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[ a
] nthe thirtieth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.
, [ asana, as ] npraise, compliment. n. a certifcate; a
[ asita ] a praised, complimented.
[ aka ] n the Scythian race; a Scythian; an era introduced in 78 A.D.
also !; any year !.
[ aka"a ] n a #ehicle, a carriage, a cart, a car.$ n. a bulloc%$cart; a
hac%ery. a rail&ay train.

n. a carter, a dri#er, a carman; a

[ aka"ik ] na small or toy car.
[ aka'i ] n. (a. that &hich has come in contact &ith coo%ed food or
&ith the lea#ings of one)s meal.
[ akadbpa ] nScythia.
[ akarakhanda ] nthe s&eet potato, the yam.
[ akala ] na portion, a part, a piece; a scale of fsh; bot.! bast.

n. bast
$[ akra-bakra ] nflthy &ords beginning &ith and ; flthy re#ilings
or abusi#e language.
[ akri ] nthe enemy or subduer of the Sha%as !.
[ akuna ] nthe #ulture; an omen.

a. #ersed in augury.
[ akuni ] nthe #ulture; a character of the *ahabharata; fg.! a relati#e
&ho, by gi#ing e#il counsel, leads a family to ruin.
[ akunta ] nthe bird; the #ulture.

n. fem. one &ho has been protected by

a bird.
[ akta
] acapable, able, ft for &or% !"#$ + hardy!; strong, po&erful;
e,cient; hard to &in o#er or decei#e ! %!.
[ akta
] a hard, not soft; strong; sti-, obdurate; durable, tight; frm,
steady; stub$born; se#ere, rigorous; strict; rigid; strenuous; niggardly, stingy
&& !!; harsh ! #!e.cruciating ! %#!; di,cult.! ' fg.! a
#ery hard tas%master; fg.! a hard nut to crac%; a #ery obdurate man.!
( to ha#e to deal &ith a person &ho is more than one)s match, to
catch a tartar. &!)! &" *" fg.! one &ho /atters a strong opponent but
tyranni0es o#er a &ea% one, a 1ac%al in Brobdingang playing the lion in
! [ akti ] n po&er; strength, might; force; #igour; capacity; capability;
potency as of homoeopathic medicines!; phys.! energy; a state in/uential
in international a-airs, a po&er; 3indu. myth.! the female principle ta%ing
part in the &or% of creation, Sa%ti, Sha%ti, a female deity; 4oddess Durga
+$ !; an ancient missile.

, n. loss of po&er or strength or energy; of an

army! loss of men.

- a. po&erful, strong.!.& v. to apply force.

$ n. pl.
states in/uential in international a-airs or ta%ing part in a &ar, po&ers.

n. po&erfulness, strength; forcefulness; possession of full #igour.

a. po&erful, strong. force ful; #igorous; ner#ous ! +%!. fem.


n. a dreadful or deadly mythological missile.

0 n. accumulation of
strength or po&er; accumulation or preser#ation of energy.! 0 v. to
infuse strength in; to in#igorate; to energi0e.

"#$ % n. po&er and capabilities.

"% n. balance of po&er.

1 a. po&erless; &ea%; impotent. fem.

po&erlessness; &ea%ness; impotence.
! [ aktu ] na %ind of farina made by grinding pulses, pulse$meal.
% [ akya ] acapable of being done.

n. practicability, feasibility; capability.

2 [ atr ] n5ndra 34! the %ing of gods.
[ akha ] na capricious inclination or li%ing; a fancy; a hobby; a pursuit for
amusement &!; one)s o&n accord or choice.v. to incline to or
choose or pursue capriciously or for amusement; to underta%e or in#ite or
choose #oluntarily & +5!.
6 [ a6kara ] n Shi#a !; a species of sea$fsh. fem.64oddess Durga +$ !.
6 [ a6k ] n fear, dread, terror; alarm; misgi#ing; perturbation.6 v. to
fear, to apprehend; to ha#e a misgi#ing.

a. perturbed; full of misgi#ing;

greatly frightened. fem.

7same as 6 fem.

8% a. fearless; free
from misgi#ings.


19 a. one &ho or that &hich e.pels fear or misgi#ing.


1 same as

8% fem.

