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In English and in Castellano :

Todo sobre la saga de Knapp .

Writen by - Escrito por Alfredo J uillet Frascara.
2007- 2012 (55167 Words).
noviembre de 2013

Desglose =
Original en castellano:14
Knapp 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18 22 24, 25 (29 trad),30,31

Original in English: 27
Knapp 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 23 26 27 28 29 32
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Nombre Titulo Idioma Ao Gregoriano
and Stardate

Knapp 1 Gefuhl Konslo. Castellano year 3478
Knapp 2 Hunter Astor English year 3507
Knapp 3 The Elocorotes English year
3537 (32)83999.6714
Knapp 4 Ducko Gamcounin English year 3552
Knapp 5 Perion from J anarvia English year
3602 (33)79002.3066
Knapp 6 Leo Dervil Castellano year 3637
Knapp 7 Hosen Mareras Castellano year 3647
Knapp 8 El Club del Dinosauri Castellano year 3657
Knapp 9 Knapianos Ketibar 5 Castellano year 3757
Knapp 10 Lerbiu Castellan year 3758
Knapp 11 Mundifico English year 3759
Knapp 12 Darude English year 3769
Knapp 13 Shurvana Castellano year 3769
Knapp 14 Daughters of lady Shurvana English year 3770
Knapp 15 Synthetic HumanoidsEnglish year 3770
Knapp 16 Petze Obgleich English year 3772
Knapp 17 Washol Ogbort English year 3814
Knapp 18 Mereone Maleo Castellano year 3871
Knapp 19 Niete Hang English year 3871
(36)48001 6701
Knapp 20 Weiher Gorfarten Englis year 3871
(36)48001 6701
Knapp 21 Daron Hinauer 1 English year 3976
Knapp 22 Daron Hinauer 2 Castellano year 3981 [37]58002.5599
Knapp 23 Digobert Farol English year 4071
Knapp 24 Diforsin Castellano year 4092
Knapp 25 Surton Castellano year 4118
Knapp 26 Tiasur English year 4220
Knapp 27 Cacepi English year 4221 (39)
Knapp 28 Claimbers English year 4221 (39)
Knapp 29 Ogbort English - Castellano year 4.231 al 4.283.
Knapp 30 Ogbort sigue Castellano year 4.231 al 4.283.
Knapp 31 Erina Castellano ao 4283 al 4478
Knapp 32 Synthetic Adventures year 4499 to 4533
Knapp 33 Gretchen year 4533 to 5351
Knapp 34 Volker year 5351 to 5562
Knapp 35 Norton year 5390 to 5400
Knapp 36 Flordon year 5400 to 5500
Knapp 37 Skizler year 5520 to 5540
Knapp 38 Tolobar year 5500 to 5600
Knapp 39 Erson year 5600 to 5610
Knapp 40 Dante year 5610 to 5660

Sistema planetario de Knapp =planetas
#3 Knapp
#4 J avel
#5 Pedisequus


Gefuhl Konslo estudia en la Academia de Monlau, ciudad en el planeta
J anarvia (Gamma de Piscis III) ,colonizado por Viodel Nastirenio en el
ano 3230 , por cuenta de la Federacion de Planetas (Sede Tierra).
Es ahora el ano 3478. Gobierna en Monlau el rey Nastirenio IV. El
padre de Konslo vende combustible en el Cosmodromo de Monlau.
J anarvia tiene 8 continentes , con mucha vegetacion. Sus habitantes
se movilizan en Fliers, y hay Fliermiones de carga aerea. A Gefuhl le
hace clases el profesor Worsof. Existen androides de Inteligencia
Artificial (I.A.); hay muchos modelos, el corriente es el KB.
Worsof creo un Desfasador Dimensional, pasa a otra Dimension, a un
planeta virgen a hacer estudios; Gefuhl lo visita y se pierde en el
bosque . El I.A. KB 308- 45 sale en su busqueda (pagina 8/145).
Capitulo 2. Gefuhl en Lorinata. Va por el bosque, ve un Dimetrodon.
Se topa con seres peces galopando sobre simios gigantes (10/145).
Huyendo, ve al Dimetrodon atacar a los hombres peces, que al caer
de sus cabalgaduras, apenas se mueven; el Dimetrodon se los come.
Gefuhl prosigue y se alimenta de huevos gigantes. Halla a una mujer,
y viendo que la persiguen algunos hombres, permance con ella oculto,
huyen a una montana (14/145). Se la lleva un hombre a lomos de
Simio, mas tarde la reencuentra, atada junto a ese hombre y a algunos
otros; les desata y huyen juntos. (14/145).
Llegan ante un muro: es la ciudad de Oredloro.
Vagando por Oredloro, termina de ayudante del herrero Tiper.
Guardias le llevan a servir de ayudante de panadero. Mientras va de
compras, le ve la mujer que salvara en el bosque, y (18/145) quien le
viste y perfuma. (19/145). Ella le dice su nombre : Rixia, hija del
Almirante Timlen. Este regresa de su campana maritima , con
despojos en carretas para el Rey Knapp. Le cuentan de Gefuhl, y le
amenaza si trata de ver a Rixia de nuevo. Ella se acerca a Gefuhl y le
convence de hacerse marino, unico medio de surgir y ser aceptado
(23/145). Se le destina al navio del capitan Silvaco. Dos meses
despues, el Almirante comanda la flota y parten; al anclar en una bahia
fueron atacados por enanos antropofagos; en la refriega cae Gefuhl al
mar, y se oculta en la selva; al dia siguiente retorna al barco "Rocio"
del capitan Sulvaco (28/145).
En la ciudad de Noito, Ositan el rey, planea el ataque contra los
humanos de Oredloro.
Cazan Parasaurolophus (sirven de corceles y de comida).(32/145).
Posteriormente cazan y embarcan ejemplares vivos de
Homalocephalecalathorceros, Elaphrosaurus Bambergi. Entran a la
ciudad de Oredloro con ellos. Gefuhl encuentra a Rixia, quien pretende
seguir con el romance. Le pagan 800 rolos por su desempeno de
marinero (36/145).
El Rey Knapp quita apoyo al almirante Timlen , por dejarse sorprender
por la raza de los pigmeos. Gefuhl trabaja de herrero. Ilana, sirvienta
de Rixia, llega para guiarle a los muelles, pero Gefuhl no logra reunir el
dinero para pagar el viaje, y Timlen, con ocho navios y su familia,
zarpa y se aleja por el mar.
Gefuhl comienza un romance con Ilana, pero esta huye con un hombre
acaudalado al empezar el cuarto mes juntos. Gefuhl viaja con otros
pobres a pie, de Oredloro hasta el puerto de Oxiborion .Le reciben en
un barco pesquero, capitan Marnandu; el "Ibakura". (43/145). Llega un
navio de la flota de Timlen : esta a 340 km. Hacia el norte, y pide al rey
autorizacion para fundar una colonia, pero este pide traiga la flota de
Gefuhl logra embarcarse en la nave que va hacia Timlen, pues
muchas vacantes dejan los que desertan; y llegan al lugar en que
ancla la Flota Real. El capitan Sarong informa a Timlen de la orden del
rey Knapp .(44/145). Al dia siguiente de su llegada, Gefuhl conversa
con Rixia, quien le informa que esta comprometida con el Duque
Axiolpen, por ordenes de su padre. 20 dias despues zarpan y en dos
dias llegan a Oxiborion. En reunion con el rey Knapp, Timlen es
destituido de su cargo de Almirante, y lo reemplaza con el Conde
Faiolo. Como Timlen reclama, el rey le confisca todos sus bienes.
Rixia casa con el duque de Axiolpen (47/145) .Pero no le acepta en su
dormitorio. Gefuhl entra de incognito a su pieza, y luego se la lleva a la
Herreria, aprovechando de que el Herrero ha desaparecido.
El nuevo Almirante se une a la flota y se hace a la mar.
Gefuhl compra un carromato y se lleva a Rixia hacia Oxiborion
(52/145). De alli montan en simio corceles y siguen por las laderas
montanosas, hacia el sitio en que Timlen queria fundar una ciudad ;
hallado el lugar, habitan alli durante dos meses y dos dias, fecha en
que ven anclar navios en la rada. (57/145).
Les atisban desde lejos, y se dan cuenta de que son enanos
deformes. Deciden ir a avisar a Oredloro del peligro, y huyen a pie. En
el camino, el I.A. KB 308-45 enviado a por Gefuhl les halla. Gefuhl
decide viajar al campamento Worsof, pasando por Oxiborion para
avisar del peligro de los enanos. Llegan tarde: los enanos estan
tomando la ciudad de Oxiborion a sangre y fuego. En el camino hacia
Oredloro, el I.A. 308/45 ayuda a Rixia para llegar antes y avisar;
Gefuhl les sigue, pero al llegar a Oredloro, le intercepta el I.A. 308/45
,diciendo que a Rixia le escucharon ,pero que su esposo el duque
Axiolpen se la llevo a su casa.
Se encargan de rescatarla, lograndolo facilmente ya que el Duque de
Axiolpen y los demas cortesanos han sido ordenados para la guerra
por el rey Knapp; asi, huyen y con la guia del I.A. 308.45 llegan al
Campamento Worsof, y hallandolo desolado, deciden esperar, junto a
los sirvientes que llevara Rixia en el viaje. Gefuhl decide establecer
una colonia alli, y viaja a Oxiborion a atraer fugitivos a la nueva
locacion. Son capturador por el duque de Axiolpen: Rixia es
nuevamente enviada a su casa, y Gefuhl a las mazmorras. El I.A. KB
308/45 les rescata, usando sus sistemas de defensa electronica.
Conseguido esto, huyen hacia el Campamento Worsof solos; esta vez
ha llegado el profesor, quien se asombra de saber que hay humanos
organizados en el planeta, ya que en sus demas viajes a otros
planetas, no ha hallado senales de seres inteligentes.
Worsof envia a J anarvia , via Desfasador Dimensional (O saltador de
Branas) a los dos jovenes y sus sirvientes; ya en Monlau , se les da
alojamiento a los sirvientes y a los jovenes, a traves del ayudante del
profesor, J urgen .
Este J urgen pide al profesor Worsof que le encomiende una
expedicion a Knapp, para traer especies vivas a J anarvia (se interesa
por los enanos, a los que supone homo florensis). (pag 70/145).
Rixia permite se estudie su raza al entregar a sus sirvientes a los
laboratorios del Gobierno de J anarvia (SANGRIDOR 32). Le pagan en
cuotas de 32.000 Creditos mensuales ,durante un ao. Asi, recibe 18
millones de Creditos, que Gefuhl reparte equitativamente entre los
sirvientes, Rixia y el mismo.
Reitze quiere ayudar a repeler la invasion a Oredloro; el profesor
Worsof le secunda . Se contratan mercenarios, se compra armamento
y motocicletas . Atacan, al ver a los enanos cercando Oredloro.
Muchos mueren bajo las flechas , pero ametrallan enanos sin piedad,
hasta quedarse sin municiones (76/145).
Regresan al Campamento Worsof ; el profesor usa sus ultimos
recursos monetarios en rearmar a su ejercito de mercenarios.
Dos dias despues, J urgen entra a la ciudad de Oredloro, siendo las
21.10 horas, con los que lograron atravesar el cerco de los enanos
El I.A. KB 308/45 les sirve de traductor. El Rey Knapp les da una
audiencia. Alli se habla de ayudar, y de cobrar en oro, para pagar las
armas que se requieran. Nombra Capitan del Ejercito Real a J urgen
Reitze, bajo el mando del Coronel Taterpando. Se hara una salida,
para ofrecer tiempo a Ritze, quien debera demostrar la potencia de las
armas que trajera : morteros, ametralladoras, granadas de mano .
Regresan luego a la proteccion de las murallas ; Reitze contabiliza dos
muertos y diez heridos entre su tropa original; se les acaba la municion
( 82/145).
Fiticornio, el Tesorero Real de Oredloro, entrega el oro : cinco mil kilos
. Son cargados en veinte carretas, resguardadas por sesenta y cinco
guerreros Oredloritas .(83/145) Logran alcanzar la selva , pero se
topan con un Barionix, el que se come al teniente Wieder ( a cargo de
la tropa). Prosiguen, guiados por el IA KB 308/45 . Pierden dos
carromatos en el ataque del Barionix, pero no el oro, que reparten
entre los demas carros, todos tirados por simio-corceles.
El comandante Osvalten, quien gobierna la tropa Oredlorita, planea
matar a lso extranjeros y robarse el oro; por eso, J urgen envia a un
sicario (Larfen) a matarle; y lo hace, aunque luego no se le halla por
ningun lado. (87/145). J urgen tiene un romance con una de las
Cocineras, Lamderia. J urgen se proclama jefe de todo el contingente
(porque los Oredloritas querian elegir a un nuevo Comandante de
entre ellos mismos). Luego, estos piden permiso para efectuar un
reconocimiento del sector, y J urgen los autoriza. No vuelven mas.
Esa noche, ruidos de dinosaurios. J urgen decide seguir la marcha a
oscuras - guiandose por las estrellas. Al amanecer, vuelve el I.A.
308/45 , diciendo que imito a una bestia carnicera, para que le siguiera
un par de Hetereodontosaurios hambrientos, que ya tenian olfateados
a los simio corceles . (89/145).
Llegan al Campamento Worsof, y J urgen cruza con Lamderia a su
mundo, busca al profesor Worsof y le informa de lo sucedido. Deciden
seguir contratando mercenarios, y adquiriendo armamentos. En pocos
dias, regresa J urgen a Knapp con mas armas, pertrechos,
motocicletas, ametralladoras sobre los carromatos. Al atravear un
riachuelo, son atacados por los enanos, a los que repelen
disparandoles con todo. Cruzan el riachuelo y entran al bosque
(92/145). Combaten por entre los arboles, y desde Oredloro captan el
movimiento inusual de los enanos y sale la caballeria simia a
ayudarles (92/145).
Ingresado el convoy a la amurallada ciudad de Oredloro, el rey Knapp
recibe y reparte las armas entre todos sus guerreros. Siete dias
despues (ocupados en instruir al personal, no hay salidas) ,
contraatacan a los enanos, quienes han iniciado una gran ofensiva :
esta vez barren con el enemigo , que se esconde en el bosque. El rey
Knapp da el titulo de Capitan General a J urgen Reitze, y le avisa que
se prepare para atacar al enemigo en Oxiborion. Tres dias mas tarde,
avanzan hacia Oxiborion; se topan con dos Deinonicos , a los que
ahuyentan a balazos. Al bajar hacia la costa, se enfrentan con los
Enanos (96/145). Vieron barcos ardiendo en la bahia de Oxiborion, y
numerosos incendios en los muelles. Al amanecer del dia siguiente,
llegan efectivos del Ejercito Real, apoyando el desalojo del enemigo.
Dos dias despues, el rey Knapp llega a la retomada ciudad de
Oxiborion. Llega luego la Flota Real, y el Rey Knapp degrada a su
Almirante a capitan de navio, nombrando a Lord Darenis como el
nuevo Almirante de la flota Real.
Al regresar a Oredloro, el rey Knapp descubre que hay ya poco oro en
sus Arcas Reales : la Reina ha gastado mucho en joyas !
J urgen recibe oro, plata, electron, en la forma de monedas, y joyas,
objetos utilitarios en metales preciosos, para rearmar al Ejercito Real.
El Tesorero Fiticornio agrega pieles y cueros, a fin de ver otros medios
de llegar a la cantidad de dinero requerida por J urgen Reitze.
Ya cargados los carromatos, viajan hacia el Campamento Worsof ;
hallan Euplocefalos herviboros , que son muertos , faenados y asados
con premura. J urgen ingresa al Campamento sin mas problemas, con
la ayuda del IA KB 308.45 .(100/145)
El Centrosauro que merodeo en el camino, aparece en el
Campamento Worsof; J urgen le ataca con los guerreros de Oredloro
(los mercenarios ya habian cruzado hacia J anarvia). Se combate con
lanzas y granadas; J urgen es herido y el Centrosauro es muerto,
dejando muchos heridos , los que son transladados a J anarvia para
ser curados. (101/145).
En el Hospital General de Monlau, J urgen ve noticiarios locales, en
que aparece el rey janarviano, NASTIRENIO IV, en la luna de J anarvia
: Pokal , y en vacaciones; tambien ve noticias de la Federacion de
Planetas (101/145).
El profesor Worsof se encarga de la compra de pertrechos de guerra.
Rixia y Gefuhl visitan a J urgen en su pieza de Hospital (101/145). Rixia
(ojos verdes, rubia , joven , etc.) le invita a reponerse a su casa , y le
pregunta que batallon comanda (es el 23). En el dia siguiente, otra
sesion en el Regeneratorix, y queda J urgen de alta, pero con
obligacion de guardar reposo por tres dias. La Cyborg clase AB le da
el alta, biomedico con ojos ciberneticos en modalidad Opalo. Gefuhl
reafirma la invitacion a recuperarse a su casa, piso 202, en donde
hospeda Ritze por una noche, suficiente para acostarse con Rixia. Al
dia siguiente, visita al profesor Worsof; este le indica que puede seguir
en el trafico de armas : construye ya un desfasador dimensional mas
amplio. J urgen se encarga de las compras (104/145).
Batallon 23 : de los cien efectivos, quedan 87 operativos (J urgen es
general del ejercito real de Knapp); capitan Chetpo del batallon 3
apoya; J urgen promociona a Gogor al rango de Capitan . Hombres del
batallon 23 tienen su vacacion en Monlau. (105/45). De ah, de regreso
a Oredloro; el
Guerrero Birden (30)es herido en el viaje y regresado a Monlau; sigue
el viaje, con Sickol , Lerfion y otros en motocicleta. Llegan a Oredloro,
se hospedan en casa del I.A. 308/45, quien es promovido por el rey
Knapp a Lord. El Lord I.A. habla con el ex almirante Timlen, pues
J urgen quiere hacerle recuperar su perdido prestigio (107/145). J urgen
le envia a Timlen un modelo de buque a vapor, para que se lo muestre
al rey Knapp y este lo implemente en su flota.
J urgen es comisionado por el comandante Berento, y parte a
Oxiborion con cartas para el mariscal Axiolpen, quien esta ausente de
la ciudad, pero su lugarteniente le ordena patrullar la costa (desde
tierra); J urgen sale a pasear en bote, halla cofres reposando en el
fondo a poca profundidad, los saca y son objetos robados a la ciudad
por parte de los derrotados enanos , con la ayuda del guerrero Dasino.
Axiolpen regresa a la ciudad de Oxiborion, y J urgen le entrega las
cartas, y regresa con el oro a Oredloro de inmediato (110/145).
Sauriopeltas en el camino; derriban a dos velociraptores. En la ciudad,
el IA 308 45 informa que el Rey Knapp y la Corte rieron al ver el
modelo a vapor, y le pidieron otros seis modelos , como juguetes, a
Timlen, quien se encerro en su hogar y cree que todo fue planeado
para humillarle mas. J urgen da dinero a sus guerreros, y permiso para
salir de franco, aunque ruega no hablar del Tesoro. A la vez, indica al
I.A. KB 308 45 que cargue carretas para sacar el oro desde Oredloro
hacia el Campamento Worsof en la manana siguiente. (111/145).
Sale sin problemas , seguido del I.A. 308 45 con los carros cargados
con los cofres y el oro. Divisan a dos Minmi y a varios Velociraptores .
Un Barionix viejo, un Euplocefalo (112/145). Edmontonianos,
Quentrosaurios, que desbaratan carretas y simios-corceles.
Voluntarios : Horing, Shishesh, Sweiro, Rados, Macono el conductor
de carretas. Reparan carretas despues del ataque y siguen. (113/145).
Cazan un Mayadaurio. Ornitolestos .
Capitulo 10. LLEGADA AL CAMPAMENTO WORSOF. J urgen lleva el
tesoro a J anarvia. Financiero (y comprador de metales preciosos)
Warkor visita Knapp. Mechabot. Visita a Rixia en J anarvia : Gefuhl
esta enfermo en un Hospital. J urgen se lleva a Rixia a Knapp
En viaje en motocicleta desde Campamento Worsof a Oredloro, con
Rixia y diez otros motociclistas armados del Batallon 23. Ven
Camarasauros , Labocanio, tres Eustreptospondilos. (326). Mueren
algunos voluntarios y el I.A. 308-45 (118/145). Prosiguen en dos
motocicletas, noche entre los arboles, ven a un Avimimo.
en barraca del batallon 23, Gogor : el Economo le cuenta que en el
Depto. Abastecimientos del Ejercito no les dan nada. El mariscal de la
guerra, Duque de Axiolpen, ex de Rixia, le dice que como hallo un
tesoro, no lo declaro, y por tanto, lo gaste en mantener a su batallon .
Como J urgen ya no tiene dinero, organiza una expedicion contra los
Enanos. Gogor, lugarteniente; Lage, Minched, Ijad : tenientes . Parte
con Rixia y el batallon 23 hacia Oxiborion.
TESOROS. (122/145).
Celofisios, Lanasaurio, Yangchuanosaurios ; llegan a Oxiborion.
CAPITULO 14. EN OXIBORION (123/145) Comanda fuerzas en
Oxiborion el pariente de Axiolpen, Duque Labino. Contrata Ritze a dos
navios, se van hacia el Sur por el mar.
Llegan a un rio, remontan curso, siguen por tierra combaten a balazos
a los Enanos. Entran a la ciudad , combaten, incendian, sacan botin ,
cargan en carros de los Enanos y uncidos los simio corceles, salen de
alli con el tesoro (127/145). Viajan de regreso en los barcos
arrendados; el duque de Axiolpen trata de retener el tesoro, pero
J urgen se opone y viaja a Oredloro , adonde llega y se instala en la
Torre 23, con su tesoro (128/145).
J urgen Reitze pide audiencia al rey Knapp, y otorgada, le da un cofre
con joyas y le explica su proceder con el Almirante de la Guerra,
Axiolpen . El rey Knapp acepta las explicaciones, y J urgen decide
volver al Campamento Worsof. Viaja, tras banquetear a los generales
Xamin y Nialog, ademas de otros invitados. Se lleva a los integrantes
de su batallon XXIII.
Ocho dias de marcha hacia el Campamento Worsof con carromatos.
Hallan edificio de cinco pisos terminado: Worsof hallo plata en uno de
los planetas visitados ( Planeta Platafon). Tiene ya el Desfasador
Amplio , y transporta camiones y otros vehiculos. J urgen y Rixia visitan
Platafon (clave 01- 32) por algunas horas; viendo que es un planeta
con vegetacion. Regresan a J anarvia (Monlau)tras ver caer a un
precipicio a Worsof, con quien tropezo J urgen ! (131/145). Informa al
ingeniero en jefe (de los proyectos del profesor Worsof) Asarko, y le
triplica el sueldo , para proseguir con los proyectos. Rianve, jefe
proyecto de minas en Platafon, regresa y se opone a Ritze,
desconociendole participacion en proyectos de Worsof. J urgen le
encarcela a el y seguidores, a traves de guerreros del Batallon 23, con
oficial Gorgon al mando. (132/145). Ritze funda Rixiaberg en el lugar
del Campamento Worsof. Proyecto "Apertura" se finaliza : es
Desfasador Dimensional con forma de portal instantaneo (como
cortina electronica, en vez de capsula viajera). (136/145).
Se construyen edificios, calles, planta atomica de energia electrica, en
Rixiaberg. El rey Knapp envia a un destacamento al mando de Lord
Ordimbruke, para que J urgen se reporte al rey Knapp, bajo
acusaciones del Almirante de la Guerra Axiolpen.
Agrega el Lord Ordimbruke que no puede fundar una ciudad sin
autorizacion . El oficial Gogor lleva la respuesta al Lord Ordimbruke:
J urgen declina el nombramiento de general de las fuerzas reales, y
declara que es el rey de Rixiaberg. Tras una escaramuza , el Lord
Ordimbruke regresa a Oredloro, herido.
En las montanas cercanas a Rixiaberg se halla mineral de Uranio. Fin.
AJ F prepared this resume between the 16 and 17 J uly 2007 Chile.
Suy day.

"Knapp 1 o Konslo Gefuhl" . Resumen corto.

Konslo Gefuhl es de J anarvia, planeta lejano, y desde alli y a traves
del desfasador del profesor Worsof, viaja a Knapp, en donde conoce a
Rixia, esposa del duque Axiolpen, y se la lleva a J anarvia; alla enferma
y muere, y Rixia vuelve a Knapp con J urgen Reitze , quien es
ambicioso, y heredando a Worsof, crea un reino para si mismo y Rixia.
En Knapp hay muchos dinosaurios vivos, y el rey Knapp vive en
Oredloro .

Oxi bori on
General Rei tze, Jurgen (Janarviano)
Teniente general Gogor (Oredlori ta)
Guerreros Oredlori tas : Saki o
Los vol untari os : Horing, Shi sesh, Sweiro, Adui ferno, Macono et
ot. Todos murieron en el vi aje de regreso a Oredl oro en
motoci cleta comi dos por un dino.
Capi tan Wardroi , ESIST , nave transporte (de pesca) en ruta a
ciudad Enano

Datos: Janarvia pl aneta, Monl au la ci udad del rey Nastireni o IV
Personas ,titul os, edades y situaci ones varias : Personajes:
Konsl o Gefuhl Konslo (18); Ami go: Rufo Labarbe (22); The bad
boy: Felipe Guaje (18), The Beaut y : Areza Vi ta (19), The bl ack
beauty :Duapa Vi ar (18),
Mother of Gefuhl :Dirigi a Di pi o (48). Father of Gefuhl : Prugel
Konsl o; Secretary of Prugel : Ermini a (38, married); Profesor
Worsof (58) ;
Lugar : Ci udad de Monl au, Planeta Janarvia , Estrell a Gamma de
la Constelacion Pi sci s .
Monlau, pl aneta Janarvi a.

Rey Nastirenio IV , descendi ente del primer gobernante que llego
al planeta Janarvia .
Personaj es: Konsl o Gefuhl Konslo (18); Ami go: Rufo Labarbe
(22); The bad boy: Feli pe Guaje (18), The Beauty : Areza Vi ta (19),
The black beauty :Duapa Vi ar (18),
Mother of Gefuhl :Dirigi a Di pi o (48). Father of Gefuhl : Prugel
Konsl o; Secretary of Prugel : Ermini a (38, married); Profesor
Worsof (58) ;
Oredl oro :
Mariscal es :
Mariscal de l a Guerra Duque Al xiolpen (Marido de Rixi a)
Almirantes :
Almirante Timl en, destitui do por escandal o de su hija al huir con
Gefuhl , en el di a de su casami ento con el Duque Al xi olpen.
Almirante conde Fai ol o, desti tuido por demora en vol ver a
Oxi bori on (que quedo a merced de l os enemigos Enanos).
Nuevo Almirante es Lord Darenis, 12 aos en la Marina, 52 aos
de edad.
Tesorero real Fiti cornio, 62
Comandante Berengo, en Oredl oro.
Rixia la muj er sal vada del bosque; (Casada a la fuerza con el
duque Al xi ol pen, huye con Gefuhl, huye con Jurgen).
Gal berto (45) hermano de Rixia, jefe en el Ej ercito; Su padre es el
Almirante de la fl ota, Timlen (destitui do despues).
Laulari o, amigo de Galimotobi erto; Roton, ofi cial de Marina.
Lambrofin, capi tan de l a " Coleni da"
Herrero Tiper,
Capi tan Sil vaco de la " Rocio" ; marineros: Freror, timonel; Cutri er,
Contramaestre; Feul enco, mari nero cadaverico;
Capi tan Sorong,, de l a " Tempestad" .(Navio envi ado por Timl en
para pedir autorizaci on de fundar ci udad al norte).
Oleg, mari nero, Asari o= timonel, Akerio = contramaestre/primer
ofi cial de l a Tempestad" .

