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How do you define professional and personal ethics?

In my opinion, I would define them this way:

Professional Ethics - You are compliant with the company's policies, and
procedures. You also do not intend to pose harm to the company, its share and
stakeholders, or employees. You also respect authority and abide by the rules and
regulations set forth by your Manager or Supervisor.

Personal Ethics - You are compliant with the laws that govern you state or country.
You are not a menace to society. You have moral, manners, and want to good for
others without wanting something in return. And you are honest and do not lie not
matter what the circumstances are.

Job Interview Answer: Why Do You Want This Job?
Best Answers to Why Do You Want This Job?
Why do you want this job? Are you prepared to answer this question in an interview? Career expert and
author, Joyce Lain Kennedy , shares her best job interview answers to the question "Why do you want
this job?"
Keep in mind that you can customize these answers to fit your particular circumstances and the job you
are applying for.
Joyce Lain Kennedy's sample answers to the interview question "Why do you want this job?"
This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a
difference. As a finance executive well versed in the new stock options law, I see this position as
made to order. It contains the challenge to keep me on my toes. That's the kind of job I like to
anticipate every morning.
I want this job because it seems tailored to my competencies, which include sales and marketing. As I
said earlier, in a previous position I created an annual growth rate of 22 percent in a flat industry.
Additionally, the team I would work with looks terrific.
I well understand that this is a company on the way up. Your Web site says the launch of several new
products is imminent. I want be a part of this business as it grows.
Having worked through a college business major building decks and porches for neighbors, this entry-
level job for the area's most respected home builder has my name on it.
As a dedicated technician, I like doing essential research. Being part of a breakthrough team is an
experience I'd love to repeat.
This job is a good fit for what I've been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of
short- and long-term activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term
accomplishments make me feel like a billion bucks.
I want this job selling theater tickets because I'd be good at it. I'm good at speaking to people and
handling cash. I would like a job with regular hours and I'm always on time.
Although some companies are replacing Americans with imported low-wage workers, you are
standing tall. This company's successful strategies, good reputation and values make it heads and
shoulders above its competition.
I'd fit right in as a counter clerk in your fine drycleaners. I have observed that the counter clerk
position requires competence at handling several activities in quick order -- customer service,
payments, bagging and phones. I like multitasking and, as a homemaker, I have a lot of practice in
keeping all the balls in the air.
The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The buzz on
this company is that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.

Interview Questions and Answers
Job Interview Questions and Best Answers
Job interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. The
best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared. Take the time to review the "standard" interview questions
you will most likely be asked. Also review sample answers to these typical interview questions.
Then take the time to research the company. That way you'll be ready with knowledgeable answers for
the job interview questions that specifically relate to the company you are interviewing with.
Interview Questions: Work History
Name of company, position title and description, dates of employment. - Best Answers
What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met? - Best Answers
What were your starting and final levels of compensation? - Best Answers
What were your responsibilities? - Best Answers
What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them? - Best Answers
What have you learned from your mistakes? -Best Answers
What did you like or dislike about your previous job? - Best Answers
Which was most / least rewarding? - Best Answers
What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this position? - Best Answers
Questions about your supervisors and co-workers. - Best Answers
What was it like working for your supervisor? -Best Answers
What do you expect from a supervisor? - Best Answers
What problems have you encountered at work? - Best Answers
Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? - Best Answers
Who was your best boss and who was the worst? - Best Answers
Why are you leaving your job? - Best Answers
Why did you resign? - Best Answers
Why did you quit your job? - Best Answers
What have you been doing since your last job? - Best Answers
Why were you fired? - Best Answers
Job Interview Questions About You
What is your greatest weakness? - Best Answers
What is your greatest strength? - Best Answers
How will your greatest strength help you perform? - Best Answers
How would you describe yourself? - Best Answers
Describe a typical work week. - Best Answers
Describe your work style. - Best Answers
Do you take work home with you? - Best Answers
How many hours do you normally work? - Best Answers
How would you describe the pace at which you work? - Best Answers
How do you handle stress and pressure? - Best Answers
What motivates you? - Best Answers
Are you a self motivator? - Best Answers
What are your salary expectations? - Best Answers
What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? - Best Answers
Tell me about yourself. - Best Answers
What has been the greatest disappointment in your life? - Best Answers
What are you passionate about? - Best Answers
What are your pet peeves? - Best Answers
What do people most often criticize about you? - Best Answers
When was the last time you were angry? What happened? - Best Answers
If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently? - Best Answers
If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?Best Answers
Do you prefer to work independently or on a team? - Best Answers
Give some examples of teamwork. - Best Answers
More teamwork interview questions. - Best Answers
What type of work environment do you prefer? - Best Answers
How do you evaluate success? - Best Answers
If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something how would you handle it? - Best Answers
Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it. - Best Answers
Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it. - Best Answers
More job interview questions about your abilities. - Best Answers
More job interview questions about you. - Best Answers
Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company
What interests you about this job? - Best Answers
Why do you want this job? - Best Answers
What applicable attributes / experience do you have? - Best Answers
Are you overqualified for this job? - Best Answers
What can you do for this company? - Best Answers
Why should we hire you? - Best Answers
Why are you the best person for the job? - Best Answers
What do you know about this company? - Best Answers
Why do you want to work here? - Best Answers
What challenges are you looking for in a position? - Best Answers
What can you contribute to this company? - Best Answers
Are you willing to travel? - Best Answers
What is good customer service? - Best Answers
How long do you expect to remain employed with this company? - Best Answers
Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know? - Best
Interview Questions: The Future
What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you? - Best Answers
What are your goals for the next five years / ten years? - Best Answers
How do you plan to achieve those goals? - Best Answers
What are your salary requirements - both short-term and long-term? - Best Answers
Questions about your career goals. - Best Answers
What will you do if you don't get this position? - Best Answers
Candidate Specific Job Interview Questions
Administrative Assistant Interview Questions
Call Center Interview Questions
College Student / Graduate Job Interview Questions
Customer Service / Retail Interview Questions
Entry Level Interview Questions
Manager Interview Questions
Nurse Interview Questions
Part Time Job Interview Questions
Phone Job Interview Questions
Sales Interview Questions
Teen Job Interview Questions
Temporary Job Interview Questions
Behavioral Interview Questions
In addition to being ready to answer these standard questions, prepare for behavior based interview
questions. This is based on the premise that a candidate's past performance is the best predictor of future
performance. You will need to be prepared to provide detailed responses including specific examples of
your work experiences. Review examples of behavioral interview questions.
Tough Interview Questions
These are some of the more difficult interview questions that you may be asked on a job interview.
Interview Questions to Ask
The last job interview question you may be asked is "What can I answer for you?" Have aninterview
question or two of your own ready to ask. You aren't simply trying to get this job - you are also
interviewing the employer to assess whether this company and the position are a good fit for you.
Compile Responses to Interview Questions
Take the time to compile a list of responses to all types of interview questions and to itemize your skills,
values, and interests as well as your strengths and weaknesses. Emphasize what you can do to benefit the
company rather than just what you are interested in.
Typical Interview Questions
and Best Answers
Prepare for typical interview questions. Use the answer guidelines to
prepare your own winning interview answers.
What do you like most about your current or last job?
The interviewer wants to evaluate your compatibility with the position you
are interviewing for. Make your answer relevant to the job requirements.
General reasons such as new challenges, interacting with people, growth and
learning opportunities, using your initiative, working as part of a team and
meeting set objectives and goals are usually applicable to most job
Highlight the reason and make it more specific by quoting an example. "I
enjoyed having to use my initiative. I have implemented and improved a
number of the systems including the order processing system."
What do you like least about your current or last job?
With typical interview questions like this be careful that the dislikes you talk
about do not refer to specific characteristics of the job opportunityyou are
interviewing for. Stay away from reasons such as overtime and salary. Avoid
criticism of your boss, management or co-workers. Be general and refer to
the lack of or absence of what you seek in a job or work environment.
For example, "There was very little opportunity for me to use my initiative. I
regard this as one of my strengths and found it frustrating that I was unable
to get past the bureaucracy of such a big company to implement any
improvements. That is why I am enthusiastic about working for a smaller
company like this which I know encourages employees to use their
"There was a lack of growth opportunities in such as small company. One of
the reasons I am so interested in your company is that it is a much larger
organization with formal career planning structures in place."
This way you emphasize why you are a suitable candidate for this job and
company as well as turning it into a compliment to the company you are
interviewing with.
How to answer the question "What do you like and dislike about the sales
How would you describe your previous manager/boss/supervisor
When answering typical interview questions about previous managers avoid
saying anything that can be interpreted as negative. It sends up a red flag
about your attitude to authority and supervision. Even if there is something
truly negative about your boss rather try to find something positive to focus
on. The answer you give should be fact-based and not just your opinion.
For example: "My manager was very experienced, he had managed a
number of big call centers over the past 12 years. He liked his staff to be
able to work independently and I had to learn quickly to become
independent about analyzing problems and
finding solutions."
Typical Interview
How would your co-
workers describe you?
What motivates you in
your job?
How do you define
success in your job?
Describe your ideal job
How do you handle
What has been the most
difficult situation you have

In this answer you are stating a positive fact about your boss, his amount of
experience. You are also turning a possible negative about your boss, his
lack of support, into a positive about you. You have not criticized your boss
and you have taken the opportunity to highlight your ability to be proactive
and deal with a situation.
Use these sample answers to help prepare your own good interview answers
to these typical interview questions. You will stand out as the
professional and prepared job candidate.
Prepare for other common interview questions using our recommended
sample answers and interview answer guidelines.
50 Most Asked Job Interview Questions and How to
Answer Them

