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We live in an age of radical dissention. And, I perceive an increasing pro and con
argument of various “educational” voices challenging either the theory of Evolution, or
of Creationism.
The agonists of the former have propounded the theory of the “Big Bang”, from
which they insist absolutely everything we know evolved – scientifically and practically.
It’s still expanding at a great rate, they say, but eventually this expansion of the universe
and everything within it (and without?) will stop and begin contracting into itself until the
original kernel of ultra mega-density again is reached. At that point, we finally will be
assured of complete freedom of taxes, politics and greed. All of which may make it an
extraordinarily distant but otherwise perfect target for us to shoot at.
Those who favor the idea of Creationism will not agree with their counterparts.
Their thesis points to the incredible complexity of all living things, and therefore the
overriding necessity of a masterful power being central to it all, which speaks of a god-
like being controlling the direction and destiny of everything. Absolutely everything.
This brings me to focus on what I see to be an absolute truth: There is no reason
to doubt the co-existence of Creationism and Evolutionism, because they are mutually
What great force gathered and compelled the origination of the Big Bang, and
directed its effects? What compelling influence directed and brought about the Evolution
of Species? And what Overpowering Strength is so very apparent when we consider
everything around us? Nature, they say. But Nature in its own composition is driven by
an overriding force.
The Bible foretells Armageddon, that largely will destroy all we know and spare
little. But, Armageddon, to the best of my interpretation, applies only to our Earth
(perhaps due to the prevalence of Sin among humans, alone, which may not extend to
whatever may or may not exist elsewhere in an otherwise sinless universe).
A thought about the Big Bang, which is said to have originated our entire cosmos
from the perfect explosion of an infinitely tiny speck of mega-mass: Before it exploded,
in what milieu did it exist? Space, you say? If so, did that Space have any boundaries?
How determined? And what existed beyond those limits? If there were any.
I suspect there are answers to my questions, logical Answers (or however such
ethereal responses may be characterized) that cannot be breached by human brain or
electronic miracle. Nor will such reach of knowledge be permitted before all humanity
and its works are destroyed, utterly and finally, by the ultimate, incalculably catastrophic
After Time has taken us beyond that totaling “experience”, such revelation cannot
be of consequence or useful gain to humanity, for we will have quit our Earthly Presence,
leaving not the least vestige of our having been there.

Not even a memory.


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