6 [ a6kita ] a frightened, alarmed; afraid; sei0ed &ith a misgi#ing;
perturbed; fearful, timorous.
6 [ a6ku ] na long pin of &ood or metal; a probe; a prod; a s%e&er; a &edge;
a peg, a sta%e; a gnomon; chie/y in conics! a cone.
: [ a6kha ] n the conch; a conchshell esp. one that is sounded by blo&ing!;
a conchbangle. n. & a. billion 7,,,!. 8;+<-a. carrying a conch$shell, a
discus, a mace and a lotus. n. an appellation of 4od 9arayana. : n. a
species of &hite$breasted %ite. : 8 n. the %ing cobra. : 8 9$ n. conchshell po&der.
:8 9$ see : :=, : + n. the sound of blo&ing a conchshell. : =, : +v. to
blo& a conchshell. : 9n. a dealer and &or%er in articles of conchshells.
: n. a bangle for the &rist made of conchshell. : > n. &hite arsenic,
ratsbane. :n. a &oman of the third of four se.ual cat egories; the e#il
spirit of a &oman &ho has died &hen her husband is still ali#e, a female
ghoul also :8 9$ !.
, [ aci, ac ] n the &ife of 5ndra 34! the %ing of gods.
?& [ ajan ; n a %itchen plant, the horse raddish. : n. the edible stem or
stal% of this plant.
?@ [ ajru ] n the porcupine.
[ atana ] n rotting, decomposition, putrefaction.
, [ a"i, a" ] n 0edoary. A 5n. pul#eri0ed 0edoary ta%en as food.
B [ a"ha ] a deceitful; s&indling; %na#ish; sly; croo%ed. n. a %na#e, a croo%.
:, B9 n. deceit; s&indling; %na#ery, chicanery; false play; sharp practice;
slyness; croo%edness. B v. to chicane, to decei#e, to play false. &BB%
an eye for an eye; a blo& for a blo&.
9 [ a<a ] n hemp plant or fbre!; /a. plant or fbre!. &9 Ca. hempen;
/a.en. &9 lit.! a sheaf of fbres of /a.; fg.! grey hair.
[ ata ] n. ( a hundred. a. many or innumerable. . percent. a.
ha#ing a number of hundreds; hundred. n. a hundred; an aggregate of one
hundred similar things D!; a century. : a. & adv. percent. 1,
1 percentage. 8n. a table of numbers up to 7. : n. & a. hundred
crore. (s=uare; a. countless, innumerable. : En. a hundred pieces. a.
reduced or torn to hundred pieces; reduced or torn to pieces; tattered. : F9 n.
a hundred times. a. hundred times of; a hundred times. adv. to or by
hundred times; a hundred times; many or countless times, in or to a great
degree or e.tent, far. : F&9adv. same as : F9 adv.!. : GH1a. patched at hundred
places; tattered. : In. a mythological missile &hich could %ill a hundred
persons at one stro%e. : JK a. torn at hundred places; tattered. : " a.
hundredth. fem. : " :+n. a hundred petalled or many$petalled ob1ect; the
lotus. : Ln. the ri#er Sutle1. : -adv. in or to a hundred di#isions; a hundred times
as much; hundredfold; in or to numerous di#isions. : - a. ha#ing a hundred
ends or edges or streams. : -&adv. in hundred streams, in innumerable
streams. : +n. the centipede; the scorpion; the ear&ig. : >$? same as
:>$a. centennial. >$MN the centenary. : )>n. the t&enty$fourth of the
t&enty$se#en stars according to 3indu astronomy. : "n. sarcas.! a bad
physician &ho has %illed a hundred patients, a charlatan, a =uac%sal#er, a
=uac%. : " a. ha#ing one hundred mouths or outlets; fg.! #oluble, glib. " n.
hum.! a besom. : " &adv. glibly; in multifarious &ays. : "8n. asparagus. : Oa.
ha#ing many colours or shapes. : adv. by hundreds; hundredfold; hundred
times o#er; o#er and o#er again. : 1P n. & a. hundred thousand. (s=uare; a.
many, innumerable.
Q, 0 [ ataraja, ataraca ] n chess.
Q, 0 [ ataraji, ataraci ] n a durrie, a carpet.
[ ata ] n one hundred parts; pop.! one hundredth part.
, [ atbda, atbd ] n a century.
[ at>u ] a li#ing for a hundred years. %!a. centenarian.
& [ atka ] a one hundred; many hundreds; many, innumerable; nearly or
appro.imately a hundred. : n. fem. in #ulgar re#iling! a cursed &oman
&ho has seen the death of a hundred near ones.
[ anaana ] int e.pressing? the noise caused by the speedy /ight of the
&ind, arro& etc.
! [ ankta ] n identifcation. ! v. to identify.
[ ani ] n myth.! a deity &ho is the son of the sun$god; the Saturn;
Saturday usu. !; fg.! one &ho ruins utterly. +astrol.! the
in/uence of Saturn; fg.! the state of utter distress or ruin. +R Sastrol.! the
aspect of Saturn; fg.!. state of utter distress or ruin. : n. the ring of
TU [ anaicara ] n myth.! a deity &ho is the son of the sun$god; Saturn.
[ apa ] n a fnely &o#en large mat.
# [ apatha ] n an oath, a s&earing; a #o&; a promise. # v. to ta%e an
oath, to s&ear; to #o&; to promise. # &v. to cause to ta%e an oath, to
cause to s&ear or #o& or promise. #&, : 8$adv. on oath, &ith an oath.
: n. an a,da#it. :."9n. a @ommissioner of a,da#its.
, V [ ap, apt ] int e.pressing; the noise of a =uic% and forceful
stro%e as of a &hip; the s&ishing noise.
[ apapa ] int e.pressing? repeated Vsound; the noise of gulping
any thin food greedily and =uic%ly.
,&+1 [ aba, abadha ] n a dead body, a corpse. +1, +1 n. cremation.
+1v. to burn a dead body, to cremate. +1n. one &ho cremates, a
cremator. +1 (n. a cremator; an incinerator.+1W1 n. a crematorium.
,n. post$mortem; autopsy. ,v. to ma%e a post$mortem of, to
autopsy. %&J+v. to dissect a dead body. *n. a funeral procession
* n. a bier. N n. obse=uies, funeral rites; cremation. N v. to
perform the obse=uies of; to cremate. -n. a form of mystical rite or
religious meditation performed by sitting upon a dead body in a crematorium
usu. on a ne&$moon night; fg.! a dreadful endea#our to achie#e something.
a. corpse li%e; loo%ing li%e a corpse. n. a morgue. J+$X n.
shroud; a &inding$sheet; dead$clothes. - n. a bier. "v. to follo& a
corpse to the funeral place. ", *n. one &ho follo&s a corpse to the
funeral place, a mourner. n. a posture of yogic e.ercise in &hich one
lies still &ith the face up. a. fem. mounted upon a corpse. n. 4oddess
Aali !.
[ abara ] n an ancient non$Aryan hunting community of 5ndia; a member
of this community; a hunter. fem.
[ abala ] a dappled, #ariegated; brindled. fem. ,
& [ abbarta ] n a *uslim festi#al.
[ abda ] n a sound; a noise; a cry or call , & !; a &ord.
v. to ma%e a sound or noise; to cry or call. : , : a. ma%ing a sound or
noise; crying or calling. : > n. a le.icon; a dictionary. : Y n. philology. : Z n. a
sound$&a#e. : Ya. philological. n. a philologist. : Cn. reduplication of
&ords. : .9 n. orthography. : 1 a. con#eying sounds or sound$&a#es. : % n.
arrangement of &ords; gr.! synta.. : - #ar. of : )+ :[\n. the Supreme Being
consisting of sound only cp. 2ogos!; the Bedas. : )E n. the treasure of
&ords; the total corpus of &ords of a language. : )+a. capable of hitting the
target by merely hearing the sound made by it. : *?n. adding or
supplementing &ords. : " a. full of sound; noisy; &ord. : !n. di-erent imports
of a &ord; the capacity of &ords for con#eying signifcance, po&er of &ords.
:X n. the science of &ords; grammar; philology; branches of learning
collecti#ely. : 1 a. soundless; noiseless; speechless; silent. a. beyond
&ords; not e.pressible in &ords. " a. in the state of ma%ing sounds,
sounding; resounding. #$ n. the meaning of a &ord, a &ord$meaning.
n. any one of the fgures of speech based on sound, such as,
alliteration, onomatopoeia etc. a. sounded; flled &ith sound; resounded.
" [ a!a ] n cessation, desistance; alle#iation, mitigation; mental and also
sensual! restraint or calm; subsidence or con=uest of desire.
[ a!ana
] n Cama *"! the god of death; death. : n. death)s door. : ),
:+ n. the abode of death; the 3ades; death)s door. "+& *]v. to die.
"+& .9 v. to %ill; to send one! to one)s death.
" [ a!i ] n a %ind of tree the Acacia suma.
" [ a!ita ] a allayed; subsided; repressed, restrained; calmed; =uelled.
"-% [ a!dhnya ] n any leguminous grain, pulse, bean etc.
^ [ a!bara ] n a %ind of antelope &ith branched horns; a mythological
demon. ^n. the enemy or slayer of Shambar ^! the demon; *adana
"+! the 3indu lo#e$god.
^, ^8 [ a!buka, a!bka ] n the snail. : n. snail$li%e pace or mo#ement;
fg.! procrastination, sluggishness, slo&ness. a. snail$paced; snail$slo&;
sluggish, slo&.
_ [ a!bhu ] n Shi#a !.
*% [ ayy ] n a bed; bedding; a couch or cot. *% v. to put up or put
a&ay a bed. *% v. to ma%e a bed. *%&]v. to become bedridden; to lie
do&n. : `, loos.! : `n. a malady in &hich one feels as if one)s bed is a
bed of thorns. : same as : :J+, : J+n. a bedspread, a co#erlet, a
bedco#er; a bedsheet. : a$ n. bedside. : . n. the end of a bed. *% v. to
ma%e a bed. : a. bedridden, bedfast; lying do&n. fem. : :Z, : 1 n. a
bedfello&; a husband; a paramour fem. : Z, : 1 a concubine, a
[ a>atna ] n Satan, the De#il; a #ery &ic%ed person, a rogue, a de#il;
in endearment! a naughty fello&.
n. e.treme &ic%edness, roguery,
de#ilishness, de#ilry; in endearment! mischie#ousness.
n. fem. of
v. to do damage or harm to, to play the de#il &ith!.
Satanic; de#ilish; in endearment! mischie#ous.
[ a>ana ] n lying do&n; sleep; a bed. v. to lie do&n; to go to sleep;
to sleep. :,, :R 1, : ", n. a bedroom, a bedchamber. : n. bed time.
, [ a>na, >ita ] a lying do&n; lying at length, loos.! prostrate;
sleeping, asleep. fem. , &n. bot.! a hori0ontal line.
[ ara ] n an arro&, a shaft, a dart; a reed. : , : ,9 : &,v. to shoot
an arro&. : ?n. a meshy sho&er of arro&s. : n. a reed hedge. : >$9 n. a
sho&er of arro&s. : >$9v. to sho&er arro&s upon!. : b a. pierced or hit &ith
an arro&. : R Sn. a sho&er of arro&s. : % n. a target for arro&$shooting; a target.
:*%n. a number of arro&s pierced through one)s body in such a manner as to
form a ma%eshift bed abo#e the ground. : c v. to plant an arro& on one)s
bo&; to shoot an arro&; to aim an arro& at!. 'n. a stro%e of an arro&; a
&ound caused by an arro&. 'v. to stri%e or &ound &ith an arro&.
)% n. a practice of archery. )% v. to practise archery. &9v. to
plant an arro& on a bo&. n. a bo& for shooting arro&s!. 1a. struc%
or &ounded &ith an arro&.
d4 [ araccandra ] n the autumnal moon.
9 [ ara<a ] n a shelter, a refuge; recourse; rare! a resort, a retreat, a
house; a shelterer; a protector. 9 ]v. to ta%e shelter; to come or go for a
shelter or refuge; to ha#e recourse to. 9, 9K a. one &ho has come for
shelter. n. a refugee. fem. 9, 9K 9#$ a. see%ing shelter or
refuge. n. a refugee. 9% a. gi#ing or capable of gi#ing shelter or protection;
&orthy of being sheltered or protected.
V, N [ arat, aratkla ] n autumn. N a. au tumnal.
+ [ aradindu ] n the autumnal moon. : )a. fem. ha#ing a face
resembling the autumnal moon in brightness and beauty!.
[ arabata ] n a s&eet drin%, a be#erage, a cordial, sharbat.
[ arabati ] n a bigger #ariety of lemon.
) [ arabha ] n a %ind of deer or antelope; a mythological octopod stronger
e#en than the lion; a young elephant; a %ind of corn$pest; the locust; the
" [ ara!a ] n shame; bashfulness; coyness, modesty. " , " v. to
feel or thin% shame; to be ashamed; to be abashed.
[ ar ] n a shallo& earthen plate.
[ arba ] n &ine.
[ arika ] n a 1oint$o&ner; a coparcener; a sharer, a partner; an associate.
, n. share of a 1oint o&ner or partner; a share; a part; loos.! 1oint
o&nership, coparcenery, partnership. , a. 1ointly o&ned,
coparcenery. '>$ n. strife or =uarrel among partners.
A [ aripha ] a magnanimous, highminded, noble A e+"!; holy, sacred
A, "fA!.
[ ari>ata ] n the 5slamic scripture or la&.
[ arra ] n the body; the physi=ue; : a. lying &ithin the body; of the
body; bodily, physical. : GH1n. a bone$1oint. : ?a. produced or emerged from the
body; loos.! lying &ithin the body ? %-!; loos.! of the body
?%!; bodily; physical. -9 v. to assume a body or form or
shape; to ta%e one)s birth in the &orld. : n. impairment or loss of health;
death. v. to impair one)s health; to sacrifce one)s life, to die. : W1 a.
lying &ithin the body; bodily, physical. a. ha#ing a body; embodied;
corporeal. fem. 9
$ [ arkar ] n sugar; gra#el, grit, rubble; med.! concretion, calculus. : Va.
granular; gra#elly, gritty; sugary. :"ga. sugared.
$ [ arta ] n a condition, a stipulation; an agreement. $ v. to ma%e an
agreement or stipulation. h3 &$ on this condition. &$ &ithout condition,
unconditionally. :1 a. unconditional, un=ualifed. $ - a. conditional.
$ [ arba ] n Shi#a !.
$ [ arbar ] n night.
$9 [ arb< ] n. fem the &ife of Sharba $!; 4oddess Durga +$ !.
"$ [ ar! ] n a common surname of Brahmins i "$!; in #aunts etc.! 5, 5 the
spea%er, myself h3 "$!.
) [ alabha ] n a %ind of corn$pest; the grass hopper; the locust.
, [ al, alk ] n a long pin or stic% of metal or &ood; med.! a
probe; a s%e&er.
[ ali ] n a dry measure of corn.
j [ alka ] n a scale esp. of fsh!; bar% of trees!. : Va. scaly.
% [ alya ] n a long pin or stic% of metal or &ood; med.! a probe; a thorn; a
fshbone; a sharp$pointed mythological missile; an arro&; an arro&head, fg.!
cause of aEiction or displeasure of the heart. : Nn. a surgeon. : Nn.
surgery; a surgical operation. : k, : +%n. surgery. &%bv. to e.tract a
thorn, arro& etc. from a body!; fg.! to remo#e a cause of aEiction or
displeasure from the heart.
( [ allak ] n the porcupine.
, [ aa, aaka ] n the hare; the rabbit; the cony. - n. the moon.
>9, R Z n. lit.! a hare)s horn; an absurdity, a mare)s nest. %l a. franti
cally hurrying esp. through fear!. %&ladv. hurrying frantically.
[ a ] n the cucumber.
6 [ a6ka ] n the lunar crescent, a digit of the moon. : same as
)8 >9
[ a ] n the moon.
[ akara ] n moonbeam; moonlight, moon shine.
[ akal ] n a digit of the moon.
.) [ aprabh ] n moonlight, moonbeam.
)8 >9 [ abhFa<a ] n one &ho has the moon as an ornament; Shi#a !
" [ a!ukh ] n. fem one &ho has a face resembling the moon in
m [ aFpa ] n young or tender grass. : *%n. bed of grass. mR a. co#ered
&ith tender grass.
X [ astra ] n a &eapon &hich is to be &ielded by the hand and not thro&n
e.g. a s&ord!; a &eapon; an iron tool for handicrafts; a surgical instrument
or %nife. : Nn. a surgeon. : Nn. surgery. : ?same as X? : % n.
act of laying do&n or relin =uishing one)s arms. : -, : -, : 9a. bearing arms,
armed. : +%n. the art and science of using &eapons. X n. an armoury; an
arsenal. X? a. earning one)s li#elihood as a professional soldier. n. a
% [ asya ] n corn, grain; loos.! cereals; crop; har#est; %ernel of fruits!, pulp;
bot.! albumen. :, n. a corn$feld. %&>9v. to grind corn; to hus%. %&>9$
*k n. a corn$mill; a hus%ing machine. : )E n. a granary. : )?a. feeding on
corn, gramini#orous; of cornpests!destroying crop by eating it up. : "Qn. a
corn$stal%. : a. abounding in corn; of fruits! full of %ernel, pulpy; bot.!
albuminous. : a. abounding in corn. fem. : : %"a. green &ith
plentiful corn. fem. : %" %G1 v. to har#est; to procure corn esp.
cereals. %G&1 har#est time, har#est. % n. a granary; a grange.
%- n. a corn$bin.
1 [ ahara ] n a to&n; a city. : & n. the chief of city police. : n. outs%irts
of a to&n or city, a suburb. :W1 a. of or li#ing in a to&n or city; urban.
1+ [ ahida ] n a martyr. 1+1]v. to be martyred. :n n. martyrdom.
o& [ ahur ] a of or li#ing in a to&n or city, urban; to&nish; coc%ney. o& ?
to&n$life, urbanity. o& 1]usu. dero.! in/uence of a to&n or city, urbanity.
:n. dero.! urbanity, to&nishness; a-ected coc%neyish beha#iour or speech.
p, p3 [ , !G!Gi ] int e.pressing? a f00ing or s&ishing or hissing sound. p$p,
p3p3 int. e.pressing? repetition of this sound; great speed.
p, p [ nGkha, nGka ] n the conch; a conchshell, a conch. p ?&v. to
blo& a conch shell or a conch. p& a sa& for cutting conchshells this
sa& cuts both&ays!, a conch$cutter; fg.! any ob1ect the presence and
absence of &hich are e=ually painful, something &hich cuts both&ays; a
dilemma. pe , p$e , p , p n. a &hite esculent fruit shaped almost
li%e a conchshell. p K, p 9$ corruptions of :8 9$ pn. a bangle for the
&rist made of conchshell, a conch bangle. pn. a 3indu caste &or%ing and
dealing in articles made of conch shells; a member of this caste; a &or%er or
dealer in articles of conchshells.
p [ !Gsa ] n %ernel, pulp; pith; core; marro&; fg.! solid &orth, substance
"&? p&3!; fg.! &ealth, riches pA &&q!. p&a. abounding in
%ernel, pulpy, pithy; marro&y; fg.! full of solid &orth, substantial; fg.!
[ ka ] n any edible herb or creeper, spinach, spinage. +& "q r fg.!
a ludicrous and futile attempt at concealing a detestable o-ence. : ) same
as K : n. pl. edible herbs, creepers and lea#es collecti#ely; fg.!
e.tremely poor food. : ?n. edible herbs, creepers, fruits and roots
collecti#ely; #egetables, greens. : ? a %itchen garden. K n. lit.! a
dish of only rice and spinach; fg.! #ery poor or simple food. 1n. a
person subsisting on lean #egetarian diet.
[ kuna ] a of birds, a#ian. : Vn. an augur. : +%n. augury. n. a
fo&ler; an augur.
! [ kta ] a de#oted to or &orshipping Sa%ti or the female principle of
creation. n. a &orshipper of Sa%ti, a Sa%ta, a Sha%ta. : +n. (pl.! poems or
lyric poems in adoration of Sa%ti, the 4od dess of creation or 4oddess Aali.
% [ kya ] n a Ashatriya clan. :" , :1 n. 4autama Buddha.
[ kh ] n a branch of a tree, a bough; a ramus pl. rami!; a section, a
part, a subordinate di#ision, a branch; an o- shoot. : sn. a thorn. : " n.
bot.! a cutting. : %a. fallen or detached from a branch or bough. : +n. a
tributary. n. a position screened o- by the branches of a tree. : .n.
pl. branches and t&igs of a tree!; rami and ramuli; ramifcations, sections
and sub$sections; o-shoots large and small. : % n. bot.! branching,
ramifcation. :"R . n. a ramal animal; the mon%ey; the ape.
[ kh ] a ha#ing branches, branched, ra mose. n. a tree.
&+ [ "arda ] n a disciple, a pupil; a trainee; a follo&er; a no#ice. &+n.
discipleship, pupilage, no#iciate, no#itiate, no#icehood. &+v. to act as a
disciple or pupil or trainee or follo&er or no#ice.
6 [ 6kara ] a of Shan%ar 6! or Shi#a !; made or propounded by
Shan%aracharya 6)>%!.
[ "ina ] n satin.
[ 'i ] n an 5ndian &oman)s loincloth, the sari.
9 [ <a ] n a &hetstone; a grindstone; also 9$#!; &hetting; edge,
sharpness; 9&+]v. to &het, to sharpen; fg.! to stimulate; fg.! to ma%e
poignant. : ]n. a &hetter, a sharpener. : # n. a &hetstone. 9a.
&hetted, sharpened 9 !; sharp; fg.! stimulated 9 , +!; fg.!
poignant, cutting to the =uic% 9t!.
[ tana ] n. act of cutting o-. v. to cut o-; to clip ,!.
+ [ di ] n. *us.! marriage. + v. to marry, to &ed.

