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Shepherd of the Pines

Lutheran Church
1950 125
Street NW
Rice, MN 56367
Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home/Study Phone: 320-363-1323
Email: sotpministries@jetup.net
Church Website: sotpministries.com
Are you ready to step into the post summer journey as we seek to
follow the voice of our Living Lord? As we focus over the next few months
on learning to listen to the Lords voice and follow !is leading, " share the
following thoughts with you.
Listen to the kinds voice inside you. #ake time to listen to
this vice so it can $ecome more and more clear. Listen and
welcome this kind voice into your soul. %alk with this voice.
Ask it &uestions and seek it out when you need a friend.
%his voice is God the !oly 'pirit who lives within you as
you have received (esus )hrist as your 'avior. Listen as God
the !oly 'pirit talks to you. Lord, help me to remem$er
*oure always there inside me. *ou are always ready to have
a conversation with me. *ou have always loved me and *ou
speak to me a$out what is for my $est. %hank you Lord (esus,
!oly 'pirit, +ather God for choosing to live in me, $e my friend
and to have a personal relationship with me. #y part is to
choose to take time from my $usy day to listen and talk with the
loving voice of #y Lord who lives inside me $y the !oly 'pirit.
,salm -./01 reminds us to, 23e still and know that " am God.2 Lets listen
for the voice of our loving, guiding, all wise God as we step into each new
God $less you,
Joint Board of Lay Ministry/Executive Ministry Team Meeting
Pending Approval Minutes
August 21
, 2014
BOLM members present: Brad Jasmer, Deb Erdmann, Keith Peterson, Keith Hackett, Juli Popp, Brent Betker, and
Pastor Bob.
bsent: Ja! "aldana and #a!ne Johnson
Properties: $on Bulthius
EM% members: Maria %raut, Brenda Hackett and Michelle Motchke.
Brad Jasmer called the meetin& to order at ':() pm. Pastor Bob opened *ith pra!er.
Brent Betker read the mission statement.
cts chapter + *as read and discussed.
Treasurers report *as re,ie*ed. motion *as made b! Brent and seconded b! Deb to take monies out o- '.(((
Other Ministries to co,er the e/penses -or those people attendin& the Da,e $amse! Momentum trainin&. Motion
carried. Brent Betker made a motion to accept the report -ollo*ed b! a second -rom Keith Peterson. Motion
$on reported he is collectin& bids -or replacin& the concrete in -ront o- the church. He also *ants to take
the handrail out0ha,e it sand blasted and po*der coated.
Heather recei,ed the part needed -or the Kur1*eil. "he is lookin& -or someone kno*led&eable in that area
to help her install it.
Ke,in Maleska is dra*in& up a plan -or the e/pansion o- the kitchen area. %his is 2ust the be&innin& sta&e
o- the pro2ect.
Man! items ha,e been sold -rom the &ara&e but there are man! more items -or sale. 3heck *ith $on i- !ou
*ould like to see *hat is still a,ailable.
4our locked co,ers ha,e been purchased to co,er the ceilin& -an control buttons in the church sanctuar!.
EMT Reports:
Worsip Team, !ma"" #roup and !ervice Team
Jointl! the teams reported the! are *orkin& on hostin& an ppreciation Da!. %he! *ould like to sa! thank
!ou and appreciate those that ser,e the church at an! le,el. %he e,ent *ill be on October 5.
at 6:+(pm.
"tartin& in "eptember the teams *ould like to hi&hli&ht + di--erent ministries each *eek. %ables *ill be set
up in the -ello*ship hall. Please stop b! and &ather in-ormation on the di--erent ministries "O%P has to
o--er. %his *ill be a &reat *a! to connect *ith those people alread! in,ol,ed in the ,arious ministries.
%here *ill also be si&n up sheets i- !ou *ould like to take part in a particular ministr!.
!ma"" #roup: Brenda Hackett
3urrentl! there are onl! . teachers and . helpers si&ned up to teach "unda! school. Please pra!er-ull!
consider helpin& out as a "unda! school teacher or !outh &roup leader. "unda! school *ill start
"eptember 57

!ervice Team: Maria %raut
E,ie has re8uested a ,ie* and simpli-ication o- the -ello*ship time. %he summer months ha,e been
lackin& in participation -or ser,in& -ello*ship time. %he! are brainstormin& di--erent *a!s to handle
-ello*ship durin& those months.
Operation 3hristmas 3hild is up and runnin&. Each bo/ costs 9'.(( to ship. %he! are in need o- help to
co,er the cost o- shippin& the bo/es.
3losed 2oint meetin& *ith pra!er b! Pastor Bob. EM% e/cused at ::5.pm.
!ecretarys report: "ecretar!;s report *as re,ie*ed. Motion *as made b! Keith H. and seconded b! Juli to
accept the minutes as printed. Motion carried.

