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Instructor: Mrs.

Christina Brammell Course: Chemistry Room #: 1129

Email: cbrammell@ccisd.net Phone: (281)284-6822 Conference: 5
Office/Tutorial Hours: T/TH 2:45 - 3:15 pm

Course Description:

This course will cover the foundations of chemistry concepts, history, application, experiments,
experimental design, and mathematical applications necessary for the practical application and
implementation of scientific thinking.

Course Purpose:

The purpose of this course is to obtain a general understanding of basic Chemistry concepts and
be able to use and translate such concepts to the external world.

Required Materials:

You must have the following EVERYDAY you come to class:
1 Composition Notebook per semester (get ASAP- we will use this daily)
Latitude/Venue or BYOD (we will use this daily)
1 3-ring binder (1
) or very sturdy folder for all daily papers
Calculator (make sure it can perform Scientific Notation) ~ $10
Pen/Pencil and Highlighters
Glue Stick

Evaluation Procedures:

Grades will be determined on a percentage based system where each category will be worth a
certain percentage towards your nine weeks grade. The following list shows each category and its
weight toward your grade:

Test/Major Grades 50%
Daily Grades 45%
Reading 5%

Classroom Rules:

1.) Be on time
2.) Be prepared and actively participating
3.) No put-downs
4.) Do your own work. Academic Integrity is required. Plagiarism and cheating will not be
tolerated! (See handbook and Secondary Honor Code- It will be enforced!)
5.) Tablets, cell phones and electronic devices are only to be used when prior permission has been
given (Please see our school B.Y.O.D. policy for full details.)

**All school rules will be enforced, see your handbook if you are confused on any school rule.

Chemistry Syllabus - School Year: 2014-2015

Class Website: The class website will be updated frequently with the days assignments, notes and
lectures. It will also have important classroom news posted. The web address is:

Remind: Remind is a program that I will be using to keep parents and students up to date with current
activities, deadlines and other things in my class. You can choose to receive text messages, or emails.
Because Remind is a third party, whenever I send a text out you will only see my username. You will not be
able to reply to me. To receive text messages from me through Remind,
text (571) 343-4300 with the following message code according to your class period:

Classroom Expectations

Participation, Professionalism & Preparedness: Students are expected to arrive on time according to school
policy stated in the Student Handbook, having completed all required assignments, and prepared to
participate in classroom activities. The tardy policy will be strictly followed and being in class on time means
in your seat and already preparing to work on the bell work. If you hear the bell and you are in the hall dont
race here. Turn around and go get a tardy slip, if not you will not be let in.

Homework: You will have homework on a regular basis. This may be everyday depending on the material we
are covering. The homework should take you between 5-25 minutes. If it is taking you longer then you need
to come into tutorials.

Absences: In the classroom is a container labeled Make-Up Work.If you are absent please go to this
container and collect the work we covered in the folder corresponding to that day of the week. If you have
further questions feel free stop by before school starts, during tutorials and/or after school.

Late Work: Assignments are due at the beginning of the class, unless stated differently. Late work will be
penalized according to the Student Handbook guidelines. Also, being absent will not be an excuse to turn in
assignments late, nor a pass to obtain work a week later and turn it in a week after that. If you are absent and
an assignment was due on that day, you must turn it in immediately the day you return or it will begin being
penalized for being late, as stated in the Student Handbook. Also, when you are absent for any reason you
must obtain assignments immediately before or after school the day you return. Students are allowed 1 day
to return work for every 1 day they were absent. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.

Lab/Class Notebooks: A lab/class notebook is essential for this class. It will become not only a large part of
your grade, but also an important classroom resource and organizational tool. We will take a day to set up
our lab/class notebook, afterwards you will be expected to maintain your notebook in the same fashion as
mine. At any day or time I can grade them which means you must keep up with it at all times.

1st period code: @cbrammell1
2nd period code: @cbrammell2
3rd period code: @cbrammell3

4th period code: @cbrammell4
6th period code: @cbrammell6
7th period code: @cbrammell7

Do your best in class. I know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to!
Do be in your assigned seat with all necessary materials on your desk working on your bell work before the bell rings.
Do wait to be dismissed from class by your teacher.
Do help others when appropriate.
Do ask questions during class. If a large number of students have questions please wait to be called on.
Do respect the classroom supplies and equipment we will be using during class.
Do use the restroom during class breaks. The bathroom pass will be limited.
Do follow the 3-before-me rule.
Do be a student of good digital citizenship.
Do your homework every night.

Classroom Discipline: Within this classroom you are expected to respect me and your classmates since
these will be not only your peers, but also your fellow colleagues. Science is a discipline that relies heavily
on the constant exchanging of ideas and work. Also, I will respect you in the same way I would expect you
to respect me. If you decide to act out in a manner that is disruptive to the class you can expect the
following to occur:
offense: Warning, 2
offense: Detention and contact parents, 3
offense: Referral to AP
This series of consequences can be altered at any time due to extreme offenses that cannot be ignored.
Example of behavior that would lead straight to referral would be: excessive language with cursing or
crude comments, violence, ignoring specific instructions in lab, etc.

Academic Dishonesty/Secondary Honor Code: Plagiarism or cheating of any form will NOT be tolerated.
The handbook guidelines will be followed in respect to not only academic dishonesty, but also the
Secondary Honor Code.

Labs: Labs will not be treated the same as classroom discipline. In laboratory situations not only could you
potentially harm yourself, but you have the capability of harming others, the whole class, school property,
and even the entire building. Labs are given two grades: one for participation in the lab and another for
the content of the lab. If you cannot respect the lab and the instructions given you will be taken out of the
lab immediately and given two zeros for the day that cannot be made up or improved upon. If you miss a
lab you will be given one week to make them up, if you do not come in that window worth of time it will
be two (non-negotiable) zeros.

Course will cover the following topics:
Safety & Scientific Method
Atomic Structure
Electrons in Atoms
Periodic Table
Chemical Bonding and Nomenclature
Chemical Reactions
Gas Laws
Thermal Chemistry

Syllabus Revision: The teacher reserves the right to revise the syllabus at any point when deemed necessary
and appropriate for the needs of the students.

Chemistry Syllabus Acknowledgement and Compliance

___________________________________________________________ Class Period: _________
Student Signature

Parent Signature

Parent Contact Information:

Phone number: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________

My item to bring in is ___________________________________________

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