1. Tell me about yourself.
Keep the answer job or skill related.
2. Tell me about your dream job.
Don't mention a specific job. Say something generic like, "I want a job where I love the
work and the people I work with."
3. Why did you leave your last job?
Never refer to a major problem with management or say undesirable things about your
supervisors, co-workers or the organization. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a
positive reason such as an opportunity, or a chance to do something better.
4. What is your weakness?
Always try to give a positive answer. For example, "It takes me a long time to get ready
in the morning, so I set my alarm two hours ahead of my time in for work."
5. What are your strengths?
Sell yourself. Say how you can be a desirable employee for the company.
6. What do you know about the type of work we do?
Do a research about the company before going to the job interview.
7. Why should we hire you?
This is your chance to show why working for the company is important to you and why
you think you will fit in. Don't mention other applicants for comparison.
8. Tell me about a suggestion you have made.
This will show that you care about the company's growth. Use an example that was
accepted and successful, especially one that is related to the position.
9. Do you consider yourself successful?
You should always answer yes. Success doesn't necessarily have to be big ones, just
mention how you have achieved goals you have set for yourself.
10. Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?
Mention the activities you have done that would help market yourself like trainings or
short courses you attended, or for example say, "I gave birth and had to take care of my
baby and this experience taught me so much about patience and time management.
11. What do co-workers say about you?
Recall good things that your co-workers have said like, "My manager, Mr. Santos, once
told me that I am a very organized person".
12. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
Don't give a specific answer. Say something like, "I plan on staying for long." or "As long
as we both feel I'm doing a good job."
13. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
Regardless of your qualifications, state that you are very well qualified for the position.
Or you may say something like, "I don't think I am overqualified, but I am fully qualified."
14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
If you had, always explain yourself in a way that implies you did not want to, but had to.
15. Are you applying for other jobs?
Be honest. If you are considered an asset to the company, they just might give you a
good salary offer to get you to work with them, instead of the other companies you are
applying to.
16. Describe your management style.
Mention how you deal with your subordinates or your projects like, "I provide team
members with effective guidance and motivation to complete assignments on time so
our projects succeed." Or you can simply say "For me, good communication among
members is the best way."
17. Are you a team player?
The answer should always be a yes then cite examples. You may mention situations
where you were part of a group or organization, and the activities you've had that show
you worked well with them.
18. What is your philosophy towards work?
Don't give a monologue here. Say something short and positive like, "My philosophy is
to do my best at all times."
19. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
You may say you are comfortable with any position in the team, may it be the leader, or
follower. This shows that you can lead a team but at the same time also able to follow
directions. This shows you are flexible.
20. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
If you have, be honest and never say anything negative about your former boss or
company. Focus on saying positive like how much you have grown from the
21. What irritates you about co-workers?
Do not speak badly of your past co-workers, as this reflects a flaw on your attitude, not
theirs. Divert the negativity posed by the question. Assure the interviewer you get along
well with fellow co-workers.
22. Why do you think you would do well at this job?
Mention your skills, experience and interest.
23. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
You can say something like, "Both are important because everybody needs money to
live but job satisfaction is also important."
24. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
Mention something that was beyond your control but show acceptance and no negative
25. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
There are many good qualities you can mention but be sure to give an example or a
situation to back your answer. Or if you have a recommendation letter you may say, "I
believe my supervisor would say that my strongest point is that I'm reliable, hard-
working, efficient, timely, and responsible. I know this because he has written it in my
letter of recommendation. Would you like to see it?"
26. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor.
Never mention a problem or anything negative about your supervisor. Try to think and
then come up with none.
27. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
This is up to you. Be totally honest.
28. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
You may say that you thrive under certain types of pressure. Give an example that
relates to the type of position applied for.
29. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
You may point out that you are a quick learner and hard worker. Or state experiences
that may not be from work but are somewhat related like for a managerial position, you
may cite experiences you had as a leader in a school project.
30. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
Never give the interviewer the impression that you are more interested on other jobs.
31. Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job.
Talk about having fun but at the same time accomplishing something like a team
building you had where you gained a good relationship with your co-workers.
32. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
Be honest. Discuss with your family beforehand, assuming this question should come
33. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
Some examples are challenge, achievement, recognition, integrity.
34. How would you know you were successful on this job?
You can say something like, "When I have achieved all the goals that were set and I
have given more than what is expected of me."
35. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
Just say yes. This is a test of your loyalty.
36. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
Be generic and positive. Some examples are fair, competent, good motivator.
37. How do you see yourself five years from now?
If you answer that you have not thought about it or you have no plans yet, the
interviewer could conclude you have no vision and goals. Say something that is
achievable but not too low as this could imply you lack initiative. It should be consistent
with the objective on your resume and the skills you mentioned you have.
38. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
Mention mistakes you've had but be sure to focus more on the lessons you have
learned from that mistake.
39. Do you have any blind spots?
Don't say something specific but just say everyone has them that's why working as a
team is very important to point out and cover each other's blind spots. This answer
diverts the question to how you are as a team player.
40. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
Mention qualities that are needed for the position that you have.
41. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.
Pick a specific incident and what role you played in its resolution.
42. Describe your work ethic.
Emphasize benefits to the organization. Things like, determination to get the job done
and work hard but enjoy your work are good.
43. What are your expectations from this job/company?
You will be able to answer this question well through company research and self-
assessment. Think as if you are already part of the company. You may say something
like, "I expect challenging tasks."
44. Do you have references?
Contact your references ahead of time and have their names and contact details ready
45. Do you have any questions for me?
Always prepare questions, but those that are not answered in the company's website or
those you have not discussed. Asking questions shows you are interested to know more
about the company or the job.
46. Why do you think you will be successful at this job?
You can say something like, "Basing on my research of the company and the job
description, I can say that I have the skills and experience you are looking for.
47. What do you think of the last company you worked for?
As always, never say anything negative about the last company you worked for. You
can say you learned a lot from the company and the job, and you consider it an
important stepping stone in reaching everything you have achieved.
48. How do you handle criticism?
You can say something like, "I see criticism as an opportunity to improve my work."
Then give an example where you were criticized and you handled it in a positive way
like, "My manager once told me that the reports I gave him were unorganized so I tried
to review my past reports and asked if he had any preferences. I followed my manager's
suggestions and reconstructed my reports. My manager was happy with all the reports I
handed him after that."
49. Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities?
Employers ask this especially if the position you are applying for is higher than your
former position. This is for them to gauge if you are up for the challenge of the new
position. Give a positive answer and show them you are the job.
50. What are your activities and interests outside of work?
Say something about your interest and how it can help you on the job you are applying
for. Like basketball can teach you team work, or baking can teach you accuracy. If you
are applying for a job that requires you to be fit, you may mention physical activities that
you do like swimming or any other sport.
Job application - What did you like best/Least
about your previous 3 positions?
I'm trying to answer the following questions on a job application does anyone have any
suggestion on how to answer in a positive way without putting down anyone or the company
itself. I really don't know why they need to ask these questions feels like a trick question and
you have to answer just right so as not to look negitive.
4 years ago
Report Abuse
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Warm environment with friendly people. It was one big family.

You were able to learn many things from your job (Shows a willingness to learn new
things/and/or/ accept new training)

Asked you to stay late sometimes (You enjoyed this because you wanted more hours and more
pay, this shows that you are flexible)


Not enough room to grow or move up in the company so you have to pursue other
opportunities(All employers understand that this is important)

Too much downtime. Didnt keep busy enough (This makes it sound like you are really willing to
work and dont like to slack off)

NA (I always put NA for not applicable because it shows that you have ran out of bad things to
say about the company, trust me, this works. Ive had lots of good jobs for the government and
internet companies like google)
4 years ago
Report Abuse
1 person rated this as good
Asker's Rating:

Asker's Comment:
Great answers thanks for the help. Have a great day!
Other Answers (6)
Every company wants employees who can get along well with fellow employees and know
they'll be able to do great with customers (a "people" person) -- and I've said before that I loved
the people I worked with -- that I've made a lot of good friends. This way, you don't have to say
something you don't want and you are proving that you like people in general....and I truly
believe that in ANY company, whether it's sales or no customer contact at all, is an important
o 4 years ago
o Report Abuse
Three things you liked least, right?
1. They didn't give you an opportunity to grow or better yourself.
2. You both politely disagreed on an inexcusable matter.
3. Thing just didn't work out or the job wasn't what it promised to be.
You can say almost anything politely, really.
o 4 years ago
o Report Abuse
I hate questions like that! You could say that the position wasn't challenging enough, you
weren't the right fit for that position, that you wanted to "broaden your horizon" so you left that
position, a better opportunity came up, etc.
o 4 years ago
o Report Abuse
SoCal Country Girl
Only say positive things, do not talk negatively about previous jobs...EVER!
o 4 years ago
o Report Abuse
Jay L
I would advise you to only answer with positives. Never ever badmouth a previous employer.
6 years as a recruiter
o 4 years ago
o Report Abuse

