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MM Aliesa George. Centerworks

Pilates Institute All Rights Reserved.

Supplement Supplement
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Mind- Body Movement in the J oseph H. Pilates Method
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Before following any advice in this book, it is recommended that you consult with your physician
if you suffer from any health problems or special conditions or if you are in doubt about the
suitability of any exercise.
It is also suggested that you consider consulting with a certified Pilates instructor before beginning
a comprehensive home exercise program.
The Pilates Method Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the work of Joseph
& Clara Pilates. The PMA is available to assist with questions regarding the Pilates Method,
teachers, studios, and teacher-education programs. To locate a qualified instructor in your area
contact the Pilates Method Alliance at http://www.PilatesMethodAlliance.org or call the PMA at
This book is intended for personal use only.
Use of these materials for teaching purposes is only granted to readers who have completed a
Comprehensive Pilates Teacher-Education Program and apprenticeship. If you are interested in
furthering your knowledge and would like to participate in workshops and/or comprehensive
teacher-education programs through Centerworks

Pilates Institute, please

visit http:// www.CenterworksPilates.com for information about upcoming workshops. For infor-
mation about scheduling workshops in a city or studio near you, contact
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
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retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
Note: If you purchased this as a digital PDF document or part of a product you have permission to
print (1) copy for your own use.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Table of Contents
The Wall Page #
Arm Circles with Weights ..........................................................W-2, W-3
Roll Down..................................................................................W-4, W-5
Squats........................................................................................W-6, W-7
The Handweight Series
Biceps Curl Front ..................................................................... WT-3
Biceps Curl Side....................................................................... WT-4
Biceps Curl Low....................................................................... WT-5
Swimming................................................................................. WT-6
Triceps Press Flat..................................................................... WT-7
The Bug - Reverse Flys............................................................ WT-8
Elephant Arms - Lung & Lift.................................................... WT-9
Little Circles ............................................................................. WT-10
Up Rows .................................................................................. WT-11
Chest Expansion ...................................................................... WT-12
Overhead Triceps..................................................................... WT-13
Side Bend................................................................................. WT-14
The Magic Circle
Standing Arms Front................................................................ MC-2, MC-3
Standing Arms Back
Standing Arms - Side 1 Arm Press........................................... MC-4, MC-5
Standing Leg Work .................................................................. MC-6, MC-7
Seated Leg Work - Between the Knees
Seated Leg Work - Between the Soles ..................................... MC-8, MC-9
Neck Strengthening - Front
Neck Strengthening - Side
Neck Strengthening - With the Wall ........................................ MC-10, MC-11
Seated Footwork - Knuckles
Seated Footwork - Big Toe
Seated Footwork - Little Toe.................................................... F-2, F-3
Seated Footwork - Big & Little Toes........................................ F-4, F-5
Seated Footwork - Piano Toes ................................................. F-6, F-7
Seated Footwork - Dome the Feet
Seated Footwork - Towel Pull & Push...................................... F-8, F-9
Standing Footwork - Lift & Lower ........................................... F-10, F-11
Standing Footwork - Up & Down............................................ F-12, F-13
Standing Footwork - Prancing in Parallel
Standing Footwork - Balance 1 Leg......................................... F-14, F-15
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Wall
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Arm Circles with Weights
Fig. 1 (start position - side view) Fig. 1 (start position - front view)
Fig. 2 (side view) Fig. 2 (front view)
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Wall Exercises can be very beneficial for clients with shoulder problems, & scoliosis. Great for everyone,
