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Language Experience Approach

The Language Experience Approach is one of the most efcient ways to
initiate reading and writing. It is child-centred and shows that the child's
thoughts and language are valued. hildren will generate and learn to
read material that stems from their own experience as the approach
uses children's own words as the !asis for !eginning reading and then
for writing. Ideally this material will !e predicta!le and reada!le as the
child will !egin to read words they already "now and use. In this
approach reading and writing are seen as reciprocal processes. The
Language Experience Approach demonstrates to children the lin"
!etween what they say and its written form.
The LEA# $rst# developed for %aori-spea"ing and native-English-spea"ing
children. It also has !een used successfully with learners of all ages.
Therefore# adults learners entering E&L programs may or may not have
previous educational or literacy experiences' nonetheless# all come to
class with a wealth of life experiences. Also# This valua!le resource for
language and literacy development can !e tapped !y using the LEA. The
approach develops literacy not only with the whole learner in mind# !ut
also the whole language.
Features of the Language Experience Approach
%aterials are learner-generated.
All communication s"ills--reading# writing# listening# and spea"ing--
are integrated.
(ifculty of voca!ulary and grammar are determined !y the
learners own language use.
Learning and teaching are personali)ed# communicative# creative.
LEA With ESL Learners
*rashen and Terrell +,-./0 recommend two criteria for determining
whether reading materials are appropriate for E&L learners1
The reading must !e
,0 at a comprehensi!le level of complexity and 20 interesting to the
reader. 3eading texts originating from learners' experiences meet
these two criteria !ecause
,0 the degree of complexity is determined !y the learner's own
language# and 20 the texts relate to the learner's personal interests.
Both criteria are of particular importance in adult beginning ESL
classes, where the paucity of reading materials can be problematic.
Many books written in simplifed English are either too juenile or too
uninteresting to be considered appropriate reading material for
Methodology for Language Experience Approach
,. hild composes a story
2. Teacher writes the story for the child
/. hild sees the text written
4. hild and teacher read the story together
5. hild reads the story on her 6 his own and teacher listens
7. Teacher reads the story and the child listens
8. The child then edits the text
!n conclusion the LE" was deeloped primarily as a tool for reading
deelopment, this techni#ue can be used successfully to deelop
listening, speaking, and writing as well. $his integrated approach is
uni#ue in that it begins with students% indiidual or shared
e&periences as a basis for discussion, writing, and fnally reading. "s
students see their personal e&periences transcribed into the written
word, they also gain a greater understanding of the processes of
writing and reading and can make the bridge to reading and writing

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