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Building Intellectual Character

Written by Jamie on May 29, 2009 in Learning Tips - 6 Comments

6 Attributes That Will Make You a Better Learner
The biggest mistake learners make is viewing intelligence as a fixed attribute.
Youre either smart or youre not. You have it or you dont. In reality, our brains are pliable and our capabilities are
often limited by our own self-doubt.
While some people may be more naturally gifted in the academic field,everyone can improve their capacity to learn
by building their intellectual character.
What is Intellectual Character?
Intellectual character is an assemblage of attributes or dispositions that distinguish a person as someone capable of
clear, effective thinking.
In the teaching-oriented book Intellectual Character, Ron Ritchhart explains it like this:
Intellectual character[is] an umbrella term to cover those dispositions associated with good and productive
thinkingthe concept of intellectual character recognizes the role of attitude and affect in our everyday cognition
and the importance of developed patterns of behavior. Intellectual character describes a set of dispositions that not
only shape but motivate intellectual behavior.
Someone with moral character is said to be honest, fair, kind, and loyal. Someone with intellectual character
possesses attributes that result in effective lifelong thinking and learning.
The attributes of intellectual character are not simply habits; they are beliefs about learning more permanently
ingrained into a persons way of seeing and interacting with the world. Attributes of intellectual character persevere in
different situations, different places, different times. Just as a person with moral character would be honest in a
number of different circumstances, a person with intellectual character demonstrates effective thinking in the
workplace, the home, and the community.
You Wont Learn This in School
Unfortunately, most people dont develop intellectual character by sitting in a classroom. Many adults still dont have
the attributes necessary to think critically and learn effectively on their own. Their intellectual character isnt flawed;
its simply underdeveloped. David Perkins of the Harvard Graduate School of Education put it this way:
The problem is not so much bad intellectual character as simple lack of intellectual character. Its not so much that
the world is full of dedicated anti-intellectuals out to ignore evidence, think along narrow tracks, sustain prejudices,
promulgate falsehood, and so onas it is that the common lot is to be neither here nor there, neither high nor low,
neither strong nor weak, in fact, mediocre in the Latin root sense of medius, middle, without much distinctive
intellectual character at all.
An underdeveloped intellectual character is a problem, both on a personal level and a societal level. People lacking
intellectual character find their growth stunted and interact with their circumstances on a childlike level. When a nation
consists primarily of people who do not have the attributes of effective thinkers, the progress of an entire society can
be hindered.
The 6 Attributes of Effective Learners
Many traits may fall under the umbrella of intellectual character. However, Ron Ritchhart has narrowed it down to six
essentials. He categorizes these traits into three categories: creative thinking, reflective thinking, and critical thinking.
Youll find them below with my notes added.
Creative Thinking (looking out, up, around and about)
Trait #1 Open-minded. A person who is open-minded is willing to look beyond what they know, consider new ideas,
and try new things. Instead of closing themselves off from dangerous information that may alter their world-view,
they demonstrate a willingness to consider alternative possibilities.
Trait #2 Curious. Many inventions, discoveries, and creations were the result of a curious mind. A curious thinker
isnt afraid to wonder and ask questions about the world.
Reflective Thinking (looking within)
Trait #3 Metacognitive. To be metacognitive is to continually think about your thinking. It is to monitor your own
thought process, be aware of problems that arise, and direct your mind in the way you want it to go. This is probably
the most difficult attribute to acquire. However, the payoff can be tremendous.
Critical Thinking (looking at, through, and in between)
Trait #4 Seeking truth and understanding. Instead of simply believing what is most convenient, people with this
attribute actively seek. They find truth / understanding by considering many possibilities, searching for evidence, and
testing the validity of possible answers.
Trait #5 Strategic. Most learning doesnt happen by chance. Strategic people set goals, plan in advance, and
demonstrate productivity.
Trait #6 Skeptical. A healthy dose of skepticism helps people better evaluate the information they come across.
Effective learners are open to considering ideas. However, they carefully evaluate new information with a critical eye.
This helps them sort out the truth from the spin.
How Gain the Attributes of Intelligence
Building intellectual character wont happen overnight. Just as the body requires exercise to get into shape, the brain
requires practice to change the way it processes information.
Chances are you already have many of the attributes listed above (you are, after all, someone who reads a blog
about learning). However, everyone can strengthen their character in some way. Identify an area that could use
improvement and work towards integrating it into your intellectual character.
Think about the attribute you want to develop regularly and find opportunities to practice it when you come across
difficult information (in a book, on TV), need to solve a problem (at work / in the community), or are presented with a
new experience (traveling / meeting new people). Soon, your thoughts will turn to habits and your habits will become
an essential part of who you are.
photo credit: santanartist
Further Reading
Lessons in Shaping Intellectual Character
The Concept of Intellectual Character and Its Connection to Moral Character
What is Intellectual Character (Message Board Discussion)
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6 Comments on "Building Intellectual Character"
Randy May 30, 2009 at 2:19 pm Reply
A valuable reminder for us all. Thank you, Jamie. Your posts always generate additional questions for me to ponder.
Such as:
How many K-12 teachers integrate these six principles as strategies to explore the given subject matter? I ask
because the deficiency defined in the article: many adults lack at least some attributes of intellectual character,
leaves us with a dilemma. If its not learned in school, and adults lack some of the skills to pass it on at home, how do
we do better than a hit-and-mostly-miss approach for todays youngsters?
Brian May 31, 2009 at 1:03 pm Reply
Id also like to addconfidence/arrogance.
While it is a delicate balance to keep, I think a certain degree of confidence in your opinions and arrogance in your
beliefs are necessary when forming opinions. I find that many people who hold the open-mindedness trait in
extremely high esteem tend to lack confidence in a lot of their opinions and instead bend to the view that seems to
carry the most authority, rather than the view that is correct.
A fine example of this is when Ken Binmore called G.E. Moores formulation of the naturalistic argument puerile. I
laughed when I saw it written, as I do not think I have the gumption to call anything that G.E. Moore writes puerile,
but maybe I ought to.
Jamie June 1, 2009 at 1:52 pm Reply
Randy, you definitely have a valid concern. Unfortunately, teachers rarely demonstrate these attributes. Instead of
helping students learn how to think, they spend time teaching themwhat to think. I dont have a great solution to the
problem. However, I do think that just talking about these ideas raises awareness and can hopefully help people
(including teachers and parents) think about their own intellectual character.
Brian, thats an interesting addition to the list of attributes. I can see what you mean about the need for confidence in
decision making. George Crane said: You can have such an open mind that it is too porous to hold a conviction.
A scientist, for example, can be open to many possibilities. However, at some point he has to make a decision and
write down a theory based on the evidence hes observed. It may not end up being correct, but its better than
becoming so overwhelmed with the possibilities that he doesnt explore the one that makes the most sense.
I dont think arrogance would be the right term for it. Maybe something like decisive? Ill put this on my list of
things to think about.
Anon June 1, 2009 at 8:47 pm Reply
Calmness of mind is also very important for learning. When people are constantly
interrupted by cell phones, each other, or are easily distracted it is hard to learn.
One needs a certain amount of quiet and peacefulness if not on the outside then at
least on the inside in order to be able to read, listen and absorb knowledge.
Another thing that trips people up is not having sufficient foundation to be able
to appreciate what they are learning. Sometimes if as little as one or two pieces of information have not been
absorbed, a certain appreciation is lost, and learning becomes less meaningful. Thus, certain topics appeal to
different people at different times
in their life.
Trait 4 needs to inform trait 5. If one seeks some goal other than understanding,
understanding will probably suffer.

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