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Motivating the general and specific field of study

Artificial & Computational Intelligence
Artificial Immune Systems
Immunology as a Metaphor for Adaptive Some Methodology & Motivating Biology
and Distributed Information Processing Abstraction and Hierarchical Framework
Series of Algorithms (Mechanism, Model, Algorithm)
Proposed Applications, Ongoing Work
Jason Brownlee
Complex Intelligent Systems, CITR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI: Neat vs. Scruffy

AI (A Modern Approach - Russell and Norvig) Neat Scruffy
Systems that think/act like humans Traditional (Good old fashioned AI) New Wave (1980’s +, fashionable
Systems that think/act rationally Problems: Well Defined, Complete,
Tractable Problems: Ill Defined, Incomplete,
Science Perspective: Understanding Intelligence Intractable
AI (Complex Problem Solving - Luger) Non- or Sub-Symbolic
Top-Down, Optimal Bottom-Up, Approximate
Automation of Intelligence
Features: Propositional Logic, Features: Complex, Emergent, Trial-
A Computer Science with theory, application
Predicate Calculus, LISP, Prolog, and-Error, Iterative, Empirical
Engineering Perspective: Solving Hard Problems Formal I fit in over here

Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995.
George F. Luger and William A. Stubblefield. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem S olving, USA: Addison Wesley
Longman Inc, 1997.

Computational Intelligence (CI) Computational Intelligence (CI)

Soft- Messy- Scruffy-
Computational Intelligence (CI) or Metaheuristics Artificial
‘Computers only do what we tell them’
Focuses on strategies and their outcomes for problem solving
Typically patterned after biological and natural processes Neat Scruffy
(symbolic) (soft, messy)
Popular subfields: Computational
Fuzzy, Connectionist, Evolutionary, Swarm, etc. Intelligence?
Fuzzy Neural Net

Evolution Swarm


Swinburne University of Technology 1

Natural Computation Biologically-Inspired Computation
Interested in CI approaches inspired by biology
Natural Computation (nature computation) Computing
Computation with Biology
DNA, Quantum Computing, Soap Bubbles, etc
Computation Biologically- Computational
Biologically-Inspired (Motivated) Computation
with Biology Inspired Biology
Overlap with Computational Intelligence
Computational Biology
ALife, Simulations, Synthetic Biology Neural Net

Evolution Swarm
Metaheuristics? Intelligence?

The Immune System Artificial Immune Systems (AIS)

Focus on the mammalian (human) immune Immune System + Scruffy AI = AIS
Computation inspired by the structure and function of the
The human body is under constant attack
from pathogens (virus, bacteria, etc) immune system, directed toward problem solving
Without an immune system, the host dies About 15 years old
within days
Grew from computational (theoretical) immunology
Acquired Immune System (vertebrates)
Immune cells (lymphocytes) produce
Computer Science: Natural Computational Metaphor
proteins (antibodies) that identify and Computer Anti-virus (IBM Research) …autonomic computing
neutralise pathogen
Intrusion & Anomaly Detection (UNM, Santa Fe Institute)
Does so without harming the host (mostly)
Classification & Other (HP Labs)

IBM: Antivirus Research, Kephart, et al., http://www.research.ibm.com/antivirus

Picture From: Leandro N. de Castro and Fernando José Von Zuben. Artificial Immune Systems - Part I Basic Theory and Applications [Technical UNM & SFI: Forrest, et al., http://www.cs.unm.edu/~forrest
Report]. Brazil, State Univ ersity of Campinas; 1999 Dec; TR DCA 01/99.
HP Labs Bristol: Cayzer, et al., http://www-uk.hpl.hp.com/personal/Steve_Cayzer/ais.htm

AIS: Why the Immune System? AIS: Problems and Motivation

Defence (base-level) Maybe stuck?
Pattern Recognition
Low-level Cell Based Algorithms
Anomaly Detection
Diversity High-level Metaphor of Antivirus
Adaptive (AI things...) No Quintessential Algorithm-Application
New perspective in AIS???
Intelligence? Failed to exploit parallelism and distributed properties
Parallel & Distributed (interesting things…) Most popular feature of AIS, yet…
No algorithms that are distributed from the ground up
Self-Organising No frameworks that consider beyond cell interactions
Effectively exploit parallel & distributed qualities???

Swinburne University of Technology 2

AIS: Clonal Selection AIS: Negative Selection
Theory (Burnet 1957) Theory (Burnet 1957+)
Initial pseudo-random population of lymphocyte cells Implication of clonal selection: Self/Nonself Paradigm
Lymphocyte cells are selected for proliferation by antigen Preparation and generation of cells that do not match to self
High rate of mutation (hypermutation), memory cells, plasma cells Autoimmune cells are destroyed, ‘negatively selected’
Information Processing (general learning strategy) Information Processing (change detection strategy)
Selectionist (like Darwinian evolution), asexual Initialise
Problem modelling in the complement space
Make more of what is useful, with blind copying errors Expose Monitor information stream
Algorithms / Applications Select Algorithms / Applications
CLONALG (optimization, pattern recognition, TSP) Clone
Negative Selection Algorithm
B-Cell Algorithm (optimization) (intrusion detection, antivirus)

AIRS (classification)
Variants (novelty detection,
No computer security)



Picture From: Stev en A. Hofmey r and Stephanie Forrest. Architecture for an Artificial Immune Sy stem. Evolutionary Computation. 2000 Dec 1; 8(4)443-473.