The truth
o 4 years ago
what do you like about your job?
AUGUST 23, 2011
Reading all the comments on the secret fantasy career post made me wonder about
the things that make you happy at your job in real life. What do you love about your
job, past or present? What things make you happy about your job that might
surprise other people?
Nothing about the paycheck or benefits here. This is about the day-to-day
mundanities that you derive joy from.
You may also like:
things I don't want to know about you
questions to ask someone who has the job you just got promoted to
7 ways interviewing is like dating
{ 83 comments read them below or add one }
Will Johnson August 23, 2011 at 8:12 am
I enjoy how busy I am and the fact that I get to analyze data about our data.
We do a lot in paid search advertising and Im constantly working on finding
the cause of minor differences and analyzing trends. Its way more interesting
than doing just the paid search marketing aspect of it.
I dont think Id enjoy my job as much if I didnt get to dig into interesting
problems that others dont really know how to solve.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 8:17 am
Well, with my fantasy career, its more about what else I wouldve wanted to
study in college. As far as what I am doing today, its more about what I dont
love. Im not in my own field yet, having to resort to a job outside my field
thanks to the weak economy. Id go on, but I dont want to put a kabosh on
your post.
Katy O August 23, 2011 at 8:20 am
My favorite parts of my last job included the ability to work independently
(trust from employers) & the people I worked with. Its great to work with
people that care about their company and doing a good job. Its hard to find
that environment today because so many people just dont care about
honesty, hard work & integrity.
Meaghan August 23, 2011 at 8:29 am
Number one is that my family and I get to live overseas (once Im done
training)! But even at home, my job is rarely the same two days in a row. Im
in a training position right now where Im working on an internal help desk,
which means that Im learning exactly where in our LARGE organisation to
go for the answers to different problems. Im also learning about finances,
something totally new to my super-humanities background, but Im finding
that it is way easier than I had feared!
Nichole August 23, 2011 at 8:30 am
I work two jobs, and at both my coworkers are hilarious. This morning,
everyone is excited because were piloting adding capris to our business
casual dress code. At the other job, we have an ongoing discussion about
cankles. The combination has me snickering in my cubicle. When I hear
people talk about their awful coworkers and nightmare bosses, I say a little
prayer of thanks. Also, I like that my coworkers bring snacks. I know that
sounds simplistic, but its definitely good for morale when someone fills the
chocolate basket or stashes samples of their latest kitchen adventure in the
breakroom. There are lots of things I like about my work and my companies,
but those are the little things that help on days when I dont like much of
Katy O August 24, 2011 at 10:14 pm
Sounds like where I used to work. Really miss that place and the people.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 8:41 am
My current job has been wonderful because I get to split my time between
creative and organizational tasks. I love having that duality, because when I
get stuck on the creative stuff, I can switch gears and do the organizational
stuff. Its nice being able to use both sides of my brain. I also like that my
bosses are very effective managers. They understand the importance of hiring
good people and then simply clearing the way so their team members can do
what they do best with few obstacles.
Suz August 23, 2011 at 5:30 pm
AMEN! (to clearing out and letting employees do what we do best, and were
hired to do)
Frank August 23, 2011 at 9:20 am
Honestly, I used to like the challenge, but lately its just being able to leave :\
Liz in a Library August 23, 2011 at 9:21 am
For my field: I get paid to learn and teach. Thats pretty exciting for meI love
information in all its forms. I also get to meet new people constantly, and I do
a lot of detail-oriented work to satisfy my type A tendencies. I create
knowledge units and teaching tools. :)
My job in particular gives me a lot of leeway to choose my own projects,
instead of just doing whatever comes down from above. Thats unusual in
libraries in my sector. I also work with a really strong, close-knit group of
people who all genuinely like and respect each otherthat is pretty rare, in my
Hedy August 23, 2011 at 9:34 am
Being a constant in the folks I serves lives.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 9:37 am
Recent posts aside, I love my cubicle with the computer facing the corner. Im
a web developer and value the concentration space. I love the unending
puzzles my clients give me. I love that my job is not all consuming and I get to
go home at a reasonable hour and live a healthy life. And I love my users,
bless their technology-challenged hearts (the young ones are the most fun,
they are convinced tech is in their DNA, but of course it isnt).
Jamie August 23, 2011 at 9:42 am
I love analysis the IT and internal auditor/cost analyst parts of my job both
allow me to pour over data (what is) and see patterns and opportunities for
improvement (what can/should be). I dont think theres anything more
satisfying than solving the puzzle and then using the solution to increase
That has to be the most boring thing anyone has ever typed but someone
has apply the logic so the creative types can do what they do and bring in the
customers and their business.
And although you didnt ask what I hate about my job is troubleshooting
user problems. I dont love the mini-fire drills every day or hand-holding. Im
really not great at hand-holding.
Nothing is perfect, though, and I wouldnt trade it for anything.
Josh S August 24, 2011 at 10:18 pm
I am neither auditor nor IT person (I work in market research), but I, too,
LOVE using data to find patterns that might not be obvious.
Solving the puzzle and then using the solution to increase efficiency. Thats
me in a nutshell. Every job Ive had, I find myself doing that on the side of / in
addition to whatever my job duties are. And any time the companies I
worked for de-valued or ignored the improvements, it totally demotivated
(Wow. I think I just recognized something about myself that I hadnt put
words to before. Thanks!)
Anne August 23, 2011 at 9:43 am
I love a lot of things about my job. Im a Childrens Librarian so it can be lots
of fun reading with the kids and getting to know the local families. My
husband jokes that Im a celebrity because I am always running into people I
know from work at Taco Bell, the movies, grocery store, etc.
I really like that I am making an impact on the community where I live and
work. I have been able to make some pretty big improvements to my
department since Ive been here also, so it has been validating to see the
changes and people are responding well.
One thing that may surprise people is that I sometimes like when patrons
complain to me about one thing or another. To me, that means they are
really engaged in our department and that they care about what we are doing.
If they didnt care, theyd say nothing and just stop coming. I like having the
opportunity to (re) evaluate that aspect of our services and possibly fix it.
Im only in my mid/late 20s, so I really like that I found a job where I am the
head of my department and get to pick out all the kids and teen books. That
is really fun and awesome to seek them react to what we have on our shelves.
There are also things I dont like, of course but Alison didnt ask about
Jen August 23, 2011 at 9:46 am
I work in non-profit fundraising, and its about as rewarding and frustrating
as you might imagine. I love being able to be proud of the work I do, asking
people to support missions that I believe are important. I work in annual
giving, where high volume, low dollar gifts are the name of the game. It
makes my day when I get a call from someone who gives us $10 a year and
wishes they could give more, but they are a committed donor regardless. I
even love hearing from the people who are outraged that we would presume
to ask them for money at all.
There are icky bits that go with it very few people seem to hold fundraisers
in any sort of positive light but I enjoy the work.
majigail August 23, 2011 at 9:51 am
I run a nonprofit, and I get a real kick out of playing with year end statistics.
Weird, I know.
Samantha August 23, 2011 at 10:12 am
I like that I have an office, that Im decently busy, that my boss leaves me
alone and that my coworkers are nice. Seriously. Ive worked without an
office, been bored, under micro managers and with nasty coworkers. Not fun.
Megan August 23, 2011 at 10:19 am
I measure streamflow as one of my major tasks. Im based in Nevada so there
isnt much waterbut we have a lot of hot springs. I love standing in a hot
spring and getting paid for it. I also like the interaction I have with the public.
They come to enjoy the spring and ask what Im doing and why Im there.
Maybe I just spend too much time out by myself, but its awesome to explain
why my job is important and show them where they can get the data online
for free!
Ask a Manager August 23, 2011 at 10:44 am
You get paid to stand in hot springs? I would like to know more about this.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 10:57 am
My first job out of college was going to the beach, in LA, and taking samples
of the water. Best job ever. I got to know the guards at the private beach
clubs, and they would let me in whenever I wanted.
Megan August 23, 2011 at 5:49 pm
Im a surface water hydrologist with the USGS. Its a great job I compute
and verify the stage/discharge relationship for a variety of streams in
southern Nevada. The data are used for bridge design, floodplain mapping,
water supply, and recreational purposes.
Heather-Renee August 23, 2011 at 10:26 am
The best part of my day is that I am able to spend all day with college
students. My job may not be glamorous, but I like knowing that I can fill a
need on campus, as well as getting know the students.
Plus, it is air conditioned and the radio works, so I cant complain.
Rachel August 23, 2011 at 10:27 am
My job has really been getting me down lately. I really enjoyed reading
everyones comments so far.
I work across the street from a large branch of the public library. If someone
mentions a book in passing, I like being able to pick it up, for free, during my
lunch hour.
I also like that we have lap top computers. It means that I can relocate to
another spot if I need a change of scenery.
NDR August 23, 2011 at 10:28 am
As far as the work conditions go: I appreciate the autonomy (amidst
camaraderie in the department), the fact that my boss will always intervene if
necessary and having coworkers in roles that take care of the tasks that I
dislike (invoicing, invitation lists, etc.), rather than former jobs where I had to
take care of all of these things. I am honored having repeat clients who trust
that I will exceed expectations.
As far as the specific job of event planning: I really like the monthly (or more)
catering and/or wine tastings, visits to florists and getting to play with linens.
The nerd in me loves making and manipulating budgets and timelines. I also
think that the variety and cyclical nature of event planning keeps it
interesting all the time.
Cruella August 23, 2011 at 10:53 am
Despite the fact that theyve made half of my hair turn white, and nick-named
me Cruella, I really love my staff. The other thing that I love about my job is
the people that I meet. Our clients are great too. No two days are the same
and all these people help keep them interesting.
CK August 23, 2011 at 10:56 am
At my last job, we had a large bowl of whole fruit and a basket of granola bars
replenished daily in the kitchen (as part of a company-wide health and
wellness initiative) I didnt have to buy bananas for over a year! I also liked
the compressed work schedule which allowed me to have every second Friday
off, which would sometimes lead to extra long weekends if my Friday
happened to be tacked onto a long weekend.
At the job previous to the above, I absolutely loved my manager I still
consider him to be the best manager Ive had in the 15 years Ive been in the
workforce. I ultimately ended up leaving the job only because there was
nowhere for me to go career-wise, but I stayed for almost 3 years because I
enjoyed working for him so much (I probably wouldve left after the first year
if he hadnt joined the company).
Lisa August 23, 2011 at 11:31 am
I love the people I work with, and the enormous amount of autonomy Im
granted. I report only to the owner, and he just doenst want to deal with the
mgmt, so I and 2 others do it.
I love the variety of the days.
I love the work the company actually does.
fposte August 23, 2011 at 11:49 am
I feel like if I listed all the things that I like everybodyd want my job. Or at
least a good portion of AAM readers, since there are definitely recurring types
around here. But Ill go with great colleagues, heart-warmingly eager and
talented young support staff, flexibility, variety, interesting challenges, cool
