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Assembling Your MegaSquirt V3.

0 Main Board
When you purchase a MegaSquirt kit you receive a PCB (the printed circuit board), plus
some essential components, called a partial kit (MSP!"# or MSP!"#), as $ell as the
remaining components to complete the assmebly% #he partial kit includes&
printed circuit board ('(),
pre)programmed *+,C-.+/P( processor (U1) 01 MegaSquirt)"" daughter
card (MS2), and the
MP234.5P M5P sensor (U2)
various resistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, connectors, etc%%
Note: For stim assembly instructions, BOM, etc., see the v2.2 assembly guide here:
he instructions here are !or building the "# board !or the $%&'()% with the standard
B*+ code or !or Mega,-uirt.//. /! you are 0lanning to use M,n,.1 code 2on a
$%&'()%3 with the "# board, there may be a number o! additions, alterations, and
omissions you need to 0er!orm in building the "# main board. ,ee the M,n,.1 site !or
instructions on these changes.
When you purchase a MegaSquirt kit, the components typically arrive individually
packed, $ith part numbers% 5s a result, $hile you should veri6y that you have received
all you ordered, it is not necessary to identi6y each item by color, markings, etc%
"6 you have questions about the speci6ication or appearance o6 any item, check the part
number at the 7igi)!ey site ($$$%digikey%com) 6irst% 8ntering the part number in their
search engine $ill give you access to both the catalog in6ormation and the data sheet
6rom the manu6acturer%
#o assemble any o6 these electronic kits, you $ill need a soldering iron, some solder,
and a 6e$ other use6ul accessories% 5 94 $att pencil iron $ill $ork 6ine, ho$ever a 4
$att iron heats up 6aster% /et some small solder% :or e;ample, you can use .%<4mm resin
solder (=.%.(.>) $hich really helps to put ?ust the right amount o6 solder in ?ust the right
places% @ou do not need to use silver solder 6or MegaSquirt% Make sure to let the
soldering iron get hot be6ore using it% 5 hotter tip makes 6or quicker cleaner ?oints, and
less heat in the components, because the temperature o6 the lead reaches the melting
point o6 the solder be6ore the component has had much time to heat up (though letting
the iron heat 6or a $hile also tends to shorten the use6ul li6e o6 the tip)% Aet it sit
Bpo$ered)upB 6or 9.)94 minutes be6ore trying to use it% #he solder should melt nearly
instantly i6 touched to the tip%
Cever try to paste solder on a ?oint using e;cess solder on the tip% !eep the tip clean,
and heat the ?oint (try to get the tip right at the ?oint bet$een the lead and the PCB) and
hold the solder against the other side o6 the ?oint until it starts to melt% :eed in ?ust
enough solder to get a bit o6 a cone on the ?oint, and you are done% /et a solder $ick as
$ell ) you $ill be glad you didD "t is very use6ul 6or removing components% Be6ore
plugging in your soldering iron, be sure you read and understand the assembly
instructions that 6ollo$%
2Note that there is also an e4cellent tutorial !or the assembly o! general electronic 5its
here: www.mtechnologies.com/building/ato6.htm.3
Cote& #he semiconductor components in MegaSquirt are sensitive to electrostatic
discharge E8S7)% #o reduce the potential 6or damage 6rom 8S7, some care is needed%
"nterestingly, you cannot even 6eel an 8S7 shock unless the voltage e;ceeds (,...
volts, 6ar more than enough to destroy some o6 the MegaSquirt components% 8S7 events
do not al$ays destroy an electronic component immediately on the 6irst occurrence,
making the eventual 6ailure o6 your MegaSquirt very di66icult to troubleshoot% Where
possible, make use o6 anti)static controls and material handling techniques, i%e%, $rist)
band grounding straps, anti)static 6oam and anti)static bags, grounded $orkbenches,
anti)static mats, etc% 5void handling semiconductor components more than necessary% "6
you are not $earing a $rist)band grounding strap, discharge yoursel6 by touching
grounded metal be6ore handling "Cs and equipment% #his is especially important in the
$inter a6ter taking o66 or putting on any garments, 6or e;ample, s$eaters and coats% #he
material o6 your clothing also has an e66ect, as materials like silk and some arti6icial
6ibers produce a lot o6 >static electricity>% Most commercial carpets contain a high
percentage o6 arti6icial 6ibers, $hich are prone to producing static% Where possible, try
to keep the room humidity at 4.F or higher to reduce static problems, or use a product
such as >Static /uard>%
5ssembly /uide 6or MegaSquirt Main Board 'ersion '(%.
MegaSquirt uses a number o6 components% #hese components are installed on the
silkscreen side o6 the PCB, and in most case it $ill be easiest to solder them 6rom the
other side o6 the board% 8lectrically, the soldering $orks 6ine 6rom either side, but as you
get more components on the board, it gets harder to solder on the components side,
6orcing you to use the other side 6or soldering% #here are three $ays you can be sure o6
putting the right components in the right places $ith the right orientation% Most
electronic parts have a standardiGed scheme 6or identi6ication%
#here are a large number o6 cryptic designations in building a MegaSquirt% Many o6
these have the 6orm o6 a capital letter 6ollo$ed by a one or t$o digit number% #hese
indicate components that are installed on the MegaSquirt main board (or stim, etc%) and
are speci6ic to each PCB% So 1- means resistor (1) number -% Cote that the main board
has a 1-, as does the stim, and they are di66erent% ,ere are some e;amples&
79 H 7iode 9,
C9 H Capacitor 9,
19 H 1esistor 9,
I9 H "C (chip) 9,
A9 H "nductor 9,
:9 H :use 9,
P9 H Connector 9,
J9 (sometimes #9) H #ransistor 9,
#here are also a number o6 2 ?umper locations (29, 2, etc%)% #hese generally speci6y a
location on the board to solder a ?umper, i6 you look at the board $ith all the
components installed you should see a 29, 2, etc%%% still visible% #hey can also have
other designations, such as KS3, or KS9%
#he components themselves have a designation as $ell, and con6usingly, these also
o6ten have the 6orm or capital letters 6ollo$ed by numbers% :or e;ample, "1:L33 H a
speci6ic component ) the in?ector driver :8#s%
:inally, there is the component part number, used to order the part 6rom a supplier, and
this can be di66erent again%
:or e;ample, the in?ector driver :8# 6or bank 9 is&
J9 ) the component "7 on the '( main board,
"1:"L(3/PB:)C7 ) the 7igi)!ey part number,
the general term 6or this type o6 transistor is a B:8#B, or 6ield e66ect transistor%
When you arenBt sure, a search o6 the manual, andMor a quick look through the B0M
should help you sort it out% ,ere are the parts used to assemble the '(%. main board&
Color Code egend
) "gnition
Sockets Spares Cables
Please note that a 6e$ component values may have been t$eaked ) especially in the '1
input circuit, but possibly others as $ell% :ollo$ the 7igi)!ey B0M values 6or the
current component speci6ications and use these over the values listed belo$%
<art Num.
9. 9.
C(,C*,C<, C+,
C-, C(9
(--)3(-)C7 .%94<
.%9N: 4.'
9.F C81
157"5A )
( ( C99,C9,C(
or (--)3(*)
.%.9N: 4.'
9.F C81
or (--)(4+3)
#5C# N:
4' 9.F
3 4 C,C-, C9., C(.
or (--)3(4()
.%N: 4.'
9.F C81
157"5A )
9 9 C. (--)3(*9)C7 .%(
.%.((N: 4.'
9.F C81
C93,C (--)(44-)C7 .%<9 Basic Capacitor
#5C# 3%<N:
4' 9.F
9 9 C3 (--)9-99)C7 .%+
3<P: ..'
4F C81
9 9 C4 (--)9-.+)C7 .%+
P: ..'
4F C81
* 9.
(--)3.)C7 .%9<
.%..9N: 9..'
9.F C81
157"5A )
or (--)3(+-)
9%.N: 4.'
9.F C81
157"5A )
< 9. 79)(,7-)99,73
7iode /PP
4.' 95 70)
9 9 79
7iode Lener
3' 9W 4F
9 9 79(
7iode Lener
9' 9W 4F
( 9. 793,794,79* *<)99.)C7 .%.-+
A87 1ed
Schottky 3.'
95 70)39
9 9 79-
7iode Lener
4%*' 9W 4F
7iode Lener
' 9W 4F
7iode :5S#
18C 9..' (5
( ( 7*,7.,79 9C3<4(57"C .%(* Basic 7iode Lener
(*' 9W 4F
:9, : 128:.4.)C7 .%3+ Spares
128 Series
.%4.5 ,0A7
A9,A M+(++)C7 9%.9
Choke 1:
9I, .F
9 9 M0'9 P<(94)C7 .%<4
Surge absorber
.MM '
...5 LC1
9 9 P9
Connector 7)
1M5 -P0S
9 9 P
5(+-)C7 or
Connector 7)
1M5 (<P0S
9%3( Spares
# C)C, *.'
.5 #0)
9 9 J9*
"C 71"'81
(3.' <%45
J,J3 L#234.)C7 .%*(
CPC 34'
9...M5 #0)
J,J( L#244()C7 .%*< '1 Sensor
PCP 9..'
9...M5 #0)
PCP *5 9..'
," PW1
- -
C(-.3:S)C7 .%9*
..M5 #0)-
J-,J9 #"P94#I)C7 .%*(
PCP 751A
)9..' )45
< 9.
9%.!8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9%.!
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
4 4
9%.!JB!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9%.!
0hm OW 4F
Carbon :ilm
- 9.
9.!8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9.!
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
( 4 1,13-,14. 9..!8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9..!
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
4 199,149 9%.M8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9%.M
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
9 4 1( 9.M8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9.M
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
4 194,1. JB!)C7 .%.4*
0hm OW 4F
Carbon :ilm
4 13,1<
1esistor %3-!
0hm OW 9F
Metal :ilm
* 9.
<.JB!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor <.
0hm OW 4F
Carbon :ilm
( 4 13,14,1+ ((.JB!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor ((.
0hm OW 4F
Carbon :ilm
9 4 19 (-.,)C7 .%.3*
1esistor (-.
0hm PW 4F
Carbon :ilm
9 4 19( 3%<!8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 3%<!
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
9 4 1( 49!8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 49!
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
1esistor %.4
0hm .W
4 1(-,13. 9%.,)C7 .%.3*
1esistor 9%.
0hm PW 4F
Carbon :ilm
9 9 13( 9(:1.9.)C7 9%3*
Sense %.9.
0hm (W
4 134, 13* 9.!JB!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 9.!
0hm OW 4F
Carbon :ilm
4 13<, 14< 3<!8B!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor 3<!
0hm 9M+W
4F Carbon
4 14,1+ %!JB!)C7 .%.4*
1esistor %!
0hm OW 4F
Carbon :ilm
9 9 14
9%*+ '1 Sensor
#rim Pot 9..!
0hm #0P
9 9 14*
9%*+ '1 Sensor
#rim Pot 9.!
0hm #0P
9 9 I(
$Mbase *)7"P
9 9 I3
7river AS 35
7I5A +7"P
9 9 I4
9%*4 Spares
A70 #0).
9 9 I*
4' 1S( 9*
9 9 I<
.%4. '1 Sensor
0p5mp 7ual
9 9 @9 (..)9..)C7 .%+ Spares
C@A 9%4P:
9 C5 3<3!)C7 .%-(
,ard$are #0)
9 9 C5
58<3.)C7 or
Machine Pin
S# 3.P0S
9 9 C5
58<9*)C7 or
.%< Sockets
Machine Pin
S# 9*P0S
58<.+)C7 or
.%(4 Sockets
Machine Pin
S# +P0S
9 9 C5
58<(..)C7 or
.%44 Sockets
Machine Pin
S# *P0S
/0A7 (3C4)
( 4 C5 *<)9.33)C7 .%.<
BeGel A87
Panel 4MM
B! Cylon
9 9 C5 (<:)C7 %- Cables
9 9 C5 -(</M)C7 %( Cables 7B)(< ,oodQ
9 9 C5 589..)C7 4%(4 Cables
7B)- Straight)
through cable
(*%4 6eetM
Note that some com0onents needed !or the o0tional circuits are included in the >Basic 'om0onents> i! they
the same as some com0onents used in the basic assembly. >,0ares> means these are basic com0onents that
you might you to have a !ew e4tra in case o! a !ailure in assembly or tuning.
