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Food to fight cancer

Kefir - It is full of probiotics that help protect the immune system. This lacto-fermented beverage
protects the immune system by maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Pomegranates - This fruit is full of ellagitannins that control the growth of tumors and fight
cancer cells. It is very useful in prostate and breast cancer.
Grapes - Grapes are delicious and loved by everyone. Now you have one more reason to add it to
your diet. Grapes contain resveratrol that slows the growth of cancer cells.
Green Tea - Green tea promotes and maintains good health. It has a lot of advantages. It also
helps fight against cancer (especially lung cancer) by preventing tumor growth and killing cancer
cells. The presence of antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate
Flaxseed - Add flaxseed to your diet. This fiber-rich food also has omega 3 fatty acids and alpha
linolenic acid (ALA) that help the body fight cancer.
Tomatoes - Tomatoes are used in salads and general cooking. They have a very useful
antioxidant, lycopene, which helps control prostate cancer. You should eat it raw and also use
tomato juice. It not only helps your sandwich taste better, but also decreases
Garlic - Garlic, the wonder herb, is a natural antibiotic. It is a cure to dozen diseases, including
cancer and is hidden inside it. Thanks to the presence of allicin (an organic compound) it helps
control cholesterol and blood pressure. Add it to your diet to live a
Berries - Everyone loves berries for their delicious taste. The yummy fruit is a rich source of
Vitamin C, and contains ellagic acid that kills cancer cells. They have the highest amount of
antioxidants among all the berries.
Broccoli - A source of sulforaphane, this vegetable flushes out cancer-causing chemicals and
makes the body healthier and fitter.
Wild Alaskan Salmon - Salmon is not only a delicious food, but is also healthy. Fresh Alaskan
salmon is your best option as it is rich with healthy omega 3 fatty acids that are very good for the
body. They greatly reduce the risk of cancer. When buying salmon, Atlantic

Over Rated Health Foods
Are you eating particular food because of its health benefits? Think again before you take the
next bite because that healthy food just might be packed with calories that you want to avoid.
Thanks to advertising and misinformation, a lot of us end up eating food that, in reality, we
should avoid.
To help you become more alert about such food, we asked two dieticians from Nutrition Energy,
Lauren Antonucci and Lisa Moskovitz, to unmask so-called health food:
Reduced-fat peanut butter
Only sugar is left when fat is removed from peanut butter. According to Moskovitz, not only
does reduced-fat peanut butter has the same amount of calories as original peanut butter, it also
contains the double the amount of carbohydrate. In conclusion, stick to the original peanut butter
because you will eat less, as it is more filling.
Bran Muffin
Bran muffins are considered a healthy treat with coffee. In reality, a bran muffin has around 400
calories and 15 grams of fat. The sugar and refined flour are the culprits. If you cannot skip it,
opt for homemade bran muffins that are made from low-fat recipe.
Fat-free salad dressing
Individuals who are watching their blood pressure should avoid fat-free salad dressing at all cost
because it is packed with sodium. Sodium raises the blood pressure, which is the last thing you
would want. If you love salad dressing, switch to be low-salt dressing like balsamic vinegar and
lemon juice.
Did you know a single roll of sushi contains more than 500 calories? So even eating a single roll
will ruin your diet and nutrition plan. If you do not want to consume too many calories, while
eating sushi, then avoid the following ingredients in sushi rolls: mayo sauce, cream cheese,
shredded cheese and tempura.
According to experts, both spreads have the same amount of calories. However, margarine is
more dangerous because it contains trans-fat. This will increase the bad cholesterol in your body.
If you have heart problems, then you are better off without margarine.
Some brands of yoghurt have a high amount of fat and sugar that makes it dangerous for dieters.
Avoid flavored yoghurt because it causes more damage than good.
Protein bars
Protein bars might seem like a healthy snack but in reality, it contains twice the amount of
carbohydrate and fatter than chocolate brownies. Look for a brand of protein bars that have
around five grams of fat and less than 180 calories.
Dried Fruit
A cup of dried fruit has more than 100 calories. Since dried fruits are small, you will not be
able to control the amount you eat. Switch to frozen or fresh fruits, if you do not want to eat a
calorie-filled snack.
Turkey burgers
A turkey patty in a turkey burger contains more than 600 calories and 30 grams of fat. Moskovitz
recommends limiting the portion size of your burger by sharing it with a family member or

