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V Vol. 22, No.

2 February 2000

CE Refereed Peer Review

FOCAL POINT Toxicity in Cats
★Early and proactive treatment
of acetaminophen overdose can
result in a successful outcome
and Dogs
in veterinary patients.
Tufts University
Nancy S. Taylor, DVM
■ The toxic dose of acetaminophen
is 10 mg/kg in cats and 150 to ABSTRACT: Acetaminophen toxicity continues to occur in veterinary patients. Dogs are more
200 mg/kg in dogs. prone to the hepatic necrosis that occurs with such toxicity, whereas cats are more prone to
methemoglobinemia and Heinz-body anemia. The primary goal of treatment is to decrease for-
mation of the reactive intermediate N-acetyl-para-benzequinoneimine. In addition to reviewing
■ Cats have deficiencies in
acetaminophen toxicity, this article provides insight into the mechanism for hepatic necrosis
glucuronide and sulfate and methemoglobin development and discusses postmortem changes, treatment regimens,
conjugation that contribute and differences in toxicity between cats and dogs.
to acetaminophen toxicity.

■ Cats are more susceptible to

cetaminophen is a widely accepted nonnarcotic analgesic and antipyretic
methemoglobinemia and Heinz- drug in human medicine. This agent has largely replaced salicylates be-
body anemia, whereas dogs are cause of the reduced risk for gastric ulceration and inhibition of platelet
more prone to hepatic necrosis. adhesion or aggregation. However, although it is considered safe in humans, acet-
aminophen can be toxic and is often fatal in small animals.1 According to experi-
■ Precursors of glutathione mental data and case reports, cats can be poisoned by as little as 10 mg acet-
synthesis, such as aminophen/kg.2 Acetaminophen is considered toxic in dogs at doses between
N-acetylcysteine, are essential 150 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg, and dogs usually show clinical signs after oral doses
for treatment of acetaminophen of 200 mg/kg or more.3
toxicity. Although it is most readily recognized by the trade name of Tylenol® (McNeil
Consumer Health Care, Fort Washington, PA), acetaminophen is the major in-
gredient of most aspirin-free pain relievers and cold remedies. Phenacetin is an-
other source of acetaminophen. In healthy individuals, 75% to 80% of adminis-
tered phenacetin is rapidly metabolized to acetaminophen. Phenacetin can be
formulated alone or as aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine tablets. In Great Britain, acet-
aminophen is known as paracetamol.1
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Poison Con-
trol Center indicates that from 1992 to 1997 their poison control center re-
ceived 232 calls about cats and 1232 calls about dogs having ingested acet-
aminophen or some type of acetaminophen-containing substance. In 95% of the
cases, owners intentionally gave the acetaminophen to their pets.
Toxicosis in cats most often results from administration by the owner for relief
of pain, fever, and nonspecific ailments3; dogs, however, more often accidentally
Compendium February 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

