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The practice of Law CAN NOT be licene! b" an" tate#State$ %Schware &$ 'oar! of E(a)iner*
+,+ U$S$ -+.* -+/0
The practice of Law i AN OCCUPATION O1 COMMON RI2HT3 %Si) &$ Ahern* -45 S$6$ 4-7 %5/-,00

The 8CERTI1ICATE8 fro) the State S9pre)e Co9rt:
ONL; a9thori<e*
To practice Law 8IN COURTS8 A a )e)ber of the STATE =UDICIAL 'RANCH O1 2O>ERNMENT$


LA6 1IRM333


5$ Li@e the Actor Union* Painter Union* etc$

-$ No other aociation* E>EN DOCTORS* i9e their own licene$ ALL ARE ISSUED '; THE STATE$


The State 'ar i;
An Uncontit9tional Monopol"$

>iolate Article -* Section 5* Separation of Power cla9e of the U$S Contit9tion$

There i NO PO6ER OR AUTHORIT; for CoininD of LeDilati&e* =9!icial* or E(ec9ti&e within a tate a the
'AR i atte)ptinD$ 8BAR8 )e)ber ha&e in&a!e! all branche of Do&ern)ent an! are atte)ptinD to control
!e C9re Do&ern)ent a aDent of a foreiDn entit"3

It i E9ite i)ple to ee that a Dreat fra9! an! conpirac" ha been perpetrate! on the people of A)erica$ The
A)erican 'ar i an offhoot fro) Lon!on Law"erF 29il! an! wa etablihe! b" people with in&ai&e
)onopolitic Doal in )in!$ In 5/7/ the" incorporate! thi TRAITOROUS Dro9p in the tate of Illinoi an! ha!
the State LeDilat9re %which wa 9n!er the control of law"er0 pa an 9ncontit9tional law that onl" )e)ber
of thi powerf9l 9nion of law"er* calle! the 8ABA*8 co9l! practice law an! hol! all the @e" poition in law
enforce)ent an! the )a@inD of law$ At that ti)e* Illinoi beca)e an o9tlaw tate* an! for all practical
p9rpoe* the" ece!e! fro) the Unite! State of A)erica$

The 8BAR ASSOCIATION8 then ent orDani<er to all the other tate an! e(plaine! to the law"er there how
)9ch )ore profitable an! ec9re it wo9l! be for the)* a law"er* to Coin thi 9nion an! be protecte! b"
it b"law an! cannon$ The" i9e! to the law"er in each tate a charter fro) the Illinoi orDani<ation$
California Coine! in 5/-4 an! a few rel9ctant tate an! their law"er waite! 9ntil the 5/+7F to Coin when the
treaono9 act beca)e DE 1ACTO an! the Citi<enF beca)e capti&e$

Un!er thi "te)* the law"er co9l! D9arantee preC9!De! !eciion for the pri&ileDe! cla aDaint the
lower cla$ Thi wa all )a!e poible b" the AMERICAN 'AR ASSOCIATION to fa&or the riDht an! ha&e
9nlawf9ll" 9btit9te! the) in place of Contit9tional Law$ The Contit9tion wa written in plain EnDlih an!
the Stat9te pae! b" ConDre were alo in plain EnDlih* with the intent of ConDre how each law ho9l! be
9e! an! not the opinion of &ario9 =9!De a the co!e lit$ An" nor)al peron can rea! the Contit9tion an!
Stat9te an! 9n!ertan! the) witho9t an" tro9ble$

The p9blic in California wa hoc@e! to learn that the State 2o&ern)ent ha no control or C9ri!iction o&er the
'ar Aociation or it )e)ber$ The tate !oe not accre!it the law chool or hol! 'ar e(a)ination$ The" !o
not i9e tate licene to LA6;ERS$ The 'ar Aociation accre!it all the law chool* hol! their pri&ate
e(a)ination an! elect the t9!ent the" will accept in their orDani<ation an! i9e the) oAcalle! licene b9t
@eep the fee for the)el&e$ The 'ar i the onl" one that can p9nih or !ibar a Law"er$

The" alo elect the law"er that the" coni!er E9alifie! for =9!Dehip an! &ario9 other office in the State$
Onl" the 'ar Aociation* or their !eiDnate! co))ittee* can re)o&e an" of thee law"er fro) p9blic office$
The State LeDilat9re will not chanDe thi "te) a the" are alo a !eiDnate! co))ittee of the 'ar$
On A9D9t -5* 5/.?* Roe 'ir!* Chief =9tice of the California State S9pre)e Co9rt* another of the
'ar Aociation =9!icial Co))itteeF* tate! in eence* that the 'ar ho9l! !eter)ine the leDalit" of all
initiati&e before the" were allowe! to Do on the ballot$

Thi i contrar" to both State an! 1e!eral Contit9tion* a well a the Law of thi Nation intit9te! '" an! 1or
the People a a So&ereiDn UNIT; of In!epen!ent State of 6e The People* not a fra9!9lent Corporate entit"
of Law"er$ Thi i a tre)en!o9 a)o9nt of power for a PRI>ATE 9nion that i incorporate! an! hea!E9artere!
in Illinoi to hol! o&er the Citi<en of California or an" other tate$ The onl" reco9re i thro9Dh thi initiati&e
proce an! &ote b" the people$