[ na
] n. a pa#ed or cemented /oor. p-&v. to pa#e.
[ n, nn#
] #. to be satisfed or gratifed u&v !.
[ nn#
] #. to &het, to sharpen; fg.! to stimulate; fg.! to ma%e
[ nta ] a. peaceful, =uiet, tran=uil; satisfed, gratifed; appeased, pacifed,
calmed, =uietened; composed; allayed; calm; gentle, mild. v. to satisfy;
to gratify; to appease, to pacify, to calm; to =uieten. : /, : a. ha#ing a calm
or =uiet disposition; mild$tempered. : + a. mild and temperate. : .R a. gentle$
natured; ha#ing a calm disposition. : n. geog.! a belt or region of calms.
:) n. mental calm or tran=uillity. : "8$ a. ha#ing a tran=uil appearance. : n.
rhet.! the tran=uil or calm sentiment. : S a. gentle and polite. : w) same as
[ nti ] n peace, tran=uillity, calm, =uietude; remo#al e+!; control
;&-!; satisfaction, gratifcation , + !; pacifcation, appeasement;
alle#iation; freedom from disturbances, peace; termination or cessation
*b!; termination of hostility or &ar; &eal, &elfare, &ell being. : ?n. holy
sacrifcial &ater sprin%led upon #otaries to &ard o- e#ils. : & n. an abode
of peace. : a. produced at Shantipur in Bengal. n. a #ery fne handloom
cloth produced at Shantipur. : &a. of Shantipur in Bengal; produced at
Shantipur; current at or used at Shantipur & !; born or li#ing at
Shantipur. : 89$ a. peaceful; calm; tran=uil; =uiet. : . a. peace lo#ing. : -a.
pacifying, pacifactory; peace$ma%ing. n. a peace$ma%er. : )x n. breach of
peace. : )Z v. to disturb the peace of; to create disturbance; to disturb.
:)Za. disturbing the peace; creating distur bances; disturbing. fem.
:)Z9 : " same as : 89$ fem. : " : ,n. a defender of the peace; a police
man. ,v. to maintain peace. W1 v. to ma%e peace &ith!; to
bring to a peaceful state. : wl% n. religious &orship or ser#ice performed to
&ard o- e#ils.
[ pa ] n a curse, a malison, imprecation. &+]v. to curse, to
imprecate. : Gl a. lying under a curse; cursed, accursed. fem. : Gl : yS a. fallen
or e.pelled esp. from hea#en! by a curse. fem. :yS : " !a. freed from a curse.
:" !, : " n. release from a curse. &" v. to release from a curse, to set
free from a curse. : n. rare! a curse and release from it; pop.! se#ere and
repeated cursing. same as +] n. ter mination of a curse;
release from a curse; loos.! a spell of se#ere cursing.
, [ baka, ba ] n a young of a bird or beast. f n. a chic%en, a
chic%, a coc% erel. n. a puppy. &n. a &help of a &olf, a &olf$
cub. ">n. a lamb.
[ bala ] n a cro&bar.
[ bna ] n the eighth month of the *uslim calendar.
[ ba ] int bra#o, &ell done, e.cellent.
[ bda ] a relating to sounds or &ords; acoustic; phonetical; philological.
a. same as n. one #ersed in acoustics; a phonetician; a philologist;
a grammarian; a le.icographer.
[ !al
] a ori. fem.! of greenish blac% colour or comple.ion.
[ !al
] n a %ind of o,cial turban M& "!.
[ !
] n a lamp. :+ n. a portable lampstand, a lampad.
, " [ !
, !i ] n an iron ferrule or co#ering of a mace, stic% etc.!
" [ !ikbba ] n a %ind of dry meat$chip.
" [ !i>n ] n an a&ning, a canopy; a canopied place.
" [ !ila ] a e=ui#alent or similar to!; al most the same as! " "!;
participating or included in! e&&"!.
" [ !uka ] n the snail. "$ n. shell$lime. "& a shell of a snail.
[ >aka ] n an arro&, a shaft, a dart.
[ >ita ] a lying do&n; laid do&n; prostrate; lying or fallen /at; %noc%ed
do&n. fem.
[ >in ] fem of
[ > ] a used as a sfx.! lying or resting on! *%, )8 !; fallen in!
& [ >ra ] n a short lyric poem usu. composed in Hrdu or 3indi!, a Sayer.
&l [ >st ] a punished; subdued; chastened; corrected, rectifed. &l
v. to punish; to subdue; to chasten; to correct, to rectify.
Z [ ra6"a ] n a stringed musical instrument a%in to a #iolin. Zn. the
aforesaid instrument; one &ho plays on this instrument.
+, + [ rada, rad>a ] a autumnal. fem. +, + z +n. 4oddess
Durga +$ !; 4oddess Saras&ati w!; a %ind of #ina.
, , [ ri, rik, r ] n. fem the female ; pop.! the female
{; a gaming die.
, [ arra, rrika ] a bodily, physical; physiological; anatomical;
corporal; uW1 state of the body, health. +E l corporal
punishment. g" physical labour. Y, -, R /, R /n.
physiology. W1 n. anatomy.
Z$ [ r6"a ] a of horns; made of horn. n. a shooting! bo& made of horn. : -
:9, Z$ n. one armed &ith a hornmade bo&; Bishnu i !.
$ [ r"a ] n a shirt. A $ n. a long shirt, a shirt of usual length. 1M3$$ n. a
3a&aii shirt, a bush$shirt. 1A$$ n. a shirt of short length and usually &ith
slee#es up to the elbo&s.
+8 $ [ rdla ] n the tiger; as a sfx.! an e.cellent or best specimen +8 $ !.
fem. +8 $ z : ;n. a Sans%rit poetical metre.

[ la
] n a sha&l.

[ la
] n a large pi%e for impalement of criminals; fg.! a heart$rending
aEiction or grief.

[ la
] n a large gregarious tree, the sal, the Shorea robusta; its timber;
a large tubular ri#er$fsh.
" [ la"a!a ] n turnip.
G", G"$ [ la"r!a, la"r!a-il ] n a blac%$geode &orshipped as
the symbol of Bishnu i !.
[ lati ] n a dugout made of the trun% of a sal tree.
*$ [ lanirysa ] n resin.
.{ [ lapru ] a as tall as a sal tree.

[ l
] n used as a sfx.! a house, a building u#!, a room, a hall
c!; an establishment B!; a shed, a construction $ua!; a
&or%shop "!; a store, a repertory {, |!.

[ l
] n a brother or a cousin brother of one)s &ife, a brother$in$la&; in
#ul. familiarity! a fello& cp. a 1olly dog!; often! an epithet of abuse.
?, M [ lja, lbu ] n a &ife of a brother$in$la&, a sister$in$la&.

[ li
] n the autumnal paddy -!

[ li
] n. fem a sister or cousin sister of one)s &ife, a sister$in$la&; in
#ul. abuse! a &oman cp. a 1olly bitch!; often an epithet of abuse.
[ lika ] n a %ind of small yello&$bea%ed singing bird of the myna group,
the house myna.
- [ -lin ] fem of $

