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Villa Madonna Academy High School

20130B Web Programming & Design

2014-2015 School Year
Instructor: Mrs. Tricia Smaracko
Phone: 859-331-6333 X312
E-mail: HU tsmaracko@villamadonna.netU
Website: HU www.vma1.weel!.comU
Course Overview:
T"is class introd#ces we $ro%rammin% - writin% a$$lications t"at are accessile t"ro#%" a
we rowser over t"e &!$erte't Trans$ort (rotocol )&TT(*. T"e +ollowin% to$ics will e
introd#ced, and st#dents will learn "ow to comine t"em to #ild +le'ile, #ser +riendl! and
ro#st we sites.
&!$erTe't Mark#$ -an%#a%e )HTM* +or a#t"orin% we $a%es
.ascadin% St!le S"eets )!SS* +or s#$$l!in% st!listic in+ormation to we $a%es
PHP &!$erte't (rocessor +or %eneratin% d!namic $a%es on a we server
"a#aScri$t +or creatin% interactive we $a%es
/doe Photosho$ to en"ance ima%es
/doe %lash to incor$orate animation into t"e we site.
/doe !reati#e !lou& to create animation t"at can e dis$la!ed on t"e i(ad and
moile devices.
e!"boo# $ Websi"es:
St#dents re+erence n#mero#s te'tooks t"ro#%"o#t t"e !ear. T"e ooks are stored in t"e
classroom w"en not in #se. St#dents m#st si%n o#t a ook wit" t"e instr#ctor to remove t"e
te'took +rom t"e classroom.
HTML Teach Yourself Visual ! S"err! 0illard 1inko$"
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a Book by Adobe Press
Websites: T"is class #ses a social ookmarkin% we service +or storin%, s"arin%,
and discoverin% ookmarks related to t"e class. /ccess classroom s$eci+ic
ookmarks ! visitin% HU '''(&elicious(com)#ma*'eb*$ro+rammin+UH.
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Web Pro+rammin+ , -esi+n S.llabus
en"a"ive Schedule:
%ni" o&ics Pro'ec" Dura"ion
(e""ing S"ar"ed
Website Survey
Creating 1
using Weebly
all abou" you ) wee#
Si"e Con"en"
Page Elements
HTML Coding
Image File Formats
* wee#s
+mage ,di"ing Photoshop asi!s various - wee#s
Si"e S"yling and .orm
CSS Coding
Style Sheets
blog &age
/ wee#s
Thanksgiving Break
(ra&hical %ser
"dobe #ream$eaver
Layout Pages
Web #esign Prin!iples
color schemes 0 wee#s
His"ory o1 +n"erne"
Internet "r!hite!ture
) wee#s
Christmas Break
Programming Conce&"s Light%bot
0 wee#s
Web Page +n"erac"ivi"y &avaS!ript
/ wee#s
Dynamic Web Pages PHP s"ore - wee#s
Anima"ion Flash
&or"1olio home
* wee#
3ew o&ics
HTML' Canvas
Paralla( S!rolling
"dobe Creative Cloud
Spring Break
Da"abase +n"egra"ion )uby on )ails* Da"abase ) wee#s
Pu""ing +" All oge"her "dvertising
&or"1olio home
web &age
Final Exam
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Web Pro+rammin+ , -esi+n S.llabus
T"is co#rse is ased $rimaril! on t"e $"iloso$"! o+ project-based learning. T"is
means t"at st#dents will learn ! desi%nin% and im$lementin% wesite $ro2ects. T"ere
will e re%#lar $ro/ects to com$lete de$endin% on t"e to$ic.
0ui11es and Tests are administered $eriodicall! to ens#re st#dents are $ro%ressin%
well wit" co#rse conce$ts.
/ st#dent3s %rade will e determined ! dividin% t"e total n#mer o+ $oints earned !
t"e total n#mer o+ $oints $ossile. 4e+er to t"e &i%" Sc"ool St#dent5(arent &andook
+or t"e sc"ool %radin% s!stem.
(er t"e "andook $olic!, i+ a st#dent is asent on a test or 6#i7 da!, "e or s"e m#st
make #$ t"e missed test or 6#i7 in a+ter sc"ool testin% wit"in one week. 8+ a st#dent is
asent t"e da! e+ore a 6#i7 or test, "e5s"e is e'$ected to take t"e 6#i7 or test on t"e
sc"ed#led date. 9'tended asences will e dealt wit" on an individ#al asis. (lease
rememer t"at is t"e st#dent3s res$onsiilit! to meet wit" t"e teac"er and to make #$
missed assi%nments in a reasonale amo#nt o+ time.
Classroom 4ules o1 Conduc":
:e :enedictine: -isten to !o#r classmates and teac"er. 4aise !o#r "and to $artici$ate.
4es$ect ot"er $eo$le3s s$ace, $ro$erties and o$$ort#nit! to learn.
;ood and evera%es are not $ermitted in t"e classroom.
8nternet com$#ter %ames are not $ermitted to e $la!ed. <iolation o+ t"is r#le will res#lt in
a =>? wit"o#t warnin%@
/cademic dis"onest! is a ver! serio#s o++ense. St#dents will e discovered w"o attem$t
t"is and t"e conse6#ences will e severe.
St#dents are res$onsile +or t"eir own cond#ct, e"aviors, and conse6#ences at all times.
T"e <M/ &andook .ode o+ .ond#ct will e en+orced at all times. ;ail#re to meet t"ese
%#idelines will res#lt in =>? or ot"er conse6#ences. ;ollowin% t"ese %#idelines will "el$
create a $ositive classroom environment.
9'tra "el$ will e availale to st#dents e+ore and a+ter sc"ool e'ce$t on da!s wit" +ac#lt!
That in all things God may be Glorifed.
~Rule of St. Benedict
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