Noito, ci udad de l os gnomos; Rey Ositan

Lugares y detall es vari os :
Oxi bori on, puerto cercano a Oredl oro, distante 20 km.
Dinero circulante : Rol os (Un Rolo, un Dlar , Un Credito) A pi e:
En Flier
Distancias: De: A 100 km por hora A 6 km
por hora A 600 km por hora
Rixiaberg a Oredl oro : 800 km 8 horas
30 dias 1.10 hora
Rixiaberg a Oxiborion 1.100 km 11 horas 36 dias
2 horas
Rixiaberg a Ri o Canae 600 km 6 horas
1 hora

En el conti nente mayor, l ado oriental , hay un golfo cerrado; en su
parte media esta la desembocadura del ri o Canae; a su lado sur
esta el puerto de Oxiborion.
En li nea recta haci a el occi dente, esta la ci udad de Oredl oro. El
Campamento Worsof esta haci a el nor oeste de Oredloro, entre
una cadena de montanas y las plani cies en que el bosque nati vo
toma apel ati vo de Sel va Dinosaurica.
Asmar : girasol nati vo

Animal es:

*1 = Dimetrodon versi on nati va, con algunas di ferencias con el
ejemplar terrestre. Los nombres dados aca se apli can grosso
modo , para tener referencia con los ejemplares conoci dos por l a
pal eontol ogia asequi ble por el amable e hi potetico lector). Que es
un Dimetrodon ? Dimetrodon (Dientes de dobl e medi da) es un
gnero de depredadores si npsidos (reptiles similares a
mamferos) fsi les, que prosperaron durante el perodo Prmico
de l a era Pal eozoi ca, vi viendo en una poca entre 280 y 260
millones de aos atrs. Se encuentra ms emparentado a los
mamferos que a l os verdaderos reptiles (Sauropsi da) como l os
dinosaurios y lagartos. El dimetrodonte no fue un di nosaurio, a
pesar de ser popularmente agrupado con el los; en real idad, se
clasifi ca como pel icosauri o
El dimetrodn era un depredador dominante, el ms grande de
sus ti empos. Poda crecer hasta 3 metros de l ongi tud. Es tan
renombrado porque a diferencia de l os di nosaurios, tena un gran
crneo con dos ti pos de dientes di ferentes (desmenuzadores y
afil ados cani nos). Cami naban menendose en cuatro patas y
posean una cola muy larga.
La caracterstica ms di sti nti va del dimetrodonte es l a
espectacular al eta en su parte posterior. La aleta fue
probablemente utilizada para regular la temperatura del cuerpo; el
rea de la superfici e l e permita cal entarse o refrescarse
efi cientemente. Puede que tambi n se haya uti lizado en ri tuales
de apareami ento y para resguardarse de otros depredadores. La
aleta estaba soportada por las espi nas dorsal es neural es, cada
una brotaba de una vrtebra indi vidual.
El dimetrodn fue descubi erto por primera vez en Texas, Monlau,
por Edward Dri nker Cope.

Knapp 2

Astor the explorer from J anarvia Planet city of Morlau, Gamma Piscis
he traveled with tourists to a planet beyond the Brana : Knapp.There
he fights one of the tourists :Huston, and killed him. When returning ,he
is punished with a big fine.A second voyage spoiled the spaceship but
he and two other persons is saved and left at Knapp, where he met a
quadruped kind of humanoids; had intercourse and rise several sons.

Knapp 2 , or Hunter Astor .
( Foll ow up of " Knapp one or Konsl o Gefuhl " )
Written Enero 2007
cuento de CF escrito por Alfredo J uillet Frascara .
Characters - Personajes:
Queen Rixia of Rixiaberg, Knapp planet. - Astor , Hunter - Doctor
Franz - Miss Maria Lwiron, daughter to Senator Lwiron of J anarvia .
Lucrifuga , efemale for Astor while on the spaceship.
Captain efemale : Trefulgona , spaceship Onefin".
Shista = Special Hubot Intelligence Section Temporal Agency - Barilia,
a woman - Mr. Huston , tourist ;
Tourists : nine tycoons with their ladies .The men: three from Earth =
Hudson, Bushion, Gonzalez ; two from J anarvia =Iwo, Sasko, Lee,
and three from J avel, the fourth planet of Knapp's planetary system,
and of course, of Asiatic stock =Shuiyen, Sukito, Akio .
The mistresses =Latinia the clever, Marlene, Olivia, Shaon, Barilia,
Teniada Noshan Legan Lenevia Tidilenia .
Servants to the Millionaires : 21. Ten emales, eleven efemales , names
: Ejames, Efederico, Ejusto, E49, Egarlo, Efredo, etc. And the efemines
: Edia, Egarla, Egasta, Enette, Ekala, and etc.
SafariCrew members : 8 : Saldan, hunter.Goston, Farendo, others

Agilisaurus louderbacki Peng, 1990
Bellusaurus sui Dong, 1990
Drinker nisti Bakker, Galton, Siegwarth et Filla, 1990
Epachthosaurus sciuttoi Powell, 1990
Monkonosaurus lawulacus Zhao, 1990
Richardoestesia gilmorei Currie, Rigby, et Sloan, 1990
Tarascosaurus salluvicus Le Loeuff et Buffetaut, 1990
Lugar : Ci udad de Monl au, Planeta Janarvia , Estrell a Gamma de
la Constelacion Pi sci s .
Year : 3507 DC.
Capitulos de la obra: Chapters :
1 .- Hunter Astor ................page 01
2.- The begiing of a Safari on Knapp ...........page 10
3.- In the Black List ..................page 22
4.- 3 A.U. Away...........page 29
The end .....page 40.


In Knapp 3 :

Knapp 3 - The Elocorotes

The Elocorotes fights the Star Fleet and the worlds dominated by the
humans; they are some kind of insects. Two biologists, Dr. Lacetur
Graf and Zepter Zeit, works at another Brana to develop a usable DNA
bomb capable of to destroy the Elocorotes; after some time, Captain
Yones went there and using the bomb, the Starfleet went to Star 6345,
destroying planets 2 and 3 with fision bombs and so the Elocorotes
were exterminated.

" Knapp 3 . "
( Follow up of " Knapp 2 " )

Written in February 2007
SF tale written by Alfredo Francisco Humberto J uillet Frascara .
Place : Knapp
Year : 3537 E.C.
Data at the end not to put on a html file


Chapter 1.
It was a war against the insect race of planet 6345-...... , who defied
the mighty Federation of Planets , that was Earth most precious
instrument to control the vicinity of stars.
They had a terrible weapon, who transform bodies into a jelly barely
discernible. Thanks to the fission bombs, that wrecked that planetary
system and almost wiped out the whole of the Elocorotes race,
humanity could keep on being the main expression of intelligence in
their neighborhood of stars .


Knapp 4 :

Knapp 4
Ducko308 is a ghamcounin or sentient squid; he lives at the city of
Gritia under the sea at planet Knapp, under the noses of the hominids.
This tale is after the war between Elocorotes and Hominids; and at the
Orb spaceship, Ducko and others rescued 5 Elocorotes, made clones
of them, and disembarked the whole lot at a new planet, where the
Elocorotes could have another chance to live. Ducko ends living with a


SF Written by Alfredo J uillet Frascara.
Epoch 3552
Ducko308 is a ghamcounin or sentient squid; he lives at the city of
Gritia under the sea at planet Knapp, under the noses of the hominids.
This tale is after the war between Elocorotes and Hominids; and at the
Orb spaceship, Ducko and others rescued 5 Elocorotes, made clones
of them, and disembarked the whole lot at a new planet, where the
Elocorotes could have another chance to live. Ducko ends living with a
Ghamcounins :
Emperor Great Tuboloso ; Empress Queen Magata .
Gorg02, father of Ducko308, pretender to Princess Misiga ; Sicka9 ,
third daughter of Count Lugulone ;
Rocko308, Captain Pevon of the spaceship ....; first officer Kream,
Radar squid Sedolf,
Organio ,first Minister; Chamberlain Uuk, Minister of the War : Suiarel;
General Saibon;
Places Knapp 3 , Submarine City of Gritia .


Knapp 5
Year 3602

Perion is a man from J anarvia, thinking he was going to make a fortune
for the Corporation he serves, by bringing goods from Knapp to
J anarvia, using the first spacecrafts capable of to travel between
branas .
But the spaceship he was into, went down and crashes; he had several
adventures until he arrives to the city of Oredloro in Knapp planet;
there, he works until he is appointed the Treasurer of the King Knapp;
he also gets the hand of Lady Nigara, married her, and obtains the
monetary help of the Chamberlain , who is also the aunt to Lady
One of his servants, Lieutenant Maleko, is sent to collect some more
income asking for revisions in the aual taxes of the Kingdom; he is
killed by a vampire in a darkness night.
The end.


Knapp 6
Ao 3637
Leo Dervil y George Cob, en la nave carguera del capitan Larabee,
llegan al planeta Knapp, en donde trabajan para el rey Marmun; este
quiere iniciar una guerra contra el pacifico reino de Oredloro, y ellos
viajan a ponerles sobre aviso; despues de ello, regresan a la nave
carguera, con la buena suerte de hallar al doctor Parodie, miembro de
una expedicion cientifica , los cuales logran arreglar la nave carguera


Knapp 7

Ao 3647
Miembros del Club del Dinosaurio, con sede en Oredloro, bajo el Pdte.
Ueso, inician viaje de estudios bajo administracion del ex general
Carter, obteniendo datos sobre muchos dinosaurios y plantas antes
desconocidas. El General Carter y su tropa mueren y al regreso del
Club a Oredloro, a la sazon ocupada por el rey Marmun, tienen que
ocultarse ya que sospechan de que ellos mataron a Carter.

Knapp 7 (English Version differed somewhat to the Spanish version,
but it's mainly the same thing)

President Ueso from Dinosaur Club went to explore with General
Carter and his troop; they discovered several new kinds of dinosaurs
and plants, but after their return, they are suspect of having killed
retired General CArter and his troop, so they get into jail (possibly
killed). (General Carter and his men were eaten by some carnosaurs
while on a journey). The only free member was Secretary Tor, who
was ill at the moment of the capture.


Year 3657

(Escrito en noviembre 2007- 26 paginas ).
Capitulo 1:
El proyecto Knapp. Vorgen Errazurig y Relti Kuars envian una
expedicion a Knapp, al mando de Sarmion. Es la mafia Coneria, de
J anarvia.
Hallan al rey Marmun gobernando las ciudades de humanos, que robo
al rey Knapp. El capitan Hosen Mareras asciende a jefe del ejercito, y
combate en Oredloro, y triunfa, debido al desequilibrio de las armas. El
rey Marmun muere en la torre del rey, la cual es derribada por Fliers;
el jefe de mafia Vorgen Errazurig es capturado por los Rixiabergianos
y es muerto en prision. El general Hosen Mareras toma el poder.
Capitulo 3. En ruta a Oxiborion. Hosen Mareras toma a sangre y fuego
la ciudad portuaria de Oxiborion, y acaba con la resistencia. Un equipo
de cientificos es enviado a explorar el norte remoto de Oredloro,
hallando numerosos dinosaurios y nuevas clases de plantas, que
serviran para la obtencion de nuevas drogas.
Capitulo IV ( Datos de la expedicion cientifica.)
Isla Anros
diecisiete los sabios, entre los cuales y por mencionar unos pocos, se
escuchaban los nombres de Restif (62), J ouan (61) , Dironio (58 aos)
, Rees (60 aos) Rioboron ( 45) dama Serina (34) dama Novila (35
aos) dama Vicdiagina ( 48 aos) J ogotigonson (45 aos) ,
Factidogonigo (59 anos) , Tetotagonio (34 aos) dama Lamerdia ( 30
aos) , J asernio (30), Karkadio (49) y Godiner y Ronmu (muertos en
pag 23 por un Liliensterno de 5 metros.
Capitan (del barco transporte) J ulejan ( teoria llega en 12 meses mas).
Ayudantes 10 de los sabios en la isla : jefe : Likarg. Otros : Biordion,
Rocer, Ferision (devorado por un Halticosaurio en el primer
campamento) ,
Capitulo Oxiborion
General Hosen Mareras ( En comunicacin desde Oredloro)
General Lersen , General Fregalno; ayudante Evian (de Lersen) ,
piloto Ragian,
Personajes del libro:
Sarmion, Comandante de la expedicion a Knapp
General in Chief : Hosen Mareras
General 2: Lersen Mareras
General 3: Fojiggins Rikelner (muerto por traidor)
General 3: Fregalno (ex 1 oficial de Hosen).
Ship 1 Taner ( 800 soldados, Tripulantes : 16 mechabots, 10
ciberneticos, 20 emujeres y 8 evarones)
Capitan Hosen Mareras. = Ayudante Oritelon
Oficiales: Grinaldo, Berentz, Mascadion, y Sarifeno (cyberneticos)
tambien con titulo de Coroneles, cuando se hallan en tierra ;
Ship 2 : Sarnikonifon
Ship 3 : J odauiferet
(Each with 800 men in full armor, air tanks and three fliers each).
Oritelon : ayudante militar de Hosen Mareras
Vorgun Errazurig, millonario de la mafia Coneria
Relti Kuars, socio de Vorgun
Srta. J avia, secretaria de Vorgun.
Cada una de las 3 naves con :
Tripulacion de dieciseis mechabots , diez cyberneticos, veinte
emujeres y ocho evarones; esa era la tripulacion; el resto, hasta contar
los ochocientos, eran soldados , que combatirian por el emblema de la
Mafia Coneria (un circulo cruzado por dos rayos verdes)
Conde Rebak, quien se proclama Rey , en reemplazo de Marmun
(muerto en Oredloro). Combate fieramente a Hosen Mareras, quien le
da muerte y se queda con el gobierno del puerto de Oxiborion.



La Emperatriz Shiana de Knapp obtiene uso de Desfasadores,y con
ellos conquista otros planetas en la Brana B;asi abre la colonizacion
de varios planetas, entre ellos el planeta Risen,sitio en el cual acaba
con la enemistad con otros humanoides de Palpadon, ya que su
Gobernador casa con la Reina de ese reino, tras varios complots;se
narra una incursion a Reticula 2 para frenar a los Grises.


Knapp 10 : Lerbiu.
Datos varios :
Fecha: ao 3758
Lugares y Personaj es

La accion comienza en el planeta Lerbiu del sistema planetario
Firrudai, a 290 anos luz del sistema planetario Knapp . El sistema
Firrudai fue colonizado por Fario el Navegante en el ano 3758,
poblado con clones de Knapp y menormente por colonos voluntarios
de la Federacion de planetas.
El sistema Firrudai consta de planeta 1 Zartmo, 2 Tobeto, 3 Lerbiu
(dos lunas: Oribando y Abargo), 4 Ogrobando y asteroides .
El planeta Lerbiu tiene 3 continentes: Barusca, Furtim, Cavatio. El
reino Birnameko ocupa el continente Barusca: ciudades : capital
Birnameko, segunda ciudad importante es Ashar en el extremo
norte,gobernada por el conde Suadiforten, Barugena en la costa este .

Personas de la ciudad de Birnameko son :

Doctor Hermenegildo Dosenoffner ( abrelatas), sabio
Arika Dosenoffner, hermana del sabio
Karo ( cuadrado) ayudane de Dosenofner
Adifar ,primo de Dosenoffner
Morica, prima de Dosenoffner.
Praguen y su mujer Gicht, de la costa oeste de Ashar.
Personas de Knapp son:

Seiten (desde) : viajante de los Desfasadores
Vorrang (primacia) ayudante de Seiten

Vorrang con Gretchen , brunilde, gerti piloto, y ligula Y LA CX :
7 modelos de acero; coyunturas esferas. La cabeza otra esfera ,sin
facciones. Vena traves de senal de radio ; el rebote de la onda es
analizada por sus micro computadores y traducida a orografia. El oido
esta presente, pero no el pabellon de la oreja- no la necesitan para
colegir de adonde proviene el ruido: ocho microfonos se encargan de
ello ; sus manos estilizadas y de dedos articulados.Con juegos de
manos diferentes, para usar en trabajos rudos .Con cerebros de clase
AB-CXO, similar a los modelos CX.
7 Nombres de los AA806 :
Shuleta, metalico AA806 340 730
Sinerbio, metalico AA806 340 830
Askarbio, metalico AA806 390 392
Atisinerio, metalico AA806 393 100
Costonokio, metalico AA806 393 123
Umsteigen, metalico AA806 320 230
Carbasus, metalico AA806 300 102

Las 4 Sinteticas AB 35 Brunilde , Lirian, Yasuri, Seiten y Vorrang ,
el sargento Vorshang, Brunilde, Morco (enla puerta dimensional);
Rey Lugner ( mentiroso)
Isildur : Prime Minister

platino: un elemento qumico de nmero atmico 78 situado en el
grupo 10 de la tabla peridica de los elementos. Su smbolo es
Pt. Se trata de un metal de transicin blanco grisceo, precioso,
pesado, maleable y dctil. Resistente a la corrosin y se
encuentra junto con nquel y cobre; tambin se puede encontrar
como metal.
250.000 rolos primer modelo de mechabot
Fabricas : Easypeople Company, etc.
1.000.000 rolos modelo moderno J G
Modelo BA 35 cuesta 350.000 rolos, se vende en 14 M de Creditos
Bateria 182 aos. Vale 6.000 Creditos.
En Workable In, se compraron 14 modelos AB 35 sin software
especial, en 1 millon de Creditos Cada uno.
AB 35 serie 63 400 Yasuri.
Mechahombres modelo 29 OD de trabajo.
AB 35 Brunilde , Lirian, Yasuri.
WKR03 ,armas paralizantes, 2 M de Creditos.
BA 35 en 350.000 Rolos en Easypeople Company.
modelo AA806. no tenian la capa de piel,sus funciones parecidas a
las mas modernas. Bodega IV, en donde se alineaban muchos
modelos de Sinteticos , cada cual en una capsula de plastico, para su
total preservacion . metalicos, relucian como el acero; en donde
habian coyunturas en el ser humano, aca habian esferas. La cabeza
era otra esfera , y no tenia facciones, ni ojos, nada . Veiana traves de
senal de radio ; el rebote de la onda era analizada por sus micro
computadores y traducida a orografia. El oido estaba presente, pero
no el pabellon de la oreja- no la necesitaban, para colegir de adonde
provenia el ruido: ocho microfonos se encargaban se encargaban de
ello ; sus manos eran estilizadas y de dedos articulados.Este modelo
tiene repuestos de manos y tambien de pies; sirven para trabajos mar
rudos, si es necesario. Ahora poseen cerebros de clase AB-CXO, lo
cual les acerca al modelo moderno.
Correlacion =
125.000 creditos =17.500 rolos
62.500 creditos = 8.750 rolos
31.250 creditos =4.375 rolos
1 millon de creditos =140056.02 rolos
7,14 creditos - 1 rolo
1 rolo =7.14 creditos

El Dr. Dosenoffner y su ayudante Karo hacen motor cohete que
Venden a militares : coronel Vergroben y el cientifico Degorain. El rey
Deckung gobierna alli. Seiten y Vorrang Montecinos le visitan ,pues
tienen desfasador que se les quedo en la luna Orivando, y desean
pasaje en navio convencional para recuperarlo. El doctor los hace
pasar de ayudantes, y viajan a la luna, no sin antes tener una aventura
el ayudante con la hermana del doctor, Arika, en una playa en donde
tambien hay Saritecos, que son homo erectus .
En la Base militar de Oribando, el oficial Servorteco es el enlace .
Seiten y Vorrang huyen ,ademas de Karo, quien se aburrio de trabajar
con el doctor Dosenoffner.
Hallan desfasador, y viajan a Oredloro, en donde venden algunos
inventos del doctor, a quien le birlaron un disco duro.
Seiten contrata a una Sintetica femenina, para ser acompanado. Se va
de vacaciones con ella. Luego visita el pais de los vampiros, en otro
planeta. Visitan planeta ASFI234, calido y con estrella tipo Sol.
Vorrang compra Sinteticas en Chicago y las revende en Oredloro.
Sintetica Brunilde aprende a pilotear navios espaciales. Hallan navio
con cadaveres alienigenas desconocidos. Vorrang se va de
vacaciones con un grupo de Sinteticas que eran de ambos (Seiten y
el.) Hallan algo de valor en planeta y con el dinero Vorrang le paga la
parte de las Sinteticas que tomo anteriormente. Alienigenas atacan
Knapp pero al estar aliados de la Federacion, esta defiende y rechaza
al invasor. Vorrang vive con sus emujeres en un lugar seguro, y se
asegura descendencia, al recibir bebe de probeta- lo cuidara su
Sintetica preferida (CX). Fin.
J unio 2008. Alfredo J uillet Frascara. El Monte 2008-06-21

1 Dr. Dosenoffner y su ayudante Karo hacen motor cohete que venden
a militares Coronel Vergroben y el cientifico Degoraun.
2 El rey Deckung gobierna en planeta Lerbiu
3 Seiten y Vorrang Montecinos le visita pues tiene un desfasador y
quieren tener un cohete para recuperarlo de la luna Oribando.
4 Dejaron en la luna Orivando , estan en Lerbiu.
5 Viajan a Luna Orivando navio Libelula. El oro vale 390 rolos el
6 Llegan a casa de campo
7 Hermana del Dr. Dosenoffner, Arica.
8 Seiten trata de besar a Arika en el agua, pero ella le rechaza.
9 Adifar es primo del Dr. Dosenoffner en ese lugar de recreo en
10 Los Saritecos son homo erectus que intentan entrar al sector
habitado por ellos.
11 Arica les llama Dimiones, a los australopitecos nativos de Lerbiu.
12 Buceo submarino para todos .
13 Vorrang conquista a Arika.
14 Seiten muy celoso. Vieja Morica, prima sesentona del Dr.
Dosenoffner, se le mete a la cama a Seiten, quien huye lejos.
15 Visitan Praguen y Gicht, pareja .
16 Gicht es hermosa. Crian salmones en el mar
17 Gicht se le insinua a Seiten, mientras Vorrang la pasa bien con
18 20 Romance corto de Gicht con Seiten.
19 23 Se embarcan en el carguero espacial Libelula
20 26 Viajan a la luna Oribando.
21 28 bajan a la luna con el dr Dosenoffner, como si fueran
ayudantes; oficial Senervoteco es oficial de enlace para los
trabajos que se haran alli; tras hacerse esos trabajos ( que el Dr.
Dosenoffner hace) ...
22 29 Vorrang y Seiten huyen en navio, ubican Desfasador y se van
a Oredloro con el ayudante Karo del Doctor, quien explica esta
aburrido de trabajar por centavos.
23 30 Seiten atrapa a un ladron y lo abandona en un planeta lejano,
usando el Desfasador.
24 31 Vorrang vende invento explosivo del Dr. Dosenoffner y se
queda con el dinero.
25 35 Seiten contrata a una Sintetica de compania y se
26 36 va de vacaciones.
27 44 Seiten en el pais de los Vampiros. Viaja con Vorrang a
matarlos.(Ya habian ido antes de este libro).
28 46 matan a algunos dentro de dos cuevas y son atacados.
29 47 Regresan a casa ( Oredloro).
30 48 Reciben visita de mujer y un viejo: Francoise Dirigande, y el
cientifico Okeido Ishicana, descubridor de la Encima Fagocitaria
31 51 Listado de planetas visitados con el Desfasador. Se decide
por ASFI-234, Calido y de tipo Tierra, pero Seiten se devuelve a
32 52 Vorrang le lleva, junto a Sinteticas, a un centro Turistico.
33 57 BA35 (Sintetica) comprada por Seiten personalmente en
34 67 Se compran y venden Emujeres por parte de Vorrang, con
dinero de Seiten.
35 76 Exploracion selvatica.
36 79 Sargento Vorshang muere en exploracion planetaria.
37 84 Brunilde (S) aprende a pilotear naves en Centro Chicago.
38 90 Hallan navio espacial con cadaveres.
39 102 Vorrang de vacaciones en Chicago.
40 106 Vorrang y Seiten en Oredloro.
41 130 Vorrang hace pareja con CX (S) ,modelo exclusivo.
42 144 Vorrang y un grupo de emujeres de vacaciones.
43 148 Vorrang y su grupo de emujeres en planeta vergel Metaluna,
usando un Desfasador .
44 157 Vorrang se abuena con Seiten, al pagarle toda la deuda que
tenia con el.
45 163 Alienigenas atacan Knapp y la Federacion de planetas
46 170 Vorrang en otro planeta ( Metaluna, del cual se ven las
Cefeidas) halla algo de valor , que es plata y un juego de
Estrategia con muchas alternativas y lo vende en Oredloro. Vive
con emujeres ya en Metaluna, y consigue un bebe de probeta,
que criara CX. Fin.