they can be a nice way to end a workout. These are also good homework exercises for clients to practice on their
Arm Circles w / Weights Reps: 5-10 each direction
This exercise is good for strengthening the shoulders while working on shoulder stability. Stand in a V position with
the feet. Shoulders, hips, and the entire spine against the wall. Feet may need to be away from the wall to find this
position. Use the Abdominals to lift and press the spine towards the wall. Holding light hand weights, keep the
shoulders down and back against the wall throughout the exercise. Be sure to keep good spine alignment, ears over
shoulders, shoulders over hips. If a client has kyphotic posture, the head will not be against the wall.
Inhale and lift the weights in front of the body and up overhead as far as possible, keeping shoulders down,
and the spine to the wall. Open the arms slightly wider than the shoulders, and exhale as the arms lower
back to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.
Reverse the circle. Inhale, open the arms and lift overhead. Bring the arms together and exhale as they
lower to the legs. Repeat 3-5 times.
1. Begin this exercise without weights for some clients with shoulder problems.
2. Lift the arms only as high as comfortable so as not to aggravate the shoulders.
Work up to a larger range of motion.
3. Vary the internal/external rotation of the arm to reduce grinding and popping
at the shoulders.
Watch For
The powerhouse remains engaged. Spine stays close to the wall. Shoulders stay down and
back against the wall as the arms lift and circle. Arms work within the frame of the body
dont open wider than the shoulders.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Roll Down
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Rolling Down Reps: 1-3
This exercise is great for clients with shoulder problems and/or scoliosis. It helps teach articulation of the spine,
proper use of the Abdominals, and the release of neck and shoulder tension.
Starting posture is the same as Arm Circles.
Inhale, stand tall and vertical with the arms hanging by the sides holding light weights ( 1-3 lbs). Let gravity
and the weights take the shoulder tension. Exhale, begin from the top of the head and roll down peeling the
spine away from the wall one vertebra at a time. Keep the navel pulling to the spine as the body rolls down.
Roll to down and hold. If going way, the low back should be the last thing to leave the wall. Hold this
Breathing naturally, let gravity and momentum circle the arms 5-10 times in one direction, then the other.
Be sure to keep the neck and shoulders relaxed. Stop the circles and let the arms hang straight to the floor.
Inhale and hold. Exhale and begin with the lower part of the stomach, and roll back up one vertebra at a
time. The lower back should come in contact with the wall first, and everything stays on the wall as the
spine stacks back to a vertical position. Let the arm and shoulder tension drop as the body rolls back up.
Watch For
Smooth articulation through the spine. Neck and shoulder tension released.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Fig. 1 (start & end position) Fig. 2
Squats 1 Leg
Fig. 1 (side view) Fig. 1 (front view)
Fig. 2 (side view) Fig. 2 (front view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Squats Reps: 3-5
This exercise is great for strengthening the knees. Be sure alignment is correct, and body weight is evenly
distributed over both legs. Both of the Squat exercises are great for ski conditioning.
Stand with the legs hip width apart, knees and toes facing straight forward (parallel). Shoulders and
Sacrum should be against the wall. Maintain a neutral spine position with the abdominals engaged. The
feet should be far enough away from the wall that as the knees bend they do not go past the toes. Lift the
arms in front of the body, to shoulder height. Hold this position and slide down the wall into a squat. 45 to
90 degrees is appropriate. Never lower than 90 degrees. Hold this position 15 seconds to 1 minute or longer.
Engage the Gluteasl and pull the navel to spine to slide back up.
1. This can be done with or without weights.
2. For clients with shoulder problems leave the arms by the sides.
3. More Advanced lift the arms overhead.
Watch For
Be sure that throughout the exercise the knees stay aligned over the ankles. Maintain a neutral
spine. Use the Gluteals to lift the body from the squat position.
Breath Naturally.
Squats 1 Leg Reps: 1-3
This one is more of a challenge! Maintain the same posture as the Squat on two legs. Extend one leg out in
front of the body, hip height if possible. The supporting leg may need to move toward the midline of the
body to help balance. Keeping the extended leg horizontal to the floor, slide the back down the wall, and
slide back up. Never go lower that 90 degrees. Be sure that the hips and shoulders stay squared and against
the wall. Repeat other leg.
Breath Naturally.

Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Handweight Series
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The hand weight exercises should be done with 1-3 pound weights. Up to 5 pounds for men. These exercises are
beneficial for clients who need upper body conditioning. It is not necessary to teach the entire series. Begin with the
exercises that are most beneficial for the client. The hand weight exercises are good to teach as homework, as they
are something that clients can learn, then do on their own.
1. Begin teaching the exercises without weights. Teach proper alignment, technique, and muscle
Recruitment then add weights.
2. Use caution with clients who have shoulder problems.
3. Clients with scoliosis can do the exercises with a lighter weight (1 lb.) in the strong arm, and a heavier
weight (2 lb.) in the weaker arm to help correct muscle imbalance.
4. Advanced clients can do all exercises on relevae. Depending on the exercise, either rise up on the toes
and lower with each repetition, or rise up on the toes and stay up while doing the exercise.
For Triceps Press Flat, Swimming, & The Bug
5. Beginners hinge with a flat back position to a forward diagonal.
6. Intermediate/Advanced hinge with a flat back to a table-top position. The body should be
horizontal to the floor.
7. A soft bend at the knees will make the exercise easier, ideally, the legs are straight with the
body weight over the balls of the feet.
Watch For
Maintain shoulders down and relaxed stabilized throughout each exercise. Keep a light grip on the
weight. Maintain the body in a tall, forward position. Body weight should be more over the balls of the feet,
evenly distributed between the big and little toes. Use the Abdominals to support the work and maintain
good alignment. Work in a slow, controlled manner using the muscle not momentum. Wrists should
remain straight unless otherwise noted. Elbows should never be in a locked position.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Biceps Curl Front
Fig. 1
Fig. 2 (side view)
Fig. 2 (front view)
Reps: 5-10
Stand with the feet in a V-position. Lift arms straight to the front horizontal to the floor with arms in line
with the shoulders. Palms face up. Maintain the arms and body still and execute a Biceps Curl Front,
bending at the elbow to bring the hands toward the shoulders. Hold the curl for 1-3 seconds, then with
control extend the arms straight. Breathe naturally.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Biceps Curl Side
Reps: 5-10
From the last repetition of BC Front, keep the arms in the curl position and open the elbows to the sides.
Elbows should open slightly wider than the shoulders. Arms maintain a horizontal position to the floor.
Palms face up. Maintain the arms and body still and execute a Biceps Curl Side, bending at the elbow to
bring the hands toward the shoulders. Hold the curl for 1-3 seconds, then with control extend the arms
straight slightly wider than the shoulders. Breathe naturally.
Fig. 1 (front view) Fig. 1 (side view)
Fig. 2 (front view) Fig. 2 (side view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Biceps Curl Low
Reps: 5-10
From the last repetition of BC Front, keep the arms in the curl position bring the arms back to the front.
Lower the arms to the sides. Extend the arms down by the sides with the palms facing front. Extend the
wrists, curl the wrists, curl the Biceps. Hold the curl for 1-3 seconds. Then with control extend the arms.
Breathe naturally.
Fig. 1 (front view) Fig. 1 (side view)
Fig. 2 Fig. 3 (side view)
Fig. 3 (front view) Fig. 4
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Reps: 3-10
From the last TP Flat, finish with the arms in to the body. Turn the palms to face the floor. Extend the
right arm overhead palm facing the floor. At the same time, extend the left arm to the hip palm facing
the ceiling. Bend both arms back in to the starting position. Alternate the arms for 3-10 repetitions. Inhale
to extend the arms, exhale to bend.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Triceps Press Flat
Reps: 5-10
Stand in a parallel position, legs hip width apart. From the last BC hold in the curl position and turn the
palms to face each other. Maintaining a neutral spine, hinge forward from the hips. Legs should be straight
with the body weight over the toes. (Hips over the heels) Some clients may need to softly bend the knees.
Tuck the arms in close to the body and lift the elbows up towards the ceiling as high as possible. Maintain-
ing this position, extend the arms to the back. Hold 1-3 seconds, then bend the arms. For additional muscle
recruitment, tweak the exercise by laterally bending the wrist when the arms are extended back. Straighten
the wrist before bending the arms. Be sure the shoulders are down and back. Chest should be open. Ears,
shoulders, and hips in line. Breathe naturally.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Bug Reverse Flys
Reps: 5-10
From the last repetition of Swimming, allow the arms to hang straight down to the floor with the palms
facing each other. Maintaining a neutral spine, shoulders stabilized, lift the arms straight out to the sides
into a T-position. Arms should lift to be in line with the shoulders. Chest remains open, shoulders down
and back. Hold 1-3 seconds then lower the arms back to the starting position. Inhale to lift, exhale to lower.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 (side view)
Fig. 2 (front view) Fig. 3
*Only do these three flat back exercises in a row with an intermediate/advanced client. For a beginner, take a break