After the 1o9n!inD 1ather ha! for)e! the Contit9tion* o9tlininD the law a to the wa" o9r Do&ern)ent wa to
be r9n* Tho)a =efferon ai!* in eence* 8This proves that plain people, if given the hane, an enat la!s
an" r#n a govern$ent as !ell as or %etter than ro&alt& an" the %l#e %loo"s of E#rope$8 The A)erican people
)9t top thin@inD that law"er are better than the" are an! can !o a better Cob than the" can before the co9rt
of A)erica$

Un!er the Co))on Law an! the Law of A)erica* no where i it e(prel" Di&en for an"one to ha&e the power
or the riDht to for) a Corporation$ 8Corporations8 are Di&en birth beca9e of iDnorance on the part of the
A)erican people an! are operatinD 9n!er i)plie! conent an! power which the" ha&e 99rpe! an! otherwie
tolen fro) the people$ '" RI2HT AND LA6 THE; HA>E NO PO6ER* AUTHORIT;*
OR =URISDICTION* an! )9t be p9t o9t of b9ine b" the Doo! Citi<en of A)erica in their fiDht
for 1REEDOM$

The U$S$ Contit9tion 2UARANTEES to e&er" tate in thi 9nion a REPU'LICAN 1ORM of Do&ern)ent$
An" other for) of Do&ern)ent i 1OR'IDDEN$ No p9blic officer or branch of Do&ern)ent can be li)ite! to a
RULIN2 CLASS of an" @in!* or the tate beco)e ARISTOCRACIES an! NOT Rep9blic$ Alo* the law"er
ha&e )a!e the)el&e 5t Cla Citi<en* where )an" p9blic office an! branche of Do&ern)ent are open to
law"er onl"$

All other people are li)ite! to onl" two branche of Do&ern)ent an! to onl" certain office in thoe
two branche of Do&ern)ent* )a@inD all people who are nonAlaw"er into -n! cla 9bCect citi<en$ 6hen the
co9rt belonD to the people* a the Unite! State Contit9tion REGUIRES* %Article I>* Section ?* we the people*
will NE>ER r9le aDaint the)el&e$0 In thee Uncontit9tional foreiDn trib9nal 8o#rts8 %hoo!l9) center0*
8$en8 in blac@ !ree* that are Uncontit9tional RO'ES O1 NO'ILIT;$ %Article 5* Section / an! 570 !ipene
a per&erte! i!eoloD"* where the people are terrori<e! b" )e)ber of the 'LACH RO'E CULT %law"er an!
law"er C9!De in the co9rtroo)0$

The leDilati&e branch of Do&ern)ent !oe NOT ha&e the Contit9tional Power to i9e Co9rt Or!er or an"
other @in! of Or!er to the people* a a 8fition o#rt8 or a 8o#rt'orporation for profit an" gain8 cannot reach
parit" with a lawf9l )an$ ONL; Prei!ent an! 2o&ernor ha&e the Contit9tional Power to Drant PARDONS*
b9t law"er an! law"erAC9!De are 9ncontit9tionall" DrantinD PARDONS with 8i$$#nit& fro$ prose#tion$8

Citi<en are not per)itte! to act li@e people in the co9rt$ The Citi<en %-n! cla0 i tol! that he !oe not @now
how to fill o9t fanc" law"er for); that he i not traine! in the law; that he !oe not @now co9rt r9le an!
proce!9re; etc$ Thi i Uncontit9tional 8la!&er s&ste$*8 onl" HEARSA; SU'STITUTES %law"er0 NOT
9n!er oath* ha&e acce to the fiction#for profit an! Dain co9rt* e&en tho9Dh ONL; worn teti)on" an!
e&i!ence can be preente! in co9rt$ An"thinD ele i 8Bill of Attain"er*8 NOT per)itte! 9n!er the
U$S$ Contit9tion %Article 5* Section / an! 570$

The U$S$ Contit9tion !oe NOT Di&e an"one the riDht to a law"er or the riDht to co9nel* or the riDht to an"
other HEARSA; SU'STITUTE$ The Ith A)en!)ent i &er" SPECI1IC* that the acc9e! ONL; ha the riDht
to the ASSISTANCE of co9nel an! thi ASSISTANCE of co9nel CAN 'E AN;ONE THE ACCUSED

LA6;ERS an! LA6;ERA=UD2ES: Create! Uncontit9tional 8la!&er s&ste$8 preAtrial 8$otions8 an!
8(earings8 to ha&e eternal EJTORTIONISTIC litiDationF* which i 'ARRATR; an! alo i in &iolation of the
U$S$ Contit9tion* an! Article 5* a thi place !efen!ant in DOU'LE =EOPARD; a h9n!re! ti)e o&er$
Defen!ant onl" ha&e a riDht to A TRIAL* NOT TRIALS$ 6hen a cri)inal i free! on a TECHNICALIT;* HE
IS 1REED 'ECAUSE O1 A 1IJ an! a PA;AO11* a a !efen!ant can onl" be free! if fo9n! innocent '; A

6hene&er a law"er i in&ol&e! in a cae !irectl" or in!irectl"* a a litiDant or aitinD in co9nel*
CONSTITUTIONAL TRIAL an! alo there wo9l! be a &iolation of the conflict of interet law* alonD with the
&iolation of eparation of power an! chec@ an! balance* beca9e 8OFFICERS8 O1 THE COURT ARE ON

Thee a)e LA6;ERA=UD2ES are awar!inD or appro&inD LA6;ER 1EES* !irectl" an! in!irectl"*
a)o9ntinD to 'ILLION O1 DOLLARS ann9all"* all in &iolation of conflict of interet law$ A lonD a there
are law"er* there will ne&er be an" law* Contit9tion or =9tice$ There will onl" be MO' RULE* RULE ';

