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We call for a masslve moblllzaLlon Lo shuL down elLher 1allahassee or Sanford, llorlda ln AugusL
or SepLember Lo: a) presenL a comprehenslve seL of sLrucLural demands and b) help congeal Lhe
broad soclal [usLlce movemenLs flghLlng for [usLlce for 1rayvon MarLln Lo be able Lo develop and
advance a comprehenslve 8uS (8oycoLL, ulvesLmenL and SancLlons) campalgn.
,$:' "#'20:01/#7 C':/1(&D
1. 8epeal Lhe !"#$% '()* +*()$% ,#-.
2. lmmedlaLely 8elease Marlssa Alexander
3. We call for Lhe ellmlnaLlon of Lhe /(0123 4100 (5 6178"9 and Lhe numerous clvll servlce rules
and [udlclal pollcles and procedures LhaL glve Lhe pollce anonymlLy, freedom from havlng Lhelr
behavlor recorded and vlrLual lmmunlLy from accounLablllLy and prosecuLlon.
4. Lnd Lo Lhe varlous :(01239 (5 2($"#1$;3$" such as raclal proflllng, sLop and frlsk, gang
ln[uncLlons, secure communlLles, eLc.
3. Lnd Lhe <#* ($ =*)79" and all of lLs relaLed laws, pollcles and programs
6. LnacL democraLlcally elecLed /(0123 >($"*(0 4(#*%9", wlLh Lhe power Lo flre, subpoena, and
lndlcL pollce offlcers for human rlghLs vlolaLlons
7. =3;101"#*1?#"1($ (5 %(;39"12 0#- 3$5(*23;3$", lncludlng ellmlnaLlng Lhe use of urones and
varlous survelllance operaLlons and lnsLlLuLlons.
8. 1he *3%1*32"1($ (5 ;101"#*@ 5)$%1$7 Lo soclal programs, such as publlc educaLlon, houslng,
healLh care, publlc LransporLaLlon, and grassrooLs-conLrolled programs Lo prevenL domesLlc and
lnLra-communal vlolence.
9. LeglslaLe and enacL a A#"1($#0 /0#$ (5 B2"1($ 5(* 6#21#0 C)9"123 LhaL wlll make Lhe unlLed
SLaLes governmenL compllanL wlLh all Lhe norms and sLandards of Lhe ConvenLlon on Lhe
LllmlnaLlon of all forms of 8aclal ulscrlmlnaLlon (CL8u) on all levels

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1. 8oycoLL Lhe sLaLe of llorlda unLll lL meeLs Lhe aforemenLloned demands on a sLaLe level.
2. 8oycoLL varlous llorlda based buslnesses, parLlcularly varlous agrlculLural monopolles
crlLlcal Lo Lhe economy of Lhe sLaLe such as Cranges, 1omaLoes, Sugar Cane (for more deLalls
see hLLp://florlda-agrlculLure.com/), and oLher enLlLles such as ubllx Super MarkeLs, World luel
Servlces, Cfflce uepoL, eLc. (for more deLalls
see hLLp://money.cnn.com/magazlnes/forLune/forLune300/2011/sLaLes/lL.hLml).

We call on all unlons, churches, lnvesLmenL groups, and all Lhe varlous forces of clvll socleLy Lo
dlvesL from any llorlda sLaLe bond holdlngs unLll Lhe aforemenLloned demands are meeL.
"#$%$&'( C':/1(& /1( H/:%/0E1& 01 C'%+. (from !"# %&'( )&##& *" +",-,#./0" found
/(0123 >($"*(0 4(#*%9 - CrassrooLs ollce ConLrol 8oard's are lnLended Lo serve as dlrecLly
elecLed overslghL and dlsclpllnary commlLLees on a clLy or munlclpal level. 1hey have Lhe power
Lo monlLor and reform pollcles and Lo dlsclpllne, flre, subpoena and prosecuLe pollce or oLher
law enforcemenL agencles operaLlng wlLhln Lhelr [urlsdlcLlon. Campalgns Lo lnsLlLuLe ollce
ConLrol 8oards are deslgned Lo avold Lhe plLfalls of ClLlzen 8evlew 8oards. Cver Lhe lasL 30 years
varlous movemenLs and communlLles have demanded ClLlzen 8evlew 8oards LhaL have been
Laken over by Mayors and oLher local offlclals. Mayors have appolnLed Lhelr own pollLlcal
cronles Lo proLecL Lhe pollce and Lhe sLaLus quo. We propose LhaL our movemenL organlze
elecLoral campalgns or referendums LhaL Lransform Lhe CharLers of ClLles and CounLles Lo
esLabllsh ollce ConLrol 8oards vla Lhe llmlLed democraLlc means LhaL presenLly exlsL. LlecLoral
campalgns for ollce ConLrol 8oards become vehlcles for exLenslve ouLreach and educaLlon Lo
move our base and shape publlc oplnlon. Campalgns of Lhls naLure wlll requlre grassrooLs
fundralslng Lo reLaln Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe lnlLlaLlve and pay for medla ads, eLc. 1hey wlll also
requlre formlng alllances wlLh varlous forces ln Lhe clLy or reglon LhaL share slmllar lnLeresLs and
Lhe developmenL of a comprehenslve sLraLegy LhaL bullds enough power Lo lnsLlLuLe Lhls
sLrucLural reform.