metabolite, NAPQI, which

is converted into a nontox-
ic product of cysteine and
mercapturic acid that can
be excreted into urine6 (Fig-
ure 1). Glutathione conju-
gation with NAPQI may
be protective at low doses
of acetaminophen; howev-
er, further exposure can
deplete glutathione stores
and facilitate build-up of
the toxic metabolite.4,6
A few important factors
play a role in acetamino-
phen toxicity. Acetamino-
phen saturates the sulfate
and glucuronide conjuga-
tion pathways, thereby
prolonging the half-life of
acetaminophen and result-
ing in continued high con-
Figure 1—The three pathways of acetaminophen metabolism in the liver. centrations for longer peri-
ods. When these pathways
ingest tablets that are not stored properly.3 In these cas- become saturated, the quantity of NAPQI increases.
es, much larger doses, up to 15 to 20 tablets (7500 to In dogs, the half-life of acetaminophen is 1.2 hours
10,000 mg), are absorbed. at a dose of 200 mg/kg but increases to 3.5 hours at a
dose of 500 mg/kg.4 The major metabolite in dog urine
METABOLISM AND MECHANISM OF TOXICOSIS is the glucuronide conjugate (75%), followed by the
Dogs can tolerate up to 15 mg of acetaminophen/kg sulfate conjugate (10% to 20%) and the cysteine con-
three times daily1; cats, however, are extremely sensitive jugate (5%).4
to acetaminophen, even at doses that could be consid- In cats, the half-life of acetaminophen is 0.6 hours at
ered safe for analgesia. The difference in toxicosis be- a dose of 20 mg/kg but increases to 2.4 hours at a dose
tween these two species is related to the difference in of 60 mg/kg.4 The major metabolite of acetaminophen
metabolism. at doses of 20 mg/kg in cats is the sulfate conjugate
Acetaminophen is primarily metabolized in the liver (90%), followed by the cysteine conjugate (5%) and
via three competing pathways (Figure 1). Acetamino- the glucuronide conjugate (1%).4 Although the major
phen conjugates to a sulfate compound by phenol sul- pathway for acetaminophen conjugation in cats is
fotransferase or to a glucuronide compound by uridine through sulfate binding, sulfate is limited in cats. Cats
diphosphate (UDP)–glucuronosyltransferase; in addition, also have lower UDP–glucuronosyltransferase activity
it can be transformed and oxidized by the cytochrome in the liver; therefore, glucuronide is less available for
P-450 oxidative process that converts acetaminophen conjugation.4 The deficiency in acetaminophen-direct-
to an electrophilic reactive intermediate known as ed UDP–glucuronosyltransferase activity, coupled with
N-acetyl-para-benzequinoneimine (NAPQI).4 The toxic the limited capacity for sulfate conjugation, causes a
effects of acetaminophen are related to the formation of prolonged half-life of acetaminophen in cats at much
NAPQI.1–5 lower doses than in dogs.7,8 Compared with dogs, cats
The amount of acetaminophen transformed by the have a limited (1⁄10) capacity to eliminate acetamin-
cytochrome P-450 oxidative process is initially mini- ophen.4 This limitation results in significant formation
mal. Metabolites from glucuronide and sulfate conjuga- of the highly reactive metabolite NAPQI. Recent stud-
tion are nontoxic and are excreted readily into the bile ies have isolated the genetic defect in cats that produces
and urine along with other minor metabolites and a a nonfunctional pseudogene to UDP–glucuronosyl-
small amount of nontransformed acetaminophen. Re- transferase.
duced glutathione usually conjugates with the reactive Another important factor in acetaminophen toxicosis


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium February 2000

is that, together with increases in cytochrome P-450 glutathione, which is normally protective against oxida-
oxidation, use of reduced glutathione is raised to the tive stress.
point at which cellular stores become depleted. Re- Oxidative stress is generally associated with produc-
duced glutathione is the main endogenous reducing tion of reactive oxygen species (i.e., hydrogen peroxide,
agent and defense against electrophilic xenobiotics. superoxide anion, and the highly reactive hydroxyl rad-
When NAPQI can no longer be inactivated by the liv- ical), which may lead to glutathione oxidation, lipid
er, it becomes free to react with hepatic proteins by co- peroxidation, DNA damage, and protein oxidation.13 It
valent bonding.9 This results in hepatocellular damage, has been suggested that the administration of antioxi-
which is often a sequela of acetaminophen toxicosis. dant agents may prevent acetaminophen toxicity. How-
Depletion of protective glutathione stores in eryth- ever, in vivo studies of oxidative stress and hepatotoxici-
rocytes also predisposes these cells to oxidative stress ty are inconclusive and contradictory.13
induced by NAPQI.9 This stress results in methemo- Increased cytosolic calcium levels have also been im-
globinemia and Heinz-body anemia, which lead to oxy- plicated in cell death. However, the increase in calcium
gen deprivation in tissue and the clinical signs of shock levels lagged behind cell injury. Calcium may exacer-
(tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, and poor perfu- bate the problem of liver damage as a secondary rather
sion). than an initial cause of cell injury.14,15
Recent studies have examined the role of leukocytes
TOXIC EFFECTS OF ACETAMINOPHEN in acetaminophen-related liver necrosis. The effects of
At toxic doses, acetaminophen often causes hepatic tumor-necrosis factor on neutrophils are vascular plug-
necrosis, especially in dogs. Methemoglobinemia and ging and macrophage induction, and it has been con-
Heinz-body anemia are more common in cats but can cluded that these effects play a role in the progression
also occur in dogs. of liver damage but are not the inciting cause.16