Methodology: Conceptual Framework Some Immune Biology…

Biological Inspired Algorithms Conceptual Framework
Structured process (Stepney, et al.)
Immunology as Information Processing (Forrest, et al.)
Immune focus, context for the conceptual framework

Model the

Analyse the

Demonstrate the

Conceptual Framework Figure From: Susan Stepney, Robert E. Smith, Jonathan Timmis, Andy M. Tyrrell, Mark J. Neal, and Andrew N. W. Hone,
Conceptual Frameworks for Artificial Immune Systems International Journal of Unconventional Computing, vol. 1, pp. 315-338, Jul, 2005
Immunological Information Processing: Stephanie Forrest and S. A. Hofmeyr. Immunology as Information Processing. In: Design Principles for the
Immune Syst em and Other Distributed Autonomous Systems, ed. Lee A. Segel, I. R. C. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.pp. 361-388

Biology: Additional Cell Interactions Biology: Lymphatic System

Differentiated Cells Responsible for the cells of the immune system
Selected cells proliferate and differentiate Primary Organs (central)
Different cell casts (naïve cell, effector cell, memory cell) Bone Marrow (B and T cells), Thymus (T cells)
Cell cast influences behaviour (longevity, interaction) Creation of naïve lymphocytes

Germinal Centres Secondary Organs (periphery)

Three-dimensional pocket of tissue that houses lymphocytes Spleen, lymph nodes, gut-associated tissues, tonsils, appendix

Spatial location where clonal selection takes place Filtering (blood, lymph, food, air), presentation of collected antigen
Tertiary Organs
Helper T-Cells
All other non-lymphoid tissues
B cells are selected by antigen and activated
Entry points for pathogen
B cells cannot proliferate (and differentiate) without a secondary signal
A class of T cells (helpers) mediate B cell response (two signal theory)

Picture 1 From: C. C. Goodnow . Chance encounters and organized rendezv ous . Immunological Review s. 1997; 1565-10.
Picture 2 From: Leandro N. de Castro and Fernando José Von Zuben. Artificial Immune Sy stems - Part I Basic Theory and Applications [Technical Report]. Brazil
State Univ ersity of Campinas; 1999 Dec; TR DCA 01/99.

Swinburne University of Technology 3

Biology: Cell Mobility Biology: Immunization
Migration Immune: acquired resistance to infection
Trafficking of cells from primary to secondary tissues Active Immunity (slow, long lived)
Natural: Infections eliciting an immune response
Recirculation Artificial: Inoculation, Vaccination
Trafficking of cells around the host via the vascular system Herd Immunity

Between secondary lymphoid tissues (e.g. lymph nodes) Passive Immunity (fast, short lived)
Natural: Maternal Immunity, Mucosal Immunity
Homing Protection early in life
Return of cells to the tissues where they were generated Artificial: Transplant, Antivenom
Imprinting by other cells (dendritic cells) as to the location of infection Fast and effective

Sequestration of recirculating cells by infected and inflamed tissues

Picture From: Geoffrey P. Garnett. Role of Herd Immunity in Determining the E ffect of Vaccines against Sexually Transmitted Disease. The Journal
of Infectious Diseases. 2005; 191 S97-S106.

Abstraction: System-Environment Framework: Hierarchical Perspective

System: Immune Systems Cellular Level Environment

Internal activations (triggered) Cell interactions

Learning, Adaptive, Passive acquisition of information Endogenous, exogenous
Situated, Anticipatory Tissue Level Environment
Environment: Pathogen Exposures Tissues imposing constraints
External triggers, Unknown domain Cell mobility System

Multiple exposures, Pathogen types, Exposure regimes Host Level

Population of systems
Pathogenic System
Environment exposure Immune System
Response to
stimulation (internal)
Stimulation of the
system (external)

Cellular Level… Cellular: Minimal Clonal Selection

Mechanism: Clonal Selection Theory
Replication Strategy
Hill Climbing (improvement)
Essence of clonal selection: Winner-Take-All (clonal dominance)
Algorithm: Minimal Clonal Selection Algorithm
Demonstration: Optimization, Classification, Pattern Recognition

Swinburne University of Technology 4

Cellular: Elaborated Clonal Selection Cellular: Spatial Clonal Selection
Mechanism: Lymphocyte Differentiation Mechanism: Spatial Germinal Centres
Abstraction: Abstraction:
Cellular Densities (take-over) Spatial population structure (lattice)
Cell Casts as Functional Memory Spatial competition/pressure
Naïve guess, short term effectors, long term memory Spatial responsibility (winner-take-all)
Redundancy (disposability) Topology preservation (similar info in similar locations)
Algorithm: Elaborated Clonal Selection Framework Algorithm: Spatial Clonal Selection Algorithm
Demonstration: Proportional Resource Allocation, Improved Demonstration: Feature Extraction, Data Clustering
Optimization & Classification