B$"1D>($"#1$;3$" >#;:#17$9 - 1hese campalgns focus on sLopplng local, sLaLewlde, and
naLlonal pollcles and programs LhaL repress and dlsplace our communlLles llke raclal proflllng,
check polnLs, sLop and frlsk, weed and seed, gang ln[uncLlons, drug war pollcles, Lhree sLrlkes
and zero-Lolerance pollcles, eLc. ln addlLlon Lo sLopplng Lhese reacLlonary pollcles, we should
also engage ln proacLlve campalgns, llke Lhose LhaL seek Lo abollsh prlsons.
B$"1D!)*E3100#$23 >#;:#17$9 - 1hese campalgns should focus on forclng Lhe sLaLe Lo become
LransparenL abouL lLs exLenslve survelllance lnfrasLrucLure and operaLlons, and organlzlng
campalgns LhaL demand LhaL Lhey be wholly dlsmanLled. 1hese campalgns can sLarL wlLh
lnlLlaLlves LhaL publlcally expose Lhe meLhods and LacLlcs used by varlous governmenL agencles
Lo monlLor our soclal acLlvlLles. We musL also develop and effecLlvely uLlllze a naLlonal daLabase
LhaL exposes Lhe undercover agenLs and provocaLeurs used by Lhe governmenL Lo lnfllLraLe,
dlsrupL, and dlscredlL our soclal movemenLs (Lhls musL be done Lhrough exLenslve facLual
documenLaLlon and noL lnnuendo whlch can be and ls very desLrucLlve Lo our movemenLs).
=3;101"#*1?#"1($ >#;:#17$9 - 1hese campalgns should focus on endlng Lhe mlllLary weapons
and LacLlcs used by domesLlc law enforcemenL. Law enforcemenL agencles LhroughouL Lhe uS
emplre have enhanced Lhelr mlllLary capaclLles slnce Lhe 1960's, prlmarlly focused on conLalnlng
and represslng Lhe naLlonal llberaLlon and progresslve soclal movemenLs. lor Lhelr arsenals Lhey
have acqulred and lncorporaLed mlllLary assaulL rlfles, Lanks, combaL ready hellcopLers,
grenades, hollow polnL bulleLs, camera and saLelllLe lnLegraLe survelllance sysLems, lnfrared
equlpmenL, and sonlc and mlcrowave crowd conLrol equlpmenL, eLc. 1acLlcally, Lhey
lncorporaLed varlous sLraLegles of counLerlnsurgency and paclflcaLlon, lncludlng envelopmenL
LacLlcs LhaL surround communlLles, check-polnLs LhaL conLrol Lrafflc ln and ouL of a communlLy,
weed and seed" programs LhaL dellberaLely dlvlde communlLles, gang ln[uncLlons LhaL
crlmlnallze soclal relaLlonshlps and cusLoms (youLh fashlons, lnformal assoclaLlons, eLc.), sLop
and frlsk" LacLlcs LhaL allow for lllegal searches and selzures on a masslve scale, and lnlLlaLlves
llke CperaLlon CheLLo SLorm" lnLenLlonally deslgned Lo Lerrorlze oppressed
communlLles. 1hese campalgns are lnLended Lo helghLen Lhe conLradlcLlons beLween Lhe
people and Lhe sLaLe (l.e. Lhe governmenL) and puL Lhe quesLlons of lnsLlLuLlonal raclsm, naLlonal
oppresslon, and uS lmperlallsm aL Lhe cenLer of publlc debaLe wlLhln Lhe emplre18.