Hepatic Necrosis Methemoglobinemia and Heinz-Body Formation

Studies have shown a direct correlation among the Methemoglobinemia is a common sequela of acet-
extent of covalent bonding to hepatic proteins, the rate aminophen toxicity. Methemoglobin formation is the
of hepatic glutathione depletion, and the susceptibility first manifestation of oxidative stress in erythrocytes.
of a species to hepatotoxicity.10–12 Glutathione is an essential antioxidant in erythrocytes
The exact mechanism of liver necrosis continues to and protects against methemoglobinemia.2 Increased
be debated. Studies have shown that high doses of acet- doses of acetaminophen lead to depletion of glu-
aminophen cause morphologic changes in mitochon- tathione, leaving the erythrocytes unprotected from the
dria. Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs early in the oxidizing effects of NAPQI.2 Cats are more prone to
course of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity and is caused oxidation than are dogs because feline hemoglobin has
by an inhibition of mitochondrial respiration as soon as eight reactive sulfa hydroxyl groups, whereas canine
1 hour after ingestion and well before overt toxicity oc- hemoglobin has only four.2,17 Thus, methemoglobine-
curs. Morphologic changes seen in the mitochondria, mia is more commonly associated with acetaminophen
such as swelling and enlargement, also occur early.11 toxicity in cats than in dogs.
One hypothesis holds that, by covalently binding to As glutathione levels decrease, methemoglobin is
critical proteins in the mitochondria, NAPQI triggers formed from hemoglobin by oxidation of iron from the
the disruption of a critical cellular function or pathway. ferrous to the ferric state. Methemoglobinemia occurs
This disruption results in morphologic changes and in- when the rate of formation of methemoglobin exceeds
hibition of mitochondrial respiration and, in turn, the ability of the reductase system to keep methe-
leads to cell death and necrosis.11 One study isolated a moglobin in the reduced state. Methemoglobin is inca-
mitochondrial protein that was bound with NAPQI pable of transporting oxygen and pushes the oxyhe-
0.5 hour after a toxic dose of acetaminophen was given. moglobin curve to the left, making it more difficult to
The protein seems to be glutamine dehydrogenase, a unload oxygen to the tissues. This results in the clinical
key enzyme in carbon and nitrogen metabolism. signs associated with tissue hypoxia.18 Methemoglobin
Whether this binding affects the nitrogen–carbon can be measured by a co-oximeter or at a local human
metabolism in the cell and whether such binding is im- hospital.
portant in acetaminophen toxicity is a key question A small amount of methemoglobin (0.5% to 3.0% of
that has yet to be answered.12 the total hemoglobin) is normally found in blood.3
Another proposed theory for the mechanism of hepa- Clinical signs begin to appear as soon as the hemoglo-
totoxicity is oxidative stress. NAPQI depletes the cell of bin comprises 20% methemoglobin.3 Coma and death


