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Notes on MATLAB programming

(Earlier versions of this page were titled MATLAB as a programming language)

I recently learned MATLAB to design and analyze digital filters for
a project (also here and here).
You can get a lot of work done in MATLAB without programming. Nevertheless, its
programming language has some unusual features, particularly
regarding matrices and persistence. It also provides most of the facilities of a
conventional language, so you can program in a familiar style if you wish, but you can
often do much better if you take advantage of its unique features.
The MATLAB programming language and IDE support an ad-hoc programming style
where it is easy to turn the useful parts of an interactive session into a program.
This page is not intended to be a reference or even a summary of MATLAB, for that
see the references. Instead, I point out some important differences from other
languages, that I expect will be interesting to programmers and useful for newcomers.
REPL, Commands, Program structure, Data
types, Matrices, Exceptions, Persistence, Large systems, Alternatives, References
Invoking MATLAB usually starts a read-evaluate-print loop (REPL). You type an
expression, statement, or command at the command prompt >>, and MATLAB prints
the result (if there is one), or executes some side effect such as displaying a graph.
Invoking MATLAB usually starts an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that
includes a window for the REPL, editor windows for writing code, a command history
window, a file system browser etc.
Random mouse motions can cause the panels in the IDE to scatter like leaves before a
storm. To restore them, use the main panel menu bar: Desktop -> Desktop Layout ->
The REPL makes it easy to do ad-hoc calculations and plotting. The MATLAB
programming language and IDE make it easy to turn the useful parts of a REPL
session into a program.
You can also run MATLAB without the IDE in a terminal window.
matlab -h
Print command line options
matlab -
Run in terminal with no IDE
matlab -r command
Start MATLAB, execute command, remain in REPL unless command ends
with exit
You create a variable just by assigning to it. There are no variable declarations. You
can assign values of different types to the same variable.
Be warned that MATLAB will happily and silently allow you to reassign variables
that it initially assigns, such as pi and i. I haven't found any way to define a constant.
Scripts and functions in the filesystem are loaded implicitly, just by naming them.
There is no command to load or import code. The load command is used
for persistence.
Three dots ... at the end of a line continues the command on the next line, like
backslash \ in the Unix shells or Python.
An optional semicolon ; at the end of a command is not a a terminator or separator.
Instead, it suppresses printing the result. You often want this, especially when the
result is some huge array.
Identifiers are case-sensitive. A is different from a, etc. It is confusing that help output
shows function and command names in capitals. If you type them in that way, they
will not work.
Array indexing begins at 1, not 0 as in most programming languages.
Use single quotes for strings: 'abc', etc.
You can't use a hyphen - in an indentifier. MATLAB thinks it's a minus sign. Use an
underscore _ instead.
The variable ans stores the value computed by the last command (the "answer"), so
you can use it in the next one.
You can use wild cards in variable names in commands where that makes sense, for
example whos x* and clear x*.
Here are some useful commands for interacting with the REPL. There is a much
larger command summary here.
Many commands have several variants with the same name but different argument
lists and return values, so it is a good idea to consult help about any command you
Print information about version and license, including all installed
help command
Print information about command (including functions and scripts).
which command
Print full path to source file for command.
type command
Print source code for command.
lookfor com
Print list of commands whose name or brief description contains the
string com.
help +
(or any other operator) print information about all operators and special

format compact
Print fewer blank lines, to fit more on the screen.
format long
Print lots of digits in results, format short for few.

A = 2048
Assign scalar 2048 to variable A
t = 0:0.1:2*pi
Assign vector [0.0 0.1 0.2 .. 6.2 ] to variable t
y = A*sin(t) + A
Assign vector of function values to variable y. Here *, +,
and sin are vectorized.
Print vector y

who List all user-defined variables
List all user-defined variables, along with their sizes and types
clear all
Remove all user-defined variables, to avoid confusion from previously
assigned values.

Plot values of y as a function of index (in this example x axis ranges
from 1 .. 63)
Plot values of y as a function of t (here x axis ranges from 0.0 .. 6.20)
plot(y, sqrt(y))
Plot values of sqrt(y) as a function of values of y (here x axis ranges
from 0.0 .. 4096.0)
Plot both y/100 and sqrt(y) as functions of t on the same plot

Create new figure to show output of subsequent plot commands, to
preserve previous figure.
hold on
Make subsequent commands plot on the same figure, without clearing
plots already displayed there.
h = figure Create new figure, return figure handle h.
Make figure h the current figure (or just bring figure h to the top using
the window manager).
close(h) Delete figure h.
close all Delete all figures, to unclutter the screen.