Addendum & Data:


1 Mundifico booked at Hotel Varela, downtown Oredloro
6 He receives secret information by Lalita at the War Ministry, that
Gertrude could help him get the
7 Information he wants
8 Then he sold it to Tallius
9 He went to Oxiborion
10 Seatown
11 Then to
12 Shekik
13 Town, where he
14 Sensed the people's
15 Nervous about the
16 Possibility of spies
17 Lurking their streets.
18 Enemies of Knapp Kingdom begin
19 An attack
20 Falans they are
21 From Carina star
22 Who wages war
23 On the neighbor
24 Planetary
25 Systems
26 And
27 Now
28 Its the
29 Turn for
30 To seize Knappian
31 Kingdom, but
32 As the King was finishing the
33 Signatures
34 With The
35 Federation of Planets
36 He was
37 Defended by them.
38 So the Falans were defeated
16511 And Mundifico attends a celebration at the Royal Gardens. The
keel of the
Ship Argos is the location of Beta Carinae, home to the Falans.
16514 He moves to Rixiaberg after buying 2 E-males and 3 E-females.
There he stayed living in luxury.
57 Doctor Rubeose exchange his Orb for the Mundifico Wagon Flier for
a time
58 He made a trip
59 From Knapp to
60 Earth in two hours by a jump into Hyperspace- Chile. He bought
batteries for the Synthetics while on Earth Planet.
61 He also danced and has a good time on Earth.
62 Back to Knapp.
63 He visits
64 Dr. Rubeose
65 As he want to offer money for his Orb spaceship.
66 Rubeose refused but then he died in a fire. Mundifico returns to
Earth in order to repair some minor malfunctions on the Orb, at
67 The Wonorb Orb Industries-
68 Two months waiting for the repairs to be made.
69 Brandon Cornejian
70 Presents himself as an able Student, capable for the replacement of
any other crew members- he had worked in the Government Mass
Manipulation Center.
71 He visits Antarctica.
72 They give it back the Orb, so he takes off with the Synthetics, the
doctor and the Student.
73 Dr. J aime Mauvan
74 Is hired as a doctor; he had worked at the Gob. In the manipulation
of masses through electronic means.
16710 Queen Ester of Mahlen, Princess Dhaleng. His niece
Lord Flurd, chief officer at Dhaleng's Army. Domes. Lord Edoin,
Minister of Agriculture, Count Drajul, Walled site, city castle, Lord
Bucho, Chancellor Fagadon, kingdom of Barkisan, Larconian
Keymaster of the Dungeons were there.
16712 Prince Dhaleng with her guards attacked the crew of the
Orb in a swift movement they capture doctor Mauvan, Lemueldo
Murita, and others.
16747 Doctor Mauvan Learns Their Language. Priests Chili and
Tarken say is the Princess Dhaleng is a dangerous person.
Doctor Mauvan talks with Chancellor Fagadon
16748 And gives info about himself and his civilization
16749 The Aurean
16750 show him some god given items- he discovered in them
old artifacts of his own civilization.
16751 Priests talks about this- they fear truth and not religion could
reign if Doctor Mauvan explain publicly his knowledge.
16752 The priests decide Mauvan must work for them in secret.
16756 At the Orb, the kidnapping troubles Mundifico; he sent Belone
and Nicole Covarrubias to that city.
However, they failed and Nicole is wounded .They return to the
16757 Mundifico moved the Orb to a place where to dig for metals.
16758 They dig.
16759 They find some gold, silver and copper.
16770 Nicole is recovered and returns to the Walled city with Belone to
the rescue.
16773 Searching for the prisoners at the city.
16774 They are at the Tower of the Princess Dhaleng
16775 They fight to rescue Dr. Mauvan
16780 Nicole goes back to rescue the rest who are: Chuan Despero,
Dango Etenim, Dolobre Yalus, Ebonita Inaures, Gayuna Inscite,
Hunakbu Limax, Fernan Salvatierra, Inocencia Gomez, Alberto
16787 A the digging place
16788 Attack of the Pinacosaur
16792 They dig at the mine
16800 The big asteroid
16806 Glass is found at the asteroid
16810 They went to Earth to sell the gold at Chicago city.
16818 The gold is sold
16819 Bargaining
16820 They went to Santiago Chile Cosmodrome
16830 Pachanga Restaurant
16832 Tourism at Santiago
16835 Visiting Orb vessels. Mundifico bought 4 mining models Class
ARTO3 Serial numbers ML393, ML330, ML390, ML391 and 2 mining
models Class CA Serial number CA20, CA29, plus sets. At the Cullin
Works Org.
16840 Mundifico at a Resort Hotel at a beach with his E-women.
16849 Mundifico hired mining drills and machines from the Cobra
Corporation. Captain Urrutia of the cargo vessel "Poderoso", crew
officers Pinto Bope and Diaz.
16856 On the way to the golden planet
16869 They all arrived and with Shuttlecrafts, the machines are
lowered to the ground .The captain Urrutia returns to Earth.
16871 The miners are called ERBO834, ERBU040, DEK 0300,
DEK0322, UNT0425, UNT0302, or Erbo ,Deko, Dektu,
Untfive, Untwo.
16872 They went to work at the mine.
16878 The work begin
16880 Mundifico returns to the walled city, and hit several
buildings with missiles and rescued the kidnapped ,firing LASER
16887 They think another digging place could be better than the first.
16888 Arriving to a new place of digging, among the mountains. Gold
is found.
Mundifico set course to Earth, with 8 kg of gold, 12 kg of silver,
65 tons of copper.
16895 At the solar system
16899 They arrive to Chicago and sold the metals. Brando Cornejian
called his daughters, but he is not welcomed.
16903 Cornejian bought clothes
16911 Cornejian had date with a woman : Lia
16920 Cornejian went to visit Lia.
16921 Out to dance with Lia
16922 At a Restaurant Lia- Cornejian; small dance
16926 Lia returns to her place in a hurry.
16932 With Lia shopping. Later Cornejian meets Professor Wormbur,
who owns some Sumerian Clay Tablets.
16947 At professor Wormbur's place, a nice daughter. He shows his
cuneiform writings. Mundifico stole a tablet and sold it at a Pawn Shop.
16952 Miss Wormbur calls the Police when his father died of an earth
attack, blaming Cornejian of it, as he stole an important Tablet from the
deceased one. Cornejian returns to the Orb.
16965 Mundifico bought more Miners from the Oredlorian Cyborg
16966 Five miners bought. Gosse is sold.
16970 Cornejian at a luxury Hotel with 2 E-women.
16983 Cornejian escapes from the Hotel with the Police on his heels-
helped by the two E-females.
16984 Cornejian at the Orb, scared. Mundifico rents two E-females for
the use of him and Cornejian .Holly pb 2983, Marlene. They travel back
to the Golden planet, miners set to work; Cornejian on a scientific
travel, lost Marlene and come back on foot and with some apes.
16999 Cornejian informed how she was smashed her head and is not
working but the body was saved.
17000 Cornejian mourns about Marlene the Synthetic female;
Mundifico sees about the Apes Cornejian brought. He decides to sell
them to some Earthian Zoology. Mundifico rented two Efemales at
Cullin Works- another for himself and the other to Cornejian (Model
AB35) to replace the one drowned at the river. Mundifico sold the
Simians. They visit the city of Chicago (Earth). They also visit Santiago
Chile. Booked at the Alfredonius Hotel, there, Mr. Uriangobo told them
he knew where to find the ones who shaped the human race. The
Nigerian Uriangobo gets a place on the Orb, together with his
daughter. Later, Uriangobo tried to steer the Orb directly to the Anuaki
whereabouts, but was discovered and put to sleep, together with his
17001 Back to the Aurean Planet, Lulu and Belone saluted them back.
Lots of gold, Pteranousaurs, 380 kgs. Gold, 103 kg. Silver, 3902 kg
pure copper. The Uriangobo couple is dumped on an island, in order
not to take cryiogenized people to the Anuaki realm.
17002 Chapter 7. In search of Nibiru at Chi1ORI".
17003 They found deserted ruins at V. At II planet, they find
spacecraft- someone called Saracen authorized them to land near the
Equator, speaking in Interlingua. When disembarking, several small
beings directed them by deserted but guarded corridors to a hall where
five Giants were seated on high chairs.
Mundifico presents himself as Knappian- a giant said they only know
about Earth humanoids. Cornejian (as an Earthling) thanks them for
the granting of intelligence.
17003. Kirio (Anuaki) asked if humans are not satisfied with the life
they get.
Another giant said 9.000 years had passed since his race abandoned
the Earth. Another said life is the ultimate goal to be enjoyed. Then
they were dismissed.
17004. Chapter 8. Colonization of Aurean planet. Reggie said two
months takes the trip to the Aurean planet from there. Mundifico and
Cornejian put to hibernation - a small Grey went out of a compartment-
the Anuaki wants to know where the Knappian lives, in order to watch
them too! Reggie explains they accepted to take him on board, or else
the Orb would have been retained forever at Chi1OR-2. Then she
killed the Grey with a LASER beam.
17005. They take the naturals before the entrance to the Aurean
Planetary system. At the mine, some workers were in bad shape, with
the excess of work.
17006. At Earth, where they replaced the Workers for others in working
Mundifico went to speak with Mr. Peacock who receives his application
to be Administrator of the Aurean Planetary System.
17009. Peacock writes it down- a sun class 1, places at Branas 2,
Coordinates jdi00ks- xis29029 at 932 parsecs from Earth (plus J ump).
Five planets.
17019 Peacock finds him acceptable, after revising his affidavit.
17020 The name was Star System Aurean, II planet, Aureo, he
obtained the Mandate and its obligations.
17024 They bought some more spaceships and returns to Aurean
Planetary System.
17025 They had five hunters and a Cruiser around planet V- orbital
Stations on every planet.
17036 Mining operations at the Third planet. Detected were seven
strange spaceships. Kette informed that at the next Planetary system
(nine inhabitable planets) are dangerous neighbors.
17037 Mutiny at the orbital Station around planet 3- reduced with the
help of captain Eforn and several Hunter spaceships.
17038 Admiral Marlo Foss.
17040 Kette explained the enemy tampered the Synthetics at the
Orbital Station.
17041 At the new Cruiser, Mundifico is worried.
17042 Admiral Marlo says forty Synthetics were infected.
17044 Three fighters at Aurean III, the rest with the Cruiser to the
Second planet.
17045. Two enemy vessels incoming. The bigger one is hit by a C
Beam from the Cruiser and exploded.
17046 C Rays destroyed another big alien spaceship, the last is
boarded and the crew captured - they are aliens of three eyes, no
head, stump instead of legs.16 prisoners, Energy and figures of the
alien vessel differs from known artifacts of flight.
17049 Mundifico talked with Reggie- Lulu is calling.
17050 Lulu show him new buildings and mines.
17051 Cornejian said he is working hard administering Banks and
Firefighters Stations.
17052 Cornejian believe more in Naturals than in Synthetics to
organize the System. Mundifico gives him the title of Minister of
Foreign affairs. Cornejian prefers to be the major of Aurean Town.
17053 Cornejian accepts the title, for a while. Mundifico also nominate
him Governor of Aurean Town. Cornejian believe in Socialism.
17054 Cornejian is building a Capitol Building.
17055 Cornejian talks about Hitler plans- he had a memory chi[p in his
brain. Mundifico said he was not going to be an avenger but an
17056 Cornejian urges him to visit the neighboring planetary system
and take revenge.
17057 Mundifico want to appoint Kings in his hew Empire. General
Mervio, Admiral Marlo is astonished.
Kings by planets: Fifth planet =Lulu; Fourth =Belone; Third =Reggie;
Second =Cornejian; First =Kette.
In addition, Mundifico is the Emperor with the seat of Government at
the Second planet (the only with breathable atmosphere).
17061 Aurean City on planet 2. Admiral Marlo to Fifth planet.
17062 Mundifico asks for two more Cruisers. The first to appear in a
17063 4.000 people on the Fifth planet (2200 Naturals).
17064 Other sites are being tested for ores.
17065 Mundifico want more Orb spaceships. Lulu is in charge of
17069 Lulu informs that there are Natural females in the staff.
17070. Lulu presents Technicians to Mundifico.
17071. Blueprints.
17073 Miss Arandula (Chief Architect) and some other Natural females
17074 Die with Arandula .
17075 She caot be a virgin...
17076 Mundifico flirted with Arandula.
17077 Mundifico dance with Arandula.
17078 Mundifico and Arandula visiting the Second mining field in the
Orb- they kissed each other.
17080 Enemy ship approaching. The Cruiser sounds the alert.
17081 The enemy fired upon them.
17082 One lesser alien vessel destroyed. The Cruiser was hit and
exploded. The Hunter vessels arrive- six Hunters.
17084 Captain Masados want to fight but Mundifico ordered the retreat
to the Second planet. Lady Arandula is on the Orb.
17085 King Belone of the Fourth planet.
17086 Civil administrators Wallak of the Orbital Station at IV planet.
Aurean planet, Aurean city, Arandula want to go, but Mundifico find it
hard to obey.
17087 In orbit of IV planet.
17088 Fighters in orbit of the IV planet awaits the new cruiser in four
days elapsed time. Esfran, captain, said enemy is plundering the V
17089 Captain Rodriguez said they must prevent the new Cruiser
about the presence of the alien fleet at V planet - four days to the
arrival of the Cruiser.
17092 Mundifico went to planet V, where they saw enemy ships.
17093 Mundifico defeats them. Then, at the surface of V.
17094 Several damages at the Mundifico space fleet. But enemy
reinforces appears, and Mundifico flies from there.
17096 Mundifico lands with the Orb on the planet and waits for a
clearance in the sky.
17097 They take off at full speed, after some hours.
17098 They departed to Knapp Oredloro city.
17100 King Lugner refuses to sell spaceships if not to subjects of his.
17101 Fogonder, ship builder, says he caot sell without royal orders.
17102 Mundifico is contacted with ship smugglers (ACER290), a
synthetic entity who provides him with smuggled war ships from the
Royal Knappian shipyards: 2 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 2 hunters.
17106 They arrive to Aurean Planetary system and the enemy attacks.
With the Neutron Beam and missiles, Alliance Starfleet defeats those
enemy ships.
17108 Admiral Salter is appointed as such.
17109 Back to Aurean planet.
17110 Mundifico calls to a reunion, stating more gold from the mines
are needed.
17111 Reggis and Kette have no gold on their worlds.
17115 A cargo trip is devised.
17118 A gold convoy to Knapp- Mundifico at its command.
17120 Orb and 2 cargo vessels on route to Knapp
17124 In deep space.
17128 Again begging for more spaceships to the king Lugner.
17129 Minister Olbog repeats: no serfs of King Lugner, no sells.
However, other Administrators are asking for vessels.
17130 Olbog said: Administrators of planetary systems, appointed by
people at other Branas, must be under their rule.
17131 The Requesters refused and organized a small fleet with every
battle ship they own. Administrators: J orge Masir, Colus (star 368-20,
no Terraformed planets, 18 mining fields, 1 Cruiser, several armed
Freighters. The Alliance of Planets is born. Elected President:
Mundifico. War Ministry: J orge Masir; Administrator Salter: commander
of the Fleet.
17143 Administrator Covarrubias, over Delta Spoon, one planet, 18 big
satellites, with mining operations going on- mineral exported to Knapp.
17145 Administrator Covarrubias has several female Synthetics at his
service, on subterranean palace.
17146 His synthetic females attend Mundifico and other visits.
17147 Mundifico made plans.
17149 Administrator Covarrubias has great ideas for the future.
17150 Adm. Covarrubias show his installations through a holographic
17151 Adm. Covarrubias is wealthier than he shows.
17153 Commander Salter made plans to attack the Pirates of Space.
17154 The Alliance Fleet nearing Delta Spoon whereabouts.
17155 Spoon B inhabited by Rumanians.
17157 Commander Salter and the Fleet patrol the area around Spoon
17158 The Fleet is in waiting for several days.
17160 Tired of to wait; Mundifico offers himself and the Orb to go
scouting near other stars.
17161 Bored, Mundifico learns about Genetics- soon afterwards, the
pirates appear.
17163 Enemy ships closing up against the scout Orb commanded by
Mundifico. Admiral Salter goes to the rescue.
17164 Pirates crossing mining fields planted by the Allied Starfleet. Orb
spaceship fires missiles against the pirates, but to not avail- force fields
stronger than supposed.
17165 Admiral Salter in battle; pirates are captured, others dead. They
said their base it is at a moon. B2m603 star system.
17166 At the moon, Faroden continent has the pirate base. Its
guarded by several warships.
17170 Admiral Salter when nearing the pirate planetary system is
aware of
17171 pirate fleet in waiting. War plans are devised.
17172 Pirates on sight. Forty vessels different sizes.
17173 Mundifico on his Orb, Lulu at the guns. The pirates hit an
Alliance Cruiser.
17174 Another Hunter is hit. Admiral Salter is killed when his Cruiser is
hit. Mundifico runs out.
17177 Mundifico set course to Aurean P.S.; Alliance Starfleet is
17178 Arrival to Aurean; King Cornejian caot believe the defeat.
17180 Miss Arandula welcomes his former lover Mundifico, believing
he defeats the pirates.
17181 Mundifico is jealous of Arandula, who dances with others and
has too many friends.
17182 Lulu made inquiries: Arandula is iocent and loyal to Mundifico,
but has many friends.
17183 Mundifico stops a dancing party and told Arandula to behave, as
he wants.
17184 King Cornejian gives all the gold he gets from his gold mines,
for to buy warships.
17185 The jealous Mundifico rejects Arandula. Holly takes her place.
17186 Finally, the news spread among the people: the defeat of the
Alliance Fleet is known. Alliance Administrators called on Mundifico
asking his renounce to the post.
17205 Administrator Colus is enraged by the loss of the Fleet; J orge
Masir defends Mundifico, Administrator Seredon ask for the removal of
Mundifico as President, Administrator J ohanson ask for names to elect
a new President.
17206 J orge Masir is the new elected President of the Alliance Space
fleet. He appoints Mundifico as his second in command (no official title
17207 New battleships are bought, this time at Earth.
17208 New battleships are 3 Cruisers, 4 Frigates, 17 Hunters, 1 Orb.
They set prow to Alpha Moll, where Administrator Seredon is asking for
17209 Asked, Mundifico says Replicants are not to be built in numbers,
or they are going to replace humankind. Arrival to Alpha Moll star.
17212 Administrator Seredon at Alpha Moll, planet 3 in terraforming
progress, not habitable yet.
17213 Enemy ships appear, and they are seven Frigates, four Battle
ships, eight Hunters, three Orbs.
17214 Two Alliance Hunters downed, three Frigates damaged on the
first encounter; at the second encounter, another Hunter is damaged,
but the enemy lost a Frigate; a Cruiser from the Alliance is hit. J orge
Masir, who was at the satellite, is rescued by the Mundificos orb. From
there, to the Cruiser Mefaga.
17221 President Masir went to the surface of the satellite at the Cruiser
17222 A ground enemy battery opens fire against the Mefaga,
severing it in two pieces.
17224 From the Orb, Lulu gued the enemy battery with LASER rays,
and fused the C Beam Caon out of action, but his brain is burnt when
the First Law is disobeyed.
17225 Alliance Fleet orbiting the satellite at Alpha Moll 3 amounts to
three Frigates badly damaged and four Hunters. Mundifico calls
captains to a virtual reunion, taking the command of the Space Fleet
without resistance, due to the disappearance of the President Masir
and his staff aboard the Mefaga.
17226 Mundifico sent troops to the mining fields and towns, appeasing
the incoming revolt.
17227 The old Majors keep their post, provided they work loyally to the
new administration.
17228 Months later, economy is recovered at the satellite, under
Mundifico administration. He appoints a Frigate and two Hunters to
guard the space around the satellite. and went to Aurean planet.
17229 They arrive to Aurean planet; king Cornejian receives him with
great ceremony; this time he is a victor.
The End.


Otro resumen de KNAPP 11 : Mundifico.

Cuento original en ingles.
Personajes : Mundifico, espia vendedor de secretos de Knapp a los
alienigenas saurianos.

Como se ve, es continuacion de Knapp 10, pero centrado en un
aspecto de ese libro 10, que fue la invasion de Knapp por una raza
alienigena sauriana; atacan , ayudados por espias pagados , y aunque
estuvieron a punto de ganar la guerra (usando virus como bioarmas)
no lo lograron, ya que el rey ... habia hecho poco antes una union con
la Federacion de Planetas, aunque civil comercial; se amplio cuando
se vio atacado por fuerzas superiores- asi se abrio Knapp totalmente a
la integracion con los demas planetas .
Mundifico se oculta con el dinero que recibe de esa delacion ( que
verdaderamente no supo hasta despues quien era el comprador de la
informacion), y goza del dinero mientras la guerra esta en funciones;

Addendum & Data:


1 Mundifico booked at Hotel Varela, downtown Oredloro
6 He receives secret information by Lalita at the War Ministry, that
Gertrude could help him get the
7 Information he wants
8 Then he sold it to Tallius
9 He went to Oxiborion
10 Seatown
11 Then to
12 Shekik
13 Town, where he
14 Sensed the people's
15 Nervous about the
16 Possibility of spies
17 Lurking their streets.
18 Enemies of Knapp Kingdom begin
19 An attack
20 Falans they are
21 From Carina star
22 Who wages war
23 On the neighbor
24 Planetary
25 Systems
26 And
27 Now
28 Its the
29 Turn for
30 To seize Knappian
31 Kingdom, but
32 As the King was finishing the
33 Signatures
34 With The
35 Federation of Planets
36 He was
37 Defended by them.
38 So the Falans were defeated
16511 And Mundifico attends a celebration at the Royal Gardens. The
keel of the
Ship Argos is the location of Beta Carinae, home to the Falans.
16514 He moves to Rixiaberg after buying 2 E-males and 3 E-females.
There he stayed living in luxury.
57 Doctor Rubeose exchange his Orb for the Mundifico Wagon Flyer
for a time
58 He made a trip
59 From Knapp to
60 Earth in two hours by a jump into Hyperspace- Chile. He bought
batteries for the Synthetics while on Earth Planet.
61 He also danced and has a good time on Earth.
62 Back to Knapp.
63 He visits
64 Dr. Rubeose
65 As he want to offer money for his Orb spaceship.
66 Rubeose refused but then he died in a fire. Mundifico returns to
Earth in order to repair some minor malfunctions on the Orb, at
67 The Wonorb Orb Industries-
68 Two months waiting for the repairs to be made.
69 Brandon Cornejian
70 Presents himself as an able Student, capable for the replacement of
any other crew members- he had worked in the Government Mass
Manipulation Center.
71 He visits Antarctica.
72 They give it back the Orb, so he takes off with the Synthetics, the
doctor and the Student.
73 Dr. J aime Mauvan
74 Is hired as a doctor; he had worked at the Gob. In the manipulation
of masses through electronic means.
16710 Queen Ester of Mahlen, Princess Dhaleng. His niece
Lord Flurd, chief officer at Dhaleng's Army. Domes. Lord Edoin,
Minister of Agriculture, Count Drajul, Walled site, city castle, Lord
Bucho, Chancellor Fagadon, kingdom of Barkisan, Larconian
Keymaster of the Dungeons were there.
16712 Prince Dhaleng with her guards attacked the crew of the
Orb in a swift movement they capture doctor Mauvan, Lemueldo
Murita, and others.
16747 Doctor Mauvan Learns Their Language. Priests Chili and
Tarken say is the Princess Dhaleng is a dangerous person.
Doctor Mauvan talks with Chancellor Fagadon
16748 And gives info about himself and his civilization
16749 The Aurean
16750 show him some god given items- he discovered in them
old artifacts of his own civilization.
16751 Priests talks about this- they fear truth and not religion could
reign if Doctor Mauvan explain publicly his knowledge.
16752 The priests decide Mauvan must work for them in secret.
16756 At the Orb, the kidnapping troubles Mundifico; he sent Belone
and Nicole Covarrubias to that city.
However, they failed and Nicole is wounded .They return to the
16757 Mundifico moved the Orb to a place where to dig for metals.
16758 They dig.
16759 They find some gold, silver and copper.
16770 Nicole is recovered and returns to the Walled city with Belone to
the rescue.
16773 Searching for the prisoners at the city.
16774 They are at the Tower of the Princess Dhaleng
16775 They fight to rescue Dr. Mauvan
16780 Nicole goes back to rescue the rest who are: Chuan Despero,
Dango Etenim, Dolobre Yalus, Ebonita Inaures, Gayuna Inscite,
Hunakbu Limax, Fernan Salvatierra, Inocencia Gomez, Alberto
16787 A the digging place
16788 Attack of the Pinacosaur
16792 They dig at the mine
16800 The big asteroid
16806 Glass is found at the asteroid
16810 They went to Earth to sell the gold at Chicago city.
16818 The gold is sold
16819 Bargaining
16820 They went to Santiago Chile Cosmodrome
16830 Pachanga Restaurant
16832 Tourism at Santiago
16835 Visiting Orb vessels. Mundifico bought 4 mining models Class
ARTO3 Serial numbers ML393, ML330, ML390, ML391 and 2 mining
models Class CA Serial number CA20, CA29, plus sets. At the Cullin
Works Org.
16840 Mundifico at a Resort Hotel at a beach with his E-women.
16849 Mundifico hired mining drills and machines from the Cobra
Corporation. Captain Urrutia of the cargo vessel "Poderoso", crew
officers Pinto Bope and Diaz.
16856 On the way to the golden planet
16869 They all arrived and with Shuttlecrafts, the machines are
lowered to the ground .The captain Urrutia returns to Earth.
16871 The miners are called ERBO834, ERBU040, DEK 0300,
DEK0322, UNT0425, UNT0302, or Erbo ,Deko, Dektu,
Untfive, Untwo.
16872 They went to work at the mine.
16878 The work begin
16880 Mundifico returns to the walled city, and hit several
buildings with missiles and rescued the kidnapped ,firing LASER
16887 They think another digging place could be better than the first.
16888 Arriving to a new place of digging, among the mountains. Gold
is found.
Mundifico set course to Earth, with 8 kg of gold, 12 kg of silver,
65 tons of copper.
16895 At the solar system
16899 They arrive to Chicago and sold the metals. Brando Cornejian
called his daughters, but he is not welcomed.
16903 Cornejian bought clothes
16911 Cornejian had date with a woman : Lia
16920 Cornejian went to visit Lia.
16921 Out to dance with Lia
16922 At a Restaurant Lia- Cornejian; small dance
16926 Lia returns to her place in a hurry.
16932 With Lia shopping. Later Cornejian meets Professor Wormbur,
who owns some Sumerian Clay Tablets.
16947 At professor Wormbur's place, a nice daughter. He shows his
cuneiform writings. Mundifico stole a tablet and sold it at a Pawn Shop.
16952 Miss Wormbur calls the Police when his father died of an earth
attack, blaming Cornejian of it, as he stole an important Tablet from the
deceased one. Cornejian returns to the Orb.
16965 Mundifico bought more Miners from the Oredlorian Cyborg
16966 Five miners bought. Gosse is sold.
16970 Cornejian at a luxury Hotel with 2 E-women.
16983 Cornejian escapes from the Hotel with the Police on his heels-
helped by the two E-females.
16984 Cornejian at the Orb, scared. Mundifico rents two E-females for
the use of him and Cornejian .Holly pb 2983, Marlene. They travel back
to the Golden planet, miners set to work; Cornejian on a scientific
travel, lost Marlene and come back on foot and with some apes.
Cornejian informed how she was smashed her head and is not working
but the body was saved.
17000 Cornejian mourns about Marlene the Synthetic female;
Mundifico sees about the Apes Cornejian brought. He decides to sell
them to some Earthian Zoology. Mundifico rented two Efemales at
Cullin Works- another for himself and the other to Cornejian (Model
AB35) to replace the one drowned at the river. Mundifico sold the
Simians. They visit the city of Chicago (Earth). They also visit Santiago
Chile. NBooked at the Alfredonius Hotel, there, Mr. Uriangobo told
them he knew where to find the ones who shaped the human race. The
Nigerian Uriangobo gets a place on the Orb, together with his
daughter. Later, Uriangobo tried to steer the Orb directly to the Anuaki
whereabouts, but was discovered and put to sleep, together with his
17001 Back to the Aurean Planet, Lulu and Belone saluted them back.
Lots of gold, Pteranousaurs, 380 kgs. Gold, 103 kg. Silver, 3902 kg
pure copper. The Uriangobo couple is dumped on an island, in order
not to take cryiogenized people to the Anuaki realm.
17002 Chapter 7. In search of Nibiru at Chi1ORI".
17003 They found deserted ruins at V. At II planet, they find
spacecraft- someone called Saracen authorized them to land near the
Equator, speaking in Interlingua. When disembarking, several small
beings directed them by deserted but guarded corridors to a hall where
five Giants were seated on high chairs.
Mundifico presents himself as Knappian- a giant said they only know
about Earth humanoids. Cornejian (as an Earthling) thanks them for
the granting of intelligence.
17003. Kirio (Anuaki) asked if humans are not satisfied with the life
they get.
Another giant said 9.000 years had passed since his race abandoned
the Earth. Another said life is the ultimate goal to be enjoyed. Then
they were dismissed.
17004. Chapter 8. Colonization of Aurean planet. Reggie said two
months takes the trip to the Aurean planet from there. Mundifico and
Cornejian put to hibernation - a small Grey went out of a compartment-
the Anuaki wants to know where the Knappian lives, in order to watch
them too! Reggie explains they accepted to take him on board, or else
the Orb would have been retained forever at Chi1OR-2. Then she
killed the Grey with a LASER beam.
17005. They take the naturals before the entrance to the Aurean
Planetary system. At the mine, some workers were in bad shape, with
the excess of work.
17006. At Earth, where they replaced the Workers for others in working
Mundifico went to speak with Mr. Peacock who receives his application
to be Administrator of the Aurean Planetary System.
17009. Peacock writes it down- a sun class 1, places at Branas 2,
Coordinates jdi00ks- xis29029 at 932 parsecs from Earth (plus J ump).
Five planets.
17019 Peacock finds him acceptable, after revising his affidavit.
17020 The name was Star System Aurean, II planet, Aureo, he
obtained the Mandate and its obligations.
17024 They bought some more spaceships and returns to Aurean
Planetary System.
17025 They had five hunters and a Cruiser around planet V- orbital
Stations on every planet.
17036 Mining operations at the Third planet. Detected were seven
strange spaceships. Kette informed that at the next Planetary system
(nine inhabitable planets) are dangerous neighbors.
17037 Mutiny at the orbital Station around planet 3- reduced with the
help of captain Eforn and several Hunter spaceships.
17038 Admiral Marlo Foss.
17040 Kette explained the enemy tampered the Synthetics at the
Orbital Station.
17041 At the new Cruiser, Mundifico is worried.
17042 Admiral Marlo says forty Synthetics were infected.
17044 Three fighters at Aurean III, the rest with the Cruiser to the
Second planet.
17045. Two enemy vessels incoming. The bigger one is hit by a C
Beam from the Cruiser and exploded.
17046 C Rays destroyed another big alien spaceship, the last is
boarded and the crew captured - they are aliens of three eyes, no
head, stump instead of legs.16 prisoners, Energy and figures of the
alien vessel differs from known artifacts of flight.
17049 Mundifico talked with Reggie- Lulu is calling.
17050 Lulu show him new buildings and mines.
17051 Cornejian said he is working hard administering Banks and
Firefighters Stations.
17052 Cornejian believe more in Naturals than in Synthetics to
organize the System. Mundifico gives him the title of Minister of
Foreign affairs. Cornejian prefers to be the major of Aurean Town.
17053 Cornejian accepts the title, for a while. Mundifico also nominate
him Governor of Aurean Town. Cornejian believe in Socialism.
17054 Cornejian is building a Capitol Building.
17055 Cornejian talks about Hitler plans- he had a memory chi[p in his
brain. Mundifico said he was not going to be an avenger but an
17056 Cornejian urges him to visit the neighboring planetary system
and take revenge.
17057 Mundifico want to appoint Kings in his new Empire. General
Mervio, Admiral Marlo is astonished.
Kings by planets: Fifth planet =Lulu; Fourth =Belone; Third =Reggie;
Second =Cornejian; First =Kette.
In addition, Mundifico is the Emperor with the seat of Government at
the Second planet (the only with breathable atmosphere).
17061 Aurean City on planet 2. Admiral Marlo to Fifth planet.
17062 Mundifico asks for two more Cruisers. The first to appear in a
17063 4.000 people on the Fifth planet (2200 Naturals).
17064 Other sites are being tested for ores.
17065 Mundifico want more Orb spaceships. Lulu is in charge of
17069 Lulu informs that there are Natural females in the staff.
17070. Lulu presents Technicians to Mundifico.
17071. Blueprints.
17073 Miss Arandula (Chief Architect) and some other Natural females
17074 Die with Arandula .
17075 She caot be a virgin...
17076 Mundifico flirted with Arandula.
17077 Mundifico dance with Arandula.
17078 Mundifico and Arandula visiting the Second mining field in the
Orb- they kissed each other.
17080 Enemy ship approaching. The Cruiser sounds the alert.
17081 The enemy fired upon them.
17082 One lesser alien vessel destroyed. The Cruiser was hit and
exploded. The Hunter vessels arrive- six Hunters.
17084 Captain Masados want to fight but Mundifico ordered the retreat
to the Second planet. Lady Arandula is on the Orb.
17085 King Belone of the Fourth planet.
17086 Civil administrators Wallak of the Orbital Station at IV planet.
Aurean planet, Aurean city, Arandula want to go, but Mundifico find it
hard to obey.
17087 In orbit of IV planet.
17088 Fighters in orbit of the IV planet awaits the new cruiser in four
days elapsed time. Esfran, captain, said enemy is plundering the V
17089 Captain Rodriguez said they must prevent the new Cruiser
about the presence of the alien fleet at V planet - four days to the
arrival of the Cruiser.
17092 Mundifico went to planet V, where they saw enemy ships.
17093 Mundifico defeats them. Then, at the surface of V.
17094 Several damages at the Mundifico space fleet. But enemy
reinforces appears, and Mundifico flies from there.
17096 Mundifico lands with the Orb on the planet and waits for a
clearance in the sky.
17097 They take off at full speed, after some hours.
17098 They departed to Knapp Oredloro city.
17100 King Lugner refuses to sell spaceships if not to subjects of his.
17101 Fogonder, ship builder, says he caot sell without royal orders.
17102 Mundifico is contacted with ship smugglers (ACER290), a
synthetic entity who provides him with smuggled war ships from the
Royal Knappian shipyards: 2 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 2 hunters.
17106 They arrive to Aurean Planetary system and the enemy attacks.
With the Neutron Beam and missiles, Alliance Starfleet defeats those
enemy ships.
17108 Admiral Salter is appointed as such.
17109 Back to Aurean planet.
17110 Mundifico calls to a reunion, stating more gold from the mines
are needed.
17111 Reggis and Kette have no gold on their worlds.
17115 A cargo trip is devised.
17118 A gold convoy to Knapp- Mundifico at its command.
17120 Orb and 2 cargo vessels on route to Knapp
17124 In deep space.
17128 Again begging for more spaceships to the king Lugner.
17129 Minister Olbog repeats: no serfs of King Lugner, no sells.
However, other Administrators are asking for vessels.
17130 Olbog said: Administrators of planetary systems, appointed by
people at other Branas, must be under their rule.
17131 The Requesters refused and organized a small fleet with every
battle ship they own. Administrators: J orge Masir, Colus (star 368-20,
no Terraformed planets, 18 mining fields, 1 Cruiser, several armed
Freighters. The Alliance of Planets is born. Elected President:
Mundifico. War Ministry: J orge Masir; Administrator Salter: commander
of the Fleet.
17143 Administrator Covarrubias, over Delta Spoon, one planet, 18 big
satellites, with mining operations going on- mineral exported to Knapp.
17145 Administrator Covarrubias has several female Synthetics at his
service, on subterranean palace.
17146 His synthetic females attend Mundifico and other visits.
17147 Mundifico made plans.
17149 Administrator Covarrubias has great ideas for the future.
17150 Adm. Covarrubias show his installations through a holographic
17151 Adm. Covarrubias is wealthier than he shows.
17153 Commander Salter made plans to attack the Pirates of Space.
17154 The Alliance Fleet nearing Delta Spoon whereabouts.
17155 Spoon B inhabited by Rumanians.
17157 Commander Salter and the Fleet patrol the area around Spoon
17158 The Fleet is in waiting for several days.
17160 Tired of to wait; Mundifico offers himself and the Orb to go
scouting near other stars.
17161 Bored, Mundifico learns about Genetics- soon afterwards, the
pirates appear.
17163 Enemy ships closing up against the scout Orb commanded by
Mundifico. Admiral Salter goes to the rescue.
17164 Pirates crossing mining fields planted by the Allied Starfleet. Orb
spaceship fires missiles against the pirates, but to not avail- force fields
stronger than supposed.
17165 Admiral Salter in battle; pirates are captured, others dead. They
said their base it is at a moon. B2m603 star system.
17166 At the moon, Faroden continent has the pirate base. Its
guarded by several warships.
17170 Admiral Salter when nearing the pirate planetary system is
aware of
17171 pirate fleet in waiting. War plans are devised.
17172 Pirates on sight. Forty vessels different sizes.
17173 Mundifico on his Orb, Lulu at the guns. The pirates hit an
Alliance Cruiser.
17174 Another Hunter is hit. Admiral Salter is killed when his Cruiser is
hit. Mundifico runs out.
17177 Mundifico set course to Aurean P.S.; Alliance Starfleet is
17178 Arrival to Aurean; King Cornejian caot believe the defeat.
17180 Miss Arandula welcomes his former lover Mundifico, believing
he defeats the pirates.
17181 Mundifico is jealous of Arandula, who dances with others and
has too many friends.
17182 Lulu made inquiries: Arandula is iocent and loyal to Mundifico,
but has many friends.
17183 Mundifico stops a dancing party and told Arandula to behave, as
he wants.
17184 King Cornejian gives all the gold he gets from his gold mines,
for to buy warships.
17185 The jealous Mundifico rejects Arandula. Holly takes her place.
17186 Finally, the news spread among the people: the defeat of the
Alliance Fleet is known. Alliance Administrators called on Mundifico
asking his renounce to the post.
17205 Administrator Colus is enraged by the loss of the Fleet; J orge
Masir defends Mundifico, Administrator Seredon ask for the removal of
Mundifico as President, Administrator J ohanson ask for names to elect
a new President.
17206 J orge Masir is the new elected President of the Alliance Space
fleet. He appoints Mundifico as his second in command (no official title
17207 New battleships are bought, this time at Earth.
17208 New battleships are 3 Cruisers, 4 Frigates, 17 Hunters, 1 Orb.
They set prow to Alpha Moll, where Administrator Seredon is asking for
17209 Asked, Mundifico says Replicants are not to be built in numbers,
or they are going to replace humankind. Arrival to Alpha Moll star.
17212 Administrator Seredon at Alpha Moll, planet 3 in terraforming
progress, not habitable yet.
17213 Enemy ships appear, and they are seven Frigates, four Battle
ships, eight Hunters, three Orbs.
17214 Two Alliance Hunters downed, three Frigates damaged on the
first encounter; at the second encounter, another Hunter is damaged,
but the enemy lost a Frigate; a Cruiser from the Alliance is hit. J orge
Masir, who was at the satellite, is rescued by the Mundificos orb. From
there, to the Cruiser Mefaga.
17221 President Masir went to the surface of the satellite at the Cruiser
17222 A ground enemy battery opens fire against the Mefaga,
severing it in two pieces.
17224 From the Orb, Lulu gued the enemy battery with LASER rays,
and fused the C Beam Caon out of action, but his brain is burnt when
the First Law is disobeyed.
17225 Alliance Fleet orbiting the satellite at Alpha Moll 3 amounts to
three Frigates badly damaged and four Hunters. Mundifico calls
captains to a virtual reunion, taking the command of the Space Fleet
without resistance, due to the disappearance of the President Masir
and his staff aboard the Mefaga.
17226 Mundifico sent troops to the mining fields and towns, appeasing
the incoming revolt.
17227 The old Majors keep their post, provided they work loyally to the
new administration.
17228 Months later, economy is recovered at the satellite, under
Mundifico administration. He appoints a Frigate and two Hunters to
guard the space around the satellite. and went to Aurean planet.
17229 They arrive to Aurean planet; king Cornejian receives him with
great ceremony; this time he is a victor.
The End.

Characters of the tale and other information:

Captain Lucho Urrutia of the "Poderoso" space freighter. Crew: Pinto,
Bope and Diaz.
Three were the kidnapped, minus one who is doctor Mauvan; now her
niece Nicole Covarrubias deserted (to be helping the two at the walled
The remaining crew is:
Commander: Mundifico
First Officer: Lulu, Second Officer: Belone, Pilots: Reggie; Technical
Advisors: Kette, Gosse. Chief Engineer Alberto Oyarce, Mechanic:
Gayuba Inscite. Doctor: J aime Mauvan. Crew: Brandon Cornejian,
Chuan Despero, Dango Etenim, Dolobre Yalus, Ebonita Inaures,
Hunabku Limax, Fernan Salvatierra, Inocencia Gomez.
The kidnapped are: J orge Alvarez, Ignacio Gutierrez, Liliana Nadir.
Rescuer: Nicole Covarrubias.

Queen Ester of Malehn (The "anuk" is their language).
Chancellor Fagadon- Friends: Gofrend (farthing); Chilin, Sikabon- bald
Princess Dhaleng, Ester's niece. Sobrina - governed the walled city of
Firnuca, and the queen usually abides in there.
Lord Flurd, chief officer of Dhaleng's Army.
Lord Buchon , officer of Dhaleng's Army.
Larconian, Keymaster of the Dungeons
Brandon Cornejian, student. "The man of the maps".
Crew of the Orb: J aime Mauvan, Doctor- Nicole Covarrubias, Doctor-
Chuan Despero, Dango Etenim, Dolobre Yalus, Ebonita Inaures,
Gayuba Inscite, Hunabku Limax, Ignacio Gutierrez, Fernan Salvatierra,
Inocencia Gomez, J orge Alvarez, Liliana Nadir, Alberto Oyarce.
Ribardo, guide from the "Perico Hotel". Earth.
CROVAILOBA the golden Robot of Professor Rubosa (Both killed in an
Professor Rubosae, owner of an Orb Spaceship (diameter 40 meters.)
MALE MODEL Class AA3... "Belone" SERIAL NUMBER... BL 19568
MALE MODEL. Class AA3...Lulu" SERIAL NUMBER...BL19303...
Four Mining male models, Class ARTO3. Serial Number ML 393,
Serial number ML 330, Serial Number ML 390, Serial Number 391.
Two Mining male models Class CA, Serial Number CA 20, Serial
Number CA 29.
4.304.000 million Credits the six mining Series. Bought at
Epeople from the Knapp 10:
Hand kit, to be used at hard labor. Brains Class AB-CXO, similar to
model CX.
Names of Class AA806:
Shuleta, metallic AA806 340 730
Sinerbio, metallic AA806 340 830
Askarbio, metallic AA806 390 392
Atisinerio, metallic AA806 393 100
Costonokio, metallic AA806 393 123
Umsteigen, metallic AA806 320 230
Carbasus, metallic AA806 300 102
J G model.
Ronaxa, model AA4 number 93 Knapp 11 (Earth made.)

Knappian people:
King Lugner of Knapp
Isildur: Prime Minister of Lugner.
Seiten, scientific; Vorrang Emontecinos, helper.
Seiten (desde): tourist
Vorrang (primacia) assistant to Seiten
250.000 Rolos (price of the first mechabot)
"Easypeople Company", etc.
1.000.000 Rolos model J G
Model BA 35 350.000 Rolos
Battery life span: 182 years, 6.000 Credits.
Workable In, 14 model AB 35 no software 1 million Credits each.
AB 35 series 63 400 "Yasuri".
Mechamen model 29 OD .
AB 35 "Brunilde, "Lirian", "Yasuri".
WKR03, paralyzing weapon 2 M Credits.
BA 35 model, price 350.000 Rolos - Easypeople Company.
Model AA806. Metallic.

Correlate =
125.000 credits =17.500 Rolos
62.500 credits = 8.750 Rolos
31.250 credits =4.375 Rolos
1 million credits =140056.02 Rolos
7, 14 credits - 1 Rolos
1 Rolos =7.14 credits

J uillet 2008
XI Knapp:
Knappian Synthetic persons
E-people made at Oredloro:
Names of Class AA806:
Shuleter, metallic AA806 342 730 (Architect).
Sinerber, metallic AA806 342 830
Askarber, metallic AA806 392 392
Atisinerer, metallic AA806 392 100
Costonoker, metallic AA806 392 123
Umsteiger, metallic AA806 322 230
Carbaser metallic AA806 302 102
J G model. Similar to a human being.
Workers Class made in Knapp: Under Governor Shurvanas :
(a) X30 0033
X20 0934
X03 d9s
X02 s9
AB-0000 series.

Addendum & Data:

Characters of the tale and other information:
Captain Lucho Urrutia of the Poderoso space freighter. Crew: Pinto,
Bope and Diaz.
Three were the kidnapped, minus one who is doctor Mauvan; now her
niece Nicole Covarrubias deserted (to be helping the two at the walled
The remaining crew is:
Seccin 1.02 Commander: Mundifico
First Officer: Lulu, Second Officer: Belone, Pilots: Reggie; Technical
Advisors: Kette, Gosse. Chief Engineer Alberto Oyarce, Mechanic:
Gayuba Inscite. Doctor: J aime Mauvan. Crew: Brandon Cornejian,
Chuan Despero, Dango Etenim, Dolobre Yalus, Ebonita Inaures,
Hunabku Limax, Fernan Salvatierra, Inocencia Gomez.
The kidnapped are: J orge Alvarez, Ignacio Gutierrez, Liliana Nadir.
Rescuer: Nicole Covarrubias.
Queen Ester of Malehn (The anuk is their language).
Chancellor Fagadon- Friends: Gofrend (farthing); Chilin, Sikabon- bald
Princess Dhaleng, Esters niece. Sobrina - governed the walled city of
Firnuca, and the queen usually abides in there.
Lord Flurd, chief officer of Dhalengs Army.
Lord Buchon , officer of Dhalengs Army.
Larconian, Keymaster of the Dungeons
Brandon Cornejian, student. The man of the maps.
Crew of the Orb: J aime Mauvan, Doctor- Nicole Covarrubias, Doctor-
Chuan Despero, Dango Etenim, Dolobre Yalus, Ebonita Inaures,
Gayuba Inscite, Hunabku Limax, Ignacio Gutierrez, Fernan Salvatierra,
Inocencia Gomez, J orge Alvarez, Liliana Nadir, Alberto Oyarce.
Ribardo, guide from the Perico Hotel. Earth.
CROVAILOBA the golden Robot of Professor Rubosa (Both killed in an
Professor Rubosae, owner of an Orb Spaceship (diameter 40 meters.)
MALE MODEL Class AA3... Belone SERIAL NUMBER... BL 19568
MALE MODEL. Class AA3...Lulu SERIAL NUMBER...BL19303...
Four Mining male models, Class ARTO3. Serial Number ML 393,
Serial number ML 330, Serial Number ML 390, Serial Number 391.
Two Mining male models Class CA, Serial Number CA 20, Serial
Number CA 29.
4.304.000 million Credits the six mining Series. Bought at
Epeople from the Knapp 10:
Hand kit, to be used at hard labor. Brains Class AB-CXO, similar to
model CX.
Names of Class AA806:
Shuleta, metallic AA806 340 730
Sinerbio, metallic AA806 340 830
Askarbio, metallic AA806 390 392
Atisinerio, metallic AA806 393 100
Costonokio, metallic AA806 393 123
Umsteigen, metallic AA806 320 230
Carbasus, metallic AA806 300 102
J G model.
Ronaxa, model AA4 number 93 Knapp 11 (Earth made.)

Knappian people:
King Lugner of Knapp
Isildur: Prime Minister of Lugner.
Seiten, scientific; Vorrang Emontecinos, helper.
Seiten (desde): tourist
Vorrang (primacia) assistant to Seiten
250.000 Rolos (price of the first mechabot)
Easypeople Company, etc.
1.000.000 Rolos model J G
Model BA 35 350.000 Rolos
Battery life span: 182 years, 6.000 Credits.
Workable In, 14 model AB 35 no software 1 million Credits each.
AB 35 series 63 400 Yasuri.
Mechamen model 29 OD .
AB 35 Brunilde, Lirian, Yasuri.
WKR03, paralyzing weapon 2 M Credits.
BA 35 model, price 350.000 Rolos - Easypeople Company.
Model AA806. Metallic.