Compendium February 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

Clinical Signs of have been observed when edema of the face, paws, and forelimbs have been re-
the methemoglobin percent- ported.3
Acetaminophen Toxicity age exceeds 80% of the total In dogs, signs associated with centrilobular hepatic
Methemoglobinemia hemoglobin.3 necrosis are most commonly seen, usually within 24 to
The formation of Heinz 36 hours after acetaminophen overdose.3 In cats, hepat-
■ 0 to 24 hours
bodies occurs as a complica- ic necrosis is not a common occurrence, although in-
Chocolate-brown tion of acetaminophen toxic- creases in serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate
mucous membranes ity. Methemoglobin forma- aminotransferase have been reported. Icterus, if seen,
Tachycardia tion can lead to denaturation usually appears in a secondary phase 24 to 48 hours af-
Dyspnea of hemoglobin as a result of ter administration of acetaminophen and may result
Cyanosis exhaustion of the methe- from hepatic necrosis, intravascular hemolysis, or both.3
moglobin reductase system.2 Signs of hepatic necrosis are usually seen 24 to 48
Heinz bodies are formed hours after ingestion of a toxic dose of acetaminophen.
Vomiting from precipitation of the dam- Early signs of hepatopathy may be a painful abdomen
aged hemoglobin in erythro- and increased levels of alanine aminotransferase and as-
■ 12 to 24 hours cytes. The presence of Heinz partate aminotransferase. As necrosis progresses, hypo-
Edema of face, neck, bodies leads to an increase in glycemia, icterus, hepatoencephalopathy, coagulation
and limbs osmotic fragility of erythro- disorders, and death ensue.
cytes, erythrocyte hemolysis,
Conjunctival edema
Hypothermia Microscopic hepatic lesions are more severe in dogs
Ataxia CLINICAL SIGNS AND than in cats. The livers of dogs with acetaminophen
Coma LABORATORY FINDINGS toxicosis show diffuse centrilobular necrosis and con-
Signs of toxicity (see Clin- gestion, hydropic degeneration, and biliary stasis. One
Liver Failure ical Signs of Acetaminophen study reported the presence of proteinaceous tubular
Toxicity) may be seen as soon casts, renal congestion, and nephrosis in dogs.6
Painful abdomen
as 1 to 4 hours after drug in-
Elevated liver enzymes gestion but usually occur
Hypoproteinemia within 6 to 24 hours. 3 In • Easy Reference Index
Icterus cats, clinical signs include Emergency Medicine • 364 Pages
chocolate-brown mucous in Small Animal Practice • Color and
Hypoglycemia Black-and-White
Coagulopathy membranes (Figure 2A), Photographs
which is typical of methe- ✶ Cardiac Emergencies
Encephalopathy ✶
moglobinemia2; cyanosis of Trauma
the buccal mucosa (Figure ✶ Shock Emergency
✶ Seizure-related Medicine
2B); dyspnea; and tachycar- Disorders
dia. These signs are caused by tissue hypoxia and may ✶ Toxicology
sometimes be associated with vomiting. Edema of the ✶ Thermal Emergencies
face, neck, and limbs (Figures 2C, 2D, and 2E) is also and much more
frequently reported 12 to 48 hours after acetamino-
phen overdose. Depression; hypothermia; ataxia; con-
junctival edema; and dilated, nonresponsive pupils are
10% o $
61 in Small A
nimal Prac
occasionally reported. Less commonly seen signs in-
clude hypersalivation, hyperesthesia, and convulsions.
Coma indicates a poor prognosis.3

In dogs, acetaminophen poisoning causes both

methemoglobinemia and hepatic necrosis. With a sin-
gle dose of 200 mg/kg, clinical signs are similar to
those described in cats.3 The intensity and duration of
NOW 800 426-9119
symptoms are related to the percentage of methe- Email: books.vls@medimedia.com
moglobin in the blood. Hemoglobinuria may also be to order your copy or request a catalog of the
complete line of VLS books, journals, and videos.
seen in animals with methemoglobin levels higher than

