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Table of content

OBJECTIVE OF STUDY.............................................................................
LIMITATION OF THE STUDY..................................................................
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................
The Logistics & Transportation Industry...................................................................
IND"STR# SENARIO$.....................................................................................................
+ANGING LOGISTIS LANDSA!E IN INDIA..................................................................
T+IRD !ART# LOGISTIS...............................................................................................
TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS.................................................
AS!ETS O, TRANS!ORT................................................................................................
*ODES AND ATEGORIES...............................................................................................
LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE IN INDIA:.......................................
ABOUT BLR...............................................................................................
COMPANY PROFILE:..............................................................................
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE.............................................................
SERVICES OFFERED BY BLR...............................................................
TRANS!ORTATION SOL"TIONS$.......................................................................................
WARE+O"SING & DISTRI)"TION SOL"TIONS...............................................................

INTERNATIONAL ,REIG+T *ANAGE*ENT......................................................................
MARKETING MIX OF BLR....................................................................
INFRASTRUCTURE OF BLR..................................................................
)LR O,,IE NETWOR-.................................................................................................
OR!ORATE O,,IE........................................................................................................
)LR ,LEET.....................................................................................................................
)ONDED WARE+O"SES..................................................................................................
GENERAL WARE+O"SES................................................................................................
)ONDED TR"-ING........................................................................................................
)LR IT A!AIT#..........................................................................................................
."ALIT# AT )LR...........................................................................................................
MARKETING DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE.......................................
CLIENTS OF BLR......................................................................................
AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS:.........................................................
SWOT ANALYSIS......................................................................................
SWOT ANALYSIS OF BLR.......................................................................

PROBLEMS /CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRY;.....................................
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY & WEBILIOGRAPHY...............................................

O!"#$%&" '( )$*+,
To present an introductory pro0i1e o0 BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+.
To pro2ide introductory pro0i1e o0 the product3 process3 and other
technica1 aspects o0 production
To gi2e o2era11 in0or4ation a5out 6 7ith re0erence to g1o5a1 and
nationa1 en2iron4ent
To study in depth the 4ar8eting 4anage4ent o0 BLR I-+%. P/%&.$"
To dra7 a conc1usion regarding 4ar8eting 4anage4ent o0 BLR I-+%.
P/%&.$" L$+.
To study genera1 4anage4ent and organi9ation o0 BLR I-+%. P/%&.$"

L%0%$.$%'- '( $1" )$*+,
This study is 1i4ited to BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+.
This study is specia11y re1ated 7ith 4ar8eting 4anage4ent in
This study is presented on the 5asis o0 in0or4ation and 8no71edge
7hich cou1d 5e gained during the course o0 SI! at BLR I-+%. P/%&.$"
:shou1d 5e positi2e e.g. 7hether ;y9 has adopted princip1e o0 scienti0ic

R")"./#1 M"$1'+'3'4,
To 4a8e this pro=ect t7o approaches are used pri4ary and secondary data.
P/%0./, D.$.: This in0or4ation is co11ected 5y inter2ie7ing those 7ho are 7or8ing
in 0or the 1ogistics and transportation industry.
S"#'-+./, D.$.: This data is co11ected 0ro4 2arious sources such as internet3
di00erent 5oo8s3 ne7spapers and 4aga9ines on 1ogistics and transportation industry.
State4ent and signi0icance :o0 product and co4pany<

The ter4 1ogistics is o0ten 4isinterpreted to 4ean transportation. In 0act3 the
scope o0 1ogistics goes 7e11 5eyond transportation. Logistics 0or4s the syste4 that
ensures the de1i2ery o0 the product in the entire supp1y pipe1ine. This inc1udes
transportation3 pac8aging3 storage and hand1ing 4ethods3 and in0or4ation 01o7.
The industria1 po1icies in India ha2e pro4pted 4anu0acturers to 5ui1d p1ants in
re4ote3 5ac87ard areas due to ine;pensi2e 1and and ta; 5ene0its. This poses so4e
serious 1ogistica1 pro51e4s. Apart 0ro4 a poor road and transportation net7or83 the
e;isting co44unications syste4 in India 1ea2es a 1ot to 5e desired 5y any
internationa1 standard. It is in this conte;t that 1ogistics has to 5e considered in India.
Logistics ca11 0or an understanding o0 the tota1 supp1y chain3 the e1e4ents o0
7hich inc1ude in2entories3 pac8ing3 0or7arding3 0reight3 storage and hand1ing.
Logistics is responsi51e 0or a11 the 4o2e4ent that ta8es p1ace 7ithin the organi9ation
7hether it is in5ound 1ogistics o0 inco4ing3 ra7 4ateria1s or 4o2e4ent 7ithin the
co4pany or the physica1 distri5ution o0 0inished goods3 1ogistics enco4passes a11 o0
Typica1 1ogistics 0ra4e7or8 4ain1y consists o0 !hysica1 Supp1y3 Interna1
Operations and !hysica1 Distri5ution o0 Goods and Ser2ices. To put it 4ore si4p1y3
the 4ateria1 supp1y 1ogistics starts 0ro4 the 5ase 1e2e1 o0 >generation o0 the de4and?3
through the >process o0 purchase? and >supp1y o0 4ateria1 0ro4 the 2endor? right
through to >0ina1 acceptance? and >pay4ents to the supp1ier? and >issue to the
indenter? and has to 5e considered as a >one 7ho1e acti2ity? 7ith each stage ha2ing
an i4pact on price/cost o0 4ateria1 supp1y.

Logistics is3 in itse103 a syste4@ it is a net7or8 o0 re1ated acti2ities 7ith the
purpose o0 4anaging the order1y 01o7 o0 4ateria1 and personne1 7ithin the 1ogistics
Tra2e1 and Transportation 0or4s the 5ac85one o0 in0rastructure 6 the 4a=or
sector o0 any econo4y. *i11ions o0 peop1e and 5usinesses re1y on an e;tensi2e3 interA
re1ated net7or8. The transportation industry is in an era o0 unprecedented change.
*ar8ed 5y unending de4ands 0or increased ser2ices and se2ere1y 1i4ited 5udgets 0or
in0rastructure3 the industry 0aces continuous cha11enges. The tra2e1 industry is
e;p1oring ne7 hori9ons in the 7ay it does 5usiness3 than8s to techno1ogy. Today3 7ith
the he1p o0 techno1ogy the tra2e1 industry is creating ne7 propositions 0or its
custo4ers A on1ine 5oo8ing3 re4ote tra2e1 4anage4ent3 and ne7 age R* progra4s.
On the other hand3 B!L and Logistics pro2ider industry that is hea2i1y
dependant on in0rastructure set 5y transportation has 5een e45ryonic to o00er greater
scope and 4ore co4p1e; so1utions. E;pansion o0 net7or8s through rapid
g1o5a1i9ation 7ith 4ergers and acCuisitions a4ongst 1ogistics pro2iders and need to
0u10i11 co4p1e; g1o5a1 contracts ca11s 0or higher per0or4ance through greater and
deeper endAtoAend integration and state o0 the art 2isi5i1ity too1s. The under1ying
o5=ecti2e is3 sea41ess 01o7 o0 in0or4ation across the co4p1e; and gro7ing 2a1ue
chains3 1eading to e00ecti2e and 0aster decision 4a8ing 7hich in turn 1eads to 5etter
transparency and 2isi5i1ity.

