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(Solutions) Class X
1. Electrolysis is a process in which a copoun! is
"ro#en !own in sipler su"stance when electric
current is passe! throu$h it in otion state or in
a%ueous solution.
2. The process o& lettin$ in o'y$en &ro air into the
lun$s an! car"on !io'i!e out o& the lun$s is calle!
(. Two points at the en!s o& any !iaeter will
!i)i!e the resistor into two e%ual parts. So parts
are in parallel co"ination.
*. +leachin$ pow!er (Calciu o'ychlori!e)
Chlorine $as is release!.
,. The horones secrete! "y o)aries are estro$en
an! pro$esterone. At pu"erty- estro$ens stiulate
the $rowth- aturation an! &unctions o& &eale
secon!ary se' or$ans such as uterus- &allopian tu"es
an! the !uct syste o& aary $lan!s.
.. Difference between direct and alternating
/irect current always &lows in one !irection only
whereas alternatin$ current re)erses its
!irection perio!ically.
Adantage of an alternating current0
Alternatin$ current can "e transitte! o)er a lon$
!istances without loss o& ener$y.
1. (i) Stron$ electrolytes are those which !issociate
into ions copletely in a%ueous solution.
2ea# electrolytes are those which !o not associate
into ions copletely in a%ueous
(ii) C3(C443 an! N3*43 are wea# electrolytes
whereas olten NaCl an! !ilute 3Cl are stron$
15. (a) 6eraniu shows the properties o& "oth
etals an! non-etals- there&ore- it is re$ar!e!
as etalloi!s.
(") 7irconiu is hi$hly )alua"le &or econoy &or
country as it is )ery use&ul in nuclear reactor-
there&ore it is calle! a strate$ic etal.
(c) Nitro$en pre)ents &oo! &ro $ettin$ o'i!i8e!-
there&ore- it is use! to preser)e &oo!.
11. (a) Strate$ic etals are those which are )ery
iportant &or the econoy or !e&ence o& a country.
These etals an! their alloys are use! in atoic
ener$y- space science pro9ects- 9et en$ines- hi$h
$ra!e steels- etc.- e.$.- Titaniu- 7irconiu-
Chroiu- :an$anese etc.
(") 2hen 7inc etal is place! in solution o&
ercuric chlori!e- 7n !isplaces ercury an! a
shinin$ sil)ery sur&ace is &ore! "ecause 8inc is
ore reacti)e than ercury.
2hen 8inc etal is place! in :$S4* solution- no
reaction ta#es place "ecause 7n is less reacti)e than
:$- there&ore it cannot !isplace :$ &ro :$S4*.
12. The &unction o& epi$lottis in an is that at the
tie o& swallowin$ &oo!- the epi$lottis closes the
tracheal openin$ there"y pre)entin$ the &oo! &ro
enterin$ the win!pipe.
:atheatics Test-Siilar Trian$les Page
1,. Ener$y consue! "y , tu"e li$hts o& *5 2 &or ,
hours in 1 !ay ; *5 ' , ' , ; 1555 2atts ; 1 #2h
Ener$y consue! "y an electric press o& ,55 2 &or
* hours in 1 !ay ; (,55 ' *)< 1555 ; 2 #2h
Ener$y consue! in 1 !ay ; 1 = 2 ; ( #2h
Total electrical ener$y consue! in (5 !ays ; ( '
(5 ; 15 #2h ; 15 units
1.. (a) An iron particle &ell into Asla>s eye while
usin$ the $rin!er on iron railin$.
(") The !octor use! an electroa$net to reo)e the
tiny iron particle. Electroa$net is a
power&ul a$net an! the iron particle in the eye is
stron$ly attracte! "y the
electroa$net- stic#s to the electroa$net an! $ets
(c) :ohan showe! the )alues o& (i) A"ility to
han!le a serious situation with calness an! (ii)
/esire to help others ("y rushin$ Asla to an eye
1?. /i&&erence "etween Nuclear &ission an! Nuclear
1@. Solar water !eater0 It is a !e)ice in which
water is heate! "y usin$ solar ener$y.