20%.3 At higher methemoglobin levels, vomiting and


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium February 2000

Figure 2A Figure 2B

Figure 2C Figure 2D

Diffuse centrilobular necrosis is not usually seen in

cats, but peripheral hepatic degenerative changes do oc-
cur. Pericholangitis, mononuclear cell infiltrates, moderate
bile duct proliferation, biliary stasis, and vacuolated
hepatocytes are seen. Kidney lesions are uncommon in
cats.6 One theory for the lack of hepatic necrosis in cats
with acetaminophen toxicosis is that they die of hypox-
ia secondary to methemoglobinemia at doses that are
too low to produce hepatic necrosis.3

The goals of treatment (see Treatment for Acetamin-
ophen Toxicosis) generally are to decrease absorption of
acetaminophen from the gastrointestinal tract, hasten
Figure 2E elimination of unchanged acetaminophen, limit forma-
Figure 2—Clinical manifestations of acetaminophen toxicity tion of NAPQI, and provide supportive care to correct
in cats. (A) Chocolate-brown mucous membranes, typical of dehydration and acid–base and electrolyte abnormali-
methemoglobinemia. (B) Cyanotic mucous membranes. (C) ties; specific treatment is aimed at restoring glutathione
Facial edema. (D) Same cat as in Figure 2C after successful
stores, eliminating methemoglobin, and improving oxy-
treatment of acetaminophen toxicity. (E) Limb edema. (Fig-
ures 2C, 2D, and 2E courtesy of L. R. Aronson)
gen delivery to tissues.19,20
On presentation, the animal should be given supple-


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium February 2000

mental oxygen. Handling must be kept to a

minimum to reduce stress for the animal. In- Treatment for Acetaminophen Toxicosis
travenous fluid therapy should be started to
promote diuresis for elimination of the toxin. ■ Provide supplemental oxygen.
Hypovolemic patients may benefit from sub- ■ Minimize handling.
stantial fluid loading. ■ Administer various fluids, drugs, and supportive agents.
If an animal is presented immediately after Intravenous fluids (to maintain mean arterial pressure
ingesting acetaminophen, vomiting can be in-
above 80 mm Hg and to promote diuresis)
duced. Introduction of a stomach tube and
gastric lavage can also be useful. However, be- N-acetylcysteine: loading dose of 140 mg/kg
cause acetaminophen is rapidly absorbed, gas- intravenously, then 70 mg/kg intravenously or orally
tric lavage may not be beneficial for more every 6 hr for seven more treatments
than a few hours following exposure.20 In ad- Cimetidine: 5 mg/kg intravenously three times daily
dition, the procedure may be too stressful for Vitamin C: 30 g/kg intravenously four times daily
a severely compromised, hypoxic patient.
■ Monitor for liver failure and treat as necessary.
Although these patients require glutathione
replacement, provision of exogenous glu- Lactulose: 1 to 3 ml/kg orally four to six times daily
tathione was found to be ineffective because Neomycin/metronidazole: 15 mg of neomycin/kg as an
glutathione is normally synthesized in situ and enema four times daily or 10 to 20 mg/kg orally four
does not effectively penetrate intact cells. At- times daily; 20 mg of metronidazole/kg orally three
