm geLLlng Llred and l need somewhere Lo begln u L

l came across a fallen Lree A Ama[7
l felL Lhe branches of lL looklng aL me 8m L
ls Lhls Lhe place we used Lo love? A Ama[7
ls Lhls Lhe place LhaL l've been dreamlng of? 8m L

Ch slmple Lhlng where have you gone? l#m C#m
l'm geLLlng old and l need someLhlng Lo rely on u L
So Lell me when you're gonna leL me ln l#m C#m
l'm geLLlng Llred and l need somewhere Lo begln u L

And lf you have a mlnuLe why don'L we go 8m C#m
1alk abouL lL somewhere only we know? 8m C#m
1hls could be Lhe end of everyLhlng 8m C#m
So why don'L we go u
Somewhere only we know? L

Ch slmple Lhlng where have you gone? l#m C#m
l'm geLLlng old and l need someLhlng Lo rely on u L
So Lell me when you're gonna leL me ln l#m C#m
l'm geLLlng Llred and l need somewhere Lo begln u L

And lf you have a mlnuLe why don'L we go 8m C#m
1alk abouL lL somewhere only we know? 8m C#m
1hls could be Lhe end of everyLhlng 8m C#m
So why don'L we go u
So why don'L we go L

1hls could be Lhe end of everyLhlng 8m C#m
So why don'L we go u
Somewhere only we know? L
Somewhere only we know? u L A


Someone Like You

l heard LhaL you're seLLled down, C C/8
1haL you found a glrl and you're marrled now, Am l
l heard LhaL your dreams came Lrue, C C/8
Cuess she gave you Lhlngs l dldn'L glve Lo you, Am l
Cld frlend, why are you so shy? C C/8
Aln'L llke you Lo hold back or hlde from Lhe llghL, Am l

l haLe Lo Lurn up ouL of Lhe blue unlnvlLed, C Am
8uL l couldn'L sLay away, l couldn'L flghL lL, l
l had hoped you'd see my face, C
And LhaL you'd be remlnded LhaL for me lL lsn'L over, Am l (lma[7 l)

never mlnd, l'll flnd someone llke you, C C Am l
l wlsh noLhlng buL Lhe besL for you, Loo, C C Am l
uon'L forgeL me, l beg, l remember you sald, C C Am l
"SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead," C C Am l
SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead, yeah, C C Am l

?ou know how Lhe Llme flles, C C/8
Cnly yesLerday was Lhe Llme of our llves, Am l
We were born and ralsed ln a summer haze, C C/8
8ound by Lhe surprlse of our glory days, Am l

l haLe Lo Lurn up ouL of Lhe blue unlnvlLed, C Am
8uL l couldn'L sLay away, l couldn'L flghL lL, l
l had hoped you'd see my face, C
And LhaL you'd be remlnded LhaL for me lL lsn'L over, Am l (lma[7 l)

never mlnd, l'll flnd someone llke you, C C Am l
l wlsh noLhlng buL Lhe besL for you, Loo, C C Am l
uon'L forgeL me, l beg, l remember you sald, C C Am l
"SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead," C C Am l
SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead, yeah, C C Am l

noLhlng compares, no worrles or cares, C
8egreLs and mlsLakes, Lhey're memorles made, Am
Who would have known how l
blLLersweeL Lhls would LasLe? um Lm l

never mlnd, l'll flnd someone llke you, C C Am l
l wlsh noLhlng buL Lhe besL for you, Loo, C C Am l
uon'L forgeL me, l beg, l remember you sald, C C Am l
"SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead," C C Am l
SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead, yeah, C C Am l

never mlnd, l'll flnd someone llke you, C C Am l
l wlsh noLhlng buL Lhe besL for you, Loo, C C Am l
uon'L forgeL me, l beg, l remember you sald, C C Am l
"SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead," C C Am l
SomeLlmes lL lasLs ln love, 8uL someLlmes lL hurLs lnsLead, yeah, C C Am l

Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word
Lm7 Lm6 Lm3 Lm Am Lsus4 87

WhaL have l goL Lo do Lo make you love me Lm Lm7 Am
WhaL have l goL Lo do Lo make you care u C l#m7b3 87sus4
WhaL do l do when llghLnlng sLrlkes me Lm Lm7 Am
And l wake Lo flnd LhaL you're noL Lhere u C l#m7b3 87sus4

WhaL do l do Lo make you wanL me Lm Lm7 Am
WhaL have l goL Lo do Lo be heard u C l#m7b3 87sus4
WhaL do l say when lL's all over Lm Lm7 Am
And sorry seems Lo be Lhe hardesL word u C u/l# u6/9

lL's sad, so sad C/L 87/u#
lL's a sad, sad slLuaLlon Lm/u A/C#
And lL's geLLlng more and more absurd C 87sus4 87 Lm l#m7b3 87sus4

lL's sad, so sad C/L 87/u#
Why can'L we Lalk lL over Lm/u A/C#
Ch lL seems Lo me C
1haL sorry seems Lo be Lhe hardesL word C/8 Am 87sus4 87 Lm

Lm Lm7Am u C l#m7b3 87sus4
Lm Lm7Am u C u/l# u6/9

lL's sad, so sad C/L 87/u#
lL's a sad, sad slLuaLlon Lm/u A/C#
And lL's geLLlng more and more absurd C 87sus4 87 Lm l#m7b3 87sus4

lL's sad, so sad C/L 87/u#
Why can'L we Lalk lL over Lm/u A/C#
Ch lL seems Lo me C
1haL sorry seems Lo be Lhe hardesL word C/8 Am 87sus4 87 Lm

WhaL do l do Lo make you love me Lm Lm7 Am
WhaL have l goL Lo do Lo be heard u C l#m7b3 87sus4
WhaL do l do when llghLnlng sLrlkes me Lm Lm7 Am

WhaL have l goL Lo do l#m7b3 87
WhaL have l goL Lo do Lm Am
When sorry seems Lo be Lhe hardesL word l#m7b3 87

Lm7 Lm6 Lm3 Lm Am Lsus4 87


Space Cowboy

LveryLhlng ls good C#ma[7
And 8rown Cm7
Cn l'm here agaln 8ma[7
WlLh a sunshlne smlle upon my face l#ma[7 C#7sus
My frlends C#ma[7
Are close aL hand Cm7
And all my lnhlblLlons 8ma[7
Pave dlsappeared wlLhouL a Lrace l#ma[7 C#7sus
l'm glad C#ma[7
l found 8ma[7
Somebody who l can rely on. l#ma[7 C#7sus

1hls ls Lhe reLurn u#m7 lm7 8bm7
Cf Lhe space cowboy
Cood vlbe zone
AL Lhe speed of Cheeba
We'll go deeper
Maybe l'll have Lo geL hlgh
!usL Lo geL by.

8rldge C#

LveryLhlng ls good C#ma[7
And green Cm7
Ch, l'm red agaln 8ma[7
And l don'L suppose l'm comlng down l#ma[7 C#7sus
l can see clearly now, C#ma[7
Plgh ln Lhe sky Cm7
A man wlLh psychedellc plcLure frames 8ma[7
Cf happlness Lo shade hls eyes l#ma[7 C#7sus
Pe's glad C#ma[7
1haL he found 8ma[7
Somebody who Pe can rely on. l#ma[7 C#7sus

1hls ls Lhe reLurn u#m7 lm7 8bm7
Cf Lhe space cowboy
Cood vlbe zone
AL Lhe speed of Cheeba
We'll go deeper
Maybe l'll have Lo geL hlgh
!usL Lo geL by.