[ -l
] a used as a sfx.! possessing )!.
[ lna ] a obser#ant of the rules of decorum, decorous; decent; modest;
polite, courteous. :n. decorum; decency; modesty; politeness, courtesy.
[ lu ] n a %ind of red$coloured cotton fabric.
[ luka ] n a stal% of the &aterlily.
}, } [ l!ali, l!al ] n the sil%$cotton tree; a mythological island.
{ [ u'i ] n a mother$in$la&; an aunt$in$la&.
a [ bata ] a eternal; e#erlasting, perpetual; immortal. fem. a z
[ saka ] n a subduer; a ruler, a go#ernor; an administrator fem.
administratri.!; a controller, a repressor; one &ho en1oins; a discipliner, a
chastiser, a chastener. ?$n. a district magistrate. :"En. the go#erning
body, the administrati#e body, the administration; the go#ernment. : ~+ n.
the ruling class.
[ sana ] n subdual; rule; management ?"+ !; go#ernment or
administration of a state!; reign; control or repression 34!; direction,
dictation, en1oinment &X !; an edict, a commandment !,
disciplining, chastisement, punishment q&& !; 1urisdiction -!.
v. to subdue; to rule, to go#ern, to manage; to administer; to reign; to
control or repress; to command; to discipline, to chastise, to chasten, to
punish. &ev. to subdue; to sub1ugate; to bring under control; to bring
into submission. $ same as zfem. : $ z :R % n. administrati#e ser#ice.
:k n. a form of go#ernment; constitution of a state! : ka. relating to the
form of go#ernment; constitutional. : .9n. a system of go#ernment. : *k n.
go#ernment machinery. - a. under rule of!; go#erned by!; under
1urisdiction of!; politically dependent on another state!, under domination
of!. a. administrati#e; go#ernmental; 1urisdictional. same as %
& [ sn# ] # to threaten. n. threatening, a threat.
[ si ] n a &indo& pane; a sash.
[ sik ] fem of
[ sita ] a subdued; ruled, go#erned; managed; administered;
controlled, repressed; disciplined, chastised, chastened, punished. a.
fem. of zn. an administrator; a teacher.
l [ st ] n a ruler; a teacher, a preceptor; 4autama Buddha.
l [ sti ] n punishment; a sentence ) X!; fg.! se#ere aEiction.
l&+]v. to punish; to sentence; fg.! to aEict. l]v. to be punished or
sentenced; fg.! to be aEicted. : - n. in/iction of punishment or penalty,
administering punishment. : %W1n. puniti#e measures; pro#ision for
punishment. :"8a. puniti#e.
X [ stra ] n 3indu scriptures; any scripture; a treatise; an art or science.
: n. an author of a 3indu scripture or any scripture or of a treatise. : $
same as X z :a. #ersed in scriptures. : n. scriptural %no&ledge.
:, : +$ same as : :n. denunciation of scriptures. : >b a. forbidden by
scriptures; unscriptural. : +$ a. thoroughly #ersed in scriptures. : n. a
scriptural teaching; a gospel truth. : 1)8 $ a. not contained in scriptures;
unscriptural. : + same as : z :-, : -n. a scriptural prescription or in1unction;
holy rite, a sacred ritual. : @b a. unscriptural. : 1a. en1oined or prescribed
by scriptures. : %%n. e.position or e.planation of the teachings of scriptures.
:, : same as : 1 :b a. confrmed by scriptures, la&ful. X",
X&"+ same as X1 z X*a. obedient to scriptures, scriptural. adv.
same as X& X n. study of scriptures. Xv. to study of
scriptures. X&adv. in accordance &ith scriptures, obeying scriptures,
scripturally. X&#$ n. signifcance or true! meaning of scriptural saying. X
n. scriptural discussion or tal%. Xv. to discuss or tal% about!
scriptures; loos.! to discuss any technical sub1ect. X&n. discussion
about or study of scriptures. X&v. to discuss or study scriptures;
loos.! to discuss any technical sub1ect. Xa. #ersed in scriptures. n a title
gi#en to men #ersed in scriptures. X a. scriptural. X a scriptural
saying; a gospel truth. X classical music. &X!a. sanctioned by the
holy &rit; mentioned in scriptures.
% [ sya ] a go#ernable; administrable; controllable; repressible;
disciplinable; chastisable; punishable.
1, [ ha, h ] n the title of the %ing of Iersia, the Shah; a *uslim! %ing.
:?+n. *us.! a son of a %ing, a prince. : ?+n. fem. a daughter of a %ing, a
1 [ hnah ] n *us.! a %ing of %ings, an emperor; a great %ing.
1 [ hn ] n an 5ndian musical mode.
1 [ hi ] a *us.! royal 1!.
[ iuli
] n a man &hose profession it is to incise the date$palm in order
to obtain its 1uice.
[ i ] n a horn. v. to &a#e one)s horn threatening to butt or gore;
fg.! to become audaciously aggressi#e.
[ ika ] n a thin metal rod; a &indo&$bar usu.! made of iron; a spit, a
[ ikakbba ] n meat &ith spices roasted on a s%e&er.
[ ika' ]n bot.! root. v. to root, to stri%e root, to ta%e root;
fg.! to be frmly established.
[ ikani ] n nasal mucus. v. to blo& one)s nose. "!
&qyour! nose runs.
[ ikra ] n hunting, #enery; a hunted beast or bird, a prey; game.
v. to hunt. & *]v. to go out hunting. n. a hunter, a huntsman, a
#enerer. a. hunting. a hunting dog. { a beast or bird of
prey. n. a fo&ler.
, [ ikFaka ] n a teacher; a tutor fem. tutoress, tutress!; a professor; a
trainer, an instructor fem. instructress!; a preceptor fem. preceptress!. : n.
teachership; tutorage, tutorship; professorship; the profession of a teacher.
,v. to &or% or act as a teacher, to teach. :"n. a teachers) council.
,9 [ ikFa<a ] n act of learning, study; teaching or training; instruction. : Y n.
educational theory. ,9$,n. teacher)s training. ,9 a. to be learnt or
, [ ikFa>it ] n a teacher. fem. , z
, [ ikF ] n learning; study; practice; education; teaching; instruction; a
precept; a moral; a lesson; training; sarcas.! a bitter lesson, punishment.
,v. to learn; to study; to practise. ,&+]v. to teach; to educate; to
school; to instruct; to train; sarcas.! to repro#e or punish se#erely, to teach
one a lesson. , ]v. to recei#e instruction or training or education;
sarcas.! to recei#e reproof or punishment, to be taught a lesson.Md,n.
higher education. Md"-%", higher secondary education. &? ,
college education. , technical training. : u-$ n. the Director of
Iublic 5nstruction, the Director of Jducation. : F@n. a teacher; a trainer, an
instructor; a preceptor, a guru; an initiator. : G19 v. to recei#e education or
training or instruction. : + same as ,fem. : + z :+ same as , +] z
:+,n. secular and regular education and training; education and culture. : -
the Jducation Directorate. : - a. under training, apprenticed; recei#ing
education; studying under!, being taught by!. : n. an apprentice; an
understudy; a no#ice, a probationer. : n. apprenticeship; no#iciate,
no#itiate. : v. to ser#e apprenticeship; to study under. : >$Vn. an
education board. : B n. a seat of learning. : .9n. a system or method of
education or teaching or training. : .+ a. educati#e; didactic; instructi#e. : .a.
trained; educated. : ) n. the Jducation Department. : l n. spread of
education. lv. to spread education. : [n. an educationist; one &ho has
dedicated his life to the cause of education. : "kn. the *inistry of Jducation.
:"kn. the *inister of Jducation. : "8a. educational. : #$ a. desirous of learning;
see%ing education or instruction or training. n. a learner; a student, a pupil;
an apprentice, an understudy, a no#ice; a trainee. : ) same as ,] z
:t n. educational reforms. : n. an education secretary. : "n. a council
of education. :^c a. educational.
, [ ikFik ] fem of ,
, [ ikFita ] a educated; instructed; trained. fem. , z ~+ n. the
educated class; the intelligentsia.
[ ikha ] n Si%hs; a Si%h.
E, E [ ikha<'a, ikha<'aka ] n a peacoc%)s tail; a tuft of hair on the
head maintained uncut as by Brahmans. En. the peacoc%; a character of
the *ahabharata; fg.! one from behind &hose co#er some misdeed is done.
[ ikhara ] n top; ape., #erte.; summit; crest; a mountain$pea%, a pea%.