Berries add great flavor to any dessert because of their tart essence. Most of us anticipate
summer eagerly because then fresh berries are available abundantly. However, taste is not the
only reason why you should look forward to eating these summer delights. Every berry has great
health benefits that you should take advantage of as much as possible. Here is a list of seven
summer berries that have numerous health benefits and healing power:
1) Lip-Smacking Blueberries
Blueberries are packed with phytonutrients. They also contain the following: ellagic acid,
catechins, anthocyanins and salicylic acid. One of the biggest advantages of blueberries is that it
is a natural aspirin. Yes, the next time you have a headache, just eat blueberries! Eating them
also helps reduce heat shock proteins that are related to different types of brain disease like
Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. They also prevent dangerous neurological disorders.
2) Tart Blackberries
Blackberries contain a very important nutrient known as ellagic acid. This nutrient protects your
skin cells from harmful ultraviolet rays. It also slows down the breakdown of collagen in the skin.
As a result you wont get wrinkles easily!
3) Red Currants
Currants can be enjoyed with other berries because they can be used to prepare tarts. Red Currant
seeds have special benefits as they contain gamma-linolenic acid. This acid stops the allergic
reaction that the body has to alien substances like pollens. Therefore, eating them prevents itchy
eyes and sinus congestion.
4) Luscious Gooseberries
Gooseberries are like green grapes in appearance, except they are rounder. According to a recent
research conducted by the journal Experimental Neurobiology, scientists have discovered that
eating gooseberries makes you happy. They contain a flavonoid known as kaempferol. It stops
the breakdown of brain chemicals: dopamine and serotonin. These hormones help you deal with
stress and keep you relaxed.
5) Delicious Raspberries
Raspberries also work as an effective aspirin. You can cure your headache by eating
raspberries. They contain an essential compound that is more effective in reducing pain and
inflammation than an aspirin itself. It also has a special nutrient that saves you from pollutants
found in processed foods and cigarette smoke. These pollutants can trigger cancer and can
damage healthy cells.
6) Beneficial Loganberries
This berry is a cross between a raspberry and blackberry. Eating this berry makes the blood
vessels stronger. They also help you fight varicose veins and heart disease. Loganberries are
packed with rutin. This nutrient improves your circulation and strengthens your capillaries.
7) Berrylicious Strawberries
The last summer berry on our list is strawberries. Did you know that strawberries contain more
Vitamin C than an orange? Known as an antioxidant powerhouse, eating this berry will prevent
arthritis, memory loss, different cancers and heart diseases. Plus they make a great snack with

Are all the health products you use necessary or has TV fooled you into believing that you
cannot live without these products? Here are eight over-the-counter products that you think you
need but in reality, are a waste of your hard-earned money:
Redness-reducing eye drop
If you have blood-shot eyes from lack of sleep or hangover, try avoiding using these drops. If
you start using redness-reducing eye drops regularly, then it will mask bigger problems like
allergies or dry eyes. It will also cause your eyes to go red regularly because your eyes will get
used to them.
Toothbrush sanitizers
According to the reports from the American Dental Association, since toothbrushes are not sold
and stored in sterile packages, they can contain bacteria right of the box. However, you do not
need to worry because a healthy body can protect itself against germs. You do not need to buy
special toothbrush sanitizers to keep your toothbrush clean. Simply wash your toothbrush with
tap water thoroughly.
Breath-freshening mouthwash
If you brush your teeth properly and floss like the dentist recommends, then you do not need
mouthwash. Dentists generally recommend or prescribe mouthwash for therapeutic purposes like
dry mouth. Chronic bad breath is usually a result of something serious like gum disease, tooth
decay or even diabetes.
Facial Toner
A toner consists of astringent. This is used to reduce the pores size and to remove makeup.
According to Patricia Farris, who works as a clinical assistant professor in the dermatology
department at Tulane University of School of Medicine, toners are made to restore the skins pH
after cleansing. However, if you are using a gentle cleanser that does not affect your skins pH,
then you do not need to use a toner.
Special formulated moisturizer.
If you buy expensive moisturizers because you want to treat your skin with lavish care, then you
should know that your money is going down the drain. Rebacca Kazin, who is the medical
director of a dermatology and cosmetic center, stresses that a moisturizer is a moisturizer, so it
does not matter how expensive it is. She recommends using a moisturizer that has antioxidants or
Antibacterial soaps
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antibacterial products do not
prevent the spread of infection compared to regular liquid hand soap. As long as you wash your
hands properly and thoroughly, even plain soap and water can make a huge difference.
Cold-prevention remedies
You do not need to take Vitamin C or echinacea, if you suffer from cold. Studies support that
these remedies are not effective. The Mayo Clinic also warns to avoid zinc-based nasal sprays. It
can stifle your sense of smell permanently!
People who are already blessed with good health do not need multivitamins. In fact, some
supplements can cause health problems, if you consume it in excess. Individuals with
deficiencies should consume vitamins, if their doctors prescribe them. In addition, pregnant
women need to take prenatal vitamins to stop birth defects.