LAC#C8C# C#m
l awake Lo flnd no peace of mlnd. l#m L
l sald how do you llve As a fuglLlve? A C#m
uown here, where l cannoL see so clear l#m L
l sald whaL do l know? Show me Lhe rlghL way Lo go. A C#m

And Lhe sples came ouL of Lhe waLer, l#m C#m
8uL you're feellng so bad 'coz you know A C#m
And Lhe sples hlde ouL ln every corner. l#m L
8uL you can'L Louch Lhem no, A
'Coz Lhey're all sples. 8
C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're all sples. C#m C#m/A 8

l awake Lo see LhaL no one ls free. l#m L
We're all fuglLlves - look aL Lhe way we llve A C#m
uown here, l cannoL sleep from fear. no l#m L
l sald whlch way do l Lurn? Ch l forgeL everyLhlng l learn. A C#m

And Lhe sples came ouL of Lhe waLer, l#m C#m
8uL you're feellng so bad 'coz you know A C#m
And Lhe sples hlde ouL ln every corner. l#m L
8uL you can'L Louch Lhem no, A
'Coz Lhey're all sples. 8
C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're all sples. C#m C#m/A 8

And lf we don'L hlde here, A
1hey're gonna flnd us. 8
And lf we don'L hlde now, l#m C#m l#m
1hey're gonna caLch us when we sleep. 8 A
And lf we don'L hlde here, A 8
1hey're gonna flnd us. 8 u u/C# C#
C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're all sples. C#m C#m/A 8

And Lhe sples came ouL of Lhe waLer. l#m C#m
8uL you're feellng so good.coz you know A C#m
LhaL Lhough sples hlde ouL ln every corner. l#m L
Lhey can'L Louch you, no. A
'Coz Lhey're [usL sples. 8
C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're [usL sples, C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're [usL sples, C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're [usL sples, C#m C#m/A 8
1hey're [usL sples, C#m C#m/A 8


Stop This Train

no l'm noL color bllnd
l know Lhe world ls black and whlLe
1ry Lo keep an open mlnd buL...
l [usL can'L sleep on Lhls LonlghL

SLop Lhls Lraln l wanL Lo geL off and go home agaln
l can'L Lake Lhe speed lL's movlng ln
l know l can'L
8uL honesLly won'L someone sLop Lhls Lraln

uon'L know how else Lo say lL, don'L wanL Lo see my parenLs go
Cne generaLlon's lengLh away
lrom flghLlng llfe ouL on my own

SLop Lhls Lraln
l wanL Lo geL off and go home agaln
l can'L Lake Lhe speed lL's movlng ln
l know l can'L buL honesLly won'L someone sLop Lhls Lraln

So scared of geLLlng older
l'm only good aL belng young
So l play Lhe numbers game Lo flnd away Lo say LhaL llfe has [usL begun
Pad a Lalk wlLh my old man
Sald help me undersLand
Pe sald Lurn 68, you'll renegoLlaLe

uon'L sLop Lhls Lraln
uon'L for a mlnuLe change Lhe place you're ln
uon'L Lhlnk l couldn'L ever undersLand
l Lrled my hand
!ohn, honesLly we'll never sLop Lhls Lraln

See once ln a whlle when lL's good
lL'll feel llke lL should
And Lhey're all sLlll around
And you're sLlll safe and sound
And you don'L mlss a Lhlng
'Lll you cry when you're drlvlng away ln Lhe dark.

Slnglng sLop Lhls Lraln l wanL Lo geL off and go home agaln
l can'L Lake Lhls speed lL's movlng ln
l know l can'L
Cause now l see l'll never sLop Lhls Lraln

(Lhlnk l goL 'em now)



Shoved lnslde a conLalner when flfLeen Lm A7 C 87
Shlpped on board a boaL bound for Sevllle
8ecycled by Lhe members of Lhe crew
She ends up on Lhe sLreeLs of downLown oslo
And deflanL and proud she sLands her ground aL nlghL (somebody wlll glve ln)
And l don'L know how she feels buL l know lL aln'L rlghL Lm C Am C C 87
1he Lreacherous sLreeLllghLs Lm A7 C 87
Call for Lhe bllnders
Clarlng Lhe dark sldes of
1he rule of supply and demand
l'll never be sLreeL wlse
8uL slgns of Lhe Llmes l know Lm C Am C
Wlll reveal Lhemselves ln beasLly shapes C 87
Swlnglng hlps and smlles from lvory LeeLh Lm A7 C 87
1here ls a darker sLory underneaLh
And you say, "she sure enough makes Lhls parL of Lown a good nlghL"
ls lL professlonal face LhaL appeals Lhe mosL Lo you
And now swallow hard, play Lhe game, geL Lhrough Lhe nlghL, (CeL on)
And l don'L know how she feels buL l know lL aln'L rlghL Lm C Am C C 87
1he Lreacherous sLreeLllghLs Lm A7 C 87
Call for Lhe bllnders
Clarlng Lhe dark sldes of
1he rule of supply and demand
l'll never be sLreeL wlse
8uL slgns of Lhe Llmes l know Lm C Am C
Wlll reveal Lhemselves ln beasLly shapes C 87


1hls Llny flaL ls Loo blg wlLhouL her Lm Lm
l've goL no llfe ln here when she's noL around anymore Lm 8m

lL's Sunday evenlng and Lhe raln ls pourlng Lm Lm
l Lalked Lo Lhe sLreeLs buL Lhey Lell me noLhlng LonlghL Lm 8m

1onlghL usus2 C#7
She [usL had Lo leave And she could noL Lell me why 8m7 Lm9
SomeLhlng abouL Lhe place she had Lo go on her own A7 Ao7 8m7 C#sus
She [usL had Lo leave And l'm no one Lo Lell her how u/C A 8m7 C#sus
1o llve her llve wlLh ghosLs l don'L belleve ln u uo
Lm Lm Lm 8m
Cooh l'm very slck, can'L even Lhlnk of sleep Lm Lm
And l goL had ouL Lo flnd where she ls hldden Lm 8m

She could be anywhere, Lhere's whole clLy's her home Lm Lm
l pray Lhls Lown loves her [usL as much as l do Lm 8m

Cooh, and a fear lL's mlss you, noL be all alone Lm Lm
And cold and even worse belng wlLh someone she don'L know Lm 8m

1onlghL usus2 C#7
She [usL had Lo leave And she could noL Lell me why 8m7 Lm9
SomeLhlng abouL Lhe place she had Lo go on her own A7 Ao7 8m7 C#sus
She [usL had Lo leave And l'm no one Lo Lell her how u/C A 8m7 C#sus
1o llve her llve wlLh ghosLs l don'L belleve ln u uo
Lm7 (C#sus) 8m7 (l#)
And lf l flnd her l don'L even know whaL l'll see Lm7 (C#sus)
She never leL me ln on LhaL 8m7 (l#)
Per very self ls so connecLed wlLh Lhe places she ls ln Lm7 (C#sus)
lL changes so much wlLh Llme and space 8m7 (l#)
C u/l# C#7
She [usL had Lo leave And she could noL Lell me why 8m7 Lm9
SomeLhlng abouL Lhe place she had Lo go on her own A7 Ao7 8m7 C#sus
She [usL had Lo leave And l'm no one Lo Lell her how u/C A 8m7 C#sus
1o sLand up sLralghL Lo Lhe Lhlngs LhaL go wrong C A
And Lhe rlghL because Lhey are breaklng down C A
Lm Lm Lm 8m .
?ou goL sLand up sLralghL,
ray for Lhe llvlng, leL's hope she's ok
uance wlLh ghosL And she knows whaL she ls on
Smlllng, leL her go