[ ikh
] n top, crest, summit; a tuft of hair on the head maintained uncut
as by Brahmans; a /ame; a beam ?%!.
[ ikhin ] n the peahen.
J [ ikhipuccha ] n a peacoc%)s tail.
[ ikh ] n the peacoc%.
, Z [ i6, i6" ] n a horn for blo&ing; a trum pet. Apv. sl.! to die,
cp.! to %ic% the buc%et, to gi#e up the ghost.
[ i6' ] n a %ind of stu-ed snac% shaped almost li%e a fruit of the
&ater$chest nut.
[ i6ra ] n the dress or dressing of lo#ers going to meet.
, Z [ i6i, i6"i ] n a scaleless and slender fresh$&ater fsh a%in to the
Q, Q
[ ijana, ijita
] n the sound of the dancer)s an%lets or similar
[ ijita
] a resounding &ith!; 1ingling &ith!.
Q [ ijin ] n an an%let that ma%es 1ingling noise usu. by dancers!.
[ iti ] n. ( a &hite; blac% or blue. : n. one &ith a blue$coloured nec%;
Shi#a !; the peacoc%.
# [ ithna ] n the place or position at the head of a person lying; a pillo&.
[ iba ] n good, &eal, &ell$being; one of the three principal 3indu gods,
Shi#a. a. good, benefcial; auspicious. &p+ fg.! to do e#il in one)s
attempt to do something good. : $ +n. the fourteenth lunar day of the month
of Ihalgoon A! &hen Shi#a is &orshipped. : n. the conception that all is
good * !. :n n. the state of Shi#a. n.n. death. : n. the upturned
eyes of Shi#a; one &ith such eyes eyes become so upturned on the e#e of
one)s death!. : 1 n. the bull. : n. the night of : +$ & fg.! the
only son or the sole sur#i#ing descendant. : Z n. a phallic symbol of Shi#a.
:n. the abode of Shi#a.
[ ib ] n the #i.en; loos.! the fo..
[ ibn ] n 4oddess Durga +$ ! the &ife of Shi#a !.
[ ibla>a ] n the abode of Shi#a; a temple of Shi#a !.
[ ibik ] n a palan=uine, a litter, a doolie, a sedan, a sedan$chair. : 1a.
going in a palan=uin or sedan. fem. : 19
[ ibira ] n camp; a camp; a tent; encampment. W1 v. to pitch a
tent or tents; to encamp.
" [ i!a ] n the %idney$bean; the bean.
" [ i!ula ] n the sil%$cotton plant. " &n. sil%$cotton, %apo%.
^, ^, ^, ^ [ i!ba, i!b, i!bi, i!bik ] n the %idney$bean or its
plant; the bean, the legume; a pod.
[ i>ara ] n the place or position at the head of a person lying; fg.!
imminence & "!.
[ i> ] n the Shiah sect; a Shiah.
[ i>kula ] n a &ild$thorny plant or its berry; zigyplus oenoplia.
[ i>la ] n the 1ac%al; the fo. fem. #i.en!. : pn. a &ild thorny plant,
agremone mexicana. :Apn. hood&in%ing. & *! a mischie#ous counsel or
[ irani ] n an oblation of s&eets o-ered to deities or to the spirits of
deceased holy persons.
[ iraira ] int e.pressing a tingling or thrill ing or uncanny sensation.
n. such a sensation.
&+, &+ [ irachda, irachdana ] n decapitation, be heading.
&+, &+ v. to decapitate, to behead.
X, X9 [ irastra, irastr<a ] n a co#er of armour for the head, a helmet; a
headdress; a turban; a cap; a hat.
[ ir ] n a #ein, a #ena, a ner#e, a tendon; rare! the artery; bot.! a
costa. : % n. #enation. a. ha#ing prominent #eins, #enose; #eined;
bot.! costate.
> [ irFa ] n the rain$tree; its /o&er.
&&+ [ ir#da ] a the region of the head; the head, the cro&n; top.
&-*$ [ ir#dhrya ] a to be borne on the head; to be obeyed or be complied
&ith; to be accepted &ith re#erence. &-*$ v. to bear on one)s head; to
obey or accept submissi#ely or &ith re#erence.
& [ ir#p ] n a turban of honour a&arded by a prince etc.; a re&ard.
&)8 >9 [ ir#bhFa<a ] n an ornament for the head; fg.! an ob1ect of glory or
re#erence, a glorious or re#erend person, an e.cellent person.
&"9, &| [ ir#!a<i, ir#ratna ] n a 1e&el for the head; a title gi#en to
Sans%rit scholars; fg.! an ob1ect of glory or re#erence, a glorious or re#erend
person, an e.cellent person.
&" [ ir#n!a ] n the superscription of a letter; the heading as of an
&@1 [ ir#ruha ] n hair gro&ing on one)s head.
[ ila ] n a stone slab or /at mortar for grinding spices &!; hailstone,
hail; a /at stone for sharpening tools, cp.! a grindstone. : n. the mortar
and the pestle. v. to hail. &q it hails.
[ il ] n stone; roc%; hailstone, hail. : ? n. bitumen; asphalt; ben0oin.
:n. a /oor pa#ed &ith stone. : n. a stone slab. : >$9, : R Sn. hailstorm. : " a.
made of stone; stony; roc%y. : "8$ n. a stone statue. : n. stora.; ben0oin. : n.
a roc% inscription.
)8 [ ilbhta ] a fossili0ed; petrifed.
" [ il!ukha ] n an arro&; the bee, the bumble bee, the &asp.
v [ ilpa ] n artistry; a &or% of art; a craft, a handicraft; arts and crafts; a
technical art; an industry; fne arts. v u-$ n. the Director of 5ndustries.
:"$ n. a &or% of art; a handicraft; artistry. : n. fne arts. : Va. #ersed in
fne arts. : same as v : a. s%illed in handicraft or in artistic &or%.
:, C9% n. artistic s%ill; artistry; the method or techni=ue of a &or% of art;
technical s%ill. : ?a. manufactured, industrial. : .+$n. an art e.hibition; an
industrial e.hibition. :+%n. a technical or industrial art; a craft; a handicraft; a
fne art. : +% n. an industrial or technical school; a school of fne arts, an art
school. : -n. an industrial act; a rule of art. : "kn. the ministry of industry.
:*k n. a machine. : *kn. an industrial engineer. : *? a. industriali0ation. : n.
a &or%shop, a manufactory; a smithy; a studio, an atelier; a museum of arts
and crafts. v n. industrialisation. v n. an art institute. va. artistic.
vn. an artist, a fne artist; an artisan; a handi craftsman fem.
handicrafts&oman!; rare! an industrial or technical &or%er.
"1 [ ia!ahala ] n a house made of glass or largely of glass, a glass$
[ ii ] n a phial made of glass.
[ iira ] n de&; frost. : 9n. a de&drop. : -a. &ashed &ith de&. : n.
de&fall. : n. a de&drop. : a. bathed in de&. : !a. drenched in or &et &ith
de&. 6 a. phys.! de&point.
[ iu
] n gregarious tree, the Dulbergia sisoo, its timber.
[ iu
] n an infant, a baby, a child; a young q{!. a. infant. : %n.
fem. an infant daughter, a baby daughter. : n. infancy, babyhood, child
hood. : n n. infancy. : B n. a 1u#enile reader. : B% a. of boo%s! intended for or ft
for 1u#enile readers. : n. childcare; bringing up and rearing of children.
: n. an infant son, a baby son. : .R a. childli%e; simple as a child. n.
childli%e nature or simplicity. : " n. the porpoise; the dolphin; astr.! the
@ynosure. : ,n. child education; 1u#enile education. : n. an infant child, a
baby child. : 1% n. 1u#enile literature, children)s literature. : 1%n. an
author of 1u#enile literature. : )a. childli%e, natural for a child; simple,
innocent. :1%n. infanticide. :1%n. an infanticide.
[ ina ] n the penis. &+9 a. gi#en to too much eatingand carnal or
sensual pleasure.
> [ iFa ] n an ear of corn; a cornstal%; a /o&er$spi%e; a /ame.
S [ iF"a ] a gentle, ci#il; polite, courteous, &ell$beha#ed, mannerly; good$
natured; righteous; educated; elegant, chaste S )>!. : n. politeness,
courteousness; ci#ility; refnement, decorum; righteousness. : n. residual air.
S%1 same as S z S_>9 n. polite or courteous address. S,
S9 n. eti=uette; ci#ility, courtesy; polite or amiable beha#iour. S@b a.
in contrast &ith or op posed to good manners. Sa. obser#ant of the rules
of eti=uette; ci#il, courteous; &ell$beha#ed; amiable.
>% [ iFya ] n a pupil; a disciple; a de#oted! follo&er. fem. >% :n n. pupilage;
, [ isa, is ] n a &histling sound made by contracting one)s lips, a
&histle; a s&eet short note as of birds!. +]v. to &histle.
1 [ iharana ; n a thrill; a shi#er or shudder; horripilation.
1, 1& [ ihar, iharn# ] # to ha#e a thrill; to horripilate, to ha#e goose$
/esh; to shi#er or shudder.
1 [ iharita ] a thrilled; horripilating; shi#er ing or shuddering.
[ kara ] n a #ery fne particle of rain /ying in air; a drop of &ater.
[ ta ] n &inter; cold, chill; feeling of chilliness or cold. a. cold; cool; ft
for &inter X!. , -, v. to feel cold; to shi#er &ith cold.
&v. to &inter. & pv. to shi#er &ith cold. &&&qto be re lie#ed of
the sensation of cold, &inter is at an end. &&q&inter has set in. e?
&&qit is cold today. : pn. goose$/esh caused by sudden! sensa tion of cold.
:n. o#er$sensiti#e ness to cold; aEiction caused by cold. : &a. o#er$
sensiti#e to cold. : n. the &inter season, &intertime, &in ter, cold &eather.
: a. of &inter, &inter, &intry. : n. a refrigerator. : ka. air$
conditioned. : n. refrigeration. : .- a. characteri0ed bypredominance of cold.
:.- + a cold country. :X n. &arm clothes; &inter garment; &oollen clothes.
[ tala ] a cold; chilly; cool; soothing !; soothed, &armed up
.9!; n. the e#ening food$o-ering to a deity. v. to ma%e cold; to
cool; to soothe, to assuage. : n. a mat #ery soothing and cool to lie upon.
:$ a. cold to the touch; fg.! sooth ing. n. the presiding female deity of
small$po., chic%en$po., measles etc. : , n. a place for public
&orship of 4oddess Shitala !. 9 n. ma%ing cool, cooling.
) n. getting cool, cooling.
{ [ tu ] n the moon.
" [ t"a!a ] n ad#ent of cold or &inter.
-% [ tdhikya ] n e.cess of cold.
[ ttapa ] n &inter and summer; cold and heat. : ka. air$
$ [ trta ] a stric%en &ith cold; shi#ering &ith cold; o#er$sensiti#e to cold.
&i [ t#F<a ] a both hot and cold; tepid. : n. geog.! the temperate
N [ tkra ] n hissing sound indicating sud den sensation of pleasure!.
- [ dhu ] n honey; a %ind of alcoholic drin% made from sugar$cane 1uice.
9$ [ r<a ] a lean, thin; emaciated. fem. 9$ z : a. lean$bodied. : n.
thinness, leanness.
>$ [ rFa ] n the head; top, ape., summit; tip; the highest or the frst or the
most dis tinguished place also >$W1!; geom.! a #erte. of an angle etc.!.
:a. used as a sfx.! ha#ing a particular title, entitled, styled; headed. : 9 n.
geom.! a #ertical angle. : W1 a. situated on the top or on the head.
,>$W1 u- to stand or come frst in an e.amination. : W1 a. high
est, frst; most distinguished, chief, topmost.
[ la ] n nature; natural disposition; character; conduct, beha#iour,