From mushrooms to placenta, and sea cucumber to Reishi, people are using all kinds of things
that can be great remedies. Surprisingly, these weird items have treasure troves of health
associated benefits. These are all natural remedies, and a few of them have also been converted
into medication for people who cannot consume them in raw form.
1. Cordyceps
Cordyceps is a conventional Chinese remedy known to improve power and stability. It is a
fungus that leaves behind the worms body it grows on. Moreover, athletes who used it have
improved the oxygen transportation process towards their cells and improved their performance.
However, people who cannot consume it in raw form should take tablets that are available at a
lower price.
2. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are immensely nourishing, and help release beta-glucane compounds that boost
immunity when cooked. It is a fungus commonly used to prepare Chinese broths and soups. It is
often cooked to fortify the immune system of cancer patients after they have received
chemotherapy. It is necessary because in some people, the immune system has to be suppressed
so chemotherapy can work.
3. Placenta
It might sound a little gross, but a lot of Chinese women have been taking placenta pills to
increase their milk production and treat postpartum depression. Placentas are rich in hormone
which is why women world over are getting their placentas dried and then converted into
capsules to increase nutrition and restore their youthful radiance.
4. Ginseng Roots
Ginseng root helps improve mental clarity, brain function, and endurance and stamina. Its
extracted liquid is beneficial to increase activity in the human body. Asian Panax Ginseng is
known to possess natural healing power for wounds and cuts. It comes in different forms such as
capsules, liquids, powders and pastes.
5. Blossom Tea
The flowers of blossom tea blossom when prepared in hot water. There are innumerable
benefits of blossom tea. It is used to lower LDL cholesterol levels, risk of cancer and heart
disease, and control high and low blood pressure. Teas are also great anti-inflammatory and anti-
oxidant agents, which is why they are used to provide relief from migraines, stress and nausea.
6. Sea Cucumber
This foul smelling Japanese and Chinese treatment contain anti-cancerous and anti-aging
benefits. It is, in fact, an animal used to prepare stews and soups to make them more nutritious.
Chinese use it in their medicines to treat constipation, kidney disorders and reproductive
problems like erectile dysfunction.
7. Reishi
Chinese have been using this medicine for over centuries to cure fatigue, liver ailments, cough
and asthma, and even to boost longevity. Reishi is actually a mushroom that improves immunity
and brain health, and helps maintain youth. This mushroom is also widely used to stimulate
immunity in cancer or HIV patients.
8. Shi Hu
This is commonly used by Chinese herbalists to cure photo-phobia, poor vision, retinitis,
glaucoma, and dry eyes, whereas it can cure everyday vision issues as well. People who work at
computers for longer hours know how their eyes get blurry after sometime. This herb helps
sharpen vision. People are instructed to first boil the rope-like herbal medicine like tea, and then
drink it.
9. Momordica Charantia Bitter Gourd
It is used in Asian countries to prepare tea to stabilize blood sugar levels. Tea prepared using
bitter melon is healthy for people suffering from diabetes who should keep blood glucose levels
in control. One can keep their blood sugar level moderate by either eating bitter melon or
drinking its tea.

