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4 pages of fast play rules for ACW figures,

by Pierre aporte, !it" a #big$ "elp fro% Pete &o'es
It is suggested that the common "Fire and Fury / Johnny Reb, basing is used, with 15 or
20mm figures groued together on 20 / 25mm wide stands!
"0cm for #00 yards$ a game turn for "0mn!
%he game is intended to &ace the &ayer in the ro&e of an 'rmy (ommander, who has
under his command) one, two, or three 'rmy (ors! %he sma&&est reresented unit on
the tab&e is the brigade, which in game terms is a grou of 1 to 5 stands of the same
tye *infantry, ca+a&ry or arti&&ery,, ad-acent and facing in the same direction! %he number
of stands of a unit corresonds to its Fighting .a&ue *F.,, and this ta/es into account the
unit0s fatigue and e1erience)
Crack Average Green
Fresh 5 4 3
!rn 4 3 "
E#ha$s%ed 3 " &
For e1am&e, a " stands infantry unit wi&& reresent either an e1hausted +eterans unit, or
a worn a+erage unit, or a fresh but ine1erienced unit!
%he &ayers may agree the term "unit" indicates either an iso&ated brigade, or a set of
brigades e+o&+ing under the contro& of a di+isiona& commander!
Ar)* C!r+s Leaders
'n 'rmy (ors 2eader is reresented by a stand which shou&d inc&ude a mounted
officer accomanied with one or se+era& aids3de3cam! 4e is characteri5ed by his
Initiati+e, graded between 1 to ", and by his (harisma, graded between 0 to ", which
symbo&i5es the commander0s caacity to &ead his men!
E#a)+,es- Ge%%*sb$rg ca)+aign.
Ini%ia%ive. Charis)a.
Re*n!,ds 3 "
Sick,es / &
Sedg0ick " &
L!ngs%ree% 3 "
E0e,, & /
S%$ar% 3 3
'n 'rmy (ors 2eader does not command his brigades direct&y *this is the ro&e of
6i+isiona& 2eaders,! 'n e1cetion to this is if he is attached to a brigade by being &aced
ad-acent to its command stand!
(ivisi!na, Leaders
' 6i+isiona& 2eader is reresented by a stand which inc&udes a mounted officer, ossib&y
accomanied with one aid3de3cam! 's for a (ors 2eader, a 6i+isiona& 2eader is
characteri5ed by his Initiati+e, by his (harisma, and he too can be attached to a brigade!
' 6i+isiona& 2eader commands a ma1imum of 7 brigades! 's a ru&e, a 6i+isiona& 2eader
cannot come within &ess than 3/c) of another 6i+isiona& 2eader, friend or foe!
8ote) the same genera& can ha+e different characteristics according to the ro&e which he
occuies within a scenario$ for e1am&e, 4ood can be treated as a remar/ab&e 6i+isiona&
2eader, but on the other hand as an inferior (ors (ommander, because we sha&&
consider for the game that he achie+ed his 9thresho&d of incometence in this ro&e!
Brigades C!))anders
Reresented by the command stands of brigades, inc&uding norma&&y a standard bearer
and:or an officer! ' brigade is said to be c!))anded if its command stand is within
10cm of its 6i+isiona& (ommander, if it is facing the same direction, and if this di+isiona&
commander is not attached to a brigade$ it is said to be de%ached if any of these
conditions is not met!
' set of commanded brigades is indicated by the term divisi!n! ' di+ision can be made
by a combination of two tyes of troos) infantry / arti&&ery, or ca+a&ry / horse arti&&ery! 's
a ru&e, a brigade commander cannot come within &ess than &/c) of another brigade
commander, friend or foe!
;n&y ieces of terrain gi+ing a otentia& of rotection *such as woods, hi&&s, etc!, re<uire
to be reresented on the tab&e, with c&ear&y mar/ed boundaries! 6uring the same turn,
units may not cross more than one terrain tye!
8ote) it is the &ocation of the command stand that determines if a unit is in co+er!
1 3 Initiati+e hase
2 3 'cti+ation hase of the &ayer who won initiati+e
" 3 'cti+ation hase of the other &ayer
= 3 Reso&ution of the fighting, carried out simu&taneous&y for both cams
>ach side ro&&s a dice and the side with the highest ro&& has initiati+e! ;tion ru&e) if a
&ayer has &ost his ?enera&3in chief and if he &oses the initiati+e ro&&, his oonent can
choose to &ay first or second!
%o mo+e or re orientate a unit which fought or didn0t mo+e in the re+ious turn, or to
mo+e a brigade from co+er!
For a detached brigade, or a brigade mo+ing under co+er, add)
@ %he .( of the unit, and
@ %he Initiati+e of the (ors 2eader or 6i+isiona& 2eader ossib&y attached to the
unit *ad-acent to its f&ag,!
Ro&& &d6$ an e<ua& or &ower score is successfu&!
For a di+ision, add)
@ %he Initiati+e of the 6i+isiona& 2eader, and
@ %hat of his (ors 2eader, if the 6i+isiona& 2eader is within command radius of
the (ors 2eader *"0cm or &ess, and if the (ors 2eader is non3attached!
Ro&& &d7$ an e<ua& or &ower score is successfu&!
;tion) the score to be obtained is incremented for e+ery fai&ed attemt!
Infantry and arti&&ery) &/c), or 20cm if erforming a forced march!
(a+a&ry and horse arti&&ery) "/c), or =0cm at forced march!
6etached genera&s) 4/c)!
If erforming a forced march, a unit cannot fight in the same turn!
@ Bo+e brigades indicated as de%ached! %he mo+ement is made in a straight &ine,
by measuring the distance from the command stand of the brigade! %he ossib&e
attached genera&s can be simu&taneous&y mo+ed! Cefore mo+ing, a brigade can ma/e
about3turn or whee& on the a1is of its command stand u to =5 D without ena&ty! 4a+ing
mo+ed 10cm, a unit can erform another i+ot if mo+ement is ursued! ' i+ot which
e1ceeds =5 D costs 10cm of mo+ement!
@ Bo+e the divisi!ns) the 6i+isiona& 2eaders are mo+ed in a straight &ine, u to a
ma1imum distance corresonding to that of the tye of commanded troos, then their
brigades indicated as commanded fo&&ow the mo+ement$ on&y those that mo+e from a
co+er are indi+idua&&y tested! 't the conc&usion of their mo+ement, the e1act &ocation of
the commanded brigades is &eft with the free areciation of the &ayer, as far as they
-ust ha+e to stay within command radius of their 6i+isiona& (ommander and directed in
the same way! %he i+ot ru&e a&ies as for the detached brigades, but it is the 6i+isiona&
2eader stand that ser+es as a1is and determines the rotation of his brigades!
@ 2ast&y mo+e the detached command stands!

