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Periodic signals: Complex valued sinusoids

Nurgun Erdol
Review: Complex numers
A complex number x is a special combination of a pair of real numbers r and m as

x r jm = +
In rectangular coordinates. An alternate way of expressing x is in polar coordinates as
x x =
where the magnitude
2 2
x r m = + and the phase ( )
tan / m r

. The example in Figure 1
shows the complex number 4!" in the complex plane with its real and imaginary parts of 4 and
"# respecti$ely. The complex number 4!" is at a distance
2 2
4 " % x = + = from the origin and
at an angle ( )
tan "/ 4

Figure 1. The complex plane showing the location and components of complex number 4!".
The complex number in can be written in another polar coordinate form as
x x e

&o for the example
4 " x j = +
# we can write
( )
tan "/ 4
x e

. To see that it con$eys the same
information as and # we write ( ) cos' ( sin
e j

= +
and note that ( ) cos 4 / % =
# ( ) sin "/ % =
( )
( ) ( )
tan "/ 4
% %'cos sin ( %'4 / % "/ %( 4 "
e j j j

= + = + = + .
)*uations and are e*ui$alent for complex $alued functions as well. &ome examples are gi$en
1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
cos 2 sin 2 # 1# 2
j t
x t e t j t x t x t t

= = + = = . ,ou can map this on the

complex plane# such as the one in Figure 1. ,ou should consider its $alues for different
$alues of t. &elect points on ( ) for - .#1# 2# "#..#12#1"#../ / 12 x t t = K
$alues are shown in
Figure 2. 0ote that since the period is 1# . and 1 t = map to the same point at . degrees#
as do the $alues for
4 / 12 and 1
t = at 12. degrees.

1et ( ) ( ) { } ( ) cos 2
x t real x t t = =
and ( ) ( ) { } ( ) sin 2
x t imaginary x t t = =
. )ach one is
plotted $ersus t in Figure " and the points corresponding to those in Figure 2 are mar2ed
with 3.
2. ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 2 /"
cos 2 2 / " sin 2 2 / " # 1# 2 2 / "
j t
x t e t j t x t x t t

= = + + + = = + .
4apping this on the complex plane for
- .#1# 2# "#..#12#1"#../ / 12 t = K
results in Figure 4.
0ote that since there is a phase shift of 2 / " radians or 12. degrees. 0ote also that the
magnitude is still 1 so all the points lie on a circle of radius 1.
( ) ( ) { } ( ) cos 2 2 / "
x t real x t t = = +
and ( ) ( ) { } ( ) sin 2 2 / "
x t imaginary x t t = = +

are plotted $ersus t in Figure % and the points corresponding to those in Figure 4 are
mar2ed with 3.
". ( ) ( ) ( ) cos 2 sin 2 " x t t j t = + . 0ote that the magnitude of this function is not 1. Why?
Its polar plot in the complex plane for . 1 t is gi$en in Figure 5 and the plots# $ersus#
time of the real part ( ) cos 2 t
and imaginary part ( ) sin 2 "t
# the magnitude and phase of
( ) x t
are shown in Figure 6. 7ompare the results as they all relate to the same signal.
8ecall that a real $alued periodic function satisfies the property
' ( ' ( f t f t T = +
for all $alues of
. A complex $alued periodic function satisfies the same condition which means its real part
must be periodic and its imaginary part must be periodic also.
1. Find the periods of the complex valued functions given above as examples. Validate
your results against the given plots associated with the functions.
2. Write M!"# programs to duplicate the graphs of Figure $%Figure &.
Figure 2.
2 j t

for $alues of
.#1/ 12# 2 / 12#... t =
. 0ote the same points are co$ered after one
cycle is complete.
Figure ". 9lot $ersus time of the real and imaginary parts of
( ) 2 j t

o$erlaid with points
corresponding to those shown on the complex plane of Figure 2.
Figure 4.
'2 2 /"( j t
for $alues of
.#1/ 12# 2 / 12#... t =
. 0ote the ad$anced starting point at 2 / "
radians or 12. degrees.
Figure %. 9lot of the real and imaginary parts of
( ) 2 2 /" j t
$ersus time o$erlaid with points
corresponding to those shown on the complex plane of Figure 4.
Figure 5 Trac2 ta2en by the complex signal ( ) ( ) ( ) cos 2 sin 2 " x t t j t = +
for . 1 t .
Figure 6. 9lots of the real and imaginary parts 'left column( and magnitude and phase 'right
column( of the two fre*uency sinusoid ( ) ( ) ( ) cos 2 sin 2 " x t t j t = +

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