ust for today, forget every single excuse you make not to improve your health. The guidelines
mentioned in this article are not set in stone, but are a beginners guide to improve your
emotional, spiritual and physical life amidst a busy professional life.
1. Replenish Energy with Water
Our bodies are composed of 90% water and each organ functions well if you replenish your
body with water adequately. You can decrease many of your bodily pains by drinking more
water only because body parts need hydration.
2. Walk Regularly
Immobility means a sedentary lifestyle which is a curse for the body. Walking lets your body
stay active and streamlines blood flow. For example, your heart requires that you stay active so it
may function at an optimum level. Walk in the morning to intake oxygenated air because it kills
virus and bacteria and might also help prevent cancer.
3. Hug People Your Loved Ones
Scientific research says that by hugging people you love, you can ward off depression because
you body releases Oxytocin that are also called feel-good hormones.
4. Consume At Least 3 Servings of Fruit
You should consume at least cup of cherries, blueberries or grapes every day. Dark colored
fruits are rich in phytonutrients such as proanthocyanins which fight against querticin and brain
disease. Moreover these fruits are rich in water and natural sugar which help restore energy.
5. Eat More Vegetables
Eat more vegetables since these are the best to gain maximum nutrition. These are less expensive
and easily available at grocery stores. Buy them in large quantities and use them to prepare
salads. Consume greener ones more because they are rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes,
chlorophyll and several phytonutrients.
6. Meditate
Allocate some time to meditation and unplug yourself from worldly deeds. You will feel more
relaxed, and physically and emotionally more powerful after meditating.
7. Deep Breaths
Breathing deep helps reduce buildup of stress hormones as your blood flows in a better manner.
This also helps you release anxiety and induce better sleep.
8. Consume Snacks When Hungry
Consume low-calorie snacks such as hummus, vegetables, dried fruits, whole grain pitas and
fruits when you feel hungry between meals. These will help you regulate mood and stabilize
blood sugar levels.
9. Drink Homemade Fresh J uice
Prepare fresh juice using green veggies to help your body heal naturally. Green vegetables are
powerhouses of essential nutrients that help your body energize speedily.
10. Count Your Blessings
Make a list of your blessings, since research reveals that gratitude leads to happiness and better
11. Do Someone a Favor
You do not need hoards of cash to help someone spend a good day. Instead, having a heart-to-
heart with anyone can make them feel good and help them believe in the goodness of people.
12. Havent Pampered Yourself In Ages?
Now is the time to do so as theres always a room for improvement. Get yourself a manicure and
pedicure, and take a warm bath in Epsom salts. Remove dry skin with a bristled brush that will
peel off dead skin cells and toxic build up in tissue.

Packaged food contains preservative that increase the life span and shelf life of food items and
thus make for an ideal meal option for people with fast paced lives. This also makes packaged
food industry one of the fastest paced food industries in the market.
However, packaged food contains preservatives and additives designed to increase the longevity
of the food items, maintain their taste and protect them from harmful germs while sealed inside
the container. Although the additives do succeed in achieving these objectives they have a side
effect of decreasing the nutritional value of food products.
Lets look at some of the dangers of food preservatives in order to understand them better:
Dangers of Food Additives
These food items are readily available in the market and contain artificial flavoring such as
sugars, chemical preservatives and food colors, which are all detrimental to health in the long
run. Additives in particular include sodium nitrate, trans-fat, BHT, monosodium glutamate
(MSG). You also want to look out of the sign no sugar added. This usually implies empty
calories, which means they will be stored as fat. Soft drinks take up a major chunk of this
category and are a leading cause of obesity in developed world.
Sodium nitrate is added to packaged meat, fast food and snacks. The sodium nitrate in meat
converts into nitrosamines when exposed to high temperatures as in cooking. This new chemical
is considered carcinogenic. Trans-fat also known as animal fat, is also found in biscuits, cakes
and other packaged snacks. When you hear about obesity, diabetes and weight loss on the
television animal fat is the culprit. It can clog up arteries and increase risks of a heart attack.
BTA and BTH are additives added to food to prevent fermentation. They are found on most food
items especially in frozen food. Monosodium glutamate is also found in frozen food to enhance
the flavor and currently under research to determine its carcinogenic potential. It is best to avoid
food with these additives.
Food coloring can be found in ice creams, cereals and candies. They are the worst perpetrators of
cancer and have no nutritional value. They have been known to cause autism, allergies and many
other diseases. Other symptoms of additives include but not necessarily limited to:
Body Ache
Packaged food has benefits as well and one prominent advantage is that of convenience as
mentioned above. There is an additional advantage of reducing wastage; in the developing world
food wastage is up to 30% in stark contrast to developed world where it is just 3%. However,
these benefits come at the price of ill health and that makes them not a worthy choice for our
daily food intake.

