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Site of ocular hydrolysis of a prodrug,

dipivefrin, and a comparison of its ocular

metabolism with that of the parent
compound, epinephrine
Janet A. Anderson, Wendy L. Davis, and Chau-Po Wei

Dipivefrin is a prodrug of epinephrine which is hydrolijzed to epinephrine after absorption into

the eye. The major site of this hydrolysis is shown to be the cornea. Some dipivefrin is absorbed
unchanged into ocular tissues, but most appears as epinephrine and its metabolites within 15
min after topical application. Metanephrine is the major metabolite of epinephrine found in
ocular tissues. It is found as soon as 15 min after application of either dipivefrin or epinephrine
and appears in all the tissues tested. The data indicate that the epinephrine which is liberated
by hydrolysis of topically applied dipivefrin is metabolized similarly to topically applied epi-
nephrine. The monoamine oxidase metabolites of epinephrine appear 1 to 3 hr after treatment
and are found mainly in the aqueous humor. After ocular application of either compound there
appear to be uptake and storage of the exogenous epinephrine in the iris plus ciliary body.
There is also some storage of unmetabolized epinephrine in the cornea.

Key words: prodrug, epinephrine, dipivefrin, dipivalyl epinephrine,

biotransfbrmation, ocular metabolism, esterases, catechol-o-methyl transferase,
monoamine oxidase

D ipivalyl epinephrine, or dipivefrin, is a

pivalic acid diester of epinephrine which ef-
rine.3 Ten times as much radioactive material
is found in rabbit eyes 30 min after topical
fectively reduces intraocular pressure in hu- application of 14C-dipivefrin as after topical
mans and rabbits at concentrations 5% to application of 14C-epinephrine.3 In human
10% of the commonly used epinephrine con- eyes, 17 times as much drug penetrated the
centrations.1* 2 This is probably due to the cornea after dipivefrin treatment as after epi-
lipophilic nature of the compound which al- nephrine treatment.4
lows it to be more readily absorbed into the Dipivefrin is hydrolyzed to epinephrine in
eye than the parent compound, epineph- ocular tissues in vitro5 and appears as epi-
nephrine in the aqueous humor after topical
application both in humans and rabbits.3" 4
From the Department of Ophthalmology, California Col-
We were interested in determining the site
lege of Medicine, University of California, Irvine. of hydrolysis of the prodrug and in comparing
Supported in part by Allergan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the ocular metabolism of the liberated epi-
Irvine, Calif. nephrine to that of topically applied epi-
Presented in part before the Third International Con- nephrine.
gress of Eye Research, Osaka, Japan, May 1978.
Submitted for publication Dec. 1, 1978.
Reprint requests: Janet Anderson, Ph.D., Department
Materials and methods
of Ophthalmology, California College of Medicine, The animals used in these studies were female
University of California, Irvine, Calif. 92717. white New Zealand rabbits weighing from 2.0 to
0146-0404/80/070817+07$00.70/0 © 1980 Assoc. for Res. in Vis. and Ophthal., Inc. 817
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.
818 Anderson, Davis, and Wei July 1980

Table I. Percent of radioactive material jected intramuscularly with 0.5 ml of morphine