The Logistics & Transportation Industry
G1o5a11y3 the 1ogistics industry is 2a1ued at "S% B.( tri11ion.
The ".S.3 7hich contri5utes to o2er '(D o0 the g1o5a1 industry 2a1ue3 spends
c1ose to ED o0 its GD! on 1ogistic ser2ices.
The Indian Logistics Industry is present1y esti4ated at "S% EF 5i11ion.
The industry has generated e4p1oy4ent 0or G( 4i11ion peop1e in the country in
co4parison 7ith the IT and ITeS sector 7hich e4p1oys appro;i4ate1y G.B
4i11ion peop1e.
It is 0orecast to gro7 at a o4pound Annua1 Gro7th Rate :AGR< o0
appro;i4ate1y HD o2er the ne;t three to 0i2e years.
Third !arty Logistics :B!L< So1utions3 is s1ated to gro7 at a co4pound annua1
gro7th rate :AGR< o0 o2er &ID 0ro4 'FFJA&F. onseCuent1y3B!L ser2ice
pro2iders are e;pected to corner an increased share o0 the Indian Logistics pie3
0ro4 ID in the year 'FFI to &BD in the year 'F&&3 at a AGR o0 '(D
The pri4ary gro7th dri2ers o0 this industry are as under$
In2est4ents in the in0rastructure sector a4ounting to "S% B(F 5i11ion
Increased e00iciency and producti2ity o0 the transport syste4 7ou1d resu1t in 1o7er
transit ti4es.
Strea41ining o0 the indirect ta; structure$
The introduction o0 Va1ue Added Ta; :VAT< and the proposed introduction o0 a
singu1ar Goods and Ser2ices Ta; :GST< are e;pected to signi0icant1y reduce the
nu45er o0 7arehouses 4anu0acturers are reCuired to 4aintain in di00erent states3
there5y resu1ting in a su5stantia1 increase in de4and 0or integrated 1ogistics

Ro5ust trade gro7th
Strong econo4ic gro7th and 1i5era1i9ation ha2e 1ed to considera51e increase in
do4estic and internationa1 trade 2o1u4es o2er the past 0i2e years. onseCuent1y3
the reCuire4ent 0or transportation3 hand1ing and 7arehousing is gro7ing at a
ro5ust pace and is dri2ing the de4and 0or integrated 1ogistics so1utions.
G1o5a1i9ation o0 4anu0acturing syste4s
G1o5a1i9ation o0 4anu0acturing syste4s coup1ed 7ith ad2ance4ents in
techno1ogy are increasing1y co4pe11ing co4panies across 2ertica1s to concentrate
on their core co4petencies and a2ai1 the cost sa2ing potentia1 o0 outsourcing. This
is e;pected to contri5ute to an increase in the need 0or integrated 1ogistic
so1utions3 7hich is the niche o0 e2ery

India Logistics& Transportation Industry: $125 Billion
IndiaKs 1ogistics 4ar8et is a11 set to e;perience a period o0 e;p1osi2e organic
gro7th3 =udging 5y independent 4ar8et ana1yst Data4onitorKs 1atest research. The
Data4onitor report3 LIndia Logistics Out1oo8 'FFJA'FFHL predicts high dou51eAdigit
gro7th rates 0or 5oth outsourced and contract 1ogistics in India.
With IndiaKs gross do4estic pro0it :GD!< gro7ing at o2er ED per year and the
4anu0acturing sector en=oying dou51e digit gro7th rates3 the Indian 1ogistics industry
is at an in01ection point3 and is e;pected to reach a 4ar8et si9e o0 o2er %&'( 5i11ion in
year 'F&F.
Strong gro7th ena51ers e;ist in India today in the 0or4 o0 o2er %BFF 5i11ion
7orth o0 in0rastructure in2est4ents3 phased introduction o0 2a1ueAaddedAta; :VAT<3
and de2e1op4ent o0 organi9ed retai1 and agriAprocessing industries. In addition3 strong
0oreign direct in2est4ent in01o7s :,DI< in auto4oti2e3 capita1 goods3 e1ectronics3
retai13 and te1eco4 7i11 1ead to increased 4ar8et opportunities 0or pro2iders o0
1ogistics ser2ices in India.
+o7e2er3 as a resu1t o0 the underAde2e1oped trade and 1ogistics in0rastructure3
the 1ogistics cost o0 the Indian econo4y is o2er &BD o0 GD!3 co4pared to 1ess than
&FD o0 GD! in a14ost the entire Western Europe and North A4erica.

As 1eading 4anu0acturers rea1ign their g1o5a1 port0o1ios o0 4anu0acturing
1ocations3 India 7i11 ha2e to 7or8 on such syste4ic ine00iciencies3 in order to attract
and retain 1ongAter4 rea1 in2est4ents.
B!L/outsourced 1ogistics is the outsourcing o0 a co4panyKs 1ogistics operations
to a specia1i9ed 0ir43 7hich pro2ides 4u1tip1e tactica1 1ogistics ser2ices 0or use 5y
custo4ers as opposed to the respecti2e co4pany ha2ing a 5usiness unit inAhouse to
o2ersee its supp1y chain and transportation o0 goods.

With increased geographica1 distri5ution o0 inco4es in India3 the consu4er
4ar8ets are e;tending 5eyond the 0i2e 4etros o0 *u45ai3 De1hi3 )anga1ore3 hennai
and +ydera5ad. +o7e2er3 rather than 5eing preAe4pti2e3 the co4panies are on1y
0o11o7ing 7ith ne7 distri5ution out1ets. As such3 the increased co4petition across
industry 2ertica1s is 0orcing 0ir4s to 0ocus on product distri5ution3 and 1ogistics
outsourcing is gaining 0urther 4o4entu4 7ith this.

At =ust a5o2e oneACuarter o0 the entire %EF 5i11ion Indian 1ogistics 4ar8et3 is
s1ated to gro7 at a co4pound annua1 gro7th rate :AGR< o0 o2er &ID 0ro4 'FFJA&F.

Industry cenario:
The recent econo4ic changes are proo0 enough to esta51ish India as an
e2o12ing super po7er. The se2enthA1argest nation in ter4s o0 geographica1 area and a
pro4inent 0orce a4ong e4erging countries in ter4s o0 techno1ogy and in0rastructure3
India is no7 7e11 ahead on the gro7ing cur2e o0 the 7or1d econo4y
In 7a8e o0 this3 India is 7itnessing a renaissance o0 sorts across a11 sectors3
especia11y 4anu0acturing3 te1eco44unications3 retai1 and ser2ices3 as g1o5a1 as 7e11 as
1oca1 p1ayers con2erge to cater to the 7or1dMs 5iggest 4ar8etp1ace and consu4er
co44unity. As India surges ahead on trans0or4ing itse10 0ro4 a Nde2e1opingM nation to
a Nde2e1opedM state3 one o0 the core sectors that is a crucia1 part o0 an up7ard s7ing is
A 1ogistics.
As 5ig 4oney gets pu4ped into 4anu0acturing and other gro7thAcentric
sectors3 especia11y retai1 6the ro1e and potentia1 o0 1ogistics co4panies is on the
ups7ing as crucia1 5usiness operations 1i8e supp1y chain 4anage4ent and contract
1ogistics 5eco4e 8ey issues o0 4anaging the titanic surge in nationa1 5usiness3 5oth
1oca11y3 nationa11y and g1o5a11y.
As 4ore and 4ore organi9ations thin8 and act >g1o5a1?3 it is ti4e 0or third
party 1ogistics ser2ice pro2iders to 0o11o7 suit 5y esta51ishing net7or8s and 1ogistics
in0rastructure across Asia.
On the 1ogistics 0ront3 India has pic8ed up good 4o4entu4 o2er the 1ast
decade. With an esti4ated 4ar8et 7orth Rs. 'IF3FFF crores3 the industry contri5utes
&B per cent to the nationa1 GD!.