15 Makanan Penahan Rasa Lapar
Tentu saja Anda mengetahui makanan yang Anda makan dan bisa membuat Anda ketagihan. Itu
semua adalah makanan yang sangat luar biasa (contohnya coklat, yang bisa mengirim Anda ke
dunia lain hanya dengan sentuhan). Semua orang memiliki makanan favorit masing-masing. Kita
sering fokus pada makanan yang seharusnya tidak kita makan dalam jumlah yang banyak atau
yang bisa memicu rasa lapar, tapi bagaimana dengan makanan yang bisa memuaskan kita?

Rasa lapar tersebut berhubungan dengan orang lain yang sedang makan dan waktu kita makan.
Rasa lapar sering kali hanya dipicu karena kita sedang berada di tempat tertentu dan sedang
melakukan hal tertentu. Aroma adalah pemicu rasa lapar yang sangat kuat. Jadi dengan semua
tanda yang salah tersebut yang membuat Anda ingin makan, apa yang akan Anda lakukan?

Hal yang saya lakukan agar tetap kenyang adalah dengan selalu menyiapkan air minum di
samping saya sepanjang waktu. Saya juga makan setiap 3-4 jam, jadi saya tidak akan mendapat
sinyal lapar palsu yang akan membuat saya terjerumus. Saya menikmati makanan yang lebih
sehat. Serat dan protein adalah kandungan yang memerlukan proses pencernaan lebih lama
daripada karbohidrat biasa. Pada dasarnya waktu yang tepat adalah segalanya.

Tubuh Anda mengolah karbohidrat dalam 30-120 menit setelah Anda makan. Selama jam kedua
hingga keempat, tubuh Anda mengolah protein, sementara jam keempat hingga keenam tubuh
Anda mengolah lemak. Inilah pentingnya mengonsumsi makanan yang lengkap setiap kali
makan dan tidak menunggu lebih lama dari empat jam untuk makan. Saya memiliki banyak
makanan favorit yang bisa mengatasi rasa lapar sekarang, tapi untuk menghemat waktu, saya
ungkapkan kepada Anda 15 makanan yang wajib ada di piring. Makanan ini pada umumnya
kaya akan serat, protein, atau keduanya dan mungkin mengandung lemak yang sehat.

Sayuran dan buah sangat baik untuk mengatasi rasa lapar Anda. Mereka bagus untuk mengatasi
keinginan Anda pada makanan tertentu dan harganya tidak lebih mahal dari makanan cepat saji.
Apakah Anda ingin memotong sendiri sayuran dan buahnya atau membeli yang sudah terpotong-
potong di toko, sayuran dan buah adalah pilihan baik untuk menggantikan camilan yang
mengatasi rasa ngidam akan makanan

Selai kacang rasanya memuaskan dan cepat mengatasi rasa lapar. Sebagian selai kacang
mengandung lemak sehat, protein, dan rasanya lezat. Saya suka mencampur selai kacang pada
makanan mulai dari roti gandum hingga buah-buahan. Rahasia agar mentega kacang tersebut
cepat meresap adalah dengan memanaskannya di microwave selama 15 -30 menit. Selai kacang
tersebut juga bisa dicairkan untuk dipadukan dengan makanan lain.

