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The Effect of Exercise on Heart Rate

The scientific method is an organized plan for gathering, organizing, and communicating information. In this activity you
will follow the steps of the scientific method to discover the effect of exercise on heart rate. It will allow you to practice
how scientists make observations, record data, make graphs, and draw conclusions.

Follow the steps of the scientific method to solve the problem.

State the Problem

Collect Data
Invent a Hypothesis
Note Data
Educate Others
Answer the following questions before beginning the lab.
1. What is heart rate and how is it measured on the body?
2. In what unit of measure do you record heart rate? __________________________________________________
3. What is considered a resting heart rate?
4. How do you think exercise effects your heart rate?

State the Problem

What effect does exercise have on heart rate?

Collect Data
Heart rate is a measure of the speed of the heartbeat measured in beats per minute (bpm). You can find your carotid
pulse in your neck to measure heart rate or your radial pulse in your wrist. You can either count the number of beats in
one minute or find the heart rate or you can find the number of beats in thirty seconds and multiply that number times
two to find the heart rate. You resting heart rate is the heart rate when you are at rest or sitting still without activity.
The average resting heart rate ranges from 60 bpm to 100 bpm.

Invent a Hypothesis
Write an If, then statement making an educated guess of the outcome of the experiment.
What is the independent variable? _____________________________________________________________________
What is the dependent variable? _______________________________________________________________________


Test subject


Collect materials
Record test subjects resting heart rate
Have the test subject march in place for 30 seconds
Take heart rate and record
Allow heart rate to return to resting heart rate
Have the test subject march in place for 60 seconds
Take heart rate and record
Allow heart rate to return to resting heart rate
Have the test subject march in place for 90 seconds
Take heart rate and record
Repeat steps 3 through 10 for trials two and three

Note Data
Record your data in the table below. Then, graph your data making sure to use the proper labels and titles.
Amount of Exercise
30 Seconds
60 Seconds
90 Seconds

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3


Answer the following questions in order to form a well thought out conclusion.
1. Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect? Why?
2. How does your data and graph prove or disprove your hypothesis? Give three points of evidence based upon
your data.
3. If you were to perform this experiment again, what would you change and why?
Using your answers to the questions above, create a conclusion to your experiment. In your conclusion be sure to
include the following:

Restate your hypothesis

State whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect
3 points of evidence from your data
What you would change in your experiment (pitfalls)
Conclusion statement to tie everything together

Your conclusion should be a 5-7 sentence paragraph.



Educate Others
Discuss the findings of other lab groups and share your data and conclusion!

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