The Heart Of Life

l haLe Lo see you cry lylng Lhere ln LhaL poslLlon C# A#m lm/l# C#/C#
1here's Lhlngs you need Lo hear
So Lurn off your Lears and llsLen

aln Lhrows your hearL Lo Lhe ground C# C # l#
Love Lurns Lhe whole Lhlng around
no lL won'L all go Lhe way lL should
8uL l know Lhe hearL of llfe ls good

?ou know lL's noLhlng new C# A#m lm/l# C#/C#
1haL news never had good Llmlng
8uL Lhen Lhe clrcle of your frlends
Wlll defend Lhe sllver llnlng

aln Lhrows your hearL Lo Lhe ground C# C # l#
Love Lurns Lhe whole Lhlng around
no lL won'L all go Lhe way lL should
8uL l know Lhe hearL of llfe ls good

aln Lhrows your hearL Lo Lhe ground C# C # l#
Love Lurns Lhe whole Lhlng around
lear ls a frlend who's mlsundersLood
8uL l know Lhe hearL of llfe ls good, l know lL's good


The Reason

l'm noL a perfecL person L
1here's many Lhlngs l wlsh l dldn'L do C#msus
8uL l conLlnue learnlng L
l never meanL Lo do Lhose Lhlngs Lo you C#msus
And so l have Lo say before l go A
1haL l [usL wanL you Lo know 8sus4 8

l've found a reason for me L
1o change who l used Lo be C#msus
A reason Lo sLarL over new A
and Lhe reason ls you 8sus4 8

l'm sorry LhaL l hurL you L
lL's someLhlng l musL llve wlLh every day C#msus
And all Lhe paln l puL you Lhrough L
l wlsh LhaL l could Lake lL all away C#msus
And be Lhe one who caLches all your Lears A
1haL's why l need you Lo hear 8sus4 8

l've found a reason for me L
1o change who l used Lo be C#msus
A reason Lo sLarL over new A
and Lhe reason ls you 8sus4 8

and Lhe reason ls you usus2
and Lhe reason ls you Lsus4
and Lhe reason ls you usus2
and Lhe reason ls you Lsus4 A11/L

l'm noL a perfecL person L
l never meanL Lo do Lhose Lhlngs Lo you C#msus
And so l have Lo say before l go A
1haL l [usL wanL you Lo know 8sus4 8

l've found a reason for me L
1o change who l used Lo be C#msus
A reason Lo sLarL over new A
and Lhe reason ls you 8sus4 8

l've found a reason Lo show L
A slde of me you dldn'L know C#msus
A reason for all LhaL l do A
And Lhe reason ls you 8sus4 8


The Scientist

Come up Lo meeL you, Lell you l'm sorry um 8b l lsus9
?ou don'L know how lovely you are

l had Lo flnd you um 8b l lsus9
1ell you l need you
1ell you l've seL you aparL

1ell me your secreLs um 8b l lsus9
And ask me your quesLlons
Ch, leL's go back Lo Lhe sLarL

8unnlng ln clrcles um 8b l lsus9
Comlng up Lalls
Peads on Lhe sclence aparL

nobody sald lL was easy 8b 8b l lsus9
lL's such a shame for us Lo parL
nobody sald lL was easy
no one ever sald lL would be Lhls hard

Ch Lake me back Lo Lhe sLarL C C C C7

l was [usL guesslng um 8b l lsus9
AL numbers and flgures
ulllng Lhe puzzles aparL

CuesLlons of sclence um 8b l lsus9
Sclence and progress
uo noL speak as loud as my hearL

Ch Lell me you love me um 8b l lsus9
Come back and haunL me
Ch and l rush Lo Lhe sLarL

8unnlng ln clrcles um 8b l lsus9
Chaslng our Lalls
Comlng back as we are

nobody sald lL was easy 8b 8b l lsus9
Ch, lL's such a shame for us Lo parL
nobody sald lL was easy
no one ever sald lL would be so hard

l'm golng back Lo Lhe sLarL C C C C7

Ch ooh ooh ooh ooh um 8b l lsus9


The Spirit Carries On

Where dld we come from, Why are we here? A A/C#
Where do we go when we dle? u A A/C#
WhaL lles beyond, And whaL lay before? l#m l#m/L
ls anyLhlng cerLaln ln llfe? 8/u# L
1hey say, Llfe ls Loo shorL, 1he here and Lhe now A A/C#
And ?ou're only glven one shoL u A A/C#
8uL could Lhere be more, Pave l llved before, l#m l#m/L
Cr could Lhls be all LhaL we've goL 8/u# Lsus4 L

lf l dle Lomorrow, l'd be all rlghL because l belleve u L A A/C# l#m
1haL afLer we're gone, 1he splrlL carrles on u 8m
A L/A u 8m
A L/A u Lsus4 L
l used Lo be frlghLened of dylng A A/C#
l used Lo Lhlnk deaLh was Lhe end u A A/C#
8uL LhaL was before, l'm noL scared anymore l#m l#m/L
l know LhaL my soul wlll Lranscend 8/u# L
l may never flnd all Lhe answers A A/C#
l may never undersLand why u A A/C#
l may never prove whaL l know Lo be Lrue l#m l#m/L
8uL l know LhaL l sLlll have Lo Lry 8 L

lf l dle Lomorrow, l'd be all rlghL because l belleve u L A A/C# l#m
1haL afLer we're gone, 1he splrlL carrles on u L A A7

Move on, be brave, uon'L weep aL my grave, because l am no longer here 8m A# A 8
8uL please never leL your memory of me dlsappear u 8m

l#m l A 8 8/u#
u L l#m l A 8
u L A A/C# l#m l#m/L u L
l# C# A C# A 8 A 8 C#
u 8m C Lsus4 L

Safe ln Lhe llghL LhaL surrounds me A A/C#
lree of Lhe fear and Lhe paln u A A/C#
1he quesLlon ln mlnd, Pas helped me Lo flnd l#m l#m/L
1he meanlng ln my llfe agaln 8/u# L

vlcLorla's real, l flnally feel A A/C#
AL peace wlLh Lhe glrl ln my dreams u A
And now LhaL l'm here, lL's perfecLly clear l#m l#m/L
l found ouL whaL all of Lhls means 8/u# Lsus4 L

lf l dle Lomorrow, l'd be all rlghL because l belleve u L A A/C# l#m l#m/L
1haL afLer we're gone, 1he splrlL carrles on u 8m A

A L/A u 8m
A L/A u Lsus4 L
A L/A u 8m
A L/A u Lsus4 L
A L/A u 8m
A L/A u u Asus4/L A


This Cold
C#m L 8 l#
l don'L need a rlde Lo arrlve C#m L 8 l#
l don'L feel approached any Llme

lf you feel a fader on a decllne C#m C#m 8 l#
CuL of all you've ever been
And you won'L need Llme
?ou never need Llme

l don'L need every Cod C#m L 8 l#
?ou see every ghosL am l

Pave we found a phase Lo be ouL of C#m C#m 8 l#
1ransfer all your LhoughLs Lo me
And you won'L need llve
We don'L need love

l don'L need Lhls sln Lo go C#m L 8 l#
uown Lo where all forevers flow

Lvery faLe released ls revealed slow C#m C#m 8 l#
never Lalklng back Lo me
Say lL ouL loud
Say lL ouL loud

l feel Lhls cold L l# C#m
l never sLay and l never go
l feel Lhls cold
l never sLay and l never go



lL's close Lo mldnlghL and someLhlng evll's lurklng ln Lhe dark l#m7
under Lhe moonllghL, you see a slghL LhaL almosL sLops your hearL l#m7
?ou Lry Lo scream buL Lerror Lakes Lhe sound before you make lL 87sus4 87 l#m
?ou sLarL Lo freeze as horror looks you rlghL beLween Lhe eyes 87sus4 87 uma[7
?ou're paralyzed C#7