Ehen two oonent command stands are within engagement distance, we consider that
their units are caab&e of fighting!
@ Eithin 7/c) this reresents arti&&ery and counter battery fire em&oying so&id
shots and she&&s,
@ Eithin 3/c) this reresents that the in+o&+ed units are c&ose enough to be
engaged, e+en artia&&y, in firefights and that arti&&ery ma/es use of shrane&s and
6raw a 2ine of Fire between the 6i+isiona& 2eader of the di+ision which is firing *or the
brigade commander for a detached unit, and that of the targeted di+ision *or the brigade
commander for a detached unit,! If the 2oF crosses a iece of terrain that b&oc/s the
sight between the two then firing is not ossib&e! '&so if the target is situated behind the
front&ine of the firing unit, firing is not ossib&e!
If the 2oF e1ceeds "0cm, then on&y arti&&ery that didn0t mo+e that turn is e&igib&e to fire!
Ro&& &d7 for each stand of the same tye aiming at the same target, by throwing a
number of dices e<ua& to the tota& number of stands! For e1am&e, a di+ision consisting
of three infantry units of four stands wi&& ro&& 12 dice!
>+ery dice that is e<ua& or &ower to the efficiency of the tye of firing unit is a "hit",
symbo&i5ed by a mar/er! %he efficiency differs according to if the unit mo+ed or not
during the mo+ements se<uence!
EFFICIENCY CHART (not moving / moving)
Engagement distance: 30cm 60cm
Infantry 3/1 -/-
Artillery 4/- 2/-
Cavalry 2/2 -/-
Horse artillery 3/- 1/-
If the firing affects a di+ision, the &ayer who undergoes the &osses distributes "hits" on
the units within it! >ach brigade can on&y recei+e a second mar/er if e+ery other Crigade
has a mar/er on it! %he hits must be sread e+en&y!
For e+ery brigade affected by &osses during the turn, add)
@ the F. of the unit and the (harisma of its 6i+isiona& 2eader for a commanded
@ the F. of the unit, and the (harisma of a ossib&e attached (ors 2eader or
6i+isiona& 2eader, for a detached brigade!
For e+ery "hit", ro&& &d&/! If the obtained score is &ower or e<ua& to the modified F., the
"hit" is ineffecti+e and the mar/er is remo+ed! If the ro&&ed score is greater than the
modified .(, the brigade &oses one stand, and thus 1 oint of F.! If the brigade is under
co+er, it benefits from a second chance in case of fai&ure on an e+en score!
%he e&imination of a stand reresents not on&y the /i&&ed and the wounded, but esecia&&y
the rout of a art of the unit! %hus, if a brigade underwent se+era& "hits", the tests are
reso&+ed one by one, and e+ery fai&ure reduces the score to be obtained for the
subse<uent test!
>+ery "hit" causes two tests for a mo+ing ca+a&ry unit, and:or in case of a rear attac/ *ie)
if the &ine of fire is unmista/ab&y behind the front&ine of the targeted unit,!
' genera& recei+es a "hit" for e+ery "7" ro&&ed by the oonent during the fights)
@ If he is detached, and direct&y targeted,
@ If he is attached to a targeted brigade, or
@ If he commands a targeted di+ision!
;nce the tests of cohesion are reso&+ed, ro&& &d7 by successfu& "hit"$ if one 7 is obtained,
the genera& is e&iminated!

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