O1 2O>ERNMENT$ 6hen a law"erAC9!De intr9ct* !irect* or Di&e or!er to a C9r"* the law"erAC9!De i
TAMPERIN2 6ITH THE =UR;$ He alo ta)per with teti)on" when he or!er the anwer to be either 8)es8
or 8No$8 The law"erAC9!De alo ta)per* fi(e* an! riD the trial when he or!er an"thinD tric@en fro) the
recor!* or when he 8r#les8 certain e&i!ence an! the tr9th to be ina!)iible$

Thi )a@e the trial an! trancript 1IJED an! RI22ED* beca9e the C9r" !oe not hear the REAL TRUTH an!
ALL THE 1ACTS$ =9rie are )a!e into p9ppet b" the law"er an! law"erAC9!De$ All law"er are
a9to)aticall" in the C9!icial branch of Do&ern)ent* a the" ha&e the Uncontit9tional TITLE O1 NO'ILIT;
%Article 5* Section / an! 570* 8Offier of the Co#rt$8 Citi<en ha&e to be electe! or hire! to be in an" branch of
Do&ern)ent* b9t nonAlaw"er Citi<en are li)ite! to onl" two of the three branche of Do&ern)ent$ Law"er* a
5t cla citi<en* can be hire! or electe! to an" of the three branche of Do&ern)ent$

Law"er* 8Offiers of the Co#rt*8 in the =9!icial 'ranch* are Uncontit9tionall" in two branche of Do&ern)ent
AT THE SAME TIME whene&er the" are hire! or electe! to the e(ec9ti&e or leDilati&e branche$ Thi i a
&iolation of the eparation of power* chec@ an! balance* an! the conflict of interet law$ Ditrict attorne"
an! StateF attorne" ha&e ta@en o&er the 2ran! =9rie 1ROM the people* where the people are
DENIED ACCESS to the 2ran! =9rie when the" atte)pt to preent e&i!ence of cri)e co))itte! in the
co9rtroo) b" the law"er an! law"erAC9!De$

The U$S$ Contit9tion* beinD the S9pre)e 19n!a)ental Law* i not an! CANNOT be a)biD9o9 a to be
interprete!* or it wo9l! be a worthle piece of paper an! we wo9l! ha&e )illion of interpretation
%Uncontit9tional a)en!)ent0 intea! of the few we ha&e now$ That i wh" all C9!De an! p9blic er&ant are
S6ORN TO SUPPORT the U$S$ Contit9tion* NOT interpret it$

Un!er INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: ALL LA6;ERS* whether the" left law chool "eter!a" or ,7 "ear aDo*
are EJACTL; THE SAME$ All law"er ha&e to file the a)e )otion an! follow the a)e proce!9re in 9inD
the a)e Uncontit9tional 8la!&er s&ste$8$ In probate* the law"er place the)el&e in e&er"oneF will an!
etate$ 6hen there are )inor chil!ren a heir* the law"erAC9!De appoint a law"er %a chil! )oletinD 1aDin0 for
EACH CHILD an!* at ti)e* the law"er fee EJCEED the total a)o9nt of the etate$

An OUTRA2EOUS a)o9nt of TAJ 8+ONE)8 i !irectl" an! in!irectl" STOLEN '; LA6;ERS$ Mone"
that i b9!Dete! to Co9nt"#Cit"#'oro9Dh 'oar!* School 'oar! an! other local an! fe!eral aDencie e&ent9all"
fin! it wa" into the poc@et of law"er* a ALL of thee aDencie are 8TRIC,ED8 an! 8FORCED8 into