between exercises, doing an exercise in an upright standing position.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Elephant Arms Lunge & Lift
Reps: 3-5
Begin by standing tall with the feet in a V-position. Lunge with the right leg, stepping out on a diagonal
towards the corner. Lean the body forward over the leg. Arms are overhead, reaching towards the floor.
Maintain abdominal support. Select either a or b below, but not both. After completing 3-5 repetitions
with the arm(s), push off the mat with the forward leg to return to a stand. Lunge forward with the other
a. Lift the opposite arm of the lunging leg and hold for 1-3 seconds. Lower the arm.
b. Lift both arms up and hold 1-3 seconds, then lower.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4 (one-arm version)
Fig. 5 Fig. 4 (two-arm version)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Little Circles
Reps: 3
Begin by standing tall with the feet in a V-position. Hang onto the end of the weights. Arms begin by the
sides. Keeping the arms straight, draw five small circles with the arms while lifting them to an overhead
position. Reverse the direction of the circle and draw five small circles while lowering the arms. Repeat 3
times. To add a challenge, rise up on the toes while lifting the arms, lower the heels while lowering the
arms. Inhale to lift, exhale to lower.
Fig. 1 (start & finish position) Fig. 2 (front view)
Fig. 2 (side view) Fig. 3 (side view)
Fig. 3 (front view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Up Rows
Reps: 5-10
Begin by standing tall with the feet in a V-position. Hold the weights with the inside ends close together.
Arms begin in a low position in front of the body. Like zipping up a zipper, inhale, bend the elbows and
lift the hands up to the center of the chest with the elbows wide. Exhale, straighten the arms and return
to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 repetitions. For added difficulty, rise up on the toes while lifting the
weights and lower the heels while lowering the arms. Be sure the shoulders remain down as the arms lift.
Fig. 1 (front view) Fig. 1 (side view)
Fig. 2 (front view) Fig. 2 (side view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Chest Expansion
Reps: 3-5
Begin standing with the feet in a V-position. Hold the weights by the sides, with the palms facing back.
Inhale, keep the arms straight, and press them behind the body opening the chest. Hold this position and
turn the head to look over the right shoulder, left shoulder, and center. Exhale to relax the arms. Repeat 3-
5 times, alternating the direction the head looks first on each repetition. To make the exercise more challeng-
ing, rise up on the toes while pressing the arms back, balance on the toes while turning the head, and lower
the heels while relaxing the arms.
Fig. 1 & 6 (start & finish position) Fig. 2 (side view)
Fig. 2 (front view) Fig. 3
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Overhead Triceps
Reps: 5-10
Begin standing with the feet in a V-position. Take the arms to an overhead position, palms facing the front
with inside ends of the weights together. Bend the elbows to start with the hands behind the head. Elbows
should be wide and back. Inhale and shave the back of the head to extend the arms to an overhead position.
Exhale to bend the elbows, returning to the starting position. To make the exercise more challenging, rise up
on the toes while extending the arms, lower the heels while bending the arms.
Fig. 1 (side view) Fig. 1 (front view)
Fig. 2 (side view) Fig. 2 (front view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Fig. 3 Fig. 4 (front view)
Fig. 4 (side view)
Side Bend
Reps: 3-5
Always end the series with the Side Bend. Begin standing with the feet in a V-position and the arms by
the sides. Bend one arm in close to the body to lift the arm overhead. Keeping the arm straight and close
to the ear, bend from the waist to take the body to the side. Exhale to side bend inhale to return tall. Change
arms to side bend the other direction.
Watch For
The weight stays even on both legs while bending. Hips and shoulders square to the front.
Bend and reach to the forward corner. Avoid pinching or strain in the low back.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Magic Circle
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Arms - Front
Fig. 1 (Middle - front view) Fig. 1 (Middle - side view)
Fig. 1 (Low - front view) Fig. 1 (Low - side view)
Fig. 1 (High - front view) Fig. 1 (High - front view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Magic Circle is a supplemental piece of equipment. It assists with strengthening the arms, chest, shoulders,
back, legs, and neck with isometric exercises. Be sure this is not the only means of strengthening you give clients.
Work through a full range of motion is preferable.
Arm Work: Place the palms of the hands on the pads. Fingers remain extended. Thumbs should always be with
the fingers. A tight grip with the hands to hold the Circle is unnecessary. Arms reach away from
the body. Elbows straight but not locked. Maintain shoulder stabilization. Avoid neck and shoul-
der tension. To press the Circle together use the entire arm. Teach the Squeeze and hold first, to
learn correct alignment and muscle recruitment. Clap when good alignment can be maintained.
Standing Arms
Front Middle: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 claps
Front Low: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 claps
Front High: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 claps
Watch For
Thumbs on the same side of the handles as the fingers. Powerhouse engaged. Bodyweight over the