Knapp 12 Darude

17447 Darude Bean arrives with his wife Dahlia Fore to Lubina in the
planet Knapp from Oredloro city. Colonists received lands at Lubina for
a start.
17448 They lodged on communal buildings
17452 Darude elected President of the Assembly of Farmers in Lubina
17453 They will ask more help from the Governor
17455 But they are not received by Governor Sir Borondio
17457 They return home at the fields
17458 He returns to the Administration Building, and talks with Mr.
Cucional for more seeds.
17460 A month elapsed
17462 The Farmers complains of their situation.
17463 Omeisaurs eats crops
17465 Farmers decide to sell crops at the streets.
17468 Farmers told people in town about their misfortunes in the fields.
17470 Back and forth from the fields to town produces an accident on
the road.
17472 Finding a missing truck on the road.
17473 Selling goods at the street.
17476 They sold a lot of groceries
17477 Sir Borondio is removed as Governor of Lubina
17479 Lady Shurvana is the new Governor.
17480 Darude and farmers asks seeds to the Governor.
17482 Governor Shurvana give the seeds and begin building a tower
17484 Materials to build the tower are needed
17485 Governor asks money and materials to Ministry of Colonization
17488 Mr. Cucional went to Oredloro asking for money
17488 Governor Shurvana supervising works at the Tower
17489 Cucional gets drunk at Oredloro.
17490 Eight months later, the Tower is finished.
17491 Governor Shurvana receives the Tower.
17492 Darude organizes a team to visit Governor S. at her new tower
17493 Darude travels alone- the rest quits before the start
17494 Darude presents his congratulations to Governor S.
17495 Governor Shurvana accepts congratulations.
17496 Darude appoints the new Chamberlain.
17498 Darude begin his work after a row with his wife.
17499 Darude is sent to Rixiaberg for more materials or money.
17500 Darude receives a Synthetic for help (AB 6363)
17501 Administrator Frascoli from Min. of Colonization gives help.
17502 Governor Shurvana begin the building of a big wall.
17503 Darude at Rixiaberg waiting for the materials
17504 1000 iron tons shipped to Lubina by Mr. Frascoli
17505 Darude shopping at Rixiaberg
17506 AB attending Darude in Rixiaberg
17507 Return to Lubina in a truck. Governor complains for the delay.
17508 At Lubina, Bank Manager Mr. Simpbour says no money on the
17509 Opening a copper mining operation, Darude solves the lack of
17510 Bank of Lubina lends money to buy a Flyer
17511 84 hours in the truck to Rixiaberg
17512 Pisanosaurs on the road. AB 6363 badly damaged.
17513 AB6566 Efemale helps Darude
17514 AB3432 repairs the truck
17515 Ten hours after truck failure, Darude arrives to Rixiaberg
17516 Darude slept on a Hotel.
17517 The truck is sent to repairs.
17518 Darude goes gambling. Earns a lot. With AB 6566 to a bull fight.
17520 He bets at the full fight
17521 Darude earns money at the bull fights
17522 Darude hire some mercenaries
17524 Darude rents a bus
17525 AB 6566 and Darude start romance; the truck is ready; returns
to Lubina
17525 Dahlia Fore gets the divorce
17530 Copper mine keeps producing money
17531 Darude promises more money to the Bank
17532 Delays- AB 6566 call for clients from the mining camp
17533 Darude sold more copper
17534 Lady Shurvana gets sick.
17535 Governor Shurvana sent to Oredloro Hospital- Darude replace
17536 Bank of Lubina receiving more money from the mining camp
17537 Darude raise a Police Station: mercenaries as Policemen
17538 First delinquent in jail
17539 Dinosaurs attacks mining camp
17540 Darude raise Police Station at the Mining Camp
17541 Lady Shurvana keeps being at Oredloro State Hospital
17542 Prince Garach as Lord Alviano to help 3 teachers in their
exploration north
17543 Darude is confirmed as Governor Substitute by the Queen
17550 Darude works hard mining copper for Lubina town
17554 A Poekilopleuron attacks at the Mining camp when Darude was
17556 Darude hides at an upturned truck
17557 Darude returns on foot to the mining camp
17558 Darude slept on the forest
17559 Policemen finds Darude on the forest
17560 Synthetic people were repaired and sent back to the mining
17563 The University teachers arrives to Lubina
17564 Repaired Synthetic people has a virus telling the repair shop
everything about the Governor
17565 KAO spying on Governor Darude.
17567 Chief of Police recommends Darude to sent every Synthetic to
the mining fields
17568 AB 6566 wishes not to be at the mining camp
17569 The 3 professors at Lubina town
17570 Darude show them maps of the region to explore
17571 Darude told the teachers about the virus on the Synthetics
17572 Teacher Curly says Synthetics are always destroyed trying to
find viruses on them
17573 Teacher Curly says he could block or erase the virus on the
17575 Technicians called by Teacher Curly arrives and begin working
on the Synthetics
17578 Darude and the Technicians on the mining camp
17579 Darude is aware things at the Mining camp had improved
17581 Coelophysis pack attacks at the Mining camp. Aerial ship
escape flying
17583 The Synthetic people are being repaired. AB 6566 returns to
Darude clean
17585 The Technicians ends their work and depart
17586 The Policeman killed by Coelophysis is buried on a ceremony.
17586 New quarters are dig on the hill for the persoel
17588 At Lubina town, people is attacked by Troodons
17589 A palisade must be set around Lubina
17590 Policemen are posted around town
17591 Policemen out on the streets
17592 Injured man at the mine
17593 News of the teachers stop. A search begin.
17594 In a Flyer, Darude explores the north of the continent
17595 Exploring the river Abu
17597 Brachiosaurs in sight
17598 They found a cupola on the woods
17599 Darude told Chief Fatualer about the cupola by radio
17600 They get inside smashing locks
17601 Teacher Moe is tied up inside the cupola
17603 A Deinonichus attacks and kill two Policemen
17604 They return to Lubina
17605 Professor Moe recuperating at Lubina Hospital
17606 Police Graften is buried in a ceremony
17607 Plaing a new force field
17608 Lubina Hospital lacks medicines and equipment
17609 Medical supplies arrives from Oredloro
17611 Two new Flyers are bought for Lubina
17613 At Rixiaberg, Darude gets invited to a gala party
17614 Daina and J orna went with Darude and Mr. Frascoly to a party
17617 Lord Alviano gala party
17618 Darude saw important people at the party
17619 Lord Alviano in his 81th. Birthday party
17620 Dance is for everyone at the Gala party.
17621 Frascoli, Darude and the ladies to Frascolis apartment
17622 Hugh is the buttler at Frascolis apartment
17623 Everybody wakes up early for work
17624 Darude back at the Hotel and Honey
17625 Later, Darude went to see Daina
17626 Darude and Daina to a Resort Hotel
17627 Up to the diing room
17628 He booked for a sea tour
17629 On the tour
17630 On sea bikes
17631 Game playing at the ships casino
17632 Ekorna the Synthetic Assistant is asked by Darude to be his
mate instead of a wearisome Daina
17633 Ekorna makes Darude happy for three days
17634 Darude bought presents for some people of Lubina and gets
back there
17635 Policemen also works at the mines
17636 Honey bought a Flyer vehicle for Darude
17637 Searching for a good model
17638 On the new Flyer vehicle, Darude goes back to Lubina
17639 Moe visits the mining field
17640 Professor Moe says he needs a force field on the mining camp
17641 Professor Moe explains they were kidnapped by robbers
17642 Professor Moe pays Darude for a trip to the cupola
17643 They traveled on a big military vessel
17644 Captain Nefrate driving
17645 Professor Moe excited to be where he was left to die
17646 They find several eaten bodies and one badly injured.
17646 The airship of Cap. Nefrate takes him to Rixiaberg Hospital
17647 Moe, Darude and others will wait for the return of Cap Nefrates
17648 Darude tells chief of police where he stands
17649 They wait but the military vessel isnt coming
17650 Darude asks for the Flyer
17651 Captain Nefrate is missing
17652 They found that spaceship crashed on a rocky site
17653 Air Force arrives to the site of the crash
17655 Darude goes back to Lubina- Prof. Moe stays with the Air Force
17656 The new airship waits at Rixiaberg
17657 Darude and Honey went to Rixiaberg
17658 Darude finds its an Orb spaceship what Honey bought
17659 Darude is happy
17660 They explain them how the Orb works and how many wonders
are inside it
17662 The interior of the Orb has all the modern appliances
17663 First flight aboard the Orb
17664 Back to Lubina- certain new people arrives asking to get lands
17665 Honey visits the newcomers at the outskirts of town
17666 A chief explains they are looking for a place to settle down
17667 Honey informs Darude that those people needs medicines
17668 Rakron the Elder visits Governor Darude
17669 Darude gives them the land where they were at the moment
17670 Not everybody of the newcomers like that spot
17671 Second flight on the Orb
17672 Landing on a sandy beach
17674 Night alone
17676 They get lunch in the outside of the ship
17677 A heard of Phylodons makes them fly up
17678 A call from Lubina saying the newcomers had a very dangerous
17679 People of Lubina dont want the newcomers
17680 Doctor Moe works on the Hospital and said the place lacks
medicines and instruments
17681 More dinosaurs herds are seeing from the Orb
17683 Darude at the mining fields
17684 Honey ask Darude not to spend so much
17685 Darude want to buy big Synthetic Workers to drill at the mine
17686 Honey said there is another deposit of minerals where to start
17687 They traveled to the Oceanum Congelatum
17688 They descend on a frigid prairie
17689 5 days exploring no new riches are found
17690 Copper table prices. Copper is sold
17691 Darude bought translucent E-men
17692 Darude buying Synthetic people
17693 Darude and Honey goes to Brana 1 on the Orb
17694 Landing at Chicago space port
17695 Out to dance
17696 Dancer Siriana is invited to Lubina town
17698 Darude bought another big Synthetic miner
17699 They return to Lubina with three new workers
17700 New Administrator at the mines is AB 3432
17701 Policemen wants a leave on Rixiaberg
17702 Works keeps on
17703 The Farmers demands more seeds
17704 On the Orb to the beach- Darude wants peace
17705 Exploring on the Orb
17706 They found gems on a hill
17707 Darude brought miners to the new site
17708 Darude at the copper mines copper is being refined for sell
17712 Captain of the Police asks for duly payment for his men
17713 Darude hires a flying bus and sent every policemen at the
copper mine to Rixiaberg, wages paid
17714 Darude sent money to Lubina for to pay the rest of the
Policemen salary.
17715 Drude wants a vehicle ruing twice a week among Rixiaberg
and Lubina
17716 Darude is going to Rixiaberg again
17717 Drude sold gems at Rixiaberg
17719 A Flyer bus is bought for the use of Lubina townsfolk
17720 Teachers are hired to teach at Lubina school
17721 Teachers gets a place to sleep
17722 Dahlia Fore arrives to Lubina
17723 Some teachers are lodging at peoples homes
17724 Darude slept at the mining camp
17725 Back to Lubina: Dahlia Fore shows papers saying she is the
new Governor of Lubina
17726 Darude refuses to tell where the mines are
17727 Dahlia Fore threatens him
17728 Darude left for the mines
17729 Darude working at the Gems mine
17730 They bought the gems at Rixiaberg
17731 432.000 Credits for the reparation of a very special AB
17732 More synthetic people are bought at Rixiaberg
17733 AB 6363 is repaired and improved
17736 They visit Chief Fatualer and give him a big piece of dinosaurs
meat they chase
17737 Chief Fatualer says Governor Fore is living at the tower
17738 King Lugner didnt like Darudes presence on Lubina and send a
Frigate to chase him
17739 Commander Iactatus about Darude misdeeds
17741 Iactatus begin the chase
17742 Darude set force fields over mining sites
17743 Darude still wants to administrate a city of his own
17744 Darude visits Continent Zvei
17745 They explore several sites at Zvei
17746 They find to baileds native humans of planet Knapp
17747 Tobaleids refuse friendship
17748 Honey told AB 6363 that Darudes live didnt last
17749 AB 6363 told Darude he could have clones on his future city
17751 Darude went back to the mines, and were told the Frigate was
lurking in the sky
17752 Honey said there is some risk while buyers come for copper to
the mine.
17753 Darude calls the clients
17754 After selling the copper production, Darude went to Earth
17755 They visit shops bought women clothes and more workers
17759 Darude bought 13 new Synthetics at Easy People Co. with
17760 Back to work at Knappian mine sites
17761 A big amount in gems are ready to be sold
17762 To Earth, to sell the gems
17763 They offer the gems
17764 Darude saw the new personal Flyers- cheap and portable
17765 They buy personal Flyers and at Rixiaberg Darude rents a place
where to sell them
17766 People begin buying personal Flyers
17767 In scant days, all the personal Flyers are sold
17768 Money is counted
17769 For ten months Darude keeps traveling to Earth and bringing
back to Rixiaberg more flyers
17770 Trip to Earth
17771 In- built pilot of an Orb asks for a automaton to repair the hull
using it as a body
17772 Darude bought that body, and a dinosaur model
17773 Honey keeps on being a spectacular E-female as well as a
powerful machine
17774 At Restaurants, Synthetic people are often seen drinking
hydraulic beverages
17776 AB 6565 told Darude he could be a Governor as well as a
17777 Hucine- built- in pilot of an Orb- receives the automaton body
17778 Ready to get back to Knapp with more personal Flyers
17780 At Rixiaberg they learn King Lugner is dead.
17781 Darude calls on Professor Moe
17782 Professor Moe went to the burial of the King Lugner with Darude
17783 Professor Moe accepts helping Darude to clean his name
17785 Prince Garach is the new King of Knapp
17786 Professor Moe shows Darude a special sound Generator
17787 Capable of to tame the most dangerous beast- or human being
17788 Darude goes again to the Royal Palace with professor Moe
17789 The Wave Generator is shown at the Royal Palace
17790 Advisor Sufernes receives them. The machine shows it works.
17791 Darude reminds Professor Moe about his problem with the Law
17792 Honey said not to confide much in a royal pardon
17794 King Garach sent for Professor Moe
17795 King Garach offers a million Credits for one Wave Generator
17796 King Garach asks Professor Moe how the Generator tames
17797 Rumors of Governor Dahlia Fore are mentioned at King
Garachs table
17798 Count Garniaso says Darude is a thief on the run
17799 Professor Moe told the King that Darude is iocent
17800 King Garach asked Professor Moe to deliver Mr. Darude unto
17801 King Garach goes to bed and not alone
17802 Professor Moe brought Darude to the Royal Palace, where he is
jailed by Advisor Sufernes
17804 Professor Moe said the King Garach asked to see Darude
before him, but not in prison.
17805 Advisor Sufernes goes to Lubina town
17806 After several days, Sufernes is back and P. Moe press him for
the liberation of Darude
17807 Sufernes said the charges are robbery of mines pertaining to
the Kingdom
17808 J udge Drungar presides the trial
17809 J udge Drungar reads the charges against Darude
17810 J udge Drungar condemns Darude to 30 years in jail
17811 King Garach asked Professor Moe for three more Wave
17812 Professor Moe asked first to talk with King Garach
17813 After some days, King Garach talks with Professor Moe
17814 King Garach gives Darude under the custody of Professor Moe
17817 Darude worked hard under Professor Moes laboratory.
17819 Professor Moe makes Darude his partner on the factory
17820 Professor Moe invented the Egernal Paint
17821 Darude went to Earth to promote the sell of the new paint
17822 Darude sells the Franchise of the Eternal Paint
17823 Darude went to see spaceships for sell
17824 Vorbeugen Company has the best spaceships models
17825 Vendor E-female AB 5063 shows him several spaceships for
17826 Darude keeps on looking for Spaceships
17827 Ditto
17828 Darude bought a 03 Orb model
17829 Darude bought Vendor E-female AB 5063
17830 AB 5063 said she is only a Standard Model
17832 Darude bought a crew at Easy People Co.
17833 Darude bought 13 Synthetic people
17834 Darude bought brand new Synthetic Models
17835 Darude talks with the driver of an Orb
17836 At Orb 02 643 CC- 21 Darude revise cabins
17837 AB 621 (E-female) shows him the interior of an Orb 02 model
17838 Darude went to Chicago to sell the Gems
17839 AB 5063 goes to receive maintenance
17840 Darude heard about how many improvements he is paying in
behalf of AB 5063 and accepted it
17841 Darude visits the people who bought the franchises for the
Eternal paint
17842 Professor Moe asks for exotic materials, saying King Garach is
ill. Sufernes has the power now
17843 AB 5063 (E-female) and AB 0930 (E-female) are delivered to
17844 Darude and the E-ladies goes back to his Orb in Orbit
17845 Darude asks AB 5063 to study P. Moes message- she
discovered an encrypted message in it.
17846 Darude was told of the secret message: it says: Do Not Come
17847 Darude realizes that while Sufernes replace King Garach, his
hopes for a pardon will be Zero
17848 Darude wonders if life on an asteroid could be bearable
17849 Darude wonders if life on an asteroid could be bereable
17850 The city has everything for an agreeable life
17851 Darude went to Asteroid CC 2800 but soon others arrives and
danger makes him leave the place
17852 Lacking weapons, Darude leaves the asteroid
17853 They visit Mars city on Mars
17854 Darude finds a section fo a synthetic soldier on one of his Orbs
and sent it to be repair
17855 42.000 Credits for to repair a military Synthetic
17856 New models are shown to Darude
17857 Darude bought Synthetic replicas of famous Earth persons at
cheap price: 450.000 each.
17858 He bought four of it.
17859 Out and at a Restaurant, Darude was amazed to see the new
models with definite personality around
17860 AXE 32, in-built pilot, said there is a treasure in a distant planet-
and he knew how to get there.
17863 Darude gets interested.
17864 AB 5063 activates the new Soldiers found at the Orb.
17865 The soldiers went to revise any weapon the Orb could have on
17866 They went to spaceport Mars City
17867 Darude starts buying weapons.
17868 Weapons arrive and are located inside the Orbs
17869 The repaired Soldier is a female
17870 A new person I am, said the female Soldier
17871 AB 0930 finds volunteers for to colonize a city under Darudes
17872 Ruing out of Freezing pods, people are freeze with the cold of
17873 Darude is freezed
17874 Map of the new planet
17875 Landing
17876 A city is detected- humans are there.
17877 Darude designs his future city
17878 Darude hovers on the Orb over the alien walled city
17879 A dragon attacked them, summoned by a robed man
17880 AB 0930 and Darude descend on the Alien City
17881 Darude enters unto a shop and learns the language
17882 The city is called Lingnaur of the Sorcerers
17883 The Orb takes them out of Lingnaur
17884 The first houses are built on Darudia city
17885 The Synthetic ones with a personality goes voluntarily to
17886 Darude departs to the Treasure planet in the biggest Orb
17887 AXE 32 pilot says five months takes the travel to the Treasure
17888 Darude is awakened of his Deep Sleep
17889 They approached the Solar System
17890 Too many years in stasis
17891 Arrival to the Solar System
17892 Darude sold the damaged 03 Orb
17893 Darude lands in Chicago Space Port
17894 His Bank Account has great gains
17895 Darude wants a new spaceship
17896 Darude bought AB 63216 e-female
17897 Darude wins at the Roulette
17898 Darude bought a spaceship and departed
17899 They left Pluto behind. Descending on Horcruxe III
17900 632.000 people on Darudia city
17901 AB 5063 tell colonists Darude has come back
17902 People is amazed and waits for Darude
17903 Gordon is the President of Darudia and welcomes Darude
17904 People cheered Darude on the streets
17905 Darude explains why he takes so long in his return
17906 Darude refuses to sleep in town- goes to his spaceship
17907 AB 5603 said those people has only airplanes available
17908 Darude gives free meals with his food processor
17909 AB 5603 calls on Lingnaur City- Nixon is the President
17910 Darude on Lingnaur- Nixon welcomes him
17911 Nixon, Van Gogh and Nietzsche receives him
17912 Darude ask Nixon to make him President of Lingnaur
17913 Nixon gives him a personal guard
17914 Darude ask President Gordon to resign to his post as he want to
be the new one
17915 Gordon refuses to quit.
17916 Darude became King and have access to the Treasure
17917 128 million Credits in gold and silver are found
17918 Darude pleads iocence of a crime and goes to Lingnaur city
17919 Darude is proclaimed Leader of Lingnaur by President Nixon
17920 Soldiers at Lingnaur are magicians
17921 A tower is given to Darude at Lingnaur
17922 Darude march along the streets of Lingnaur
17923 Nixon gives a gala dier
17924 Darude believes Nixon is a nuisance for his administration and
terminates him.
17925 Lohen master of magic invites Darude to a meeting with ruling
17926 Darude drinks a potion of salvation
17927 General Garbonko of Darudia arrives to Lingnaur and finds a
The End.

Knapp XII
Vorbeugen Company Spaceship builder and reseller.
Copper. 1 ton =1.179.542 Credits.
70 tons =
ABT621 ABT320, Translucent Synthetic persons (mining at
Doctor Fegina from Rixiaberg Hospital, together with 3 other Natural
Siriana, the Michigan ballet dancer who went to Lubina.
Canaca Stores, Used & New Synthetic Assistants, Rixiaberg.
Gorent, Delegate of Lubina Town
Rakron de Elder, from the tribe who arrives to Lubina to stay. Others;
Gockrin and Telal.
Hucine, in-built pilot at the Orb.
Gorjan, vendor of the Orb to Darude.
Bleta, second officer at the Police Station of Lubina town.
Captain Nefrate of the military (Royal Army of Oredloro) airship

Darude Bean, farmer, Chamberlain, Governor (III) Substitute,
Dahlia Fore, wife of Darude, IV Governor of Lubina.
Ospero, 40, farmer
Garina, Wife of Ospero.
Lemont, 48, farmer, thin.
Olson Fordin, Secretary Farmers Asoc.
Korb, Treasurer Farmers Asoc.
Sir Borondio, first Gov. of Lubina Town
Miss Lucila, Secretary to Sir Borondio.
Cucional, Warehouse chief
King Lugner of Knapp.
Lubina town, 1230 pop. 840 km north of Rixiaberg.
Lady Shurvana, II Gov of Lubina.
Afrenios, Mountain ridge to the north.
Simpbour, Gral Manager Bank of Lubina
Farmer Asoc of Lubina
Lord Alviano, Minister of Colonies (Oredloro)
Frascoli, Sub Minister of Colonies, (Oredloro)
Honey AB6566 E-woman, Assist to Darude Bean
AB3432, Manager Copper Mines
AB6342 E-female
Eurotapalos, Chief Architect at Lubina
Fatualer, mercenary, Chief of Police Lubina Station
Nineton, Sgt. Major of Lubina Police Station (dead in action)
Kingle, Policeman, Chief Police Station at Copper mines.
Prof Moe, from Oredloro University
Prof Larry and Curly, from Oredloro University (disappeared).
Prince Garach, 24, Oredloro.
Sir Vasquin, Chief Royal Hangar, Oredloro.
Count Oxigarbio, chief Acquisitions Department of Defense Oredloro.
Lady Eighfor, Wife to Lord Alviano.
Tovailed, people at the second Continent.
J oina, Synthetic E-woman, Asist. To Darude.
Daina, idem
Lord Iactatus, Com of Frigate Direptio.
Facfactor, first officer at the Frigate Direptio.
Continent Zvei , or East.

Original 42127 words.
Revision 1: 42157
Revision 2: 42231
Revision 3: 42254




Knapp 13 Lady Shurvana.
Childhood. Originating of Oredloro and related with the royalty on the
part of their father, I enjoy a happy and spoiled life.
Oredloro, in that time, didnt envy any city on the civilized Universe.
Youth. Assiduous and it affects to the sport of the swimming, he/she
knows many youths of good social position; it wins two juvenile
After achieving I title professional in Foreign commerce, he/she works
in the Soc. Mining Oxiborion and Co.; in that, he/she knows Bifeno, of
noble origin who makes it their wife.
Bifeno die in a special mission in Vulcano, and Shurvana it is widow.
Soon after he/she leaves their work and their mother Lady Fatila it gets
of the Empress Maculla of Knapp Governor's position in the recently
founded town of Lubina.
Shurvana, mother already of two daughters, he/she leaves them
assisting the University and it arrives to Lubina where all this to be
made; it inaugurates a Hospital, and he/she makes build government's
Tower, near the town. To the ao and half, it makes sick gravely and
he/she is a correspondent to the Hospital of Oredloro where dies later

Knapp 13, Lady Shurvana. -
Embraced time: 3741 - 3771 E.U.
Shurvana is daughter of Lord Mugor and its wife Lady Fatila (3.741
were Universal).
He/she studies and it is received in Foreign commerce
Of Vacations in Oxiborion with their parents.
Rarfornio is invited and it bores Shurvana
Roasted in the beach
Fella and Askor disappears in the beach of Oxiborion
They look for their friends Fella and Askor but unfruitful.
Shurvana goes in cavern to its friends, but they are single dreams.
He/she decides to help.
They look for the coast.
In the sea.
They are not found.
I return to Oredloro after two months in the Costa
Shurvana wins swimming ; then approves the fields of its studies.
He/she studies Economy. Their father gives him a vehicle air type Flier.
Shurvana is received and with its parents part to vacations to
Arrival to the summer house.
Their parents arrive up-to-date following in two trucks, but Shurvana it
was with them during the night.
Shurvana goes video of astronomy in that its friend appears Gorfo.
It follows the video of Astronomy.
He/she studies videos of Astronomy
Idem and Shurvana takes breakfast.
They abduct at night at two of their friends and in the beach.
It travels in boat with their friends.
They come Ictiosaurs in the sea.
They take a bath to a side of the boat
Askor makes a party and he/she invites it.
Shurvana dancing with Askor.
He/she returns very happy home.
Shurvana walks its father in the air vehicle Flier.
After leaving their father in earth, it explores to the east of Oxiborion
and he/she observes some Liliensternos, Caelofisis, and he/she
returns home.
I return to Oredloro and he/she enters to work in the Co. Mining
Oxiborion and Co.
Mars travels to the planet with its Synthetic Assistant to process an
important copper sale.
Shurvana marvels with the rings of Saturn and Uranus.
she knows the scientific Bifeno who travels in the same space ship.
They descend to the planet Mars and she has the first meeting with the
It processes the copper sale to the CMSM.
It concludes the sale Contract and trip begins to Oredloro.
Some old passengers die in space trip.
Arrival to house.
Lord Mugor congratulates her and she is happy.
Work in the Co. Mining Oxiborion
Banquet of the Co. Mining. He/she appears Bifeno and Shurvana
he/she dances with the one.
Bifeno invites it to have dier
Delighted Shurvana
Shurvana buys clothes for the prospective appointment.
It lists for the appointment
Lady Fatila smiles of its daughter's edginess.
Lady Fatila knows Bifeno and it interrogates him on its person.
Bifeno explains who is and that ago.
To the Restaurant with a splendid Shurvana.
After the dier they have a good time
End of the appointment.
Bifeno requests him he/she is its wife
Shurvana accepts
Shurvana informs its parents
Honeymoon in Oxiborion
House of Oxiborion given to the couple.
Life in Oxiborion.
Work of Shurvana not this to their height
Shurvana gets bored in Oxiborion
Shurvana decides to leave Oxiborion. They return to Oredloro.
It recaptures their position in the Co. Mining.
Recaptured their position, the couple lives receipt.
King Lugner invites Lord Mugor and family to an official ceremony.
It is a real banquet
In the banquet, everything is happiness
King Lugner has dier with the nobility of the Kingdom
It follows the dier
The king gives objects to his companies and the appointment to the
Real Palace.
The king Lugner gives missions to all those that were invited to that
Lord Mugor has a mission that to complete in the Orbital Station N ` 4.
Lord Mugor makes meeting with other noblemen
Lord Mugor this aware one that it should be fulfilled the king's order
Courses are made for the noblemen, in order to prepare them for their
new functions.
Lord leaves Mugor after that preparation course.
Lord Mugor in trip to Station 4
Shurvana worried by Bifeno that doesn't return of a trip of scientific
Lord holiday Mugor in its house, discovers with its friends Bifeno it has
more than enough. It is informed that this in Vulcano, and in good
Lord Mugor corroborates the information with other contacts
Shurvana and Lady Fatila relaxes themselves in this respect
Shurvana continues usually working
Shurvana is informed of its husband's death because of murderous
Shurvana takes refuge in its two daughters.
Lord Mugor finishes its tasks in the Orbital Station 4, for real order.
Lord Mugor returns home, the same as other noblemen. Soon after it
dies. The Empress Maculla is moved by Lady Fatila, to who calls and it
warns him that of there from now on will be invited from honor to all the
real ceremonies.
Lady Fatila and Shurvana assist some official ceremonies.
Shurvana leaves the Mining Cia to the book credit too many abrupt
changes in that company.
Lady Fatila requests the Empress Maculla for a worthy work for its
daughter Shurvana.
Shurvana is named Governor of the town of Lubina
Shurvana studies matters related with Governor's position
It travels to Lubina in air ship of the I Exercise Real
Shurvana solves urgent cases in Lubina.
He/she makes build a tower far from the town like headquarters of the
It sends the boss of Supplies, Mr. Cucional, to Rixiaberg, so that they
send him necessary materials to create a Hospital and the Tower of
the Government.
Cucional gets something of that required in the Ministry of Health of
Shurvana ships Cucional with agricultural products for its sale.
Lady Fatila the flame for Visophone; Shurvana converses but he/she
doesn't travel to see it in person.
The Tower of the Government is finished. Shurvana begins her to
The President of the Soc. Agricultural of Lubina, Darude, presents its
respects before Shurvana.
Darude is demonstrated as useful person to the government and
Shurvana he/she gives him the position of Chamberlain and a good
Darude sees wobble its marriage due to the rejection that its wife
Dahlia Fore has to the change of being farming to government official.
Shurvana requests to Darude it gets financings.
Darude in Rixiaberg gets some resources.
Darude chooses to a Synthetic of Assistant.
Darude works for the government in the mines, and when returning
with the money it finds that the Governor Shurvana this sick person in
The Governor Shurvana is a correspondent to the Hospital of Oredloro
in an air vehicle.
The Governor Shurvana continues sick and it dies after being visited a
single time by its daughters. End.


Knapp 13 Shurvana.
Shurvana, hija de Lord Mugor, se gradua de Ingeniero en Comercio
Una operacin importante=Una gran venta de minerales a Marte la
hacen conocida
Comision de gobierno= La eligen para impulsar el comercio entre el S
Solar y Knapp
Elegida Gerente de Ventas= En la Soc. Minera Oxiborion y Cia.
Grandes exitos en su carrera=Logra grandes ventas.
Shurvana se casa con Agente Bifeno=Le conoce en el Sistema Solar,
pero vuelven a Knapp
Una familia feliz=Bifeno es cientifico militar y tiene a cargo un proyecto
La muerte de Bifeno en la Tierra=Escape de bacterias asesinas o
Shurvana de luto=recibe la noticia y pronto pierde su trabajo.
La Emperatriz Maculla la nombra Gobernadora de Lubina.
Las hijas de Shurvana- Las educa y ellas van a la Universidad.
Shurvana elegida Gobernadora de Lubina=Construye una torre y un
La enfermedad de Shurvana= Cancer. Internada en Hospital de


Knapp 14.
The daughters of Shurvana are Alaida y Minoya. Alaida is a medic and
Minoya is a biologist. Both worked with a doctor making some
experimentation for the Knappian Royal Army injertos and genetic
engineering to terraform new planets. After that, they were kidnapped
by Ghamcounin beings and carried to Tuberon Planet as slave
workers- after some time, they escaped to Knapp and delivered the
spaceship to the Knappian R. Starfleet.
The King Garach gives them a compensation in money, with whom
they opened a Medical Clinic.
The end.

Aukfor General Manager at the new site.
An important operation = A great sale of minerals to Mars makes it
Government Commission =they choose It to impel the trade between
the Solar S and Knapp
Elected Sales manager = In the Soc. Mining Oxiborion and Co.
Big successes in their career =it Achieves big sales.
Shurvana marries Agent Bifeno =he/she knows Him in the Solar
System, but they return to Knapp
A happy family =Bifeno is scientific military and he/she is responsible
for a scientific project.
The death of Bifeno in the Earth =Escape of murderous bacteria or
Mourning Shurvana =he/she receives the news and soon it loses their
The Empress Maculla Gobernadora of Lubina names her.
The daughters of Shurvana - it educates Them and they go to the
Elected Shurvana Gobernadora of Lubina =it Builds a tower and a
The illness of Shurvana =Cancer. Interned in Hospital of Oredloro.

Other Data:

Place: Knapp, Lubina.
Time: Same of Knapp 12 Darude.
Characters in appearance order:
Lady Shurvana, young Oredloriana, then mother, gives to light to
Alaida and Minoya.
Lord Mugor their father, Lady Fatila their mother.
Narna, their friend of University.
In Oxiborion: neighboring Sir Ariounko Fidian, wife Nola and its
children Fella and Askor who disappeared without trace;
Political grandfather of Shurvana: Aginemo, cousin brother of the
Sovereign. ( It is only fact, because this dead, the same as their
grandmother Shurvana).
old Omarion =Caretaker of the house in Oxiborion
Gorfo ,22,: Student in Oxiborion
Rarfonio, 30, client of the Bank of Oxiborion.
Askor, 32, young student in Oxiborion
Dorigaria, the servant dedicated to Shurvana
Veron, 23, young Oxiborniano
Mara, woman joven,22.Oxiborniana
Captain Ariounko (Boat in Oxiborion). Quibor, Teradion: sailors of the
Lorgon Feriardsen, Berria Sidan, (University friends of Shurvana in
J ufuar, cousin of Berria (University student).
Sisifina, friend of the U.; Macia, swimming partner (but bad wave).
Time lapsed during this whole narration: 3 years =3769 at 3771.