!"anging logistics landscape in India
India is a1ready a hea2y7eight g1o5a11y in the ser2ices sector. *anu0acturing
sti11 4a8es up on1y a re1ati2e1y s4a11 proportion o0 GD!Oa5out 'F per cent
co4pared to hinaKs G( per centO5ut it is gro7ing3 5oth in ter4s o0 do4estic 0ocus
and e;ports. IndiaKs container trade has 5een gro7ing at around &( per cent o2er the
past 0i2e years. That 4eans the 1ogistics ser2ices 5usiness 7i11 5e gro7ing at a
4u1tip1e o0 the 5o; trade3 pro5a51y around 'F per cent and 4ore per year. The gro7th
in de4and presents signi0icant opportunities 0or the 1ogistics industry3 as a1so
Loo8ing ahead3 India is going to p1ay an increasing1y i4portant ro1e in dri2ing
7or1d econo4ic trade3 4ay5e e2en ri2a1ing the pheno4ena1 gro7th and
trans0or4ation o0 hina a 4anu0acturing superpo7er.
IndiaKs current trade pro0i1e pro2ides i4portant c1ues a5out the de2e1op4ent o0
1ogistics industry
In India the 1ogistics costs are sti11 higher than in the de2e1oped 4ar8ets. The
transportation cost accounts 0or near1y GF per cent o0 the cost o0 production3 7ith
4ore than ha10 the goods in India 5eing 4o2ed 5y road.
G.2) $1.$ I-+%. P')$ #.- (%33
Li4ited presence o0 operators in rura1 and se4iAur5an areas that are gro7ing
Lac8 o0 door to door ser2ice
Lac8 o0 a nationa1 1e2e1 integrated ser2ice pro2ider3 and
E;istence o0 4u1tip1e contact points 1i8e 0reight 0or7arders3 aggregators3
transport agents3 4u1tip1e transporters.

T"ird #arty Logistics
To put si4p1y3 B!L :Third !arty Logistics< re0ers to the outsourcing o0 a
1ogistics 0unction. It cou1d 5e the use o0 a transportation carrier3 a 7arehouse3 or a
third party 0reight 4anager to per0or4 a11 or part o0 a co4panyMs production
distri5ution 0unctions.
The industry has 5een at the recei2ing end o0 increasing interest 0ro4 the
pri2ate eCuity sector. The year 'FFJ 7itnessed =ust under "S% & 5i11ion in pri2ate
eCuity in2est4ents in this industry3 representing appro;i4ate1y JD o0 tota1 pri2ate
eCuity in2est4ents during the year3 against BD in the pre2ious year
T1" 2/%-#%23" /".)'-) '( ('/ $1%) (*-#$%'- ./" .) *-+"/:
P G1o5a1i9ation o0 sourcing3 4anu0acturing and distri5ution 1eading to an
increase in the co4p1e;ity o0 4ateria1 4o2e4ent.
P o4petition that has 0orced co4panies to7ards 4ore responsi2eness and a
reduction in in2entories. An increased need 0or s4a11 5ut 0reCuent ship4ents
7ith &FF percent re1ia5i1ity3 reCuiring core co4petence in 1ogistics
P Resource constraints that reCuire co4panies to concentrate on1y on their core
4anu0acturing or ne7 product de2e1op4ent acti2ities

The Indian 1ogistics industry is characteri9ed 5y do4inance o0 a disorgani9ed
4ar8et. Transporters 7ith 01eets s4a11er than 0i2e truc8s account 0or o2er t7oAthirds
o0 the tota1 truc8s o7ned and operated in India and 4a8e up HFD o0 re2enues. The
0reight 0or7arding seg4ent is a1so represented 5y thousands o0 s4a11 custo4s 5ro8ers
and c1earing & 0or7arding agents3 7ho cater to 1oca1 cargo reCuire4ents.
In order to reduce 1ogistics costs and 0ocus on core co4petencies3 Indian
co4panies across 2ertica1s are no7 increasing1y see8ing and using the ser2ices o0
thirdAparty 1ogistics ser2ice pro2iders :B!Ls<.

Rea1i9ing the potentia1 in the contract 1ogistics 4ar8et3 B!L ser2ice pro2iders
are e;panding their 5as8et o0 ser2ices as co4panies are no7 1oo8ing 0or 4ore than
=ust transportation o0 their products and ra7 4ateria1s. Truc8ing and courier
co4panies are no7 1e2eraging their net7or8 to pro2ide e;press distri5ution and
7arehousing. Si4i1ar1y3 0reight 0or7arders are 4o2ing to7ards o7ning assets in the
0or4 o0 ontainer ,reight Stations :,S<3 In1and ontainer Depots :ID< and
container trains.
,urther4ore3 B!Ls are a1so increasing in2est4ents to 5eco4e endAtoAend
integrated p1ayers. As per the in2est4ent p1ans o0 the 1eading B!Ls in India3 the
1ogistics industryKs capita1 e;penditure is progressi2e1y increasing to a14ost 4atch its
re2enue gro7th3 a strong indicator o0 5oth B!Ls desiring to 5eco4e integrated ser2ice
pro2iders and the industry en=oying in2est4entAdri2en gro7th.
In0rastructure congestion$ the 8ey cha11enge According to Data4onitor3 the
1ogistics industry in India is current1y ha4pered due to poor in0rastructure such as
roads :o2er JF D o0 0reight transportation in India is 2ia roads<3 co44unication3 ports
and co4p1e; regu1atory structures.
The Nationa1 +igh7ays :N+< 0or4 on1y 'D o0 the entire road net7or8 in
India3 5ut hand1e o2er GFD o0 the nationa1 road 0reight tra00ic3 putting enor4ous
pressure on the high7ay in0rastructure. A1so3 on an a2erage a co44ercia1 2ehic1e in
India runs at a speed o0 'F 4i1es per hour :4ph< co4pared to o2er IF 4ph in the
4ature 1ogistics 4ar8ets o0 Western Europe and the "SA.
In addition3 the t7e12e 4a=or ports o0 India hand1e 2o1u4es higher than their
0u11 capacity3 resu1ting in preA5erthing de1ays and 1onger ship turnAaround ti4e
co4pared to e2en the East Asian counterparts 1i8e hina and South -orea.

T/.-)2'/$.$%'- A-+ L'4%)$%#)
TRANSPORTATION : T/.-)2'/$.$%'- is the 4o2e4ent o0 peop1e and
goods 0ro4 one p1ace to another. The ter4 is deri2ed 0ro4 the Latin trans :LacrossL<
and portare :Lto carryL<. Industries 7hich ha2e the 5usiness o0 pro2iding transport
eCuip4ent3 transport ser2ices or transport are i4portant in 4ost nationa1 econo4ies3
and are re0erred to as $/.-)2'/$ %-+*)$/%").
$spects o% transport
The 0ie1d o0 transport has se2era1 aspects$ 1oose1y they can 5e di2ided into
in0rastructure3 2ehic1es3 and operations. In0rastructure inc1udes the transport net7or8s
:roads3 rai17ays3 air7ays3 7ater7ays3 cana1s3 pipe1ines3 etc.< that are used3 as 7e11 as
the nodes or ter4ina1s :such as airports3 rai17ay stations3 5us stations and seaports<.
Vehic1es tra2e11ing on the net7or8s 7i11 inc1ude auto4o5i1es3 5icyc1es3 5uses3 trains
and aircra0t. The operations dea1 7ith the 7ay the 2ehic1es are operated on the
net7or8 and the procedures set 0or this purpose inc1uding the 1ega1 en2iron4ent
:La7s3 odes3 Regu1ations3 etc.< !o1icies3 such as ho7 to 0inance the syste4 :0or
e;a4p1e3 the use o0 to11s or gaso1ine ta;es< 4ay 5e considered part o0 the operations