balls of the feet. Shoulders remain down and back while squeezing the circle. Use the whole arm to
squeeze. Elbows should be slightly bent throughout the exercise, but not bend more while pressing
the circle together.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Arms - Back
Fig. 1 (side view) Fig. 1 (front view)
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Stamding Arms - Side 1 Arm Press
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Arms
Back Low: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 claps
Side: Place Circle between one hip and one hand. The Reps: 5-8
Arm should be slightly in front of the body. Use
The lattissimis dorsi to press the hand to the hip.
Watch For
Thumbs on the same side of the handles as the fingers. Powerhouse engaged. Bodyweight over the
balls of the feet. Shoulders remain down and back while squeezing the circle. Use the whole arm to
squeeze. Elbows should be slightly bent throughout the exercise, but not bend more while pressing
the circle together.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Leg Work - Second Position
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Standing Leg Work - 4th Position
Fig. 1 (Front) Fig. 2 (Front)
Fig. 1 (Back) Fig. 2 (Back)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Leg Work: If clients have vericose veins, avoid legwork with the Circle. Use caution if knee problems. Placing
the Circle at the ankles may place too much strain at the knees.
Between the Knees: Place the Circle above the knees, never directly at the joint. Be sure the grip is secure.
Watch alignment to be sure that both legs are working equally. Beat when good alignment
can be maintained.
At the Ankles: Place the Circle above the joint. Depending on the client, work in either external
rotation or parallel. Squeeze the Adductors to work the Circle. Be sure the legs do not
hyperextend. Use caution to avoid strain at the knees.
Standing Legs
Second Position: Reps: 10-20 beats
Place the Circle between the ankles. Maintain external rotation of the legs. Shift the
body to stand on one leg. Beat 10 reps, squeezing the Circle. Shift to the other side.
Position: Reps: 10 beats
Place the Circle between the ankles. Maintain external rotation with both legs. Shift the
body to stand on the back leg. Working from the hip, beat 10 reps. Then shift the body to
stand on the front leg and beat the back leg 10 reps.
1. Use a wall, or barre to assist with balance.
2. More Advanced do the exercises on relevae.
Watch For
Avoid hyperextension at the knee. Engage from the hip to flex the Circle.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Seated Leg Work - Between the Knees
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Seated Leg Work - Between the Soles
Fig. 1
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Leg Work
Between the Knees: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 beats
Between the Soles: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 claps
Between the Knees: Squeeze and hold 3 counts, then release Reps: 3-5, 10 beats
Neutral Lift: Squeeze and hold, lift the hips, lower the hips, Reps: 3-5
Then release the Circle
Watch For
Be sure the Circle is placed appropriately above the joint. Maintain good body alignment while
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Neck Strengthening - Front
Fig. 1 (front view) Fig. 1 (side view)
Neck Strengthening - Side
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Neck Strengthening with the Wall
Fig. 1 (front) Fig. 2 (side)
Fig. 3 (back)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Neck Strength: The Circle is an excellent tool for neck strength. Use caution, and keep repetitions low 1-3 repeti-
tions MAX. Doing too much can injure the clients that need this the most.
Neck Strengthening
At the Forehead: Place the MC pad against the forehead. Hold the Circle at horizontal with both
hands. Maintain the head and neck up tall, ears over shoulders. Hold the head
still and gently press with the hands to flex the Circle. Repeat 1-3 reps.
Side of the Head: Place the MC pad above the ear on the right side of the head. Hold the Circle at
horizontal with the right hand. Maintain the head and neck tall, ears over shoul-
ders. Hold the head still and gently press the hand towards the head. Repeat 1-3
reps. Change sides to repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
With a Wall
Forehead: Place the MC pad against the forehead and the opposite pad against a wall. Keep
the body in a strong, straight line. Lean forward from the ankles to press against
the Circle. Hold several seconds, then release. Repeat 1-3 times.
Side: Place the MC pad above the ear on the side of the head. Keep the body in a strong,
straight line. Lean forward from the ankles to press against the Circle. Hold
several seconds, then release. Repeat 1-3 times. Change sides to repeat the exer-
cise on the opposite side.
Back: Place the MC pad securely against the back of the head. Keep the body in a strong,
straight line. Lean backwards from the ankles to press against the Circle. Hold
several seconds, then release. Repeat 1-3 times.
1. Use extreme caution. It may not feel like much at the time. Never more than 3 repetitions.
2. Begin with manual resistance, add the Circle when correct alignment is understood.
Watch For
It is very important that the head stays in alignment, ears over shoulders. Either the hand presses
the Magic Circle towards the head, or the entire body leans into the Circle. Engage the power-
house. Keep the shoulders down and relaxed.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