books, writing for a living, incredibly short commute, industry with
possibilities for advancement and authority at all stages of life. Im very
fortunate. (Mind you, I also dont mind low pay and long hours.)
Ask a Manager August 23, 2011 at 11:51 am
This sounds a lot like publishing to me. Am I close?
fposte August 23, 2011 at 12:21 pm
Its a strange hybrid; I think Im the only one anywhere with this actual job,
so all the coworkers Ive recommended this blog to will probably recognize
me! Its actually an academic job, and it involves both publishing a
professional book-review journal, running a research center, and performing
academic research, all in childrens literature.
It doesnt pay a ton, but its a great job to talk about at parties.
fposte August 23, 2011 at 12:25 pm
Erg. Sorry, both started as two and then expanded to three without my
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 12:03 pm
I like paying my people best.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 12:07 pm
I love my colleagues and that I get to work with a lot of different people from
various fields. My work is in organisation, project management and technical
for a handful of technical developments. And I also love that I am left allone
when on vaction, since I really need the rest to be fit for the rest of the year.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 12:07 pm
This is a great question. Ive been having a very hard time at work lately so it
is good to reflect on the upsides. I love the look people give me when I tell
them something that they find valuable or when they find a bit of hope. So
many people come in who feel overwhelmed or scared or hopeless and I love
the part of my job when those people leave feeling better.
I also like when people with very advanced degrees come in and though they
could act like they know everything and are above getting assistance from
someone like me they rarely do and they nearly always are willing to find the
little nugget of information in what I have to tell them.
Not That Jennifer August 23, 2011 at 12:18 pm
My manager is great, and I like the flexibility she offers us (to work the hours
that are most effective for us, to work from home whenever it makes sense).
And the people I work with are great.
I also enjoy my core job function: turning raw technical details into
something our customers and tech support teams can use. Writing text for
user interfaces, writing articles and white papers, creating flowcharts and
illustrationsthats all fun for me.
Cara Carroll August 23, 2011 at 12:30 pm
I like the location of my job, just 15 min from where I live. I like the people I
work with. I am in HR and things can get interesting around here. But I really
enjoy that people know they can confide in me and I will help them to the
best of my ability. We have a strong internship program and I really like going
out to the campus and talking to/helping students with their interviewing and
resume skills. I probably derive the most joy from that. Ideally I would like to
someday work in a Career Services facility.
NicoleW August 23, 2011 at 12:35 pm
There are a number of things I dont like about the company I work for, but I
can find a fair amount to like in the job itself.
I like the variety. My boss calls me the budget master, but I also evaluate &
hire staff, project manage, and edit scripts.
I like that watching the movie Rio with my daughter last night was a work
I like that I have a large window and a nice view from my office.
I like that my bosses and I have things in common outside of work.
I love most of the vendors and independent contractors we work with. On
some projects, these people are the best part of my job.
I like hiring a great person for a job (its especially rewarding when its
someone Ive really championed and my boss agrees to go with my
Thanks for asking us to reflect on this. When the job search isnt going well
and youre working at company with crazy low morale, its easy to forget you
like anything about your job!
Jaime August 23, 2011 at 1:24 pm
I like that my job environment is very casual (ie, shorts and flipflops). My
immediate manager is a good guy and doesnt hesitate to showcase your
successes. My coworkers are almost all fun and great to work with. I met
three of my closest friends at this job and I still get to hang out with them
almost every day. I love that we all laugh and have a good time. One of my
friends there has a great gag if you have long enough hair, wear a tshirt and
pull it through the sleeve. Then you stroke it a bit (or whatever) and have
someone turn around to check out your hairy armpit. lol, its making me
giggle just to think about it. While that doesnt happen every day, its nice to
work somewhere it can happen at all. Most of our clients are nice too and
some we get to work with enough to develop a bit more of a relationship.
Certainly it has its drawbacks and Ive worked there so long Im stagnating,
but the people make me smile every day.
jersey August 23, 2011 at 1:41 pm
Part of my job involves researching to find people who have the capacity to
donate to our organization. I love doing that. I find all kinds of wacky
information about them I look at their awesome homes, and their old
marriage announcements in the NYTimes; I find out why they were disbarred
from the California bar association or that their father was part of the Payola
scandal. Its fun! And yeah, I get that its a bit creepy, but its all public info.
Its not like I break into their houses or anything.
Besides all of that, I truly, truly love my boss and my other colleague that I
work closely with. We have a shared work ethic and that makes all the
Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I love working to raise money for a good cause. It
makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Sarah August 23, 2011 at 1:50 pm
What a great question! I think were all hard-wired to gripe but need to be
reminded to be grateful sometimes.
I love the fact that I am employed, and in the current times, thats something
I try never to take for granted.
I love that my boss trusts that Im working even when she cant see me, that
shes brilliant, and that she treats me well. (Ive had ones who didnt, who
werent, and who didnt.) I love that my job has a lot of variety and I can
always learn more. I love when I can help a coworker and when I can be a
resource to somebody. I love the location of my office both that its not far
from home, and also that its a beautiful location. I love that Im getting a new
angle on my career working here.
Kailyn August 23, 2011 at 2:02 pm
My last job was in healthcare IT, and I loved that I learned something new
every day. Being non-clinical in the medical world there was/is always
something cool I didnt know about.
Also, I loved, whenever I went to the doctor, I was able to actually see the
impact of my work from another perspective.
Heather August 23, 2011 at 2:58 pm
Im in a new job now after nearly four years of hell at my old job in finance,
where barely a week passed without me driving home in tears. After my
recent bad experience, Ive tried to be especially mindful of how lucky I am in
my new position: I have a boss who trusts me and treats me like an adult; she
actually values my experience and input and welcomes my opinion I feel
like Im wanted here; were regularly praised for even the smallest
accomplishments and victories, which makes me go home feeling good about
myself each day; I work in an industry thats making a difference and makes
peoples lives better, so I can go home each day feeling good about my
contribution to the world (hard to say about finance right now); I work with
really great people who are all supportive of each other and truly team player;
I know my boss has my back 100%, which allows me to do my job with
confidence; and lastly, I work with people who come from all walks of life and
have varying degrees of experience and I have learned so much from all of
them. In just a few months here, I feel that Ive grown more than I did the
four years in my old job.
Anon y. Mouse August 23, 2011 at 4:05 pm
Im a desktop support tech. I handle anything that goes wrong with peoples
workstations, other people handle the servers. I like having my own little
realm to keep running smoothly, its a mostly invisible job but a very
important one. Im also good at it. Theres a lot of organization required, and
hands-on work with computers and parts, which I really enjoy.
I also really enjoy explaining technical stuff to non-technical people, at least
on the rare occasions when they want to learn. Its a challenge to distill
technical terms into plain English, and I love the way peoples faces light up
when they get it and realize that this incomprehensible tech stuff really isnt
that hard to understand after all.
Jamie August 23, 2011 at 4:12 pm
Shhhhif people know its not that hard to understand well all be out of
Thats ITs best kept secret. :)
Anon y. mouse August 23, 2011 at 10:27 pm
Hah, thats so true. I think we could shout it from the rooftops, though, and
wed still have plenty of work. Some people are just scared of computers. I
cant for the life of me figure out why.
Lesa August 23, 2011 at 4:50 pm
You reminded me of the wonderful tech support Ive been privileged to have
available in previous jobs. It sounds like you would be something to be
thankful for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Anon y. mouse August 23, 2011 at 10:47 pm
Aw, thanks! We appreciate appreciative users, too.
Joy August 23, 2011 at 4:11 pm
I just cant get enough of solving problems! I enjoy so much when I figure out
a way to fix a broken process, streamline a process, or find a way to meet the
most outrageous goalI wont be content if I run out of problems to solve
Sarah August 23, 2011 at 4:23 pm
I just switched jobs about 10 months ago, and I love that the culture at my
new company is SO much more positive, relaxed, and associate-focused.
I like that my boss and I can curse around each other, vent, and just discuss
random personal things. I came from an environment where personal lives
and work did NOT intermingle.
I like that we have a popcorn machine in the cafeteria that makes fresh
yummy popcorn around 2:00pm every day.
I like that we have a gym and that I am free to go work out in the middle of
the day, and then shower up (weird to shower at work, but strangely relaxing
and quiet) and go back to work.
I like that this company really understands work-life balance. At my previous
company, my boss wouldve come to work dragging an IV cart if she had to,
and would expect you to do the same. If you called in sick you were weak,
lazy, or not dedicated.
Anony August 23, 2011 at 6:05 pm
Is your company hiring? :)
Sarah August 24, 2011 at 10:13 am
We are do you live in Columbus, Oh? :)
I work at a retail clothing company HQ.
Anon y. mouse August 23, 2011 at 10:49 pm
I like that we have a popcorn machine in the cafeteria that makes fresh
yummy popcorn around 2:00pm every day.
Oooh. My companys talking about finding ways to have more fun I think I
need to go suggest this to HR. Or right to the CEO, whoever likes popcorn
more. :-)
Kelly O August 23, 2011 at 4:38 pm
Honestly, my boss is the best part of my job. Im working directly for one
individual, and that one individual is pretty awesome. Hes a great teacher, he
provides clear, complete instruction, and he explains things in such a way
that I dont leave his office scratching my head about what the whole point of
our conversation was.
I also get to spend time creating forms, writing procedures, and analyzing
data. Those are three of my favorite things, and Im enjoying having the time
and ability to focus on that for a bit.
I can totally relate to the person who said the best part is going home.
Because there are so many other things going on that make this place
Purgatory on Earth, its nice to now have some things that are more bearable.
Anon y. mouse August 23, 2011 at 10:54 pm
I once heard someone say that the single most important element of job
satisfaction is the boss. I completely agree.
Jamie August 23, 2011 at 4:41 pm
When I worked at a rare books library with a small staff I loved the cats
that lived outside and became unofficial mascots. I loved that we ALL ate
lunch together at essentially the same time to just chat and we also had tea
break at 3 every afternoon together. (Is that a benefit? lol.) I loved that my
bosses always told me I was doing a good job when I was, and didnt mind
taking time to teach me something when I needed it. They treated me like an
adult (gasp!) and trusted my choices.
Task-wise, I LOVED looking at old stuff and organizing it I always managed
to find the funniest and most interesting ephemera there was the printed
card commemorating when the members of a rich old boys book club got
stuck in an elevator during a 1940s annual meeting there was the
photographs of Teddy Roosevelt valiantly guarding the thieves that stole his
boat in Montana (or North Dakota?) while his assistants did the real work of
chopping wood and stuff. XD Hahaha! Or the poem written in the early
1700s lamenting the fate of Mr. Io Clavy, who shot off his own hand. lol. So
interesting to get a peek into someone elses life in the past!
At my other more recent job at my high school as a temporary registrar I
looooved doing all the mundane but super necessary records work. -I- helped
