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I EEE MELECON 2002, May 7-9,2002, Cab, EGYPT.

Steady State and Transient Ampacities of

Gas-Insulated Transmission Lines
M. B. Eteiba
Cairo University, Fayoum, Egypt
Tel: (02) 01 01 500885
Email eteiba@yahoo.ca
This paper presents a t h d model for predicting the
steady state and transient ampacities of gas--
transmission lines (GILs). Using the t h d model, a
computer programhas been formulated such that it caa
estimate the ampacity of a GIL for any time-varying or
collstant QllTent loading and any variation m
e n v i r o d conditions Relations for the oonvection
and radiation heat trander dueah far a GIL tilled
mixture of both gases arepresente&
The validity and a c ~ u ~ c y of the ampacity model were
vaified by comparing the predicted tempersture of
core, gas, and enclosure of the GIL wiib measured
temperatures reported m the l i t e under the 58me
conditions. Analytically predicted and -tally
values both show close agreement to each
nitrogen resulted in a CoadudOT temperatwe of only
Keywords transmission lines, thermal rating,
m w gas cables, transiat cableamPScity.
with sutfiu Heaxfluoride (SFs), &%& OT a gas
O k . bkeOVer, using a 50%-50% Rl hl l l ? Of SF6 and
Convdonal solid insulation power t r d o n
cables are gtmerally limited to working below about
2000 A. Superconducting cables can, of course,
transnit a considerably higher ament, but the method
at present in an early state of development and much
would seea to depend on the economic ma of
. the ceramic conductor [l]. Gas-hsdated transmi ssi on
Li nes (GILs), on the other hand, are promising
alternatives as the basic technology has a proven
pedigree because it is well established in the form of
not require supplementay cooling and can be run over
di stances of more than 25-30 km without additional
power f aEtor c o d o n [4]. Typical i nstal l ati ons of
GIL systems have been in buried and abovegrouud
getaways, links iuside substations, and far systems
SFs s wi t chg~ and bus ducts [2,3]. Moreover, they Q
. .
inside tunnels, vertical shafts, and lnn towers
A few papers have been written that discuss the
calculation of steady state ampacity of GILs [5,6].
Little effort has been put mto the subject of transient
q a c i t y models for GILs p]. i r e & ratings better
refled the thermal performance of a d u c t o r than
steady state values, because H ductor will not
mstantaneously jump f nnn one itemperatue to another
when the current or environmeartal conditions chauge.
The conductor, hever, changes tern-
graduauy as the metal s t o r es el u ~d u et o itsthemal
The object of the present p i w is to present a
ahl thermal model which enables the
prediction of the heat transfix characteristics of a single
abovegrwnd GIL systan nlsulated wi th p m sF6
OT sF6 - m g e n gas -. Thef actors f i mc h g
such charaG-9 are s y s t s ~ studied and
compared with the available reported aperi med
data m the literatwe. After this briefintroduction, afull
descnption of the Gal model is pmealted.
The result of testing the model on a real experimental
data is followed togethea with f i nal umdd and
The CUrrentGarrying capacity, or ampacity, of all
elements in the current path of a power delivery system
is limited by a maximumopenlting temperature. The
equation relating the cu t to temperatue is
suggested, m the present inv&ation, to be duived by
applymg the comation of energy approach. A cross
Section of a typical GIL system can be considered as
comprised of three major components: 1) the core; 2)
the insulating gas; and 3) the externd sheah or
enclosure. An tmexgy balance is performed on each of
these components yielding a set of three, ordinary, first
order, Mkent i al equations. Aftea calculating the
iuitial compolrent tempatures, the transient
temperaaues are obtained by :knultawously solving
the three equations,
0-7803-7527-0/02/S17.00 02002 IEEE. 424
2.1 Energy Balance Equations
An energy balance on the core may be expressed as:
cl--W, dTc - -h,A,(T, -Tg)-aA,FW(T: -TY)
An energy balance on the insulating gas yields:
C2$=h,A,bc-Tg)-h,A,(Tg dT -T8)
An energy balance on the outer sheath or enclosure
results in the foilowing equation:
C3--=Wz+W3+a dTs AcF,(Tz4-T,'4)
+h, A, (Tg - T, )- h, A, (T, - T, )
- a Am, (T8.4 -Ti4)
Where: To, T, T,, and T, are conductor, gas, enclosure,
and ambient temperature>in 'C, respectively. An
asterisk denotes the absolute temperature in 'K.
C,, C2. and CJ are conductor, gas, and enclosure
heat capacity in J/'K.m, respectively.
W1, W2, and W3 are conductor, enclosure power
loss, and the heat increase of enclosure by solar
radiation, in Whn, respectively.
EG E,,, L,, emissivity coelficient of conductor
surface, enclosure inner surface, and enclosure