Principle0 Solar water heater wor#s on the heat
a"sor"in$ property o& "lac# sur&aces an!
$reenhouse e&&ect.
It consists o& an insulate! "o' + which is painte!
"lac# &ro insi!e an! in which copper tu"e is &itte!
in the &or o& a coil. These copper tu"es are painte!
"lac# &ro outsi!e so that they ay a"sor" hot rays
o& the sun ore e&&iciently. The "o' is co)ere! with
$lass li! so as to pre)ent heat loss "y con)ection
an! ra!iation. The two en!s o& the copper tu"e o&
solar water heater are 9oine! to the water stora$e
11. Acti)ity
(i) Ta#e a plastic )essel. /rill two holes at its
"otto an! set ru""er stoppers in these holes.
(ii) Insert car"on electro!es in these ru""er stoppers
an! connect these electro!es to a . )olt "attery an!
a switch.
(iii) Aill the )essel with water such that the
electro!es are ierse!. A!! a &ew !rops o& !ilute
sulphuric aci! to the water in the )essel.
(i)) Ta#e two $ra!uate! test tu"es &ille! with water
an! in)erts the o)er the two car"on electro!es.
()) Switch on the current.
:atheatics Test-Siilar Trian$les Page
()i) A&ter soetie you will o"ser)e the &oration
o& "u""les at "oth the electro!es. These "u""les
!isplace water in the $ra!uate! tu"es.
()ii) 4nce the test tu"es are &ille! with the
respecti)e $ases- reo)e the care&ully.
()iii)Test these $ases one "y one "y "rin$in$ a
"urnin$ splinter o& woo! close to the outh o& the
test tu"es.
(i') 2hen the $lowin$ splinter o& woo! is "rou$ht
close to the outh o& one test tu"e- it reli$hts an!
when it is "rou$ht close to the outh o& other test
tu"e- the $as "urns with a pop. 4'y$en is the only
coon $as that reli$hts the splinter an! hy!ro$en
$as "uns with a pop.
(a) (i) +lueB white
(ii) The li%ui! !roplets are actually the
water !roplets. The source o& water !roplets is the
water o& crystalli8ation o& hy!rate! copper sulphate
crystals (CuS4* .,324) .
(")2hen etal CD> is !ippe! in a%ueous solution o&
aluiniu sulphate no reaction is o"ser)e!- it
eans it is less reacti)e than aluiniu. +ut when
it is !ippe! in &errous sulphate solution- the solution
turns &or pale $reen to colourless- so CD> is ore
reacti)e than iron an! thus !isplaces it &ro its
solution. There&ore- CD> ust "e 7inc. It reacts with
&errous sulphate to &or colourless 8inc sulphate
solution "y !isplacin$ iron.
25. (i) Alloy is hoo$eneous i'ture o& two or
ore etals. 4ne o& the can "e a non-etal also.
Aal$a is an alloy o& any etal with ercury.
Sol!er is an alloy use! &or wel!in$ electric wire
to$ether. It contains lea! (P") an! tin (Sn)
(ii) (a) +rass contains copper an! 8inc.
(") Stainless steel containin$ iron- car"on
alon$ with chroiu an! nic#el.
(iii) +ron8e is an alloy o& copper an! tin.
+rass !oes not $et ruste! easily whereas copper
!oes. Stainless steel !oes not $et ruste! whereas
iron !oes. +ron8e is har!er than copper an! tin
(i) "ydraulic was!ing0 It is use! &or enrichent o&
o'i!es ore in which !ensity o& ipurities is less
than that o& ore.
In this process- the crushe! an! &inally pow!ere!
ore is washe! with a stea o& water.
The li$hter ipurities are washe! away- lea)in$
"ehin! the hea)ier ore particles.