the 100 seniors get into college. Not directly by writing essays (ugh o_o ) or
recommendation letters, but I helped wrangle the new system that sent
everything electronically, I created a good-looking PDF version of the kidss
transcripts on my own when the computer people refused to help it just
made me feel competent and useful. I think my favorite memory was the one
kid who would come in every week or so to chat and basically ask for
validation because his college counselor belittled his college choices that kid
-remembered- my name when he saw me outside school, and personally
thanked me at the end of the year. Its cheesy, but its so rewarding to know
you helped kids like that. =)
Steve Geoghan August 23, 2011 at 5:26 pm
Best part my boss doesnt hog the day to day decisions. He lets me make
operations-type decisions even though I am not a manager and trusts my
judgement. He is busy looking for new markets, etc. I could easily imagine
someone in his position micromanaging me, questioning every detail of what
I do, etc.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 5:45 pm
What I like about my job that makes me want to stay?
The relationships that I have with my co-workers and especially my
Susan August 23, 2011 at 5:53 pm
I loved a ton of things about my last professional job. I worked for a great
company, with a great group of salespeople and a great internal team. I also
made lifelong friends there. For day-to-day specifics, I loved the
empowerment and autonomy I was granted in order to get my job done, and
had creative, risk and project management tasks to manage; in addition there
were the daily fires to handle for my sales team and my external clients. I
loved being given a task of what is this product theyre asking about, figure it
out, get it approved for client ABC, and we need the contract signed within 9
days and being able to get it done (w/o micromanagement). I loved having
all those balls in the air and at the end of the day or week, that feeling of AH
HA, I did it! type of success.
Sadly, the only jobs I see now are so pigeonholed i.e., put peg A into slot B
and do this for 8 hours 5 days a week for the next three years, please.
Christine August 23, 2011 at 6:08 pm
I think one of my favorite aspects of past jobs (Im out of work right now) was
working with fellow professionals in the same or similar fields as I am. Its
not that I didnt enjoy helping the general public too, but for some reason, I
feel more energized by other professionals whereas trying to translate
information to the public was actually draining for me at times, especially
verbally. Weird, I know. lol.
Jessica August 23, 2011 at 7:18 pm
Id definitely have to say my coworkers. Some of them are women that I
would (and sometimes do) hang out with outside work. I would have loved to
get to know them even without working with them, so I feel lucky that they
are also my coworkers. (Being able to laugh with coworkers makes the bad
parts more bearable.)
I also like that my job is changing, so Ill have to learn new things. I hate
things getting old and mundane, so new learning opportunities makes me
super happy!
Jane August 23, 2011 at 8:26 pm
I love that I am very busy, very, very busy!! I love helping our customers and
researching to get them the right info they need. They often tell me they are
so glad they talked with me as no one else in the company could help them.
Its nice to be appreciated.
My boss is great, very easy-going and laid back. He doesnt make me feel
tense and on edge all day long as other bosses in the past have.
I like organizing my massive piles of work and I just love it when I am
finished with something and can throw it in the wastebasket.
Anonymous August 23, 2011 at 8:41 pm
I love so many things about my job things that I couldnt have foreseen
when I accepted it! I love the people I work with: my coworkers, my boss, and
even most of the clients we serve. I feel that I can really relate to the clients,
which helps me serve them better. I also like that the job takes me out of my
comfort zone just enough to stretch me and help me grow. It is a great mix of
interaction and independence, which works for my slight introvert
tendencies. Im deeply grateful that my boss trusts me an believes in my
abilities. Overall it is a great fit!
Maddy August 23, 2011 at 11:34 pm
I have to agree with those that say coworkers. At my last job, I loved the
relationship I had with my team. We all got along really well. Also, my boss
was not greedy with her knowledge. I learned a lot from her- business and
street knowledge. She was probably the best boss Ive ever had. Anyway, I
think your relationship with your coworkers either make or break your love
for the job. If you dont talk to people at your workplace you are going to
dread going in everyday despite how much you make there but if you love
the people and organization then you will find someway to make it work
Linda Kuriloff August 24, 2011 at 6:55 am
I am employed as a Work Readiness Instructor to a population that has
employment barriers. I like getting to pick what we talk about in class along
with getting to influence how they think of work. It gives me a sense of
contributing to all of society by assisting those who are currently supported
by public assistance.
anonymous August 24, 2011 at 10:22 am
I would love to do this job I have often thought of volunteering in this
capacity. I am in HR and do hiring of hourly/entry level positions.. I see so
many people that I think, if I could just help them work on their application
skills, personal presentation, attitude, etc..
Jody August 24, 2011 at 7:25 am
I love that when my workload gets mundane and predictable, I can volunteer
on an outreach team and get a sense of fulfillment and excitement about
creating a positive impact at work and in our community. The events improve
morale and it is so much fun working with smiling people that have put work
aside for a few moments to support a community drive or a diversity
incentive and it help us engage with each other at work but in a non-related
work activity.
ShirleyCakes August 24, 2011 at 8:45 am
Like a few others that have posted, Ive been struggling with how I feel about
my job lately so its nice to stop and focus on the positives.
I love getting the opportunity to do creative and marketing type tasks despite
the fact that it is not part of my job description. I love leading and supporting
my team and really being able to pass on my knowledge and experience to
them. I am fortunate to have a lovely group of folks to eat lunch with daily.
My husband constantly talks about working through his lunch, but I am
afforded the luxury of an hour with people I truly enjoy. My sanity demands
Sinjin Smythe August 24, 2011 at 9:01 am
My co-workers here is my local sales office and my peer in sales offices across
the country are the best part of my job. It helps that Im just a few miles from
the office and the attire is business casual too. Now that Im a manager Im
called in to help instead of asking for help all the time. That is empowering or
makes me feel validated. When I do go to my boss for help it isnt like when I
was not a manager. Now going to my boss is very consultative where before I
was a manager it was very instructional.
Anonynous J August 24, 2011 at 9:13 am
To be honest, what I like best about my current job are a few select coworkers
and leaving at the end of the day. Also, to its credit, my company
management in general, even my crappy managersis very flexible about
leave. Its very rare for someone to want or need time off and for them to say
no. Also, our campus is really pretty lovely.
In the past, I was very, very happy as a temp, not just because of the variety
and flexibility, but because of the variety of work settings and tasks I was
asked to do.
Anonynous J August 24, 2011 at 9:14 am
Urgh. I meant not just because of the FLEXIBILITY, but because of the
Phideaux August 24, 2011 at 9:47 am
I work for a company whose products improve the lives of thousands of
special needs children every month, and seeing the end result of that and
knowing that I played a part in doing that is very rewarding for me. Its that
very same sense of purpose or mission that makes for a great, dedicated
group of people to work with.
Also, the company culture is such that innovations and changes either to the
product or the process come from the workers, the people who are actually
doing the job. The management actually goes to the workers to help solve
problems, and they encourage everyones input. This give people a huge sense
of accomplishment and that they are more than just a cog in the machine.
That, and they give away big screen TVs, airline tickets, and weekend trips to
resorts, among other things, as door prizes at the company picnic!
MissinLnk August 24, 2011 at 12:48 pm
Im in IT and my favorite part of the job is optimizing systems. Sure, its fun
to be thrown a problem (our network is down!) and have to come up with a
solution to get everything going again quickly. But I really enjoy preventing
those problems from ever happening. Taking a network and cleaning it up,
optimizing its operation, removing single points of failure, and preparing it
for the next 5 years of known and unknown changes to IT and the businessI
just love that. I have to continually learn new things to be able to accomplish
it properly, which I love to do and keeps me interested in the gig. (Plus, it lets
me sleep at night even if Im on call 24/7.)
You know, I never thought about this topic until reading all of your replies.
Figuring this out really helps me to understand what makes me tick. I have
been debating where to take my career and now it feels much easier to weigh
the different options. Thank you AAM and everyone who commented!
Jen August 24, 2011 at 1:17 pm
I am given flexibility with my schedule. I am also trusted to do my job. My
boss knows me enough to allow me to do my job without micromanagement.
I check in often with my boss and she lets me be. Love it! And yes, Im a Gen
Xer :)
Sarah August 24, 2011 at 1:44 pm
Another thing I love about my job/company
I really love the impact we have on our customers and how the company
shares that with its employees. We sell clothing to young girls with positive
messaging, and its great to read letters and stories from moms and girls
about how much they love our company, or had a great in-store experience.
Even though there are a lot of layers between my job and the end customer, I
still feel like what I do impacts them.
Anonymous August 24, 2011 at 5:11 pm
I wish I have a job I would probably like everything about it at this point.
Anonymous August 26, 2011 at 2:15 am
wouldnt be too quick to say that.. True, any job is better than none. but
remember the grass isnt always greener on the other side.
ECH August 24, 2011 at 7:50 pm
I like the good relationship I have with the members of my department at a
small local newspaper how we encourage each other, try to help each other
out when needed, and have a great time being together. One of my staff
members, after introducing me to someone, said We laugh a lot at work, and
somehow we get a paper out. I love that description. The camaraderie is
Happy Lawyer August 24, 2011 at 8:37 pm
Im an associate lawyer, and I really enjoy the intellectual challenges of my
job. I do tax and regulatory work (no litigation, thank goodness), and I like
figuring out how the financial aspects of a deal work with within a broader
legal framework. My day is balanced between drafting documents and
participating in calls, and I like the mix of writing and contact with other
people. My colleagues are all terrific people, which is an added bonus. I
havent seen many other (happy) lawyers on AAM, but we do exist:)
Josh S August 24, 2011 at 10:59 pm
The best thing about my current job is that I am allowed to go where my
curiosity leads me, so long as I get my stuff in by deadline. Its endlessly
fascinating (even if the stuff Im researching is usually mundane items like
shampoo packaging).
Laura August 25, 2011 at 12:24 am
I get to spend my days helping people navigate knitting and crochet patterns
via phone and email and I love hearing the thrill in my customers voices
when I get them to a place where they actually understand and can move on
with their project. I have to admit, I also love how impressed pretty much
everyone I know especially those who also knit or crochet is that I can
actually do this without being face-to-face. It aint easy, and its really nice to
be appreciated.
Charlotte August 25, 2011 at 3:49 pm
I love the majority of my co-workers, that my schedule can be flexible if I
really need it to be, that the company I work for values and supports
continuing employee education and that I can make it to work in under 15
minutes even through rush hour traffic! Plus, I love how much Ive learned
about HR in the past three years enough to know that while it will be a
mostly satisfying/interesting career and pay the bills for the next 20 years or
so (lol) my quilting will keep me sane!
Brianna August 25, 2011 at 7:56 pm
A lot of folks have commented about their coworkers. Id have to echo that.
However, its a bit of a love-hate relationship. Individually, I respect and
enjoy so many of my colleagues. But collectively they can drive me quite nuts!
Why do you apply for this position?