In the tate of Ala@a an! Hawaii* the 'AR ASSOCIATION ha )an!ate! that all C9!De are to be licene! to
practice law %e$D$ Ala@a Contit9tion* Article I>* Section ?0$ Thi licene reE9ire)ent i not fo9n! in an" other
tate of the Union$ A all licene to practice law in the tate of Ala@a an! Hawaii are i9e! b" a C9!De* what
C9!De i E9alifie! to i9e a licene to practice law to another C9!DeK A onl" )e)ber of the 'ar )a" be
licene! to practice law %e$D$ A$S$ 7.$7.$7-70* Ala@a an! Hawaii C9!De are REGUIRED to be )e)ber of the
'AR an! a 9ch* the" are preC9!ice! to the b9ine of the 'AR$ If a C9!De i reE9ire! to be a )e)ber of the
'AR* who !iE9alifie the office of a C9!De if that C9!De !oe not pa" the !9e of the 'ARK E&er" tate in the
Union %with the e(ception of Ala@a an! Hawaii0 8prohi%its8 C9!De fro) beinD )e)ber of the 'AR$
Dea! Contit9tion
See other Dea" Constit#tion Artiles
Title: The So-called Supreme Court-Judiciary Act of 1789
Source: LNoneM
URL Source: LNoneM
Puli!hed: Dec 5/* -77I
Author: Richard
Po!t "ate: -77IA5-A5/ 5+:,/:-. b" richard91#1
$ey%ord!: None
&ie%!: --
I a)* I a!)it* contantl" a)a<e! at how little A)erican bother to t9!" i9e* an! contin9e to accept the
error an! nonAene that i er&e! 9p to the) on nearl" a !ail" bai$ Correction* on a !ail" bai$ One of the
)ot i)portant of thee i abo9t what i calle! a co9rt within the Unite! State to!a"$
6e are a!&ie! in the 'ible not to Do into THEIR co9rt$ In fact* we are a!&ie! that if it i neccear"* to Di&e
o9r coat to o9r ene)" on the tep of the co9rt rather than enter into the co9rt$ E&er won!er wh" that iK
Here i a leon; the oAcalle! eparation of power !etaile! within the Contit9tion ha ne&er e(ite!* an! we
can pro&e thi b" i)pl" loo@inD at the oAcalle! S9pre)e Co9rt$ 1or tarter* the oAcalle! S9pre)e Co9rt
ca)e fro) ConDre* an! not fro) the Contit9tion;
The -#"iiar& At of ./01 esta%lishe" the lo!er fe"eral o#rts2 Un"er Artile III, Setion ., of the U2S2
Constit#tion, 3The 4#"iial Po!er of the Unite" States, shall %e veste" in one s#pre$e Co#rt, an" in s#h
inferior Co#rts as the Congress $a& fro$ ti$e to ti$e or"ain an" esta%lish23 In the -#"iiar& At, the first
Congress reate" fe"eral trial o#rts an" fe"eral appeals o#rts to o$pl& !ith this provision2
Thi t"pe of infor)ation i not hi!!en; it i pote! riDht in plain iDht for an"one to loo@ at$ The !ifference i*
"o9 nee! to 6ANT to loo@$
3I oppose" this %ill fro$ the %eginning5 2 The onstit#tion is $eant to s!allo! all the state onstit#tions, %&
"egrees6 an" this to s!allo!, %& "egrees, all the State 4#"iiaries3 7Clinton .108, .9:.;2
Now* attorne" will arD9e with )e %of co9re30 that thi =9!iciar" Act wa i)pl" f9llfillinD the )an!ate of the
Contit9tion$ Howe&er* what the ConDre create* the ConDre control$ 1or e(a)ple; In .088, Congress
re"#e" the n#$%er of 4#sties to seven2
There i another point to thi* of co9re$ 6hat !o "o9 @now abo9t the flaD of the Unite! StateK I )ean* bei!e
that it i re!* white an! bl9eK Do "o9 9ppoe that there i an"thinD abo9t the flaD that i left to chanceK Or* i
e&er"thinD abo9t the flaD co&ere! in the fe!eral tat9teK
+artial La! Flag 3P#rs#ant to = U2S2C2 hapter ., >>., ?, @ :6 EAe#tive Or"er .B0:=, A#g#st ?., .1916 ?=
F2R280896 a $ilitar& flag is a flag that rese$%les the reg#lar flag of the Unite" States, eAept that it has a
)ELLO* FRIN<E %or"er on three si"es2 The Presi"ent of the Unite" States "esignates this "eviation fro$ the
reg#lar flag, %& eAe#tive or"er, an" in his apait& as Co$$an"erCinCChief of the $ilitar&2 The plaing of a
fringe on the national flag, the "i$ensions of the flag an" the arrange$ent of the stars in the #nion are $atters
of "etail not ontrolle" %& stat#te, %#t are !ithin the "isretion of the Presi"ent as Co$$an"er in Chief of the
Ar$& an" Nav&23 := Ops2 Att&2 <en2 0:2
Presi"ent, D!ight Davi" Eisenho!er, %& EAe#tive Or"er No2.B0:=, signe" on A#g#st ?., .191 an" printe" in
the Fe"eral Register at ?= F2R2 8089, p#rs#ant to la!, state" thatD 3A $ilitar& flag is a flag that rese$%les the
reg#lar flag of the Unite" States, eAept that it has a &ello! fringe %or"er on three si"es23
6h" i it that E>ER; oAcalle! co9rt in A)erica now flie 9ch a flaDK Are we beinD tol! o)ethinDK
The La! of the Flag, an International La!, !hih is reogniEe" %& ever& nation of the planet, is "efine" asD
3222 a r#le to the effet that a vessel is a part of the territor& of the nation !hose flag she flies2 The ter$ is #se"
to "esignate the RI<(TS #n"er !hih a ship o!ner, !ho sen"s his vessel into a foreign port, gives notie %& his