First Synopsis of Synthetic Humanoids, Knapp 15.

Page Occurrences.
01 Captain Shilar carrying cargo to Holobarnio 3 planet, also
carrying passengers (Patrice Herbion, her mother and her
02 Mistress Salvia, mother of Patrice.
03 Mr Dulles Moriat, her fiance,
04 All aboard the Kongovelga
05 The bought of new engines
06 Keeps them waiting for the depart
07 Mr. Finkle
08 Offered a share if going to a planet where riches abounds.
09 Finkle offered new Synthetic models of Assistants.
10 Test flight on route. Saturn, Enceladus.
11 Reparations, Ching Fong the Engineer.
12 Miss Patrice
13 Disliking Mr. Dulles.
14 The Kongovelga passing through Plutos orbit. Shilar on
15 Pirates fighting for entrance into the Kongovelga. Fusing parts.
16 Repairing at the Kongovelga.
17 Passing near the liner U. S. Bush.
18 Arrival to Holobarnio 3, three passengers descends, cargo
19 The Kongovelga repaired again at Holobarnio 3.
20 Shilar visited Hobobern city on Holobarnio 3, on the Agioran
Continent, logged at a cheap hotel room.
21 Walking by Hobobern city. Melan (Ewoman police).
22 Kronixa, sex worker. Model AB 7771.
23 Different Synthetic models, different prices.
24 King Eulifor rules Holobarnio, from Mars stock.
25 Passengers from University of Hobobern buy tickets to Earth
26 Professor Fudge, students are Mary, Eleonor, Cantogar,
Fishburn, Gotogo and Askiforgion. Explosion on star 6548
sending the Kongovelga at warp 9 (possibly in some instant at
warp 18) for seven months on automatic to the Horse head
nebula a place unknown to Federation cartographers.
27 Awakened by autopilot, Shilar finds Chinfong dead and the
ship astride. Professor Fudge and his students are told to get
into the lifesaver emergency boats (the Kongovelga out of
28 Four days traveling
29 Arrival to the third planet of unknown numbered star.
30 Chapter 5. Planet 3, Planetary System on Horse Head Nebula
Constellation. Crash-landing for the most part of the tiny safe
boat spaceships. Gotogo dead, Shilar on sunken spaceship
swim ashore.
31 Professor Fudge gets lost on the sea.
32 Shilar arrives to the coast after several hours, he saw
dinosaurs. Find professor Fudge captured on a spider web,
where he finally died.
33 Long legged creatures lurking on the woods.
34 Shilar on the swamps. Sinosauropteryx, Polacanthus. Shilar
feed on eggs. He saw balloon with people under it.
35 Finding some tourists: Cantogar, Mary, Eleanor, Fishburn,
Askiforgion on a cave: Troodon attacked them on the cave.
36 Talks.
37 Hypsilophodon hunted
38 They eat it.
39 Night on a tree.
40 With Mary, Cantogar, Fishburn is dead. Shilar runs with
Eleanor and Mary from Cantogar who is sick.
41 Intelligent Saurian on a vehicle gives them some food and
departed. Caudipteryx hunted and eaten. They saw some
42 Centrosaurus alert. A river is found. Edmontonia.
43 The cataract. Green saurian people found. They hunt a
Gallimimus to eat.
44 Shilar, Eleanor and Mary keeps on marching. The turret on
ruins is found.
45 Maiasaurus roaring, a pond. Panderichthys (fish). Oviraptors.
Edmontonia are seeing.
46 Roars in the night
47 Rains.
48 Edmontonia fights three young Tyraosaurus Rex. Trokin and
Dillon from Federation Civilization (Salvadias planet) appear
on a land machine, from the University of Morengo the
expedition is.
49 Arriving to camp, Director Shafer with 200 people, Fliers and
Shuttlecrafts. They rescue Mary and Eleanor from the cave.
50 Chapter 6. The camp of Director Shafer, Miss Ruhura
organizes them. Shilar worked with those explorers. A
Carnotaur fights the force field of Security.
51 Shuttle crafts. Shilar romances Mary.
52 Chapter 7. Exploring with Sampsons team.
53 Velociraptor, Pachycephalosaurus, vegetable: Ferenge
Oleaginous is found and named by the biologists. Karla the
Biologist. Carnotaur attack. Karla runs with Shilar, who saw
human remains later. The Flier departs.
54 Alone in the woods.
55 The Flier machine comes back, but was destroyed by the
cuing Carnotaur, the men are eaten. Sampson appears.
56 Another Flier descended, Director Shafer rescues Shilar
57 And also Miss Karla and Sampson. The dear were George
Burns, Lois Aberhan, M. Weidemeyer, and Silver Kiesling.
Director Shafer asks for more prudence.
58 Talks about humanoids and Cyborg.
59 Shilar and Mary on a tent. Pteranodons attack.
60 Chapter 8. Expedition of Miss J osella.
61 Biologist J osella says the planet 3 is on its Cretaceous period,
Sinosauropteryx, Sinornithosaurus, Confuciusornis abounds.
J osella is from the University of Morengo. Shilar kissed
J osella.error
62 Director Shafer asks Shilar to move out of camp for a few
days, due to the scandal. J osella went with him, later, she
uses her personal Flier to takes back one of the bigger Shuttle
crafts of the Expedition.
63 Chapter 9. Knowing the planet 3. While traveling, they meet
Captain Zubasch, on another spacecraft. He is on a Safari He
is from the Unplug Tourist Agency. They have their camp at
the Triangle Continent.
64 Invited to join, they visit Zubasch camp.
65 Zubasch uses a Synthetic crew.
66 Triceratops
67 Deinonychus
68 Back at the camp,
69 Electromen on duty guard.
70 Carnosaur pack. Electromen hits them with LASER beams.
71 Tycoon tourists: Ariana Gorbingo, Figornio Pervoluto, Askalet
Inoculo, J uifanog Cuncolus, Rastern Veraltet, Gagoger Pfad.
72 Oviraptors- the tourist hunts. Corythosaurus hits the tourists,
Gagoger, Rastern and J ufanog Cuncolus are dead.
73 Zubasch prepared his return.
74 Shilar, J osella and serpents eggs. Captain Zubasch takes
them inside his bigger craft on route to the Solar System.
75 Two years and a half it takes the trip now.
76 Shilar searching for a job as Captain on Mars.
77 J osella went back to Salvadias planet.
78 Chapter 10. The space tug boat.
79 Director general Mr. Zariguen Gurford.
80 Light is waves. Mr. Obinor receives him back on his office in
Mars with compliments.
81 Shilar finds captain Zubasch on a bar, Mars City.
82 Zubasch said
83 He was sued and fired from his job, so Shilar lends him 1000
credits to keep on.
84 Gerhard Borf Company is where Shilar works. There is a war
going on on nekar in Bootes. Kenarianas great fleet to attack
solar system. (Original Chinese colonist s) Reed China Mao is
Alive Party (RCMIA) governs there. Nekar 3 . May 30, 3774
C.E. AB 830 helps during trips.
85 Miss Laisa from Gerhard Borf Company (She is a Synthetic E-
woman). Shilar dates her and she accepts. New orbital station
around Mars. Mr. Obinor is the General Manager of G.B.Co.
Shilar has a romance with Laisa.
86 Zubasch calls him on Mars City- Mars Cosmodrome. He pays
him. Mr. Dark present at the meeting owns the Orb Spaceship.
Offer: 4 parsecs away is a small planet orbiting a red Giant,
couple of millions if he goes.
87 On an Orb.
88 Mr. Dark is financing the trip. Shilar has to resign of his
present job. Mr. Zariguen gives him a leave instead of a
89 Laisa offered to accompany him, Shilar accepted.
90 At Bens tavern, he meets Mr. Askalet Inoculo and Mr.
Figornio Pervoluto. They invite him for a future return to the
planet 3 on Horse Head Nebula no name star.
91 Chapter 11. Laisa. They arrive to the small planet but Mr.
Zubasch and Mr. Dark are dead. They search for the treasure.
92 They found the treasure.
93 It is on a chest= 126 million Credits on jewels and gold. Fifteen
years takes the way back to the Solar System, due to a kind B
star who exploded in the road back.
94 They sell the valuables on Mars. The Orb is sold. Syrtis Major
has minerals and Mr. Albert T. Hokes, Lorton Kutterbruer are
owners of mine operations and invited him to participate. Mr.
Figornio Pervoluto invites him to a dier party.
95 Ministry Borgibon of Mars.
96 Borgibon is invited to the dier and said the mine operations
are going to be nationalized by the Mars Government, so he
warns not to invest in it.
97 Mr. Pervoluto presents Mr. Farthom Climbor from the
Philocosmic Club, who gives them a lecture on the UFOS of
the past.
98 Minister Borgibon repeats the Martian state will take mining
companies under his control.
99 Back to Laisa, he said all about the mine operations handicap.
100 Shilar bought a spaceship class MP140 at Bitpace Underdog
Spaceships Company in 81 million Credits.
101 They deliver him the spaceship.
102 Chapter 12. Planet Hopro 3. They traveled to Hopro 3, 120
light years away from Earth. Hopro Star. No Federation station
present. It has some alien creatures and dinosaurs.
103 Ouranosaurus. Figornio Pervoluto. Askalet Inoculo, Lorton
Kutterbruer, plus their women. Mr. Hokes and lady Systa on
tour. Blimps with natural aliens.
104 They are saurian sapiens. City of the Saurian people.
105 Watermelons, warriors. Tourist Lucius Contignatio astounded
visited he city with some tourists.
106 Laisa guiding the tour helped by Synthetic Persons with
LASER rifles.
107 The ship is surrounded by Saurian warriors mounted on
108 Alamosaurus. They moved to the coast. Tourist Marlo
Edissero went to the sea; plenty of
109 Old kind of fishes. AB 806 tells Shilar to make something
memorable with his life. Tourists hunt Polacanthus.
110 Feast on the camp. Laisa said she ought to return to the
Gerhard Gorf Company. He refuses.
111 Mr. Contignatio fights Coelophysis. Shilar on a trip loose his
guards on a Pteranosaurs attack. He saw the Saurian City
being siege by Rat like intelligent warriors. He helps the
Saurian by giving their chief his LASER pistol and returns to
112 Chapter 13. The Spinosaurus Aegypticus. While Shilar rested
on the spaceship, Laisa carried the tourist group to hunt. They
were attacked by a big Spinosaurus and were all killed.
113 A Synthetic Humanoid awakes Shilar and t old him about the
114 He recovers hard disks of Laisa and others. He saw
recordings of the attack on a screen. Later he visits the
Saurian City, where the attackers were already beaten and
went back to their territory. He exchange some time with the
Chief of the Saurian.
115 The Saurian gives back his LASER pistol. AA 830 the last
Assistant said the saurian is king Gorishish.
116 Chapter 14. Rat City. Underneath the surface there is a
tueled city of rat sapiens. AA830 tries to understand their
social organization.
117 A procession of rats carried the severely wounded to an
enclosure where they burned them alive. They also tend the
land using Paracephalopus and herded Coelophysis.
118 Shilar moves to another place.
119 He saw dragon-like dinosaurs that are capable of to throw fire
by their jaws.
120 Chapter 15.
121 Captain Sarcina appears on a starship from Starfleet
Command. She is a natural woman. Shilar offered himself to
help in any way; they visited the woods together while the
Synthetic Assistants surveyed the territory and take samples
of everything for the Record.
122 Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Panoplosaurus,
Parasaurolophus, Parksosaurus, Pawpawsaurus,
Pentaceratops, Pinacosaurus are studied.
123 Egg camps are visited. Hundred of eggs lie to hatch. Shilar
have a romance with Captain Sarcina.
124 The rat people
125 On a big Armada sets course against the Saurian City, but
Captain Sarcina prevents them to arrive, making storms and
strong sea currents, so the Armada finally gives up and
returns to port half decimated. Sarcina resigns her post in
order to live with Shilar as a civilian at the MP 140 spaceship.
126 Return to Earth. They start a Tourist Agency with trips to
Europe satellite of J upiter.
127 Sarcina gives birth to a baby girl and stayed at the office from
then on, with Shilar happily around. The End.


Second review of KNAPP 15

SF by Alfred J uillet Frascara.
October 11, 2009 to Saturday, September 06, 2014.

Epoch: 3772 3789 C.E.
Places: Knapp planet / Tuberon planet. Fagakon, Earth, Mars,Europa,
Hobobern 3, X 3.

Captain Shilar from the space freighter Kongovelga.
First Officer Chinfong.
Miss Patrice, her mother Salvia and his fiance Dulles Moriat
Vendor from the factory Rising Sun Industries: Mr. Ki Fuson
professor Fudge and his students: Mary, Eleonor, Cantogar, Fishburn,
Gotogo and Askiforgion.


CHAPTER ONE Fighting their way to Fagakon
CHAPTER TWO Malfunction in mid space.
CHAPTER FOUR Horse Head Nebula
CHAPTER FIVE Planet III Horse Head Nebula
CHAPTER SIX Director Shafer work camp
CHAPTER SEVEN Exploring with Sampsons team
CHAPTER EIGHT The expedition of Miss Josella
CHAPTER NINE Knowing the planet 3.
CHAPTER TEN The space tug boat.
CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Spinosaurus Aegypticus.
CHAPTER FIFTEEN Captain Sarcina.

Second Synopsis of Synthetic Humanoids, Knapp 15.

Page Occurrences.
128 Captain Shilar carrying cargo to Holobarnio 3 planet, also
carrying passengers (Patrice Herbion, her mother and her
129 Mistress Salvia, mother of Patrice.
130 Mr Dulles Moriat, her fiance,
131 All aboard the Kongovelga
132 The bought of new engines
133 Keeps them waiting for the depart
134 Mr. Finkle
135 Offered a share if going to a planet where riches abounds.
136 Finkle offered new Synthetic models of Assistants.
137 Test flight on route. Saturn, Enceladus.
138 Reparations, Ching Fong the Engineer.
139 Miss Patrice
140 Disliking Mr. Dulles.
141 The Kongovelga passing through Plutos orbit. Shilar on
142 Pirates fighting for entrance into the Kongovelga. Fusing parts.
143 Repairing at the Kongovelga.
144 Passing near the liner U. S. Bush.
145 Arrival to Holobarnio 3, three passengers descends, cargo
146 The Kongovelga repaired again at Holobarnio 3.
147 Shilar visited Hobobern city on Holobarnio 3, on the Agioran
Continent, logged at a cheap hotel room.
148 Walking by Hobobern city. Melan (Ewoman police).
149 Kronixa, sex worker. Model AB 7771.
150 Different Synthetic models, different prices.
151 King Eulifor rules Holobarnio, from Mars stock.
152 Passengers from University of Hobobern buy tickets to Earth
153 Professor Fudge, students are Mary, Eleonor, Cantogar,
Fishburn, Gotogo and Askiforgion. Explosion on star 6548
sending the Kongovelga at warp 9 (possibly in some instant at
warp 18) for seven months on automatic to the Horse head
nebula a place unknown to Federation cartographers.
154 Awakened by autopilot, Shilar finds Chinfong dead and the
ship astride. Professor Fudge and his students are told to get
into the lifesaver emergency boats (the Kongovelga out of
155 Four days traveling
156 Arrival to the third planet of unknown numbered star.
157 Chapter 5. Planet 3, Planetary System on Horse Head Nebula
Constellation. Crash-landing for the most part of the tiny safe
boat spaceships. Gotogo dead, Shilar on sunken spaceship
swim ashore.
158 Professor Fudge gets lost on the sea.
159 Shilar arrives to the coast after several hours, he saw
dinosaurs. Find professor Fudge captured on a spider web,
where he finally died.
160 Long legged creatures lurking on the woods.
161 Shilar on the swamps. Sinosauropteryx, Polacanthus. Shilar
feed on eggs. He saw balloon with people under it.
162 Finding some tourists: Cantogar, Mary, Eleanor, Fishburn,
Askiforgion on a cave: Troodon attacked them on the cave.
163 Talks.
164 Hypsilophodon hunted
165 They eat it.
166 Night on a tree.
167 With Mary, Cantogar, Fishburn is dead. Shilar runs with
Eleanor and Mary from Cantogar who is sick.
168 Intelligent Saurian on a vehicle gives them some food and
departed. Caudipteryx hunted and eaten. They saw some
169 Centrosaurus alert. A river is found. Edmontonia.
170 The cataract. Green saurian people found. They hunt a
Gallimimus to eat.
171 Shilar, Eleanor and Mary keeps on marching. The turret on
ruins is found.
172 Maiasaurus roaring, a pond. Panderichthys (fish). Oviraptors.
Edmontonia are seeing.
173 Roars in the night
174 Rains.
175 Edmontonia fights three young Tyraosaurus Rex. Trokin and
Dillon from Federation Civilization (Salvadias planet) appear
on a land machine, from the University of Morengo the
expedition is.
176 Arriving to camp, Director Shafer with 200 people, Fliers and
Shuttlecrafts. They rescue Mary and Eleanor from the cave.
177 Chapter 6. The camp of Director Shafer, Miss Ruhura
organizes them. Shilar worked with those explorers. A
Carnotaur fights the force field of Security.
178 Shuttle crafts. Shilar romances Mary.
179 Chapter 7. Exploring with Sampsons team.
180 Velociraptor, Pachycephalosaurus, vegetable: Ferenge
Oleaginous is found and named by the biologists. Karla the
Biologist. Carnotaur attack. Karla runs with Shilar, who saw
human remains later. The Flier departs.
181 Alone in the woods.
182 The Flier machine comes back, but was destroyed by the
cuing Carnotaur, the men are eaten. Sampson appears.
183 Another Flier descended, Director Shafer rescues Shilar
184 And also Miss Karla and Sampson. The dear were George
Burns, Lois Aberhan, M. Weidemeyer, and Silver Kiesling.
Director Shafer asks for more prudence.
185 Talks about humanoids and Cyborg.
186 Shilar and Mary on a tent. Pteranodons attack.
187 Chapter 8. Expedition of Miss J osella.
188 Biologist J osella says the planet 3 is on its Cretaceous period,
Sinosauropteryx, Sinornithosaurus, Confuciusornis abounds.
J osella is from the University of Morengo. Shilar kissed
J osella.error
189 Director Shafer asks Shilar to move out of camp for a few
days, due to the scandal. J osella went with him, later, she
uses her personal Flier to takes back one of the bigger Shuttle
crafts of the Expedition.
190 Chapter 9. Knowing the planet 3. While traveling, they meet
Captain Zubasch, on another spacecraft. He is on a Safari He
is from the Unplug Tourist Agency. They have their camp at
the Triangle Continent.
191 Invited to join, they visit Zubasch camp.
192 Zubasch uses a Synthetic crew.
193 Triceratops
194 Deinonychus
195 Back at the camp,
196 Electromen on duty guard.
197 Carnosaur pack. Electromen hits them with LASER beams.
198 Tycoon tourists: Ariana Gorbingo, Figornio Pervoluto, Askalet
Inoculo, J uifanog Cuncolus, Rastern Veraltet, Gagoger Pfad.
199 Oviraptors- the tourist hunts. Corythosaurus hits the tourists,
Gagoger, Rastern and J ufanog Cuncolus are dead.
200 Zubasch prepared his return.
201 Shilar, J osella and serpents eggs. Captain Zubasch takes
them inside his bigger craft on route to the Solar System.
202 Two years and a half it takes the trip now.
203 Shilar searching for a job as Captain on Mars.
204 J osella went back to Salvadias planet.
205 Chapter 10. The space tug boat.
206 Director general Mr. Zariguen Gurford.
207 Light is waves. Mr. Obinor receives him back on his office in
Mars with compliments.
208 Shilar finds captain Zubasch on a bar, Mars City.
209 Zubasch said
210 He was sued and fired from his job, so Shilar lends him 1000
credits to keep on.
211 Gerhard Borf Company is where Shilar works. There is a war
going on on nekar in Bootes. Kenarianas great fleet to attack
solar system. (Original Chinese colonist s) Reed China Mao is
Alive Party (RCMIA) governs there. Nekar 3 . May 30, 3774
C.E. AB 830 helps during trips.
212 Miss Laisa from Gerhard Borf Company (She is a Synthetic E-
woman). Shilar dates her and she accepts. New orbital station
around Mars. Mr. Obinor is the General Manager of G.B.Co.
Shilar has a romance with Laisa.
213 Zubasch calls him on Mars City- Mars Cosmodrome. He pays
him. Mr. Dark present at the meeting owns the Orb Spaceship.
Offer: 4 parsecs away is a small planet orbiting a red Giant,
couple of millions if he goes.
214 On an Orb.
215 Mr. Dark is financing the trip. Shilar has to resign of his
present job. Mr. Zariguen gives him a leave instead of a
216 Laisa offered to accompany him, Shilar accepted.
217 At Bens tavern, he meets Mr. Askalet Inoculo and Mr.
Figornio Pervoluto. They invite him for a future return to the
planet 3 on Horse Head Nebula no name star.
218 Chapter 11. Laisa. They arrive to the small planet but Mr.
Zubasch and Mr. Dark are dead. They search for the treasure.
219 They found the treasure.
220 It is on a chest= 126 million Credits on jewels and gold. Fifteen
years takes the way back to the Solar System, due to a kind B
star who exploded in the road back.
221 They sell the valuables on Mars. The Orb is sold. Syrtis Major
has minerals and Mr. Albert T. Hokes, Lorton Kutterbruer are
owners of mine operations and invited him to participate. Mr.
Figornio Pervoluto invites him to a dier party.
222 Ministry Borgibon of Mars.
223 Borgibon is invited to the dier and said the mine operations
are going to be nationalized by the Mars Government, so he
warns not to invest in it.
224 Mr. Pervoluto presents Mr. Farthom Climbor from the
Philocosmic Club, who gives them a lecture on the UFOS of
the past.
225 Minister Borgibon repeats the Martian state will take mining
companies under his control.
226 Back to Laisa, he said all about the mine operations handicap.
227 Shilar bought a spaceship class MP140 at Bitpace Underdog
Spaceships Company in 81 million Credits.
228 They deliver him the spaceship.
229 Chapter 12. Planet Hopro 3. They traveled to Hopro 3, 120
light years away from Earth. Hopro Star. No Federation station
present. It has some alien creatures and dinosaurs.
230 Ouranosaurus. Figornio Pervoluto. Askalet Inoculo, Lorton
Kutterbruer, plus their women. Mr. Hokes and lady Systa on
tour. Blimps with natural aliens.
231 They are saurian sapiens. City of the Saurian people.
232 Watermelons, warriors. Tourist Lucius Contignatio astounded
visited he city with some tourists.
233 Laisa guiding the tour helped by Synthetic Persons with
LASER rifles.
234 The ship is surrounded by Saurian warriors mounted on
235 Alamosaurus. They moved to the coast. Tourist Marlo
Edissero went to the sea; plenty of
236 Old kind of fishes. AB 806 tells Shilar to make something
memorable with his life. Tourists hunt Polacanthus.
237 Feast on the camp. Laisa said she ought to return to the
Gerhard Gorf Company. He refuses.
238 Mr. Contignatio fights Coelophysis. Shilar on a trip loose his
guards on a Pteranosaurs attack. He saw the Saurian City
being siege by Rat like intelligent warriors. He helps the
Saurian by giving their chief his LASER pistol and returns to
239 Chapter 13. The Spinosaurus Aegypticus. While Shilar rested
on the spaceship, Laisa carried the tourist group to hunt. They
were attacked by a big Spinosaurus and were all killed.
240 A Synthetic Humanoid awakes Shilar and t old him about the
241 He recovers hard disks of Laisa and others. He saw
recordings of the attack on a screen. Later he visits the
Saurian City, where the attackers were already beaten and
went back to their territory. He exchange some time with the
Chief of the Saurian.
242 The Saurian gives back his LASER pistol. AA 830 the last
Assistant said the saurian is king Gorishish.
243 Chapter 14. Rat City. Underneath the surface there is a
tueled city of rat sapiens. AA830 tries to understand their
social organization.
244 A procession of rats carried the severely wounded to an
enclosure where they burned them alive. They also tend the
land using Paracephalopus and herded Coelophysis.
245 Shilar moves to another place.
246 He saw dragon-like dinosaurs that are capable of to throw fire
by their jaws.
247 Chapter 15.
248 Captain Sarcina appears on a starship from Starfleet
Command. She is a natural woman. Shilar offered himself to
help in any way; they visited the woods together while the
Synthetic Assistants surveyed the territory and take samples
of everything for the Record.
249 Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Panoplosaurus,
Parasaurolophus, Parksosaurus, Pawpawsaurus,
Pentaceratops, Pinacosaurus are studied.
250 Egg camps are visited. Hundred of eggs lie to hatch. Shilar
have a romance with Captain Sarcina.
251 The rat people
252 On a big Armada sets course against the Saurian City, but
Captain Sarcina prevents them to arrive, making storms and
strong sea currents, so the Armada finally gives up and
returns to port half decimated. Sarcina resigns her post in
order to live with Shilar as a civilian at the MP 140 spaceship.
253 Return to Earth. They start a Tourist Agency with trips to
Europe satellite of J upiter.
254 Sarcina gives birth to a baby girl and stayed at the office from
then on, with Shilar happily around. The End.72.066 words

Captain Sarcina, from a Starship from the Federation, Second Officer
Tirk Rornfern and Second Engineer Shing Furiong, Argofende, medical
in Chief, Saturns Enceladus, J upiters Europe.

Star planets visited in this tale in chronological order =
Solar System planets, Holobarnio 3 in Holobarnio Planetary system,
Horse Head Nebula no name planetary system, Red star unknown
name, planetoid with no name; Star Hopro planet 3, Saturns
Enceladus, J upiters Europe.