B$"1D=*($3 >#;:#17$9 - 1he lnLroducLlon of survelllance and mlllLary drones over uS held
LerrlLorles marks a crlLlcal new phase ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe represslve capaclLles of Lhe uS
governmenL. ln order Lo preserve any noLlon of democraLlc space, we musL launch local
campalgns Lo reslsL Lhe use of drones aL Lhe local and munlclpal levels and [oln or sLarL
campalgns LhaL challenge Lhelr leglLlmacy and uLlllzaLlon LhroughouL Lhe emplre.
/*19($3* =353$93 >#;:#17$9 F 1hese campalgns should focus on defendlng a) our pollLlcal
prlsoners, prlsoners of war, and pollLlcal exlles from ongolng prosecuLlon and vlolaLlons of
lnLernaLlonal law, b) our prlsoners from un[usL prosecuLlon and human rlghLs abuses, and c)
communlLy members from enLrapmenL, false lmprlsonmenL, and false prosecuLlon. 1hese
campalgns should employ every means of sLruggle we have avallable Lo us, buL should rely flrsL
and foremosL on meLhods of mass sLruggle, raLher Lhan legallsLlc meLhods LhaL appeal Lo Lhe
enemy's courLs raLher Lhan Lhe people.
G*)"8 #$% 632($2101#"1($ H$1"1#"1E39 - ur. MuLulu Shakur and oLher new Afrlkan pollLlcal
prlsoners, prlsoners of war, and pollLlcal exlles are demandlng LhaL Lhe uS governmenL commlL
Lo a process of 1ruLh and 8econclllaLlon slmllar Lo LhaL employed ln posL-AparLheld Azanla
(SouLh Afrlca) Lo address Lhe governmenLs human rlghLs vlolaLlons durlng Lhe CCln1LL8C era
and provlde amnesLy for Lhe pollLlcal prlsoners, prlsoners of war, and pollLlcal exlles whom Lhe
uS governmenL Lransgressed agalnsL durlng Lhls era. 1hese 1ruLh and 8econclllaLlon campalgns
can and should be launched on a local and reglonal level, followlng Lhe model of organlzers ln
Cmaha, nebraska regardlng Lhe uefense of Lhe Cmaha 2, whlch have LargeLed Lhe role of local
pollce forces ln collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe l8l ln lnfllLraLlng organlzaLlons llke Lhe 8lack anLher
arLy and Lhe 8evoluLlonary AcLlon MovemenL, and seLLlng Lhese organlzaLlons up vla
provocaLeur acLlons. 1hese campalgns are essenLlal Lo holdlng Lhe uS governmenL accounLable
and forLlfylng Lhe wlll and confldence of Lhe people ln Lhelr rlghL and ablllLy Lo successfully
reslsL. Cn Lhe lederal level people should llnk wlLh and supporL Lhe 1ruLh and Commlsslon
organlzlng process belng drlven by ur. MuLulu Shakur19.
A#"1($#0 /0#$ (5 B2"1($ 5(* 6#21#0 C)9"123 #$% !305D=3"3*;1$#"1($ - 1hls campalgn should be
focused on bulldlng a movemenL wlLh enough sLrengLh and power Lo force Lhe lederal
governmenL Lo lmplemenL broad soclal reform program based on lnLernaLlonal law Lo combaL
lnsLlLuLlonal raclsm and lL varlous manlfesLaLlons and legacles ln Lhe uS emplre. 1he naLlonal
lan of AcLlon for 8aclal !usLlce and Self-ueLermlnaLlon ls an ouLgrowLh of Lhe World Conference
AgalnsL 8aclsm (WCA8) ln uurban, SouLh Afrlca and Lhe uurban ueclaraLlon and rogram of
AcLlon (uuA), and calls on Lhe lederal governmenL Lo commlL Lo a LransformaLlve program of
acLlon Lo combaL lnequallLy caused by Lhe legacles of colonlallsm, genoclde, enslavemenL, and
economlc explolLaLlon. ln addlLlon Lo campalgnlng for Lhls demand on lederal level, we should
also demand LhaL clLy, counLy and sLaLe governmenLs pass slmllar measures LhaL respecL,
proLecL, and fulflll Lhe full human rlghLs of oppressed and explolLed peoples.

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