flag to all !ho enter into ontrats !ith the ship $aster that he inten"s the La! of that Flag to reg#late those
ontrats, an" that the& $#st either s#%$it to its operation or not ontrat !ith hi$ or his agent at all23 Ref2D
R#hstrat v2 People, 9/ N2E2 =.
B& the "otrine of 3fo#r ornering3 the flag esta%lishes the la! of the o#ntr& that it represents2 For eAa$ple,
the e$%assies of foreign o#ntries, in *ashington D2C2, are 3fo#r ornere"3 %& !alls or fening, reating an
3enlave23 *ithin the %o#n"aries of the 3enlave3 of the foreign e$%ass&, the flag of that foreign o#ntr&
esta%lishes the 4#ris"ition an" la! of that foreign o#ntr&, !hih !ill %e enfore" %& the La! of the Flag an"
international treat&2 If &o# enter an e$%ass&, &o# !ill %e s#%4et to the la!s of that o#ntr&, 4#st as if &o# %oar"
a ship fl&ing a foreign flag, &o# !ill %e s#%4et to the la!s of that flag, enforea%le %& the 3$aster of the ship,3
7Captain;, %& the la! of the flag2
6hen "o9 enter a co9rtroo) !ipla"inD a Dol! or "ellow frinDe! flaD* "o9 ha&e C9t entere! into a foreiDn
co9ntr"* an! "o9 better ha&e "o9r paport with "o9* beca9e "o9 )a" not be co)inD bac@ to the lan! of the
free for a lonD ti)e$ The C9!De ittinD 9n!er a Dol! or "ellow frinDe flaD beco)e the 8captain8 or 8)ater8 of
that hip or encla&e an! he ha abol9te power to )a@e the r9le a he Doe$ The Dol! or "ellow frinDe flaD i
"o9r warninD that "o9 are lea&inD "o9r Contit9tionall" ec9re! RI2HTS on the floor o9ti!e the !oor to that
This is eAatl& !h& so $an& 4#"ges are appointe", an" not elete" %& the people2 The Fe"eral 4#"ges are
appointe" %& the Presi"ent, the national $ilitar& o$$an"er in hief2 The State 4#"ges are appointe" %& the
<overnors, the state $ilitar& o$$an"ers2 The 4#"ges are appointe" %ea#se the o#rts are $ilitar& o#rts an"
ivilians "o not 3elet3 $ilitar& offiers2
The gol"Cfringe" flag onl& stan"s insi"e $ilitar& o#rts that sit in s#$$ar& o#rt $artial proee"ings against
ivilians an" s#h o#rts are governe" in part %& loal r#les, %#t $ore espeiall& %& 3The +an#al of Co#rts
+artial3, U2S2, .11= E"2, at Art2 11, 7;7.;7%;, pg2 IFC:=, PIN B:B98/CBBBB, U2S2 <overn$ent Printing Offie,
*ash2 D2C2 The "etails of the ri$es that ivilians an o$$it, that are lasse" as GAts of *ar,G over .?9
pages in the +an#al of Co#rts +artial2
An!* of co9re* I a) DoinD to be tol! how foolih I a) for potinD 9ch ill" infor)ation3 NothinD co9l! be
f9rther fro) the TRUTH3 P#rs#ant to the 3La! of the Flag,3 a $ilitar& flag "oes res#lt in 4#ris"itional
i$pliations !hen flo!n 7R#hstrat v2 People, 9/ N2E2 =., =9, .09 Ill2 .::, =1 LRA .0., /8 A$;2
Un"er the po!ers "esignate" %& these stat#tes, the Presi"ent $a&D seiEe propert&, organiEe an" ontrol the
$eans of pro"#tion, seiEe o$$o"ities, assign $ilitar& fores a%roa", instit#te $artial la!, seiEe an" ontrol
all transportation an" o$$#niations, reg#late the operation of private enterprise, restrit travel, an", in a
plethora of parti#lar !a&s, ontrol the lives of all A$erian itiEens2222 7Unite" States Senate Report 1:C9=1,
.1 Nove$%er .1/:;2
FLA< H.D Flags !ith gol" fringe, gol" %rai", gol" eagle, gol" spear, or gol" %all atop the flagpole esta%lishes
the 4#ris"ition of the a"$iralt&, $ariti$e or a"$inistration 4#ris"ition2 Presi"ent Roosevelt "esri%es this
t&pe of flag in .1:: an" itIs "esri%e" %& Ar$& Reg#lation in .1/12 This is an artile . 7of the Constit#tion;
4#ris"ition o#rt flag Jg#ilt& #ntil proven innoentK of the !ar po!ers at2
U2S2 AR+) AR 0=BC.B +ANUAL FOR COURTS +ARTIAL2 <ol" fringe flag is a"$iralt& eAept in"oors2
In"oors the gol"Cfringe" flag onl& flies in $ilitar& o#rts an" therein !hen "ealing !ith a"$inistrative $atters
are s#$$ar& o#rt $artial proee"ings against ivilians2
FLA< H?D Artile III 7three; of the #nite" states onstit#tion "esri%es the 4#ris"ition of the o#rt %& the
A$erian flag of peae #n"er Title = U2S2C2 .2 This flag is "esri%e" as re", !hite an" %l#e !ith stripes of re"
an" !hite horiEontall& plae" in alteration2 Un"er the 4#ris"ition of the A$erian flag of peae the #nite"
states onstit#tion is alive an" !ell an" all rights are preserve"2 People are Linnoent #ntil proven g#ilt&2I The
4#ris"ition of the LA$erian FlagI is the "eter$ining fator #pon !hih all itiEens rights are "eter$ine"2
The followinD i one of the )ot i)portant cae e&er reporte! on in the Unite! State$ ;o9 ho9l! pa" cloe
attention to it$
(ALE v2 (EN,EL ?B. U2S2 =: at 01 7.1B8;
(ale v2 (enMel !as "ei"e" %& the #nite" States S#pre$e Co#rt in .1B82 The opinion of the o#rt statesD