&odes and categories
*odes are co45inations o0 net7or8s3 2ehic1es3 and operations3 and inc1ude 7a18ing3
the road transport syste43 rai1 transport3 ship transport and 4odern a2iation.
Air transport
a51e transport
on2eyor transport
+u4anApo7ered transport
+y5rid transport
Ne7 *o5i1ity Agenda
Rai1 transport
Road transport3 inc1uding hu4anApo7ered transport such as 7a18ing and
Ship transport
Space transport
Sustaina51e transportation
Transport on other p1anets
!roposed 0uture transport
L'4%)$%#) : L'4%)$%#) is the 4anage4ent o0 the 01o7 o0 goods3 in0or4ation and
other resources3 inc1uding energy and peop1e3 5et7een the point o0 origin and the
point o0 consu4ption in order to 4eet the reCuire4ents o0 consu4ers :0reCuent1y3 and
origina11y3 4i1itary organi9ations<. Logistics in2o12e the integration o0 in0or4ation3
transportation3 in2entory3 7arehousing3 4ateria1Ahand1ing3 and pac8aging.
The si4p1est 7ay to descri5e 1ogistics is to say that it is a11 a5out 7ays and
4eans o0 4eeting the de4and 0or 4ateria1s i.e. satis0ying the custo4er 7ith 7hat he
7ants3 7hen he 7ants3 7here he 7ants etc.
De0inition inc1udes out5ound3 in5ound3 interna1 and e;terna1 4o2e4ents and returns
o0 4ateria1 0or en2iron4enta1 purposes. The 1ogistics concentrate on dyna4ic
processes3 re1ated to the 01o7 o0 4ateria1s and the re1ationship 5et7een the 4ateria1s
and their use at di00erent 0aci1ities.
The 4ost 7ide spread de0inition 0ro4 counci1 o0 Logistics *anage4ent says
that >Logistics is the part o0 the supp1y chain process and p1ans3 i4p1e4ents and
contro1s the e00icient3 e00ecti2e 01o7 and storage o0 goods3 ser2ices and re1ated

in0or4ation 0ro4 the point o0 origin to the point o0 consu4ption in order to 4eet
custo4ers reCuire4ents.?.
*a=or cost e1e4ents
Transportation B(D
In2entories '(D
Losses &GD
!ac8aging &&D
+and1ing and Warehousing ED
usto4ersM shopping ID
P Transportation B(D
P In2entories '(D
P Losses &GD

L'4%)$%#) I-(/.)$/*#$*/" %- I-+%.:
Logistics in2o12ed g1o5a1 4o2e4ent o0 4ateria1s3 in0or4ation and 0unds 0ro4
country to country
ReCuires e;ce11ent state o0 the art in0rastructure airports3 sea ports3 Internet
and other re1ated 0aci1ities
Indian in0rastructure is poor as co4pared to de2e1oped and de2e1oping
countries and stands at (G a4ongst the (E countries.
The under1ying institutiona1 pro51e4
,rag4entation and o2er1apping o0 responsi5i1ities a4ong 2arious
go2ern4ent agencies.
o4p1e;ity o0 internationa1 trade docu4entation process and 1ac8 o0
IT in0rastructure.
o4p1e; ta; 1a7s
Lac8 o0 pro0essiona11y co4petent 1ogisticians
Industry readiness$ 7ea8 asset or syste4 4anage4ent s8i11s
Nationa1 +igh7ay De2e1op4ent !ro=ect :N+D!<3 "S %&B 5i11ion3 &EEHA'FFJ
,our/si; 1aning o0 the high7ay connecting *u45ai
NorthASouth and EastAWest corridors :NSAEW<
-ash4ir to -anya8u4ari and Si1char to !or5andar
The end to end transport to 5e opti4i9ed 5y contro11ing 1oading densities
through pac8aging and pa11eti9ing standards and 1oading and un1oading
ser2ices auto4ation.

S1o7 speeds3 tra00ic congestion3 high 7ear and tear o0 2ehic1es are so4e o0 the
The air cargo consists o0 e;press 4ai13 co4puters3 chips3 e1ectronic and optica1
eCuip4ent3 precision instru4ents and perisha51e 0ood stu00s.
The si; 4a=or airports carry HHD o0 the tota1 cargo.
!ri2ati9ation o0 the 4a=or airport3 air1ines is a popu1ar head1ine.
During the year 'FFIA'FFJ the Indian Rai17ay carried
(&B.( 4i11ion tones o0 0reight Rs 'B3BF( crores :IED<
HED o0 its 0reight is co44odities 1i8e coa13 0erti1i9ers3 ce4ent3
petro1eu4 products3 0ood grains3 0inished stee13 iron ore and ra7
4ateria1 to stee1 p1ants.
(3&(F 4i11ion passengers3 Rs &&3'&B crores :B&D<
+igh Density Net7or8 :+DN< connecting )o45ay3 De1hi3 a1cutta3 and
arries I(D o0 the tota1 rai1 0reight and ((D o0 passenger tra00ic.
oncur in the ,1ag ship route
,reight is 4o2ing a7ay 0ro4 Indian rai17ay a1though cheaper

Vast coast 1ine o0 J(&J84s hand1es E(D o0 0oreign trade
&' 4a=or ports and &HG other :4inor & inter4ediate< ports
Tra00ic in 4a=or ports $ 'FFJAFH 7as BBB 4i11ion tones
P +and

A'*$ BLR
M/. L.C. G'"3 :a00ectionate1y ca11ed LG<3 a se10A4ade 4an3 a great 2isionary
o0 strong 2a1ues3 started a s4a11 truc8ing 5usiness in the &EIH.
+is shortAter4 goa1 7as to esta51ish a road transport 5usiness 5et7een his
nati2e p1ace and the co44ercia1 capita1 o0 India. The co4pany 7as 2ery apt1y na4ed
B'0., L*+1%.-. R'.+5.,)3 catering to the transportation needs o0 the custo4ers
in these stations and the stations enroute.
With his a51e 1eadership and great 2ision3 LG nurtured the nascent
organi9ation into an India 7ide Transport o4pany catering to the 2ery need o0 the
custo4ers nationa11y. .ua1ity3 Integrity and Socia1 responsi5i1ity are the 2a1ues that he
practiced3 preached and i45i5ed in the cu1ture o0 )LR.
In 1ine 7ith his 4ission3 he had gro7n the 5usiness steadi1y to a5out INR '
crores 5y &EHE. )y that ti4e3 the 'nd generation had a1ready 5een groo4ed to ta8e the
reigns o0 the 5usiness. *r. Asho8 Goe13 a o44erce Graduate 0ro4 *u45ai
"ni2ersity3 =oined the ,a4i1y 5usiness in &EH( started 5y his 0ather *r. L GOEL.
Through his a51e 1eadership3 he has trans0or4ed BLR into an INR 'B( crores
co4pany 7ith a net7or8 o0 4ore than HF o00ices spread across the 1ength & 5readth
o0 the country.
*r. Asho8 Goe1 is an acti2e 4e45er o0 2arious de2e1op4enta1 industry 5odies
& associations 1i8e Indian Road Transportation De2e1op4ent Association :IRTDA<3
A11 India Transport We10are association :AITWA< and )o45ay Goods Transport
Association :)GTA< and is acti2e1y in2o12ed in industry regu1ations necessary 0or the
de2e1op4ent o0 the transport in0rastructure in the country.

C'02.-, P/'(%3":
Set up as a s4a11 truc8ing 5usiness in &EIH3 5y a 2isionary *r. L Goe13 )LR
has shi0ted gears to 5eco4e one o0 the 1argest & 4ost re1ia51e Transportation &
Logistics co4panies in India.
,ro4 a one 4an operating and 4anaging in a sing1e o00ice in &EIH3 the
co4pany gre7 steadi1y to a si9ea51e 5usiness o0 a5out INR ' crores :INR 'F *i11ion<
and three o00ices 5y &EHE.
&EEFs sa7 the spurt o0 gro7th in )LR as the co4pany gre7 0ro4 a INR '
crores in re2enues 0ro4 three o00ices to &'F crores :INR &.' 5i11ion or "SD 'J
4i11ion< out o0 a net7or8 o0 4ore than HF o00ices a11 o2er India at present. The
o4pany has 4o2ed up the 1adder through inno2ation & conso1idation and today
7ith a G(FApeop1e strong 0a4i1y3 )LR has 5eco4e one o0 the 4ost sought a0ter
Transportation & Logistics co4panies in India. The 0act is 7e11 endorsed 5y the
custo4ers nationa11y.
With a 01eet o0 4ore than B(F 2ehic1es inc1uding truc8s3 trai1ers & LVs and
7ith a net7or8 o0 7arehouses in 4a=or cities in India3 )LR o00ers a tru1y integrated
Logistics Ser2ices to its custo4er. usto4 )ondedA7arehousing3 5ondedAtruc8ing and
e;cise 5onded 7arehousing are additiona1 uniCue 0eatures o0 )LRKs o00erings to
co4p1ete the 5ouCuet o0 tota1 Logistics Ser2ices.
)LR is co44itted to ser2ice the custo4ers 5y o00ering co4p1ete 1ogistics &
supp1y chain so1utions. In order to 0aci1itate this3 )LR has pro4oted )LR Logistics to
cater to the Logistics / Supp1y hain reCuire4ents o0 the custo4ers. )LR Logistics is
5eing 1ed 5y pro0essiona1s 7ith 2aried corporate 5ac8grounds and rich industria1

