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7/25/14, 4:28 PM BBC - Languages - French - Ma France - Syllabus

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This page hasn't been updated for a while.
We've left it here for reference More information
1- Preview Getting up to speed before starting Ma
The use of je and vous with the present
tense; phrases with c'est ; mon, ma,
mes and links to entry-level grammar.
Grammar notes
2- Directions Getting and understanding directions. Using verbs with vous :
vous suivez... (you follow...), vous
prenez... (you take...), vous
traversez... (you cross...) etc.
Grammar notes
3- Languages Saying what languages you speak and
how well you can speak them. Getting
help with pronunciation, spelling and
Expressions with a, like a se prononce
comment ? (how's that pronounced?),
a s'crit comment ? (how's that
Grammar notes
4- Shopping Saying what you want to buy and the
quantity you want; how you're going to
Je voudrais... (I'd like...); quantities ;
standard shopping phrases ; je paie
par/avec... (I'll pay by/with...).
Grammar notes
5- Work Understanding work talk and describing
your own job.
Verbs with je in the present tense
(regular, irregular and reflexive) :
je fais (I do), je travaille (I work),
je suis (I am), je me lve (I get up).
Grammar notes
6- Arrangements Say what you're doing and when you're
doing it. Arranging meetings by phone
and email.
Using pouvoir (to be able) and devoir
(to have to) ; how to use the present
Grammar notes
Units Objectives Grammar: synopsis
Ma France
Ma France follows on from French Steps and is also ideal for people brushing up or returning to French. Its language and grammar
match the second (Preliminary) stage of the Languages Ladder and conform to Level A2/B1 of the Common European Framework.
7/25/14, 4:28 PM BBC - Languages - French - Ma France - Syllabus
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7- Kids & pets Discussing and describing others. 3rd person present tense (singular and
plural); adjectives.
Grammar notes
8- Adventure sports Understanding written and spoken
instructions and warnings.
Imperatives (using vous); saying what
must be done using on doit and il faut
followed by a verb in the infinitive.
Grammar notes
9- Wine talk Comparing different types of wine and
expressing preferences.
Using celui-ci and celui-l (this one,
that one); comparing things using plus
or moins with que.
Grammar notes
10- Eating out Discussing where and what you'd prefer
to eat.
Using phrases like moi aussi (me too),
pourquoi pas ? (why not?). Vouloir and
prfrer in the present tense.
Expressions using avoir.
Grammar notes
11- Booking a gte Understanding an advert online,
confirming details via phone call and
booking a gte.
Using the expression il y a; different ways
of asking questions.
Grammar notes
12- House buying Finding out about houses for sale and
being shown around.
Using on :
on peut visiter.. ? (can I/we/ one visit..
Grammar notes
13- Walks Understanding written and spoken
directions; describing the landscape.
Saying what you're going to do using le
future proche :
on va followed by the infinitive.
Grammar notes
14- Cooking Discussing tasty dishes and how to cook
Using the expression il faut with nouns
and infinitives ; avoir l'air bon (to smell,
look good).
Grammar notes
15- Chemists' Explaining what's wrong and asking for a
Using avoir mal de... to explain what's
wrong and avoir qqch pour/contre... to
ask for remedies.
Grammar notes
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16- B and B Understanding questions about what
you've been doing and having simple
conversations at a Bed and Breakfast.
The recent past in French:
verbs with avoir.
Grammar notes
17- Holidays Talking about where you've been on
The recent past in French:
verbs with tre.
Grammar notes
18- Guided tour Understanding what's being said on a
guided tour and checking you've got it
Using the imperfect tense, l'imparfait:
il vivait ici (he used to live here); dates
and years.
Grammar notes
19- Dating Saying what you're like and what you like
to do.
Using tu and vous; likes and dislikes
using aimer ; modifying statements
using plutt, un peu etc.
Grammar notes
20- Football Saying something's good or bad; what
games you play and who you support.
Different ways of saying good and bad.
Asking questions with words like qui,
comment, pourquoi ? (who,how and
Grammar notes
21- Flowers & messages Saying and writing the right thing on a
range of special occasions.
Polite formulae and set structures such as
je vous souhaite... (I wish you...)
veuillez accepter... (please accept... ).
Grammar notes
22- Hotel requests Polite ways of getting things done or
getting what you need.
The use of polite expressions with the
conditional tense :
serait-il possible... ? (would it be
Grammar notes
23- DIY Discussing doing up a house. Different ways of talking about the
with on va... or using le futur : je
commencerai... (I will start...).
Grammar notes
24- News & views Saying what you think about the weather
and about issues in the news.
How to use expressions like je pense
que, je crois que, mon avis.
Grammar notes
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