manners; practice. a. used as a sfx.! natured, disposed to +!;
practising +!. fem. a. z : n. a character$certifcate. : [a. practising
#ir tues, #irtuous.
{p [ unGk ] # to smell. a. smelled, smelt. {p&v. to cause to smell.
{p [ unG"aki ] a of fsh! preser#ed by seasoning and drying in the sun;
emaciated and shri#elled up {p 1!. n. dried and seasoned fsh.
{p [ unG"i ] n a legume, a pod.
{pB [ unG"ha ] n dried ginger.
{p [ unG' ]n a proboscis, a trun% as of the el ephant!; a snout as of the
tortoise!; facet.Kof human beings! the mouth including the nec%; an
antenna, a feeler as of an insect!. {p &v. to stretch out one)s proboscis
or trun% or snout or antenna; facet.Kof human beings! to crane one)s nec%.
[ unG'i
] a #ery narro& {p #!.
[ unG'i
] n a &ine$seller, a #intner; a dis tiller, a bre&er; a publican, a
ta#erner. {p +, :n. a &ine$shop, a grog$shop; a public house, a ta#ern,
ale$house old name!. {p, " one o-ender bears out another, cp.!
birds of the same feather /oc% to gether.
{ [ uka ] n the popin1ay, the parrot.
{ [ ukatr ] n the #esper; astr.! Benus.
{& [ ukn# ] # to free or be freed from mois ture, &ater etc., to dry
{&!; to sun or be sunned - {&!; to &ither or be &ithered A {&!; to
emaciate or be emaciated q& {&*&J!; to heal or be healed ' {&!.
{!, {! [ ukta, uktani ] n a dish of bitters, bitters curry.
{!, {! [ ukti, uktik ] n nacre, abalone, ear$shell, oyster. {!$?n.
{; [ ukra ] n &astr.' the Benus; the #esper; sperm, semen; the preceptor of
daityas C+%! usu. {;*$!. : % n. spermatorrhoea, in#oluntary seminal
discharge. :, : n. Lriday. {;9n. spermato0oid.
{ [ ukla ] n th( )hit( c*l*ur. a. &hite, hoary, grey { !; bright, light; clean,
clear; fair; pure. fem. a. { z : n. &hiteness. : #n. any lunar day of the
bright fortnight. :,n. the bright fortnight.
{ [ ukh ] a dry; e.clusi#e of bed and board { "3& ?!. n. drought
1?{!; roasted or sunned tobacco used as =uids or in bidis !.
{ [ uci ] a pure; clean, immaculate; sancti fed; holy; #irtuous; &hite. : n.
pu rity; cleanliness; immaculateness; sanctity; holiness; #irtuousness; &hite
ness. e{ a sho& of purity or sanctity or #irtuousness or cleanliness;
sanctimony. : 3, : n. a hysterical mania for cleanliness and sanctity. : Gl a.
su-ering from a hysterical mania for cleanliness and sanctity. : [a. practising
sanctity and #irtue; #irtuous and holy. : {y a. bright &ith sanctity or
#irtuousness. :a. ha# ing a pure or bright smile. fem. : z
{? [ ujani ] n a diapered bedco#er.
{E [ u<'a ] n a proboscis, a trun% as of the el ephant!; a snout as of the
{b [ uddha ] a faultless; /a&less; immaculate; clean; pure; purifed; rectifed,
holy, sacred; sanctifed, consecrated; #irtu ous; chaste; genuine;
unadulterated; correct, right u {b!; mere, only {b + !. adv. only,
merely {bh&X!. {b v. to clean; to purify; to sanctify, to consecrate; to
rectify, to correct; to amend. : n. correctness; /a&lessness, faultlessness;
purity; sa credness, holiness; chastity; genuine ness. {b 9$ phys.! a pure
spectrum. : /, : "a. chaste or #irtuous in mind, pure$hearted. : n. a fair
copy. : Ya. pure$souled. {b n. practice of #irtue or sanctity; #irtuousness;
sanctity; cleanliness. a. practising #irtue or sanctity or cleanli ness. {b
same as {b n.!. {ba. same as {b a.!. fem. {b9 z {b{b a. holy
and profane; pure and impure; right and &rong; cor rect and incorrect. {bn.
purifcation; purgation; sanctifcation, consecration; rectifcation, correction,
amendment; reformation; purity; cleanliness; chas tity; correctness;
reclamation from e#il, untouchability, social inferiority etc. {b n. list of
errors attached to a boo%, errata, corrigenda.
[ udh
] # to repay, to pay bac%.
{- [ udhu ] a empty {-1&!; bare {- &!; mere, only {- ?!. adv. merely,
simply, only {- 1&q!. {- {- adv. for nothing {- {- " ]!; in #ain {-{-
S !.
{ [ unana ] a &ithout a noise, completely si lent. n. complete silence.
{ [ unni ] n la&! a hearing.
{& [ unn# ] # to ma%e one hear; to inform; to cause to pay heed to; to
sting &ith &ords, to re#ile, to gi#e a person a piece of one)s mind # {&
+&&q!. v {&v. to tell one a story. {&v. to sing one! a song.
{) [ ubha ] n &eal, &ell$being, the! good. a. doing good, benefcial,
benefactory; auspicious; fa#ourable; promising. fem. a. {), {) inc.! :
same as : 6 z :"$, : *$ n. an auspicious &or%; a solemn or religious rite or func
tion or ceremony. : ,9 n. an auspicious or fa#ourable moment or time; an op
portunity, a chance. : G1 n. astrol.! an auspicious or fa#ourable planet or star.
:6 a. doing good, benefcial, benefactory. : 6a. fem. of : 6 zn. a system
ofarithmetical calculation in troduced by Shubhan%ar. : +, : + same as : 6 fem.
:+ z :+R Sn. an aus picious or fa#ourable or %ind loo% or astrol.! aspect; the
solemn rite of the bride and bridegroom loo%ing at each other at a 3indu
&edding. : An. a happy result or outcome. : ,9 n. an auspicious sign or mar%
or omen. : x n. an auspicious moment. : + n. good ne&s. {),n. &ell$
&ishing. {),a. &ell$&ishing. n. a &ell &isher. fem. {),9 {)" n.
an auspicious coming; a %ind #isit, a &el come #isit. {)-% same as {),
z{)-% same as {),fem. {)-% {) n. an auspicious or solemn
function or ceremony. {)#$ same as {),fem. {)#$ z{)$+ n. %ind
blessing or benediction. {){)n. &eal and &oe; good and e#il. {&)Jn. &ell$
&ishes, good &ishes.
{y [ ubhra ] a &hite; grey, hoary {y !; in candescent, bright {y e&!;
fg.! pure, unblemished, chaste, #irtuous {y "!. fem. {y z {yn.
&hiteness; fg.! purity.
{" [ u!ra ] n counting, enumeration e+"{" + census!; calculation;
{@ [ uru ] n commencement, beginning; start; inception. {@ 1]v. to
com mence, to begin; to start. {@ #& > from beginning to end.
{@ [ uru> ] n soup.
{j [ ulka ] n duty on import or e.port, cus toms; ta., toll; a marriage$portion,
a do&ry; price. : n. the customs house. {j- a. bonded. {j-9%
bonded &arehouse.
{ [ uani ] n cresses!.
{{ [ uuka ] n the porpoise, the dolphin.
{> [ urF ; n nursing of the sic%!. {> v. to nurse. : n. a male
nurse. a. nursing. fem. :9n. a nurse; a nursing! sister.
{ [ uFka ] a dry {X!; &ithered {m!; sapless, pithless {!; dull,
uninteresting, pointless {$ !; pale {" !; parched {!; harsh { w!;
#apoury or empty or insipid { %!; merely formal {)!. :n. dryness.
8 [ ka ] n a beard of corn, an a&n; the chrysalis. : n. the caterpillar; the
chrysalis. :I a. lar#icide. :-% n. a&ned rice.
8 [ kara ] n the hog, the boar, the s&ine. fem. 8 the so&. %8 n. the
&ild boar. :q, : n. the pig. :n. a s&ineherd. 8& " por%, ham.
8 [ dra ] n the lo&est of the four 3indu castes, Shudras; a shudra. 8a. fem.
a female shudra. 89n. fem. a female shudra; a shudra)s &ife. 8n. fem. a
shudra)s &ife.
8 [ na ] a poet, corrup. of 8% z
8% [ nya ] n math.! 0ero; cipher; nothing; the s%y; an open or empty place,
space, the! #oid; ine.istence; absence. a. destitute of, de#oid of
?8% b8%!; #acant; empty; stoical, indif ferent. in comp. used as a sfx.!
$less R 18% + homeless!. : _n. an empty pitcher; fg.Kdero.! a man of no
&orth or substance, a man of stra&. : ;$n. astr.! the aclinic line. : )$ a.
containing nothing &ithin, empty; hollo&; fg.! unsubstantial or insincere
8%)$ # + empty &ords!. : n. #acancy; emptiness; stoicism, indi-erence.
:+R Sn. a #acant or blan% loo%. : # an aerial route. : &adv. to&ards the s%y. : + n.
the Buddhist doctrine &hich holds that the &orld has e#ol#ed out of nothing
and &ill pass into nothing; atheism, nihilism. : +a. Buddhistic, Buddhist;
atheisti cal, atheistic; nihilistic. n. a Bud dhist; an atheist; a nihilist. 8% " n.
a #acant or unoccupied mind; an indif ferent or stocial mind. : "&adv. in a
#acant mood. :"$ n. aerial path; pas sage through the air. : *n. a /ight. :W1 n.
empty or #acant space; a blan%; a gap. : 1l a. empty$handed; f nancially hard
up, bro%e; not carrying any &eapon. : 1&ladv. empty$handedly; &ithout ha#ing
any! money; &ithout carrying any &eapon. : 1 same as : 1l z :9 n. act of
ma%ing empty; e#acuation. 8%R a. emptied; e#acuated.
8 [ pakra ] n loos.! a coo%.
8 [ ra ] a #aliant; heroic. n. a #aliant man or fghter; a hero. 8&a.
beftting a hero.
8$ [ rpa ] n a &ic%er$&or% platter or tray for &inno&ing.
8 [ la ] n a sta%e for impaling a criminal; a trident; a pi%e; a s%e&er, a spit;
pain, in/ammation +8!; colic. 8&&+], 8& &v. to impale as a criminal!.
:I a. curing in/ammation or colic. : f a. s%e&ered or spitted and roasted. : n.
one holding a tri dent in one)s hand; Shi#a !. : b a. pierced &ith a trident
or pi%e; spitted, s%e&ered. : +, : %#n. colic pain. 8G n. pi%ehead; the point
of a trident or sta%e. 8n. pain, ache, in/ammation; coll.! itching. 8&v.
to become painful, to ache, to in/ame; coll.! to ha#e an itching for B "
8&!. 8 same as :98% a. roasted on a spit or s%e&er 8%"!.
R [ M"la ] n the 1ac%al, fem. R z
R : [ M6khala ] n a chain; fetters, irons; rule, sys tem, arrangement, due
order; restraint or discipline. R :$" n. math.! chain rule. R :n. method,
system; due succession or order, se=uence; arrangement, orderliness;
restraint or dis cipline. R :b a. chained, fettered; methodical, systematic;
orderly; disci plined. R :1 a. disorderly; con fused; undisciplined;
immethodical, unmethodical, unsystematic; hapha0 ard. R : a. chained,
R Z [ M6"a ] n a horn; an antler; a pea%; summit; a &ind$instrument ori. made
of horn, a horn. , R Z a cornicle. :=n. the sound of a musical! horn.
RZ [ M6"kra ] a corniform.
RZ [ M6"ra ] n rhet.! the sentiment relating to se.ual union or intercourse
usu. R Z!; the erotic sentiment; se.ual intercourse, coition; toilet and
dressing of a &oman preparing herself to meet her lo#er or of an elephant,
an idol etc.!.
RZ [ M6" ] a horned; corniculate. n. a horned beast.
], %] [ #', y#' ] n a %ind of &ild tree.
[ kha ] n *us.! a Shei%h!.