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Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

With Matwork: The Magic Circle can be used with some of the Mat exercises to increase difficulty.
Only teach these exercises to strong intermediate or advanced level clients.
With Matwork ( Advanced)
Hundred Between the ankles, or in the hands underneath the legs
Roll Up In the hands
Roll Over Between the ankles
Double Bent Leg Stretch Between the ankles
Double Straight Leg Stretch Between the ankles
Spine Stretch Between the hands
Open Leg Rocker Between the ankles
Corkscrew Between the ankles
Jackknife Between the ankles
Neck Pull Between the hands (halo)
Side Kick Series At the ankles
- Bottom leg on the inside, top leg outside: Top leg presses down/beats
- Both legs on the inside: Top leg presses up/beats
- Both legs on the inside: Little circles w/ top leg
- Both legs outside: Double Leg Lift/beats
- Both legs outside: Beats on the Belly
Teaser 1, 2, 3 Between the ankles
Hip Circles Between the ankles

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Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

The Feet
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Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Seated Footwork - Knuckles
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Seated Footwork - Big Toe
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Seated Footwork - Little Toe
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Footwork exercises are beneficial for everyone, but can be especially helpful for clients with flat feet, ankle
inversion/eversion, bunions, or anyone that needs to improve leg alignment. The following exercises are challeng-
ing for clients with the above mentioned problems, but get easier quickly as the muscles in the feet/arches become
stronger. Use the hands to assist as much as needed when learning the exercises. Eventually, the feet should do all
the work. Footwork exercises are great homework for clients.
Seated Footwork: Begin seated on the floor, or on the edge of a chair. Work with one foot at a time. Do all the
exercises with one foot. For new students, have them stand after doing one foot, and compare the feeling of lift
under the arch and proper standing alignment on the foot. Then repeat the exercises with the other foot.
Knuckles Reps: 3-5
Place the fingers under the ball of the foot and lift up. Keeping the toes lengthened, wrap the
toes around the fingers. Use the thumbs to help press the toes down while lifting up under the
ball of the foot. Try to show all of the knuckles of the foot like you would if you made a fist with
your hand. Hold for 5-10 seconds, release and repeat 3-5 times.
Big Toe Reps: 3-5
Place the foot flat on the floor with the toes pointed straight ahead. Keep the toes on the floor
throughout the exercise. Use one hand to pull the Big Toe towards the midline. Hold the toe still
and sweep the other 4 toes towards the Big Toe, then away. Repeat 3-5 times. Be sure the heel
stays still.
Little Toe Reps: 3-5
Hold the Little Toe and gently pull it away from the body. Repeat the above exercise sweeping
the other 4 toes away from the Little Toe, then towards it. Repeat 3-5 times.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Seated Footwork - Big & Little Toes
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Big & Little Reps: 3-5
Hold the Big and Little Toe and gently pull them away and apart. Keeping them on the floor,
sweep the three toes in the middle to the Big Toe, then to the Little Toe. Repeat 3-5 times.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Seated Footwork - Piano Toes
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Piano Toes Reps: 3-5 each way
Keep the ball of the foot on the floor and lift the toes up. Hold the toes with the hand and lower
one toe at a time back to the floor. Lengthen the toes as they lower. Start with the Little Toe and
repeat 3-5 times. Then start with the Big Toe and repeat 3-5 times. Use the hand to press the
toes down if needed and/or hold up the toes that should still be up.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Seated Footwork - Dome the Feet
Photos not available at this time.
Seated Footwork - Towel Pull & Push
Fig. 1
Fig.. 2
Fig. 3
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Dome the Foot Reps: 3-5
Keeping the Big Toe, Little Toe, and Heel firmly planted, lift up under the arch of the foot by
contracting the muscles of the arch. Hold for several seconds then release. This can be done
seated or standing.
Towel Pull & Push Reps: 3-5
Lay a towel out flat. Using either one foot at a time, or both, pull the towel towards the body
scrunching it up under the arches. Pull for 5-10 repetitions. Then push the towel back out flat
using the toes. Push for 5-10 repetitions. Repeat this Push & Pull 3-5 times. Picking up Pencils
or Marbles also work well for feet strengthening exercises.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Footwork - Lift & Lower
Fig. 1 (front view) Fig. 1 (side view)
Fig. 2 (front view) Fig. 2 (side view)
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Footwork: Standing footwork is good once clients are aware of proper alignment and posture. Any leg
alignment corrections should be addressed on the Reformer and with Matwork first. These exercises are also
great for older clients to improve balance and strength standing.
Lift & Lower* Reps: 5-10
This can be done in the traditional V-position, or parallel. Stand in the selected position. Keep
the weight towards the ball of the foot, heel lightly touching the floor. Inhale and rise up on the
toes, exhale and lower. Watch leg and ankle alignment both up and down no wobbles.
*Ideally, this exercises should be done on a step or a 2 x 4 so that the heels can lower slightly
below floor level. They can also be done on one leg at a time. Use a wall or barre for balance if
Watch For
The heels to stay together throughout. Maintain balance and control. Weight evenly distributed
between the big and little toes. Avoid wobbles at the ankle. Maintain a neutral spine.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Footwork - Rolling Up & Down
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Roll Up* Reps: 3-10
This can be done in the traditional V-position, or parallel. Stand in the selected position. Bend
the knees, being sure the knees go over the toes. Lift the heels, being sure the heels stay together.
Straighten the legs keeping the heels lifted. Lower the heels with straight legs. Bend the knees,
Lift the heels, Straighten the legs, Lower the heels. Watch leg and ankle alignment throughout.
Roll Down* Reps: 3-10
This can be done in the traditional V-position, or parallel. Stand in the selected position.
Keeping the legs straight, rise up on the toes, Keep the heels together and lifted, and bend the
knees. Be sure the knees go over the toes for proper alignment. Lower the heels, then straighten
the legs. Repeat 3-10 times.
*Ideally, these exercises should be done on a step or a 2 x 4 so that the heels can lower slightly
below floor level. They can also be done on one leg at a time. Use a wall or barre for balance if
Watch For
The heels to stay together throughout. Maintain balance and control. Weight evenly distributed
between the big and little toes. Avoid wobbles at the ankle. Maintain a neutral spine.
Standing Footwork - cont.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Photos not available at this time.
Copyright MM by Aliesa George & Centerworks