$"d Business:
3emeter! pro2ect has been put on hold until the nnual Meetin& in <o,ember.
%e& Business:
%uesda! "eptember :
at 'pm President Don 4ondo* and Pastor Brad! 4innern *ill be at "O%P -or a
con&re&ational pre=call meetin&.
#orship schedule *as re,ie*ed throu&h "eptember .>th.
<e/t BOLM meetin& *ill be %uesda! "eptember 56th at 'pm.
Keith H. made a motion to donate 9)((.(( -rom mission monies to "t. Paul;s church in $o!alton. %his *ill
help -und the release time -or the .(57=5) school !ear. Motion *as seconded b! Deb. Motion carried.
Discussed the desi&nation o- 3ircuit 4orum $epresentati,e -rom "O%P.
Da,e "trohshein -rom Prince o- Peace Lutheran "chool *ill a,ailable bet*een ser,ices one "unda! in
<o,ember to talk about the school. Pastor Bob *ill con-irm date.
Pastor Bob 4rank and <ina ha,e re8uested to ha,e their membership trans-erred to Our $edeemer
Lutheran 3hurch in Bloomin&ton, ?L. Motion *as made b! Juli and seconded b! Keith H. to accept their
re8uest. Motion carried. Blessin&s on their 2ourne!.
Pastors 'omments( <one
Leaders 'omments( <one
Brent made a motion to ad2ourn the meetin& and Deb seconded it. Motion carried. Meetin& ad2ourned at 5(:.(pm.
3losed *ith pra!er.
$espect-ull! submitted b! Deb Erdmann, "ecretar!
We have been praying for our
church family each week as we go
through our church directory from
A to Z. As you go about your
daily tasks lift a prayer for the family of the week as
the Lord brings them to mind.
In September we will be praying for:
!eptem)er * + Lisa , Brad"ey Ring
3hildren: Jessica, Brandon, lana, K!le
!eptem)er -. + /ustin , Megan Roc0en)ac
3hildren: Emma, Jack, Dani
!eptem)er 1- + Jeremy Roc0en)ac
!eptem)er 12 + 3atie Roc0en)ac
3hildren: Haile! @ Ka!den
Congregational Pre-
Call Meeting
Tuesday, September
at 7:00pm.
There will be a pre-
call meeting with President Don Fondow and
Pastor Brady Finnern here at Shepherd of
the Pines. Everyone is welcomed to attend
as we seek od!s will for contin"ed Pastoral
#eadership in the months and years to come.
The idea is to see if the #ord wo"ld g"ide "s
to someone who co"ld work with Pastor Bob
for a time and then step into the position of
#ead Pastor as Pastor Bob retires in $%&'.
Please pray for the #ord to reveal (is plan
and p"rpose for "s.
*our $rothers and sisters in )hrist
at 't. ,aul4s Lutheran in 5oyalton
joyfully welcome your support of
our outreach to area children
through the 5eligious 5elease
program. *our support ena$les us
to reach a$out 61 students
7ednesday mornings during the
school year with God4s truth and
love from various churches and
those without a church home.
)lasses for grades 086 run from
9/:1am to noon starting
'eptem$er 01
. ,lease stop $y for
a visit or call ,astor Greg %omhave
at :;18-<:8<=.0 if you would like
to help.
On Sunday, September 13, we
will be taking up our Noisy
Offering for the Rice Area
Quilters !hank you for your
generous contributions"
IP!"#$%# &$#ES #!
1( Se)tember *
Christian Education Parent
2( Se)tember -
at .:00)m
Con,re,ational Pre/Call
*( Se)tember 10
S!#P Saints Parent eetin,
4( Se)tember 10
-:*0 am
Wednesday ornin, 'ible
Study Starts