"n the assembly instructions are tables indicating some o6 the standard schemes 6or
identi6ying resistors and capacitors, and $ell as ho$ to 6ind the BpositiveB leads on
polariGed components% Cote that you can also use a multimeter to measure resistors, and
some can identi6y the orientation o6 diodes% :inally, you can use the bags that the
components come in to identi6y them, the component is speci6ically, i6 sometimes a bit
cryptically, labeled%
#he 6ollo$ing is a step)by)step assembly guide 6or the '(%. PCB MegaSquirt partial
kit% 1ead through all o6 these directions 6irst% Be sure to check o66 each step as you
complete it ) this $ay you can take breaks and kno$ $here you le6t o66% #he 6irst time
assembler o6 average skill can count on spending + to 9 hours assembling and testing
the MegaSquirt '(%. main board i6 they 6ollo$ the instructions belo$% #o assemble your
MegaSquirt, you $ill need&
5 MegaSquirt PCB and all associated BR/ and 7igi)!ey parts,
5 digital multi)meter (7MM) or a voltmeter and 0hmmeter,
5 7B)- serial cable that is Sstraight)throughT (not a null)modem cable, see step
a)% Most computer shops $ill have these% @ou need a 6emale connector on one
end and a male connector on the other end%
5 Windo$s -;MM8M2P PC $hich has ,yperterminal (hyperterm%e;e)% #his is
normally supplied $ith the Windo$s operating systems), and is also available at
Mega#une ) do$nload it, and install it on your computer% Cote that MegaSquirt)
"" require Mega#une%4b33< or higher (all version $ork $ith MegaSquirt ) i%e%,
a *+,C-.+ processor)%
5 MegaStimulator $ill make these checks, and several other tasks, much easier%
/eneral electronic kit assembly tools (scre$drivers, pliers, soldering iron, etc%)%
@ou may need a magni6ying glass% Many o6 the components on the '( boards
are small and tightly packed, and this requires much better vision than the '%
boards% #he magni6ying glasses that come on an articulated arm are convenient,
but can be e;pensive (though they can sometimes be had 6or under U.)% 06ten a
simple hand held glass $ill su66ice%
Proper mounting o6 the larger heat)producing components requires the use o6
heat)sink compound% @ou can 6ind a small tube o6 it at your local electronics
store 6or under U%
5 drill, hack sa$, 6ile, and
M+T and OT drill bits 6or cutting the end plates and
heat sink%
7o not let MegaSquirt be your 6irst attempt at assembling an electronics kit% "6 you have
not assembled such a kit be6ore, go purchase another simple kit (like 6rom 'elleman)
and practice, or assemble the MegaStim or relay board 6irst% #his $ill help you practice
your soldering skills be6ore attempting the tougher assembly o6 the '(%. main board%
/etting Juestions 5ns$ered
When you have problems $ith assembly or testing, post your questions to&
MegaSquirt :orums (must be registered to post)
Make sure to mention the step number and be as speci6ic as you can $ith regards to
components, voltages or resistance values, temperatures, Mega#une gauge readings,
A87 6lashing rates or any other in6ormation that you think might be related% "6 you have
all o6 the above items on hand, and a 6e$ hours o6 spare time, you can begin to assemble
your MegaSquirt% 5ssembly proceeds in 6unctional blocks, $ith testing a6ter each block%
#hese blocks are&
!o"er Su##l$ Construction and %esting (steps 9)()
Serial Communications Construction and %esting (steps 3)*)
Cloc& Circuit Construction and %esting (steps <)39)
'n#ut Section Construction and %esting (steps 3)44)
(ut#ut Section Construction and %esting (steps 4*)+.)
8ach o6 these $ill be covered in turn%
? ti0 !or those about to assemble their Mega,-uirt: whenever 0ossible, orient the
numbers on the com0onents 2such as diodes3 so that you can read the @im0ortant@ 0art
o! them when it>s all assembled. For e4am0le, with a diode 1NABC#, try to ma5e sure
you can read the ABC# 0art o! the number when the diode is installed in the <'B. Dith
any luc5 it will never matter, but i! a 0roblem occurs, you>ll be glad you did this.
5lso, i6 you are unsure o6 a resistor value (sometimes it is hard to pick out the color on a
resistor), then use an 0hmmeter to determine resistance ) remember that most o6 these
are 9.F tolerance devices, so your readings may not be e;actly as designated%
"6 this is your 6irst time soldering, read the deployment guide thoroughly% "t is in a 6ile
called SdeployVguideV715:#V.3.(.%pd6T in the :iles section o6 the MegaSquirt
:orums list%
Po$er Supply Construction R #esting
9% /et ready 6or assembling your MegaSquirt% Plan on taking * to + hours 6or the
average person $ith average skills doing a 6irst time assembly%
a% :amiliariGe yoursel6 $ith the PCB, schematic, B0M, and this assembly guide )
make sure you have everything available to assemble your MegaSquirt%
#he above diagram can be a use6ul guide to locate components as you assemble% #o
print it, click this link& components%gi6, and print it 6rom your bro$ser%
b% Cote that i6 you bought a Bcomplete kitB 6rom a distributor, some components
may be di66erent in appearance or markings than those listed in these
instructions% #ake care6ul note o6 any additional instructions and clari6ications
that came $ith your kit%
c% Ise an 0hmmeter (digital multi)meter set on resistance) to check the resistance
bet$een the three voltage regulator holes% #he voltage regulator is I4, near the
7B- connector in the top le6t side o6 the board (on the heat sink)% #he resistance
bet$een any t$o o6 these three holes should be in6inite% "6 it is not, contact the
supplier you bought the kit 6rom% (#his test ensures that the 9 'olt supply, 4
'olt internal supply, and ground are not shorted together%)
d% #rial 6it your PCB in the enclosure be6ore soldering anything to it% @our printed
circuit board (PCB) might be slightly too $ide and too long to 6it into the case
properly% "t is designed to be *%..T long by 3%..T $ide (94%3mm W 9.9%*mm)%
#he PCB manu6acturer allo$s some tolerance, so some boards might not quite
6it $ithout a little 6iling% Check the $idth 6irst% Cote that you have to slide the
board in per6ectly straight or it $ill bind, even i6 it is the correct siGe% "6 you still
cannot slide the board in, deburring the bo; sometimes makes all the di66erence%
#he boards bind i6 the edges are sharp, but slip right in $hen cleaned up% "6 this
still does not $ork, then be6ore soldering anything to the boards 6ile the sides
do$n a bit% Ise a 9> ((.cm) 6inishing 6ile% Slide the board back and 6orth on
both long sides 6or about (. seconds% ("6 you do not have your case yet, you can
proceed and check the siGes later, it $ill ?ust be a more delicate ?ob)% Cote& you
should also check the length o6 the board in the case% Slide the board into the
case% #he (< pin sub 7 connector mounting sur6ace should be 6lush $ith the
back o6 the case, look at the other side o6 the board (7B- connector side) and
see ho$ much needs to be 6iled o66 so the cover can be mounted 6lush $ith the
case% @ou may need to take as much as .%.4> (.%*mm) o66 o6 this side, $hich
may take up to *. seconds o6 $ork $ith the 6ile% When you are done the board
should 6it nice and snug%
e% Prepare the heat sink% @ou $ill make this out o6 9M+> ((mm) aluminum 6lat
strapping, X> $ide (9- mm) by *%.. inches (94%3mm) long% @ou $ill drill +
holes in it to match the PCB heat sink area% U)* +12* +11* +)* +,* +3* +1 and
+1- 29#B and 9#% do not need holes3 mount to the heat sink% #he easiest $ay to
get the hole spacing right is to trans6er the holes 6rom the PCB to the aluminum
strip by placing them together and using a 6elt pen to mark the hole locations on
the aluminum strip through the PCB%
Be sure to allo$ enough room 6or the aluminum strip to 6it in the case, and allo$
enough room so that it $onBt contact the component leads% Make sure the heat
sink rests up against the case $hen installed to get the thermal contact bet$een
the case and the heat sink% Sand both sides o6 the heat sink to ensure there are no
#he $ider lip o6 the case side is near the heat sink side o6 the board% #his is to allo$ the
top lid case to close% Mock it up by ?ust sliding the board in the case $ith the end caps
o66, put on the top case hal6 and slide the heat sink along the top, you $ill see $hy you
need the 6atter lip side o6 the bottom case hal6 on the heat sink end% #he aluminum
should 6it against the case lip 6or a little e;tra heat trans6er%
% Co$ $e $ill install the t$o Be;ternalB connectors, the 7B- and 7B(<% "nstall and
solder the male 7B)(< header (!2) E?2#2%(.N: or ?#21)#.N:Y on the PCB% #he
connectors require a bit o6 6orce to BsnapB them into place% Solder all o6 the pins to give
the headers the ma;imum physical strength% Make sure you do not bridge ad?acent pins
$ith solder% 5lso make sure you do not trap any debris under the connectors ) once they
are soldered in place, you $ill never get it out% Be sure to get the correct connector on
the stim and MegaSquirt. .o not mi/ them u#. .o 0(% use gender changers to
12i/1 incorrectl$ installed connectors 3 it 4(01% "or&5
#hen install and solder the 6emale 7B)- header (!1) E?2##)C.N: or ?#211(.N:Y%
Note that on current 0roduction boards, there is no Eum0er to connect/not.connect FC"
to 0in G( on the serial connector. /t has C "olts all the time. his is normally o5ay,
however with Mega"iew there is a 0roblem. <in G( goes into a dead short on the
Mega"iew board. he -uic5est solution is to cut 0in ( o!! on the connector or cut the
wire !or 0in ( on the cable . its not needed !or anything. /n !uture revisions we will 0ut a
Eum0er on the su00ly to 0in G( !or bluetooth wireless devices. /! your main board has
that Eum0er, you do not need to do anything other than remove the Eum0er to use
(% Ce;t, install the 3.)pin 7"P socket E?1B2A).N: or ?11))1%.N:Y 6or the processor )
notice that the notch installs near the bottom o6 the board, corresponding to the PCB silk
screen% #he socket must be installed 6rom the top o6 the board, and soldered 6rom the
bottom side% #o prevent the socket 6rom 6alling out $hile you turn the board upside
do$n and solder, you can use a bit o6 scotch tape across the socket to hold it in place
(this $orks 6or many o6 the "Cs and some other components)% Care6ully solder the
socket, and inspect each solder ?oint 6or shorts (to ad?acent pins) or cold ?oints (solder
applied to a ?oint the isnBt hot enough to 6lo$ properly, typically they $onBt have a nice
BconeB to the solder)%
3% Ce;t, you are going to install the components that make up the po$er supply, and
then veri6y operation% #he 6irst part to install is the B<erryB Metal 0;ide 'aristor M(V1
E<B#1C.N:Y% #his is a large 6lat disc, about an inch (=4mm) in diameter% "t is soldered
near the 7B(< connector, and does not have a polarity, it can go either $ay around% #his
part protects the MegaSquirt 6rom surges on the 9 volt line%
4% "nstall the capacitor C1) E#((.A2)2.N:, .%..9 N:, 9. markingY% #his goes near the
M0'9 you ?ust installed, bet$een it and >/rippo> in the copyright notice% Cote that the
B9B night be obscured by a via%
his com0onent, and many o! the remaining ones, 2such as resistors, ca0acitors and
diodes3 has long leads. /n general, you want to install and solder the com0onent as
close as convenient to the <'B, then sni0 the leads o!! !rom the other side. he
transistors are an e4ce0tion to this, they should be about 1/%@ o!! the <'B. ;ee0ing the
leads short hel0s 0revent vibration.related !ailures down the road. Cote& Many o6 the
component leads $ill have to be bent to go into the holes, use round)?a$ed pliers 6or
this% 5lso, the part numbering does not 6ollo$ strict numerical increments, so there are
gaps in the numbers ) do not be concerned by this% "6 you 6ollo$ this step)by)step
assembly guide, then you $ill not even notice% 5s mentioned be6ore, do not be
concerned i6 you have e;tra resistors le6t a6ter assembling your MegaSquirt% #his is
normal due to the 7igi)!ey minimum ordering quantities 6or some items%
Ca#acitor 'denti2ication
Capacitors may be marked directly $ith their
capacitance% "6 not, they are 6requently marked $ith
numbers like&
106 7)0 or 1)2 7100 #he 6irst t$o numbers are
multiplied by ten to the po$er o6 the third number to
getting the pico6arad capacitance% :or e;ample, since 9.
to the 6ourth po$er is 10
H 9. ; 9. ; 9. ; 9. H 9.,...,
the 6irst capacitor $ould be 10Z9.,... H 9..,...p: H 0.1
89, since 9,...,...p: H 9 N:% #he second capacitor
$ould be 1) ; 10
H 94 ; 9.. H 94..p: H .001) 89% #he
upper case letter indicates the tolerance, M H .F, ! H
9.F, K H 4F, , H %4F and : H [ 9p:% #he last numbers
are the rated voltage, 4. and 9.. volts in these cases%
*% "nstall and solder C1- E#((.1A2).N: or #((.#C%A.N:, a tantalum capacitor,
micro:arads (N:), * markingY ) make sure polarity is observed% "t has a small S\T
near the positive lead% #he longer lead is also al$ays the positive lead% "t is located ne;t
to the 7B- connector%
<% "nstall and solder C1: E#((.1A2).N: or #((.#C%A.N:, tantalum, N:Y ) make sure
polarity is observed% #he longer lead is positive on all o6 the capacitors% "t is located
ne;t to the C9* capacitor you ?ust installed, near the 7B- connector%
+% "nstall and solder C1; E#((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N:, 9.3 markingY% #his installs near the
7B- connector, ?ust above (closer to the heat sink area) the C9< capacitor you installed
in the last step%
-% "nstall and solder C1, E#((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N: capacitor, 9.3 markingY% #his installs
near the CPI ]9 pin%
9.% "nstall and solder C23 E#((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N: capacitorY% #his installs near CPI pin
99% "nstall and solder C22 E#((.#CC(.N:, 3%< N: electrolyticY ) make sure polarity is
observed% "t is located very close to C(%
9% "nstall and solder ., E1NA))1:/'.N:Y ) make sure banded end is installed
correctly as per board% #his installs near the 7B- connector, very near I4 on the heat
sink% #o do this, make sure the end o6 the diode $ith the band on it goes to the end o6
the silkscreen (at 7-) that has the band nearest it%
!ositi<e is=
Ca#acitors= >.s= .iodes=
#he longer lead on
polariGed capacitors
(not all are),
sometimes marked
$ith a small \
#he longer lead on A87s, and the lead
opposite the S6latT on the case% /! you can
see inside the H1:, the cathode 2which is
on the same side the !lat would be3 is the
larger electrode 2but this is not an
>o!!icial> identi!ication method3.