extracted (mean ± S.D.) sulfate (1 mg/ml) followed by 1 to 2 ml of 5% so-
dium pentobarbital injected intravenously until
Tissue 7- uC-Epinephrine 7- l4C-Dipivefrin the animal was sufficiently anesthetized. Each eye
was then treated with a 50 /xl drop of a 0.1% solu-
Cornea 81.67 ± 5.09 87.88 ± 4.15
(n = 12) (n = 13) tion of 14C-dipivefrin in 0.01N acetate buffer, pH
Iris plus 90.86 ± 5.62 91.75 ± 7.07 4.0. After 2 min, the eyes were washed with sa-
ciliary body (n = 12) (n = 11) line. From 4 to 18 min after treatment, the cor-
Aqueous humor 94.6 ± 5.8 94.6 ± 5.5 neas were removed from the anesthetized ani-
(n = 4) mals, washed with saline, and quickly placed in
cold 0.01N HCl in methanol. The time from
3.2 kg (Curd's Caviary, La Puente, Calif.). Un- treatment to placement in acidic methanol was de-
labeled dipivefrin and 7-14C-dipivefrin (HCl salt, termined. The corneal tissue was extracted two
1.0 mCi/mmol, MW 388) were obtained from times in 3 ml of acidic methanol in a ground-glass
INTERx, Lawrence, Kans. 7-14C-epinephrine homogenizer. The extraction solutions were com-
(bitartartrate salt, 33 mCi/mmol, MW 333) was bined and centrifuged at 4° C for 30 min at
obtained from Amersham Corp., Arlington 1000 X g. The extracted corneal tissue and pellet
Heights, 111. Unlabeled epinephrine bitartrate was were combined and solubilized in NCS (Amer-
obtained from 3M Laboratories, Ltd., Lough- sham) at 55° C overnight. The samples were
borough, England, Metabolites were from Sigma counted and corrected for quenching as previously
Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., except for dihy- described. 3 The extraction fluid supernatant was
droxymandelic acid and methoxyhydroxymandelic reduced in volume under a stream of N2 as was a
acid from Calbiochem, La Jolla, Calif. All other control sample of 14C-dipivefrin in 0.01N HC1-
chemicals used were reagent grade. methanol. The samples were chromatographed,
and distribution of radioactivity was determined as
Drugs were applied to the eyes in 50 /JL\ drops
previously described. 3 The percent of radioactive
from a micropipette. The eyedrop was placed
material extracted was 88.4% ± 5 . 0 (mean ±
above the cornea and allowed to spread over the
S.D.) of the total amount in the cornea. Rates of
surface of the eye. Then the eye was gently held
corneal hydrolysis were also determined in a
closed for 30 sec so that no blinking occurred.
group of unanesthetized animals. These animals
Mass spectrometry. Dipivefrin hydrolyzes to were sacrificed with a peripheral ear vein injection
two compounds, one of which has been identi- of 35% sodium pentobarbitol immediately before
fied by two different thin-layer chromatographic removal of the corneas.
methods,'• 4 by high-pressure liquid chromatogra-
phy, 5 and by ultraviolet spectral analysis (unpub- When the role of the corneal epithelium in the
lished data) as epinephrine. The other compound hydrolysis of dipivefrin was determined, the rab-
migrates in our thin-layer chromatographic sys- bits were not given a general anesthetic but were
tem 3 with an Rf of 0.73 and, judging from the given 1 drop of the local anesthetic, propara-
times of its appearance and disappearance, is an caine (Ophthetic; Allergan Pharmaceuticals, Ir-
intermediate in the hydrolysis of dipivefrin to epi- vine, Calif.), in each eye. The surface of one cor-
nephrine. Both compounds are found after enzy- nea was scraped with a No. 11 scalpel blade until it
matically catalyzed hydrolysis of dipivefrin and became dull-appearing and smooth. At this time, a
also after the slow hydrolysis of dipivefrin in solu- 5% solution of collodion in ether and alcohol was
tion that occurs with time. A sample of dipivefrin, applied to the eye, and the film of collodion was
0.5% in 0.2M citrate buffer, pH 2.5, which had pulled off in order to remove any remaining epi-
been made up 3 years previously and stored in a thelial cells. The surface of the eye was rinsed with
sealed ampule under N2, was chromatographed as normal saline and blotted dry. After 2 min, a 50 /xl
previously described.'1 The section of the chroma- drop of a 0.1% solution of 14C-dipivefrin in 0.01N
togram with an Rf value of 0.7 to 0.8 was scraped acetate buffer, pH 4.0, was placed on each eye.
off the glass plate and eluted with 0.01N HCl in Each eye was rinsed with normal saline 2 min after
methanol, and the eluted material was dried drug application. The animal was sacrificed as de-
under N2. This material was then analyzed by scribed above, and the corneas were rapidly re-
low-resolution chemical ionization (isobutane) moved. After removal, the corneas were ex-
mass spectrometry on an AEI MS 9. tracted, and the extract was chromatographed as
Corneal hydrolysis studies. Rabbits were in- described above.
Volume 19
Number 7 Ocular hydrolysis of a prodrug, dipivefrin 819

Table II. Corneal hydrolysis of dipivefrin'1

Dipivefrin Dipivefrin + MPE Epinephrine + metanephrine

Rate of disappearance 0.262 ± 0.043 min-' 0.176 ± 0.028 min-

Rate of appearance 0.156 ± 0.024 mill" 1
Time when 50% of radioactive 6.08 min 8.63 min 8.64 min
material is in this form

"Twelve eyes from seven rabbits were tested. Mean values ± S.D. are given.

