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A simple description of a person

Vocabulary on the passage:

Heather: noun [U] A low wild plant with small purple, pink or white flowers, that grows
on hills and areas of wild open land.
Deerstalker: A cap with two PEAKS, one in front and one behind, and two pieces of
fabric which are usually tied together on top but can be folded down to cover the ears.
Gorra de caador.
Cum ! preposition "used for linking two nouns# and$ as well as%
a bedroom&cum&study ' (e)s a barman&cum&waiter.
Unkempt ad*ective "especially of sb)s hair or general appearance#
not well cared for$ not neat or tidy% greasy, unkempt hair
' +he children were unwashed and unkempt. ' A wild and unkempt garden.
tre! ! stru% ! verb "strewed, strewed or strewn ! stru%n !#
"# ,-./ ,usually passive/ 0 A on, over, across, etc. 1 2 0 1 with A to cover a surface with
things% 3lothes were strewn across the floor. ' +he floor was strewn with clothes.
' +he streets were strewn with corpses. ' "figurative# +he way ahead is strewn with difficulties.
$.,-./ to be spread or lying over a surface% 4eaves strewed the path. "esparcido#
%le&enses ! 5levn5 ! noun ,6/ "old&fashioned, 1rE, informal#
a very small meal, for e7ample biscuits with tea or coffee, that people sometimes have at
about eleven o)clock in the morning.
Utter "ad*ective #,only before noun/ used to emphasie how complete sth is%
+hat)s complete and utter nonsense8 ' +o my utter amaement she agreed. ' (e felt an utter fool8
"adverb# 9e)re so utterly different from each other. ' She utterly failed to convince them.
"verb# ,-./ "formal# to make a sound with your voice$ to say sth%
to utter a cry ! groan ! moan ! sigh ' She did not utter a word during lunch ": said nothing#.
'humbnail sketch "noun# A short description of sth, giving only the main details%
+he first chapter provides a thumbnail sketch of the social and political climate of the 6S in
the ;<=>s.
(riskly% ?uickly
(ulge: +o stick out from sth in a round shape%
(is eyes bulged. ' South of 1enghai the coastline bulges out then in.
)oatee% a small pointed 1EA@A ": hair growing on a man)s face# that is grown only on
the chin.
*ispy% consisting of small, thin pieces$ not thick%
wispy hair ! clouds ' a wispy beard "etereo#
'oil: noun [U] "formal or literary# hard unpleasant work that makes you very tired% faena
+ousy: "of hair# of a dull brown colour
"of people# shy and Buiet$ without a strong personality%
(e was accompanied by his mousy little wife.
lender: thin in an attractive or graceful way
(ouncy: lively and full of energy
Chubby% slightly fat in a way that people usually find attractive%chubby cheeks ! fingers ! hands
' She was eleven years old and pretty in a chubby sort of way.
,asty% pale and not looking healthy% a pasty face ! comple7ion.
,ushy: "informal, disapproving# trying hard to get what you want, especially in a way that
seems rude% a pushy salesman ' (er parents were never pushy although they encouraged
her acting ambitions from an early age."insistente#
+ischi&ious% en*oying playing tricks and annoying people% A mischievous boy
' A mischievous grin ! smile ! look ' (er eyes danced with mischievous amusemen
"Picaro ! travieso#
'ousle ! CspeakerD taC6Dl ! verb
,-./ ,usually passive/ to make sb)s hair untidy.
,uff slee&e "also puffed sleeve# noun
a type of sleeve on a piece of clothing that fits close to the body at the shoulder and the
lower edge and is wider in the middle, forming a round shape.
Cre! cut noun
a style of hair for men in which the hair is cut very short
Cre!-cut ad*ective% crew&cut teenagers.

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