0( Se)tember 14
Sunday School 'e,ins
+( Se)tember 1.
S!#P Saints 'e,ins
Hello E1eryone2
Se)tember is HE"E( Sunday
school 3ill be startin, on Se)tember
( I 3ill be ha1in, a short
teachers meetin, on Se)tember *rd
at our )arent4s meetin,2 to ,o o1er
the ne3 material and ans3er any
5uestions be6ore 3e start teachin,
our little ones 7od4s 3ord( Pray that
the 8ord blesses us 3ith the
teachers 3e need to ma9e this an
ama:in, year 6or our children and
that 3e ha1e the children attendin,
and learnin,(
;enni6er 'et9er // Sunday School
Dear Parents,
s *e enter the .(57=5) "unda!
"chool !ear, *e are at a crossroads as a
leadership team. s o- u&ust .(
, *e onl!
ha,e 5 adult and . helpers si&ned up to teach
our children on "unda! mornin& and 5)
children Pre=school=>
&rade re&istered -or
"unda! "chool. "o, the 8uestion is...ADo *e
continue to ha,e a pro&ram or is there a
*ant -or the "unda! "chool pro&ramBA #e
ha,e ordered and recei,ed the A4aith
#ea,ersA curriculum -or this !ear. ?t is
comparable to the A3ookA pro&ram that *e
ha,e used in the past but a little easier. #e
*ould like to in,ite all o- our parents to a
Aplannin& -or the -utureA meetin& on
#ednesda!, "eptember +
at 6:+(pm.
Please plan to attend and &i,e !our input on
this ,ital area o- our church &ro*th. "unda!
"chool *as set to be&in on "eptember '
*e *ill mo,e this start date to the 57
pra! that Cod mo,es hearts to -ill the
teachin& spots -or !our childrenDs spiritual
lso, *e ha,e no leaders -or our "r.
Hi&h Eouth Croup. &ain, this *ill be a
topic to discuss this ni&ht also. #hether *e
continue *ith ne* leaders or allo* our
Eouth Croup to cease.
Please, please pra! -or CodDs direction
concernin& this ministr! and come to this
meetin& at church and help to make critical
decisions on the 3hristian Education o- our
kidsF &ain, Wednesday4 !eptem)er 5
6:57pm in te fe""o&sip a"".
%hank !ou,
Brenda, Jen, 3olleen, $o/anne, Pe& @
Pastor Bob
)ome seeking all that
the !oly 'pirit has for
us. #ore Love 8 #ore
,ower 8 #ore God.
>enise Leahy will $egin
a class on Sunday2 Se)tember
14, $etween services at -:40am
until 01/;1am on the 7i6ts o6 the
Holy S)irit. ?veryone is invited to
attend. %here is always more God
desires us to know and experience.
#hri1ent <inancial is
hostin, a tri) to see
Hello &olly= at the
Chanhassen &inner
#heater on Saturday2
!ctober 42 2014( We 3ill
lea1e >ion 8utheran2 411 *rd $1 %E2
8ittle <alls2 at -:00 $( #he tic9ets
are ?.-( "eser1e your tic9ets by
callin, Carlyle !lsen at @*20A +*2/
1+00( Please mail your )ayment by
chec9 to: #hri1ent C2 100 1st St
%E2 8ittle <alls2 % 0+*40 3ithin one
3ee9 o6 your reser1ations(
Cool prayer to keep life's struggles in
perspective. Sent in by Marge Taylor.
#han9 you 8ord2 6or sho3in, me
in a thousand 3ays2 that nothin,
3ill e1er
satis6y me2 but Bou(
#han9 you 6or lea1in, a trace o6
in e1ery s3eet thin, I see9(
#han9 you 6or lea1in, me 3ith
em)ty hands a6ter Cndin, 3hat I
3as so sure 3ould satis6y(
#han9 you 6or lettin, others
disa))oint me 3hen I may ha1e
needed them2 because all these
thin,s sent me to you(
;oan Hutson
September 18, 2014 1:00-9:00pm
$50/person or $75/2 people
Attend this workshop to lern how to !"lti#te $o"r
prentin% skills in the res o& respe!t&"l
!omm"ni!tion, responsibilit$ nd dis!ipline tht
works &rom toddlers to teens' (ep the bene&it o&
dis!"ssin% new ides with prents o& similr-%ed
!hildren in $o"r &mil$ %rden'
)resenter: Anthon$ *r%
OF DAILY LIFE: *+( )A(,-.S +* /01S 20.3
A131 +( (,4A.,1 5+-10.0+-S
September 20, 2014 7:00-9:60pm
$5/person or $8/2 people i& re%istered b$ Sept' 19
$10 t the door
-tionl presenter, 1r' 7ohn .$lor, will o&&er $o"
b"ndnt strte%ies to help $o"r !hild with A131
&lo"rish' 5rete home en#ironment tht
en!o"r%es pe!e&"l ro"tines o& trnsitions in the
mornin%s, t mels nd bedtime' 8row $o"r !hild to
be more s"!!ess&"l in s!hool s well s home nd
the !omm"nit$' 5o-spnsored with A-1-A-9'
)resenter: 1r' 7ohn .$lor
September 29, 2014 7:00-9:00pm
$15/person or $25/2 people
5hildren, :"st like plnts, need time to sleep or be
dormnt' 3elth$ %rowth depends on tht' 4ern
more bo"t sleep needs' 1e#elop ro"tine &or $o"r
!hildren;s bedtime ro"tine like $o" do &or preprin%
$o"r %rden with eno"%h time to &oster %ood moods,
de!ision mkin% nd lernin%' 4i#e in the b"ndn!e
o& %ood rest'
)resenter: 1r' 7enni&er 9iller
To register for a! of t"ese #$asses% &isit
Reso'r#e Traiig ( So$'tios at )*+ ,*
St. S%
Sarte$$ or &isit ///.reso'r#etraiig.#o0
Greetings Everyone!
Well, school is literally right aroun the
corner an so !e begin back to scheule for
the church ti"e too. # al!ays like su""er, but
# o like to get back to routine! There are a fe!
stuies that !ill be beginning this "onth for
anyone intereste. Monay nights, Tuesay
night laies, Wenesay "orning, an Sunay
"orning. $lease !atch the bulletin for !hat the
topics are an co"e %oin the %ourney in Go's
We also roll on Sunay School the &'
this "onth. $lease sign up your chil(ren),
consier teaching or helping out in a roo" an
pray that Go can enter the hearts of the kis.
#t is a tool for a lifeti"e to learn an !ill stay
!ith the" in their ti"es of nee as they gro!!
We are still in nee of a youth group leaer
too. This is such a re!aring calling, # pray that
Go can "ove hearts so our youth can
continue to gro! in *is !or, co"e together as
a fa"ily of brothers + sisters to fello!ship, an
learn to serve !ith the talents Go has given
En%oy your last ays of su""er! May the
Go of creation put beauty in your eyes to see,
a love in your heart to gro! closer to *i", an
a peace that *e is in control in your aily !alk!
$eace an blessing to you all!