Table III. Rates of corneal hydrolysis in scraped and control eyes (min-1)
Corneal hydrolysis rates
Rates of appearance of
Pretreatment of eye Dipivefrin Dipivefrin + MPE epinephrine and metanephrine

Epithelium removed (n = 6) 0.028 ± 0.024 0.032 ± 0.012 0.033 ± 0.012

Control (n = 6) 0.109 ± 0.029 0.098 ± 0.028 0.102 ± 0.029
Significance of difference p <0.05 p <0.05 p = 0.07
between scraped and (p = 0.0031)
control eyes*
* Determined by analysis of covariance.
t Assuming that the data from the control and scraped eyes had the same intercept values.

The rates of hydrolysis were calculated with the clearly is not true, but experimental conditions
formula for a first-order rate of loss. In order to were selected to reduce the concentration changes
eliminate scatter in the hydrolysis rate calculations due to absorption and elimination. The eyes were
due to variations in absorption between animals, washed copiously with saline 2 min after drug ap-
the calculations of corneal hydrolysis rates were plication to remove unabsorbed drug. The period
based on the percent of total radioactive material of the experiment was short, so that loss of drug
in the cornea which was present as dipivefrin or its due to elimination was not large. The rate of loss of
hydrolysis products. In the calculation of the rate radioactive material from the cornea calculated
of loss of dipivefrin alone or of dipivefrin plus from previous data3 indicates that in 18 min, 12%
monopivalylepinephrine (MPE), the natural loga- of the initial radioactivity would be lost by elimi-
rithm of the percent of the total radioactive mate- nation. The actual variation in the total radio-
rial in the cornea appearing as these compounds activity present in the corneas tested was not
was plotted against time, and the slope of the re- large (mean ± S.D. = 4.56 ± 1.41 x 103 cpm),
gression was determined. The rate of appearance and there was a very low correlation of loss of
of hydrolyzed material was determined by cal- radioactive material with time (r = 0.31).
culating the difference between the percent of ra- Ocular metabolism studies. Rabbits were treat-
dioactive material present as dipivefrin plus MPE ed in each eye with a 50 fxl drop of either a 0.1%
in the applied drop and the percent of radioactive solution of 14C-dipivefrin in acetate buffer, pH 4.0,
material found as epinephrine and metanephrine with a specific activity of 2.58 /x-Ci/ml or a 0.1%
in the cornea at various times after drug applica- solution of 14C-epinephrine in the same buffer
tion. The slope was calculated as described above. with a specific activity of from 25 to 40 fiCi/m\.
With the use of this method of analyzing the The animals were sacrificed as previously de-
data, the assumptions are made that (1) all com- scribed, and the aqueous humor, cornea, and iris
pounds were quantitatively extracted from the plus ciliary body were removed in that order. Tis-
cornea and (2) there was no change in the total sues were homogenized two times in 2 ml of 0.01N
concentration of radioactivity due to absorption HCl-methanol with a ground glass pestle in a
into or elimination from the cornea over the ex- ground-glass tissue grinder kept in ice. The solu-
perimental period. Since we were able to extract tions were combined, centrifuged for 30 min at
88% of the radioactive material from the cornea 1000 x g at 5° C. The supernatants were filtered
and since both dipivefrin and epinephrine were ex- on a glass fiber filter (Whatman GF/C), and the
tracted in large amounts (80% to 90% of the total filter was washed with sufficient 0.01N HCl-
radioactivity) at different times, the first assump- methanol to bring the final volume to 5 ml. One
tion is probably correct. The second assumption milliliter of filtrate was taken for radioactivity de-
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.
820 Anderson, Davis, and Wei July 1980

60 m

-« cornea
aqueous humor
—» iris and ciliary body

Fig. 1. Thin-layer chromatographic distribution of radioactive material extracted from ocular

tissues at various times after treatment with 7-14C-epinephrine. The average values of several
experimentally determined values are given. Vertical bars represent S.E.M. Where no verti-
cal bar is shown, the S.E.M. is smaller than the symbol. The number of samples tested was
three except in the following cases: aqueous humor—15 min (n = 4), 30 min (n = 5), 60 min
(n = 5), 3 hr (n = 4); cornea—60 min (n = 4), 3 hr (n = 2).