'Cause Lhls ls Lhrlller, Lhrlller nlghL A l#m
And no one's gonna save you from Lhe beasL abouL sLrlke 8m7 (u9 C#7add9)
?ou know lL's Lhrlller, Lhrlller nlghL 8m7 (u7 L7)
?ou're flghLlng for your llfe lnslde a klller, Lhrlller LonlghL 8m7 87 C#7 L7

?ou hear Lhe door slam and reallze Lhere's nowhere lefL Lo run l#m
?ou feel Lhe cold hand and wonder lf you'll ever see Lhe sun l#m
?ou close your eyes and hope LhaL Lhls ls [usL lmaglnaLlon, glrl! 87sus4 87 l#m
8uL all Lhe whlle you hear Lhe creaLure creeplng up behlnd 87sus4 87 uma[7
?ou're ouL of Llme C#7

'Cause Lhls ls Lhrlller, Lhrlller nlghL A l#m
1here aln'L no second chance agalnsL Lhe Lhlng wlLh forLy eyes, glrl 8m7 (u9 C#7add9)
1hrlller, Lhrlller nlghL 8m7 (u7 L7)
?ou're flghLlng for your llfe lnslde a klller, Lhrlller LonlghL 8m7 87 C#7 L7

nlghL creaLures calllng, Lhe dead sLarL Lo walk ln Lhelr masquerade l#m uma[7
1here's no escaplng Lhe [aws of Lhe allen Lhls Llme l#m
(1hey're open wlde) 87 uma[7
1hls ls Lhe end of your llfe C#7

1hey're ouL Lo geL you, Lhere's demons closlng ln on every slde l#m
1hey wlll possess you unless you change LhaL number on your dlal l#m
now ls Lhe Llme for you and l Lo cuddle close LogeLher, yeah 87sus4 87 l#m
All Lhrough Lhe nlghL l'll save you from Lhe Lerror on Lhe screen 87sus4 87 uma[7
l'll make you see C#7

1haL Lhls ls Lhrlller, Lhrlller nlghL A l#m
'Cause l can Lhrlll you more Lhan any ghosL would ever dare Lry 8m7 (u9 C#7add9)
1hrlller, Lhrlller nlghL 8m7 (u7 L7)
So leL me hold you LlghL and share a 8m7 87 C#7 L7
klller, dlller, chlller, Lhrlller here LonlghL

'Cause Lhls ls Lhrlller, Lhrlller nlghL A l#m
Clrl, l can Lhrlll you more Lhan any ghosL would ever dare Lry 8m7 (u9 C#7add9)
1hrlller, Lhrlller nlghL 8m7 (u7 L7)
So leL me hold you LlghL and share a klller, Lhrlller, ow! 8m7 87 C#7 L7


Time Goes Back
C u Am C
1hese Lhlngs'll go slowly by C C Lm C
1hese Lhlngs
1hey'll be where no one would Lhlnk
And when glven Lhls llfe
l oughL've Lhanked you all who wlll Lake lL away
l noLlce LhaL you're flne Am C
SeLLlng up beslde wherever Lurns a bllnd eye
And solemn phase C u Am C
And you belong Lo Lwo Llmes aL once
My radlo's my hearL
We llve as one
1wo ways aL once
l know Lhe waves l form Am C
l know Lhe way l won'L become
C u Am C
1hese sLlll places LhaL are gone by C C Lm C
8elleve Lhey're somewhere else
(8elleve Lhey're somebody else)
!umplng ln Lhe mlnd of a passerby
And belng replaced llke Llmes flles
AnoLher wasLed flaw Am C
Colng up agalnsL Lhe endless law
l'm flown Lhrough a mlrror C u Am C
AlmosL dlsappearlng
l glow falnLly
?ou know Lhls ls nobody's llfe
l saw Lhe days l losL Am C
Pldlng behlnd Lomorrow's cosLs
1lme golng back C u Am C


Time Is Running Out

l Lhlnk l'm drownlng asphyxlaLed Am 8
l wanna break Lhls spell LhaL you've creaLed Lm l/C

you're someLhlng beauLlful a conLradlcLlon Am 8
l wanna play Lhe game l wanL Lhe frlcLlon Lm l/C

you wlll be Lhe deaLh of me Am 8 Lm l/C
you wlll be Lhe deaLh of me Am 8 Lm l/C

bury lL l C
l won'L leL you bury lL Am C
l won'L leL you smoLher lL l C
l won'L leL you murder lL Am C
our Llme ls runnlng ouL l C
our Llme ls runnlng ouL Am C
you can'L push lL underground l C
you can'L sLop lL screamlng ouL Am l/C

l wanLed freedom bound and resLrlcLed Am 8
l Lrled Lo glve you up buL l'm addlcLed l C

now LhaL you know l'm Lrapped sense of elaLlon Am 8
you'd never dream of breaklng Lhls flxaLlon l C

you wlll squeeze Lhe llfe ouL of me Am 8 Lm l/C

bury lL l C
l won'L leL you bury lL Am C
l won'L leL you smoLher lL l C
l won'L leL you murder lL Am C
our Llme ls runnlng ouL l C
our Llme ls runnlng ouL Am C
you can'L push lL underground l C
you can'L sLop lL screamlng ouL Am
how dld lL come Lo Lhls? l/C
ooooohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (x3) um Am

you wlll suck Lhe llfe ouL of me Am 8 Lm l/C

bury lL l C
l won'L leL you bury lL Am C
l won'L leL you smoLher lL l C
l won'L leL you murder lL Am C
our Llme ls runnlng ouL l C
our Llme ls runnlng ouL Am C
you can'L push lL underground l C
you can'L sLop lL screamlng ouL Am l/C
how dld lL come Lo Lhls? l/C
ooooohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (x3) um Am


C Lm 8m
C no, l see, C Lm 8m
l spun a web, lL's Langled up wlLh me, l Am C
And l losL my head, Lm 8m
1he LhoughL of all Lhe sLupld Lhlngs l sald, l Am C
C Lm 8m
C no whaL's Lhls? C Lm 8m
A splder web, and l'm caughL ln Lhe mlddle, l Am C
l Lurned Lo run, Lm 8m
1he LhoughL of all Lhe sLupld Lhlngs l've done, l Am C

l never meanL Lo cause you Lrouble, A Lm
And l never meanL Lo do you wrong,
And l, well lf l ever caused you Lrouble,
C no, l never meanL Lo do you harm.

C no l see, C Lm 8m
A splder web and lL's me ln Lhe mlddle, l Am C
So l LwlsL and Lurn, Lm 8m
Pere l am ln love ln a bubble, l Am C

Slnglng, l never meanL Lo cause you Lrouble, A Lm
l never meanL Lo do you wrong,
And l, well lf l ever caused you Lrouble,
AlLhough l never meanL Lo do you harm.