3The3 in"ivi"#al3 $a& stan" #pon 3his Constit#tional Rights3 as a CITINEN2 (e is entitle" to arr& on his
3private3 %#siness in his o!n !a&2 3(is po!er to ontrat is #nli$ite"23 (e o!es no "#t& to the State or to his
neigh%ors to "iv#lge his %#siness, or to open his "oors to an investigation, so far as it $a& ten" to inri$inate
hi$2 (e o!es no "#t& to the State, sine he reeives nothing therefro$, %e&on" the protetion of his life an"
propert&2 3(is rights3 are s#h as 3eAiste"3 %& the La! of the Lan" 7Co$$on La!; 3long antee"ent3 to the
organiEation of the State3, an" an onl& %e taMen fro$ hi$ %& 3"#e proess of la!3, an" 3in aor"ane !ith the
Constit#tion23 3(e o!es nothing3 to the p#%li so long as he "oes not trespass #pon their rights23
6hen thi cae wa !eci!e!* )ot co9rt in A)erica flew the flaD of peace* which i not a flaD; it i a banner*
an! it wa )o9nte! on the wall of the co9rt* an! !i! not fl" fro) a pole* which i onl" 9e! for )ilitar" flaD$
So* what chanDe!K Rea! thi* caref9ll"; (e o!es no "#t& to the State, sine he reeives nothing therefro$ 222
The principle of the Contit9tion wa to create a powerf9l central Do&ern)ent* an! it wa E9ite 9ccef9l$ It
certainl" !i! create the )ot powerf9l Do&ern)ent e&er een on the face of the earth3 Howe&er* for the people to
accept that Contit9tion* r9le were written into the Contit9tion 6HICH 1OR'IDS THE 2O>ERNMENT
1ROM TOUCHIN2 THE PEOPLE O1 AMERICA* 9nle$$$$$$ the people firt to9che! the Do&ern)ent* an!
a@e! for o)ethinD$
I wrote a pot o)e ti)e aDo; The Unite! State Do&ern)ent i not &iolatinD the Contit9tion* an! in that pot* I
!etaile! e(actl" wh" the Contit9tion !oe not appl" to 6ahinDton* DC* an! the bai of the Inco)e Ta( in
Social Sec9rit"$ '9t if the Unite! State Do&ern)ent i not &iolatinD the Contit9tion* then who iK 6e* the
people* are* e&er" ti)e we Do to the Do&ern)ent an! a@ for a benefit of a pri&ileDe$ 6e are* e&er" ti)e we
accept a contract with the oAcalle! Do&ern)ent an! iDn on the !otte! line$ 6e are* an! )ot people are content
with the it9ation* o it i not o)ethinD that will chanDe an" ti)e oon$
I there a ol9tionK ;e* there i; it i calle! Lea!erle Reitence %ee the pot0* an! I will fill in the blan@
within that pot when I co)plete the ne(t part of it$
That beinD ai!* are "o9 a Unite! State citi<en* an! what !oe that )eanK %Ep$ if "o9 ha&e a Social Sec9rit"
U$S$ SUPREME COURT Sla9Dhterho9e Cae .+ U$S$ +I
222 (ene, the fifteenth a$en"$ent, !hih "elares that
the right of a itiEen of the Unite" States to vote shall not %e "enie" or a%ri"ge" %& an& State on ao#nt of
rae, olor, or previo#s on"ition of servit#"e2
The negro having, %& the fo#rteenth a$en"$ent, %een "elare" to %e a itiEen of the Unite" States, is th#s $a"e
a voter in ever& State of the Union2 222
222 B#t it ha" %een hel" %& this o#rt, in the ele%rate" Dre" Sott ase, onl& a fe! &ears %efore the o#t%reaM of
the ivil !ar, that a $an of Afrian "esent, !hether a slave or not, !as not an" o#l" not %e a itiEen of a State
or of the Unite" States2 This "eision, !hile it $et the on"e$nation of so$e of the a%lest states$en an"
onstit#tional la!&ers of the o#ntr&, ha" never %een overr#le", an" if !as to %e aepte" as a onstit#tional
li$itation of the right of itiEenship, then all the negro rae !ho ha" reentl& %een $a"e free$en !ere still not
onl& not itiEens, %#t !ere inapa%le of %eo$ing so %& an&thing short of an a$en"$ent to the Constit#tion2 222
222 It is O#ite lear, then, that there is a itiEenship of the Unite" States, an" a itiEenship of a State, !hih are
"istint fro$ eah other, an" !hih "epen" #pon "ifferent harateristis or ir#$stanes in the in"ivi"#al2 222
1ro) the !ient; http:##www$to9rolaw$e!9#patch#Sla9Dhterho9e#'ra!le"$ap
The O#estion is no! settle" %& the fo#rteenth a$en"$ent itself, that itiEenship of the Unite" States is the
pri$ar& itiEenship in this o#ntr&, an" that State itiEenship is seon"ar& an" "erivative, "epen"ing #pon
itiEenship of the Unite" States an" the itiEenGs plae of resi"ene2
6hen the fe!eral co9rt pea@ of how the 1o9rteenth A)en!)ent chanDe! an! enlarDe! the power of the
Unite! State Do&ern)ent* "o9 now @now wh"$
1ro) another !ient* pea@inD of the new Thirtenth an! 1o9rteenth A)en!)ent;
222 These a$en"$ents are a ne! "epart#re, an" $arM an i$portant epoh in the onstit#tional histor& of the
o#ntr&2 The& trenh "iretl& #pon the po!er of the States, an" "eepl& affet those %o"ies2 The& are, in this
respet, at the opposite pole fro$ the first eleven2 222