Bubur gandum adalah makanan yang menenangkan. Ketika saya sedang marah atau sakit perut,
saya akan makan bubur gandum. Saya lebih suka mencampurnya dengan susu daripada air
supaya protein, vitamin, dan mineral bertambah. Saya suka makan bubur gandum sebagai snack
saat malam hari dan mencampurnya dengan selai kacang, kayu manis, dan daun stevia mentah.

Sereal gandum utuh adalah cemilan manis yang baik yang renyah dan kaya akan serat dan
vitamin B. Sereal gandum favorit saya adalah produk sereal dari Kashi. Pastikan bahan sereal
tersebut berasal dari gandum utuh dan bukan bahan-bahan lainnya.

Susu bebas lemak adalah minuman penting bagi saya. Saya memilih susu organik karena
berbagai alasan, dan menurut saya susu tersebut memberikan manfaat dalam penurunan berat
badan saya.

Yoghurt adalah makanan penutup yang manis yang saya sukai. Saya lebih suka yoghurt yang
tidak mengandung pemanis buatan. Saya juga menyukai yogurt Yunani karena mengandung
tambahan protein.

Roti, biskuit, dan pasta dari gandum utuh adalah bahan yang bagus untuk sandwich, snack, atau
makanan Italia favorit Anda. Gandum mengandung serat dan memerlukan waktu lama untuk
dicerna, sehingga akan membuat Anda tetap kenyang dalam waktu yang cukup lama.

Jus dan saus tomat juga merupakan makanan yang penting. Saya biasanya kesulitan memenuhi
kebutuhan sayuran saya. Kedua bahan tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat
sop dan saus pasta.

Jus buah murni akan menjadi minuman yang baik jika dicampur dengan air soda. Campuran itu
akan menjadi mocktail yang segar. Terkadang minuman buah yang segar bisa mengatasi rasa

Popcorn adalah camilan yang bisa Anda buat dengan minyak yang sehat, seperti yang saya
lakukan. Makanan tersebut rasanya lezat dan memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk

Makanan penahan lapar favorit saya adalah apel yang dicelupkan di dalam selai kacang yang
sudah dicairkan. Perpaduan rasa manis dan asinnya benar-benar menyingkirkan rasa lapar.

Almond adalah snack sederhana yang bisa menahan rasa lapar Anda untuk sementara waktu.
Almond kaya akan lemak sehat dan serat. Tapi saya tidak makan almond yang dibakar dengan
tambahan minyak dan lebih memilih yang mentah.

Kayu manis menambah antioksidan dan rasanya pedas manis. Saya sering mencampur kayu
manis dengan sedikit buah pala ke dalam susu hangat untuk mendapatkan minuman yang
memuaskan seperti minuman-minuman yang bisa saya beli di kafe, tanpa membayar harga yang
cukup mahal! Itu benar-benar membuat Anda kenyang dan minuman yang menenangkan
sebelum tidur.

Kacang merah kaya akan serat dan mudah dicampurkan ke dalam salad dan tidak mengandung
lemak.Tinggal menambahkan cuka dan bumbu favorit Anda ke dalam kacang merah yang sudah
kering dan Anda siap memakannya.

Sebagian besar buah-buahan bisa mengenyangkan dan menjaga kalori. Buah-buahan akan
menghilangkan keinginan Anda pada makanan tertentu. Buatlah daftar buah apa saja yang
sedang musim dalam satu bulan. Lalu cobalah buah-buahan musiman yang belum pernah Anda
rasakan sebelumnya.

Anda mungkin memiliki bahan makanan Anda sendiri dan saya akan dengan senang hati untuk
mendengarnya! Saya mencari ide-ide agar bisa tetap kenyang dan menurunkan berat badan. Saya
harap daftar makanan penahan rasa lapar saya ini bisa membantu memberikan Anda beberapa
ide baru.

Cara Sehat Mengonsumsi Makanan Tinggi Kolesterol
Oleh: Marmi Panti Hidayah

Karena rasanya nikmat, sulit sekali mengindari makanan berlemak dalam jadwal makan sehari-hari. Tapi
bagaimana cara agar kita tetap bisa menikmati makanan tersebut tanpa takut bahaya kolesterol?

Menurut ahli gizi yang juga Dosen Klinis di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Alma Ata Yogyakarta,
Esti Nurwanti, S.Gz Dietisien, kebutuhan lemak harian orang dewasa sekitar 25 persen dari total energi
atau sekitar 55 gram dari 2.000 kalori.