1hey spun a web for me, Lm l#m C l#m
1hey spun a web for me,
1hey spun a web for me.
C Lm 8m


Twist And Shout

Well, shake lL up, baby, now, (shake lL up, baby) u C A
1wlsL and shouL. (LwlsL and shouL)
Cmon cmon, cmon, cmon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work lL on ouL. (work lL on ouL)

Well, work lL on ouL, honey. (work lL on ouL)
?ou know you look so good. (look so good)
?ou know you goL me goln, now, (goL me goln)
!usL llke l knew you would. (llke l knew you would, oooh!)

Well, shake lL up, baby, now, (shake lL up, baby)
1wlsL and shouL. (LwlsL and shouL)
Cmon, cmon, cmon, cmon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work lL all ouL. (work lL all ouL, oooh!)

?ou know you're a LwlsLy llLLle glrl, (LwlsL llLLle glrl)
?ou know you LwlsL so flne. (LwlsL so flne)
Come on and LwlsL a llLLle closer, now, (LwlsL a llLLle closer)
And leL me know LhaL you're mlne. (leL me know you're mlne oooh)

u C A C

Ahhhhhhhhhh(rooL) Ahhhhhhhhhh(Lhlrd) Ahhhhhhhhhh(flfLh) A7
Ahhhhhhhhhhh(sevenLh) Ahhhhh Ahhhhh Woah, ?eah

Well, shake lL up, baby, now, (shake lL up, baby) u C A
1wlsL and shouL. (LwlsL and shouL)
Cmon, cmon, cmon, cmon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work lL on ouL. (work lL on ouL, wuu!)

?ou know you're a LwlsLy llLLle glrl, (LwlsL llLLle glrl)
?ou know you LwlsL so flne. (LwlsL so flne)
Come on and LwlsL a llLLle closer, now, (LwlsL a llLLle closer)
And leL me know LhaL you're mlne. (leL me know you're mlne, wuu!)

Well, shake lL, shake lL, shake lL, baby, now. (shake lL up baby)
Well, shake lL, shake lL, shake lL, baby, now. (shake lL up baby)
Well, shake lL, shake lL, shake lL, baby, now. (shake lL up baby)
Ahhhhhhhhhh(low) Ahhhhhhhhhh(hlgher) Ahhhhhhhhhh(hlgher) Ah!(hlgh) A7

Un Mundo Ideal

?o Le qulero ensenar un fanLsLlco mundo. u 8m A/C#
ven prlncesa y de[a a Lu corazn sonar. Lm l#7 8m C u
?o Le puedo mosLrar cosas maravlllosas. u 8m A/C#
ven prlncesa y de[aLe llevar a un mundo ldeal. Lm l#7 8m C u

un mundo ldeal. A u
un mundo en el que Lu y yo C A/C# u
podamos decldlr como vlvlr C u/l# C u/l#
sln nadle que lo lmplda. 8m7 L7 A7

un mundo ldeal A u
que nunca pude lmaglnar. C A 8m
uonde ya comprendl que [unLo a Ll C u/l# C u/l#
el mundo es un lugar para sonar. 8m7 L7 C A7 u

labulosa vlsln, senLlmlenLo dlvlno. l um C
voy volando conLlgo hacla un nuevo amanecer. Cm A7 um C 8b l

un mundo ldeal C l
Alll mll cosas voy a ver 8b C l
Soy como un haz de luz que le[os va. 8b l 8b l
? nunca ya podr volver aLrs. um7 C7 Lb C7 l

un mundo ldeal C l
un horlzonLe a descubrlr. 8b C l
un mundo para Ll. ara los dos. 8b l 8b l
ue[aLe llevar a un mundo ldeal. um7 C7 Lb C7 l

un mundo ldeal C
un horlzonLe a descubrlr. 8b C l
un mundo para Ll. ara los dos. 8b l 8b l
Llevame A dnde suenes Lu. um7 C7 Lb C7 l


Under The Bridge

SomeLlmes l feel L 8 C#m A
Llke l don'L have a parLner
SomeLlmes l feel
Llke my only frlend
ls Lhe clLy l llve ln
1he clLy of angels
Lonely as l am
1ogeLher we cry

l drlve on her sLreeLs L 8 C#m A
'Cause she's my companlon
l walk Lhrough her hllls
'Cause she knows who l am
She sees my good deeds
And she klsses me wlndy
l never worry
now LhaL ls a lle

l don'L ever wanL Lo feel l#m L 8 l#m
Llke l dld LhaL day
1ake me Lo Lhe place l love
1ake me all Lhe way

lL's hard Lo belleve L 8 C#m A
1haL Lhere's nobody ouL Lhere
lL's hard Lo belleve
1haL l'm all alone
AL leasL l have her love
1he clLy she loves me
Lonely as l am
1ogeLher we cry

l don'L ever wanL Lo feel l#m L 8 l#m
Llke l dld LhaL day
1ake me Lo Lhe place l love
1ake me all LhaL way

under Lhe brldge downLown ls where l drew some blood A Am C l
under Lhe brldge downLown l could noL geL enough
under Lhe brldge downLown lorgoL abouL my love
under Lhe brldge downLown l gave my llfe away.
Untitled 11

Sold a hole Lo a dlsasLer Am A# um
nall Lhe sLrong wlnds Lled Lo a door l C Cm um
know Lhe crlmes LhaL sLlck ln Lhru Am A# um
unfasLened belLs on your hearL l C Cm um
And l've never been very smarL Am A# um
8uL l connecL you wlLh your shadow C um l um

Viva La Vida

l used Lo rule Lhe world C u C Lm
Seas would rlse when l gave Lhe word
now ln Lhe mornlng l sweep alone
Sweep Lhe sLreeLs l used Lo own

l used Lo roll Lhe dlce
leel Lhe fear ln my enemy's eyes
LlsLen as Lhe crowd would slng:
"now Lhe old klng ls dead! Long llve Lhe klng!"

Cne mlnuLe l held Lhe key
nexL Lhe walls were closed on me
And l dlscovered LhaL my casLles sLand
upon plllars of salL and plllars of sand

l hear !erusalem bells a rlnglng
8oman Cavalry cholrs are slnglng
8e my mlrror my sword and shleld
My mlsslonarles ln a forelgn fleld
lor some reason l can'L explaln
Cnce you go Lhere was never, never an honesL word
1haL was when l ruled Lhe world

lL was Lhe wlcked and wlld wlnd
8lew down Lhe doors Lo leL me ln
ShaLLered wlndows and Lhe sound of drums
eople couldn'L belleve whaL l'd become

8evoluLlonarles walL
lor my head on a sllver plaLe
!usL a puppeL on a lonely sLrlng
Ch who would ever wanL Lo be klng?

l hear !erusalem bells a rlnglng
8oman Cavalry cholrs are slnglng
8e my mlrror my sword and shleld
My mlsslonarles ln a forelgn fleld
lor some reason l can'L explaln
l know SalnL eLer wlll call my name
never an honesL word
8uL LhaL was when l ruled Lhe world
(Chhhhh Chhh Chhh)