#he end
:I1#,8S# 6rom
the band (6or
9(% "nstall and solder .10 E1NA))1:/'.N:Y ) make sure banded end is installed
correctly as per board% #his is installed near the M0'9 you installed earlier%
93% "nstall and solder diode .11 E1NA))1:/'.N:Y ) make sure banded end is installed
correctly as per board% #his is installed near the M0'9 you installed earlier%
94% "nstall and solder .12 E1NABA(?:/'.N:, 3 volt LenerY ) make sure banded end
is installed correctly as sho$n on the printed circuit board% #his installs very near 79.
and 799%
9*% "nstall and solder diode .13 E1NABA2?:/'.N:, 9 volt Lener, 9C3<3 markingY
) make sure banded end is installed correctly as per the board% "t is located above the
column o6 capacitors above >/rippo> in the copyright notice%
9<% "nstall and solder diode .1, E1NAB#A?:/'.N:, 4%* volt Lener, 9C3<(3 markingY
) make sure banded end is installed correctly as per the board% "t is located in the upper
right section o6 the board (near the 7B(< and heat sink), belo$ the J93 and J9.
transistor and 1(, 1(. R 1(9 resistors%
9+% "nstall and solder 1 EM%#%%.N:, inductor, 9N,, small coil o6 $ire $ith leadsY% "t
is installed near the notched end o6 the CPI socket% Space the inductor about 9M+T
((mm) o66 the PCB to avoid shorts on the traces underneath%
9-% "nstall and solder 2 EM%#%%.N:, inductor, 9N,Y% "t is installed bet$een the CPI
socket and the 7B- connector% Space the inductor about 9M+T ((mm) o66 the PCB to
avoid shorts on the traces underneath%
#he Boot ?eader E?1) on the board near J- is used to
reprogram the CPI in MegaSquirt (not the tuning parameters,
but the actually code that uses the tuning parameters)% 't is
0(% used 2or MegaSquirt3''. Aeave it open, and do not
?umper it in either case% "n most cases you $onBt need to touch
it% 7epending on $hat you $ant 6rom your MegaSquirt,
though, you may end up using the boot header to eventually
to load customiGed code, such as MSnS)8, etc% #o load ne$
code, put a short piece o6 bent $ire bet$een the t$o ,9 holes%
Some people have put a momentary s$itch across the boot
header, and place the s$itch so they can go into bootloader
mode simply by pressing this s$itch $hile po$ering up,
$ithout opening the case% ("6 you do this, be sure it canBt be
pressed accidentally%) #he instructions 6or loading ne$
MegaSquirt code (not MS)"") is here%
.% "nstall and solder 91 and 92 E9I1F)C).N:Y% #hese are P 5mp poly 6uses (small
yello$ discs that look similar to some capacitors) that acts like a circuit breaker on the 4
'olt supply to the PCB 6rom the regulator% :9 installs very near the 7B-, in the middle
o6 some o6 the capacitors you have already installed% : installs near the center o6 the
7B(< connector, and very close to it%
9% "nstall the voltage regulator U) EHM2(#B1.C.).N:Y% #his part installs near the
7B- connector on the to# o6 the board% Ise heat)sink compound on the tab, and use the
nylon scre$ and nut to 6asten to the PCB% #he leads go through the board and are
soldered on the top side%
% Co$ you need to make a decision on the 6irst BoptionalB component& i6 you are going
to use an "5C stepper motor $ith MegaSquirt)"", you must install a ?umper 6rom the
hole marked S12C to the hole marked @S, AB12CC% #hese are on the bottom side o6 the
board, on the 7B- side o6 the processor% .( 0(% '0S%A %?'S @UM!>D 9(D
0(03MegaSquirt3'' A!!'CA%'(0S 3 '% 4' .>S%D(Y %?>
"6 you are going to use a stepper style "5C (such as the /M "5C), you need to connect
?umpers to bring the controller signals out to the 7B(<&
Connect A1AC@S0 (under the processor socket) to 'AC1A (near the 7B(<
connector) ) this brings out "5C95 on 7B(< pin ]4
Connect A1BC@S1 (under the processor socket) to 'AC1B (near the 7B(<
connector) ) this brings out "5C9B on 7B(< pin ]<
Connect A2AC@S2 (under the processor socket) to 'AC2A (near the 7B(<
connector) ) this brings out "5C5 on 7B(< pin ]-
Connect A2BC@S3 (under the processor socket) to 'AC2B (near the 7B(<
connector) ) this brings out "5CB on 7B(< pin ](9
2Note: /! you are using a <DM style idle controller instead o! a ste00er /?', see ste0
(% @ou no$ have the po$er supply assembled% Be6ore you go any 6urther, you are
going to veri6y that the supply is operational% #o test, install a battery in the stimulator,
and plug it into the 7B)(< connector on the 8CI board% Ce;t, using a 7MM (digital
multi)meter) on 7C '0A#S setting, check 6or 4 volts on the 3.)pin processor socket
you installed in step ]( ($hich is empty) ) there should be 4 volts bet$een pins 9-
(ground) and . (\4), there should also be \4 on pin 9 and (9 (check against ground at
pin 9-), and ground potential on pins and ( (check against \4' on pin .)%
5n easy $ay to probe this is by using a component lead that you cut 6rom one o6 the
resistors and $rapping around the 7MM probe tip, then plugging into the socket%
1emember that $ith the PCB oriented so the copyright notice is at the bottom (and can
be read Bright)side upB), pin ]9 on the 3.)pin socket is on the lo$er right (at the same
end $ith the notch), then goes up the . pins on that side, then over to the other side
top, then do$n ) it traces a counter)clock$ise circle%
Check each bo; belo$ as you measure the voltage bet$een the ground pins across the
top and the \4 pins do$n the le6t% @ou should get a voltage bet$een 3%- to 4%9 volts in
each case (i6 your multi meter is accurate)% Inplug the stimulator $hen 6inished%
Pin grounds
9- (
(4 'olt)
(4 'olt)
(4 'olt)
"6 you have installed the S9C to KS- ?umper (6or stepper motor "5C control $ith an
MegaSquirt)"" 0CA@), then you should also have stim voltage (typically =- 'olts) on
pin 9* o6 the processor socket%
'2 $ou don1t #ass the abo<e tests* rechec& all o2 the assembl$ ste#s in this section*
<eri2$ing the correct com#onents are installed "ith the correct orientation. '2
e<er$thing a##ears 2ine* chec& the troubleshooting ti#s%
Serial Communications Construction R #esting
3% Ce;t, you are going to assemble the serial port link and veri6y operation% :irst step,
install capacitors C2-* C2:* C2;* and C2,, Eall #((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N:, 9.3 markingY by
soldering them in the appropriate locations near the 7B- connector%
4% Ce;t, solder the serial communication M52(, U- EA(B.2)CC.C.N:Y ) note the
proper orientation on the silk)screening% "6 you have bought a socket 6or I* E?1B21$.
N: or ?11))1#.N:Y, install it 6irst, then place the chip in the socket% #he notched end
goes to$ards the 7B- connector, be sure to install in the proper direction% Solder it in
place 6rom the back side%
*% @ou no$ have enough to test the serial link% 7o the 6ollo$ing steps to veri6y
a% Ising an 0hmmeter, veri6y that your 7B)- serial cable is truly a pass)through
and not a null modem% 5ll 7B connectors have the pin numbers molded into the
plastic insulation around the pin holes on both male and 6emale ends% #he
numbers are quite small and you may need a 6lashlight and magni6ier to see
them, but they are there% Check that pin 9 on one end is connected to pin 9 on the
other end, then do the same check 6or pins , (, 4 and -%
"6 all these check out, you can proceed, other$ise you need to get a di66erent
cable% %o re#eat& 0n the cable, #ins 2* 3* E ) should all be connected and
Pins ]9 and ]- have 4 volts on themQ pin ]9 has 4 volts because this is the
standard serial speci6ication (but not used $ith MegaSquirt), pin ]- has 4 'olts
to po$er a bluetooth $ireless device%
Pins 9, , (, 4, R - are the only connected pins on the PCB%
#he 7B- pin 6unctions are&
o !in 1 ) 'CC (4 volts)
o !in 2 ) #; (0I#)
o !in 3 ) 1; ("C)
o !in ) ) ground
o !in , ) 4 'olts (bluetooth device po$er supply)
"6 your laptop has a 7B)4 serial port, rather than a 7B)-, you can use a 7B)- to
7B)4 adapter, available 6rom most computer stores% :or the rare 7B)4 PC
port, a >straight through> connection has pins , ( and < (t$o, three and seven)
on the 7B)4 connected to pins (, and 4 (three, t$o and 6ive) on the 7B)-,
"6 you do not have a serial port (some ne$er laptop computers do not), you may
be able to use a ISB port% #he ISB port on your computer cannot be $ired to a
7B)- connector directly% @ou can buy a ISB adapter, $hich may $ork $ith
MegaSquirt% "t is more e;pensive than the simple adapter solution% #here have
been some reports o6 problems $hen using a ISB to 1S( adapter, though a
6e$ people have managed to make them $ork% 0ne that some people have had
success $ith is at& $$$%se$elldev%comMISBtoSerial%asp "t is only U.%
0thers have 6ound that the !eyspan ISB to Serial 5dapter model number IS5)
9- JW
$orks% @ou have to do$nload the ne$ driver and go to the !eyspan Serial
5ssistant% "n it you have to change the baud rate to -*.. and the Com port to 9%
#he de6ault is *% @ou can get one at CompIS5 6or U3-%--% '2 $ou use a USB
ada#ter* be ma$ ha<e to set the bu22er siFe to G>D( A0C. You can change this
in the Control !anel* loo& under 1S$stem* ?ard"are* .e<ice Manager1. %he
de2ault bu22er siFe 2or these ada#ters is t$#icall$ 16 b$tes. '2 this is the case
"ith $ours and $ou le2t the de2ault* $ou "ould ha<e no control o<er the data
2lo" no matter "hat else $ou do.