termination. The remaining filtrate was reduced in dipivefrin and analyzed for structure. Chemi-
volume under a stream of N2, and the concen- cal ionization mass spectrometry and gas
trated filtrate was chromatographed as described chromatography data strongly indicated that
previously/' Acidified methanol (0.025 ml) was the unknown hydrolysate of dipivefrin is a
added to the aqueous humor samples, which were
monopivalate ester of epinephrine (MPE).
then centrifuged. The pellets were washed with
0.5 ml of 0.01N HCl-methanol, the supernatants The analytical data do not show which one of
were combined, and a 0.2 ml sample was taken for the two possible esters is present or whether
counting. The remainder was reduced under N2 both are present in the sample analyzed.
and chromatographed. Standard drug solutions Corneal hydrolysis of dipivefrin. Corneas
were chromatographed with every experiment. taken from anesthetized rabbits after topical
No samples are reported if the total counts on the application of 14C-dipivefrin were extracted
chromatogram were less than 90 cpm above back- and chromatographed. Dipivefrin migrated
ground. with an Rf of 0.91 in this system. The rate of
The precipitates from each tissue homogenate disappearance of dipivefrin in these extracts
were solubilized in NCS at 55° C overnight, neu- with time is shown in Table II. The percent
tralized with acetic acid, counted, and corrected of radioactive material migrating with an Rf
for quenching with the external standard channels
ratio. The average tissue recoveries are shown in
value similar to that of MPE increased ini-
Table I. Occasionally there was low recovery of tially and then began to disappear. The per-
radioactive material from a tissue. Data from such cent of radioactive material appearing in the
tissues were discarded unless at least 75% of the epinephrine and metanephrine portions of
total radioactivity was extracted. the chromatogram increased with time. The
times at which 50% of radioactive material
Results could be expected to appear in the various
Mass spectrometry. Material with an RF of forms are given in Table II. These times are
0.73 in our chromatographic system was iso- later than the half-times calculated from the
lated from a partially hydrolyzed sample of hydrolysis rates, probably because of con-
Volume 19
Number 7 Ocular hydrolysis of a prodrug, dipivefrin 821


—. cornea
aqueous humor
iris and ciliary body

Fig. 2. Thin-layer chromatographic distribution of radioactive material extracted from ocular

tissues at various times after treatment with 7-14C-dipivefrin. The average values of several
experimentally determined values are given. Vertical bars represent S.E.M. Where no verti-
cal bar is shown, the S.E.M. is smaller than the symbol. The number of samples tested was
three except in the following cases: aqueous humor—15 min (n = 2), 30 min (n = 5), 60 min
(n = 6); cornea—15 min (n = 5); iris plus ciliary body—15 min (n = 2).

tinued absorption of the unhydrolyzed di- the presence of the local anesthetic propara-
pivefrin at the early time points. caine which was not used in the previous
Corneal extracts from the five unanes- studies.
thetized animals gave results similar to those Ocular metabolism. Results of thin-layer
reported above. In these animals, dipivefrin chromatography of the tissue extracts are
was hydrolyzed at a rate of 0.260 ± 0.056 presented graphically in Figs. 1 and 2. Fif-
min"1 (mean ± S.D.) and dipivefrin plus teen minutes after topical application of epi-
MPE at a rate of 0.157 ± 0.015 min"1. nephrine, most of the drug in the ocular tis-
Role of the corneal epithelium in hydroly- sues was present as epinephrine. Thirty
sis of dipivefrin. Eyes from which the epi- minutes after epinephrine treatment, the
thelium had been removed were treated with percent of radioactive material present as
C-dipivefrin, and the corneas were then epinephrine was still high, with a portion ap-
analyzed for the rates of hydrolysis of di- pearing as metanephrine. In the cornea,
pivefrin and MPE. One eye of each rabbit there was also some more rapidly moving ma-
did not have the epithelium removed and terial appearing where the metabolites di-
was used as a control. The rates of hydroly- hydroxyphenylglycol and dihydroxymandelic
sis and the appearance of epinephrine and acid migrate. Sixty minutes after treatment,
metanephrine are shown in Table III. The the aqueous humor had an increased percent
differences between the control and de- in the metanephrine area plus significant
epithelized eyes were significant as deter- amounts in the sections where methoxyhy-
mined by analysis of covariance. The rate of droxyphenylglycol (MHPG) and methoxyhy-
hydrolysis decreased about threefold when droxymandelic acid (VMA) migrate. After 3
the corneal epithelium was removed. The hr, the cornea and iris plus ciliary body had
rates of hydrolysis in the control eyes were very little material that did not chromato-
lower than those observed in the previous graph like epinephrine. In the aqueous hu-
studies. The decreased rates may be due to mor, the percent of radioactivity present as
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.
822 Anderson, Davis, and Wei July 1980