!command Execute command with system command interpreter (not MATLAB).
Program structure
M-files, Scripts, Functions
MATLAB source code must be stored in files with the .m extension, called M-files.
Every M-file defines one MATLAB command (a statement or a function). The name
of the command is the file name (without the .m extension). When you invoke a
command (at the REPL or in another M-file), MATLAB searches a path for an M-file
with that name, and executes it. There is no separate command to import or load an
You can't use a hyphen - in the name of an M-file. MATLAB thinks it's a minus sign.
Use an underscore _ instead.
It is the convention that the first comment line in command.m has the form
%COMMAND one-line description of command ...
for example
%BIQUAD make cascaded biquad filter, return coeffs for 2nd order sections
The IDE file browser displays this line, and some REPL commands use it:
help command Print first block of comment lines in command.m
lookfor com
Print first comment line in each M-file whose name contains the string com.
Functions local to an M-file with @ ...
There are two kinds of M-files, scripts and functions.
A script defines a command with no arguments and no return values. It is just a
sequence of MATLAB commands (and comments). Invoking a script executes those
commands, exactly as if they were typed at the REPL (or invoked in the script that
invoked the command).
All variables in a script are global; they can be used and assigned in the REPL session
(or script) that invoked the script.
MATLAB encourages an ad-hoc programming style where you first experiment by
typing commands at the REPL, then create a script by saving the sequence of
commands that worked. The MATLAB IDE supports this by providing a command
history window, from which commands can be cut and pasted into an editor window.
A function defines a command that may take arguments and return values. Here are
the first few lines of biquad.m:
function [Hsosm,sosm] = biquad(bd,ad,frac_bits,gain)
%BIQUAD make cascaded biquad filter, return coeffs for 2nd order sections
% ... other comment lines describe inputs, outputs, etc. ...
H = dfilt.df2(bd,ad);
Hsos = H.sos;
sosm = Hsos.sosmatrix;
... more code follows ...
The name of the function must be the same as the file name. Notice that there are no
data types mentioned in the declaration.
Functions can return multiple values, as in the previous example. That function could
be called like this:
>> bd = ...
>> ad = ...
>> [Hsosm,sosm] = biquad(bd, ad, 14, 1.0)
The brackets on the left hand side of this assignment might suggest that there is a
tuple data type, but apparently there is no such thing; this is special syntax for
function return values only. In general, [n,x,s] = ..., where the right hand side is not
a function call, does not work.
There is no return statement. After the last statement in the function executes, the
function exits and the values of all the variables whose names appear on the left side
of the function declaration are returned.
Variables in a function are local.
MATLAB encourages an ad-hoc programming style where it is easy to turn a script
(or part of a REPL session) into a function. Simply add a declaration at the top that
defines the name and identifies which variables are the parameters and which store the
return values.
You can ignore returned values. It is not an error to assign fewer variables than the
function returns, or to assign no variables at all.
Functions can have optional arguments. Within each function you can use nargin, the
number of arguments the function was called with, for example biquad.m (above)
if nargin < 3
frac_bits = 14; % default
There are no keyword arguments. MATLAB functions often achieve the same effect
by using pairs of optional arguments, where the first of each pair is a string (the
keyword), and the second is the value.
Function arguments with @ ..., earlier scheme with strings ...
Function names can be overloaded, with different parameters and return values ...
Vectorization requires care. The problem seems to be that the if statement is not
vectorized - apparently if always treats the conditional expression as a scalar. If
matrix elements are subject to conditionals, so that different elements might take
different paths, this is the one circumstance where you must iterate. ...
Data types
MATLAB calls data types "classes". The whos command shows the classes of all of
your variables.
There are no scalar classes. Scalars are a special case of matrices: matrices with one
Numbers, Booleans, Strings, Objects
All numbers are stored as double-precision floating point values. Usually, many more
digits are stored than are printed.
The functions round, floor, ceil, and fix return the integer nearest to a number by
various criteria.
Complex numbers are entered (and printed) as in 1 + 2i (or 1 + 2j). Extract the
components of a complex number with the functions real and imag, find the
magnitude and phase with abs and angle.
The variables i and j are initially assigned (by MATLAB) to the imaginary constant 0
+ 1i. This can be confusing because you (or scripts you use) often assign them to
something else. Use 1i instead.
There is an initially assigned variable pi but not e. Use exp(1) instead.
There is no Boolean type. MATLAB documentation refers to the logical (not
Boolean) values 0 (false) and 1 (true), which are returned by logical operations.
Any nonzero value is interpreted as true when it appears as an operand of a logical