A mllllon mlles away A L
?our slgnal ln Lhe dlsLance 1o whom lL may concern 8m u um
l Lhlnk l losL my way A L
CeLLlng good aL sLarLlng over Lvery Llme LhaL l reLurn 8m u um

l'm learnlng Lo walk agaln A L
l belleve l've walLed long enough Where do l begln? 8m u um (u L l C)
l'm learnlng Lo Lalk agaln A L
Can'L you see l've walLed long enough Where do l begln? 8m u um (u L l C)

uo you remember Lhe days A L
We bullL Lhese paper mounLalns Lhen saL and waLched Lhem burn 8m u um
l Lhlnk l found my place A L
Can'L you feel lL growlng sLronger LlLLle conquerors 8m u um

l'm learnlng Lo walk agaln A L
l belleve l've walLed long enough Where do l begln? 8m u um (u L l C)
l'm learnlng Lo Lalk agaln A L
Can'L you see l've walLed long enough Where do l begln? 8m u um (u L l C)
now A

lor Lhe very flrsL Llme A L
uon'L you pay no mlnd l#m
SeL me free agaln u um

?ou keep allve a momenL aL a Llme A
8uL sLlll lnslde a whlsper Lo a rloL
1o sacrlflce buL knowlng Lo survlve L
1he flrsL Lo cry anoLher sLaLe of mlnd
l'm on my knees, l'm praylng for a slgn l#m
lorever, whenever l never wanna dle u um

l never wanna dle l never wanna dle A
l'm on my knees l never wanna dle
l'm danclng on my grave l'm runnlng Lhrough Lhe flre L
lorever, whenever l never wanna dle
l never wanna leave l never say goodbye l#m
lorever, whenever lorever, whenever u um

l'm learnlng Lo walk agaln A L
l belleve l've walLed long enough Where do l begln? 8m u um (u L l C)
l'm learnlng Lo Lalk agaln A L
Can'L you see l've walLed long enough Where do l begln? 8m u um (u L l C)

Learnlng Lo walk agaln A L
l belleve l've walLed long enough 8m u um (u L l C)
Learnlng Lo Lalk agaln A L
Can'L you see l've walLed long enough 8m u um (u L l C)


Walking On The Moon
Cm Cm7
ClanL sLeps are whaL you Lake Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
l hope my legs don'L break Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
We could walk forever Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
We could llve LogeLher Cm
Walklng on, walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
Cm Cm7
Walklng back from your house Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
Walklng back from your house Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
leeL Lhey hardly Louch Lhe ground Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
My feeL don'L hardly make no sound Cm
Walklng on, walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
Some may say C# u#
l'm wlshlng my days away 8b lm
no way C# u#
And lf lL's Lhe prlce l pay 8b lm
Some say C# u#
1omorrow's anoLher day 8b lm
?ou sLay C# u#
l may as well play 8b

ClanL sLeps are whaL you Lake Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
l hope my legs don'L break Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
We could walk forever Cm
Walklng on Lhe moon Cm7
We could be LogeLher Cm
Walklng on, walklng on Lhe moon Cm7

Some may say C# u#
l'm wlshlng my days away 8b lm
no way C# u#
And lf lL's Lhe prlce l pay 8b lm
Some say # u#
1omorrow's anoLher day 8b lm
?ou sLay C# u#
l may as well play 8b


Warning Sign
(Capo 3nd lreL)

lnLro u# C
C# u# 8b l l C C u

A warnlng slgn, C# u# 8b l l C C u

l mlssed Lhe good parL Lhen l reallzed,
l sLarLed looklng and Lhe bubble bursL.
l sLarLed looklng for excuses.

Come on ln, C# u# 8b l l C C u
l've goLLa Lell you whaL a sLaLe l'm ln,
l've goLLa Lell you ln my loudesL Lones,
1haL l sLarLed looklng for a warnlng slgn.

When Lhe LruLh ls, u# Cm 8b l C Lm C u
l mlss you.
?eah Lhe LruLh ls,
1haL l mlss you so.

A warnlng slgn, C# u# 8b l l C C u
?ou came back Lo haunL me and l reallzed
you were an lsland and l passed you by,
?ou were an lsland Lo dlscover.

Come on ln, C# u# 8b l l C C u
l've goLLa Lell you whaL sLaLe l'm ln,
l've goLLa Lell you ln my loudesL Lones,
1haL l sLarLed looklng for a warnlng slgn.

When Lhe LruLh ls, u# Cm 8b l C Lm C u
l mlss you.
?eah Lhe LruLh ls,
1haL l mlss you so.

And l'm Llred, u# Cm 8b l C Lm C u
l should noL have leL you go.

So l crawl back lnLo your open arms. 8b C# u# Cm C l C Lm
?es, l crawl back lnLo your open arms.
And l crawl back lnLo your open arms.
?es, l crawl back lnLo your open arms...


We Are Golden

1eenage dreams ln a Leenage clrcus C l Am C
8unnlng around llke a clown on purpose
Who glves a damn abouL Lhe famlly you come from?
no glvln up when you're young and you wanL some

8unnlng around agaln 8unnlng from runnlng C l Am C

Waklng up ln Lhe mldday sun C l Am C
WhaL's Lo llve for? ?ou could see whaL l've done
SLarlng aL emoLlon ln Lhe llghL of day
l was runnlng from Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you'd say

We are noL whaL you Lhlnk we are C C l
We are golden, we are golden.
(We are noL whaL you Lhlnk we are
We are golden, we are golden)

1eenage dreams ln a Leenage clrcus C l Am C
8unnlng around llke a clown on purpose
Who glves a damn abouL Lhe famlly you come from?
no glvln up when you're young and you wanL some

8unnlng around agaln 8unnlng from runnlng C l Am C

l was a boy aL an open door C l Am C
Why you sLarlng uo you sLlll Lhlnk LhaL you know?
Looklng for Lreasure ln Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you Lhrew
Llke a magple l llve for gllLLer, noL you

We are noL whaL you Lhlnk we are C C l
We are golden, we are golden.
(We are noL whaL you Lhlnk we are
We are golden, we are golden)

1eenage dreams ln a Leenage clrcus C l Am C
8unnlng around llke a clown on purpose
Who glves a damn abouL Lhe famlly you come from?
no glvln up when you're young and you wanL some

now l'm slLLlng alone Am
l'm flnally looklng around l
LefL here on my own C
l'm gonna hurL myself C
Maybe loslng my mlnd Am
l'm sLlll wonderlng why l
Pad Lo leL Lhe world C
leL lL bleed me dry C

We are noL whaL you Lhlnk we are (x3) C
We are golden, we are golden


Wet Sand

My shadow slde, so ampllfled, C u Lm 8m
keeps comlng back dlssaLlsfled
LlemenLary son buL lL's so...
My love affalr wlLh everywhere was lnnocenL,
Why do you care?
Someone sLarL Lhe car Llme Lo go...
?ou're Lhe besL l know

My sunny slde has up and dled, C u Lm 8m
l'm beLLlng LhaL when we colllde
1he unlverse wlll shlfL lnLo a low
1he LravesLles LhaL we have seen
Are LreaLlng me llke 8enzedrlne
AuLomaLlc laughLer from a pro

My, whaL a good day for a walk ouLslde Lm C u C
l'd llke Lo geL Lo know you a llLLle beLLer, baby,
Cod knows LhaL l really Lrled
My, whaL a good day for a LakeouL brlde
l'd llke Lo say we dld lL for Lhe beLLer of

l saw you Lhere, so unaware, C u Lm 8m
1hose hummlngblrds all ln your halr
LlemenLary son buL lL's so...
1he dlsrepalr of norma !ean
Could noL compare Lo your rouLlne
8alarama beauLy golng Loe-Lo-Loe

My, whaL a good day for a... leL lL sllde Lm C u C
l'd llke Lo say we dld lL for Lhe beLLer of

l LhoughL abouL lL, and l broughL lL ouL L C L L
l'm moLlvaLed by Lhe lack of doubL
l'm consecraLed, buL l'm noL devouL
1he moLher, Lhe faLher, Lhe daughLer, yeah