Cellular: Mediated Response Cellular Level: Summary

Mechanism: Helper T Lymphocytes What do we have?
Abstraction: A set of algorithms for traditional Machine Learning
Decoupled feature detection and concepts Optimization, Design, Planning
Mediated proliferation (two signals) Supervised Classification
Higher-order structures concepts Unsupervised Feature Extraction / Clustering
Bottom-up feedback (reinforcement of concepts)
What is all of this useful for? System
Algorithm: Mediated Clonal Selection Algorithm
Yet another perspective on such problems/methods
Demonstration: Supervised Classification, Feature Extraction,
Reinforcement Learning (supervised) Foundation for more elaborate immune inspired algorithms

Tissue Level… Tissue: Cell Recirculation

Mechanism: Recirculation of lymphocytes
Directed graph of information processing centres
High frequency migration of small amplitude of information
Exploitation and integration of the environment
Information dissemination, spatial redundancy
Algorithm: Cell Recirculation Algorithm
Demonstration: Partitioned Problem, Problem
Decomposition, Multiple Perspectives

Swinburne University of Technology 5

Tissue: Cell Homing Tissue: Cell Recruitment
Mechanism: Imprinting and Homing of lymphocytes Mechanism: Tissue inflammation and cell recruitment
Abstraction: Abstraction:
Recirculation model with preferential residence Triggers as discrete random spatial-temporal events
Returning to the point of creation and/or application Node inflammation, increased carrying capacity
Spatial self-organisation, spatial anticipation Increase in-flow, decrease out-flow
Algorithm: Cell Homing Algorithm Distributed recruitment, dynamic resource allocation

Demonstration: Exploit Spatial Consistency in Partitioned Algorithm: Cell Recruitment Algorithm

Problems Demonstration: Dynamic Partitioned Problems,
Resource Allocation

Tissue Level: Summary Host Level…

What do we have?
Parallel Machine Learning
Partitioned & Decomposed Problems
Consistent, Dynamic Sub-Problems
What is all of this useful for?
Partitioned model, integrated solution
Larger & Harder Problems (classification, optimization, …)
Exploiting Parallel Hardware (cores, processes)



Host: Vaccination Immunity Host: Maternal Immunity

Mechanism: Vaccination and inoculation of hosts Mechanism: Maternal and mucosal immunity
Abstraction: Abstraction:
Controlled exposure of systems to domain information Inter-generational sharing of acquired information (Lamarckism?)
Information dissemination Seed naïve systems with knowledge fragments
Transplantation: small scale (point-to-point) Too little: may as well be naïve
Vaccination: large scale (most systems) Too much: may as well be a clone of mature system

Algorithm: Host Vaccination Algorithm Algorithm: Maternal Immunity Algorithm

Demonstration: Parallel Models, Shared Domain/Acquired Demonstration: Naïve Models with Information Seeding
Epoch g

Epoch g+1

Swinburne University of Technology 6

Host: System Evolution Host Level: Summary
Mechanism: Evolution of hosts by natural selection What do we have?
Abstraction: Distributed Machine Learning
Parameterised basis for system traits Multiple Systems
Base repertoire, arrangement of interfaces, interaction with environment Share Domain/Acquired Information
Natural selection, sexual/asexual reproduction with variation Multiple Restarts
Accumulation of adaptive traits + lifetime learning (Baldwin Effect?) Seed/Adapt Naïve Models
Algorithm: Host Evolutionary Algorithm
What is all of this useful for?
Demonstration: Naïve Models With Tuning (adaptive model
parameters) Exploiting Distributed Hardware (networks)
Really Hard Problems (not-decomposable) Problem
Epoch g

Epoch g+1
System System System

Where Are We? Framework: Applications

Inspiration (Acquired Immune System) Strategies for hard problem instances
Cell Interactions Optimization, Data Mining, Planning, Scheduling
Lymphatic System & Cell Mobility Robot Navigation (Autonomous Control?)
Population Immunization Robots with sensors, Integration of signals, Cooperation between fleet
Abstraction (System-Environment) Fault Detection (Factory Machinery?)
Hierarchical Framework (Cells, Tissues, Hosts) Machines with fault monitors, Integration of signals, cooperation
Adaptive, Parallel, Distributed Information Processing Algorithms Anomaly Detection (Computer Security?)
Cellular (machine learning, e.g. optimization and classification) Network intrusion detection, Share patterns between hosts
Tissue (decomposed problem in parallel)
Host (multiple distributed systems)

Future The End: Questions?

Ongoing Investigation of Algorithms More Information?
Analytical (economy of models) My Research Page
Demonstration (benchmark problem instances)
Or Google “Jason Brownlee”
Application of Algorithms Interested In Computational Intelligence?
Domain Studies Free Software Package
Comparison to ‘state-of-the-art’ http://optalgtoolkit.sourceforge.net
Or Google “Optimization Algorithm Toolkit”

Swinburne University of Technology 7

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