[ khara ] n a cro&n, a diadem, a coronet; a chaplet; a pea%, a crest, a
[ kh ] # to learn; to study; to practise; to undergo training. n.
learning; study ing. a. that &hich has been learnt or studied or practised.
&, : v. to teach; to educate; to train; to instruct. a. that &hich has been
taught; tu tored, instructed. & , a tutored or primed &itness.
[ ja
] n a bed.
[ ja
] n a lamp &ithin a chimney, a lan tern.
B [ "ha ] n an upcountry merchant.
A, A, A [ phli, phl, phlik ] n the horsinghar, a &hite
fragrant autumnal /o&er; its tree.
"? [ !ija ] n a chemise.
] [ r#>ni ] n a %ind of long coat &orn by men.
[ ra ] n the tiger; the lion.
[ la ] n a sharp$pointed mythological missile. : " a. li%e the aforesaid mis
sile; as painful or fatal as a stro%e of the aforesaid missile. &&" ? to
cut a person! to the heart.
> [ Fa ] n myth.! a %ing of sna%es; end, ter mination; close; conclusion,
fnish; completion; ruin or destruction or death > +!; the rear, the
bac%side, the bac%$end, the rearmost or bac%most part or position &&>!;
the last or lo&est position or place &&>!; remainder, balance; settlement,
solution &$ >!. a. last; con cluding; ultimate; fnal; lo&est; rearmost;
remaining. >v. to fn ish, to complete, to end, to conclude; to ruin or
destroy or %ill, to do one! in. > 1]v. to be fnished or con cluded; to end,
to conclude; to close; to be ruined or destroyed or %illed. >uW1, > +n.
the last or fnal stage; the end; the dying stage. : &adv. at last, in the end.
:+ n. the last =uarter. > n. the 2ast Nudgment, Doom. >& + the
Nudgment day, Doomsday. > n. the Linal Nudge. : ) n. the last part; the
re maining portion. : " o$ n. the last mo ment, the ele#enth hour. : *n. the last
1ourney; death. : ,n. that &hich sa#es the situation at the last moment,
happy ending of a situation &hich seems hopeless. : , : n. the last part of
the night; small hours. >W1 same as > uW1 z>&>adv. at the last
moment, at the ele#enth hour; at last, in the end, at long last; ultimately;
fnally. &>adv. in the end; in conclu sion; to&ards the close; ultimately, f
nally; at last; last &> h!. &>!a. mentioned last of all; last$named.
C% [ aitya ] n coldness, cold; chilliness, chill; frigidity; humidity.
C#% [ aithilya ] n looseness, /accidity; dishe# elled or blo&sy state;
slac%ness; la. ness; tiredness, fatigue; slo&ness, tardiness; absence of
earnestness or care fulness.
C [ aiba ] a of or &orshipping Shi#a !. n. a 3indu community
&orshipping Shi#a !; a member of this community.
C [ aibalin ] n a ri#er.
C [ aibla ] n lichen, moss; alga pl. algae!.
C [ aila ] n a mountain; a roc%; a hill. : ?a. born of or gro&n on a mountain
or a hill; mountainous or hilly. : ?a. fem. of C?n. same as : z :?n.
*ena%a. "! the &ife of the 3imalayas. : Y n. petrology; petrog raphy. : " a.
mountainous or hilly. : n. a ridge. : n. daughter of a mountain; 4oddess
Durga +$ !, the daughter of the 3imalayas.
C [ ailntarpa ] n a promontory.
C [ ail ] n style T!.
C&4 [ ailndra ] n the lord or %ing of mountains; the 3imalayas.
C& [ ail>a ] a hill$gro&n. n. a fragrant resin, ben0oin, stora..
C&&N,$R S [ ail#tkFpa-bMF"i ] n geog.! relief$rain.
C, C, CW1 [ aiaba, aiabakla, aiabbash ] n infancy, ba
byhood; childhood; childhood days. C a. of infancy or childhood days;
infantile. C&a. proper for infancy or childhood; child$li%e; babyish or
childish. CZn. a com panion or friend of one)s childhood. CR n.
reminiscences! of one)s childhood days. C-adv. from or since childhood.
p [ # ] int e.pressing? a s&ishing or &hir ring or &hi00ing sound.
p$p [ #-!G# ] int e.pressing? repeated or con tinuous &hi00ing sound.
[ #ka ] n mourning or grief. v. to mourn, to grie#e for!. : #,: n.
an elegy; a dirge. : Gl a. berea#ed; grief$stric%en. : n. a sign or to%en of
mourning. : ?a. mournful; &oe ful, distressing, sad, lamentable. : *n. a
funeral procession. : n. an elegy; a dirge. : a. aEicted &ith grief, grief$
stric%en. : )n. a condo lence meeting. : n. an ocean of grief. : 8 a.
indicating grief or mourning. a. beside oneself &ith grief,
o#er&helmed &ith grief. x same as z JK a. be set or
o#er&helmed &ith grief. same as $ z n. the burning fre of
grief. 1 same as : ? zS same as JK z& n. outburst of grief.
))8 same as JK z $ a. grief$stric%en. & same as & z
, [ #cana, #can ] n mourning or grie#ing; lamentation; repentance;
regret. a. mournful; grie#ous; &oeful; lamentable; sad; regrettable;
sorry uW1 + a sorry plight!; mis erable.
9 [ #<ita ] n blood. : -n. a stream or /o& of blood; loos.! blood$
circulation. :9, : 9n. a small drop of blood; anat.! a blood$corpuscle. : n.
bloodshed; haemorrhage. 9.9 a blood$suc%er. : n. blood
thirstiness. : a. bloodthirsty. : .1 same as : - z :",9 n. med.! blood$
letting. : Qa. smeared &ith blood, bloodstained, blood bespotted, bloody.
:n. a #ein; an artery. : >9 n. act of suc%ing in oth ers) blood; fg.! e.tortion.
: n. blood$bath. P n. haemorrhage. 9! same as :Q z
9" [ #<i! ] n red glo& or tinge; /ush.
# [ #tha ] n dropsy. #"v. to ha#e drop sical s&elling.
- [ #dha ] n repayment; payment, ac=uittance, clearing o- dues!; re#enge,
#en geance, retaliation. - v. to re pay; to pay. -& same as -&] z
- +]v. to pay bac%, to re pay; to pay; to ta%e re#enge upon!, to a#enge;
to retaliate. - ]v. to ta%e re#enge on, upon!, to a#enge; to retaliate.
- *]v. to be repaid or paid. : - n. settling or balancing of accounts; fg.!
ha#ing one)s re#enge on somebody, s=uaring up &ith some body; fnal
settlement. -% a. repay able.
- [ #dhaka ] a purifying; sanctifying; conse cratory; cleansing, refning;
rectifying; correcti#e; reformati#e; repaying; pay ing.
- [ #dhana ] n purifcation; sanctifcation, con secration; clearing or
refning; rectif cation; amendment, correction; re#i sion; reclamation;
reformation; repayment; payment; ac=uittance. -v. to purify; to
sanctify, to conse crate; to cleanse or refne; to rectify; to amend, to correct;
to re#ise; to reform. -a. fem. same as - z - a. to be or capable of
being purifed or sanctifed or consecrated or cleansed or refned or rectifed
or corrected or reformed or repaid or paid.
-& [ #dharn# ] # to rectify or be rectifed; to correct or be corrected; to
mind one)s &ays.
-," [ #dhkFa!a ] a insol#ent. -,"n. insol #ency.
- [ #dhita ] a purifed; sanctifed, conse crated; cleansed, refned;
rectifed - 1; amended, corrected; re#ised; reclaimed; reformed;
repaid; paid.
[ #n ] # to hear; to listen to!; to obey # !; to comply &ith; to pay
heed to. a. that &hich has been heard or listened to; heard or learnt from
oth ers #!. : v. to ma%e one hear; to inform or tell; to cause to obey;
to cause to pay heed to. &&v. to sing one! a song. :" adv. immediately
on hearing, directly upon hearing.
) [ #bhana ] a beautiful, lo#ely; comely, debo nair; graceful; elegant;
decorous; de cent; becoming. fem. ) z ) a. becoming.
)" [ #bha!na ] a e.isting or being present beautifully; loo%ing beautiful
or deco rous. fem. )" z
) [ #bh ] n beauty; beautiful sho&; glam our. ) v. to beautify; to
embel lish; to adorn; to grace. ) ]v. to e.ist or be present beautifully;
to loo% beautiful or decorous; to beho#e or become. ) 1]v. to loo% beau
tiful or decorous; to ha#e a beautiful sho&; to be adorned or graced. : a.
beautifying; adorning; decorating; gi# ing grace to; gi#ing glamour to. : " a.
beautiful; graceful; ha#ing a beautiful sho&; glamorous. fem. : " z :*n. a
procession. )* & *]v. to go in a procession. )* v. to ta%e
out a procession. : *n. a processionist. : 8%, :1 a. ha#ing no beauty; ha#ing no
beautiful sho&.
) [ #bhita ] a beautifully e.isting; beautifed; embellished; dec%ed;
adorned; deco rated; graced.
) [ #bh ] a beautifying; adorning; adding grace to. fem. ) z
A [ #phra ] n a chau-eur fem. a chau-euse!.
[ #> ] # to lie do&n, to go to bed; to sleep. {& v. to lie do&n; to go
to bed; to lie prostrate. : v. to cause to lie do&n; to lay do&n; to force to lie
prostrate; to cause to succumb. : n. fg.! deportment, bearing; fg.! act of
li#ing &ith another as neighbours or in the same society; fg.! social
intercourse. : v. to li#e &ith another as neighbours or in the same
society; to ha#e social inter course &ith.
[ #ra ] n a loud and confused! noise, an uproar. v. to raise an
uproar. :n. an uproarious noise; hue and cry; clamour.
[ #r ] n nitre, salt$petre. :'a. nitric.
[ #la ] n a large tubular fsh.
[ #l ] n sponge&ood, hat$plant, sola. ?n. sola &or%, artistry
&ith sponge&ood or sola. n. a sola hat.
> [ #Fa ] n dryness; 1uiceless or sapless state; med.! consumption; med.!
si nus. a. dried up &ithin > "8&!.
>$? [ #Fa-k"aja ] n blotting$paper.
> [ #Faka ] a absorbing; drying up; suc%ing in; fg.! e.torting. n. an
absorber; a suc%er; fg.! an e.tortioner, sponger.
>9 [ #Fa<a ] n absorption; act of drying up; suction; fg.! e.tortion. >9
v. to absorb; to dry up; to suc% in; fg.! to e.tort.
> [ #Fita ] a absorbed; dried up; suc%ed in; fg.! sub1ected to e.tortion.
1 [ #harata ] n announcement, proclamation. r$1n. proclamation by
beat of drums.
1 [ #hin ] n an 5ndian musical mode.
[ aukhina ] a gi#en to niceties; gi#en to lu.ury, lu.urious; ha#ing refned
or delicate taste; dainty; fancy ? + fancy goods!. : n. lu.uri
ousness; inclination to niceties; posses sion of refned or delicate taste; dainti
, "$, ; [ auca, aucakar!a, aucakri> ] n purity; sanctity;
scriptural cleansing or purifcation of one)s body and mind; &ashing or
cleansing of one)s posteriors after e#acuationof bo&els. v. to &ash or
cleanse one)s posteriors after e#acuation of bo&els; to cleanse or pu rify
scripturally one)s body and mind; to sanctify. n. a latrine, a la#a tory, a
E [ au<'a ] a drun%en, inebriate, into.icated; greatly addicted or
habituated to &E!; celebrated +&E!. E, E same as {p