N.0" '( #'02.-, : BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+.
C'/2'/.$" O((%#" : )A&&(/&&J3
Vir7ani Ind. Estate3
Western E;press +igh7ay3
Goregaon :E<
E6MAIL : 777.51rindia.co4

O/4.-%7.$%'- S$/*#$*/"
N%3* G'"3
N%3* G'"3
Transport &
Transport &
Sa1es &
Sa1es &

E)$.3%)1"+ , .-+ '-:
M/. L.C. G'"3 :a00ectionate1y ca11ed LG<3 a se10A4ade 4an3 a
great 2isionary o0 strong 2a1ues3 started the 5usiness in the
Na4ed )o45ay Ludhiana Road7ays
& o00ice in &EIH
*r. Asho8 Goe1 =oined the ,a4i1y 5usiness in &EH(
IB o00ices a11 o2er India at present
P/'+*#$ #.$"4'/,:
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd. pro2ides co4p1ete LOGISTIS AND
TRANS!ORTATION so1utions. )LR o00ers a tru1y integrated Logistics
Ser2ices to its custo4er. usto4 )ondedA7arehousing3 5ondedAtruc8ing
and e;cise 5onded 7arehousing are additiona1 uniCue 0eatures o0 )LRKs
o00erings to co4p1ete the 5ouCuet o0 tota1 Logistics Ser2ices.
P/'+*#$ /.-4":
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd. pro2ides a 2ariety o0 ser2ices to its custo4ers
that inc1udes Transportation so1utions3 Warehousing & Distri5ution
So1utions3 Internationa1 ,reight *anage4ent Logistics & Supp1y hain

S"/&%#") O(("/"+ B, BLR
Transportation solutions:
)LR has the capa5i1ity to pro2ide Transportation to a11 8ind o0 4ateria1 7ithin
India. The 5road1ine seg4entation o0 Transportation Ser2ices is as 5e1o7@
o Do4estics Transportation
o )onded Truc8ing
o !ro=ect Transport
o Schedu1ed Transport
o *u1ti *oda1 Transport
o usto4ised Transport :*i18 run3
+u5& Spo8e etc.<

(are"ousing & )istri*ution olutions
The ranges o0 7arehousing ser2ices current1y o00ered to the custo4ers are 0o11o7ing@
)onded Warehousing :usto4 5onded and e;cise 5onded<
Genera1 Warehousing :0or a11 industry types<
E;port Stu00ing 7arehouse
E;port Vendor onso1idation

International +reig"t &anagement
)LR through its 1ogistics ser2ices entity does the co4p1ete progra44e
4anage4ent 0or the internationa1 ,reight *anage4ent. We dea1 7ith the 0o11o7ing$
Air E;port ,reight *anage4ent
Air I4port ,reight *anage4ent
Ocean E;port ,reight *anage4ent
Ocean I4port ,reight *anage4ent
!ro=ect Transportation

M./8"$%-4 0%; '( BLR
The ser2ice 4ar8eting 4i; co4prises o00$
P !roduct
P !rice
P !1ace
P !ro4otion
P !eop1e
P !rocess
The a5o2e 4entioned 4ar8eting 4i; used 0or
ser2ice 4ar8eting can a1so 5e e;p1ained 7ith
the gi2en diagra4$

)LR India !ri2ate Ltd. pro2ides co4p1ete LOGISTIS AND
TRANS!ORTATION so1utions. )LR o00ers a tru1y integrated Logistics Ser2ices to its
custo4er. usto4 )ondedA7arehousing3 5ondedAtruc8ing and e;cise 5onded
7arehousing are additiona1 uniCue 0eatures o0 )LRKs o00erings to co4p1ete the
5ouCuet o0 tota1 Logistics Ser2ices.
On recei2ing the tender 0ro4 the c1ient the 4ar8eting depart4ent 0or7ards the
detai1s to the operations depart4ent in order to ascertain the transportation cost. The
operations depart4ent 7hi1e deter4ining the cost ta8es into consideration$
Nature o0 Goods :consu4er3 dura51e3 perisha51e etc<
Weight o0 Goods
+eight o0 Goods
Go2ern4ent regu1ations
Distance to 5e co2ered
*ar8et !rice
Loading & un1oading ti4e
,ue1 prices :rise in 0ue1 prices adds to the tota1 cost<
Transportation cost

BLR IndiaMs net7or8 e;tends to a14ost e2ery 4a=or state and city o0 India.
)LR has 4ore than HF 5ranches a11 around the country 0ro4 north to south and 7est
to east. So4e o0 the 5ranches are in Vapi3 Surat3 !une3 Ah4eda5ad3 A8o1a3
Auranga5ad3 )anga1ore3 )aroda3 )e11ary3 )hopa13 hennai3 Gurgoan3 +ydera5ad3
Indore3 -anpur3 !anipat etc. The corporate o00ice o0 )LR India !ri2ate Ltd.is in
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd 5eing a co4p1ete 1ogistics and transportation ser2ice
pro2ider in order to pro4ote their ser2ices uses the 0o11o7ing pro4otiona1 too1s@
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd in order to 4ar8et its ser2ices ad2ertises in the
0o11o7ing ne7spapers$
Econo4ic Ti4es
E;i4 India
)usiness Standard
DNA *oney

M.4.7%-") & J'*/-.3):

)LR India !ri2ate Ltd in order to 4ar8et its ser2ices ad2ertises in a
4aga9ine ca11ed as Transportation and the Ti4es Shipping Rourna1.
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd in order to 4ar8et its ser2ices a1so has its o7n
dedicated 7e5site ca11ed as 777.51rindia.co4
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd a1so sends eA4ai1s on a regu1ar 5asis to its
e;isting custo4ers to 1et the4 8no7 a5out their ne7 o00ers.

An essentia1 ingredient to any ser2ice pro2ision is the use o0 appropriate sta00
and peop1e. Recruiting the right sta00 and training the4 appropriate1y in the de1i2ery
o0 their ser2ice is essentia1 i0 the organi9ation 7ants to o5tain a 0or4 o0 co4petiti2e
ad2antage. onsu4ers 4a8e =udg4ents and de1i2er perceptions o0 the ser2ice 5ased
on the e4p1oyees they interact 7ith. Sta00 shou1d ha2e the appropriate interpersona1
s8i11s3 aptititude3 and ser2ice 8no71edge to pro2ide the ser2ice that consu4ers are
paying 0or. It te11s consu4ers that the sta00 is ta8en care o00 5y the co4pany and they
are trained to certain standards.
An i4portant 4ar8eting tas8 is to set standards to i4pro2e Cua1ity o0 ser2ices
pro2ided 5y e4p1oyees and 4onitor their per0or4ance. Without training and contro1
e4p1oyees tend to 5e 2aria51e in their per0or4ance 1eading to 2aria51e ser2ice Cua1ity.
One o0 the 5iggest assets 0or BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+.is its peop1e. )LR is a
p1ace 7here e4p1oyees are 0u11y a7are o0 their =o5 duties and responsi5i1ities and
posses the reCuired 8no71edge and s8i11s to per0or4 their day to day acti2ities. It
adopts an open door po1icy 7here e4p1oyees can direct1y co44unicate their 2ie7s
and ideas to the top 1e2e1 4anage4ent. The peop1e 7or8ing in the 4ar8eting
depart4ent direct1y report to the 4anaging director and there is no hierarchy as such
that pre2ai1s in the depart4ent. Each indi2idua1 is a7are o0 the ro1e they need to p1ay
in order to contri5ute to indi2idua1 and organi9ationa1 success. )LR as an
organi9ation 5e1ie2es in satis0ying its interna1 custo4ers :e4p1oyees< 7hich in turn
7ou1d 8eep the u1ti4ate custo4er :e;terna1 custo4ers< satis0ied.