tention should therefore be turned to admin- times daily or 10 mg/kg intravenously three times daily
istration of glutathione precursors that readily
■ Monitor for coagulopathy and treat as necessary.
enter cells and facilitate an increased rate of
glutathione synthesis in vivo.1 Fresh-frozen plasma: 10 ml/kg intravenously
Glutathione requires three amino acids for Glucose: 0.5 to 1 ml/kg 50% dextrose intravenously as
its synthesis: cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. needed to maintain blood glucose below 40 mg/dl, then
Because many metabolic pathways readily 2.5% to 5% dextrose added to intravenous fluids
produce glutamine and glycine, attention has Vitamin K: 2.4 mg/kg subcutaneously two to three times
focused on providing cysteine to the patient.1
N-acetylcysteine is rapidly hydrolyzed to cys-
teine in vivo and functions by providing avail- Blood products: as needed
able cysteine for the increased synthesis of glu-
tathione. In addition, research has shown that
N-acetylcysteine directly interacts with the reactive N-acetylcysteine treatment seems to be less effica-
metabolite of acetaminophen to form a nontoxic cious when it is initiated more than 8 hours after inges-
acetylcysteine conjugate.1 However, repletion of cys- tion of acetaminophen20 but can still be somewhat effi-
teine is believed to play only a minor role in therapy. cacious 36 to 80 hours after ingestion.20 Studies have
Repletion of glutathione stores allows NAPQI to be shown that N-acetylcysteine treatment prevented hepa-
converted to a nontoxic metabolite, thus protecting the totoxicity in humans presenting within 8 hours of in-
patient from ongoing methemoglobin production and gestion of acetaminophen (regardless of the dose).
hepatic necrosis.1,2 When N-acetylcysteine therapy was initiated within 10
N-acetylcysteine has also been shown to increase con- hours of exposure, hepatotoxicity occurred in 26% of
centrations of free serum sulfate in rats with acetamino- cases; hepatotoxicity occurred in 41% of patients treat-
phen toxicosis21; this allows more substrate for the sul- ed 10 to 24 hours after ingestion.20
fate conjugation pathway and may be especially helpful N-acetylcysteine may also be useful for decreasing
in cats because of their limited capacity for sulfate con- methemoglobin formation in erythrocytes because of its
jugation. N-acetylcysteine is administered as follows: ability to form glutathione. Glutathione is known to di-
23% N-acetylcysteine and 5% dextrose are diluted in rectly reduce endogenous methemoglobin,22 and N-ace-
water to make a 3% solution. A loading dose of 140 mg tylcysteine may also reduce methemoglobin by altering
N-acetylcysteine/kg is given through a peripheral intra- drug metabolism. By forming glutathione, N-acetylcys-
venous catheter for 1 hour using an in-line 0.2-micron teine may favor formation of nontoxic instead of reac-
millipore filter22,23; a 70 mg/kg dose is then given intra- tive intermediates; it may also act as a reducing agent for
venously or orally every 6 hours for seven treatments.1,2 intermediate free radicals. In summary, N-acetylcysteine