8lghL on Lhe verge, [usL one more dose C u Lm 8m
l'm Lravellng from coasL-Lo-coasL
My Lheory lsn'L perfecL, buL lL's close
l'm almosL Lhere, why should l care?
My hearL ls hurLlng when l share
Someone open up and leL lL show

My, whaL a good day for a walk ouLslde Lm C u C
l'd llke Lo Lhlnk we dld lL for Lhe beLLer of


?ou don'L form ln Lhe weL sand. L l# C#m


When I'm Sixty Four
C C l C C
When l geL older loslng my halr, Many years from now, C C
Wlll you sLlll be sendlng me a valenLlne 8lrLhday greeLlngs boLLle of wlne? C C
lf l'd been ouL Llll quarLer Lo Lhree Would you lock Lhe door, C C7 l
Wlll you sLlll need me, wlll you sLlll feed me, When l'm slxLy-four? l lm C A u C7 C

oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo Am C Am
?ou'll be older Loo, (ah ah ah ah ah) Am L
And lf you say Lhe word, Am um
l could sLay wlLh you. l C C C

l could be handy mendlng a fuse When your llghLs have gone. C C
?ou can knlL a sweaLer by Lhe flreslde Sunday mornlngs go for a rlde. C C
uolng Lhe garden, dlgglng Lhe weeds, Who could ask for more? C C7 l
Wlll you sLlll need me, wlll you sLlll feed me, When l'm slxLy-four? l lm C A u C7 C

Lvery summer we can renL a coLLage Am
ln Lhe lsle of WlghL, lf lL's noL Loo dear C Am
We shall scrlmp and save Am L Am
Crandchlldren on your knee (ah ah ah ah ah) um
vera, Chuck, and uave l C C C

Send me a posLcard, drop me a llne, SLaLlng polnL of vlew. C C
lndlcaLe preclsely whaL you mean Lo say ?ours slncerely, WasLlng Away. C C
Clve me your answer, flll ln a form Mlne for evermore C C7 l
Wlll you sLlll need me, wlll you sLlll feed me, When l'm slxLy-four? l lm C A u C7 C


When You Where Young

?ou slL Lhere ln your hearLache C u/Lm
WalLlng on some beauLlful boy Lo C C
1o save you from your old ways C u/Lm
?ou play forglveness waLch lL now here he comes C C

Pe doesn'L look a Lhlng llke !esus C u/Lm
8uL he Lalks llke a genLlemen Llke you lmaglned C C
when you were young C u/Lm C C

Can we cllmb Lhls mounLaln l don'L know C u/Lm
Plgher now Lhan ever before C C
l know we can make lL lf we Lake lL slow C u/Lm
LeL's Lake lL easy Lasy now, waLch lL go C C

We're burnlng down Lhe hlghway skyllne C u/Lm
Cn Lhe back of a hurrlcane LhaL sLarLed Lurnlng C C
When you were young C u/Lm C C
When you were young C u/Lm C C

And someLlmes you close your eyes C u/Lm
and see Lhe place where you used Lo llve C C
When you were young C u/Lm C C
C 8 A C l# L u
1hey say Lhe devll's waLer, lL aln'L so sweeL Am
?ou don'L have Lo drlnk rlghL now C Lm
8uL you can dlp your feeL u Lm
Lvery once ln a llLLle whlle u
C u/Lm C C
?ou slL Lhere ln your hearLache C u/Lm
WalLlng on some beauLlful boy Lo C C
1o save you from your old ways C u/Lm
?ou play forglveness waLch lL now here he comes C C

Pe doesn'L look a Lhlng llke !esus C u/Lm
8uL he Lalks llke a genLlemen Llke you lmaglned C C
when you were young C u/Lm C C
(Pe Lalks llke a genLlemen, llke you lmaglned when)
When you were young C u/Lm C C

l sald he doesn'L look a Lhlng llke !esus C u/Lm C C
Pe doesn'L look a Lhlng llke !esus C u/Lm C C
8uL more Lhan you'll ever know C 8b A C l# L u


With a Little Help From My Friends
C u L
WhaL would you Lhlnk lf l sang ouL of Lune L 8 l#m
would you sLand up and walk ouL on me l#m 87 L
lend me your ears and lll slng you a song L 8 l#m
and lll Lry noL Lo slng ouL of key l#m 87 L

oh, l geL by wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm l geL hlgh wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm lm gonna Lry wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L 8

whaL do ll do when my love ls away L 8 l#m
(does lL worry you Lo be alone) l#m 87 L
how do l feel by Lhe end of Lhe day L 8 l#m
(are you sad because youre on your own) l#m 87 L

oh, l geL by wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm l geL hlgh wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm lm gonna Lry wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L

do you need anybody C#m l#m
l need somebody Lo love L u A
could lL be anybody C#m l#m
l wanL somebody Lo love L u A

would you belleve ln a love aL flrsL slghL L 8 l#m
yes lm cerLaln LhaL lL happens all Lhe Llme l#m 87 L
whaL do you see when you Lurn ouL Lhe llghL L 8 l#m
l canL Lell you, buL l know lLs mlne l#m 87 L

oh, l geL by wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm l geL hlgh wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm lm gonna Lry wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L

do you need anybody C#m l#m
l need somebody Lo love L u A
could lL be anybody C#m l#m
l wanL somebody Lo love L u A

oh, l geL by wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm l geL hlgh wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L
mmm lm gonna Lry wlLh a llLLle help from my frlends u A L 8


(Capo 2nd lreL)

1oday ls gonna be Lhe day L C u L7
1haL Lhey're gonna Lhrow lL back Lo you
8y now you should've somehow
8eallzed whaL you goLLa do
l don'L belleve LhaL anybody
leels Lhe way l do abouL you now

8ackbeaL Lhe word was on Lhe sLreeL L C u L7
1haL Lhe flre ln your hearL ls ouL
l'm sure you've heard lL all before
8uL you never really had a doubL
l don'L belleve LhaL anybody feels
1he way l do abouL you now

And all Lhe roads we have Lo walk along are wlndlng C u L L
And all Lhe llghLs LhaL lead us Lhere are bllndlng
1here are many Lhlngs LhaL l would
Llke Lo say Lo you C l# L u
l don'L know how
8ecause maybe C C u L7
?ou're gonna be Lhe one who saves me ?
And afLer all
?ou're my wonderwall

1oday was gonna be Lhe day? L C u L7
8uL Lhey'll never Lhrow lL back Lo you
8y now you should've somehow
8eallzed whaL you're noL Lo do
l don'L belleve LhaL anybody
leels Lhe way l do
AbouL you now

And all Lhe roads we have Lo walk along are wlndlng C u L L
And all Lhe llghLs LhaL lead us Lhere are bllndlng
1here are many Lhlngs LhaL l would
Llke Lo say Lo you C l# L u
l don'L know how
l sald maybe C C u L7
?ou're gonna be Lhe one who saves me ?
And afLer all
?ou're my wonderwall



Look aL Lhe sLars, 8 l# L 8
Look how Lhey shlne for you,
And everyLhlng you do,
?eah Lhey were all yellow,

l came along 8 l# L 8
l wroLe a song for you
And all Lhe Lhlngs you do
And lL was called yellow

So Lhen l Look my Lurn 8 l# L 8
Ch all Lhe Lhlngs l've done
And lL was all yellow