b% Connect the serial cable to your computer, but not to the MegaSquirt 8CI yet%
Ise an alligator clip or something similar to ?umper pins and ( on the loose
end o6 the cable% #his provides a loopback circuit to veri6y the operation o6 your
computer and the cable $ithout involving the MegaSquirt hard$are yet%
c% 7o$nload the ,yper#erminal con6iguration 6ile (6or MegaSquirt) by clicking on
the link (then go to step 7%), save it to your hard drive, then click on its icon to
start ,yper#erminal (to use this 6ile $ith MegaSquirt)"", set the baud rate to
994..)% Cote that the con6iguration is set 6or com port ]9, you may have to
change this% (D you can set up ,yperterminal yoursel6&
i% 0n the PC, 6ind and run ,yper#erminal (,yperterminal is usually under
StartMProgramsM5ccessoriesMCommunications, but i6 it is not there then search
6or a 6ile called Shyperterm%e;eT)%
/! you do not have &y0ererminal installed, you can get it !rom &ilgraeve, who
wrote the original !or Microso!t Dindows. &y0ererminal <rivate 1dition
2&<13 is what you want, and it>s !ree !or 0ersonal use. ii% When ,yperterm
appears, click on the red telephone icon, and enter a save 6ile name (anything
you $ant, say, >megasquirt>)% iii% When the >Connect #o> dialog comes up,
select under the >Connect Ising> option the C0M port to $hich the 7B)- cable
is connected, i%e%, C0M9 or C0M% 7o not $orry about any o6 the other
settings% Click 0!% iv% Ce;t, a dialog $indo$ opens $ith baud rate, stop bits,
etc% Set the values according to the table belo$% Cote& the last one, 9lo"
Control, is very important ^ be sure to set it to 0one% Click 0!%
Baud 1ate
,-00 !or Mega,-uirt
11)200 !or Mega,-uirt.//
7ata Bits ;
Stop Bits 1
:lo$ Control 0one
d% ,yper#erminal no$ is up and >connected%>
e% #ype any character ) it should be echoed back to the screen, i%e% you $ill see it
once i6 you do not have local echo enabled, t$ice i6 you do% Note that the above
con!iguration !ile has the local echo set to @o!!@. "6 the character you typed
appears on the screen then the link is $orking% "6 not, then check the cable
connections and try di66erent C0M ports% @ou must see characters echoed
correctly be6ore you move on%
6% 0nce the connection is $orking $ith the cable loopback, it is time to connect the
7B)- cable to the MegaSquirt 8CI% 1emove the ?umper on the loose end o6 the
cable and plug it in to the MegaSquirt 7B)- connection%
g% Kumper 6rom pin 12 to pin 13 on the 3.)pin processor socket _near D66`, using a
snipped)o66 component lead (i%e% the loose end 6rom a resistor or capacitor,
smaller is better to avoid damaging the socket)% Be care6ul to count correctly to
?umper the correct pins% Pin number 9 is to the le6t o6 the notch ($hen the notch
is >up>) on the chip% :o not test the loo0.bac5 yet, you have to a00ly 0ower !irst%
h% :inally, #lug in the stimulator to MegaSquirt to po$er the board up% #his
allo$s a 6ull loop)back test, all data sent to pin 9( should be returned back on
pin 9 through the M52( chip and all related communications circuits on the
board% 5gain, type any character and again it should be echoed back to the
screen% "6 characters appear on the screen then everything is 6ine, i6 not, then
check solder ?oints on the sockets and components, veri6y voltages at the
M52( chip connections and so on%
Clock Circuit Construction R #esting
<% Ce;t, you are going to assemble clock circuit 6or the processor as $ell as the battery
voltage sensing circuit% "nstall C1 E#((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N:, 9.3) and solder% #his is
located near pin ]. o6 the CPI socket%
+% "nstall and solder C20 E#((.A#$1.N:, .%.(( N:, ((( markingY% "t is located in a
ro$ o6 three capacitors above the A9 inductor you installed (above >%in6o> in the
copyright notice)
-% "nstall and solder C21 E#((.2)BC.N: or #((.A#2$.N:, .%.9 N:, 9.( markingY% "t
installs beside C.%
(.% "nstall and solder C26 E#((.1(11.N:, 3< p:, 3<. markingY% #his installs on the
other side o6 C.%
(9% "nstall and solder C2) E#((.1()%.N:, p:, . markingY% #his installs near the
@9 square silkscreen pad%
(% "nstall and solder D1 E1);1B;.N:, 9.!, bro$n)black)orangeY% #his installs near
pin ]9+ o6 the CPI socket%
Desistor Band Color De2erence
Color Band 1 Band 2 Multiplier
Black 0 0 ; 9 not used
Bro$n 1 1 ; 9. not used
1ed 2 2 ; 9.. not used
0range 3 3 ; 9... H 9! not used
@ello$ 6 6 ; 9.... H 9.! not used
/reen ) )
; 9..... H
not used
Blue - - ; 9...... H 9M not use
'iolet : : not used not used
/ray ; ; not used not used
White , , not used not used
divide by 9. [4F
divide by 9.. [9.F
not used [.F
:or e;ample, this resistor&

band9 band multiplier tolerance

"s 3%<! 0hms, since band9 is yello$H3, band is violetH<, and the multiplier is redH
W9.., so $e have 3<W9.. H 3,<.. 0hms H 3%<! 0hms% #he tolerance is [9.F% Cote
that you start reading at the end 6urthest 6rom the gold or silver band%
((% "nstall and solder D3 EC1;1B;.N:, 49!, green)bro$n)orange)goldMsilver)% #his
installs near pin ]9 o6 the CPI socket%
(3% "nstall and solder D- E1);1B;.N:, 9.!, bro$n)black)orangeY% #his installs near
A, by the BBootB ?umper hole%
(4% "nstall and solder D21 E1);1B;.N:, 9.!, bro$n)black)orangeY% #his installs
bet$een C. and C4%
(*% "nstall and solder D22 E9..;1B;.N:, 9..!, bro$n)black)yello$Y% #his installs
bet$een the pad 6or @9 and the components you have already installed nearby%
(<% "nstall and solder D23 E1)M1B;.N:, 9.M, bro$n)black)blueY% #his installs
bet$een the @9 pad and the CPI socket%
(+% "nstall and solder Y1 E#)).1))2.N:, (<*+ ,G crystal, the very small silver can
$ith the t$o tiny $iresY% Cote that @9 is physically 6ragile, do not drop it% #he crystal
$ill 6ail to operate i6 it touches other components, so be sure it is clear o6 these% Bend
the leads at a -.)degree angle so that the crystal lies parallel to the PCB% Cote& @ou may
$ant to SglueT the crystal to the printed circuit board $ith a cushion o6 silicone rubber
adhesive (1#') or Bhot glueB% 5 small >blob> on the under side o6 the crystal $ill cushion
the crystal and dampen any mechanical vibrations% 5 small metallic ground pad is
provided 6or this purpose%
(-% "nsert the CPI U1 Ethe *+,C-.+ 6or MegaSquirt, the MegaSquirt)"" daughtercard
6or MS)"") into the socket% :or the *+,C-.+ (MegaSquirt) processor the notch 6aces
do$n$ard (line up $ith silk screen and socket notch)% @ou may have to bend the leads
in$ard a bit to get it into the socket ) be care6ul not to break one o66% :or the
MegaSquirt)"" daughtercard, the end nearest the BMA7 ?umper goes to the notched end
o6 the socket (nearest the edge o6 the PCB)% Cote that bending the CPI leads can be
tricky% @our ob?ective is to have the $idth o6 the CPI leads e;actly match the $idth o6
the socket pins, precisely .%*.. inches, be6ore you attempt to 6irmly push the CPI into
the socket% "deally, you $ant to bend all pins at the same time% 0ne technique is to hold
the CPI $ith your thumb and inde; 6inger o6 each hand, so that one side o6 all the pins
are against a rigid 6lat sur6ace% @our thumbs are on the top o6 the CPI at each end and
your inde; 6inger is underneath bet$een the pins% By 6irmly tilting the CPI against the
6lat sur6ace you $ill bend all the leads on one side o6 the CPI% /o slo$ly, a mini bend
o6 a 6e$ degrees each time% Be care6ul not to bend the pins too 6ar% Make several checks
6or 6it in the socket as you go along% "6 you are having a di66icult time visualiGing this
technique, place the CPI on a 6lat sur6ace as i6 it $ere in the socket% Co$ turn the CPI
up -. degrees so that it is standing on the 6lat side o6 hal6 its pins% 5 second method to
bend all the CPI pins at once is to use an e;tra long needle nose pliers and grab all the
pins at once% 5 t$isting motion applied to the pliers $ill bend all the pins
simultaneously% With care, this $ill also $ork i6 the needle nose pliers are only long
enough to grab hal6 the pins% Kust make the bends in t$o steps%
3.% @ou are no$ ready to test the operation o6 the processor% Plug in the 7B)- serial
cable into the board and to the PC% Ce;t $e $ill ensure that the so6t$are is in place, on
both the processor and the computer%
0ote that the -;?C,0; #rocessors A2or standard MegaSquirts and MSnS3>C
alread$ ha<e the code loaded. Sim#l$ install Mega%une "ith all the de2ault
settings* and $ou should be read$ to run.
Note: /! you are using a new Mega,-uirt.// daughter card, and you have 0assed the
loo0bac5 test, then you may have to install the !irmware. 8ou will not be able to do the
Megaune tests until the '<= has the !irmware loaded onto it. 2? Mega,-uirt.// with
the boot Eum0er installed across two 0ins on the daughter card generally doesn>t have
the !irmware loaded, a Mega,-uirt.// with the Eum0er on Eust one 0in may already have
!irmware loaded . it doesn>t hurt to reload it.3
/et the latest version o6 MegaSquirt)"" code here&
7o$nload the correct 6irm$are and do$nloader (the do$nloader is here) 6or your chip%
"nstall the do$nloader by clicking on the 6ile and 6ollo$ing the instruction%
#o use the do$nloader%e;e&
9% Po$er do$n MegaSquirt,
% Put the boot ?umper on both pins o6 the header marker BMA7 (6or @bootloader@)
on the MegaSquirt)"" (not the main board),
(% Po$er up MegaSquirt (plug in the stim)% #he A87s on MegaSquirt $ill 6lash
very brie6ly (i6 installed), then go out% #his is proper response 6or the A87s
$hen the MegaSquirt)"" goes into bootload mode (i%e% $hen the bootload ?umper
is on)%
3% Start the do$nloader program, and select the appropriate C0M port,
4% Select the appropriate %S9- 6ile, and the do$nloader $ill read, $rite and veri6y
the code to the processor in about 9. seconds or so%
*% #he process ends $ith a message like >"eri!ication succeeded, ((( records total
2A s5i00ed3.>
<% Shut do$n the do$nloader program%
+% 1emove po$er 6rom MegaSquirt (disconnect the stim)%
-% 1emove the boot ?umper (or put it on ?ust one pin o6 the BMA7 header 6or
9.% Start Mega#une and set the C0M port and speed i6 necessary% (Make sure you
have con6igured Mega#une to inter6ace $ith MS)"" using the mtC6g%e;e utility
in the Mega#une 6older%)
99% "6 you have changed code version (or loaded code 6or the 6irst time), you may
need to change the Mega#une "C" 6ile to match the ne$ code% #hese are located
in the Megaune22C/mt'!g/ 6older% #he 6iles have names like >megasquirt3
''.ini.2.0>, $here %. indicates the code it is to be used $ith% Start up the M#
Con6igurator (mt'!g.e4e), $hich opens automatically during the installation
process (it can be opened directly 6rom the Mega#une 6older or the start menu at
any later time)% 0pen the Mega#une%4 tree item, and youBll see a number o6
megasquirt)""%ini%C%C 6iles% Click on the one that matches the version o6
embedded code you are running to highlight the %ini 6ile and e;ecute :ile )a
5ctivate% #his $ill rename it to be >megasquirt3''.ini> (deleting the e;isting
megasquirt)""%ini 6ile 6irst)% "t $ill then be used by Mega#une $hen it starts up%
See the readme 6ile in the package 6or more details%
#o per6orm the tests at this step, you $ill also need to have Mega#une installed on your
computer (this is also the program you $ill use to tune the 6uel in?ection in the vehicle)%
#o install the latest version o6 Mega#une on your computer&
a% Click this link to go to the release site,
b% Select Mega%une22)#1Hsetu#.e/e, and click on it%
c% Choose BRunB or B9un 0rogram !rom current locationB $hen prompted%
d% Choose all the de6aults $hen installing the program, and it $ill create a 6older
called B':J<rogram !ilesJMega,-uirtJMegaune22CB and sub6olders Bmt'!gB and
BcarMt'!gB% #he install program also creates an icon on your desktop $ith the
name Mega%une22), 70CB# click it yet, you need to set up Mega#une (see
B=sing Megaune22CF belowB)%
e% #he install program $ill also create a 6older in B':J<rogram !ilesJMega,-uirtJB
called B'ar1B, this is $here all your vehicle speci6ic in6ormation $ill go%
6% "6 you have a MegaSquirt)"" daughter card, start up the M# Con6igurator
(mt'!g.e4e), $hich opens automatically during the installation process (it can be
opened directly 6rom the Mega#une 6older at any later time)% 0pen the
Mega#une%4 tree item, and youBll see a number o6 megasquirt)""%ini%C%C 6iles%
Pick the one that matches the version o6 embedded code you are running,
highlight the %ini 6ile version that you $ish to use and e;ecute :ile )a 5ctivate%
#his $ill rename it to be >megasquirt3''.ini> (deleting the e;isting megasquirt)
""%ini 6ile 6irst)% "t $ill then be used by Mega#une $hen it starts up%
(Cote that all %I8 use the same %I "C" 6ile% :or e;ample, the %(4 code uses
the %( "C" 6ile% #his is the $ay the code upgrades are designed% Ma?or revisions
are incremented by \.%9 and require a ne$ "C" 6ile, minor revisions (\.%.9) use
the same "C" 6ile%)
g% @ou need to tell Mega#une $hich version o6 MegaSquirt you have (MS, MS)"",
MSnS)8, etc%), as $ell as the 8/0 type, etc% #o do this, use the mtC6g program,