Abridged synopsis of Knapp 15.
9/6/2014 2:34:02 AM
The Captain Shilar carries cargo from the Solar System to Holobarnio
3 in his space freighter vessel Kongovelga together with some
passengers. After the repair of his spaceship they begin passing by
Saturns Enceladus satellite. While near Pluto they are attacked by
space pirates. They arrive to Holobarnio 3 where passengers and
cargo are delivered.
Captain Shilar went down to visit Hobobern city on the Agioran
continent, where King Eulifor rules.
Students from Hobobern University buy tickets to Earth planet; in the
voyage star 6548 went Nova and sent the Kongovelga to the Horse
Head Nebulal They arrive to a uncharted planet aboard Life Saver
Emergency Spaceboats. Several people die in this accidentl
Dangerous insects and animals predates the land so several more
people are killed.
They find a sentient dinosaur but the help he gives is minimal. Later
they are found from people on a scientific research at that planet, they
join the expedition for support. Another spaceship appears later, this
one on a Safari under Captain Zubash, who takes them back to Earth
after his Safari ends.
Captain Shilar finds a job commanding a space freighter after some
months of this, he meet a man with a treasure map who hired him to
pilot his Orb spaceship in a trip to a planet orbiting a red Giant where
the contractor of the trip finds the treasure at at their return a kind B
star exploded damaging the Orb and slowing the pace up to 15 years.
They sell the valuables in Mars. The Orb is sold. Shilar bought a
spaceship class MP140 and he traveled to star Hopro planet #3. Alien
creatures and dinosaurs exists, also sentient saurian people in walled
cities that warried with rat-like beings with some degree of intelligence.
The tourists die in a dinosaur attack.
Shilar was welcomed by the saurian king Gorishish people after he
gives help in a battle against the rat people: Later a Federation
spaceship appears and captain Sarcina (a woman) helps him goes
back to Earth, where they start a tourist spatial agency beween the ier
planets and J upiters Europe.
The End.

Hopro III, P.System Hopro, Horse Head Nebula.130 million years from
Lucius Contignatio & J oan Meade
Marlo Edissero & Triginta Lucrifuga
Francois Gypsatus & Liguria Permoveo
Cornelie Borginton
Makra Surongo
Hellie Astaranoza
Lorton Kutterbruer, millionaire & Systa Vagabodonga
Albert T. Hokes, millionaire.& Fedra Cocabona
Mr. Farthom Climbor, lecturer from the Philocosmic Club.
Minister Borgibon of Mars.
Miss Laisa from the Gerhard Gorf Co. Administration office.
Shilar -Working as a captain of the Gerhard Gorf Company, in a tug
spaceship (Round trips between Mars and J upiter- goods and
radioactive materials).
the Director General, Mr. Zariguen Gurford, a large man in his fifties,
Gerhard Gorf Co.
The Safari of Captain Zubasch and the tycoons from Salvadias planet.
Figornio Pervoluto & Mamelia Castro
Askalet Inoculo & Ragina Cifuentes
J ufanog Cuncolus, Rastern Veraltet and Gagoger Pfad (Ariana
Gorbing her mate).
Captain Zubasch from the spaceship Unklug, 29 Electro men. Unplug
Travel Agency.
Shilar and J osella on a Shuttle Craft
Expedition of Mr. Alf Coker=Sampson, Karla, George Burn, Troking,
Dillon, 1
Expedition of Hugo Martinez=Toinfeld, Ferenge, Faukbor, 3
Later, they return to the camp, and the tale keeps on with all members
in one group.
Expeditionary team under Director Shafer from the University of
Morengo, in Salvadias planet.
Shilar, Mary, Eleanor.
Director Mr. Shafer
Miss Ruhura, second in command
Doctor Toinfeld
Doctor Ferenge teaches
Doctor Faukbor
pilot Sampson in charge of a Shuttle craft (he lost his Flier in the fangs
of a Carnotaur).
1. Chief Assistant Miss J osella in charge of a Flier scout
2. Chief Assistant Mr. Alf Coker in charge of a Flier scout
3. Chief Assistant Mr. Hugo Martinez in charge of a Flier scout
200 other members of that team.: Miss Karla, botanists, George Burn
biologist, Mr. Troking, Mr. Dillon, (4 already died: George Burn, Lois
Aberhan, M, Weidemeyer, and Silver Kieesling.)

1.-A green machine appears, twelve meters high, using caterpillar
chains instead of wheels. A slit on top with a cockpit, diesel engine-
Used by Troking and Mr. Dillon.
2.-Four Fliers (One already wrecked- 3 to go).(Pilots J osella, Alf Coker,
Hugo Martinez).
3.-2 Shuttle crafts.
(Necessary explanation: A chartered Spacecraft left them on that
planet for a 2 years lapsed time- it will come to pick them afterwards).

(This is the begiing of the appearances )
Kronixa, model AB 7771, cost 1 million Credits.
Captain Shilar ,space freighter Kongovelga, from Knapp Planet II
First Officer Chinfong. Kongovelga. (Died).
Miss Patrice, her mother Salvia and his fiance Dulles Moriat.
Vendor from the factory Rising Sun Industries: Mr. Ki Fuson.
Finkle, spare parts and used parts vendor man.
From Earth to Holobarnium III.
Miss Patrice, her mother Salvia and his fiance Dulles Moriat
Vendor from the factory Rising Sun Industries: Mr. Ki Fuson
Professor Fudge (host to a swarm of insects, he died on the forest) and
his students: Mary, Eleanor, Cantogar (lame after the crash), Fishburn
(disappeared, probably the same Carnotaur that killed Askiforgion
killed him), Gotogo (dead at the landing on planet III) and Askiforgion
(eaten by a Carnotaur).
Mary, Eleanor. Sole survivors of Professor Fudge voyage.

Director Mr. Shafer
Miss Ruhura, second in command
Doctor Toinfeld
Doctor Ferenge teaches
Doctor Faukbor
1. Chief Assistant and pilot Sampson
2. Chief Assistant J osella
3. Chief Assistant Alf Coker
4. Chief Assistant Hugo Martinez
200 other members of that team. Karla, botanists, George Burn
biologist (eaten by a dinosaur). 200-4=196

:E-people made at Oredloro:
Names of Class AA806: Expensive:
1. Plastic AA806 542 830
2. metallic AA806 343 830
3. metallic AA806 393 392
4. metallic AA806 393 100
5. metallic AA806 393 123
6. metallic AA806 323 230
7. metallic AA806 303 102
8. J G model, serial number AJ 65 Similar to a human being. Male.
Name: Gusgaf

X30 0034
X20 093
X03 d10s
X02 s10
AB-0000 series, if any.

Several hundred models, thousands of versions, but the AB model is
the common occurrence; it runs from the basic model AB 003 to the
most sophisticated AB X9 series, versions are more than a thousand.
Laisa is a model AB X 9 versions B3, serial number 29 and she
belongs to the Underdog Company.

Sarcina (saco, en latin).



Page: Occurrences:
01. Petze Obgleich lives with his mother and works at a factory.
02. Giorgo Moda, his friend.
03. Fiatga his girlfriend is not in love with him
04. Fiaga went to dance with him but flirted with some other guy so
they have a row.
05. Petze goes to Giorgo apartment.
06. Petze meet Miss Cunthis Ogatorga- Romance begin.
07. Cynthia is his senior at work. She makes him her assistant.
08. Chapter 2 Cynthia.
09. They worked on the same factory.
10. At the Martian Orange Restaurant Petze dine with Cynthia.
11. Cynthia now is sent to planet Nekar as General Manager.
12. Due to a malfunction of the spaceship, they arrive 38 years
later- The factory is gone.
13. For a year hey waited there for a trip to Knapp. They return in a
Freighter Spaceship.
14. Chapter 4. Petze and Cynthia. They escape from the freighter
as its captain said they still own money.
15. Petze finds himself in the middle of the jungle, with Cynthia
fighting their way to Oredloro. They find a mine totally mechanic, but
the radio and other devices were not working for them.
They keep on walking their way to Oredloro.
31 They saw Coelophysis that they kill and roasted; also saw
Seismosaur. Then while he hunts she disappears. He arrives alone to
Oredloro and ask for help to the Mayor, but he
only receives clothes and some money.
33 Fafedingo offered him a job as a guide in a safari.
34 He receives 1000 Credits in advance. He met AB 9334 (Made at
Mars factory) working to Mr. Karl Fafedingo; she accepts to dance and
there Petze has a fight with another
man. Later he went buying weaponry for the Safari.
38 The Safari of Mr. Fafedingo. They departed. Coelophysis.
Fafedingo is searching for a woman who begs for help in his drams.
41 Deinonychus approach.
46 The Deinonychus destroyed the camp.
45 Petze and AB 9334 has a romance going on. He makes her
pretends that she is the woman of Fafedingo's dreams and makes him
follow through the bush at nighttime. They ten
return to what was left of their camp.
48 Petze and AB 9334 roasted a Polacanthus.
49 Olduvai hominids kidnapped Mr. Fafedingo and friends.
52 Petze and AB 9334 rescued them and run to the woods.
56 They finally reach Oredloro City.
57 Mr. Fafedingo on the Hospital.
58 Petze wants AB 9334 for himself but Mr. Fafedingo refuse.
59 Petze works now for Sir Logarion Pediron on a spaceship (The
Oviraptor). Half of the crew are Synthetics. Petze changes one of the
males for AB 9334 female without
Fafedingo or Sir Pediron knowing it.
61 AB 9334 will work as a male during her shift hours and as
Petze's lover the rest of the time.
62 Chapter 7. The Spaceship Oviraptor takes off. AB 9334 The
romance with Petze goes on. They are fastening the spaceship under
skipper Miss Fagia Delot. Then Petze
romances a natural woman=Radarist Fefedolia, so AB 9334 was on
storage for the time being.
67 Fefedolia urged him to abandon ship with her. They arrive to
planet Earth. They disembark and find jobs as pilots and radarist on a
space freighter Llolleo on route to 2
Reticulum (37 light years away from Sol). Captain Schwach.
67 Chapter 8. Travelling on the Llolleo freighter. Time to Reticulum
at warp 4=127 days. After a fight with other mates, they were using
separate chambers.
Day 7/128: The Freighter receives some damage while traveling at
Warp 4. The freighter is repaired on site by the Sarnoff Associates.
Warp 2 is recommended.
73 The captain Schawach gives more velocity reaching Warp 3.
Petze resented: Cruiser 93 A escort them to 2 Zeta Reticuli planet V.
Skirmich with the Greys.
74 Mining facilities. They depart- the captain Schwah hits his head
and went to Deep Sleep. Petze is the commander now.
76 Nearing Gamma Pictor planet Sakamdurgo . A king with a
unlawful country. Crew member Richard Palman takes control though
mutiny. Petze is tied. Fefedolia liberates him.
The Freighter crashes into the sea of Gamma Pictoris planet
They went ashore under a sun thirty seven times bigger than the Sun.
79 Rescued by a patrol airship, brought to Begonisa city. Afer a
brief visit to the new Hospital They were interrogated by King Urreadon
. He listen them and provide food
and shelter. Boy Prince Askadun interrogates
82 Them out of curiosity. They are given shelter, food.
84 Begonisa city, Gamma Pictoris V.
85 Petze working at a supermarket. Then he gets mad at him (the
job is for just one person). AB 3L40 "Alyne" at the spacecraft shows
him his cabin. They were for OAK
Orthopedic clinic. He said silver platinum or iridium minerals several
Synthetic the crew.
88 The schedule is star ASF 623, planet Lerbiu; Aurea Delta
Spooon, Beta Spoon, B2m603 planet 3, Alpha moll star.
AB 3L40 "Alyne", Engineer AB 704, Warp 4 A Dr Raul Rawlsom
Tomliber. Star Firrudai, Chapter 10.
91 Under the light of Firrudai. Planet Zartmo, Tobeto, Lerbiu,
Ogrobando. Planet Lerbiu continets Barusca, Furtim, Cavatro. Lerbiu
satellites Oribando, Abargo.
Kidgom Birnameko on Baruscha continent, cities Birnameko Ashar
(north) Barugena ( East. They wait for ores.
Professor Prominjer 's sea: Miss Bicrisia plus her 2 Efemales model
AB 707 and AB 693. Doctor Tomlibor gets drunk often.
93 Ogbort returns from Lerbiu. Departing to ASFI 234 (2 parsecs
away from star Firrudai). ASFI planet terraformed. Capital Sinatra.
94 OAK trucks. Wanda OAK arrives as passenger to Aurean (2
months from ASFI).
96 Arrival at Aurea Constellation Aurean Planet. Brana 2 all of this.
Ogbort and Petze went down to Sinatra city. General Manager Carofor
Manrigoldo General Manager of OAK
on Aurean planet. Willa and Willana are 2 Synthetic Efemale. Metaluna
Ball Room
98 Wanda appears at that place being chief of the Board of
Trustees. They visit Carofor at his home.
99 Carofor wants information on Wanda. He gives 50 thousand
Credits for information. Pink dressed Wanda appears on Carofor home
101 Petze trying to get information from Wanda at a dancing place
and then to the QUASAR Hotel. Carofor provides an office for Petze in
order to make believe he had an
important job on the OAK.
103 AB 3989 Betty is the Secretary of Petze. She teach him what a
expert on freight forwarder was (his phony job). He visit Wanda on her
office and obtained confirmation for his night date together.
104 Ogbort asks about Wanda's working activities, to pass info to
Carofor and so earns money. Wanda presents him Mr. Salusvion the
OAK treasurer.
105 Wanda was working late with the Treasurer so she postponed
the date with Petze. Ogbort goes to see him at his hotel room saying to
call her later.
106 Petze calls on Wanda by phone but she does not accept to went
out with him. At the next day, Ogbort scared Me. Carofor some more
and Carofor offer more dug for information purposes.
109 Ogbort kill Wanda and Mr. Salusvion the Treasurer, takes the
incriminating documents helped by Petze and walked out of that
110 Chapter 13. To Delta Spoon with Alyne helping hand Delta
Spoon (star) with one planet that has 18 satellites, mining colonies.
Ores will be cargoes.
111 The ARK 03 gives a detour no to crash on another spacecraft.
They follow that spaceship and it is deserted, their crew killed by
(possibly) pirates.
112 They worked on that damaged spaceship not to tow it but to
arrive by its proper means to civilization; otherwise it would be returned
to Vulcan authorities instead of themselves.
113 At Delta Spoon they arrive- Ogbort arrange to receive extra
cargo for the Vulcan spaceship, so they will earn some extra money.
The authority gives him the clearance to
reclaim the shipwreck of Vulcan Origin XDE 39, year 3.681. The
authorities on Delta Spoon asked a lot of money for this authorization
115 Petze saw the Police where the OAK 3 should had been parked.
Sensing trouble, he started the engines and departed up. Then he
follows the ARK 03- Alyne maneuvered
close to the XDE 39 soon afterwards. He locked both spaceships -
Ogbort said they were heading towards Beta Spoon a 35 days journey
116 Ogbort ask a part of the spaceship, so he discount the cargo
earnings. Petze debts him 37.610.000 Credits in all.
117 Beta Spoon, planet Crumnor. The cargo was to be delivered to
Mr. Astorgabor at Martin City, but the guy cheated on the payment so
Alyne burnt the cargo and departed.
They followed her on the Vulcan XDE 39 spaceship. Alyne on the ARK
03 remains in orbit. Professor Raidofonfer delivered to them the
documents of a project he devised for the OAK
Industries on Planet Earth. It's how to make DOGMEN creatures.
Dangerous. Dogs head on human bodies.
121 They receive the creatures and documents on board and
departed to Earth in deep sleep.
123 On the way to Planet Earth.
124 The Vulcan ship had cloaking devices. The asteroid of ice
provides water for the spaceship. Solar System arrival.
125 Director General Nervagio rules the Solar System now: Pluto
Base. Orbital cities. OAK- Mars. Ogbort disembark. Dr. Tomlibor
descends. Petze receives his wages and fixed
some more his Vulcan spaceship.
128 Petze through Alyne receives cargo to J upiter moons. He made
several trips.
129 Ogbort call on him offering a trip to Forfiero 3, Second Brana,
recently colonized (five years) now having 2 million people. Cargo.
Petze accepted. Alyne no more available
to him: working at Mars Branch offices). 3 days to Pluto. E-people get
on board as crew. 8 months to Forfiero III. At Pluto base. Mr. Teropen
Administrator of Pluto Base. Cabin 3x9 for
Ogbort and Petze plus 2 efemales: Amira and Farina.
133 Professor Lucious Bobnaforte, Agronomist, and his group gets
on board. Six males six females). Also doctor Tomlibor.Petze and AB
9216 Efemale. Miss Rhea Vorcinglonden,
Ron Visjuart, Eleonor Voringen, Marcel Morbon, Ayleen Proskurike are
the team of Bonaforte.
On route to Forfiero 3. Passing Branas. Then Warp 3 to Forfiero III.
Naturals to Cryogenic pods. Petze awoke thirteen days before the
arrival to Forfiero Planetary System.
134 Forfiero Planetary System achieved. Sir Vorgot is the
Administrator of the Orbital Station around Forfiero3. Landing. AB 92
ask permission at Cosmodrome, payment to park
there are a thousand Credits, no time limit.
136 Rhea said they come to study alien ruins. Sarkio Fordingo
General Manager and Administrator of the OAK Industries on Forfiero
Petze told Efemale AB 9216 to stay at the Vulcan spaceship. Petze
danced with Rhea Vorcinglonden at a Restaurant.
138 Petze at the ENKI Vulcan Ship. AB 392 in charge, AB 9216 his
personal E-Assistant. Ogbort sold some iron and earns large amounts
of money. Petze went to dance with Rhea again. Then Sir Vorgot, OS
Administrator, calls on Petze offering him his post at the OS.
142 The OS around Forfiero 3. Petze became the new OS
administrator- Ogbort enraged as Petze left his post at the OAK 3.
Vacant the place of Captain of the Vulcan Space ship as it's rented to
the OAK for a year.
143 Petze receives a Efemale of the O.S. as personal assistant and
called her Beatrice AB 031.
144 Rhea called him saying Professor Bonaforte is missing from the
camp at the ruins. At Creek City, Rhea cried for help to find Professor
Bonaforte... Petze went there and finds him not.
145 People from Deneb IV, planet Venusia, refugees of the war,
appears on the OS asking for immigration papers to land on Forfiero 3
Creek City. The Mayor of Creek City rejected their request. Gorya the
female from Venusia bought papers from Petze with sexual favors.
Mihigan Ferlonre asked from him papers but as she didnt' yield to his
request, get no papers as she had a recorder on her clothes hust to
denunciate him. Later when days goes on and she didn't get results
asking for other people, she did pay with sexual favors and did get
those immigrate documents. Ogbort traveled to Aristarchus planet at
Volpecula planetary system as he was candidate ruing for President
of that world.
146 Ogbort blackmailed Petze asking for 5.000 Credits cash as he
had some photos of the sexual favors from Mihigan to Petze plus
talking about.
148 Petze pay the requested sum to Ogbort.
149 Mayor Sarkio Fordingo commemorates the city aiversary
foundation and Petze traveled there for political reasons. He met Orbia
Farks with whom he had a love affair. Then he realize she is a nurse at
the Hospital General. Later he attends the unveiling of a statue on a
square. Founder Grangor Silva.
152 Mayor Sarkio Fordingo grants him the use of a place where to
stay on the Governor's building but Petze moved to a more comfortable
Hotel. Mayor Fordingo went mad about this.
Sheriff Mahmud Shijad was wounded trying to prevent a Bank
robbery. Replaced by his assistant Mr. Borgis Fok.
Petze is called to the OS as the immigrants from Deneb 4 were rioting.
He sent their spaceship aloof on the sky. Then he offered them
shuttles to man that spaceship or else the astray vessel would be burnt
while descending unmaed to the planet. The immigrants return to
their spaceship and departed from Forfiero 3.
153 Petze returns to the city and to Orbia Fark invitation to take tea.
They went to the Alcala Theatre. Then to a public place where a man
have a row with Orbia. He was her ex fianc.
154 Petze fights him winds the fight and with Orbia Fark they went to
his place, as the lady was afraid to return to hers. But at the hotel room
Orbia resented him not to get into the bed with her and departed. Petze
call on Beatrice, who did come and stay with him till the morning.
155 At the next morning they return to the OS
156 A Cruiser spaceship appears with Vice-president of Federation
aboard (Garrol Carrados). Admiral Plioplia from Starfleet. Carrrados is
making Federation known and asked Petze to accompany him to
Creek City but Petze refuses.
157 Vice-president of the Federation of Planets Mr. Garrol Carrados
asked Mayor Sarkio Fordingo to declare Creek City and surrounding
area a country, so he could ask aexation to Federation of planets and
became a member- Fordingo refuses.
Vice President Carrados went another place and said he was going to
found a new city: Maraissa city. He ordered the Synthetics on the
Cruiser to raise buildings at the site, and when visiting it, weeks later,
he goes to the near by forest to explore, and was killed by a rare kind
of big spiders, together with much of the people with him plus the
Admiral Pliopla.
Marmelo Ibarra replaced the Admiral as commander of the Cruiser and
after see for the wounded and killed persoel, returns to Earth with the
cadaver of late Mr. Carrados.
Mayor Sarkio Fordingo prepares to repel the giant spiders by
organizing a punitive expedition to kill the plague.
161 Almost all get killed on several spider attacks- one of the few
remaining survivors was the Mayor.
166 Petze raids the pace where the spiders had several entrances to
their underground tuels and blasted the surface with LASER beams.
169 Seeing there was no way to really decimate them, he calls on
Starfleet explaining what was going on. Three weeks later a spaceship
(Lucerna X20) arrives with Doctor Golfon Garrindo with biologists to
study those species and see what could be doed about.
171 Finished the study, a Cruiser is called to act then it appears
seven days later with Captain Kirk and his famous team. (Synthetic
humanoids with the resemblance of those famous characters."
They wipe out every spider and Vampire in existence; Petze also helps
but he was disappointed as Captain Kirk and his closest officers didn't
leave the spaceship in the operation.
174 Petze returns to the O. S. to remain there.
The End.

The action begins in Knapp and the year is 3773 Common Era.
The trouble is that the Solar System is going to be attacked by people
from a colony, namely, the
Nekar on Bootes. Nekar was one of the first settlements made by
Earthmen with Chinese population; from a 3 million original settlers, in
three hundred years the amount of populace raise to 300 million
people, through inbreeding and also by the continual flow of
immigrants from the mother land (China). Their government was a
dictatorship of the people, just like the old China in Earth had been-
reborn through indoctrination from the major political party; the Red
China Mao Is Alive party, or RCMIA.
The RCMIA begin by forbidding their people to travel out of the Nekar
planetary system; then it forbids non Chinese people to be able to live
on Nekar III, and now it was the time to forbid all foreigners, tourists or
no tourist, to enter the Nekar P.S.
The Federation of Planets had something to say about this: no
planetary system could ever forbid the entrance to the free people of
the Federation in their midst- and after several recommendations, the
war begins in May 30, year 3774 C.E.

Memorabilia of Knapp XVI :

The arachnid hunters:
Creek city Mayor: Sarkio Fordingo
Filio Afido, undertaker
Gorgio Farfan, grocer storekeeper
Mirion Fagundez, dentist.
189 n 40 s
Captain Kirk and his crew (ersatz) aboard the Behemoth cruiser.
Vice-president Garrol Carrados
AB 3902, assistant general aboard the Orbital Station and replacement
of the first officer.
Wiorg, the guy at the Restaurant (friend of Orbia)
Petze Ogbiert, owner of the Vulcan spaceship Enki, Administrator of
Orbital Station around Forfiero planet 3.
Professor Lucius Bonaforte, Archeologist.
Team of archeologists:12: Rhea Vorcinglonden, Ron Visjuart, Eleonor
Voringen, Marcel Morbon and Ayleen Proskurike.
Doctor Tomlibor from the Enki spaceship.
Ogbort, manager at the OAK organization.
Sir Vorgot, Administrator and commander of the Orbital Station around
Forfiero 3
Sarkio Fordingo, major of Creek city.
Mahmud Shijad, sheriff of Creek City.
E woman AB 9216 from the Enki spaceship.
Beatrice AB 031 from Orbital Station around Forfiero 3.


KNAPP XVII 17 Ogbort. 32.222 words. 48 pages.
27 may 2010.

Page - Occurrence.

1.- Mr. Ogbort as candidate for President at Volpecula Planetary
System, planet 3 : Aristarchus.
2.- Aristarchus planet, Senator Hogwarts helps Ogbort get the
3.- With Ghouls Hiffon and Rasho, Ogbort takes the other candidates
out of the race.
6.- Ogbort wins the Presidency of Aristarchus planet.
7.- He sent Mr. Hosham Vanror, Minister of Health, to hire a team of
medics experts on total transplants- he wants a new body.
8.- Spaceship Codaluga in voyage to Enceladus (Saturns satellite)
where the team operates.
9.- The Codaluga is damaged by a rain of meteors while in flight.
10.- The remnants of the crew plus Vanror escaped on a Lifesaver
shuttle craft- The Balos takes them from the cryopods and they leave
them alive on a planet at the Brana 2 Universe.
11.- Ogbort as President, build several textile industries for the welfare
of the people, especially on Apollo city. He also forced rich people
and organizations to give donations at his name, for special projects. In
exchange he offers several licenses and land giveaways.
14.- A Vulcan group of people visits Aristarchus, but didnt take contact
with Ogbort.
17.- The Senate is against his Administration, some of illegal actions
are known, he is considered a corrupt President.
18.- Ogbort appeals to the people for support, and riots and fights
begin on the cities of Aristarchus.
19.- General Keribe didnt take his side from the start.
25.- The rebellion against him grows stronger. Ogbort and some of his
loyal people escaped on the Presidential spaceship.
26.- Haggard city on rebels hands. Ogbort chooses flee to star 935
planetary system, 39 parsecs away from Volpecula 3. at Warp 3.
27.- Thirty three days later they arrive to 935, finds the planet III
terraformed. 20 natural people aboard spaceships.
28.- They descend and Ogbort calls the place as Ogbortsburg- the first
city on 935-3.
29.- Private spaceship appears. Scientific mission on board, Professor
Termes and his team present, to collect samples for future mining and
organic harvesting operations.
31.- Gwendolyn mates with Ogbort, who sent AB 030 Tamara away-
but then an attack of Therizinosaurs makes them run away, Gwendolyn
died together with lots of humans, only Dulio Bortanko and Miss Rosa
Bermen are the survivors of that team (22 naturals now on Ogborts
32.- Ogbort gets the two spaceships by kidnapping Bermen and
Bertanko, sole heirs of the smaller vessel
33.- Due to the scant humans, Ogbort cloned himself into males and
females. Apart of this, he has a in vitro daughter from Rosa Bermen,
and calls her Inana.
35.- Fifteen years elapsed time.
36.- AB 721581 and a group of clones voyaged to Knapp in order to
kidnap people to mate and have children out of flaws on 935-3.
45.- Alalla male clon is the only one who opposes to kidnap people.
46.-They arrived to 935-3 with the abduicted Knappians, but most of
the people there are dead due to an explosion of a star in the vicinity of
935-3. Ogbort and a handful saves themselves into the Presidential
spaceship cryogenic pods.
47.- Ogbort ordered the return to Knapp now the planet 935-3 is totally
smashed. He died on flight.
The clones begin a new life on Oredloro- the Synthetic persoel is
The End.



Escrito por Alfredo J uillet F. en Mayo 2010.