(ii) #rot! floatation $rocess0 It is use! to separate
$an$ue &ro the sulphi!e ores especially o& copper.
In this process- the &inally pow!ere! ore is i'e!
with water in a lar$e tan# to &or a slurry. Then
soe pine oil is a!!e! to it. The sulphi!e ores are
pre&erentially wette! "y the pine oil whereas the
$an$ue particles are wette! "y water. 2hen air is
"lown throu$h the i'ture- the li$hter oil &roth
carryin$ the etal sulphi!es rises to the top o& the
tan# an! &loats as scu. It is then s#ie! o&& an!
!rie!. The $an$ue particles "ein$ hea)ier- sin# to
the "otto o& the tan#.
(iii) Aal$a is alloys o& ercury with other
etals- e.$.- So!iu aal$a- 7inc aal$a.
21. (i) The pulonary )ein "rin$s o'y$enate! "loo!
to the huan heart.
(ii) The le&t auricle o& huan heart recei)es
o'y$enate! "loo!.
(iii) (a) 2hen o'y$enate! "loo! coes into the le&t
atriu it contracts an! pours "loo! into le&t
(") The le&t )entricle contracts an! the o'y$enate!
"loo! &ro here is !istri"ute! to all parts o& the
"o!y thou$h aorta.
(i) The pulonary artery "rin$s !eo'y$enate!
"loo! to the huan heart.
(ii) The ri$ht auricle o& huan heart recei)es
!eo'y$enate! "loo!.
(iii) (a) Ri$ht auricle pours !eo'y$enate! "loo!
into ri$ht )entricle.
(") Aro ri$ht )entricle !eo'y$enate!
"loo! &lows to the lun$s throu$h pulonary
artery &or o'y$enation.
22. (a) An instruent that easures electric
current in a circuit is calle! Aeter. The
unit o& electric current is Apere (A). 1
apere is constitute! "y the &low o& 1
coulo" o& char$e throu$h any point in an
electric circuit in 1 secon!.
(") (i) Earia"le resistance or rheostat
(ii) Plu$ #ey or switch (close!)
(c) (i)
:atheatics Test-Siilar Trian$les Page
(ii) Aollowin$ $raph was plotte! "etween E
an! I )alues0
(i) Pure tun$sten has a hi$h resisti)ity an! a hi$h
eltin$ point (nearly (555o C). 2hen an electric
current is passe! throu$h the &ilaent- the electric
ener$y is con)erte! to heat an! li$ht ener$y !ue to
the heatin$ o& the &ilaent to a )ery hi$h
teperature. /ue to the hi$h eltin$ point o&
tun$sten- the &ilaent !oes not elt.
(ii) The resisti)ity o& an alloy is $enerally hi$her
than that o& its constituent etals. Alloys !o not
o'i!i8e ("urn) rea!ily at hi$her teperatures.
There&ore con!uctors o& electric heatin$ !e)ices
such as toasters an! electric irons are a!e o& an
alloy rather than pure etal.
(iii) The series arran$eent is not use! &or !oestic
circuit "ecause0
(a) I& connecte! in series total resistance will
increase. There&ore current &lowin$ throu$h the
circuit will "e low.
(") I& one appliance is switche! o&& or $ets !aa$e!
than all other appliances will also stop wor#in$
"ecause their electricity supply will "e cut-o&&.
(i)) The resistance o& a wire is in)ersely
proportional to its cross-sectional area. Thus- a
thic# wire has less resistance an! a thin wire has
ore resistance.
()) Copper an! aluiniu wires are usually
eploye! &or electric ener$y transission "ecause
copper an! aluiniu ha)e )ery low resisti)ities.
2(. The pro!uction o& electric current !ue to
relati)e otion "etween a con!uctor an! a a$netic
&iel! is calle! electro%agnetic induction. Electric
current pro!uce! !ue to this phenoenon
is calle! induced current. This was !isco)ere! "y
:ichael Aara!ay an! Foseph 3enry.