Why do you apply for this position? (Question ID: 149) Contributor: Xuelei
This question and its answers have been viewed 130241 times. Submitted on: August 11 2008


Suggest an answer to the question or make a comment! Suggest a new question.

Best Answers to the question:(ranked by the quality)

1. ajay - June 25 2010 (Answer ID: 4669)
I applied for this job because I believe I can contribute much more based on what I know as well as
keep learning, keep growing and build a future within the organization

2. SHOMARI OMARI CHOLOLO - November 02 2010 (Answer ID: 5055)
I am a person with commitment, I want to utilize my knowledge here for better future of the
Organizanition. From what I know skills and knowledge alone are not enough to meet Organization
goals but hardworking,innovativeness and responsiveness will give us better result from what we
have as knowledge and skills. And want I promise are those I mentioned and sure I have it.

3. awesomeannie - January 13 2011 (Answer ID: 5366)
The Why am I applying?' section is your opportunity to tell them how you meet the essential and
desirable criteria in the person specification and job description. You need to demonstrate how your
skills, knowledge and experience match their requirements, and how they will help you to
successfully do the job. Also, it\'s a good idea to research the company and find something unique
that is attractive, except the benefits or pay, as an applicant to show your strong interest and
desire to work for that company. For example, if you apply at a hospital that is rated in the top 5%
in the nation, this question is a good opportunity for you to point out that you\'ve done your
research and chose your places of employment wisely and in more depth than just the pay, driving
distance, or other superficial factors in addition to how you will benefit the company. You could say
something like, \'I have the desire and motivation to work at my best. It would be my honor to put
my skills in action with the health care professionals at____, whom have proven to be the best of
the best...etc\"

4. Paperclip - August 20 2008 (Answer ID: 385)
I feel like this position will best utilize my learned skills, and at that, I feel very comfortable in the
field of (name).I'm sure that it won't take any adjustment time at all! For this reason, I believe this
position is perfect for a person of my set-skills and would be of beneficial for the employer, as there
will be no need for any extra time spent on training or settling in.

5. Nafisa - April 26 2010 (Answer ID: 4528)
I believe I am a person with the talents & potential required to make big changes for betterment.
My creativity, time and people management skills, challenging spirit and decision making ability
make me a leader and give me the courage to claim for such a position

6. Alaudeen Mohamed. - July 05 2011 (Answer ID: 6511)
I have knowledge, experience and qualification and i am very confident that, i can handle this job. I
am willing to take more reposbilities. I am higlighly motivated and able to work under stress. I have
got extensive experience in my current position and have the specific skills you're looking for. I am
fast leaner who adapt quality to change and will hit the ground running. I am dedicated and
enthusiastic about helping in my section to meet its goals and will provide top quality results with
minimal oversite. I am an outstanding performer who takes pride in my work because of the way of
dealigh with complicated activities.

My knowledge and experience i have gained lot of knolwedge from my current position and will able
to increase my contribution and value to the company throug my new responsibilities. I believe it is
te righg position for me and i can work to the best of my ability. So that i ave applied tis position
should be suitable for me.

7. Osob - November 10 2010 (Answer ID: 5079)
I would answer this question by saying "I would like to develop my skills in order to get in depth
experience regarding my profession for the benefit of this organization, as this job is perfectly
tailored to my specific skills and former experience."

8. Rockie - June 05 2010 (Answer ID: 4627)
Hardworking and committed person and ready to take any challenging work and gain any relevant
qualification required for the job

9. Jill torrefiel - January 09 2009 (Answer ID: 1200)
i belive that my strong technical experience and education will me a very competitive candidate for
this position. The ky strengths that I possess includes: hardworking,able to multi task effectively
and commited to superior customer service

10. digna 12.... - January 05 2009 (Answer ID: 1196)
This is exactly the position that I am looking for as it will fully utilize my vast knowledge in this field
and also enable me to develop my skills in other areas' etc.

11. Bouchra El Hilali - March 17 2011 (Answer ID: 5743)
Dear Sir,

I am a person with commitment, I want to utilize my knowledge here for better future of the
Organizanition. From what I know skills and knowledge alone are not enough to meet Organization
goals but hardworking, innovativeness and responsiveness will give us better result from what we
have as knowledge and skills. And what I promise are those I mentioned and I feel that this position
will best utilize my learned skills.
I applied for this job because I believe I can contribute much more based on what I know as well as
keep learning, keep growing and build a future within the organization.


12. Suma - April 28 2010 (Answer ID: 4535)
Describe the skills you have ,that suits best for the position,you have applied for.
Never tell that i do not have any job ,or don't know anything about the job what you have applied
for ,then you will be in a trouble.

Get much closer to the question what the HR poses to you , never deviate from the question,
answer to the point . Never speek extra-ordinary things .

Do not try to generalise the things .Be specific whatever you speak with the HR.

13. nicole - July 14 2010 (Answer ID: 4719)
this position is one that i am very familiar with and to have this postion within this company could
lead to future advancment.

14. RRuiz - September 26 2010 (Answer ID: 4923)
This job position is aligning with my Bachelors Degree, my professional experiences and my
stance. It will exploit my scientific knowledge and techniques. I feel very comfortable in Laboratory
environments and I can execute with precision even under pressure. I believe this position fits for
my Microbiology education and Laboratory experience.

15. Xuelei - August 12 2008 (Answer ID: 216)
This question is slightly different from question, "why do you want to work here" (question ID: 73).
QuestionID73 asks why you want to work for the company.

This question, "why do you apply for the position", asks why you apply for the job interviewed for.
So besides the attractiveness of the company, you may also want to describe how the job matches
your experience, skills, and career expectation.

16. Lorena - May 13 2009 (Answer ID: 2020)
Because I feel that this a great career growth apportunity. It will also allow me to show case my

17. Metallic_Iya_22 - September 26 2010 (Answer ID: 4926)
please don't post a comment if your messages doesn't have sense. Please try to help other people
to get many idea to help them in the future. Thank you.

18. arun - December 02 2010 (Answer ID: 5194)
The knowledge i have gained is through my experience and willingness to learn.I want different
things to happen with challenges.I feel this position is the right one for a person like me, because I
am confident if anybody makes a difference it will be me.

19. shana - March 18 2011 (Answer ID: 5750)
i just want to change my career and work with a good team

20. jm - April 05 2011 (Answer ID: 5843)
Working in this company would give me the opportunity to use the skill sets that are a match for
this position/company. In turn, my experience would prove to be a great assest for the company
and help build a rewarding career for myself.

21. Shaf Amin - September 27 2010 (Answer ID: 4930)
my experience says in most cases the interviewers do not ask about the comapny but ask about the
position. So prepartation should be taken ragarding the position more seriously than the company.

22. Mohamed - September 19 2008 (Answer ID: 614)
Because it is the most appropriate position for me as Im working as a (Job name) and this job can
meet all my high skills, qualifications and experiences that I have.And because of that I believe that
this position is the best and the most perfect for me.

23. wan - March 15 2009 (Answer ID: 1690)
because i like it

24. carlcua - July 11 2009 (Answer ID: 2143)
i know my self that i have skill,experieces and knowlege to share and contribute to ur company

25. john john - August 19 2010 (Answer ID: 4815)
i feel like i have experience to help other people and bring benefical to our company.i was created
person and like to design electrioc.

26. habteab - May 17 2010 (Answer ID: 4574)
This is a great opportunity with my first step into a career.

27. Michele - November 30 2008 (Answer ID: 1084)
I applied for this job because it sounded like the perfect opportunity! I know I can do this job, and
I'm very excited to have this opportunity to sit with you today.

28. alod - January 22 2010 (Answer ID: 4386)
I applied for this job because i am very hardworking man , i can work independently as well as in
team members ..
i am very keen learner person ..
i have ability to solve the hard porblem
that why i suitable for this job..

29. Sam - July 19 2009 (Answer ID: 2154)
I am well suited for this job since I have vast knowledge and experience in this field

30. belma gurler - November 03 2010 (Answer ID: 5062)
i apply for this job, cuz my qualifications match with your job describtion. And at the same time i
have experiene in this endustry. So thats why i feel that im the person which you looking for...

31. brittany - February 02 2010 (Answer ID: 4403)
beacuse i think that this is a good job to be around people and to help eachother out as a team and
get thing done.i also believe that its a good way to help during a mcdonalds or taco bell situation
this would be the best job in the world to work at taco bell or mcdonalds its always good to help
people out if they cant find something or theres a new employee like we all say "taco bell line"think
outside the bun or "mcdonalds line"have it your way smileeeeeeeeee!!!

32. PONJUS - June 03 2010 (Answer ID: 4620)
I strongly believe in my efficiency as a teacher and to become a teacher is my life time goal,not just
a teacher but a teacher who will remain in the heart of the students whenever they think of their
school days with love and respect.I will be a good Teacher as a admire those good teachers who
taught me

33. leeyah aukuso - November 28 2010 (Answer ID: 5177)
i believe that i have the expectations of becoming someone better as developing skills and
challenging myself to the acknowledgements of (job name).

34. rlh - December 10 2010 (Answer ID: 5227)
Everyone has posted very good responses that I feel will benefit others that reads this site. The only
problem I have is with the spelling, please before posting your suggestons review and make
corrections.thank you

35. Yogender (yogi) - August 10 2011 (Answer ID: 6682)
My qualification match your needs perfectly. I possess the required knowledge and skills which are
required for such position. Although, i am a fresh graduate i can still contribute to your company
with the new knowledge i learned.
I m hardworking, an enthusiastic team member, willing to take on a challenge. I m responsible and
well organised.
I want to be part of tour company and i believe that i would be a valuable asset to it that\'s why i
apply for this position.