$hich opens automatically during the installation process (it can be opened
directly 6rom the Mega#une 6older at any later time)% Aook 6or the
C078V'51"5C# variable, it $ill be in
B'ar1/settings.ini/,ettings/'O:1K"?9/?NB in the directory tree on the le6t side
o6 the mtC6g $indo$% Click on C078V'51"5C#% @ou can then use the drop
bo; in the upper right section o6 the $indo$ to select your code variant%
Click the links to 6ind more in6ormation on Con6iguring MS)"", and Mega#une%
0n the PC, run Mega#une by clicking on the icon on your desktop% /o into the
>Communications> $indo$ and select the proper C0M port (the >'eri6y 8CI
operation> does not operate, so do not be 6ooled)% 8;it this screen (back to the main
39% Plug the stimulator into the 8CI% 0n the PC, click the >1ealtime 7isplay> under
>#uning> on the main menu, $hich brings up a ne$ screen% Aook at the >#ime(s)> near
the top le6t corner o6 the 1ealtime 7isplay ) it should be counting up, incrementing
every second (it $ill roll over at the value o6 44, back to Gero)% "6 the seconds count is
there, you are runningD "6 not, check the cable, make sure there is po$er, and check the
C0M port% #he only other value on the screen $hich is $orking correctly is the >Batt
'> bo; ) it should be displaying the battery voltage (6rom about <%. ) +%4 volts,
depending on the -)volt battery condition)% 5ll other bo;es $ill have nonsense 6or
'2 $ou don1t #ass the abo<e tests* rechec& all o2 the assembl$ ste#s in this section*
<eri2$ing the correct com#onents are installed "ith the correct orientation. '2
e<er$thing a##ears 2ine* chec& the troubleshooting ti#s%
"nput Section Construction R #esting
3% 1emove the processor 6rom the 3.)pin socket ) use a thin scre$driver and pry it
6rom the socket, 6irst one end, then the other ) place it back on the 6oam pad it $as
shipped $ith% Co$, you are going to install all o6 the input sensor components%
3(% "nstall and solder C3 E#((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N:, 9.3 markingY% #his is located in the
bottom right section o6 the board (near the 7B(<, 6urthest a$ay 6rom the heat sink)
bet$een the I column o6 holes and the SP1(C5CA)MSP19(C5C,) holes%
33% "nstall and solder C2* C, and C10 E#((.2)%#.N: or #((.A#C#.N:, .% N:, 3
markingY% #hese install in the column o6 capacitors ?ust above >/rippo> in the copyright
notice on the silkscreen at the bottom o6 the board%
34% "nstall and solder C6* C-* and C; E#((.A2)2.N:, .%..9 N:, 9. markingY% #hese
install in the column o6 capacitors ?ust above >/rippo> in the copyright notice on the
silkscreen at the bottom o6 the board%
3*% "nstall and solder C) and C: E#((.21)2.N: or #((.A#%(.N:, 9%. N:, 9.4
markingY% #hese install in the column o6 capacitors ?ust above >/rippo> in the copyright
notice on the silkscreen at the bottom o6 the board%
3<% "nstall and solder D2* D,* and D10 E1.);7B;.N:, 9!, bro$n)black)redY% #hese
install in the column o6 resistors ?ust above >R> in the copyright notice on the silkscreen
at the bottom o6 the board%
3+% "nstall and solder D) and D; E2.2;7B;.N:, %!, red)red)redY% #hese install in
the column o6 resistors ?ust above >R> in the copyright notice on the silkscreen at the
bottom o6 the board%
3-% "nstall and solder D11 E1.)M1B;.N:, 9M, bro$n)black)green)gold)% #his installs
in the column o6 resistors ?ust above >R> in the copyright notice on the silkscreen at the
bottom o6 the board%
Cote& 199 and 19. 6orm part o6 the 8/0 input circuit ($ith C9.)% "t is very important
that you do 0(% install a ca#acitor across the sensor input be6ore 199 (C9. comes
a6ter 19. and 199 and is 6ine)% Some people have recommended adding such a
capacitor to BsmoothB the sensor input% #his $ill cause problems, especially $ith $ide
band analog outputs such as you 6ind on "nnovateBs AC)9%
5lso, i6 you have a $ideband sensorMcontroller, be sure to ground the controller to the
same #oint as MegaSquirtD
4.% Ce;t you need to make a decision% #here are t$o input circuits 6or the tach signal&
#he ?allIo#ticalIetc. circuit takes the square $ave input 6rom a ,all sensor,
optical sensor, or points% "t can also be used 6or triggering o66 the coil (but only i6
you are not controlling ignition timing)%
#he VD circuit takes the 5C signal 6rom a variable reluctor sensor and converts
it to a square $ave 6or use by MegaSquirt%
#he ,all circuit can be built t$o $ays ) 6or a digital signal such as a ,all sensor or
optical sensor (step 4.%a%) or 6or a coil negative terminal (4.%b%)% these are the same
circuit, but di66erent components%
#he '1 circuit is install in step 49, i6 desired%
"n most cases, you should install both circuits, and make the selection bet$een them
$ith ?umpers% ,o$ever, i6 you do not $ant to install the ,allMopticalMpoints circuit, skip
ahead to step ]49%
"6 you arenBt sure $hat input circuit to use, check to see i6 your ignition is on this list and
6ollo$ the instruction in the link i6 it is&
Distributor Pickups& general in6ormation,
GM HEI& use the ,allM0ptical circuit,
GM DIS& use the ,allM0ptical circuit,
Ford EDIS& use the ,allM0ptical circuit,
Ford TFI& use the ,allM0ptical circuit,
Bosch 0 227 100 124& depends on trigger type,
MSD 6A& depends on trigger type,
Dirct !oi" !o#tro"& depends on trigger type%
a% #o install the ?allIo#tical input circuit (or points without a coil connection)&
i% "nstall and solder D12 E#()&.N:, (-. 0hm, P $att, orange)$hite)
bro$nY% #his is installed bet$een the resistors you have ?ust been
installing and the CPI socket% #his resistor should be mounted roughly
M+> (mm) above the sur6ace o6 the PCB% 5lso, the value o6 this resistor
may have to be changed i6 you trigger 6rom the negative side o6 the coil
depending on application ) start $ith the supplied value, and i6 gets hot
$hile the engine is running, then increase the value, in steps, up to 9.!
(like 3<. 0hms, 4*. 0hms, *+. 0hms, 9!, %%%), or even more in some
applications (consult the MegaSquirt :orums list 6or advice)% ,o$ever,
do not ad?ust this resistor on assembly, unless you have a good reason to
do so%
ii% "nstall and solder D13 EA.B;1B;.N:, 3%<k, yello$)violet)redY% #his is
located ( places close to the heat sink than 19 ($hich you ?ust
iii% "nstall and solder C11 E#((.2)BC.N: or #((.A#2$.N:, .%.9N:, 9.(
markingY% #his installs at the top o6 the ro$ o6 BverticallyB oriented
capacitors above >Bo$ling> in the copyright notice%
iv% Aeave the C30 location empty ) 70 C0# ?umper it%
v% "6 you have a ,all sensor or optical sensor, do not install .1, put a
?umper in its place% "t is located beside 19, 6urther 6rom the heat sink%
vi% :or most installations, diode .2 E1NA))1:/'.N:, the marked
9C3..9Y is not needed% 7o not install 7, install a ?umper (made 6rom a
snipped o66 lead) in its place% "t is located beside 79, closer to the heat
Cote& this diode (7) is needed only i6 the ignition system has a large
o66set bias ) most systems do not have such a bias% So, to start, you can
either solder in a ?umper $ire in this location, or, you can install the
diode 7, and then install a ?umper around the t$o leads o6 the diode ) in
e66ect shorting it out% #he latter $ill allo$ you to snip the ?umper later on
i6 needed, putting the diode back in circuit% Solder the diode in observing
the banded end as on the board, then solder a $ire ?umper across the
diode itsel6%
vii% "nstallMsolder opto)isolator U3 E1$).1#)).C.N:, 3C4)% #his is located
near the center o6 the PCB% "6 you have bought a socket (?1B#)).N: or
?11))21.N: ) 6or this component, solder it in place instead, then insert
I( into the socket% 0bserve the proper orientation (notch matches PCB )
to$ards the heat sink, or dot 6or pin ]9 $hich is the square pad on PCB
at the notched end o6 the silk screen)% "6 neither are there, hold the chip
so that the $riting is 6acing you and the right $ay around% Pin ]9 is on
the bottom le6t%
viii% Aeave the C12 location empty ) 70 C0# ?umper it% #his is located
above >Bo$ling> in the copyright notice% #his capacitor may need to be
installed andMor the value increased i6 there are noise problems $ith the
tach signal ) values up to .%9u6 $ill $ork% #he .%..9u6 value is a good
starting point%
"6 you later 6ind you have an intermittent tach signal on the vehicle, but it doesnBt
$ork at all speeds or all temperatures in the car, check the ,all circuit
modi6ications here& ,all input circuit mods
his in0ut circuit is also used . with the modi!ications below . i! you want to
trigger o!! the negative side o! the coil, since the 0oints control the negative side
o! the coil>s 0rimary circuit. However, you can only trigger off the coil's
negative terminal if you are !T trying to control ignition timing. :o either
C)a or C)b, not both.
b% :or triggering o66 the coil negati<e terminalI#oints&
i% "nstall and solder D12 E#()&.N:, (-. 0hm, P $att, orange)$hite)
bro$nY% #his is installed bet$een the resistors you have ?ust been
installing and the CPI socket% #his resistor should be mounted roughly
M+> (mm) above the sur6ace o6 the PCB% 5lso, the value o6 this resistor
may have to be changed i6 you trigger 6rom the negative side o6 the coil
depending on application ) start $ith the supplied value, and i6 gets hot
$hile the engine is running, then increase the value, in steps, up to 9.!
(like 3<. 0hms, 4*. 0hms, *+. 0hms, 9!, %%%), or even more in some
applications (consult the MegaSquirt :orums list 6or advice)% ,o$ever,
do not ad?ust this resistor on assembly, unless you have a good reason to
do so%
ii% "nstall and solder D13 EA.B;1B;.N:, 3%<k, yello$)violet)redY% #his is
located ( places close to the heat sink than 19 ($hich you ?ust
iii% "nstall and solder .1 E1NA))1:/'.N:Y% #his is the 6amous 4ing
7iode ) you $ill $ant this i6 you are triggering o66 the negative side o6
the coil ) such as $ith points (reduces tach signal 6alse)triggering)%
iv% "n the place o6 .2, install a 22V or 26V Gener diode E1NABA%?:/'.
N:Y, in the re<erse o6 the indicted orientation (i%e%, put the band at the
other end rather than that indicated on the silk screen)% Cote that the stim
$ill not be able to send a signal through this diode% "6 you have installed
it, ?umper it 6or operating on the stim%
v% "nstallMsolder opto)isolator U3 E1$).1#)).C.N:, 3C4)% #his is located
near the center o6 the PCB% "6 you have bought a socket (?1B#)).N: or
?11))21.N: ) 6or this component, solder it in place instead, then insert
I( into the socket% 0bserve the proper orientation (notch matches PCB )
to$ards the heat sink, or dot 6or pin ]9 $hich is the square pad on PCB
at the notched end o6 the silk screen)% "6 neither are there, hold the chip
so that the $riting is 6acing you and the right $ay around% Pin ]9 is on
the bottom le6t%
vi% "nstall and solder C11 E#((.2)BC.N: or #((.A#2$.N:, .%.9N:, 9.(
markingY% #his installs at the top o6 the ro$ o6 BverticallyB oriented
capacitors above >Bo$ling> in the copyright notice%
vii% "6 you are going to use the negative side o6 the coil to trigger MegaSquirt
("%e%, you are not using ignition timing control), then install and solder
C30 E#((.2)%#.N: or #((.A#C#.N:, .%N:, 3 markingY%
viii% "6 you are going to use the negative side o6 the coil to trigger MegaSquirt
("%e%, you are not using ignition timing control), then install and solder
C12, the "d capacitor (#((.A2)2.N:, .%..9 N:, 9. markingY% #his is
located above >Bo$ling> in the copyright notice% #he value o6 this
capacitor may need to be increased i6 there are noise problems $ith the
tach signal ) values up to .%9u6 $ill $ork% #he .%..9u6 value is a good
starting point%
49% 5s $e noted in step 4., there are t$o input circuits 6or the tach signal% 0ne takes the
square $ave input 6rom a hall sensor, optical sensor, or points%
"n most cases, you should install both circuits, and make the selection bet$een them
$ith ?umpers%
,o$ever, i6 you do not $ant to install the variable reluctor ('1) circuit as $ell as the
,all circuit, skip ahead to step ]4%
a% "nstall and solder D62 and D)) E1.);1B;.N:, 1; Ohm, brown.blac5.redY%
13 is located near the 7B(< side o6 the @9 pad% 144 is beside it, about 9 inch
(4mm) above the BdashB in the copyright notice (the 144 label may be partly
obscured by a via)%
b% "nstall and solder D66, D)3, and D)6 E1);1B;.N: ,1); Ohm, brown.blac5.
orangeY% 133 is bet$een I9 and I< near the center o6 the board% 14( is near
A9, above >%in6o> in the copyright notice% 143 is located directly above the dash
in the >$$$%mse6i%comMmse6i ) (C) ..4> notice%
c% "nstall and solder D6), D6-, and D6; E9.!JB!)C7, 9.! 0hm, bro$n, black)
orangeY% 134 is located beside 19 (the large resistor you spaced o66 the PCB),
closer to the heat sink% 13* is located beside 134, above the >..4> te;t in the
copyright notice% 13+ is located very near the center o6 the PCB%
d% "nstall and solder D6: EAB;1B;.N:, AB; Ohm, yellow.violet.orangeY% 13< is
located very near the center o6 the PCB%
e% "nstall and solder D6,, and D)0 E1));1B;.N:, 1)); Ohm, brown.blac5.
