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T.A 2013/2014

Love Letter

December 12, 2004
To My Beloved Caitlyn,

You are always on my mind, I can't stop thinking about you. The first thoughts when I
wake, and the last thoughts before I go to sleep are of you. I am such a lucky guy to
have found such a wonderful woman. I miss you so much, it has been too long since
the last time I saw you.

Your smile is so beautiful and magical. Every time that I think of your smile it lights
me up inside. Even when I am having a really bad day, seeing you smile makes me
want to smile too and it makes me forget about the previous events of the day.

Caitlyn, you must be the most caring person on earth. You seem to have an unlimited
amount of patience and kindness. Every time I make a mistake you are right there to
support me. The time that you drove 300 miles just to take care of my sick mother
when I was away is just one example of your big heart.

I have had such a great time with you no matter what we are doing. As long as you are
around, even doing the most mundane activity is fun. I hope that we'll see each other
everyday when I come back, I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I
miss you so much.

Love always,

Power Of Attorney


This Letter of Attorney is to be signed or sealed by the trustor personally :
Name : Mr.Fajri Muhammad M.M
Profession : Head of SekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomi (STIE) Persatuan
Addres : Jl. Kranggan No 10 Sidoarjo
I hereby give complete authority regarding applications to my representative (trustee),
indicated below :
Mr. Duta Wijaya, M.H as the advocate in DJAENAL ACHMAD, SH. & PARTNERS Firm at
Jl. Nginden Gang Masjid No 5, Phone : 085768495555 to acting Alone or Collective
In order to and on behalf of the trustor to submit the summon on Sidoarjo District Court
concerning the private case based on registered case No. 56/PDT.G/2005/PNYK
Concern to the statement, the trustee has authority to attend the court and other judicative
body, submit the require request, running the action, or giving the information which legally
acted or given by trustee, receive and signing the bill, receive and commit the payment in this
This letter of attorney is followed with substitution rights to other person on behalf or all.
Sidoarjo, March, 25th 2012
Trustee Trustor

Job Aplication Letter

Tangerang, May 11, 2014
Attention To:
Mr. Imantoro
Human Resources Department
PT. PersadaBumidaTerpadu
Jl. Raya Sukamaju No. 11

Dear Sir,
On this good opportunity, I would like to apply as aInstrumentation and Control
System Engineer in your company. My name is Dias Farhan, 22 years old, male, single,
energetic and healthy. I am a Control System Engineer and graduated from
Suryadarma University (UNSURYA) on May 2007 with GPA 3.78. I would like to
have career to expand my experience.
My personality as a hard worker and fast learner type of person would bring benefit to
your company. I will be very appreciated if you could give in opportunity to work in your
Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.
I hope my qualifications and experience merit your consideration and look forward to
your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Dias Farhan
Phone : 021 - 5758243
Jl. Melati No.23
Tangerang - 15712

Anonymouse Letter

to Dear
Mr. AnasUrbaningrum
in places .

Previously I apologize , with this letter , and for my good , and maintain the confidentiality of
this , sorry I call my true identity . I am a regular employee at the Commission .

Mr. Anas that naive and innocent . Politics is really sadistic and no conscience .Friends ,
relatives , do not be surprised if it was an enemy , and political opponents . Including Mr.
Anas was the victim of a political elite senior figures in its own internal . Behind it all is Mr.
SBY and his cronies .

Sprindik leaking problem , I smiled , but my heart hurt . Mr. Anas , I was an admirer of Mr.
Anas .

And behind Mr. Anas much suport , and we are ready to support the political opposition .
Including students , we have started smart , so that we are ready to support the truth .

Mr. Anas , there is the important thing , I inform . In a letter that the Commission examine the
Democratic treasurer Nazaruddin . Where is his BAP ,Nazaruddin report , where
MrYudhoyono received funding for the 2009 Presidential election campaign . Where , BAP is
already signed Nazaruddin . But , until now, have never lifted the Commission . And not
forwarded directly to the present . Maybe later I can love softcopynya to Mr. Anas . This may
be as political ammunition for Mrresistance .

Thus I created this letter as supporters and admirers form Mr. Anas . Final word I say Go
ahead , surely the truth is revealed

Complaint Letter

Makassar, 18 April 2012
Shop owners Agung.Comp
Jl. PerintisKemerdekaan
Re: Complaint letter
Dear sir,
Ten days ago, on 18 April 2012 I buyed a Compaq laptop brand in your electronic store. My
laptop is running as it should, but for some reason when I use the laptop suddenly can not be

I immediately brought the Laptop at your store to get a proper check. I believe that your
technician is working properly. But I do not know why, after nearly a week of repairs, up to
now has not been completed. Ive asked a few times, but your customer service always
answer please be patient.

The laptop is so I need, I am will to spend some funds in the appropriate size of the
reasonableness of my rights in the warranty agreement. If within two weeks of repairs has not
been completed, I hope my right to get a new laptop instead as listed in the warranty
agreement can be met.

I hope you can follow up my complaint. For your attention and cooperation, I say thank you.
Sincerely Yours,
Hp: 085241674839

How to Study English Effectively

There are many ways to study English, but many students ask which is the most effective.
Unfortunately, I dont think there is a single answer that is right for every student. However
I can certainly give advice. Here are some helpful guidelines as to how to study that should
Activating Your Vocabulary
Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to
work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focuses on vacations,
take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc. This
simple exercise will help your brain warm-up to vocabulary that you are likely to encounter as
you study English about this particular subject.
Activating Your Grammar
Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study.
For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think
about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to help activate what you already
understand about using the past. As with activating vocabulary, youll help your brain bring
up what it knows about the past simple in an easy way before you begin to focus on studying
English grammar in detail.
Singing a Song
Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to
yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun
exercise will help your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. Its
important to be relaxed when you study English! Singing a song also helps activate the
creative side of your brain which can help you come up with more examples as your practice
conversation or do some creative writing.
Typing a Short Paragraph in English
If you going to study English at your desk, begin by typing a simple paragraph in English.
You can type about your day, your hobbies, your friends, etc. Anything will do. Typing helps
activate the kinetic part of your brain that helps improve learning through physical activity. I
also recommend typing while you study your English grammar. This will help solidify your
knowledge with movement.
A Thousand Words
As the saying goes in English: A picture is worth a thousand words. Help activate the creative
side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image. You can combine use this also
to activate your vocabulary by choosing a picture that has something to do with the subject
your are going to study in English.
Study English Tips for Success
Here are some tips for success to help you as you study English.
Study English Every Day
Its important to study English every day. However, dont exaggerate! Study for thirty
minutes every day instead of two hours once a week. Short, steady practice is much better for
learning than long periods on an irregular basis. This habit of studying English every day will
help keep English in your brain fresh.
Study English Using Different Methods to Learn
Dont just use one way to study English. Use a variety of methods which will help all the
parts of your brain (multiple intelligences) help you. For example, if you are learning new
vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that, type out the
words five times. All of these methods together help to reinforce your learning.
Study English by Finding some Friends
There is nothing like having a few friends to study English together. You can practice the
exercises together, have conversations together (in English!), and, as you study English
together, help each other with exercises you may not understand.
Study English by Choosing Topics that Interest You
One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like. This will
help motivate you because you will also be learning about a topic you find interesting while
you study English.

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