36. emilia sipa - December 18 2008 (Answer ID: 1139)
beside from the grade 12 qualification i have and did typing with office admistration i will be the
best candidate for the job.

37. -jt - October 23 2010 (Answer ID: 5021)
Because i feel i can really do good in this possition
with no strugle what so ever and no training .with my personal
experience i managed to take steps and think ahead and it will help me in the future for example as
of today or so on if you hire me

38. mical - January 30 2011 (Answer ID: 5471)
wow that all of them are wondeful answers

39. Shyam - March 03 2011 (Answer ID: 5653)
For better opportunity of my own and company growth

40. Avinash - May 02 2011 (Answer ID: 5925)
I feel that I need more dynamic environment to prove my worth and I want to utilize more of my
skills which could impact the organization in a positive way.

41. Khagendra Sambahamphe - December 20 2010 (Answer ID: 5267)
One machine has how much power it needs to display just it.

42. ireneo D. babatio - January 28 2011 (Answer ID: 5458)
most advantage the appropriate position you apply to maximize your ability of work and experience
were you are working job designation from your study in basic up to an actual condition of
work,cause more learning of work more production or goal.

43. leeyah :) - November 28 2010 (Answer ID: 5176)
i believe that i have the expectations of becoming someone better as developing skills and
challenging myself to the acknowledgements of (job name).

44. Robert Eclarinal - December 17 2010 (Answer ID: 5256)
i'm 44yr old man & half of my life i'm operating..i have the experience

45. Kat Ali - April 14 2011 (Answer ID: 5887)
I feel like this position will best utilize my skill set, my degree and future goals are along the lines of
this position, and lastly it will enable me to move back to NYC.

I am certain that it will not take any adjustment at all for me to become reacclimatized to the fast
pace NYC lifestyle. For this reason, I believe this position is perfect for a person of my background,
knowledge and would benefit the employer a great deal to have someone that enjoys a true New
York city setting, as there will be no need for any extra time spent on training or settling in.

I thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


46. iPwnStar.ox - August 10 2010 (Answer ID: 4797)
Cause i can make you richer than Bill Gates.. employ me now or lose me forever! ;) hehe

47. me - October 23 2010 (Answer ID: 5022)
let me tell you something i bet others have come to you and told you all this stuff about profesinal
experiences but iam going to be honest and say its my 1st time with the job (or at this position )
yes i am going to have some minor problems or questions but that dont mean it the future i cant
learn and if you dont hire me well i learn something today haha that next time iam going to have to
lie to another manager to get the job.

48. luis miguel MXP - December 02 2010 (Answer ID: 5197)
this is my life job...

49. brojas - September 28 2011 (Answer ID: 7588)
I am working for a temp company and my assigment finish on friday. I am looking for a position in
a company where I could show my skills and knowledge and at the same company grow in
knowledge for the company and myself. And because I know I am the right candidate for this

50. DARYL - September 26 2011 (Answer ID: 7575)

51. dabi - October 16 2011 (Answer ID: 7610)
im want to utlize my skills & experience with areputable copany ,as well as learning ,growing ,and
build my future with

52. Tori - November 07 2011 (Answer ID: 7670)
At last, smoeone comes up with the "right" answer!

53. Lorrie - November 07 2011 (Answer ID: 7666)
Back in school, I'm doing so much lreianng.

54. Matilda - November 09 2011 (Answer ID: 7693)
Whoever edits and publsiehs these articles really knows what they're doing.

55. Polleth - November 14 2011 (Answer ID: 7707)
Thanks guys u really inspired me

56. Pharmd801 - December 06 2011 (Answer ID: 7749)
Hello! cbcfdbg interesting cbcfdbg site! I'm really like it! Very, very cbcfdbg good!

57. Pharmd36 - December 06 2011 (Answer ID: 7750)
Very nice site!

58. Pharmd654 - December 06 2011 (Answer ID: 7751)
Hello! fakbbdg interesting fakbbdg site! I'm really like it! Very, very fakbbdg good!
How did you handle the most stressful
situation you encountered recently?
longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago

I was asked to answer this in one online job application I made. How about you? I f you are asked
the same question, how would you answer it?


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honeybeemay (239) response was accepted on 5/18/2008.
denotes best response, click it to go to the best response.
respond to this discussion

stress, eat and
laugh, how to
stress, stress

59. Pharmf517 - December 06 2011 (Answer ID: 7752)
Very nice site!

60. wife - December 19 2011 (Answer ID: 7793)
because meh husband go beat meh ass if i dont apply

1 2 Next Last

1. djedtek (215) ranked 7,123 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
haha this one is easy! there was altercation on saturday but the way i could exclude myself from it is
just to not give my input in a certain subject! so i didnt take side and everything was coo from there on!

Still have Panic Attacks? Here's a 6 Step Shortcut to deal with Panic
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2. realgem1 (216) ranked 7,429 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
One should calm down and take deep breath and try to affirm that you are relaxed and drink water and take
control of your situation.
Thats all one would do.
I have around 24 different types of stress releiavers may be you can check it out, by accessing my profile
and my site from there

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Thanks for your reply. Have to visit your profile sometime...

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3. teena22 (202) ranked 1,952 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
stressful situation easy -- laugh and don't think too much of those stressful things.

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
You are right. We should not worry to much about it, as long as we did an

appropriate action.

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add comment

4. Nikelnicole (16) 4 years ago
I handled my most stressful situation I recently encoutered by being true to myself that I cannot do it
alone. I am a christian so its easier for me to handle stressors than in the past. I placed all my trust in God
and try to stay calm (even though this was difficult)and I repeated bible passages constantly and frequently.
Also I did what I have to do. By doing this each moment became was less stressful.

It is important to note that whenever one is stressed that they have someone who can encourage them and
not simpathize with them. Also no man is an island, so asking for help is not a shame or disgrace but being
smart and realistic.

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
With God, nothing is impossible. and with friends around, life would be

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5. wilo2001 (334)
4 years ago
These are what I do, eating, sleeping, traveling, and shopping.

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Good that you can afford to do that. If I have the resources, I would do these
things also.

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6. honeybeemay (239) ranked 7,000 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Stressful situation? Just have a walk or do some yoga or just meditate. I'm sure it will help. If not
then why laugh...lol..laughter is a good medicine..hehehe...

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
My answer was very long, I didnt think of this very simple and useful way of
dealing with stress. You are right, perhaps we just have to smile or laugh, but lets
make sure nobody sees us for they might think something else, lol.

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7. anex08 (463) ranked 7,899 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Calm down, and give yourself a few minutes to breath. Assure yourself you can handle it positively
and that everything is going to be okay after the overwhelming situation you have right on time.


longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Good point!

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8. twilight_67 (39) ranked 22,304 out of 32,726 in life 4 years ago
The first thing i do is to PRAY, then lift my feet and meet some friends next door and eat and laugh
and eat and laugh and eat and laugh with them and thats what i do lol.

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Nice one!

honeybeemay (239) ranked 7,000 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Uy Long, me smileys ka na ha..hehehe..

Got Stress & or Anxiety? Instantly cure all stress & anxiety with the EquiSync
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9. chiyosan (14716) ranked 636 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
i think i have answered this already.... here is what i must have written...

" i have always been faced with stressed from my work and even here at home. i guess the only way is to
stay calm and not get angry or irritated. it can be annoying but try not to be annoyed.

people will get into your nerves but remember, they will affect you if you let them do so. :)"

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
you are absolutely right. Thanks for the nice comment.

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10. DudaYLen (153) ranked 11,148 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
Like always, I take a deep deep breath and remind myself that strong woman stay young, he he. It's a
momentary ceasefire between me and my wrinkles.

longbangod (1301) ranked 2,013 out of 32,726 in life
4 years ago
You always have that tantalizing smile, so I dont think you would have
problems with wrinkles, lol.

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How Did You Handle The Most Stressful Situation You
Encountered Recently?
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It varies from person to person. Some handles a stressful situation with calmness
and some starts roaring.

When I am in a stressful condition. I don't speak much. I try to tell my problem to
my parents and to my best friend. They always give me a good advice. I pray and
think positive. I always try to solve the problem by myself.

It is good that you do not tell everyone about your problem. Just talk only with
your best friend and in my opinion parents are the best. Anonymous
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I will go some where and walk around..some time idea won't come out in your
mind when u are keep thinking of it...i tried to seek other alternative that can
solve problem, and make decision to take further action. I kept and kept trying to
do the best thru last experience, be responsible to what you have done, no
matter right or wrong, because every process is a step of learning in
our life. Anonymous
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I handle it in many aspects such as what is that all about. First knowing all the
do's and dont's in that situation. Anonymous
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Hi shearn 157,

I have M.S. (multiple sclerosis) and stress is really not good for me since it tends
to intensify my symptoms. Stress is really not good for anybody though.

When I come upon a stressful situation I usually walk away and I don't speak. I
usually try to forget about it . . . For now. When I calm down is when I take some
quiet time to think about the situation and what was said or done and how it
should be handled. Other than that, I try not to deal with anything but the good. I
think, I pray and I try to sort it out. The answer will come, and if it doesn't, oh well.

These strategies are all new things for me. I used to enter into the conflicts
readily [because I have always just loved conflict - I am Italian after all! LOL!],
and I always spoke my mind very quickly, but for me to walk away from a
confrontation and not talk about something until I calm down are tremendous
steps forward for me!

These Bible verses from Luke and James have helped me adjust my ways.

[Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for
man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James,
Chapter 1 verses 19 and 20], and

[Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be
condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and it will be given to you. A
good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured
into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke,
Chapter 6, verses 17 and 18].

