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Press release

MAN Truck & Bus AG

MAN Truck & Bus awarded major order from Russia for 2,188
bus engines
MAN engines to power cit buses from Russian bus manufacturer !"A#
$!ikinski Awtobusn #awod%&
MAN Truck & Bus announced the delivery of 2,188 engines to LIA at the trade fair in !ortri"k,
Belgiu#$ LIA is a su%sidiary of the &A &rou', (ussia)s %iggest auto#o%ile co#'any$ The
order is valued in the high dou%le*digit #illion euros and co#'rises a range fro# efficient diesel
engines to natural*gas engines$ The 12* to 18*#etre city %uses e+ui''ed ,ith these engines ,ill
o'erate #ainly in the local 'u%lic trans'ort syste# of the (ussian #etro'olis of Mosco,, %ut %us
services in -t$ .eters%urg and other (ussian cities ,ill also %e 'o,ered %y MAN)s advanced
drive technology$ A''ro/i#ately half the engines ordered %y LIA have already %een delivered
and the order ,ill %e co#'leted %y the end of the year$
0A #a"or city like Mosco, has very high standards for its 'u%lic trans'ort syste#$ 1ity %uses
have to ensure relia%le, 'unctual service regardless of e/tre#es in the ,eather and large
'assenger volu#es$ The ro%ust, eco*friendly MAN engines are the ideal %asis for ena%ling high*
'erfor#ance, secure o'eration of the vehicles$ 2hat is 'articularly 'leasing is the fact that in
MAN)s 3uro*4 and natural*gas*'o,ered engines, LIA, as one of the #ost i#'ortant %us
#anufacturers in (ussia, has selected drive technology that goes easy on the cli#ate for clean
'assenger trans'ort,0 says Lars 5i##er, Managing 6irector of MAN Truck & Bus in (ussia$
The s#ooth*running MAN 67889 L:5 diesel engines as ,ell as the 37889 L:5 1N& engines
are distinguished %y their high 'o,er density and #ini#al noise generation$ The engines also
have in co##on their outstanding econo#y, ,ith lo, fuel consu#'tion and #iserly
re+uire#ents in ter#s of lu%rication$ Thanks to MAN .;(3 6I3-3L

technology, the
environ#entally*friendly MAN 67889 L:5 engines <3uro = and %etter> do not re+uire any
additives$ The 1N& engines offer %est e/haust*gas values, significantly %etter than 33? even
,ithout 'article filters$ They can %e run on s'ecially treated %io gas, ,hich achieves a large
reduction in 1:2 e#issions$ 3ven ,hen o'erating on fossil natural gas, the 1:2 e#issions are
slightly lo,er than those of a diesel engine$
The (ussian #anufacturer LIA is a long*standing %usiness 'artner of MAN Truck & Bus,
having e+ui''ed 1,747 of its vehicles ,ith MAN engines %et,een 277@ and 2717$ This ne,
#a"or order for 2,188 engines is another i#'ortant ste' for MAN Truck & Bus on the ,ay to
MAN Truck & Bus AG
Dachauer St. 667
D-8099 Munich
A!!ress en"uiries to#
Dr Det$e% &u'
Te$. ()9-89-*80-+00*
Munich, 20/10/2011
- 2 -
esta%lishing itself on the (ussian #arket, not only as a co##ercial vehicles #anufacturer %ut
also as a 'rovider of diesel and gas*'o,ered engines for trucks and %uses$
2$@72 characters <incl$ s'aces>
Aor #ore infor#ationB
T'e Transport (fficienc )rogram from MAN Truck & Bus
The a#ount of trans'ort and traffic on 3uro'e)s roads is rising$ At the sa#e ti#e, the long*ter#
d,indling of energy resources is #aking trans'ort increasingly #ore e/'ensive$ As one of the
,orld)s leading #anufacturers of %uses and trucks, MAN Truck & Bus #akes an i#'ortant
contri%ution to the continued i#'rove#ent of trans'ort efficiency$ MAN offers a co#'rehensive
efficiency 'rogra# to reduce total cost of o,nershi'$ Trans'ort efficiency, consolidated in the
fields of technology, service, the driver and future e/'ertise 'rotects the environ#ent and is
added value for our custo#ers$
MAN Truck & Bus A&, head+uartered in Munich, &er#any, is the largest co#'any of the MAN &rou' and a leading international su''lier of efficient
co##ercial vehicles and innovative trans'ort solutions$ In fiscal 2717 the enter'rise, ,ith around 81,777 e#'loyees, 'osted sales of #ore than 44,777 trucks and
over 4,=77 %uses and %us chassis of the MAN and N3:.LAN %rands ,orth @$= %illion euros$

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