yellowY% 14. is beside 13<, 13- is to the right (and slight belo$ these ) closer to
6% "nstall and solder D)1 E1.)M1B;.N:, 1M Ohm, brown.blac5.greenY near the
center o6 the PCB%
g% "nstall and solder D)2 E'(AD1)A.N:Y and D)- E'(AD1)#.N:Y% #hese are
the trimmer potentiometers used to BtuneB the '1 circuit% #he longest lead
(andMor the one nearest the >9> imprinted on the case, depending on $here you
got your components) on each pot should go in the square pad closest to the heat
sink% 14 is used to ad?ust the hysteresis, 14* is used to ad?ust the Gero)crossing
point% :or '1 sensor operation, the pot on the transistor base (14*) needs to be
turned to Gero volts and the pot on the op)amp 6eedback (14) needs to be
turned to ma;imiGe resistance (i%e% give 9..! 6eedback resistance)% #his should
be $ith both scre$s turned 6ully counter)clock$ise% :or more on ad?usting the
'1 pots, see this link%
h% "nstall and solder C31 E#((.A#2(.N:, ).1LF, 1)A mar5ingY% #his is located as
the 3th cap in the ro$ o6 >vertical> capacitors above >Bo$ling> in the copyright
i% "nstall and solder C32 E#((.2)BC.N: or #((.A#2$.N:, ).)1LF, 1)# mar5ingY%
#his is belo$ C(9, 6urther 6rom the heat sink%
?% "nstall and solder .26 E1NA))1:/'.N:Y% Be sure to match the band on the
diode to the band on the silkscreen% #his is located immediately above the
>..4> in the copyright notice, beside 14*%
k% "nstall and solder +22 and +23 EMICC#.N:Y% #hese are located beside 73
($hich you ?ust installed), closer to the heat sink% #he side o6 J R J( $ith
the rounded edges (i%e%, the shorter o6 the t$o 6lat sides) is re6erred to as the
Brounded sideB, and it goes a$ay 6rom the CPI 6or both J and J(% "6 you
imagined the side that had rounded corners $as completely round, then it $ould
match the PCB silkscreen% Be '81@ care6ul $hen soldering these, the pin
spacing is very tight% "t is a good idea to clean your solder tip be6ore attempting
this% "6 you do accidentally bridge the leads $ith solder, you can use a piece o6
solder $ick ($hich is a 6ine braided copper ribbon) and a hot soldering iron to
remove the e;cess solder% 0ote= i2 $ou got $our &it 2rom a distributor* be sure
to 2ollo" an$ instruction the$ ha<e su##lied 2or these #arts5
l% "nstall and solder U: EHM2()ANF,.N:Y% #his is located beside the CPI
socket, closer to the 7B(< connector% "6 you have bought a socket 6or this
component (?1B2)%.N: or ?11))11.N:), install and solder it instead, then
insert I< into the socket% #he notched end (or the end $ith a dot in one corner),
goes to the end closest to the heat sink%
4% Select the tach input circuit $ith ?umpers&
9or the VD sensor=
Kumper VD'0 to
%AC?S>>C% on the
bottom side o6 the PCB
(near the 7B(<, opposite
the heat sink%)
Kumper %S> to VD(U%
(0r VD(U%'0V i6 you
$ant the '1 input to be
inverted) on the bottom
side o6 the PCB, near the
(D (7o
both sets
chose one
set or the
9or the ?all sensor* o#tical
sensor* coil negati<e terminal or
Kumper JK1 to JK2 on
the bottom side o6 the PCB,
near the 3. pin socket,
Kumper (!%('0 to
%AC?S>>C% on the
bottom side o6 the PCB,
near the 7B(< connector,
opposite the heat sink%
Kumper %S> to
(!%((U% on the bottom
side o6 the PCB, near the
8ou can use sni00ed o!! leads !rom resistor you have installed as Eum0ers.
0ote 2or the ?allIo#ticalI#oints circuit& #he A87 inside o6 the opto)isolator is 6ired by
a signal provided by the ignition system% #he pulses e;isting on an ignition, especially
$hen pulled directly o66 o6 the coil primary, can spike to very high voltages% #he return
path o6 the A87 is terminated to ?umper pad 2/9% #his return path can either go
directly to the board ground (by placing a ?umper 6rom 2/9 to 2/), or, the return can
be brought out o6 one o6 the ?umper slots on the 7B)(< connector (like SP13 6or pin
]*), and then grounded $ith a separate $ire on the 7B)(< connector, thus isolating the
ground% Cote& 6or the 8CI to $ork on the stimulator, then the 2/9 terminal needs to be
hooked to 2/, and right no$ $e are doing stimulator testing, so install a ?umper 6rom
2/9 to 2/%
When you install the 8CI, i6 you need isolation because the tach signal is resetting the
8CI (6or those installs tapping right o66 o6 the ignition coil ()) terminal), then you can
remove this ?umper and connect 2/9 to SP13, and ground this pin (]* 6or SP13) $ith a
separate return $ire% Cote& i6 you are using a tach output 6rom an a6termarket or many
08M setups, the tach signal is a nice \9' pulse ) these $ill $ork 6ine $ith the 2/9
terminal ?umpered to 2/ in the install% 5gain& 6or testing right $ith the stimulator,
hook 2/9 to 2/% Aater, a6ter you install this on your vehicle, i6 you have reset
problems, then remove this ?umper and ?umper 2/9 to SP13, and bring out a separate
return ground $ire to the ignition moduleMdistributor on 7B(< pin ]*%
@ou may also need to do this i2 the ?all sensor in#ut is nois$ in the vehicle% #o reduce
noise, run the ground 6rom the ,all sensor to one o6 the ?umper slots on the 7B)(<
connector (like 7B(< pin ]* 6or SP13), then connect SP13 to 2/9% 1emove the
?umper to 2/% 2Note that you will have to ground I+1 with a Eum0er wire to run on
the stim.3 #$ist the signal $ire (7B(< pin ]3) and ground $ire (7B(< pin ]*) together
all the $ay to the ignition module, this $ill 6urther reduce noise in the signal%
4(% #he M5P sensor, U2 EMP234.5P), is ne;t% "t mounts on the under side o6 the
PCB, $ith the vacuum port 6acing the 7B(< connector end o6 the PCB, and the
markings on the sensor 6acing a"a$ 6rom the PCB so you should be able to read the
>MP234.5P> marking $hen the sensor is installed% #he leads are bent to$ard the
PCB, and soldered on the top)side% #he notch on the lead indicates pin ]9 ) this
corresponds to the square pad on the PCB%
#he M5P sensor is held to the PCB $ith t$o nylon scre$s ) do not tighten the M5P
sensor too tight, this $ill distort the case and introduce an o66set in the readings by
6le;ing the load cell inside the device% 5nd, yes, solder the leads on the top side o6 the
PCB% @ou $ill have to devise a scheme to run a tube 6rom the barbed M5P 6itting to
your intake mani6old%
43% "nstall and solder D6 and D: E2.A(;IB;.N:, %3-!, red)yello$)$hite)bro$n)
bro$n)% #hese are the temperature sensor >bias> resistors% #hey install above the >R> in
the copyright notice%
"6 you $ant to use other sensors, you can either&
change the trans6er)6unction 6iles in the MegaSquirt *+,C-.+ processor by
using 8asy#herm to change MegaSquirtBs code to match your temperature
sensors), or $ith MegaSquirt)"" you BrecalibrateB the sensor table in Mega#une
under B#oolsMCalibrate #hermistor #ables%%%B,
s$itch these bias resistors, $hich may be easier in some cases%
Cormally, you should use 8asy#herm ($ith MS)"), itBs generally more accurate, as the
curve is based on three points, rather than the one point o6 a resistor s$ap%
Sensor Makes
7ae$oo, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, 0ldsmobile, Pontiac,
:ord :ord, Aincoln, Mercury 2:7
Bosch and
Cippon 7enso
5cura, 5udi, BMW, ,onda, "n6initi,
Kaguar, !ia, Ae;us, MaGda, Mitsubishi,
Cissan, SuGuki, #oyota, 'olks$agen, 'olvo (-*)up)
Mopar Chrysler, 7odge, Plymouth ,.317
5lso, it is important to note that cross branding and cross licensing a66ect the sensor
type% :or e;ample, the Mercury 'illager is actually a Cissan Juest% #he :ord Probe is
actually a MaGda% #he Chevy Sprint $as actually a SuGuki S$i6t% #here are many other
e;amples% When in doubt, measure the resistance%
#o avoid changing the tables in the MegaSquirt code $ith 8asy#herm, the bias resistors
at 13 and 1< should have a value equal to that o6 the thermistor sensor you $ill be
using $hen it is at ;1L :ahrenheit, 2:M Celsius% ,o$ever, the pre6erred method is to use
8asy#herm $henever possible%
44% #ime 6or a little testing% "nstall the processor, hook up the stimulator, hook up the
7B)- to the board and PC, 6ire up Mega#une, and bring up the >1ealtime 7isplay>
$indo$% @ou should be able to see responses $hen you move the knobs on the
:irst, look at the 1PM ) it should change $hen you move the 1PM pots on the
stimulator% Note that i! you have installed the "9 in0ut circuit Eum0ers in ste0 GC2, the
stim is not currently designed to 0ut out the sort o! signal 2?'3 the "9 circuit e40ects.
&owever, by adEusting the 0ots at 9C2 and 9C$, you might be able to get a useable
signal into Mega,-uirt. he 9<M may not be stable at each end o! 1))).$C)) range,
but it should be wor5able over that range, at least. hen you>ll 5now that the r0m in0ut
circuit is !unctioning at it should.
5ll sensors should react to the corresponding pots on the stimulator% Be6ore doing
anything else, go to B#oolsMCalibrate 5:1 tableB and select your sensor% #hen $hen the
0 pot is moved, the 0 voltage moves irrespective o6 the other settings% 0n the other
hand, the 8/0 correction bar (or equivalent gauge on the tuning screen) W"AA C0#
move a$ay 6rom 9..F unless you have the 8/0 correction parameters set properly and
MegaSquirt senses the proper inputs to activate 8/0 correction% Cote that i6 you have
not connected a #PS to your MegaSquirt, (testing in car, 6or e;ample) the #PS value
$ill slo$ly creep up to a ma;imum value, and 0 correction $ill be disabled% @ou
should check that Mega#une reads appro;imately the correct barometric pressure $hen
no vacuum is applied% Belo$ is a chart o6 the BnormalB barometric pressures 6or various
elevations above sea level% MegaSquirt should generally be $ithin 3 or 4 kPa o6 the
values belo$ at your elevation%
Barometric Pressure vs% 8levation
>le<ation Abo<e Sea e<el Atmos#heric !ressure
9eet Meters
. . 9.9%((
4.. 94. --%4
9... (.. -<%*
94.. 34. -4%-
... *.. -3%
4.. <*. -%4
(... -. -.%+
(4.. 9.<. +-%
3... 9.. +<%4
34.. 93.. +4%-
4... 94.. +3%(
*... 9+.. +9%
"6 your M5P sensor reads lo$ and doesnBt respond to vacuum or pressure, it is likely in
back$ards% 'eri6y that it is in correctly% "6 it isnBt, unsolder it, turn it around, and solder
it back in% @ou $ill have to bend the pins the other $ay ) be care6ul not to break them%
@ou probably havenBt damaged any components by installing the M5P sensor
"6 you donBt pass the above tests, recheck all o6 the assembly steps in this section,
veri6ying the correct components are installed $ith the correct orientation% "6 everything
appears 6ine, check the troubleshooting tips at the end o6 this assembly manual
% @ou no$ have all o6 the inputs $ired up% Ce;t $e are going to hook up the outputs and
machine the case panels% Inhook the stimulator and 7B)- cable 6rom the board, and
remove the processor again%
0utput Section Construction R #esting
4*% "nstall and solder D16 and D1: E1);1B;.N:, 9.! 0hm, bro$n)black)orange)%
#hese are located near the center o6 the PCB, in the column o6 components roughly
aligned $ith J- on the heat sink%
4<% "nstall and solder D1-* D1,* D2-* D2:* and D2, E1.);1B;.N:, 9! 0hm, bro$n)
black)redY% 19* is near the M0'9 (a bit 6urther a$ay 6rom the 7B(<)% 19- to the right
(closer to the 7B(<) o6 the resistors you installed in the last step (193 R 19<) on the
other side o6 C9( and C93% 1*, 1<, R 1- are located near the A87s at the 7B- end
o6 the PCB%
4+% "nstall and solder .3 E1NA))1:/'.N:Y% #his is located near the center o6 the
PCB, near 193 and 19<% 0bserve the proper polarity%
4-% "nstall and Solder .6 and .; E1NABA%?:/'.N:Y ) observe the proper polarity%
#hese are located beside M0'9, a bit 6urther a$ay 6rom the 7B(< connector% 2Note .