,rena *ackett
S"all Group Tea" -eaer
Worship Shepherds
Se1te02er + 3eit" Ha#4ett
Se1te02er )5 Bret Bet4er
Se1te02er ,) De2 Er-0a
Se1te02er ,6 Wa!e 7o"so
September 7 8:00m Ste#e < (o=nn (ee
10:60m .ro$ < 1eb )opp

September 14 8:00m 7$ < 4eh Sldn
10:60m >r"!e < Sndie (es!h

September 21 8:00m 1eb ,rdmnn < 7ordie St$
10:60m /eith < /th$ 5r&t

September 28 8:00m >rin < 3ether Stt?
10:60m )t < 5rol (olph

Se1te02er + 6:88a0 Ro9a Ree
)8:*8a0 Caro$ Tri4$ei

Se1te02er )5 6:88a0 7aet :a$es4a
)8:*8a0 Sa-ie Res#"

Se1te02er ,) 6:88a0 Lois Per$e2erg
)8:*8a0 Ho/ar- Forer

Se1te02er ,6 6:88a0 Peg :aea
)8:*8a0 Ca0ero S#"roe-er
September 7 >rin < 4is *iedler

September 14 3owrd < -n!$ *orer

September 21 (i!hel 2einnd

September 28 Al < >e# 8erds
Dennis Arntson, Laurie Madoll,
Keith Kirchner
0& it is $o"r t"rn to ser#e &ellowship,
plese brin% some trets to shre
nd rri#e erl$ to help set "p' 0&
$o"r nme is &irst on the list, plese
rri#e 60 min"tes prior to the 8:00m
ser#i!e to mke !o&&ee' .he
dire!tions &or mkin% !o&&ee re
posted on the b"lletin bord in the kit!hen' 2hen $o" ser#e
&ellowship, plese pln on ser#in% !o&&ee nd trets nd
!lenin% "p the kit!hen &ter the &irst ser#i!e' .he others
ser#in% with $o" wo"ld ppre!ite it@
Se1te02er + ; T. O0a% D. S4a<e/s4i% :. H'ter%
B. Stat=% W. A-erso
Se1te02er )5 ; 3. :a$es4a% C. Co$$is% D. S"ae
3. H'"e>7. Po11% D. D'22i