The !irection o& in!uce! current can "e re)erse! "y
re)ersin$ the !irection o& a$netic &iel!. I& the coil
as well as the a$net is stationary- no current is
in!uce! in the coil.
There are two ways to pro!ucin$ in!uce! current in
the coil0
Self Induction0 2hen the current &lowin$ throu$h a
coil chan$es- then the current is in!uce! in the coil
itsel&. This phenoenon is calle! Sel& in!uction.
&utual Induction0 Another way to in!uce current
in a coil is "y the process o& utual in!uction. A
current carryin$ coil calle! priary coil is place!
close to a secon!ary coil as shown in &i$ure.
2hen the current in priary coil is switche! on- it
ta#es a little tie to rise &ro 8ero to a a'iu
)alue. This causes a oentary chan$e in the
a$netic &iel! aroun! this coil an! hence in!uces a
oentary current in the secon!ary coil. The sae
happens in re)erse !irection when the current in
priary coil is switche! o&&.
To a)oi! ris# o& electric shoc#- the etal "o!y o&
appliances is earthe!. Earthin$ eans to connect the
etal case o& the appliance to earth (i.e. 8ero
potential) "y ean o& a etal wire calle! earth wire
(in $reen insulation co)er).
4ne en! o& the etal wire is "urie! in the earth. The
appliances are connecte! to the earth "y usin$ the
top pin o& a (-pin plu$ which connects to earth.
Earthin$ sa)es us &ro electrical shoc#s.
:atheatics Test-Siilar Trian$les Page
2*. An electroa$net wor#s on the principle o&
a$netic e&&ect o& current.
Ai%0 To construct an electroa$net.
&aterial re'uired0 Iron nail- copper wire- san!
paper- cell- iron &ilin$s
(i) Ta#e an iron nail an! clean it with cloth.
(ii) Ta#e insulate! copper wire o& len$th 1 an!
sha)e o&& "oth its en! with the help o& san! paper.
(iii) 2in! the wire nearly on the iron nail to &or a
cylin!rical coil.
(i)) Connect the &ree en!s o& the wire to the
terinals o& a cell.
()) +rin$ iron &ilin$s near the nail an! o"ser)e what
Iron &ilin$s $et attracte! to the iron nail "ecause
iron nail "eha)es li#e a a$net when current passes
throu$h it.
)ses0 Electroa$nets are use! in electric "ell-
cranes etc.
Ai%0 To !raw a$netic lines o& &orce aroun! a
current carryin$ (a) strai$ht con!uctor- (") circular
&aterial re'uired0 A cell- switch- connectin$
wires- an insulate! copper wire- iron &ilin$s- car!
(i) 3an$ the car!"oar! hori8ontally on a stan!.
(ii) Pass the copper wire throu$h the centre o& the
(iii) Connect cell- switch an! copper wire in series
throu$h the connectin$ wires.
(i)) Switch the circuit on sprin#le iron &ilin$s
$ently on the car! "oar! an! tap it.
()) The iron &ilin$s will arran$e thesel)es in the
&or o& connectin$ rin$s aroun! the wire.
()i) Now "en! the wire into a loop an! pass it
throu$h the car!"oar! as shown. Repeat step (i))
()ii)4"ser)e the pattern o& &iel! lines.
The a$netic &iel! aroun! a current carryin$
con!uctor appears in the &or o& concentric circles.
The a$netic &iel! in the centre o& a current
carryin$ circular loop appears as strai$ht lines.
2,. 4ption (c) is correct. +oth C42 an! S42 turn
liewater il#y.
3e shoul! "oil the lea& in Alcohol. Alcohol
!issol)e! the chlorophyll an! !ecolourise the lea&.
2@. (!) 21. (a) (5. (!) (1. (") (2. (c)
((. (") (*. (c) (,. (c) (.. (")
:atheatics Test-Siilar Trian$les Page

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