do not install :% i! you are using a <DM idle valve.3
*.% "nstall and solder D1) and D20 E227B;.N:, 0hm, red)red)blackY% 194 is
located belo$ the J9 location on the heat sink, 1. is located belo$ the 1(+ location
on the heat sink%
*9% "nstall and solder D26* D2)* and D2; E##)7B;.N:, ((. 0hm, orange)orange)
bro$n)% #hese are located very near the A87s on the 7B- end o6 the PCB%
*% "nstall and solder the transistors +2 and +6 EMIAC).N:Y% #hese are located to the
le6t o6 the M0'9% #he side o6 the transistor $ith the $hite label 6aces the 7B(<
connector% "6 you got this transistor 6rom a distributor (as part o6 a kit) then they likely
have special instructions 6or it (search the packaging or contact the distributor)%
7istributors sometimes make substitutions 6or various reasons, and thus their notes are
important% "6 your JMJ3 are the standard 7igi)!ey part EMIAC).N:Y, but donBt have
a $hite label, then the side $ith the rounded edges is the Bcurved sideB, $hich is oriented
to be closest to the 7B(< connector%
Be '81@ care6ul soldering these small transistors, clean your tip, and make sure not to
bridge the closely spaced pins%
"6 you use any other transistor other than PC57*LC#)C7 or L#234.)C7 6rom
the MegaSquirtM7igi)!ey parts ordering page, you MIS# check the pin orientation, as
the order can be di66erent 6or apparently identical partsD
:or PWM "dle 'alve Isers 0nly
Cote ) i6 you are using a PWM idle valve (:ord or Bosch $ire valve ) see this link
6or more in6ormation), these valves can not be operated $ith a relay% 5s a result, they
need a higher capacity transistor installed%
70 C0# install J3 6or use $ith PWM idle valves ) it cannot handle the current
directly 6or PWM idle valves% (>On/O!!> ty0e idle valves used with a relay are !ine
with the de!ault 7A.)
"nstead, 6or a PWM idle valve, use a #"P9.M99M9 transistor (such as 7igi)!ey
3-<)4(-)4)C7, <3b ea%) mounted on either the heat sink (i6 you have a spare spot)
or the case% @ou should use a mica insulator (6:26730., -(b) $ith heat sink grease
as $ell% 1un $ires to the J3 connections as sho$n belo$&
7o not install J., do not install 7+, and ?umper 1(- as $ell% @ou $ill also have to
put a 9C3..9 diode across the PWM "dle valve itsel6 ) the banded end goes to the 9
'olt supply, the non)banded end goes to the lead that goes to MegaSquirt (this diode
is 6or 6lyback purposes on the idle valve)%
*(% "nstall C13 E#((.A#2(.N:, .%9 N:, 9.3) ) and solder% #his is located a bit closer to
the heat sink, and a bit closer to the 7B- than J3%
*3% "nstall and solder C16 E#((.#CC(.N:, 3%< N:)% #his is located ?ust a bit 6urther
a$ay 6rom the heat sink than C9(, $hich you installed in the last step% 0bserve polarity%
1ecall that the positive lead has a small \ near it on the body o6 the capacitor%
*4% "t is choice time again% "n this case, you $ill decide $hether to populate the high)
current ignition driver circuit% #his circuit can be used to drive a single coil in a
distributor application% "n con?unction $ith an appropriate input signal (6rom a '1,
,all, or optical sensor, or even points), it allo$s you to eliminate a separate ignition
module, such as a /M ,8" < or + pin module, and run the coil directly 6rom
"6 you arenBt sure $hat output circuit to use, check to see i6 your ignition is on this list
and 6ollo$ the instruction in the link i6 it is&
Ford TFI
Bosch 0 227 100 124
Direct Coil Control
he !ollowing instructions are !or M,.// only. /! you are 0lanning to use M,n,.1, 0lease
see the M,n,.1 site !or instructions on how to wire the high current circuit.
"6 you are not using the 'KB% high current driver circuit, but $ant to use the
MegaSquirt)"" output to control an ignition module (< or + pin ,8" 6or
e;ample), ?umper @S10 to 'K0 to bring the signal out on 7B(< pin ](*% @ou do
not need a pull up, the processor port has one enabled already (at 4 'olts)% Skip
ahead to step ]**%
"6 you $ish to install the high current ignition dri<er circuit&
a% "nstall and solder D63 E1#F9)1).N:, .%.9. 0hmM( Watts, bro$n)black)
redY% #his is located near the 7B(< connector, close to the heat sink%
b% 70 C0# install D): EAB;1B;.N:,3<! 0hms, 9M+WY% "t creates
problems $ith the signal to the 'B-9, so leave it out% 70 C0# install a
?umper, simply leave that spot BunpopulatedB%
c% "nstall and solder +1- EA(B.2B1$.C.N:Y% #his is a specialiGed 'B-9
dedicated coil driver chip% #his mounts to the heat sink near the 7B(<
connector% 5n insulator is not necessary% Ise heat trans6er compound
bet$een the component and the heat sink%
d% "nstall the appropriate ?umpers&
:or MS)"", install ?umpers&
'KB%'0 (near the heat sink side o6 the 7B(< on the
bottom o6 the board) to @S10 (under the 3.)pin CPI
socket on the bottom o6 the PCB)
'KB%(U% to 'K0 ) near the ,eat sink end o6 the 7B(<
on the bottom o6 the PCB (this brings the ignition control
signal out on 7B(< pin ](*)
:or MSnS)8 user on MS)", see the MSnS)8 $eb site 6or
additional ?umper connections and to enable the ignition output%
Cote& "6 you are using the high current dri<er circuit to control an ignition module
instead o6 a coil directly (and donBt $ant to use the processor port directly ) i%e%, you
have not ?umpered KS9. to "/C), you likely need to to add a pull)up resistor% #his
allo$s the signal to go both high and lo$, rather than 6loating and lo$)% 5lso, the "B/#
$ill invert the signal 6rom the processor, so your BSpark 0utputB setting $ill need to be
@ou can do this by&
Soldering a 9! 0hm resistor to the hole marked S9 immediately belo$ 14<
(this gives a 9 'olt pullup), or solder a ((. 0hm resitor to a 4 'olt source in the
proto area on the board 6or a 4 'olt pullup,
Connecting a ?umper $ire 6rom the "/B#out ?umper to the 9! resistor at S9
hole, or ((. 0hm resistor at the 4' 6rom the proto area (at the other end than
$hatBs soldered to the board),
7onBt remove the "B/# to "/C ?umper, ?ust solder the ne$ $ire to it%
:or e;ample, hereBs a 9 volt pull)up (red $ires)&
#he '%9 stim ($ith 4 A87s) displays the operational o6 the "/B# circuit using an A87
labelled >"/>% "6 you $ant the '%. stim (3 A87s) to display the output o6 the "/B#
circuit, you can modi6y you stim $ith a ((. 0hm resistor, A87, and a bit o6 ?umper
$ire% #he A87 $ill 6lash at every ignition event, though this can be hard to see at all but
lo$ rpm (=3.. rpm $ith a '+)% .( 0(% modi2$ $our stim is this "a$ i2 $ou are
using the #rocessor #ort Ai2 $ou ha<e Num#ered @S10 to 'K0C to control an ignition
module 3 this can damage $our #rocessor5
Solder each side o6 the lead that passes through the PCB, this $ill hold it in place% #he
resistor lead can simply be clamped into the \ terminal block on one side, and soldered
to the long lead on the other end%
#his circuit is especially use6ul to ensure that your coil is not charging (A87 not lit)
$hen rpm drop very lo$% #his prevents the coil 6rom burning up $hen the ignition key
is BonB but the engine isnBt started ($hen editing parameters in Mega#une 6or e;ample)%
**% "nstall and solder U6 E/I:/A)A</.N:Y, the :8# driver% #his is located near the J(
location on the heat sink% "6 you bought a socket E?1B2)%.N:Y, solder it in place and
insert the chip% Be sure to orient it correctly, the notch or dot on the chip goes to the
notched end on the silkscreenQ this end is closest the heat sink%
*<% "nstall .1: and .1; E1NC%1(:/'.N:Y, the Schottky diodes% #hese are located on
either side o6 the :8# driver (I3) you ?ust installed% Make sure the band on the diode
matches the silkscreen%
*+% "nstall and solder .21 E1NABC#?:/'.N:Y% #his is located ?ust a bit 6urther a$ay
6rom the heat sink than 79<% Make sure the band on the diode matches the silkscreen%
*-% 0nce again you have a choice to make about $hether to install certain components%
"n this case, you need to decide i6 you $ish to install the PWM 6lyback damping circuit
as $ell as the standard 6lyback circuit% #he PWM 6lyback damping circuit is use6ul
primarily 6or those running pulse $idth modulation (PWM) $ith lo$)impedance
in?ectors% ,o$ever, it $ill $ork 6ine i6 you install it $ith high impedance in?ectors% "6
you pre6er to install only the standard 6lyback circuit, skip ahead to step ]<.& #o install
the PWM 6lyback damping circuit&
a% "nstall D30, D31, D36 and D3) E2B)7B;.N:, red)violet)bro$nY% 1(. and 1(9
are near 1(< on the heat sink, 1(3 and 1(4 are near J-%
b% "nstall D32 and D3- E1.);7B;.N:, 9! 0hm, bro$n)black)redY% #hese are
located besides the resistors you installed in the last step%
c% "nstall +, and +12 E/<12C=.N:Y% Bend the leads to 6it in the holes so that
the hole in the tab lines up $ith the hole in the heat sink% #hese transistors mount
to the heat sink, but they MUS% have an insulator bet$een the transistors and
the heat sink% Ise the insulator kits 6or this EAB2A;.N:Y% @ou may have to trim
the mica insulator some$hat to avoid hitting the transistor leads ) use a sharp
pair o6 scissors% Ise heat trans6er compound bet$een the component, mica
insulator, and the heat sink%
56ter assembly, check that you have very high resistance bet$een the metal tab
o6 both J- and J9 and the heat sink% "6 you get less than about *.! 0hms ([
.! 0hms) resistance, you MUS% correct it% Isually cham6ering the bolt hole
and sanding the heat sink lightly $ill solve the problem% 0nce you have =*.!
0hms or more resistance bet$een the tab and heat sink, solder the leads to the
d% "nstall +10 and +13 E2N#()AF,.N:Y% #he 6lat side o6 the transistors 6ace the
heat sink% #hese are located near J- and 1(< on the heat sink% #he pins are very
close together, use a clean tip, and be care6ul not to bridge the ?oints%
e% #here are no Num#ers to install%
8ven i6 you have installed the PWM 6lyback damping circuit, you should install the
standard 6lyback circuit as $ell (step ]<.)%
<.% #o install the standard 6lyback circuit&
a% "nstall D1; and D33 E2B)7B;.N:, red)violet)bro$nY% #hese are located belo$
1(+ and J9 on the heat sink%
b% "nstall .- and .20 E1NABC#?:/'.N:Y% #hese are located beside the resistors
(19+, 1(() you ?ust installed% Make sure the band on the diode matches the
c% "nstall +3 and +11 EA(B.2$2(.C.N:Y% #hese mount to the heat sink% Co
insulator kit is necessary, the tab can contact the heat sink% Ise heat trans6er
compound bet$een the component and the heat sink%
d% #here are no Num#ers to install%
<9% "t is choice time yet again% @ou have to decide $hether to install the current limit
circuit 6or driver :8# protection% #his clamps the current to =93 5mps, and it is
recommended that most people install this% #o install the current limit protect circuit&
a% "nstall D3: E?&2)<9)C)N1.N:Y% "t goes on the heat sink, ho$ever it does not
have a mounting hole% @ou can use double sided thermal trans6er tape EB8194+)
C7Y to 6asten it to the heat sink, ho$ever this is quite e;pensive i6 you are ?ust
doing t$o resistors%
b% "nstall D3; E?&2)<9)C)N1.N:Y% "t goes on the heat sink as $ell, ho$ever it
does not have a mounting hole% @ou can use double sided thermal trans6er tape
EB8194+)C7Y to 6asten it to the heat sink, ho$ever this is quite e;pensive i6
you are ?ust doing t$o resistors%
c% #here are no Num#ers to install%
,o$ever, the circuit can be omitted i6 protection is not required or desired ) in this case
install ?umpers in place o6 1(< and 1(+%
<% ": you installed 1(< and 1(+ in the previous step, install +16 and +1)
E2N#()AF,.N:Y ) other$ise you can leave then out% "t does no harm to install them in
every case, ho$ever% Ise a clean tip, and be care6ul not to bridge the closely spaced
<(% "nstall .) and .: EF9#)2:/'.N:Y% #hese diodes should be mounted about 9M+>
to 9M9*> o66 the board% Make sure the band on the diode matches the silkscreen% #hese
are located near 1(+ and J(%
<3% "nstall +1, and +20 EC(-.3:S)C7Y% #hese are located in line $ith the e;isting
transistors (J and J3) to the le6t o6 the M0'9% Be very care6ul $hen soldering them,
use a clean tip, as the pin spacing is very tight% 2Note . i! you are using a <DM idle
valve, do not install 72).3
<4%"nstall D3, and D60 E9%.,)C7, 9 0hm, bro$n)black)goldY% #hese are located on
either side o6 the transistors (J9- R J.) that you installed in the last step% 2Note . i!