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium February 2000

may be beneficial in reducing methemoglobin forma- benefit of prophylactic antibiotics in fulminant hepati-
tion by causing direct reduction of the heme molecule, tis.25 Such broad-spectrum antibiotics as cefazolin or
metabolic shunting of xenobiotic agents to metabolic ampicillin (20 mg/kg administered intravenously every
pathways in which an oxidative agent is not formed, 8 hours) can be given.
and reduction of the oxidizing agent itself.22 Lactulose (1 to 3 ml/kg every 4 to 6 hours adminis-
Use of activated charcoal is controversial. It binds tered intravenously or via an enema) can also be used
with acetaminophen but, when given orally, also binds for the treatment of hepatoencephalopathy.26 Hypo-
with N-acetylcysteine, thereby inhibiting the effects of glycemia in liver failure is caused by impaired gluco-
N-acetylcysteine. In dogs and cats that are depressed neogenesis, prolonged insulin half-life, and impaired
and vomiting, administration of activated charcoal may mobilization of glycogen stores. Serum glucose levels
exacerbate the vomiting and lead to aspiration.20 should be monitored regularly and intravenous glucose
In humans, hemodialysis removed about 10% of an provided by dextrose solutions as necessary.25
ingested dose of acetaminophen but was not shown to
change clinical outcome and was not recommended.20 FUTURE THERAPIES
Peritoneal dialysis would also be unlikely to change the Future directions in therapy may be suggested by
outcome for dogs or cats. new studies. One study has shown that dietary supple-
Cimetidine has been suggested for the treatment of mentation of glutamine helped replenish glutathione
acetaminophen overdose because of its ability to inhibit stores in rats given toxic levels of acetaminophen.24
the cytochrome P-450 oxidation and therefore the for- In another study, researchers compared the effects of
mation of NAPQI. Cimetidine is believed to lessen acetylcysteine and prostaglandin E2 when given to rats
hepatotoxicity and can be an additive therapy to N- 30 minutes after administration of a toxic dose of acet-
acetylcysteine.24 Although some studies have shown de- aminophen. Prostaglandin E2 is believed to be cytopro-
creased oxidation with cimetidine, others have shown tective. It was found that serum alanine aminotrans-
no effect.25 Because of the mechanism of action, cimeti- ferase levels were near normal in the prostaglandin
dine would need to be given very early in the course of group 24 hours after the acetaminophen exposure but
toxicity to be effective. Even with large doses of cimeti- were still nine times higher than normal in the N-acetyl-
dine, complete inhibition of the cytochrome P-450 sys- cysteine group. Histopathologic hepatic injury was also
tem does not occur24; therefore, it should only be used markedly reduced in the prostaglandin group.20, 24
as an adjunct to therapy. The recommended dose is 5
mg/kg administered intravenously every 8 hours.26 SUMMARY
Vitamin C can be used in the treatment of acet- Although acetaminophen is still a problem in veteri-
aminophen toxicity because of its antioxidant proper- nary patients, much is known about the pathophysiolo-
ties.2 It is used to alleviate methemoglobinemia and can gy of toxicosis and the treatment for this potentially
supplement the endogenous protective mechanism of deadly toxin. The toxic effects of acetaminophen are re-
glutathione to prevent covalent binding of reactive acet- lated to formation of NAPQI by the cytochrome P-450
aminophen metabolites.1 The recommended dose is 30 system when normal sulfate and glucuronide pathways
mg/kg administered intravenously four times a day.2 are saturated or when glutathione becomes depleted.
Blood transfusions should be administered as needed Glutathione is important for cell protection; when de-
for anemia, and guidelines for blood transfusion may pleted, damage to the liver and erythrocytes occurs,
need to be altered. Checking for signs of hypoxemia leading to liver necrosis and methemoglobinemia, re-
should be done rather than monitoring the hematocrit spectively.
because the hematocrit is not a true reflection of the Signs of acetaminophen toxicity are similar between
oxygen-carrying capacity in the presence of methemo- cats and dogs. However, centrilobular necrosis seems to
globinemia. be more prominent in dogs, whereas methemoglobine-
The treatment for coagulopathy in hepatic failure can mia and Heinz-body anemia are more common in cats.
be complex. Treatment for this disorder is discussed Acetaminophen toxicity is dose dependent. As little
briefly in Treatment for Acetaminophen Toxicosis, and as 10 mg/kg in cats or 150 to 200 mg/kg in dogs is
readers are referred to other sources for further infor- considered toxic. Treatment can be successful if initiat-
mation.25,26 ed early enough. The key to therapy is the provision of
Infection secondary to gastrointestinal bacterial precursors for glutathione production. N-acetylcysteine
translocation can also occur in hepatic failure because is essential in the treatment of acetaminophen toxicosis
the liver has a reduced ability to clear translocated bac- because it provides cysteine for synthesis of glutathione
teria. Two controlled studies in humans have shown a and also reacts with NAPQI to form a nontoxic conju-


Compendium February 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

gate. Cimetidine and vitamin C are both helpful when partmentation and mitochondrial energy metabolism in the
used in conjunction with N-acetylcysteine. Intravenous rat. Biochem Pharmacol 52:1147–1154, 1996.
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quired), and treatment of liver disease are also crucial. hepatocytes. Mol Pharmacol 41:665–670, 1992.
16. Grewal KK, Racz WJ: Intracellular calcium disruption as a
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acetaminophen administration on hepatic glutathione com-

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