?our skln L C#m l#
Ch yeah your skln and bones
1urn lnLo someLhlng beauLlful
u'you know you know l love you so
?ou know l love you so

l swam across 8 l# L 8
l [umped across for you
Ch all Lhe Lhlngs you do
Cause you were all yellow

l drew a llne 8 l# L 8
l drew a llne for you
Ch whaL a Lhlng Lo do
And lL was all yellow

?our skln L C#m l#
Ch yeah your skln and bones
1urn lnLo someLhlng beauLlful
u'you know for you l bleed myself dry
lor you l bleed myself dry

lLs Lrue look how Lhey shlne for you 8 l# L 8
look how Lhey shlne for you



?esLerday, l
All my Lroubles seemed so far away, Lm7 A7 um um/C
now lL looks as Lhough Lhey're here Lo sLay, 8b C l
Ch, l belleve ln yesLerday. um C7 8b l

Suddenly, l
l'm noL half Lhe man l used Lo be, Lm7 A7 um um/C
1here's a shadow hanglng over me, 8b C l
Ch, yesLerday came suddenly. um C7 8b l

Why she Lm7 A7
Pad Lo go l don'L know, she wouldn'L say. um C 8b Cm7 C l
l sald, Lm7 A7
SomeLhlng wrong, now l long for yesLerday. um C 8b Cm7 C l

?esLerday, l
Love was such an easy game Lo play, Lm7 A7 um um/C
now l need a place Lo hlde away, 8b C l
Ch, l belleve ln yesLerday. um C7 8b l

Why she Lm7 A7
Pad Lo go l don'L know, she wouldn'L say. um C 8b Cm7 C l
l sald, Lm7 A7
SomeLhlng wrong, now l long for yesLerday. um C 8b Cm7 C l

?esLerday, l
Love was such an easy game Lo play, Lm7 A7 um um/C
now l need a place Lo hlde away, 8b C l
Ch, l belleve ln yesLerday. um C7 8b l

Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. l/C C/8 8b l


You Found Me
(Capo 4Lh lreL)

l found Cod L/(l#) C#m l# L C/(u) Lm u C
Cn Lhe corner of llrsL and AmlsLad
Where Lhe wesL
Was all buL won
All alone
Smoklng hls lasL clgareLLe
l sald, Where you been?
Pe sald, Ask anyLhlng.

Where were you L/(l#) C#m l# L C/(u) Lm u C
When everyLhlng was falllng aparL?
All my days
Were spenL by Lhe Lelephone
1haL never rang
And all l needed was a call
lL never came
1o Lhe corner of llrsL and AmlsLad

LosL and lnsecure C#m L 8 l# Lm C C u
?ou found me, you found me
Lylng on Lhe floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have Lo walL?
Where were you, where were you?
!usL a llLLle laLe
?ou found me, ?ou found me

ln Lhe end L/(l#) C#m l# L C/(u) Lm u C
Lveryone ends up alone
Loslng her
1he only one who's ever known
Who l am
Who l'm noL, and who l wanL Lo be
no way Lo know
Pow long she wlll be nexL Lo me


Larly mornlng L l# C u
1he clLy breaks
l've been calllng
lor years and years and years and years
And you never lefL me no messages
?ou never senL me no leLLers
?ou goL some klnd of nerve
1aklng all l wanL



You And Me Are Gone

Lvery Llme l see whaL's wrlLLen on your mlnd Cm6 u7
l Lurn away and drop my guard
?our hlgh horse wlll be Lhe leader of Lhe bllnd
1ender love and LruLh aslde

l'm ln possesslon of so many Lones Cm7 Lm9
l loved lL all my llfe Lbma[9 Cm6
leel Lhe rhyLhm ln your very bones Cm7 Lm9
l never sleep aL nlghL. Lbma[9 u9

?ou and me are gone Cm6 8b7
?ou and me are gone Lb7 uaug
WlnLer's blLLer song Cm6 8b7
?ou and me are gone, gone away. Lb7 uaug

1ruLhfully l've goL a modus operandl Cm6 u7
l never seem Lo flnlsh lovln'
?ou Lraln your eye and force yourself Lo make a sLand
When lL dles a warmer sLufflng

Lose yourself and on Lhe edge of reason Cm7 Lm9
1eenage ears so drown Lbma[9 Cm6
Lven l don'L know whaL l am feellng Cm7 Lm9
LosL you Lll l'm found. Lbma[9 u9

?ou and me are gone Cm6 8b7
?ou and me are gone Lb7 uaug
WlnLer's blLLer song Cm6 8b7
?ou and me are gone, gone away. Lb7 uaug
Cm6 u7
See Lhe [oyous pro's have lefL my Longue Cm7 Lm9
lor oLher warmer Lhlngs, Lbma[9 Cm6
8aLLle songs are wrlLLen Lo be sung Cm7 Lm9
A mllllon Loxlc lles. Lbma[9 u9

?ou and me are gone Cm6 8b7
?ou and me are gone Lb7 uaug
?ou and me are gone Cm6 8b7
?ou and me are gone Lb7 uaug


Your Pussy Is Glued To A Bulding On Fire

?our pussys glued Lo a bulldlng on flre C C7 Am
l palnL my mlnd [usL cuz l'm allve l L um
lf you see me roamlng Lhe hlllslde C
Won'L you come along? C C7 Am
?ou palnL your eyes 8b um
Mlne are ln Lhe sky 8b um
no worldly word l could say could be golden Am C 8b um
1he smlle on my face lsn'L always real Am C 8b
8uL Lhe way you make me feel ls all LhaL's really real A 8b
?ou llLLle duck house C
l A um 8b
Your Song
lL's a llLLle blL funny, Lhls feellng lnslde L A 8 C#m
l'm noL one of Lhose who can easlly hlde u#m u#m8 u#mA# u#mA
l don'L have much money, buL, boy lf l dld L 8 C#m u#m
l'd buy a blg house where we boLh could llve L l#m A 8

lf l was a sculpLor, buL Lhen agaln no L A 8 C#m
Cr a man who makes poLlons ln a Lravelllng show u#m u#m8 u#mA# u#mA
l know lL's noL much buL lL's Lhe besL l can do L 8 C#m u#m
My glfL ls my song, and Lhls one for you L l#m A L

And you can Lell everybody Lhls ls your song 8 C#m l#m A
lL may be qulLe slmple buL now LhaL lL's done 8 C#m l#m A
l hope you don'L mlnd, l hope you don'L mlnd u#m u#m8 u#mA# u#mA
1haL l puL down ln words,
Pow wonderful llfe ls whlle you're ln Lhe world L l#m A L

l saL on Lhe roof and klcked off Lhe moss L A 8 C#m
Well a few of Lhe verses Lhey've goL me qulLe crossed u#m u#m8 u#mA# u#mA
8uL Lhe sun's been qulLe klnd, whlle l wroLe Lhls song L 8 C#m u#m
lL's for people llke you LhaL Lhey keep Lurned on L l#m A 8

So excuse me and forgeL buL Lhese l do L A 8 C#m
?ou see l've forgoLLen lf Lhey're green or Lhey're blue u#m u#m8 u#mA# u#mA
Anyway, Lhe Lhlng ls, whaL l reallly mean L 8 C#m u#m
?ours are Lhe sweeLesL eyes l've ever seen L l#m A L

And you can Lell everybody Lhls ls your song 8 C#m l#m A
lL may be qulLe slmple buL now LhaL lL's done 8 C#m l#m A
l hope you don'L mlnd, l hope you don'L mlnd u#m u#m8 u#mA# u#mA
1haL l puL down ln words,
Pow wonderful llfe ls whlle you're ln Lhe world L l#m A 8(L)

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