Thanks for listening and have a WONDERFUL day!! Anonymous
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I tried directly, many of my answers and questions were of true thinking, and
sometimes I wonder if maybe my condition of abuse was for a God thing,
because although it was real to me, later in my lifetime I looked back, and in
understanding hindsite can be 20/20, in fact it just could be that it was meant to
be that I remembered later in my life about a very plausible murder, that can
either bring up the hurtfulness of parents that have already buried their son, or
something that may have been known all along and constantly bittered about due
to the intel of the plausible murderer, or, I think of trying to think of the other
person still living today with the thought he may have already buried, that it was
never his fault at all. And it could be that everything I loved and lost was just for
that reason alone, and maybe I may have back again once more in truth not
fright and uprightrieousness, so I can once agaiin not feel anger but once again
feel free, right here in America. Like I should have felt all along. Anonymous
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To be honest I don't like it when I'm stressed, it makes everything difficult, so as
much as possible I always try to anticipate things, Financial crisis is the most
stressful situation that I encountered recently and as well as my family. I handled
this situation by immediately accepting the present situation and then go about
developing a solution for this matter.Because, I believe that once you
encountered situation like this,you have to just face the situation and solve it. No
matter how hard it is, the only way to relieve stress is to solve it.Anonymous
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Financial crisis is the most stressful situation that I encountered recently and as
well as my family. I handled this situation by immediately accepting the present
situation and then go about developing a solution for this matter.Because, I
believe that once you encountered situation like this,you have to just face the
situation and solve it. No matter how hard it is, the only way to relieve stress is to
solve it. Anonymous
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Stress make me more motive to solve the problem, and when I solve it than I
have rest otherwise I can not sleep. Anonymous
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I keep quit and just go away............. Anonymous
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I started cutting myself. Anonymous
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How did you handle the most stressful situation you
encountered recently?
in your work
2 years ago
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Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I took a step back, realized that even though work is important, other aspects of my life are more
important and put it in perspective. From there, I did the best I could and let the chips fall where they
may. (Also, I do yoga and pray devoutly, which generally helps me relieve stress.)
2 years ago
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100% 1 Vote
Other Answers (3)
Nicholas Wong
Since age 13 I have realised that the Malaysian stock market is design to be only profitable when the
market is Bullish (uptrend), making it BAD when it's Bearish (down trend)

Stress is cause by stressor (such like break up, bills, economy, dreadful truth, exams..)

How we have been design (socially constructed + evolution + education + language + .. a few others
Nature vs Nurture discussion) is a Good / Bad system. Stressor or in this case are events or situations are
viewed and categorised as stressor or NOT. (They are all real, not just in the mind, we experience it
mentally, physically and emotionally).

The ultimate solution to your question my friend, would be to build a system (mind, body and soul) that
seeks and enjoys values regardless the market trend (in your case situations that is defined as stressors).

On a less complex note:
1. Identify and Acknowledge that you have a stressor.
2. Reframe it (some call it praadigm shift, awareness, reword, reconstruct the internal conversation).
3. Take positive and effective action. (do something instead of keeping it in your head).
4. Stay focus on the other (be it fun, solution or just hanging out with friends)
o 2 years ago
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0% 0 Votes
I smiled... patted someone else on the back... and went about busying myself and learning more about
my workplace and the people in it. I have learned that stress can be a very useful tool if you just use the
energy of it the right way. A negative energy can be converted to a positive energy in most cases, and
it's always worth the effort!
o 2 years ago
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0% 0 Votes
Iranian Girl
I just closed my eyes for a short time and took a deep breath.
o 2 years ago
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Here are a list of interview questions that you will have wanted to rehearse and have the answers to prior
to your interview. At least with this preparation you might not be taken aback with some of the questions
that might be posed. Answering these questions prior to the interview will entail thinking long and hard
about what you want to get across to the interviewer. The ultimate goal is to be able to convince the
interviewer, or panel of interviewers that you are not only suited for that particular position but that you
would be an asset to the company. In all these interview questions you want to appear strong, motivated,
driven, with not only individual working capabilities but abilities for team work or group project. Not
only are the interviewers interested in your skills but also in your personal interaction with people on a
casual and professional basis.

Why did you select your undergraduate degree?
Why did you choose your University
What are the main things you learned from your studies?
Why did you pursue an MBA or BCom?
Why did you select your particular concentration/major/stream?
How do your studies relate to your career goals?
How did you finance your studies?
Which parts of your MBA/BCom Program did you enjoy the most?
Which parts of your MBA Program/BCom did you enjoy the least?
What have you learned in your degree program that has been most useful to you?
Are your grades a good indication of your academic achievement?
What did you learn from participation in extracurricular activities?
Describe your most rewarding university experience.
Has your coursework helped you in any way for this type of position and how so?
Tell us about your study and work skills.

Previous Jobs
What type of jobs have you had?
How did you get your previous jobs?
What were your main responsibilities? Achievements?
What skills did you acquire through your previous jobs?
How good were your relationships with your supervisors?
How would your supervisors describe you?
Would you consider returning to your former employer? If not, why?
How was your performance evaluated?
What did you like most/like least about your previous jobs?
What was the most difficult project you worked on? How did you go about accomplishing it?
Did you run into any problems with your co-workers? If so what did you do to remedy the situation?

Why do you want this job?
What skills/qualifications do you have that relate to the demands of the job?
Do you feel you could perform this job at a superior level? If yes, why?
Why are you interested in our company?
What do you know about our company?
What do you know about our industry/competitors?
Would you prepare to make a long term commitment to our company?
What are your expectations regarding career progress and promotion?
Are you willing to work flexible or long hours?
When would you be available to start?
How should your performance be evaluated?
What other jobs/companies are you considering?
Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you hope to work?
In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
What qualities should a successful manager have?
What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
What reservations or concerns do you have with our kind of company or with this position?
In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
What do you think is going to happen in X industry? What action would you recommend to industry
Here's a business situation....comment on it.
If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for?
Why should I hire you?
Do you have a geographical preference? Why?
Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
Are you willing to travel?
Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?
Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?
Even industry specific questions may be asked on a comparative note Would you be able to explain the
similarities and differences between an investment bank and a merchant bank or between an advertising
firm or a media buying company?

Questions determining your Competence
What skills do you think you have gained from your schooling and past work experience?
What are your strengths and weaknesses? - suggestion- although you might want to list off some
weaknesses, frame it so they only make up a minute part of your answer and possibly arrange it so as to
say it would not affect your work in this particular position or that you were able to turn into a strength.
How do you interact with people?
Do you prefer working independently or in a group environment?
Have you ever had to work with someone that did not share your same work style or work ethic? How
did you get around that?
Have you ever had difficulty finishing a task or a project? Why and what did you do to eventually get it
Describe your contribution to a group effort that you may have participated in?
Describe your leadership skills?
Where in our company do you feel your skills could be best used?

Questions on Remuneration
What salary do you expect from this position?
What factors besides salary are important in making up your mind on a position within different

Personal Characteristics
What do you see as being your most significant accomplishment?
How do you adapt to new situations?
What do you expect from your boss?
If you worked for a boss you had difficulty getting along with, how would you handle the situation?
Describe a situation in which you demonstrated leadership qualities.
Describe a situation in which you encountered interpersonal problems with people you worked with.
How did you handle it?
Describe a situation in which you demonstrated creativity.
Describe a situation in which you overcame a difficult problem. How did you do it?
Describe a situation in which you failed at something. How did you handle the failure and what did you
learn from it?
In your opinion, what is the best way to lead and motivate subordinates?
Give me the names of three famous people you admire and tell me what you admire about them.
Give me the name of a book you have read that had a powerful influence on you.
What qualities do you respect and value in people you work with? Why are these qualities important to
What qualities don't you like to see in people you work with?
What measures will you use to assess your career progress?
In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a crisis situation in business?
What is the most stressful situation you have ever had to deal with, how did you handle it?
Under what circumstances do you think it is appropriate to fire someone? How would you fire the
If you were in a job you hated, what would you do?
What makes you different from other candidates we are interviewing?
What are your long-range and short-range goals and objectives? When and why did you establish these
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
What do you really want to do in life?
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
How would you describe yourself?
What do you think you do best?
How do you think a friend and professor who knows you well would describe you? List adjectives they
would use to describe you.
What motivates you to put forth your best effort?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
What qualifications do you have that makes you believe you will be successful in business?
How do you work under pressure? Give me an example.
What decision have you most regretted?
Do you prefer working with people or alone?

Your Extracurricular Involvement
Have you been involved in any extracurricular or volunteer activities while at university or college?
How would you describe your contribution to those activities? Did you run into any difficulties?
Do you find that any of the skills gained in these activities could be transferable to your professional
Have you had any experiences in university that have changed you as a person?

Questions You Can Ask
What will my typical day be like?
What is the number one priority of the person who accepts this job?
What do you consider the five most important day-to-day responsibilities of this job?
What are some examples of the best results produced by people in this position?
What happened to the last person who had this job?
What might I expect to be doing over the next three to five years?
What would the new employee be expected to have accomplished in the first six months on the job?
The first year?
What could be done if an employee doesn't feel challenged or satisfied?
Are lateral or rotational job moves available to provide broader experience?
Are they considered valuable?
How are employees able to stay current on changes and trends in their field?
How often are performance reviews given and how are they conducted?
How would you characterize the management philosophy of your organization?
What do your company's managers and supervisors have in common?
What do you see as the strengths of the department?
What does the department hope to achieve in the next two to three years?
How will that help the organization?
What is the biggest single problem facing the organization now?
What characteristics do the successful employees at your organization have in common?
What are the company's values? What does the company stand for?
How are the company's values reflected in everyday activities?
What's the best thing about working here? the worst thing?
What is unique about the way this company operates?
Why did you come to work here?
What keeps you here?
What skills have helped you the most?
What kind of people are most successful here?

More sample questions at: Job Interview Questions
How do you define professional and personal ethics?

In my opinion, I would define them this way:

Professional Ethics - You are compliant with the company's policies, and
procedures. You also do not intend to pose harm to the company, its share and
stakeholders, or employees. You also respect authority and abide by the rules and
regulations set forth by your Manager or Supervisor.

Personal Ethics - You are compliant with the laws that govern you state or country.
You are not a menace to society. You have moral, manners, and want to good for
others without wanting something in return. And you are honest and do not lie not
matter what the circumstances are.

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