E same as {p z
*$ [ aurya ] n #alour, pro&ess; heroism; strength and courage. : a.
#alorous, #aliant; heroic; strong and courageous. fem. :
a [ ba ] n the dog. :+ n. a canine tooth. : R /n. dog$li%e beha#iour, doggish ness;
ser#itude, ser#ility; mean or cringing /attery.
a{ [ baura ] n a father$in$la&; an uncle$in$la&. : ' n. a &oman)s father$in$la&)s
house, a husband)s house. : a{ n. a man)s or &oman)s father$in$la&)s
a [ baru ] n a !*th(r-in-la); an aunt-in-la).
a [ basana ] n breathing, respiration; loos.! in halation. R " a artifcial
respira tion.
a+ [ bpada ] n any carni#orous ferocious beast of prey; loos.! a &ild beast.
: :"9$ a. infested &ith ferocious beasts of prey.
a [ bsa ] n breathing, respiration; breath; asthma; asthmatic spasm; the
last gasp. a]Bv. to be in the last gasp; to be attac%ed &ith a spell of
asthmatic spasm. a qv. to breathe out, to e. hale. a ]v. to breathe
in, to in hale. +$c a n. foul breath; med.! halitosis. aS n. breathing
trouble; laboured breathing, dyspnoea; laboured breathing of a dying person.
:4 n. anat.! the respiratory centre. : ;n. breathing, respiration. : G19 n.
inhalation. :G19 same as a&] z :% n. e.halation. :% same as a q
z :n. anat.! the &indpipe, the trachea. : .a n. breathing, respiration. : *k n.
anat.! the respiratory organ, lungs. : n. any disease characteri0ed by
breathing trouble, such as, asthma, bronchitis etc. : - n. su-ocation or
cho%ing; bated breath. : - v. to su-ocate; to cho%e; to ma%e breathless.
:- 1]v. to be su-ocated or cho%ed; to be come breathless. : -a.
su-ocating, cho%ing. an. a medicine or cure for breathing trouble.
a [ bta ] n the &hite colour. a. &hite; of hair! grey. : a. &hite comple.
ioned. : n. leucoderma. : "$ a. &hite$s%inned, &hite$comple.ioned. : n. a
mythological island, the is land of the moon; often facet.! the British 5sles.
:#, : .l n. marble. : .+ n. leucorrhoea, &hites. : !9 a &hite corpuscle.
:a. greybearded. : >$n. &hite mustard, Brassica alba. : n. starch.
:u*!&a bot.! simple starch. : 1ln. lit. ( fg.! a &hite elephant. aZ a. one
&hose comple.ion is &hite. (s=uare; n. the &hite man; a Juropean or
American. a)a. ha#ing a slightly &hite glo& or tinge, &hitish; loos.!
incandescent. a, an. leucoderma.
, , )8 " [ !ana, !anapur, !anabh!i ] n a cremato
rium, a crematory, a cremation ground; fg.! a deserted and cheerless place,
house etc. &9 v. to turn into or reduce to a cheerless desert.
n. 4oddess Aali !, the presiding deity of cremato ria. a.
roaming or li#ing in crematoria. fem. 9 zc n. one &ho
accompanies or carries a dead body to the crematorium. a. li#ing in
crematoria. fem. zT% n. the perception of transitoriness of the
&orld, &ith &hich the mind of a #isitor to a crematorium becomes imbued for
a &hile; fg.! sham distaste or a#ersion for the &orld 1ust before death.
[ !aru ] n beard of man)s face!. : "Ea. co#ered &ith beard, bearded.
:a. co#ered &ith beard, bearded. : 8% :1 a. beardless. : )a. bedec%ed &ith
beard, bearded.
%] [ y#l ] n lichen, moss; alga.
%" [ y!a ] a cloud$coloured; dar% blue; bottle green; green; dar%$coloured;
1et blac%; ha#ing a dar% yet #ery s&eet comple. ion, cp.! brunet fem.
brunette!. n. Arishna R i!. %" to ha#e to choose bet&een
one)s lo#er and infamy on the one hand and one)s husband and good name
on the other; fg.! to be bet&een the horns of a di lemma. : a. ha#ing a
dar% yet #ery s&eet comple.ion. : 9$ n. cloud li%e colour; dar% blue or bottle$
green colour; green or dar% colour; 1et blac% colour; dar% yet #ery s&eet
comple. ion. a. same as %" a.!. : poet.! : a. same as %" a.!. fem.%"
%" c the mother! earth green &ith crops and #egetation. : , : "n.
the state of ha#ing cloud$li%e or dar% blue or bottle$green or green or dar%
colour or a dar% yet #ery s&eet comple.ion. : a. loos.! fem. of : zn. a pet
name for a dar%$coloured co&. : n. Arishna R i!; a small bird of the munia
family, the blac% headed munia. : , %"
#ariants of %" z %"
a. fem. of %"
a.!. n. rhet.! an uncommonly beautiful &oman ha#ing a da00lingly bright
cream$coloured comple.ion, &ho is #ery pleasant to touch; 4oddess Aali ;
a song$bird of the thrush$fam ily, the shama; an e#ergreen creeper. %"n. a
%ind of &ild paddy. %"Z a. dar%$comple.ioned. fem. %"Z, %"Z, %"Z z
%"&n. a green$coloured &inged insect found in late autumn. %"" a.
getting dar%, dar%ening, getting or becoming bottle green, or green.
% [ yna ] n the ha&%, the falcon; the eagle, fem. % z :, , :+R Sa. ha&%$eyed,
falcon$eyed; eagle$eyed. % +R S& , to &atch &ith a piercing or %een eye,
to &atch li%e a ha&%.
gb [ raddh ] n lo#e and respect, admiration, re# erence; esteem; confdence,
faith . gb!; de#otion gb8?!; inclination, desire & gb!. gb v.
to lo#e and respect, to ad mire, to re#ere, to esteem; to ha#e confdence or
faith in. : 7, : , : :a. respectful, ha#ing faith or con fdence in, faithful.
:)?, : + n. an ob1ect of re#erence, a re#erend person. fem. : + z :)?&> ,
:&+> to you or him as the re#erend one a form of addressing a re#erend
person in a let ter!.
g&b [ raddh>a ] a re#erend, #enerable. fem. g&b z
g9 [ raba<a ] n hearing; listening to!; audition; the ear. g9 v. to hear; to
listen to!; gi#e an audition. : a. com ing &ithin the range of hearing, au
dible. :# n. the ear; hearing. : 1)8 $ same as :g9 z : n. the ear hole. : "- a.
s&eet to hear. : *% a. &orth listening to, ft to hear; audible. : a. pleasing
to the ear. g9n. the t&enty$second of the t&enty$se#en stars according to
3indu astronomy. g9a. incapable of being heard, inaudible. g9 same
as g% zg&94 n. the organ of hearing, the ear.
g% [ rabya ] a ft to hear; audible; intended to be heard g% % + a poem
intended to be heard, not seen i.e., e.cluding drama!. :n. audibility.
g" [ ra!a ] n labour, toil; physical or manual labour; diligence, assiduity,
industry g" 1 !; e.ertion, fa tigue; rigour g" +E!. g" v. to
labour, to toil; to do physical or manual labour; to apply oneself dili gently or
assiduously; to e.ert oneself; to undergo rigours. MN+ g" produc ti#e
labour. : a. reluctant to toil, grudging labour; la0y. : ?n. produced by toil or
industry. :?a. toilsome, strenuous, fatiguing. : ?n. perspira tion caused by
toil!, s&eat. : ?a. earning one)s li#elihood by manual labour. n. same as
g" :9 n. a Buddhist mendicant, ascetic. fem. : 9 :9, : ) n. econ.! di#ision
of labour. : " same as : z :"kn. the *inistry of 2abour. : "1-%,n. 2abour
@ommissioner. : )% a. ob tainable by e-ort or application. : a. earned by toil
or industry. : v n. an industry. : , : 1i a. de#oted to labour, laborious,
painsta%ing, hardy, industrious, diligent, assiduous. : n. industry,
diligence, assiduity. : -% a. in#ol#ing labour; laborious, toil some; strenuous;
attainable by hard &or%. g" w v. to ta%e pains. g"&+ v. to allay or
remo#e fa tigue; to refresh, to freshen up. g"n. a manual labourer, a
labourer; a &or% man, an industrial &or%er. g" e& n. labour mo#ement.
g"&&* n. labour unrest; labour trouble. g"+n. a gang of labourers;
pol.! the 2abour Iarty. g"$' n. a trade union. g&"? same as g"?
fem. g&"? z
gb [ rddha ] n a respectful and &ell$&ishing of fering to the manes,
obse=uies, sraddha; sarcas.! e.tra#agant use or spending, &aste; # gb,
gb!; rather #ul.! tremendous perse cution or utter ruin; #ituperation;
sl.! an undesirable a-air. gb v. to per form one)s sraddha ceremony;
sarcas.! to use or spend e.tra#agantly; to &aste, rather #ul.! to persecute
tre mendously or ruin utterly; to re#ile. gb ]v. to parta%e of the feast
gi#en on the occasion of a sraddha cer emony. gb&v. sl.! the undesir
able! a-air &ill go a long &ay. : *$, : ;n. performance of! obse=uies or
sraddha. : n. sraddha and similar other rites so that the manes en1oy
blessed peace.
g [ rnta ] a fatigued, tired, &earied, e. hausted. g v. to fatigue, to tire,
to &eary, to e.haust. g 1]v. to be tired or fatigued, to get tired; to be
&earied or e.hausted. : a. e. tremely tired or e.hausted. : +1 a. ha#ing a
tired or e.hausted body. gn. fatigue, &eariness, tiredness, e. haustion. g
- v. to feel tired or e.hausted. g, g?a. fa tiguing, tiring,
&earisome; laborious. g1 a. remo#ing or allaying &eari ness or e.haustion
or fatigue; refresh ing. g1 a. untiring, tireless.
[ rba<a
] n the fourth month of the Bengali calendar. -$g9 n.
Shrabana g9! the month of incessant rain or cease less do&npour.
[ rba<a
] a auditory.
g [ r ] n 4oddess 2a%shmi ,!; 4oddess Saras&ati w!; &ealth, riches;
af /uence, prosperity; good luc%, fortune; beauty, grace "g!; appearance;
style, manner, attitude # g!; an appellation a,.ed to the name of a holy
person dead or li#ing or to that of a sacred thing or place g&%4 , gT%,
g&, g&,!; an 5ndian musical mode. : "n. a lotus$li%e auspicious hand.
:"&> to your or his lotus$li%e auspicious hand a form of addressing a
person politely in a let ter!. : , n. Iuri in Orissa. : En. sandal&ood. : ' n.
sarcas.! a prison, a gaol, a 1ail. : ' a. imprisonment, incarceration. : 9 n. an
auspicious foot. : &9> to your or his auspicious feet a form of addressing a
#enerable person in a letter!. : 9"n. a lotus li%e auspicious foot. : 9"&>
same as : &9> z :0"n. the ffth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month
of *agh "'! &hen 4oddess Saras&ati is &orshipped. : An. the &ood$apple.
:N n. the cloc%&ise circle of hair on the bosom of Bishnu i !. : N n.
Bishnu i !. : R bn. increase of &ealth; prosperity; ad#ancement,
impro#ement. : R b)v. to ha#e one)s &ealth increased; to prosper, to
thri#e; to ad#ance, to im pro#e. : R b- v. to cause to prosper or thri#e; to
promote prosper ity or &ealth; to cause to ad#ance, to impro#e. : yS a. fallen
from or bereft of prosperity; depri#ed of beauty or grace or glamour;
dilapidated; ruined. : "Ea. beautifed; beautiful; grace ful. : "a. fem. of
g"n. a beau tiful &oman or girl; a young &oman; Padha -!. : "Va.
gracious or glori ous usu. a,.ed to the name of a saintly man or to that of a
sacred boo% g""?, g"D!. : " a. fortu nate, prosperous; &ealthy,
aEuent. : " a. beautiful, graceful, fortunate, &ealthy, aEuent usu. a,.ed to
the name of a 1unior person!. : " n. an auspicious face. : *!, : * same as g"
usu. a,.ed to the name of a se nior or respectable man!. fem. : *! z : same
as : *! usu. a,.ed to the name of an especially respectable or adorable
man!. :8%, :1 a. depri#ed of grace or beauty or prosperity; ugly; &retched.
[ ruta ] a heard; famous, celebrated. : $ a. one &hose deeds or feats
ha#e be come &idely famous. : -, : , : , : same as -, ,
, & see !.
[ ruti ] n hearing; audition; the ear; hear say ?!; a myth; a legend;
my thology; legends collecti#ely; the Bedas; mus.! a subtle note that is
heard at the time of changing the #oice from one note to another, cp.! a
=uarter$tone. : , : &B a. grating on ears, harsh to hear, grating, 1arring; ca
cophonous, cacophonic. : a. coming &ithin the range of hearing, audible.
:% n. a drama that is en 1oyed not by seeing it acted but by lis tening to it.
:- a. capable of remem bering &hate#er one hears. n. such a person. : # n.
the ear$hole; the range of hearing, earshot. : "- a. s&eet to hear. : "8n. the
root or base of the ear. : n. act of &riting to dicta tion; shorthand &riting,
stenography. : n. a script &ritten to dictation or by shorthand. : n. a
&riter ta%ing dictation; a shorthand &riter, a stenog rapher. : a. pleasant
to hear.
g9, g9 [ r<i, r< ] n a line, a ro&, a range; a se ries %&g9!; a
community, a class -&g9!; a collection, a herd, a /oc%, a s&arm 1l&g9,
g9!; a school or college class, a class, a form >&g9, .h. g9!; a
di#ision g9& )!!; phys.! a grade. : An. sum of series. : b, : %l a.
arranged in a line or ro&, aligned, arrayed; esp. in bot.! classi fed. : c,
:% n. alignment, arrayment; classifcation. : c$b, : c$.9n. the system of
alignment or arrayment or chie/y in bot.! classi fcation. : c8 n. principles of
classi fcation. : ) n. classifcation; di#i sion into castes or communities or
classes or groups. :) !a. included in a particular line or class.
g [ r>a ] n good; &eal; &elfare; beneft; #ir tue; religion; fnal sal#ation,
beatitude. a. good; benefcial; auspicious; proper; best, e.cellent; pop.!
prefer able, better, superior. : fem. of g z :t a. doing good to!, benef cial.
fem. : t g a. better; supe rior; more benefcial; loos.! good, e. cellent,
benefcial. g&)n. attain ment of good or #irtue or fnal sal#a tion.
g [ rF"h ] a greatest; chief, principal; best, e. cellent; pop.! greater or
better, supe rior. fem. g z :, : n n. the state of being the greatest or chief or
best or e.cellent; superiority or pre$eminence.
g [ rF"h ] n a merchant prince; a merchant; a ban%er; an opulent man.
g9, g9 [ r#<i, r#< ] n the hip, the buttoc%s, the loins, the posteriors.
g% [ r#tabya ] a to be heard, proper to hear.
g [ r#t ] n a hearer; a listener.
gR $, gR "E [ r#tMbar"a, r#tM!a<'al ] n the audience.
g [ r#tra ] n the ear; the Bedas.
g [ r#tri>a ] n a Brahman #ersed in the Bedas; a class of Brahmans &ho
are not %ulins !; a Brahman of this class.
g [ r#tr ] fem of g
g [ rauta ] a en1oined or sanctioned in the Bedas, Bedic.
# [ latha ] a loose, /accid # "$!; dishe# elled # !; blo&sy #&!;
slac%, loose, loosened, slac%ened, re la.ed # c!; not strict, la. #!;
tired, &orn$out, fatigued #&+1!; slo&, tardy, slo&ed do&n, re tarded #!;
not earnest or careful & &#!.
', '% [ l"han>a, l"hya ] a praise&orthy, laudable, commendable;
' [ l"h ] n praise, laudation, commendation, eulogy; self$praise.
S [ liF"a ] a connected, 1oined; attached; re lated; embraced; rhet. ( gr.!
contain ing a pun, e=ui#ocal. 8.& n. e=ui#ocation.
+ [ lpada ] n elephantiasis.
[ lla ] a courteous, polite; modest; decent. : n. courtesy, politeness;
modesty; decency. 1n. #iolation of mod esty, outraging the modesty
of a &oman!.
> [ lFa ] n rhet.! pun; loos.! a ridicule hinted artfully, an irony, an insinua
tion. >v. to direct an ironical re mar% at or against!; to insinuate
against!. &>!n. an ironical or in sinuating or =uibbling remar%.
[ lF! ] n nasal mucus, catarrh, rheum; mucus; phlegm. & ?"v. to
ha#e congestion in one)s chest. v. to ha#e one)s nose running. : '
same as C :.- a. ha# ing predominance of phlegm, phleg matic.
C [ laiF!ika ] a mucous; catarrhal, rheumatic; phlegmatic. C ( the
mucous membrane.
[ l#ka ] n a couplet, a distich, a #erse, a poem; fame, reno&n 9%&!.
:b&a. #ersifed.

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