you are using a <DM idle valve, install a Eum0er in 0lace o! 9#(3%
<*% "nstall +1 and +) E/9F/M#A+<BF.N:Y, the :8#s (!ield e!!ect transistors, used to
drive the in?ectors)% #hese are bolted to the heat sink, be sure to use heat trans6er
compound bet$een the :8# and the heat sink% #hese are insulated case variety, so they
mount directly on the heat sink%
"6 you have substituted the metal)tab #0). type ("1:L(3/), then you need to use a
mica insulating set)up to prevent the tab 6rom touching the metal case back% Ise the
illustration belo$ as a guide% ("nsulating kits that include the mica, insulator, $asher,
nut, and scre$ are available 6rom electronics shops 6or about U)%
7o not, under any circumstance, drill the hole larger in the :8# case% #his $ill likely
ruin it, and cause damage to other components as $ell%
<<% "nstall and solder +-, +:, and +; E2N#()AF,.N:Y% :ollo$ the silkscreen to orient
the 6lat side o6 these transistors, $hich 6aces the 7B- end o6 the PCB%
<+% We no$ have everything installed, other than the A87s ) these mount on the case
ends% We need to cut these out be6ore $e can proceed $ith the assembly%
a% Print out the template belo$, and use it as a cutting guide (Please Cote& Z%P7:
6iles do not maintain siGe integrity% 'eri6y printed siGes be6ore cuttingD)%
Ise a ?igsa$ to cut out the 7B connector slots, or drill several smaller connected
holes and 6ile them out to a rectangle% Clean o66 any burrs and rough edges $ith
a 6ile% 5lso drill a hole 6or your M5P sensor vacuum line%
b% Stick the printout onto the case ends using double)sided tape (line them up in
6ront o6 a bright light so you can get them e;actly central)%
c% 7rill out the A87 (OT) holes (make center punch marks 6or the drill to start)%
d% 7rill a 6e$ holes in the 7B connector squares to be cut%
e% /et hold o6 a piercing sa$ $ith a coarse blade (used in model making ) looks
like a / clamp $ith a blade $here the scre$ thread goes)% Practice using
piercing sa$ on something else i6 this is your 6irst timeD
6% Cut around the printout, leaving a small bit o6 e;tra material to 6ile do$n later%
g% 1emove tape and glue $ith $hite spirit
h% Clean up the connector openings $ith 6iles% (@our cut probably $as not clean
enough to leave it Bun6inishedB%)
i% 7rill $hatever hole is required 6or the M5P sensor hose scheme you have
(Steps a through d are a great start to the drill and 6ile method, as you $ill have a layout
to 6ollo$% @ou can also drill more holes and proceed directly to 6iling the openings, i6
you pre6er% #he aluminum is very so6t, and 6iles quickly and easily)%
<-% Co$, take one o6 the case halves, and install the PCB in the second)do$n slot do$n
6rom the top% Cote& #he $ider lip o6 the case side is near the heat sink side o6 the board%
#his is to allo$ the top lid case to close% #he aluminum should 6it against the case lip
6or a little e;tra heat trans6er%
+.% Ce;t, mount the A87s ) .16* .1)* and .1- E<#)1.N:Y to the case 6ont, and bend
the leads do$n to the board and solder% #he 6lats on the A87s (the side $ith the short
lead) 6aces the 7B- connector% :irst, install the A87 holders on the 6ront panel, through
the 6ront% Ce;t, the A87s press into the rear o6 the holder% Mount the case 6ront panel to
the case hal6 ($hich has the PCB)% 0rient the :A5# on the side o6 the A87 lip (the side
$ith the shorter lead) to$ards the 7B)- socket (each A87)% @ou $ill see that the PCB
silk screen also has a >dash> above the A87 circle symbol indicating the side o6 the 6lat%
Bend the A87 leads do$n to enter the PCB holes 6or them ) you $ill have to do a trial
6it, then trim the leads do$n a bit% See the illustrations belo$% #hen solder the A87s to
the PCB 6rom the top o6 the PCB% "t is a little tricky ) take your time%
CongratulationsD @our MegaSquirt is completeD ,ave a look over the PCB to make
sure you havenBt missed any components (people o6ten miss C9 6rom step ]<)% "6
everything looks complete, you are ready to test it allD Plug in the MegaSquirt
processor, 7B)- cable, and stimulator ($ith its battery attached)% 0n the stimulator, you
should see the in?ector A87s light up, tracking the 1PM% (Note that i! you have
installed the "9 in0ut circuit Eum0ers in ste0 GC2, the stim is not currently designed to
0ut out the sort o! signal 2?'3 the "9 circuit e40ects. &owever, by adEusting the 0ots at
9C2 and 9C$, you might be able to get a useable signal into Mega,-uirt. he 9<M may
not be stable at each end o! 1))).$C)) range, but it should be wor5able over that
range, at least. hen you>ll 5now that the r0m in0ut circuit is !unctioning at it should.)
5lso, the 6uel pump light should be glo$ing, and i6 you are belo$ 934 degree coolant
temperature (ad?ust on the stimulator), the 6ast)idle A87 should also glo$% 0n
793 (closest to the 7B- connector) $ill light each time an in?ector is 6ired %
794 (in the middle) is $arm)up enrichment (WI8)% "t $ill light i6 your in a
$armup situation (i%e% i6 the coolant pot on the stim is set to a value $here the
$arm)up enrichment is greater than 9..F)%
79* (6urthest 6rom the 7B- connector) is accel enrichment (58)% "t $ill light
brie6ly i6 you turn the #PS pot on the stim 6rom idle to 6ull throttle%
'2 $ou don1t #ass the abo<e tests* rechec& all o2 the assembl$ ste#s in this section*
<eri2$ing the correct com#onents are installed "ith the correct orientation. '2
e<er$thing a##ears 2ine* chec& the troubleshooting ti#s%
Note: normal M?< readings in 5<a !or the Mega,-uirt when the engine is not running
2or is on the stimulator3 should be somewhere around %C.1)#, de0ending on your
elevation. 8ou can chec5 the tuning section o! this manual !or the details o! how
0ressure varies with elevation. #his is a good time to clean the e;cess 6lu; 6rom the
board% 5 common problem $ith boards that $ere $orking and quit 6or no apparent
reason is 6lu; residue% 1emove the processor% Wash your board $ith&
,,O iso#ro#$l alcohol (isopropyl alcohol is rubbing alcohol, any drugstore $ill
have it ) donBt use the <.F isopropyl alcohol, it is much less e66ective), or
Aightly scrub both sides o6 the PCB $ith an old toothbrush% When cleaning 6lu;, it is
sometimes impossible to $ash it all o66, some o6 it has to be scraped lightly to remove
it% Ise a round toothpick broken in hal6 6or scraping the tough parts% #his gives a small
pointy end and large end to $ork $ith and reduces the chance o6 damaging the PCB% Be
very care6ul not to damage the silk screen or traces% 1inse the PCB in hot $ater, then
allo$ the PCB to dry completely% #here should be very little haGe le6t once it dries%
Compressed air can speed the drying process, but be a$are that some o6 the commercial
compressed air cans have a solvent that can saturate any remaining 6lu; and cause
"6 you $ant to seal the 6inished board, use a con6ormal coating% Wait until you have
tested the board thoroughly though% "6 you do not think you $ill be doing much repair
$ork on the board, you can not beat silicone con6ormal coating% "t does require some
digging to get it o66 6or repair, ho$ever% 5void the urethane coatings, as they are
considered permanent and are a pain to try to $ork through%
@ou can also buy a spray can o6 acrylic lacquer con6ormal coating at most local
electronics suppliers 6or around U9.%..% "6 you are going to be $orking the board,
S!rylon !rystalT clear spray $orks very $ell% Several coatings, pre6erably baked at
9<4).. degrees in bet$een% #his should slo$ do$n or prevent >solder bloom> and
other deterioration o6 the PCB% Condensation is a 6act o6 li6e 6or an outdoor component
undergoing temperature changes% @ou can solder right through the stu66 and the residue
cleans $ell $ith pure grain alcohol%
Slide the completed PCB into the case% #he $ider lip o6 the case side is near the heat
sink side o6 the board% #his is to allo$ the top lid case to close% Put a bit o6 heat sink
compound bet$een the heat sink and the case to enhance the cooling o6 components by
using the case itsel6 as part o6 the heat sink%
@our ne;t ?ob is to mount the unit in the car, tune, and goD #he MegaSquirt enclosure is
*%4> W 3%4> W 9%<4>% @ou also need access on both ends, one 6or the harness to the
motor and vehicle electric system (the 7B(<) 6or $hich the hood o6 the connector is
about %4T long% 0n the other end you have the 7B- to go to your laptop (=T)%
@ou cannot install the MegaSquirt bo; under the hood% 8ngine bay temperatures are ?ust
too high% #he recommended place to install the MegaSquirt bo; is in the passenger
compartment (like under the seat, kick panel, etc), this is $here many 08M bo;es are
located% "n addition, you $ill need access to the 1S)( serial connector 6or tuning,
$hich is hard to access under the engine hood% "6 you put the MegaSquirt bo; in the
passenger compartment, you $ill not have heat)related problems (unless you mount it
directly in the path o6 the air stream o6 the car heater)%
MegaSquirt should be connected $ith a pass)through hole (and grommet) to the engine
compartment 6or the $iring to the in?ectors, sensors, 6uel pump, etc% "6 you have put
your MegaSquirt together, but it does not $ork, don1t #anic, ?ust 6ollo$ the
troubleshooting instructions%
8;ternal Wiring
Because o6 the added stepper "5C, ignition control, and PWM idle capabilities o6 the
MegaSquirt)"", the '(%. main board has been designed $ith these 6unctions in mind% 5s
a result, 6ive additional connections are made at the 7B(< connector% #hese are sho$n
Cote that MegaSquirt is a bank 6ire in?ection system, you connect hal6 the in?ectors to
the driver 6or one bank (pins (M((), the other hal6 to the other driver ((3M(4) OA are
shownP% See& the :5J% @ou can connect them in any order% :or troubleshooting ease,
having each bank on a separate driver might help% ,o$ever, you might $ant to separate
them into alternates in the 6iring order, $hich some people have claimed is theoretically
slightly bene6icial% 5s an e;ample, on '+s $ith bank 6ire systems, manu6acturers
typically run one bank o66 one driver, regardless o6 the 6iring order% #he advantage o6
doing it that $ay is it makes troubleshooting easier%
5ll MegaSquirt installations must have an input (tach) signal to determine engine speed%
#his signal comes in on pin ]3 o6 the 7B(<% 5 variable reluctor ('1) in#ut (tach)
sensor is sho$n (above) 6or the input% #o use a ,all sensor, optical sensor, or points
trigger, you connect the signal to the same input pin (7B(< ]3) as the '1 sensor% @ou
must ground the '1 other lead o6 the sensor as $ell, and pin ]< is sho$n 6or this%
,o$ever, pin < is not a BdedicatedB or specialiGed ground 6or the '1 sensor, it ?ust
happens to be a ground% #he '1 sensor can be grounded to any pin that connects to the
boardBs ground, and it can be connected e;ternally ("%e%, in the 7B(< connector 6or the
harness, or even in the $iring loom)%
#he 7B(< pin ](* is an out#ut, used to control an ignition module, or control a coil
directly (i6 the high current ignition driver circuit is installed)% "t only needs to be
connected i6 you are controlling ignition timing and d$ell% #he ignition control signal
6rom MegaSquirt)"" on 7B(< pin](* corresponds to the relay board pin S) o6 the .
position terminal strip%
"6 you are using a stepper motor "5C $ith the relay board, and have connected the $ires
6or the "5C to 7B(< pins 4, <, -, and (9, then&
95 goes to S9 on the .)position terminal strip o6 the relay board,
9B goes to S on the .)position terminal strip,
5 goes to S( on the .)position terminal strip,
B goes to S3 on the .)position terminal strip%
"6 you are using !4M 'dle control, you cannot use the :"dle relay on the rela$ board,
and have to ?umper the relay socket% #he ?umper goes 6rom the relay socket hole nearest
the CB9 poly6use to the relay socket hole nearest 7B(< pin ]3%
#his provides a direct signal 6rom the MegaSquirt to the PWM idle valve% Cote that the
transistor on the '( main board is C0# su66icient to drive a :ord PWM "dle valve (as
$ell as many other makes) directly% @ou MIS# use the another transistor (such as a
#"P9.M99M9) that control the valve% @ou can use the proto area to connect this
circuit, or you can build it e;ternally% :or the PWM idle valve, you must also remove
J. and use a $ire ?umper in place o6 1(-%

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