'9t of co9re* not to worr"* beca9e we alwa" ha&e thoe won!erf9l EE9ire to watch o&er 9* riDhtK That i
to a"* attorne"$
There i no 9ch thinD a a 8licene8 to practice law$ The" are 8a!)itte!8 into practice$ 6ho i9e the) a
liceneK The 'ARK
A$ The practice of Law CAN NOT be licene! b" an" tate#State; Schware &$ 'oar! of E(a)iner* +,+ U$S$
-+.* -+/
'$ The practice of Law i AN OCCUPATION O1 COMMON RI2HT3 Si) &$ Ahern* -45 S$6$ 4-7 %5/-,0
The 8CERTI1ICATE8 for NNAttorne"OO fro) the State S9pre)e Co9rt:
5$ ONL; a9thori<e*
A$ To practice Law 8IN COURTS8 A a )e)ber of the STATE =UDICIAL 'RANCH O1 2O>ERNMENT$
'$ Can ONL; repreent 6ARDS O1 THE COURT$
'$ The 8'AR8 i a 8PRO1ESSIONAL ASSOCIATION$8 %A corporation$0
5$ Li@e the Actor Union* Painter Union* etc$
-$ No other aociation* E>EN DOCTORS* i9e their own licene$ ALL ARE ISSUED '; THE STATE$
5$ See Attorne" 2eneral Dan MoraleF letter$
-$ A per thi letter; the State !oe not i9e licene an! the" are not i9e! b" hi office3
The State 'ar i;
A$ An Uncontit9tional Monopol"* Article 5* Section -I* Te(a 'ill of RiDht$
C$ >iolate Article -* Section 5* Separation of Power cla9e of the Contit9tion$
D$ There i NO PO6ER OR AUTHORIT; for CoininD of LeDilati&e* =9!icial* or E(ec9ti&e a the 'AR an!
E$ In &iolation of the RI2HT TO 6ORH LA6S of Te(a$
>$ State 'ar R9le$ $ $ at Article III* Section -$ $ $
Enroll)ent in the State 'ar: 8Each peron who beco)e licene! to practice law i REGUIRED TO ENROLL
3*oe #nto &o# 7A !oe is a #rse; La!&ersP For &o# have taMen a!a& the Me& of Mno!le"ge6 &o# entere" not in
&o#rselves, an" the$ that !ere entering in &o# hin"ere"2223 L#Me ..D9?2
6hen !i! thi tartK http:##www$paaicbar$orD#pcbaPhitor"$ht)l
The Certifiate of Inorporation of the Passai Co#nt& Bar Assoiation !as eAe#te" on April .1, .001, an"
!as file" !ith the Seretar& of State on April ?B, .001 #n"er a Speial At of the Legislat#re of .0// provi"ing
for the inorporation of Bar Assoiations2
In the )i! 5.47$ 'efore the !eath of the oriDinal Thriteenth A)en!)ent %ee the pot; The OriDinal Thirteenth
A)en!)ent0* 'AR aociation were not leDal in A)erica$ Therefore* thi t"pe of orDani<ation ca)e abo9t
onl" after the Ci&il 6ar %See the pot; The New Draft0* in which 6ahinDton* DC* too@ control of the nation$
In eence* if "o9 reall" want to 9n!ertan! where A)erica went wronD* i)pl" loo@ at the n9)ber of
attorne" er&inD a politician* an! thin@ abo9t it$ How i it that the entire Do&ern)ent of the Unite! State* all
of the &ario9 tate* an! the cit" an! co9ntie of A)erica are 9n!er the control of the oAcalle! C9!cial branch
of the oAcalle! Do&ern)entK Of attorne"* who are officier of the co9rtK An! who hol! wa" in a co9rt roo)
9n!er the Dol! frinDe! flaD* !enotinD that the Prei!ent an! hi E(c9ti&e Or!er are 9pre)e in that &en9eK
Oh* an! before "o9 a" it* e(c9inD the 54./ for)ation of the one 9pre)e co9rt b" the ConDre b" a"inD that
it ha! to be !one$$$$ where i the leDilation a9thori<inD the Prei!enc"* or* the ConDreK 6h"* in the
Contit9tion3 That i alo where the a9thorit" for the one 9pre)e co9rt ret* an! that co9rt HAS NE>ER SAT$
Not once* in the hitor" of the Unite! State$
Do I!aho Attorne" Ha&e a Licene to PracticeK
8Thin@ of it a a tate beinD8
b" Hari Heath
Doe )e)berhip in the A)erican A9to)obile Aociation Di&e or!inar" A)erican a &ali! licene to !ri&eK
6o9l! )e)berhip in the National Rifle Aociation per)it one to carr" a conceale! weaponK '" CoininD the
North A)erican H9ntinD Cl9b wo9l! a peron be licene! to h9nt in North A)ericaK If anwer to the pre&io9
E9etion are no* then wh" i )e)berhip to a tate bar aociation contr9e! a a 8licene8 for attorne" to
8practice8 lawK
b" Hari Heath
Alfre! A!a@ p9blihe! an article in the AntiSh"ter MaDa<ine a while bac@ entitle! 8Dee)e! to be Licene!$8
It wa a h9)oro9 e(poeF on the fact that Attorne" in Te(a !onFt act9all" ha&e a ph"ical licene to practice
law b9t are o)ehow 8!ee)e!8 to be licene! b" reaon of their )e)berhip in the State 'ar Aociation$
I fo9n! thi to be a c9rio9 it9ation an! tho9Dht I wo9l! con!9ct an infor)al in&etiDation of I!ahoF 8licene
to practice law$8 It i* after all* aDaint the law* to practice law witho9t a licene in I!aho$ S9rel" o9r I!aho
Attorne"F wo9l!nFt @nowinDl" brea@ the law$
I ran into o)e attorne" that I @new* an! !9rinD the co9re of o9r con&eration* I a@e! if I co9l! ee their
licene to practice law$ One contin9e! to tal@ abo9t h9ntinD an! fihinD an! a&oi!e! the 9bCect$ The other
)9)ble! o)ethinD abo9t he wa once i9e! a certificate "ear aDo* b9t neither co9l! how an act9al licene$