Re0ers to the syste4s used to assist the organi9ation in de1i2ering the ser2ice.
!rocess 6 this 4eans procedures3 4echanis4 and 01o7 o0 acti2ities 5y 7hich a
ser2ice is acCuired. !rocess decisions radica11y a00ect ho7 a ser2ice is de1i2ered to
custo4ers. It inc1udes se2era1 processes e.g. 0irst contact 7ith custo4ers3
ad4inistrati2e procedure regarding course de1i2ery3 preparation3 de1i2ery and
e2a1uation o0 the courses.
The process at BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+$
ensures that 4ar8eting happens at a11 1e2e1s 0ro4 the 4ar8eting depart4ent to
7here the ser2ice is pro2ided
considers introducing 01e;i5i1ity in pro2iding the ser2ice@ 7hen 0easi51e
custo4i9e the ser2ice to the needs o0 custo4ers
recruits high Cua1ity sta003 treats the4 7e11 and co44unicates c1ear1y to the4
the attitudes and 5eha2ior o0 the e4p1oyees are the 8ey to ser2ice Cua1ity and
atte4pts to 4ar8et to e;isting custo4ers to increase their use o0 the ser2ice3 or
to ta8e up ne7 ser2ice products
sets up a Cuic8 response 0aci1ity to custo4er pro51e4s and co4p1aints
e4p1oys ne7 techno1ogy to pro2ide 5etter ser2ices
uses 5randing to c1ear1y di00erentiate ser2ice o00ering 0ro4 the co4petition in
the 4inds o0 target custo4ers

I-(/.)$/*#$*/" '( BLR
BL, O%%ice -etwor.
BLR IndiaMs net7or8 e;tents to a14ost e2ery 4a=or state and city o0 India. Our
endea2ourer is to de1i2er co4p1ete and su5t1e 1ogistic so1utions to each and e2ery
corner o0 the country. )LR has 4ore than HF 5ranches a11 around the country 0ro4
north to south and 7est to east. So4e o0 the 5ranches are in Vapi3 Surat3 !une3
Ah4eda5ad3 A8o1a3 Auranga5ad3 )anga1ore3 )aroda3 )e11ary3 )hopa13 hennai3
Gurgoan3 +ydera5ad3 Indore3 -anpur3 !anipat etc. The 5e1o7 gi2en 0igure e;p1ains
the sa4e$

!orporate O%%ice
Vir7ani Ind. Estate3
Western E;press +igh7ay3
Goregaon :E<

BL, +leet
With a 01eet o0 4ore than B(F 2ehic1es inc1uding Truc8s3 Trai1ers and LVs3
)LR has the capa5i1ity to carry a11 types o0 goods 0or transport 7ithin India. The
pro0i1e o0 )LR custo4ers 2aries 0ro4 G1o5a1 *Ns3 Indian *Ns3 Indian orporate
house3 Start Trading house3 Trading houses and I4porters & E;porters.
The industries and the products that )LR caters to current1y inc1ude
phar4aceutica1s3 he4ica1s3 Lu5ricants3 Engineering3 Auto4oti2e3 E1ectronics3 Ne7s
!rint3 !apers3 ,i5ers3 !o1y4ers3 Stee13 !ro=ect 4achinery3 !1ant & ECuip4ents3 odd
di4ensiona1 cargo and I4port & E;port containers.
With thorough 8no71edge o0 Indian Transport regu1ations3 custo4ers trust
)LR and entrust 7ith responsi5i1ities to de1i2er goods in ti4e3 e2ery ti4e.
Bonded (are"ouses
)LR is Go2t. appro2ed usto4A5onded 7arehouse operator 7ithin India and
is operating usto4A5onded and E;cise )onded 7arehouses around the country. )LR
is a1so adding (F3FFF sC 0t stateAo0Aart 5onded 7arehouse space in Ne7 De1hi to the
e;isting net7or8.
An E;ciseA5onded 7arehouse o0 'F3FFF sC 0t is a1so 5eing p1anned 0or e;port
container stu00ing at *u45ai and Ludhiana.
General (are"ouses
)LR o00ers 7arehousing and distri5ution ser2ices to its custo4ers. With a
7arehouse space o0 4ore than &FF3FFF sC 0t and 7ith a strong transport net7or8
around the country3 )LR has the capa5i1ity to pro2ide integrated 1ogistics & supp1y
chain ser2ices to its custo4ers in India.

Bonded Truc.ing
)LR has 5een appro2ed 5y ONOR :ontainer orp o0 India<3 a !S" o0
Go2t. o0 India3 to operate 5ondedAtruc8ing ser2ices 7ithin India and is one o0 the 0e7
transportation co4panies in the pane1 o0 oncor to o00er this ser2ice. )LR has 5een
gi2en this appro2a1 5y ONOR a0ter a due di1igence on the capa5i1ity3 security and
Cua1ity para4eters.
BL, IT !apacity
)LR has a dedicated inAhouse tea4 o0 pro0essiona1s to 4anage the IT syste4s.
)LR is using 2arious 4odes o0 techno1ogy to support the 5usiness. A11 the
o00ices are 1in8ed through the e4ai1 net7or8.
)LR uses +igh7ay Vehic1e Trac8ing Syste43 Ad2anced o4puter and
o44unication techno1ogy to 1in8 its net7or8 o0 5ranches nation 7ide.
On1ine trac8ing syste4 is in p1ace 0or trac8ing the 4o2e4ent o0 truc8s and
)LR is co44itted to in2est in 1eadingAedge IT capa5i1ity to support the ga4ut
o0 1ogistics ser2ices o00ered and to gi2e a rea1 ti4e Trac8 & Trace 2isi5i1ity to
our custo4ers.

/uality at BL,
)LR is an ISO EFF&$'FFF certi0ied co4pany. )LR has a Cua1ity po1icy in
p1ace 7hich ensures that each 4e45er o0 the )LR 0a4i1y co4p1ies 7ith the set
Cua1ity nor4s.
A11 the processes that 7e underta8e ha2e an interna1 Cua1ity standard. E2en
our dri2ers are ensured to 5e co4p1iant 7ith the nor4s set 0orth 0or sa0ety3 security
and Cua1ity. The processes are thorough1y 4onitored and regu1ar1y audited.
We at BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+. constant1y endea2or to gi2e ut4ost
Satis0action to a11 custo4ers at co4petiti2e costs in a11 spheres o0 our 5usiness
acti2ity3 achie2ing the highest standards o0 Cua1ity and ser2ice3 5y ethica1 4eans3
constant1y upgrading our s8i11s through training and 4oti2ation and continua11y
i4pro2e the e00ecti2eness o0 the Cua1ity 4anage4ent syste4s
Our 4ission is to pro2ide sa0e and pro4pt ser2ices as part o0 co4p1ete and
cost e00ecti2e so1utions to our c1ientMs 1ogistic reCuire4ents.