Pilates Institute Supplemental Exercise Manual - http://www.CenterworksPilates.com

Standing Footwork
Prancing in Parallel Reps: 5-10
Prancing can be done slowly to work through the feet, or more quickly to elevate the heart rate.
Lower one heel to the floor, and push through the other foot to a pointed position. Continue
moving, alternating feet. Concentrate on heel ball- toe as the foot lifts off the floor, and toe
ball- heel to return. Work through the feet. The emphasis is UP, a light lifted body.
Balance 1 Leg Reps: 1-3 each leg
Balancing exercises work on control and centering. They are especially beneficial for older
clients. To begin stand on one leg and lift the other up slightly foot by the ankle. Hold as long
as possible. Use a wall or barre if needed until balance is more secure. A V-position will provide
a more stable base of support.
Options for the non-supporting leg:
Knee Front, Knee Side
Straight Leg Front, Side, Back
Attitude Front, Side, Back
More Advanced balance on the toes
Perception & Awareness:
Have clients try to balance with their eyes closed. This can demonstrate how important
our eyes are in providing stability with balance and movement.

Centerworks Pilates Institute
210 N. Washington, Box 3526
Wichita, KS 67201-3526
Studio Tel: (316) 265-9700
Toll Free: Phone & Fax: 1-877-874-7578
Do you ever experience foot pain?
Do your feet ache after a long day at work?
Do you avoid exercising the rest of your body because you
want to keep the pressure off your feet?
Have you been searching for ways to help your feet feel better, but
are having trouble finding the best solution?
It can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be . . .
Here are some of your options for Foot Care:
Depending on your feet, you could schedule a consultation with a podiatrist. Based on the
professional diagnosis of your medical foot specialist, you can make decisions on the most
appropriate plan of action to improve the health of your feet. Some problems might easily be fixed
with surgery.
This can be a quick fix, but any medical procedure is going to be expensive. In addition to the
financial investment you will also have to plan for your recovery it will require time off work,
and time off your feet. Plus there are no guarantees! You face the possibility that the pain you
had, might just be replaced with new or different problems once the procedures are completed.
Your next option might be orthotics, or special arch support inserts for your shoes. These can be
bought off the shelf designed as a one pair fits all (but really each of us have unique and
different feet.)
Or you can pay hundreds of dollars for custom fit inserts that are molded specifically for the
contours of your feet. While arch supports can be very helpful there can be a few drawbacks
here also. Our feet are designed to be strong and flexible, with the ability to adapt as the surfaces
we walk. As your health and posture improve, your feet will change too. If you purchase inserts
that can not be readjusted as your body changes they may at some point make you feel worse
instead of better.
So, before you take drastic measures, schedule surgery, or invest in
expensive inserts, you owe it to yourself to consider learning the exercises
in the Fantastic Feet book that have helped others improve the health of
their ankles, arches and toes!
Relieve Your Foot Pain
Why not start with a safe, simple, economical approach to improving health. Exercises
specifically designed for your feet are detailed in full, complete with illustrations in the
Fantastic Feet.
We spend time exercising every other part of our body but don't do much for our feet. We cram
them into poorly fitting shoes, stand for long hours, pound the pavement to exercises our heart &
lungs, and wear old and beloved favorite shoes that gave up supporting our feet a long time
ago. By learning a simple and fun series of exercises that you can do at home or at work you can
start improving the strength and flexibility of your feet and ankles training the muscles of your feet
and lower legs to provide real support for your bodyfrom the inside out. (cont..)
Treat your feet!
Whether you have flat feet, high arches, bunions, hammer toes, or healthy feet
and you want to keep them that way. . . the FANTASTIC FEET exercises can benefit you.
With only a few minutes of practicing these easy to learn FANTASTIC FEET exercises just
2-3 times a week, you can significantly improve how your feet feel, and enjoy the benefits
of improving your posture from the ground up.
