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Presented to: Andrea Alfonso Sabbagh

By:Valentina Rojas Castro

Suject: Egyptian ancient culture

The egyptian culture is one of the anciests cultures in the world. It developes in
egypt between 5500 B.C and 30 B.C. The history of the ancient egypt is divided into
3 parts, dependig on the diferent faraonic dynasties separated into anarquies:
ancient empire (2700-2250 B.C) Middle empire (2050 1800 B.C) and the new
empire (1550 1070 B.C) . when a faron dies, the son takes the place of faraon.
Before the setting of the empire, in 8000 BC , the field began to dry, the field now
known as the Sahara desert , thanks to the dry of this field, collectors of the area
,approached to the Nile basin. The stability and the prosperity of the ancient egypt is
owing to the government central control and the objectives created by the religius

The Egyptian culture is often misunderstood as having been obsessed with death
but, had this been so, it is unlikely it would have made the significant impression. As
scholar Salima Ikram writes: Judging by the numbers of tombs and mummies that
the ancient Egyptians left behind, one can be forgiven for thinking that they were
obsessed by death. However, this is not so. The Egyptians were obsessed by life and
its continuation rather than by a morbid fascination with death. The tombs,
mortuary temples and mummies that they produced were a celebration of life and a
means of continuing it for eternityFor the Egyptians, as for other cultures, death
was part of the journey of life, with death marking a transition or transformation
after which life continued in another form, the spiritual rather than the corporeal"

The ancient Egyptians thought that the deaths went to another world, so they
prepared their bodies taking the principals organs, then they give a bath with some
salts to the body, after that they embalm and bandage de body to preserve it,
mummy was created to preserve the individuals physical body without which the
soul could not achieve immortality.

In this culture the religion was very important.it was an integral part of the daily
life. The Egyptians uses to worship gods as, the god of the sun (Ra), the deaths god
(Osisris) and the fertility goddness (Isis)The Egyptians considered themselves co-
labourers with the gods with an important distinction that they understood their
gods to have already completed that purpose of prevent and a mortal humans duty
was to celebrate that fact and give thanks for it. This was called the Egyptian
mythology. The Egyptian concept of the soul regarded it as being comprised of nine
parts: the Khat was the physical body; the Ka ones double-form; the Ba a human-
headed bird aspect which could speed between earth and the heavens; Shuyet was
the shadow self; Akh the immortal, transformed self, Sahu and Sechem aspects of the
Akh; Ab was the heart, the source of good and evil; Ren was ones secret name. An

Salima.I (1998) Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile, with M. Fisher, P.
Lacovara and S. D'Auria, The American Universiety in Cairo Press.
individuals name was considered of such importance that an Egyptians true name
was kept secret throughout life and one was known by a nickname.

The Egyptian society was divided into 3 levels. The first level contains the pharaoh
and his family, then it comes the privilege with the nobles, the priests, and the sofers
and in the last level are the not privilege people with the peasants, the craftsmen,
the traders and the slaves. The Egyptians used to live in houses made up of adobe,
they use to practice trade with out money or commercial change and in summer, the
Egyptians used to help the pharaoh to construct big buildings. They also used to
plant fruits and vegetables to fed themselves.

The Egyptians also made some cultural advances as : Papyrus that was only one of
the technological advances of the ancient Egyptian culture. The Egyptians were also
responsible for developing the ramp and lever and geometry for purposes of
construction, advances in mathematics and astronomy, improvements in irrigation
and agriculture , ship building and the wheel and medicine.. Dentistry was widely
practised and the Egyptians are credited with inventing toothpaste, toothbrushes,
the toothpick, and even breath mints. They created the sport of bowling and
improved upon the brewing of beer as first practised in Mesopotamia. The
Egyptians did not, however, invent beer.

In daily life, the Egyptians seem little different from other ancient cultures. Like the
people of Mesopotamia, India, China, and Greece, because Egyptians believed the
land was intimately tied to their personal salvation and they had a deep fear of
dying beyond the borders of Egypt. Those who served their country in the army, or
those who travelled for their living, made provision for their bodies to be returned
to Egypt should they be killed. It was thought that the fertile, dark earth of the Nile
River Delta was the only area sanctified by the gods for the re-birth of the soul in the
afterlife and to be buried anywhere else was to be condemned to non-existence.

Swimming was an important part of Egyptian culture and children were taught to
swim when very young. Water sports played a significant role in Egyptian
entertainment as the Nile River was such a major aspect of their daily lives. The
sport of water-jousting, in which two small boats, each with one or two rowers and
one jouster, fought each other, seems to have been very popular. The rower (or
rowers) in the boat sought to strategically maneuver while the fighter tried to knock
his opponent out of the craft. They also enjoyed games having nothing to do with
the river, however, which were similar to modern-day games of catch and handball.

Egypt is a country with an immense cultural mix, In every major city in Egypt
you will find traditions that remain from the time of the Pharaohs, and in

Mark . J (2013)Egyptian Culture , Ancient Eu ,Ancient History Encyclopedia
Mark . J (2013)Egyptian Culture , Ancient Eu ,Ancient History Encyclopedia Sports
and Leisure
other parts you will find pure tribal customs that were brought in by many
invaders throughout the centuries. The Egypt culture immense the traditions,
languages, history & civilizations at ancient places.

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