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Spring 2010
MGT502- Organizational Behaio!r "Se##ion - 2$
Re% No&
Ti'e& (0 'in
Mar)#& *+
St!,ent In%o
-enter& O./ST
E0a'Date& 512+12010 12&00&00 AM
2or Tea3her4# 5#e Onl6
7 No8 1 2 9 * 5 ( + : Total
7 No8 ; 10 11 12 19 1* 15 1(
7 No8 1+ 1: 1; 20 21 22 29 2*
7 No8 25 2( 2+ 2: 2; 90 91 92
7 No8 99 9* 95 9( 9+

7!e#tion No& 1 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which one of the following is not considered as a part of organizational output?
Finished goods

7!e#tion No& 2 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is not one of the types of attitude?
Job satisfaction
Job Involveent
!rganizational "ehavior
!rganizational coitent

7!e#tion No& 9 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is #!$ included in the ways eployees can e%press

7!e#tion No& * " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which diension of the "ig Five odel refers to be pleasant and accoodating in
social situations?
!penness to e%perience
&otional stability

7!e#tion No& 5 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is NOT a *ey coponent of eotional intelligence?

7!e#tion No& ( " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

What effect does stress typically have on ood?
#o effect

7!e#tion No& + " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

It is not possible for .r/ )si to understand everything he sees0 he notices a few of the
things0 we can say that he engages in1
Selective perception
2alo &ffect
$arget ,erception

7!e#tion No& : " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$he ost well+*nown theory of otivation is )braha .aslow3s 444444444444444/
$heories % and y
2ierarchy of needs
5oal setting theory
&6uity theory

7!e#tion No& ; " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

!ur intrinsic desire for personal developent is included in )lderfer3s 4444444444444

7!e#tion No& 10 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is NOT an iportant issue relating to goal+setting theory?
Defining the goal
5oal difficulty
5oal specificity
&6uity aong co+wor*ers

7!e#tion No& 11 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

What sort of plan is a copany+established benefit plan where eployees ac6uire stoc*
as part of their benefits?
."! progra
5ain sharing plan
&ployee stoc* ownership plan
,iece+rate plan

7!e#tion No& 12 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

What happens in the second stage of group developent?
Close relationships are developed
$he group deonstrates cohesiveness
Intra+group conflict often occurs
$he 8ob tas* is perfored

7!e#tion No& 19 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is one of the drawbac*s of group decision a*ing?
.ore *nowledge through pooling of group resources
.ore aount of tie is re6uired to a*e a decision
Increased acceptance 9 coitent due to voice in decisions
5reater understanding due to involveent in decision stages

7!e#tion No& 1* " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is traditionally followed by the foral channels of
counication within an organization?
)uthority chain
Influence chain
$ransission chain
Social chain

7!e#tion No& 15 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Clarification to eployees about how well they are doing0 and what can be done to
iprove perforance0 are e%aples of which function of counication?
&otional e%pression

7!e#tion No& 1( " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$he 44444 networ* best serves to proote high eber satisfaction/

7!e#tion No& 1+ " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

) counication channel with greater channel richness is ost li*ely to provide1
5reater feedbac* density
5reater filtering capability
5reater perceptual wellness
(arger aounts of inforation

7!e#tion No& 1: " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$he study of organizational behavior is priarily concerned with all of the following
dynaics in organizations &:C&,$1

7!e#tion No& 1; " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

2ow do proponents of reinforceent theory view behavior?
)s a product of heredity
)s a function of one3s power need
)s the result of a cognitive process
)s environentally caused

7!e#tion No& 20 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is true for the people who adopt a thin*ing style based on logics
and rationality?
$hey process inforation serially
$hey perceive things as a whole
$hey perceive things on the basis of past e%periences
$heir decisions depend upon situation

7!e#tion No& 21 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Sheraz wants to becoe a surgeon0 not only because achieving this goal will give hi
self+respect and autonoy0 but also because he wants a 8ob with high status and
recognition fro others/ Which of .aslow3s needs is Sheraz trying to eet?

7!e#tion No& 22 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$eas are very useful in which of the following situations?
$he wor* to be perfored is very basic
$he tas*s are interrelated
#o one wants to be accountable
$he group is hoogeneous

7!e#tion No& 29 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

)ll of the following are studied in !rganizational "ehavior0 EX-E.T
2uan behaviors in organizations
International trade laws
!rganizational culture
$he relationship between people and organizations

7!e#tion No& 2* " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following behavior of an individual a*es a positive contribution to an
.otivational behavior
,erforance behavior
!rganizational citizenship
,erceptive contribution

7!e#tion No& 25 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

C&! of a coputer anufacturing organization rewards his eployees with coputers0
vacations or bonuses for eeting personal or organizational goal/ 2e is practicing which
of the following ethod of shaping behavior?
,ositive reinforceent
#egative reinforceent

7!e#tion No& 2( " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$he suspension of a construction eployee for one day without pay for not wearing hard
hat when instructed strictly0 is an e%aple of which of the following ethod of shaping
#egative reinforceent
,ositive reinforceent

7!e#tion No& 2+ " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$he founder of $( Corporation has to face any difficulties while establishing his
copany even ban*s were not ready to grant loan/ "ut he showed persistence and after
four years he was able to generate finance by the ortgage of his own house/ 2e was
e%hibiting which of the following personality trait of "ig Five ,ersonality .odel?
&otional Stability

7!e#tion No& 2: " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

.r/ )hed started his career as a cler*0 now after ; years of hard wor* he has earned the
position of finance anager/ 2e believes that all his success is because of his own hard
wor* and devotion/ )hed has1
Internal locus of control
&otional intelligence
2igh self+estee

7!e#tion No& 2; " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is an e%aple of positive eotions?

7!e#tion No& 90 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which one of the following set of s*ills is best representing the re6uired copetencies of
$echnical s*ills0 huan s*ills and conceptual s*ills
(eading s*ills0 otivational s*ills and huan s*ills
!rganizing s*ills0 interpersonal s*ills and leading s*ills
.otivating s*ills0 intrapersonal s*ills and conceptual s*ills

7!e#tion No& 91 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

$he rational decision+a*ing approach assues that decision a*ers1
2ave coplete inforation
)re otivated by greed
)re often distracted by the environent
)re sub8ective

7!e#tion No& 92 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

.r/ )had is 27 anager in an organization/ 2e has ten eployees who directly report
to hi/ $hey are the part of which of the following group?
Coand group
$as* group
Friendship group
Interest group

7!e#tion No& 99 " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following is a structured approach to decision a*ing that focuses on
generating alternatives silently0 prevents criticis of alternatives0 and uses a voting
process to identify group choices?
Devil<s advocacy
$he Delphi techni6ue
Dialectical in6uiry
$he noinal group

7!e#tion No& 9* " Mar)#& 1 $ - .lea#e 3hoo#e one

Which of the following deterines re6uireents of organization conversion process?
.achinery0 coputers and huan s*ills
7aw aterial and capital
Finished products and services
27 and inforation syste

7!e#tion No& 95 " Mar)#& 9 $

Discuss when foral leadership ay not be that iportant?

7!e#tion No& 9( " Mar)#& 5 $

(ist and e%plain different barriers to effective counication/

7!e#tion No& 9+ " Mar)#& 5 $

It is argued that ost of the tie anagers use rational decision a*ing odel when ris*
is high/ Do you agree with this stateent or not? 5ive logical reasons to support your

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