Work at your own pace! There are exercises that are performed lying down, seated and standing
so that you can pick the level that's most appropriate for you, with lots of choices to challenge you
when you're ready for more.
Best of all, these exercises can work for all ages!
It this 92 page illustrated book, you'll learn
Habits for Improving Your Posture to Properly Distribute the Weight on Your Feet
to Help Avoid, Knee, Hip and Back Pain.
How to Maintain Good Alignment So Your Muscles and Joints Move Efficiently
Proper Use of the Foot and Ankle Helps You Walk with Ease and without
Promote efficient movement and good health from
the ground up with Fantastic Feet!
Fantastic Feet! Book
Exercises to Strengthen Your Ankles, Arches & Toes.
If you have flat feet, weak ankles, notice uneven wear patterns on your
shoes, tight calf muscles, limited mobility in the toes, feet, ankles, or
have healthy feet and want to keep them feeling fine, this book can
benefit you.
We cramp our toes into tight shoes, pound the pavement daily, and
expect our feet to support us without complaint. In fact we spend time
exercising just about everything except our feet.
This easy-to-use exercise manual will provide you with exercises,
seated, standing, and laying down for healthy and happy feet.
Simple to follow, great descriptions, lots of photos, this book is an
excellent tool for developing an exercise program specifically to
improve the subtle muscle imbalances that start at the feet and
affect our posture and health.
(92 Pages - Authored by Aliesa George)
Fantastic Feet! Book $20
Fantastic Feet! Book + 2 Therabands Combo $25
Also available as a PDF e-Book online at http://www.centerworkspilates.com
Posture Principles
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12-point checklist for perfect standing posture;
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A series of questions to help you assess posture habits; and,
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This information is great client homework. An excellent place to start when
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*Enhance Posture *Improve Awareness *Get Results!
Select either DVD or VHS versions:
VHS Format $79
DVD Format $79
Centerworks Pilates
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This series of eight Pilates Training Manuals is one of the most
comprehensive Pilates resources available on the market.
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CDROM with PDF Documents Version Only 197
Basic Matwork
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80 pages - 22 exercises - 141 photos
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The Reformer
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Intermediate Matwork
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113 pages - 60 exercises - 353 photos
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Advanced Matwork
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The Chair
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Supplemental Exercises
A great addition to your bag of tricks for
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Return to Life is the original Pilates exercise book written
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This Pilates-inspired artwork will look great in your home or studio!
Hurry and place your order, before this Limited Edition piece is sold out.....
Dont miss your chance to show your Pilates Enthusiasm, and help support the PMA!
PILATES ART - Limited Edition, Bronze Sculpture
Bronze Sculpture 14 h x 10 w
Black marble base
with beveled edge 12 x 4 x 1
Total dimensions 14 x 18 x 10
Approximate weight 17 lbs.
Special -Limited Offer
Only $895
Save $100 (Reg. price $995)
Hurry & order - This special price
is available for a limited time.
Aliesa George, Centerworks

P.O. Box 3526, Wichita, KS 67201-3626
Toll-Free Phone/Fax 877-874-7578
Studio Phone (316) 265-9700
email: aliesa@CenterworksPilates.com
Use the attached order form TODAY!
Suspended Motion
by artist Donna Cooper
This work was commissioned by

Pilates to honor
the first Annual PMA Pilates Day.
A portion of the proceeds from
each piece will be donated to the
Pilates Method Alliance.
Heres How To Order:
Order Today! PILATES ART - Limited Edition - Bronze Sculpture
Suspended Motion by artist - Donna Cooper
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Enhance Posture Improve Awareness Get Results

Pilates Institute
Phone/Fax 1.877.874.7578
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