Our 2ision is to 5eco4e INDIAKS 1eading transport co4pany and p1ay an
i4portant part in the econo4ic gro7th o0 the co4pany

M./8"$%-4 +"2./$0"-$ )$/*#$*/"

C3%"-$) '( BLR
)LR India !ri2ate Ltd. has a huge custo4er 5ase. )LR India !ri2ate Ltd. Dea1s 7ith
2ariety o0 goods and ser2ices 1isted 5e1o7$
C'-)*0"/ G''+):
Sony India Ltd
!id1ite Industries Ltd
)a=a= E1ectrica1s Ltd
+ & R Rohnson Ltd
VI! Industries Ltd
Nest1e India Ltd
LG E1ectronics
Gu=arat G1ass :!< Ltd
Re1iance Industries Ltd
I!L Ltd
GS, Ltd
P/'!"#$ M.#1%-"/%"):
Wartsi1a NSD India Ltd
*a9agaon Doc8s Ltd
Larsen & Tou5ro Ltd
)ir1a ooper Ltd
Vi8ra4 Ispat Ltd
Aarti Stee1s Ltd
)hushan Stee1 Stripes Ltd
Rinda1 Iron & Stee1

+onda Sie1 ars India Ltd
*ed1ey !har4a
Agio !har4aceutica1s
Lupin La5oratories
A=anta !har4a
A4/' C1"0%#.3):
E.I. Dupont :I< Ltd
E.I.D !arry :I< Ltd
E;ce1 Industries Ltd
C*)$'0 H'*)" A4"-$:
LEE & *uirhead Ltd
R.*. )a;i o.
)a; G1o5a1 India Ltd
*aers8 Logistics !2t Ltd
"T Wor1d7ide
E;ce1 India !2t. Ltd
Nahar Group o0 Industries
Vardha4an Spg. *i11s Ltd
RT Ltd
Grasi4 Industries Ltd
Go2ern4ent "nderta8ing$
ontainer orporation o0 India Ltd
otton orporation o0 India Ltd

W" ./" 2/'*+ $' 1.&" $1")" P'2*3./ B/.-+) .) '*/ #*)$'0"/)

A5./+) .-+ A#1%"&"0"-$):
Nationa1 Trade E;ce11ence A7ard
Re01ects the e;ce11ence in )LR 7ay o0 7or8ing
Sa4a=shri A7ard
Re01ects the co44it4ent o0 )LR to7ards the socia1 responsi5i1ity
Appreciation A7ards 0ro4 AI*TI
A11 India *otor Transport ongress on *arch 'FF(
Appreciation A7ard 5y )GTA :Thrice<
)o45ay Goods Transport Association$ Sept 'FFB3 Sept 'FFG3 No2 'FF(

SWOT A-.3,)%)
SWOT Ana1ysis is a strategic p1anning 4ethod used to e2a1uate the Strengths3
Wea8nesses3 Opportunities3 and Threats in2o12ed in a pro=ect or in a 5usiness
2enture. It in2o12es speci0ying the o5=ecti2e o0 the 5usiness 2enture or pro=ect and
identi0ying the interna1 and e;terna1 0actors that are 0a2oura51e and un0a2oura51e to
achie2ing that o5=ecti2e. In SWOT3 strengths and 7ea8nesses are interna1 0actors and
opportunities and threats are e;terna1 0actors.
SWOT A-.3,)%) '( BLR
Strong )rand I4age
.ua1ity and re1ia5i1ity.
Superior per0or4ance 2s co4petitors in ter4s o0 de1i2ery.
So4e sta00 has e;perience o0 endAuser sector.
Direct de1i2ery capa5i1ity.
!roduct inno2ations ongoing.
*anage4ent is co44itted and con0ident.
Wi11ingness o0 sta00 to adapt to change
usto4er 1ists not tested.
We cannot supp1y endAusers a5road.
Need 4ore sa1es sta00.
Re0resher training not practiced.
De1i2eryAsta00 need training.

Large3 !otentia1 Do4estic and Internationa1 *ar8et
ou1d e;tend to o2erseas.
Ne7 specia1ist app1ications.
ou1d see8 5etter supp1ier dea1s
o4petition 0ro4 other de2e1oping countries3 especia11y hina.
)ad roads
Retention o0 8ey sta00 critica1.
Vu1nera51e to reacti2e attac8 5y 4a=or co4petitors

P/'3"0) /C1.33"-4") '( %-+*)$/,;
There are a nu45er o0 pro51e4s 0aced 5y the 1ogistics and
transportation industry 7hich are discussed 5e1o7$
<. C*$ T1/'.$ C'02"$%$%'- $
The 1ogistics and the transportation industry ha2e 5een e;posed to cut
throat co4petition 0ro4 the Indian and the o2erseas co4petitors in the recent
past. Due to g1o5a1i9ation the industry has seen entries o0 ne7 co4panies 0ro4
the o2erseas 4ar8ets 7hich o00er e;ce11ent ser2ices at co4petiti2e rates.
Though there has 5een a signi0icant gro7th in the sector 1ogistics ana1yst
5e1ie2e it is an era o0 sur2i2a1 o0 the 0ittest.
=. H".&, M.%-$"-.-#" #')$:
The 1ogistics and the transportation industry is concerned 7ith the
4o2e4ent o0 goods 0ro4 the p1ace o0 4anu0acturing to the p1ace o0
consu4ption 0or this it reCuires truc8s3 trai1ers3 1o7 5ed trai1ers3 7e11 5ed
trai1ers3 7hich 2ary 0ro4 'F 0eet to GF0eet depending on the c1ients
reCuire4ents. The cost incurred to 4aintain these 4odes o0 transports
contri5utes to a 1arge a4ount o0 the tota1 e;penses incurred.
The cost o0 co4ponents and accessories3 such as tyres and 5atteries3
has esca1ated tre4endous1y.
>. C1.-4%-4 4'&"/-0"-$ P'3%#%"):
A change in go2ern4ent po1icies regarding transportation3 octroi3
0reight is a a1so one o0 the 4a=or cha11enges 0aced 5y the 1ogistics and
transportation industry. hange in these po1icies 1ead to increase in the tota1
cost incurred 5y an organi9ation

?. H".&, A+&"/$%)"0"-$ #')$:
In order to 4ar8et its products a huge a4ount is spent in the
ad2ertise4ents in 5usiness ne7spapers 1i8e the econo4ic ti4es3 E;i4
ne7spaper etc in order to 4ar8et its products and 4a8e ones presence 0e1t in
todayMs high1y co4petiti2e 4ar8et
@. E-$/, '( F'/"%4- C'02.-%"):
Due to g1o5a1i9ation3 pri2ati9ation and 1i5era1i9ation the 1ogistics and
the transportation sector in the recent past has seen ne7 co4panies 0ro4 the
o2erseas 4ar8et entering in the sector. This has resu1ted in cut throat
co4petition 7hich u1ti4ate1y directs a co4pany to achie2e e;ceptiona1
custo4er e;perience and generating 5rand 1oya1ty a4ongst their c1ients.
A. I-#/".)%-4 F*"3/D%")"3 2/%#") $
The 1ogistics and the transportation is pri4ari1y concerned 7ith 4o2e4ent
o0 goods and ser2ices 0ro4 one p1ace to another. To achie2e this it reCuires the use
o0 truc8s3 trai1ers etc and to run these 2ehic1es 7e reCuire 0ue1. With a constant rise
in 0ue1 prices :petro1 and diese1< the o2era11 cost increases as 7e11. Rise in 0ue1
prices is one o0 the 4a=or cha11enges 5e0ore the transportation and 1ogistics
B. C/"+%$'/) C'33"#$%'- P"/%'+:
On a nu45er o0 occasions the industry pro2ides credit 0aci1ity to the c1ients
& 0aces the pro51e4 o0 not recei2ing the pay4ent 0ro4 its creditors on ti4e. In
todayMs cut throat co4petition era it is i4portant to pro2ide credit 0aci1ities to the
custo4ers and on the other hand a inappropriate credit po1icy can 1ead to 51oc8age
and idea1i9ation o0 0unds 7hich in turn 7ou1d ha4per the Organi9ations success.

C. A&.%3.%3%$, '( %-.+"D*.$" %-(/.)$/*#$*/" (.#%3%$%"):
A2ai1a5i1ity o0 adeCuate in0rastructure 0aci1ities is 2ita1 0or the acce1eration o0
the econo4ic de2e1op4ent o0 a country. One o0 the greater cha11enges India is
0acing today perhaps is that o0 de2e1oping and dep1oying countryMs in0rastructure
to 8eep pace 7ith constant change that is re2o12ing around us. onditions on
Indian road are 2ery 5ad and ha9ardous. They tend to reduce speed o0 2ehic1es3
7hich 1eads to 7astage o0 natura1 transport capacity.
The Indian Go2ern4ent has accorded a high priority to in2est4ent in sectors
such as the roads3 rai17ays3 po7er3 ports and airports. The Go2ern4ent has ta8en
apprecia51e initiati2es 1i8e 5ui1ding the go1den Cuadri1atera1 5ut it is 1i8e a drop in
the ocean. The industry is sti11 coping 7ith an inadeCuate and poor Cua1ity o0
in0rastructure net7or8 and su00ers 0ro4 a near a5sence o0 techno1ogica1
i4pro2e4ents. A11 these act as econo4ic 5ott1enec8 i4pending gro7th across
transportation industries.
Eg. Trucks get stuck in muddy roads, work sites remain
unapproachable, and serious vehicular accidents are caused,
Obstruction by Trees on highways while carrying goods which are
taller in nature etc.