MATLAB is not known for text processing, but it has a string data type. The
command lookfor string shows what functions are available.
Use single quotes for strings: 'abc'
Strings are used in printed output, and to put labels and captions on graphs.
There are fprintf and sprintf functions like in C, with the usual format strings,
escape characters, etc. However, if there is an array argument, the corresponding
format string is applied to every element, printing out the whole array.
Printing large arrays, with control over the layout of rows and columns, is one of the
rare MATLAB operations where I have found it helpful to code loops.
Strings are often used as symbols. Many functions use particular strings as arguments
to select options. For example, the gensig signal generator function uses the
strings 'sin', 'square', or 'pulse' to select the waveform type.
eval ...
Strings are actually 1-dimensional arrays of characters, characters are 1-element
arrays. All the usual matrix operators apply.
Plot handles ...
Function handles ...
Objects and dot notation ...
Examples from filter toolbox ...
Vectorization, rows vs. columns, constructors, accessors, assignment
An array is called a matrix. A one-dimensional array is a vector. Matrices and vectors
are central in MATLAB; most of the unusual features in the language concern them.
They are very easy to work with. It is rarely necessary to code loops in order to use
them, as we shall see.
MATLAB itself uses arrays wherever it can. Strings are vectors of characters. The
ranges in iterations are arrays. In a loop that begins for x = v ..., the index
variable x iterates over the elements of vector v; in for x = A ..., x iterates over the
columns in the matrix A. (But loops appear only rarely in MATLAB programs).
Vectorization, array and matrix operations, reductions
Many operators and functions are vectorized: they work on every element in a vector
or matrix. It is not necessary to use any "map" function to achieve this. For example,
assign x = pi/2, then sin(x) evaluates to 1, as usual. But also assign v = [ 0 pi/6
pi/2 ], then sin(v) evaluates to [ 0 0.5 1.0 ].
Some MATLAB statements are also vectorized. The statement fprintf('%8.3f',
A) prints every element in the matrix A with the specified format.
Some binary operators are applied element-by-element in the obvious way. For
example, if A and B are matrices, the sum A+B is the matrix of their element-by-element
sums. This requires that A and B have the same number of dimensions and the same
size in each dimension. Otherwise, this expression raises the error Matrix dimensions
must agree.
Operators that work element-by-element are sometimes called element-
wise operators, pointwise operators, or array operators.
Some binary operators are not simply applied element-by-element. Instead they have
their traditional meaning from mathematics. For example, * is matrix multiplication
and ^ is matrix power. These are called matrix operators to distinguish them from the
element-by-element array operators.
For every matrix operator, there is also a corresponding element-wise array operator.
For example, the array operators for multiplication and power are .* and .^ (notice
the leading dot).
When one of the operands is a scalar, you do not have to use the array operator. For
scalar c, c*A (or c+A etc.) computes the products (or sums etc.) element-wise. In this
context, MATLAB treats c as a mathematical scalar, not a one-element matrix (which
would have the wrong size for this matrix multiplication).
Some functions are reductions that compute a scalar from a vector. They
include sum, prod, max, min, mean, and std (standard deviation). Reductions applied to
2-D matrices return a vector of the results of applying the reduction to each column.
Relational and logical operators can also take matrix operands. For example, A >
10 or A > B etc. evaluates the Boolean expression element-wise, and returns the matrix
with the logical values 1 (true) at the elements where the expression is true,
and 0 (false) elsewhere.
The Boolean reductions all and any act as logical quantifiers; they return 1 or 0 (true
or false) to indicate whether all or any of the elements are nonzero (true).
Also, find(A) returns the vector of linear indices of nonzero (true) elements in A,
and find(A > 10) etc. returns the vector of indices where the Boolean expression is
true. The vector of indices can then be used toaccess or update those matrix elements.
The command help * (or any other operator symbol besides *) prints information
about all the matrix and array operators.
Vectorization, array and matrix operators, and reductions contribute to making loops
mostly unnecessary.
Dimensions, size, rows vs. columns
Scalars are matrices. Every scalar can be treated as a matrix of one element, with as
many dimensions as needed in context. For example, assign a = 42, then
evaluate a(1), a(1,1), a(1,1,1) etc. Therefore, no special operator or function is
needed to extract a scalar from a one-element matrix, or to concatenate a scalar to a
There are two kinds of one-dimensional arrays. Like mathematics but unlike most
programming languages, MATLAB distinguishes between row vectors and column
vectors. Built-in functions and toolboxes use the conventions of the application
domain. For example, time series are column vectors, polynomial coefficients
(including digital filter coefficients) are row vectors, and polynomial roots are column