Table IV. Percent of applied dose present as epinephrine in ocular tissues

Dipivefrin Epinephrine Dipivefrin/
(% of dose as epinephrine) (% of dose as epinephrine) epinephrine
30 min:
Cornea 2.112 0.108 19.6
Iris/ciliary body 0.241 0.121 2.0
Aqueous 0.091 0.048 1.9
Total 2.444 0.277 8.8

60 min:
Cornea 1.336 0.090 14.8
Iris/ciliary body 0.363 0.119 3.0
Aqueous 0.178 0.019 9.4
Total 1.877 0.228 8.2

3 hr:
Cornea 0.124 0.045 2.8
Iris/ciliary body 0.094 0.085 1.1
Aqueous 0.032 0.007 4.6
Total 0.250 0.137 1.8

MHPG and/or VMA had increased greatly. these drugs in the eye, the percent of the
Fifteen minutes after application of 14C- original dose present as the active drug, epi-
dipivefrin, most of the radioactive material nephrine, in the various ocular tissues can be
present in the cornea migrated like epineph- calculated. The results of such calculations
rine or metanephrine. The aqueous humor are shown in Table IV.
and iris plus ciliary body showed radioactivity
in the portions of the chromatogram where Conclusions
dipivefrin and MPE migrate, but the major Dipivefrin is hydrolyzed to epinephrine
portion of the radioactive material was found shortly after entry into the eye. The cornea is
in the slower moving areas where epineph- probably the major site of ocular hydrolysis,
rine and metanephrine migrate. Since more since the rate of corneal hydrolysis is rapid
than 86% of the total radioactive material in and very little dipivefrin appears in other
the tissues tested was in the cornea at 15 min, ocular tissues. The calculated rates of hydro-
less than 10% of the radioactive material in lysis are probably underestimations, since
the ocular tissues tested was present as di- there was no correction for continued ab-
pivefrin at this time. After 3 hr, most of the sorption into the cornea or elimination of ma-
radioactive material in the cornea and aque- terial from it. Since radioactive drug is ab-
ous humor appeared as metanephrine. In the sorbed as dipivefrin and eliminated mainly as
aqueous humor, significant amounts of radio- epinephrine from the cornea, changes in
active material began to appear as MHPG drug concentrations due to these processes
and VMA. The pattern in the iris plus ciliary would mask the effects of corneal hydrolysis.
body was different, with most of the material Although there was a large reduction in the
still chromatographing like epinephrine after rate of hydrolysis when the corneal epithe-
3hr. lium was removed, some hydrolytic activity
In previously reported experiments,3 the was still present in the stroma and/or en-
percent of drug absorbed into ocular tissues dothelium. Studies have shown that dipivef-
after treatment with radioactively labeled rin is rapidly hydrolyzed in human eyes also.
dipivefrin and epinephrine was measured. As in rabbit eyes, very little material appears
When those data are combined with the data in the aqueous humor as dipivefrin after ocu-
available in this study on the metabolism of lar application.4
Volume 19
Number 7 Ocular hydrolysis of a prodrug, dipivefrin 823

During the 3 hr following ocular applica- of radioactive material appearing in the cor-
tion of epinephrine, most of the radioactive nea as unmetabolized epinephrine 3 hr after
material found in the cornea and iris plus dipivefrin treatment may reflect saturation of
ciliary body was present as epinephrine. The uptake due to the greater amount of drug
expected metabolites were also present. En- present after dipivefrin treatment.
zymes which metabolize epinephrine have Previous experiments3 have shown that 10
been observed in ocular tissues.6' 7 Cate- times as much radioactive drug is absorbed
chol-o-methyl transferase activity has not into ocular tissues after dipivefrin treatment
been previously demonstrated in the cornea, as after epinephrine treatment. In the exper-
but the appearance of metanephrine in this iments reported here, we have shown that
tissue suggests that this enzyme is present in the amount of epinephrine present in ocular
the cornea. tissues is also greater after dipivefrin treat-
During the first hour after treatment with ment, about nine times more at 30 min after
C-dipivefrin, the radioactive compounds treatment. The results support the conten-
present in ocular tissues were similar to those tion that the greater efficacy of dipivefrin in
seen after 14C-epinephrine treatment. Three reducing intraocular pressure compared to
hours after treatment with dipivefrin, the dis- epinephrine is due to the increased amount
tribution of radioactive material was some- of active drug present in ocular tissues after
what different from that in the epinephrine- dipivefrin treatment.
treated eye. This difference maybe related to
the fact that much more material is absorbed REFERENCES
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