C'-#3*)%'-) .-+ R"#'00"-+.$%'-)
Logistics is the one i4portant 0unction in 5usiness today. No 4ar8eting3
4anu0acturing or pro=ect e;ecution can succeed 7ithout 1ogistics support
Logistics is i4portant in India 5ecause o0 the countryKs si9e3 geography3
popu1ation 2ariety3 natura1 and 4anA4ade ca1a4ities etc. The transport 0aci1ities are
inadeCuate in India and roads are 5ad. India 1ac8s a 7e11Ade2e1oped road net7or8 and
7ater7ays are sti11 une;p1oited.
Due to co4petition3 g1o5a1i9ation and in0or4ation a2ai1a5i1ity3 1ogistics has
gained e;tra i4portance. ,irst$ the days are gone 7hen a 4anu0acturer had a 5etter
ra7 4ateria1 supp1ier than co4petitors. Then3 the operations in a 4anu0acturing
process are 7e11 8no7n to a11. The processes are 4ore or 1ess standard. A1so3
techno1ogy is a2ai1a51e to a11. The on1y area 7here one can score o2er co4petitors is
1ogistics. I0 1ogistics cost is reduced3 there is a gain.
Logistics is a critica1 0actor 0or e00ecti2e 4ar8eting too$ 0or3 i0 a co4pany
cannot reach the right thing at the right p1ace etc.3 then3 regard1ess o0 the 4ar8eting
e00orts3 the 5usiness co4es do7n
Logistics is one o0 the areas o0 the supp1y chain i.e. gro7ing at a tre4endous
case as the Internet and EAo44erce is drastica11y changing the range3 de1i2ery ti4e
and the speed o0 in0or4ation as 7e11 as ordering and pay4ent process. Due to the 5ig
5oon o0 in0or4ation techno1ogy3 great1y in01uencing and enhancing the e00ecti2eness
o0 1ogistics3 the ti4e is not 0ar 7hen 1ogistics ser2ices 7ou1d pro2e to 5e one o0 the
4a=or contri5utors to the Nationa1 Inco4e.

The industria1 po1icies in India ha2e pro4pted 4anu0acturers to 5ui1d p1ants in
re4ote3 5ac87ard areas due to ine;pensi2e 1and and ta; 5ene0its. This poses so4e
serious 1ogistica1 pro51e4s. Apart 0ro4 a poor road and transportation net7or83 the
e;isting co44unications syste4 in India 1ea2es a 1ot to 5e desired 5y any
internationa1 standard.
With increased geographica1 distri5ution o0 inco4es in India3 the consu4er
4ar8ets are e;tending 5eyond the 0i2e 4etros o0 *u45ai3 De1hi3 )anga1ore3 hennai
and +ydera5ad. +o7e2er3 rather than 5eing preAe4pti2e3 the co4panies are on1y
0o11o7ing 7ith ne7 distri5ution out1ets. As such3 the increased co4petition across
industry 2ertica1s is 0orcing 0ir4s to 0ocus on product distri5ution3 and 1ogistics is
gaining 0urther 4o4entu4 7ith this.

<. M./8"$ R")"./#1
The Logistics and Transportation industry is one o0 the 5oo4ing sectors o0
the Indian Econo4y and IndiaKs 4ar8et is a11 set to e;perience a period o0
e;p1osi2e organic gro7th and thus 4ar8et research p1ays a 2ita1 ro1e in the
e;pansion o0 the Industry.
*ar8et research is the process o0 syste4atica11y gathering3 recording and
ana1y9ing data and in0or4ation a5out custo4ers3 co4petitors and the 4ar8et.
The co4pany can go ahead and conduct a syste4atic 4ar8et research so as
to understand and e;p1ore the potentia1 4ar8ets 7here 4ore 5usiness can 5e
*ar8et in0or4ation is 4a8ing 8no7n the prices o0 the di00erent
co44odities in the 4ar8et3 the supp1y and the de4and. In0or4ation a5out the
4ar8ets can 5e o5tained in se2era1 di00erent 2arieties and 0or4ats.
E;a4p1es o0 4ar8et in0or4ation Cuestions are$
Who are the custo4ersS
Where are they 1ocated and ho7 can they 5e contactedS
What Cuantity and Cua1ity do they 7antS
=. T%0"3, S*2"/&%)%'- '( V"1%#3"):
The 1ogistics and the transportation industry is concerned 7ith the
4o2e4ent o0 goods 0ro4 the p1ace o0 4anu0acturing to the p1ace o0 consu4ption
0or this it reCuires truc8s3 trai1ers3 1o7 5ed trai1ers etc The cost incurred to
4aintain these 4odes o0 transports contri5utes to a 1arge a4ount o0 the tota1
e;penses incurred.
)LR 4ay appoint a Dedicated Vehic1e super2isor to 1oo8 a0ter the
rep1ace4ent3 4aintenance3 per0or4ance etc o0 the 2ehic1es on a regu1ar 5asis. This
in turn 7ou1d he1p in deter4ining 7hen the 2ehic1es needs to 5e ser2iced3 7hether
they need to 5e rep1aced etc 7hich 7ou1d he1p in reducing cost to a great e;tent.

The appoint4ent o0 a 2ehic1e super2isor 7ou1d de0inite1y 1ead to regu1ar
4aintenance and in turn 7ou1d reduce the cost and to 4ini4i9e 7astages 7hich in
turn 7ou1d contri5ute to the Organi9ations success.
>. A22/'2/%.$" C/"+%$ P'3%#,:
There shou1d 5e an appropriate credit po1icy de2e1oped as per the
con2enience o0 the organi9ation. As a higher credit co11ection period can 1ead
to id1e 0unds and contri5ute to the ine00iciency o0 the organi9ation3 credit
shou1d 5e assigned to the c1ient 5ased on so4e research done a5out the
turno2er3 0inancia1 position etc o0 the c1ient. With proper assign4ent o0 credit
one can a2oid the 51oc8age o0 0unds 7hich in turn can 5e used 0or other
5usiness acti2ities and in turn 7ou1d contri5ute to the organi9ations success.
When the ser2ices are
pro2ided 5y the co4pany on credit
5asis3 the o4pany shou1d 8eep a
record o0 the nu45er o0 days the
c1ient ta8es to pay the a4ount 5ac83
say a c1ient in particu1ar has 5een
de1aying pay4ents on a regu1ar
5asis3 the co4pany shou1d consider
a1tering its credit po1icy 0or the
particu1ar c1ient 4ay 5e 5y 7ays o0
as8ing 0or a greater a4ount o0
ad2ance or 4ay 5e co4p1ete1y on
cash 5asis etc

G"-"/.3 0.-.4"0"-$
BLR I-+%. P/%&.$" L$+ 7hich pro2ides co4p1ete Logistics so1utions 0aces cut
throat co4petition 0ro4 co4panies 0ro4 India. With G1o5a1i9ation at present
and the rea1i9ation o0 the huge a4ount o0 potentia1 0or the 1ogistics and
transportation industry in India there are co4panies 0ro4 other countries
entering into the 1ogistic 5usiness in India.
S'0" M.!'/ C'02"$%$'/):
)est Road7ays.
ara2an Road 1ines.

P/'+*#$ 21'$')

O2"- T/*#8
?E F""$ T/.%3"/
L'5 B"+ T/.%3"/

W"33 B"+ T/.%3"/

B%3%'4/.21, & W"%3%'4/.21,
Econo4ic Ti4es
E;i4 India
)usiness Standard
DNA *oney
Transportation *aga9ines
Ti4es Shipping Rourna1

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