Even vectors are considered to have two dimensions: row vectors are 1 x N matrices,
column vectors are N x 1 matrices, for example try v = [ 1 2 3 ] then size(v).
The distinction between row and column vectors is significant for some operators and
statements. For example, given the 1 x N row vector vr and the N x 1 column
vector vc, vr*vc is the inner product or dot product, a scalar, but vc*vr is the outer
product, an N x N matrix.
The matrix transpose operator, apostrophe ', creates a row vector from a column
vector and vice versa. Given row vector vr, the assignment vc = vr' creates column
vector vc.
The function application ndims(A) returns the number of dimensions in matrix A,
and size(A) returns the size of each dimension, in an array of length ndims(A). The
reduction prod(size(A)) returns the total number of elements. The index of the first
element in each dimension is 1 and the index of the last element is end.
Construct row vectors using spaces or commas: vr = [ a b c ] or vr = [ a, b, c ].
Construct column vectors using semicolons: vc = [ x; y; z ]. Combine both to
construct matrices: A = [ a11 a12; a21 a22 ].
The entries in matrix constructors can be expressions with scalar or matrix values.
You can use these constructors to build up large matrices, concatenate matrices,
append scalars to vectors, etc.
The functions ones, zeros (note spelling), and random construct matrices where all the
elements are 1, 0, or values drawn from a specified random distribution.
Consult help about specifying sizes, etc. These functions can be used to pre-allocate
arrays in order to use storage efficiently.
Range expressions (using the range operator, colon :) construct vectors, given an
initial value and a final value: v = 1:10. Range expressions can include an optional
increment: v = 1:2:10 and can use fractional values: v = 0.3:-0.15:-0.45. Range
expressions are frequently used to code loops: for i = 1:n ....
The variety of constructors contributes to making loops mostly unnecessary.
Use subscripts to access scalar matrix elements: x = A(i,j).
Indexing begins at 1, not 0 as in most programming languages.
The index of the last element in a given dimension is end. You can use it in
expressions: v(end - 1) etc.
Use ranges to access sub-matrices: B = A(k:l,m:n).
Subscripts and ranges can be built from any integer-valued expressions. When ranges
are used as accessors, they cannot include fractional values.
A range operator without operands ranges over all the accessible elements; vr =
A(3,:) accesses the entire third row.
Notice that : is an abbreviation for 1:end (but i: or :j is not allowed).
A vector of indices v([i,j,k]) returns the vector of elements at those indices, the
same as [ v(i) v(j) v(k) ]. (Using ranges as accessors is a special case of this).
Recall that the find function returns a vector of indices.
Use a single linear index as in A(3), A(3:7), or A(:) to access any matrix one element
at a time, as if it were a vector, with the elements indexed by row first (scanning down
columns), so A(1) is A(1,1), A(2) isA(2,1) etc. Also, A(:) is the entire
matrix flattened to a column vector.
The variety of accessors contributes to making loops mostly unnecessary.
Assignment and mutability
Matrices are mutable. You can assign new values to individual elements, sub-
matrices, and selected elements by using indices, ranges, or vectors of indices: A(i,j)
= x, or A(i,:) = v, or A([i,j,k]) = [ x y z ]etc.
Matrices are mutable, but most matrix operations return a new matrix, rather than
updating their operands in place. For example, A' or c*A etc. does not change A. This
makes it easy to program in a functional style.
Assigning a matrix to a variable creates a new copy of a matrix; it does not create an
alias. The copy can be updated without changing the original: after A = [ 1 2 3
] then B=A then B(2)=4, the matrices B and A differ. This is unlike many programming
languages, where assigning an array to a variable creates an alias, and updating
either A or B would change both.
You can grow a matrix by appending in a constructor, or assigning to new elements
(with higher indices) but that can be quite slow. It is much faster to pre-allocate
storage by initially constructing a matrix of the needed size, if that is known.
You can easily save and restore the state of MATLAB session: the variables and their
You can save and restore individual matrices ...
load, store, dlmwrite ...
Warnings that print messages vs. errors that stop execution ...
Large systems
Quantum optics toolbox ...
MATLAB itself ...
Octave, open-source MATLAB clone. How complete? ...
NumPy, IDL, PDL, etc. have MATLAB-like array operations ...
Command summary (NumPy also)
I learned what I know about MATLAB by reading (a little) in these sources, in
roughly this order.
James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Shafer, and Mark A. Yoder, DSP First: a Multimedia
Approach, Prentice Hall 1998 (especially, but not only, Appendices B and C.1)
Sze M. Tan, A Computational Toolbox for Quantum and Atomic Optics
Some useful Matlab tips (some tips but mostly links)
Getting Started with MATLAB
Signal Processing Toolbox User's Guide
MATLAB Programming
Daniel T. Kaplan, Introduction to Scientific Computation and Programming,
Brooks/Cole 2004 (teaches MATLAB as a general-purpose programming language)
Matlab tips and tricks (haven't read this yet, but looks useful)
Mathworks online documentation
l, for example sept01/matrix.html

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