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The murder of The murder of The murder of The murder of Michael Brown Michael Brown Michael Brown Michael

ael Brown in Fergusonand the US establishments refusal to do anything about itis a

chilling reminder of the continuing endemic racism of the US state.
The killing is reminiscent of Trayvon Martin The killing is reminiscent of Trayvon Martin The killing is reminiscent of Trayvon Martin The killing is reminiscent of Trayvon Martin and has awoken deep seated anger over continuing police
racism, poverty, the oppressive use of stop and frisk, the shooting of another protester on Tuesday night,
and the disproportionate sentencing of young black people.
Just like the police murder of Mark Duggan Just like the police murder of Mark Duggan Just like the police murder of Mark Duggan Just like the police murder of Mark Duggan in Tottenham, the events in the US show the racism at the
heart of the system.

We We We We send our condolences and solidarity to Michael Browns family and send our condolences and solidarity to Michael Browns family and send our condolences and solidarity to Michael Browns family and send our condolences and solidarity to Michael Browns family and demand demand demand demand his his his his killer killer killer killer is is is is swiftly brough swiftly brough swiftly brough swiftly brought t t t
to justice to justice to justice to justice. We . We . We . We support those protesting against the support those protesting against the support those protesting against the support those protesting against the racist racist racist racist state state state state police police police police system system system system in the US and Britain in the US and Britain in the US and Britain in the US and Britain. .. .
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Return to: Socialist Worker, PO Box 42184, London, SW8 2WD. This petition has been initiated by Socialist Worker w ww ww ww ww ww w. .. .s ss so oo oc cc ci ii ia aa al ll li ii is ss st tt tw ww wo oo or rr rk kk ke ee er rr r. .. .c cc co oo o. .. .u uu uk kk k

full full full full justice for justice for justice for justice for Michael Brown Michael Brown Michael Brown Michael Brown
Stop police racism, we demand Stop police racism, we demand Stop police racism, we demand Stop police racism, we demand
The slaying of Michael Brown shows deep police racism

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