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I'lease join

Senator John Kerry and Teresa eillZ Kerry

'For a Nation.al Fin,a,nee Leadership Retreat
Friday, June 20th - Sunday, June 22nd
Nantucket, MA
Suggested Contribution: $5,000 per couple
To :RSVP please contact Dali Monico at
or (202) 464-2142
I::>aid for by Ca.mpaign ,For Our Country - (202.) 464-2142 -
n,ot authorized by imy c>r candidate's
Attend the Retreat:
YES - 1 would like to attend the Retreat. Endosli:ld is my contribution of __,
(Stlggt.:'st.ed contt'ibution: $5/000 pet' couple).
___ r cannot attend. the Retreat" b\d I would like to support Campaign For Oux Country,
Enclosed 18 rny contribution of _
m_....."'_.. ....._... ..__._._.__._._._.
Ante" l\'blsterCard (drde 011(;)
.. _ __.._ _ .
Coublct (if
Address: _.._.. __ _ ".. . __.._ "' ---
City: _ _.. . _. ._ SUlte: ._..__.__ _._ Zip:._ __._. .
Home Phone: ".." ww " __ _._,, .. "Vorl\; w._.. ,"' __ __ "N. __
E-mail: ..__ ._ _ _._ .._._ _ _ _ _ .
Employcr: ,_.__._ _..__N.," ._ w _ ._ " _._._ __w _
.. 1 am a US Citizen or I)ernument resident itlien
Federal hnv reqlJ.irt;'s us to Mse ottt' h(!st e,,{fbrls to c:ol1(U,:1 and report the name, n'wilillg tuJdress, occupation,
and name each individual IIvhose contributions (,tggregate in excess of$200 pet' election cycle.
To ContJ:1butc by Credit Card:
cbarge "",",,,w., ,,'" to my
Naulc: .__.., -..__. ,..__. , .
number: __._,.,_.. .._,_.._...._._.. .........".. ".. , ... .._..."..._ Exp. I)lue: __......_, ,,__
BUling Address: _m... ,._..._, _
An lndlvidlutl or political comulittcc (PAC) may rnaxil,:num iU110lmt of $5,000
yeur to a Le,adershlp PAC. Contributiot'ls from corpormlons, labor orgarlizatioll treasury funds, foreign
nationals, and govc:rnnlcot contractors arc prohibit"xL
Contributions or gifts to Campaign For OUl' CmU1try llrc not. deductible for t'edel'lll income tax
Please rctuJ.11 donor card and contributi0l1 to:
Dan Monleo
'For Out Country
10 G Street, NEt Suite 71.0
Washington, DC 2.0002
Phone: 202-464-2142 Fax: 202-464-2139
Paid for by Carnpaign. For Our Country - (202) 464-2142-
and not authorized by any <;)! candidi.:itc's commi.ttee.

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