outer surface respectively.
&= A Dc, &= AD, , %, =A D,. D,, D, and D,
(m) are the conductor outside &metex and the
enclosure inside and outside diameters,
2.2 Heat Transfer Coefficients
There are several convective heat transfer coefficients
in the energy balance equations that must be evaluated
to determine the average temperature of the cable
components. The convective heat trandkr weficient
between thecable core and the surrounding gas, h, , is
given by classical Nusselt number correlation's as
N, = 9 ?
(0.649 R ~ c [ l + ( ~ ) ' ] - X ) 1 5 +(0.12R$c)'5
The convective heat transfer coefficient between the
insulating gas and the inside of the outer sheath, hp,
can be evaluated using a similar procedw as:
- 2
N =
N ud
In El--]
To evaluate the convective heat transfer coefficient on
the outer surface of the sheath, the sheath is modeled
as a long horizontal cylinder in air. If the ai r velocity
over the sheath is zero (no wind effect is considered),
the heat transfer coefficient fromthe sheath is by fiee
convection. The fiee convection heat transfer Nusselt
number can be approximated by the equation [ 1 31:
gpp2(Ts-Ta)D' P, and the convective heat
Ram =
transier coefficient for fiee convection between the
outside of the sheath and the air is given by
the cmlmure inside surfrrce a d also from the OIL
outer "X to the ambient air. The pr0pamon of heat
removed by radiation is considerable and must be
account for in calculations. The 8mountof heat trmder
by radiation depends upon a number of faders
including surface temp- and anissivitieS. The
shape factor F, is expressed as:
2.4 Thermophysical Properties
several fhamophysical properties of the three cable
components and the mundjng air must be
determined bef ore the energy balance equations c ~ n be
solved. Gas viscoSity @), thermal amductivity (k),
density @It and @heat (GI be expressed as
function of GIL component temperature andevaluated
ollce the tt-m- has been specified E x p "
for the thermopbysical PrOPeXtk Of sF6, &OgeIl, a;,
and GIL condu~tox~ material as f uncti on of
tempaatureare . A in[l]. Expressions for
specificheats ofthe GIL mrrterials are also included.
The capability of the thermal model is i l l ustrated by
calculating the component t mp" when the GIL
system is subjected to a lypaa set of opeaafing
conditions reported in 171. The tested system con$sts
of a horizontal coaxial dgur &n with the
comi ucWs outea diameter of0.18 m and a thickness
of 0.02 IIL The enclosure's inner diameter and
thi ckness are 0.47 m and 0.015 m, @vely. Both
the amductor and the enclosure are made of
Aluminumalloy. The conductor's outeh slaface was
treated with black Alumite (EO =0.9), while the
enclosure's inner surface was left unpainted ( ~e =0.1).
The enclosure's OW surface was coated with a paint
having an emissivity E, of 0.8. Figure 3.1 shows the
relation between curretlt and temperature rises above
ambient kmpe" for the system under
agnxment between calculated and measured values is
good and reasonable for both the conductor and the
@di on With SF6gaS PreSnae Of 0.45 The
enclosure. The slight fdakenw between calculated
end d VahKs Of the sF6 gaS hIlpelXbSe k
O4 4 5 9 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 I
Fig. 3.1 Calculated and measu~d temperature rise vs.
clmelt load
"t '8.1 0.2 03 0.A
Fig. 3.2 Calculated and "w. ed tempeaature rise vs.
The temperature change with time for a ament load of
7300 A and with no wind ad without direct solar
radiation is shown m Fig. 3.3, where conductor heat
capacity C1 =24 (kJfK.m), SFa gas heat capacity C2 =
655 (JTKm), and enclosure 'heat capacity C, =45
gas pressure at 8000A
e A - 4 - -4
+l dum
m - e m y ; y*-
IO -
A t h d model of a GIL system has beenformulated,
programmed for computer S Oh l t i O~ and velifkd The
application of an energy balance approach to the main
CO- of the GIL system and numerical soh~tion
technique to solve the resulting Merentid eq
provided accurate estimates of the steady state and
l rausht theanal bebavior ofthe GIL.
The model is very WbIe, because it can calculate the
temperature riee of the individual components ofthe
GIL for any combination of ampacity, e n -
ConditioIlS and solar input. steady state d transient
temperature rise values predWby the model agree
well with previously published expeaimentai data.If
50% nimgen 3 at the game presswe, the
additional incretrse m cOaductOT tanpaaaue will be
this mixturecan be used in GIL systems as a lower
COd rep- hr pure sF6 gsS With& l Wd h g bl
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Acknow IedBment
The author is grateful to his txAleague Dr. I. Awad
whose cooperative effort has contributed to the
computer results umtained in the paper.

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