Lemak jenuh sebaiknya kurang dari 10 persen dari total kalori atau maksimal 20 gram. Sisanya adalah
lemak tak jenuh, kata Esti.

Sekadar info, lemak jenuh banyak terdapat pada lemak hewani. Sementara tak jenuh, ada pada kacang,
biji-bijian, jagung, zaitun atau ikan.

Esti menuturkan, dalam konsumsi harian nasi goreng saja kandungan lemaknya mencapai 6,2 gram
lemak. Belum lagi telur goreng yang kandungan kolesterolnya mencapai 200 mg. Padahal anjuran
asupan kolesterol harian maksimal 300 mg. Artinya sudah mendekati maksimal. Sementara asupan kita
tidak hanya dari telur, katanya.

Oleh karena itu, lanjut Esti, orang dewasa sebaiknya mengonsumsi telur goreng hanya tiga kali dalam
seminggu. Kalau mau sering mengonsumsi, kuning telur jangan dimakan, cukup putihnya saja. Sebab,
kuning telur mengandung kolesterol tinggi, ujar Nutrisionist dari UGM ini.

Sumber kolesterol tinggi juga terdapat pada otak sapi, udang, jeroan seperti ginjal, hati sapi dan hati
ayam, serta makanan laut (sea food).

Apa bahayanya makanan berkolesterol tinggi?

Jelas itu membahayakan tubuh kita, tandas Esti. Kata dia, Bisa menyebabkan penumpukan di
pembuluh darah hingga menghambat peredaran darah ke jantung atau otak yang berakibat stroke.

Kendati demikian, dia berharap agar tidak terlalu khawatir dengan asupan makanan yang malah bisa
membuat stres itu. Sebab, setiap konsumsi makanan ada penetralisirnya.

Misalnya kalau kita terpaksa mengonsumsi makanan berkolesterol tinggi, ikuti dengan makanan tinggi
serat karena sifatnya mengikat kolesterol, tambahnya. Bisa pula mengonsumsi minuman yang
mengandung Plant Stanol Ester (PSE) yang bisa mengikat kolesterol.

Lebih penting lagi, jelasnya, konsumsi harian harus seimbang. Walaupun konsumsi kolesterol sedikit,
tapi asupan makanan berseratnya minim, malah tidak sehat. Sebab kolesterol tetap beredar dalam
Lalu bagaimana jika senang menyantap sate atau daging bakar yang disebut dapat memicu kanker?

Menurut Esti, protein jika dibakar sifatnya sudah berbeda apalagi ada karbonnya. Karbonnya
menempel pada daging hingga sifatnya menjadi radikal bebas dan bisa memicu kanker, kata Esti.

Untuk itu, jika doyan makan sate atau daging dibakar, harus banyak mengonsumsi makanan tinggi
antioksidan biar seimbang. Jadi biarpun ada radikal bebasnya, tapi antioksidannya ada. Semua yang kita
konsumsi ada penetralnya, tambah Esti.

Antioksidan bisa diperoleh dari jus jeruk, jus anggur, atau buah naga. Hanya saja, katanya, pembuatan
jus sebaiknya tanpa gula atau jika terpaksa pakai sedikit saja, mengingat gula bisa memicu radikal bebas.

Porsi antioksidan ini harus banyak guna menyeimbangkan radikal bebas yang muncul dari makanan
dibakar tadi. Jika malas membuat jus, bisa makan buah secara langsung. Konsumsi buah segar secara
langsung justru lebih bagus karena kandungan nutrisinya masih utuh.

Lebih mudahnya, Esti memberikan tip, sebaiknya dalam sehari kita mengonsumsi maksimal lima
makanan mengandung minyak atau lemak. Tentu harus diperhatikan porsinya. Lemak hewani tiga kali
seminggu. Sedangkan ikan, aman dikonsumsi setiap hari.

Atau setiap konsumsi makanan berlemak, carikan makanan tinggi serat. Bisa juga pagi-pagi konsumsi
havermut karena seratnya bagus, tandasnya.

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