Se1te02er ,); 7. Ne$so% L. Po11% 7. Boat=%
C. Wa$2erg% S. Pito4
Se1te02er ,6 ; 3. E$$efso% D. :isse$$% A. Gera-s%
L. 7e4is% D. :i#4e$so
September 7 - 1 5orinthins 12:1-6
September 14 - 8ltins 6:10-14
7ohn 7:67-69
September 21 - ,phesins 5:15-20
(omns 15:16-19
September 28 - 0 Sm"el 6:1-11
4"ke 10:68-42
DJ Janski, Deb Erdmann,
Linda Omann, Joan Ramey
Se1te02er + 6:88a0 Bi$$ Para-eis
)8:*8a0 Deise Lea"!

Se1te02er )5 6:88a0 To! O0a
)8:*8a0 Noa" E$$efso

Se1te02er ,) 6:88a0 Deis Artso
)8:*8a0 :att"e/ Ne't=

Se1te02er ,6 6:88a0 :i4e Latti0er
)8:*8a0 Noa" E$$efso

%$%PR$89T $R#(
:(!( P$!T;#E
R9'E4 M%
PERM9T %$( 51
$E%G$< "E$H?3E" $EIGE"%ED
Jesus Loves...
Bob Trinklein, Pastor
Church Phone: 393-4295 Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323
Email: sotpministries@jetup.net
Church Website: sotpministries.com
!$TP B$;R/ $8 L;< M9%9!TR</EL/ER!
Brent Betker, Hice=President )>7=>5'(, Deb Erdmann, "ec. +:+=7.':, Keith Hackett +:+=7)+5, Brad Jasmer, President )>7=)'>),
#a!ne Johnson .)+=:(.(, Juli Popp, %reas. +:+=++)+, Ja! "aldana +:+=.':., Keith Peterson .:.=7(('
$on Bulthuis, 3hurch Properties .)+=76.+
E=E':T9>E M9%9!TR< TE;M
Brenda Hackett = "mall Croup %eam Leader, Michelle Motschke = #orship %eam Leader, Maria %raut = "er,ice %eam Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to !" #$%&'() !".* S+I(I' !,.! -#L. */0.1 W2$& *,0/
or call the church office and listen to the message.
!eperd of te Pines Mission !tatement: 'onnecting Peop"e to #od?To $ters?and To !ervice
%he purpose o- this con&re&ation is mandated -or us b! our Lord and "a,ior, Jesus 3hrist, as -ound in the *ords o- the Creat
3ommission JMatthe* .>K, namel! -irst o- all to Co. %o lea,e our *alls o- re-u&e, &oin& into all the *orld, comprisin& o- our -amilies
and nei&hbors. #e plan to achie,e our purpose b! identi-!in& persons *ith *hom *e are particularl! *ell=e8uipped to ser,e and reach
*ith the challen&e o- becomin& Disciples o- 3hrist.
"econd, to Make Disciples or in the *ords o- "t Paul, L%o e8uip the saintsM JEphesians 7:5.K. %his is to be understood as helpin&
people to li,e the 3hristian li-e here on earth. Preparin& and encoura&in& !oun& and old alike to -ind and to use their Cod &i,en &i-ts
and abilities -or the e/tension o- His Kin&dom, and to &ro* in -er,ent lo,e -or Cod and -or others.
%hirdl!, to Bapti1e as commanded b! Jesus Himsel-. s Cod reaches do*n to mankind *ith His means o- &race, He *ould ha,e us
bapti1e His people, brin&in& them into His -amil! and Kin&dom, &rantin& to them li-e, -or&i,eness o- sins, and eternal sal,ation.
nd lastl!, to continue stead-ast in His #ord, %eachin& them to obser,e all thin&s *hatsoe,er ? ha,e commanded !ou. continued
1eal -or the stud! o- His #ord, the Bible, is necessar! -or the &ro*th o- an! 3hristian con&re&ation. %hus, the #ord o- Cod *ill be
tau&ht and studied in -ull measure and His #ord shall be the rule and norm o- this con&re&ation;s -aith and li-e.
%o that end, our e,er! e--ort and ener&! *ill be used in moti,atin&, trainin&, and puttin& to use our time, and talents and treasures
to Make Disciples.

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