A Mr$ A!a@ pointe! o9t in hi article* thi nonAi9e! 8licene8 which all C9!De an! attorne" are 8!ee)e!8 to
ha&e* f9rther the in!epen!ent* nonAacco9ntable Drip the pri&ate bar aociation ha&e on the C9!icial branch of
Do&ern)ent$ O9r I!aho Contit9tion !oenFt reE9ire an" 8licene to practice law$8
So)e ti)e pae! ince )" oriDinal infor)al in&etiDation on the I!aho 8licene to practice law$8 A a
!efen!ant who wa acti&el" litiDatinD )" riDht to tra&el witho9t a !ri&er 8licene*8 o lonD a I !i!nFt inC9re
other* or !a)aDe their propert"* I tho9Dht thi co9l! be a pri)e opport9nit" to ee if the proec9tor an!
)aDitrate proec9tinD )e were 8licene!$8
The I!aho State 'ar iDnore! )" firt letter ee@inD a cop" of the Proec9tor Pa"neF an! MaDitrate Mc2eeF
8licene to practice law*8 o I i9e! a S9bpoena D9ce Tec9) !e)an!inD either a cop" of their licene or a
letter on their letterhea! tatinD that the" !i! not ha&e a licene to practice law$
The I!aho State 'ar repon!e! b" en!inD a letter on it letterhea! tatinD:
8The I!aho State 'ar !oe not ha&e ph"ical 8licene to practice law8 for o9r )e)ber* o I a) 9nable to
pro&i!e "o9 with copie$ Howe&er* I can Di&e "o9 the followinD infor)ation:
Do9Dla Pa9l Pa"ne i an acti&e )e)ber in Doo! tan!inD of the I!aho State 'ar$ He i c9rrentl" licene! to
practice law in I!aho$
Daniel =$ Mc2ee i alo a )e)ber in Doo! tan!inD of the I!aho State 'ar$ He i c9rrentl" a C9!De in the tate
an!* therefore* !oe not practice law$
Sincerel"* Annette Stra9er* Me)berhip A!)initrator$8
Motion to !i)i
I then incorporate! thi in a Motion to Di)i an! file! it with the co9rt %'enewah co9nt" cae n9)ber CR /4A
77?740$ E(cerptinD fro) )" Affi!a&it in S9pport of Motion to Di)i:
No licene to paractice law
'oth Proec9tor Do9Dla Pa9l Pa"ne an! MaDitrate Daniel =$ Mc2ee !o not ha&e 8licene to practice law*8 a
reE9ire! b" tat9te to hol! an! con!9ct the p9blic office which each officer ha a9)e!$ Thi fact i f9rther
e&i!ence! in E(hibit '* a tr9e an! correct cop" of a letter fro) Annette Stra9er* Me)berhip A!)initrator for
the I!aho State 'ar* attache! hereto$
I!aho Co!e +5A-I75 reE9ire that the Proec9tinD Attorne" be 8$$$ an attorne" an! co9nelor at law !9l"
licene! to practice a 9ch in the !itrict co9rt of thi tate$$$8
I!aho Co!e 5A--7I %-0 reE9ire that Attorne" MaDitrate be 8$$$c9rrentl" licene! to practice law in the tate of
A e&i!ence! in the letter fro) Annette Stra9er %E(hibit '0* Proec9tor Pa"ne an! MaDitrate Mc2ee !o not
ha&e 8licene to practice law$8 19rther in the letter* M$ Stra9er clai) that Do9Dla Pa9l Pa"ne 8i c9rrentl"
licene! to practice law in I!aho$8
To follow 9p thi letter an! clarif" it contra!ictor" tate)ent* which firt tate that there are no 8licene to
practice law8 an! then tate that Do9Dla Pa9l Pa"ne 8i c9rrentl" licene! to practice law in I!aho$8 I calle!
the I!aho S9pre)e Co9rt an! Annette Stra9er* on the )orninD of April --* 5//.$
In )" phone call to the I!aho S9pre)e Co9rt I wa infor)e!* b" the e&eral cler@ that I tal@e! to* that when a
new attorne" pae the bar e(a) an! i worn in at the S9pre)e Co9rt* then the S9pre)e Co9rt i9e a
Certificate of A!)iion$
I then calle! Annette Stra9er to confir) thi proce an! to tr" Det a better e(planation a to how an attorne"
can be 8licene! to practice law8 when there are no 8licene to practice law$8 Stra9er confir)e! that the
proce !ecribe! b" the S9pre)e Co9rt cler@ to a!)it a new attorne" to the bar wa correct$
Stra9er f9rther e(plaine! that the 8licene8 for an attorne" wa !ifferent than* for e(a)ple* a h9ntinD or fihinD
licene* which wa an act9al paper licene$ Stra9er tol! )e to thin@ of an attorne"F licene 8a a tate of
Stra9er alo tate! that to beco)e a )e)ber of the bar an! )aintain tat9 a a )e)ber in Doo! tan!inD* an
attorne" )9t pa" )e)berhip fee* pro&i!e infor)ation abo9t an" tr9t acco9nt the" )a" ha&e* an!
occaionall" participate in contin9inD leDal e!9cation reE9ire)ent$
I ha&e alo learne! fro) prior phone con&eration with the I!aho State 'ar* that the bar i a pri&ate aociation*
not a Do&ern)ental entit" or office$
Q1ro) the e&i!ence an! infor)ation that I ha&e been able to Dather th9 far* an attorne"F 8licene to practice
law8 i not an" @in! of bona fi!e 8licene*8 b9t rather a certificate of )e)berhip in a pri&ate nonA
Do&ern)ental aociation* which )a@e o)e atte)pt at elf reD9latinD it )e)ber$ At bet* it )a" be an
8i)plie! licene*8 an! bet wa !ecribe! b" I!aho State 'ar Me)berhip A!)initrator Stra9er 8a a tate of
Pot Co))ent Pri&ate Repl" IDnore Threa!

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