Mereone el historiador.
1.- Mereone escribio una historia de la ciudad de Oredloro en el
planeta Knapp, documento que aparecio publicado en el ano
galactico 3871. Posterior a esto el Lord Huarinco le comisiono la
compilacion de biografias de personajes destacados en la historia
de la civilizacion humana en el planeta a partir de los origenes.
2.- Para facilitarle la tarea y hacerla con datos fidedignos, el Lord
contrata al profesor Popropol, quien tiene acceso a un
dimensionador espacio temporal, en el que viaja con su grupo de
ayudantes, todos al servicio de Mereone, quien comienza su labor
en los albores de la civilizacion en Knapp, especificamente en donde
luego estaria la ciudad Oredloro.
3.- El punto de salida a esa epoca esta localizado en un pequeo
poblado, razon por la cual deben viajar hacia la futura Oredloro, en
donde gobierna un jefe guerrillero llamado Kapno; este mantiene el
territorio bajo su mando a traves de la fuerza, apoyado en un
pequeo ejercito de jinetes montados en Parasauraolphus, ademas
de una milicia de a pie.
4.- Mereone se une a ese grupo en calidad de sirviente sin avisar al
profesor Popropol ni a su equipo, y posteriormente el jefe Kapno le
hace unirse a los jinetes; comparte con un guerrero de nombre
Sharaz la mision de anexar otro pueblo bajo las ordenes del jefe
Kapno. Esto se logra sin batallas debido a la pobreza existente en
ese poblado, mayoritariamente conformado por labriegos y
5.- El Profesor Popropol le ubica en ese poblado y le conmina a
terminar sus estudios y volver con el a la sociedad que les
corresponde; Mereone comprende que no tiene mas que averiguar
en esa epoca y regresa al Oredloro de su tiempo, en donde termina
la relacion de sus aventuras para entregarsela al Lord Huarinco,
obviamente sin terminar a cabalidad su trabajo original.



KNAPP 19. Ni ete Hang
Written by Alfred Jui llet Frascara
05 June 2010. Chile. Saturday, September 06, aa
168 pages.

Era: Gregorian Year 3871 ( Stardate [36]48001.6701 ).
Place or location: Planet Knapp, Island 20.
People involved:
Niete Hang.
Veruben Stulpen, his fianc (Biochemist).
Pierre the waiter.
Henrietta, AB
Mirrion the salesman.
King Knapp XXXI
Mr. Tornbull
Doctor Parthium Esuritum, from the University of Oredloro- ancient
The Tourist Agency Tsarina
Oxiborion Airport
Management of Remoror Hotel (Island 20). Manager, Mr. Waydug.
Oriental continent : Intemeratus (inviolado, puro)
Occidental continent Fulgoris (Where Oredloro is).
Professor Vachin
ABC 072, 30, AB 6324 (General Manager of the Store).
Names of the sons and daughters of Mr. Niete Hang on Sunrise
Habe Hang Eight months 3 kilograms
Verloben Hang Eight months 3,3 kilograms
Trepp Hang Seven months 2.4 kilograms
Gewinde Hang Seven months 2,2 kilograms
Thymian Hang Six months 1,9 kilograms

Synopsis: Ni ete Hang, explorer and i nventor, visits several places
at Knapp planet where the di nosaur had their dens. He ends up
having a factory and two shops, a Hotel at Island 20 and l ots of e-
femal e assistants.




Knapp 20: Weiher Gorfarten.
Written By =Alfred J uillet Frascara in the months of J uly, Agoust 2010.

Date = Gregorian Year: 3 871 - Stardate [36]48409.6182

Location: Santiago Chile, Earth; mounts of Knapp,

InventorWeiher Gorfarten
FianceMelisa Fagor
Minister of the InteriorMr. Duke Tadius
Chief of acquisitions.. Nungoff
Secretary of the Chief of Acquisition.Dwella
King Knapp XXXI
Synthetic people
Captain of a shuttle.. Feidonion Dalefor.
Geneticist.Dr. Moraugberg
Captain Ikehower. Smuggle ship
Scientist Dr. VonFondull
Enemy race humanoids from star J erifordion in Brana 2
Mr. Fergulies, Radio man from the Semihora.
Mr. Kampmein, First officer at Semihora
Captain Praeditus from space freighter Semihora.
Mr. Dalton Covarrubias Gorfarten, Geologist.
AB-7074, AB-6329, AB-0361, secretaries to Mr. Weiher.
Oscar the Vendor at Easy People Co. Chile (deliverer).
Felldon Sak, Vendor at Easypeople Co. Chile
pilot of the Flier: Miss Rouana.
3 guys: Riet, Mokran and Larson Rieta (brothers)
Associated miners: Durthen, Simpson and DelPozo




Correlate =
125.000 credits =17.500 Rolos
62.500 credits = 8.750 Rolos
31.250 credits =4.375 Rolos
1 million credits =140056.02 Rolos
7, 14 credits - 1 Rolos
1 Rolos =7.14 credits

In Spaceship Standard Model:
Knapp to Aurean 2 months
Knapp to Suyam 3 months
Knapp to @ Eridani 20 months
Knapp to Reticule B 12 months
Knapp to @ Centaury 10 months

Aurean to Knapp 2 months
Aurean to Suyam 2 months
Aurean to Earth 2 months
Aurean to @ Eridani 2 months
Aurean to Reticule B 2 months
Aurean to @ Centaury 2 months
Aurean to M23 5 months

Aurean2 to First Planet 1 day
Aurean2 to Third Planet 3 days
Aurean 2 to Fourth Planet 6 days
Aurean 2 to Fifth Planet 9 days

Distances between cities.
Oredloro to Oxiborion 20 Kilometers
Oredloro to Rixiaberg 800 Kilometers
Oredloro to Lubina 1640 Kilometers
Oxiborion to Lubina 1660 Kilometers
Rixiaberg to Oxiborion 1100 Kilometers
Rixiaberg to Lubina 840 Kilometers
Rixiaberg to Canae River 600 Kilometers


Resumen de todos los resumenes :
En Knapp 1 tenemos como alienigenas humanos hallan al rey Knapp,
quien tiene una ciudad en un planeta al que llaman como al rey
humano; hay dinosaurios, cuadrupedos humanos; y Gefuhl se las
arregla para crear un reino con gente de su planeta natal, J anarvia.
En Knapp 2 tenemos a un cazador que llega a Knapp y luego de
algunas aventuras, se une a una mujer cuadrupeda, y tiene
En Knapp 3 tenemos a un laboratorio secreto del gobierno de J anarvia
en el cual dos doctores estudian bombas biologicas para usar en la
guerra que los J anarvianos tienen con una raza de insectos.
En Knapp 4 y despues de 15 aos, tenemos a una raza de derrotados
calamares inteligentes (los derroto el capitan Kirk en un cuento de la
saga Trekking), viviendo en el mar; se cuidan de que los humanos no
sepan que viven alli, y rescatan a cinco sobrevivientes de la guerra de
los humanos J anarvianos con los Elocorotes insectos inteligentes de la
estrella 6345 y los trasladan, con algunos clones que ellos les hacen, a
un planeta lejano, a fin de que esa raza inteligente no desaparezca del
En Knapp 5 y tras 15 aos, tenemos casi todo igual, debido a que la
guerra entre humanos y los de una galaxia lejana dejaron pobres a los
humanos, quienes todavia no se recuperan a sus niveles de poderio
primitivo. Perion el J anarviano trata de comerciar con los de Knapp,
pero su vehiculo cae y se destruye, y el se debe arreglar como puede
con sus propios medios, que son muchos, ya que pronto es nombrado
tesorero del rey Knapp,y se casa con la Lady Nigara, sobrina del
poderoso Chambelan. Se queda alli Perion, feliz de la vida y fin.
En Knapp 6 Leo Dervil y George Cob, en la nave carguera del capitan
Larabee, llegan al planeta Knapp, en donde trabajan para el rey
Marmun; este quiere iniciar una guerra contra el pacifico reino de
Oredloro, y ellos viajan a ponerles sobre aviso; despues de ello,
regresan a la nave carguera, con la buena suerte de hallar al doctor
Parodie, miembro de una expedicion cientifica , los cuales logran
arreglar la nave carguera danada
En Knapp 7 Miembros del Club del Dinosaurio, con sede en Oredloro,
bajo el Pdte. Ueso, inician viaje de estudios bajo administracion del ex
general Carter, obteniendo datos sobre muchos dinosaurios y plantas
antes desconocidas. El General Carter y su tropa mueren y al regreso
del Club a Oredloro, a la sazon ocupada por el rey Marmun, tienen que
ocultarse ya que sospechan de que ellos mataron a Carter.
In Knapp 7 (English Version differed somewhat to the Spanish version,
but it's mainly the same thing)
President Ueso from Dinosaur Club went to explore with General
Carter and his troop; they discovered several new kinds of dinosaurs
and plants, but after their return, they are suspect of having killed
retired General CArter and his troop, so they get into jail (possibly
killed). (General Carter and his men were eaten by some carnosaurs
while on a journey). The only free member was Secretary Tor, who
was ill at the moment of the capture and end up living under another
name at Oxiborion.
En Knapp 8 Horsen Mareras viaja a Knapp desde J anarvia. Alli
gobierna el rey Marmun, el cual es derrotado por Hosen Mareras , J efe
del Ejercito de Oredloro. Vorgen Errazurig, patrocinador del viaje de
Horsen Marenas, es muerto por los Rixiabergianos, quienes lo
encierran de por vida. Horsen Mareras ataca y captura el puerto de
Aparte de esa historia, hay una expedicion cientifica que va a la selva
y clasifica algunos dinosaurios no conocidos, y halla nuevas especies
vegetales que tienen propiedades curativas.
En Knapp 9 : La Emperatriz Shiana de Knapp obtiene uso de
Desfasadores,y con ellos conquista otros planetas en la Brana B;asi
abre la colonizacion de varios planetas, entre ellos el planeta
Risen,sitio en el cual acaba con la enemistad con otros humanoides de
Palpadon, ya que su Gobernador casa con la Reina de ese reino, tras
varios complots;se narra una incursion a Reticula 2 para frenar a los
En KNAPP 10.El Dr. Dosenoffner y su ayudante Karo hacen motor
cohete que
Venden a militares: coronel Vergroben y el cientifico Degorain. El rey
Deckung gobierna alli. Seiten y Vorrang Montecinos le visitan, pues
tienen desfasador que se les quedo en la luna Orivando, y desean
pasaje en navio convencional para recuperarlo. El doctor los hace
pasar de ayudantes, y viajan a la luna, no sin antes tener una aventura
el ayudante con la hermana del doctor, Arika, en una playa en donde
tambien hay Saritecos, que son homo erectus.
En la Base militar de Oribando, el oficial Servorteco es el enlace.
Seiten y Vorrang huyen,ademas de Karo, quien se aburrio de trabajar
con el doctor Dosenoffner.
Hallan desfasador, y viajan a Oredloro, en donde venden algunos
inventos del doctor, a quien le birlaron un disco duro.
Seiten contrata a una Sintetica femenina, para ser acompanado. Se va
de vacaciones con ella. Luego visita el pais de los vampiros, en otro
planeta. Visitan planeta ASFI234, calido y con estrella tipo Sol.
Vorrang compra Sinteticas en Chicago y las revende en Oredloro.
Sintetica Brunilde aprende a pilotear navios espaciales. Hallan navio
con cadaveres alienigenas desconocidos. Vorrang se va de
vacaciones con un grupo de Sinteticas que eran de ambos (Seiten y
el.) Hallan algo de valor en planeta y con el dinero Vorrang le paga la
parte de las Sinteticas que tomo anteriormente. Alienigenas atacan
Knapp pero al estar aliados de la Federacion, esta defiende y rechaza
al invasor. Vorrang vive con sus emujeres en un lugar seguro, y se
asegura descendencia, al recibir bebe de probeta- lo cuidara su
Sintetica preferida (CX). Fin.
In Knapp 11
Spy who sold Knappian secrets to Saurian aliens, realize that if not
because of the recently union of Knapp with the Federation of Planets,
would had lost a war of conquest. With the money he received, he
bought a FlierWagon and some Synthetic persoel, with whom he go
to the fields, as the alien invasion used biological weapons against the
main cities in Knapp. Afterwards he return and have the luck of to
change his FlierWagon for an Orb, a spatial machine capable of Warp
9. With it, he travel through the stars, trying to obtain riches.
Knapp 12 Darude.
Darude arrives to Lubina city to be a farmer, but then he met Lady
Shurvana and became a Chamberlain, in charge of finances and
miing companies; when Lady Shurvana gets sick and departed to
Oredloros Hospital, she appoints him as Governor Substitute; during
his administration he bought medicines and hire medical persoel for
the Hospital. He also finds another source of incomes for Lubina
administration when he mines gems on the hills. He also hire persoel
and start a Police Department, in charge of law and order on Lubina
town and also on the mining camps. Later, he was replaced by Dahlia
Fore as Governor; he refuses to tell where are the miing camps and
departed with several Sinthetic people aboard a Flier; soon he was
taking all the money from the mines for himself.
Accused, he was searched by the Police; Doctor Mauvan ask pardon
for him to the new King Garach, so he gives himself up; but instead of
to be released or fined, he was get into prison; Doctor Mauvan ask for
a parole and Darude and the King Garach release him into Doctor
Mauvans hands for the rest of his term.
Doctor Mauvan sent him to the Solar System and told him to remain
there, as King Garach will get him in prison the minute he (the Doctor)
die. Soon Doctor Mauvan dies of old age- Darude never went back to
Knapp.Instead, finds a planet and called it Lingnaur, where he
manages to be the sole Administrator with full powers.
Knapp 13 Shurvana.
Shurvana, hija de Lord Mugor, se gradua de Ingeniero en Comercio
Una operacin importante=Una gran venta de minerales a Marte la
hacen conocida
Comision de gobierno= La eligen para impulsar el comercio entre el S
Solar y Knapp
Elegida Gerente de Ventas= En la Soc. Minera Oxiborion y Cia.
Grandes exitos en su carrera=Logra grandes ventas.
Shurvana se casa con Agente Bifeno=Le conoce en el Sistema Solar,
pero vuelven a Knapp
Una familia feliz=Bifeno es cientifico militar y tiene a cargo un proyecto
La muerte de Bifeno en la Tierra=Escape de bacterias asesinas o
Shurvana de luto=recibe la noticia y pronto pierde su trabajo.
La Emperatriz Maculla la nombra Gobernadora de Lubina.
Las hijas de Shurvana- Las educa y ellas van a la Universidad.
Shurvana elegida Gobernadora de Lubina=Construye una torre y un
La enfermedad de Shurvana= Cancer. Internada en Hospital de
Knapp 14
The daughters of Shurvana are Alaida y Minoya. Alaida is a medic and
Minoya is a biologist. Both worked with a doctor making some
experimentation for the Knappian Royal Army injertos and genetic
engineering to terraform new planets. After that, they were kidnapped
by Ghamcounin beings and carried to Tuberon Planet as slave
workers- after some time, they escaped to Knapp and delivered the
spaceship to the Knappian R. Starfleet.
The King Garach gives them compensation in money, with which they
opened a Medical Clinic.
Knapp 15
The Captain Shilar carries cargo from the Solar System to Holobarnio
3 in his space freighter vessel Kongovelga together with some
passengers. After the repair of his spaceship they begin passing by
Saturns Enceladus satellite. While near Pluto they are attacked by
space pirates. They arrive to Holobarnio 3 where passengers and
cargo are delivered.
Captain Shilar went down to visit Hobobern city on the Agioran
continent, where King Eulifor rules.
Students from Hobobern University buy tickets to Earth planet; in the
voyage star 6548 went Nova and sent the Kongovelga to the Horse
Head Nebulal They arrive to a uncharted planet aboard Life Saver
Emergency Spaceboats. Several people die in this accidentl
Dangerous insects and animals pestered the land so several more
people are killed.
They find a sentient dinosaur but the help he gives is minimal. Later
they are found from people on a scientific research at that planet, they
join the expedition for support. Another spaceship appears later, this
one on a Safari under Captain Zubash, who takes them back to Earth
after his Safari ends.
Captain Shilar finds a job commanding a space freighter after some
months of this, he meet a man with a treasure map who hired him to
pilot his Orb spaceship in a trip to a planet orbiting a red Giant where
the contractor of the trip finds the treasure at at their return a kind B
star exploded damaging the Orb and slowing the pace up to 15 years.
They sell the valuables in Mars. The Orb is sold. Shilar bought a
spaceship class MP140 and he traveled to star Hopro planet #3. Alien
creatures and dinosaurs exists, also sentient saurian people in walled
cities that warried with rat-like beings with some degree of intelligence.
The tourists die in a dinosaur attack.
Shilar was welcomed by the saurian king Gorishish people after he
gives help in a battle against the rat people: Later a Federation
spaceship appears and captain Sarcina (a woman) helps him goes
back to Earth, where they start a tourist spatial agency beween the ier
planets and J upiters Europe.


Knapp - Earth :
Measures and weights :
Pesos y medidas :

The Sope weighs ... ounces of gold.

1 gold coin = sope
1 sope (made of gold) = 10 shields
1 shield (made of silver ) = 10 Browns
1 brown (made of copper) = 5 Leads
1 Lead (made of lead )

Equivalence to Chilean money.
(1 US dollar means $540 Chilean Pesos)

Oredloro Chilean Pesos

1 sope = $50.000
1 shield = $ 5.000
1 Brown = $ 500
1 Lead = $ 100

Lugares y detalles varios :
Oxiborion, puerto cercano a Oredloro, distante 20 km.
En el ao 5000 el sope fue cambiado por el rolo.
Dinero circulante : Rolos (Un Rolo, un Dlar , Un Credito) A pie:
En Flier
Distancias: De: A 100 km por hora A 6 km
por hora A 600 km por hora
Rixiaberg a Oredloro : 800 km 8 horas
30 dias 1.10 hora
Rixiaberg a Oxiborion 1.100 km 11 horas 36 dias
2 horas
Rixiaberg a Rio Canae 600 km 6 horas
1 hora

El Desfasador ,creaci on del sabio Dos Santos.
Esta es la lista de mundos visitados; incluidos los que el habia oido
decir habian sido descubiertos en exploraciones anteriores, y claro, no
estaba todo, pero estaba lo que al menos oficialmente se decia que
habia sido efectuado.

1. AA 00 = Mundo sin atmosfera, pedregoso
2. AA 01 = Mundo atmosfera metano, metales
3. AA 02 = Mundo habitado por unicelulares
4. 320 - 29 = Mundo cibernetico Alfredonius 2
abril 2002 Comet
5. ALF - 39 = Mundo terraformado insectos humanoides
Alfredonius - Fedelli (Comet)
6. AMY - 1 = Mundo con Australopitecos Alf - Hernan
7. MALEATO - 23 = Mundo con enanos hobbits Alf (Enero)
8. DJ K - 3 Mundo Cibernetico Alf,
Hernan, Carmen (Fin de ao)
9. EIU - 3 Mundo con enanos feos
Alf, Lalo, Carmen (Fin de ao)
10. RON - 23 Mundo con humanos no T. Alf, Lalo
(Fin de Ao)
11. RON - 23 Mundo con humanos no T.
Alf,Nolberto (RON23)
12. AEB - 303 Mundo con humanos y maquinas
Alfredonius (RON 23)
13. askfi 234 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
14. jgd 234 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
15. dfslkjgs 9349 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
16. ksgki 4398. Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
17. qweiu 9834 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
18. wqr 3289 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
19. lkdsg 989 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
20. d 4 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
21. dg 3489 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
22. trfg 34 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
23. ggsdg 454223 Mundo terraformado sin explorar
Alfredonius,Yom Kippur
24. RON 23 Mundo con humanos no T
Alfredonius, Yom Kippur
25. Metaluna Mundo terraformado, poco explorado
Seiten, Knapp 10

(Basado en el folleto: los viajes de Alfredonius y las coordenadas de
los mundos explorados)
Los planetas mencionados en Yom Kippur sin explorar, fueron
descubiertos por Don Alfredonius.

Apatosaurus obsolete synonym Brontosaurus, is a genus of
sauropod dinosaur that lived about 150 million years ago in Earth
Planewt, Solar System, during the J urassic Period (Kimmeridgian and
Tithonian ages). It was one of the largest land animals that ever
existed there, with an average length of 23 meters and a mass of at
least 23 metric tons (25 short tons). The name Apatosaurus means
'deceptive lizard', so-given because the chevron bones were similar to
those of a prehistoric marine lizard, Mosasaurus. The composite term
Apatosaurus comes from the Greek names apate ()/apatelos
() meaning 'deception'/'deceptive' and sauros ()
meaning 'lizard'.
The cervical vertebrae were less elongated and more heavily
constructed than those of Diplodocus and the bones of the leg were
much stockier (despite being longer), implying a more robust animal.
The tail was held above the ground during normal locomotion. Like
most sauropods, Apatosaurus had only a single large claw on each
forelimb, with the first three toes on the hind limb possessing claws.
Dinosaurs abound out of the Solar System; their species are
remarkable similar to the Earth extinct animals, reinforcing the theory
that says Earth suffered a terrible cataclysm in ancient times, that ends
with the life of that beautiful race of beings- perhaps the best organic
mechanism Nature had ever developed.

Fish on the planet X 3
"Late Cretaceous fish"

G cont.
J udeichthys
J udeoberyx
P cont.

Note about speedways:
The concept of a megalopolis based on high-speed walkways is
common in science fiction. The first works set in such a location are A
Story of the Days To Come (1897) and When The Sleeper Wakes
(1899) (also republished as The Sleeper Awakes) written by H. G.
Wells, which take place in a future London. Thirty years later, the silent
film Metropolis (1927) depicted several scenes showing moving
sidewalks and escalators between skyscrapers at high levels. Later the
Roads Must Roll (1940), written by Robert A. Heinlein, depicts the risk
of a transportation strike in a society based on similar-speed sidewalks.
The novel is part of the Future History saga, and takes place in 1976.
Isaac Asimov, in the novel The Caves of Steel (1954) and its sequels
in the Robot Series, uses similar enormous underground cities with a
similar sidewalk system. The period described is about the year 3000.
In each of these cases, there is a massive network of parallel moving
belts, the ier ones faster. Passengers are screened from wind, and
there are chairs and even shops on the belt. In the Robert Anson
Heinlein work, the fast lane runs at 180 km/h, and the first mechanical
road was built in 1960 between Cinciati and Cleveland. The relative
speed of two adjacent belts is an unrealistic 20 km/h (in the book the
fast lane stops, and the second lane keeps ruing at 160 km/h). In the
Wells and Asimov, works there are more steps in the speed scale and
the speeds are less extreme.
In Arthur C. Clarkes novel, Against the Fall of Night (later rewritten as
The City and the Stars) the Mega city of Diaspar is interwoven with
moving ways which, unlike Heinleins conveyor belts, are solid floors
that can mysteriously move as a fluid. On pages 11-13 of the novel,
Clarke writes,
An engineer of the ancient world would have gone slowly mad trying to
understand how a solid roadway could be fixed at both ends while its
center traveled at a hundred miles an hour... The corridor still inclined
upwards, and in a few hundred feet had curved through a complete
right angle. Only logic knew this: to the senses, it was now as if one
were being hurried along a level corridor. The fact that he was in reality
traveling up a vertical shaft thousands of feet deep gave Alvin no
sense of insecurity, for a failure of the polarizing field was unthinkable.
In Strygatsky brothers Noon universe the worldwide network of moving
roads is the one of the first mega projects undertaken on newly united
Earth before the advent of FTL starships and its consequences turned
everybodys attention to the stars. These roads there are quasi-living
organisms close to Clarkes description and were used for both local
commuting and long-distance non-urgent transport until their eclipse in
form of instant teleportation network.
The animated TV series The J etsons depicts moving walkways
everywhere, even in private homes.
Music: http://www.seeqpod.com/search/?plid=77ad52bf14
*1 Immortal - (Deutschland).
*2 Sobretasa

In Spaceship Standard Model :
Knapp to Aurean 2 months
Knapp to Suyam 3 months
Knapp to @ Eridani 20 months
Knapp to Reticule B 12 months
Knapp to @ Centaury 10 months
Knapp to 935 star 3 months
Knapp to Earth 3 months
Aurean to Knapp 2 months
Aurean to Suyam 2 months
Aurean to Earth 2 months
Aurean to @ Eridani 2 months
Aurean to Reticule B 2 months
Aurean to @ Centaury 2 months
Aurean to M23 5 months

Aurean2 to First Planet 1 day
Aurean2 to Third Planet 3 days
Aurean 2 to Fourth Planet 6 days
Aurean 2 to Fifth Planet 9 days

Distances between cities.
Oredloro to Oxiborion 20 Kilometers
Oredloro to Rixiaberg 800 Kilometers
Oredloro to Lubina 1640 Kilometers
Oxiborion to Lubina 1660 Kilometers
Rixiaberg to Oxiborion 1100 Kilometers
Rixiaberg to Lubina 840 Kilometers
Rixiaberg to Canae River 600 Kilometers

Knapp quiere decir venda pequena en idioma arabe y Cenido,
escaso, breve en idioma aleman.
J ust a way to realize how many words are in each of the tales of The
Master and this humble servant:
N` of Words Title of the Book Author:
71.371 Voyage to the center of the EarthJ Verne
79.073 5 weeks on a balloon J ules
105.574 Miguel Strogoff J ules Verne
140.000 20.000 leagues under the sea J ules Verne
192.749 The mysterious island J ules Verne
108.605 Knapp 16 Petze Ogbiert Alfred J uillet
32.191 Knapp 17 Washol Ogbort Alfred J uillet
48.001 Knapp 18 Mereone Maleo Alfred J uillet
41.811 Knapp 19 Niete Hang Alfred J uillet
120765 Knapp 20 Weiher Gorfarten Alfred J uillet



Commander Kapno 1010 Oredloro
King Knapp 3478 Oredloro and Oxiborion

King Knapp XIX 3537 Oredloro and Oxiborion

King Knapp XX 3552 Oredloro and Oxiborion

King Knapp XXI 3602 Oredloro and Oxiborion
King Knapp XXI 3637 Oredloro and Oxiborion
King Marmun 3637 Rixiaberg and Oredloro plus

Hosen Mareras 3657 Rixiaberg and Oredloro plus

Queen Rixia 3658 Oredloro and Rixiaberg plus

King Lgor 3665 Oredloro and Rixiaberg plus

Queen Danosa 3669 Oredloro and Rixiaberg plus

Queen Shiana 3757 Knapp and 5 other worlds

Queen Lugner 3758 Knapp and 5 other worlds

King Garach 3770 Knapp and 5 other worlds
King Knapp the Factual 3773 Knapp and 5 other worlds
King Knapp XXXI 3871 Knapp and 5 other worlds
King Knapp XXXII 3875 Knapp and 5 other worlds
King Knapp XXXIII 3976 Knapp invaded
King Knapp XXXIII 3981 Knapp recovered
Idem 4071 Knapp and 5 other worlds
Idem 4092 Knapp in revolt
Queen Maculla 4099 Knapp en control
Queen Girardot 4102

KNAPP 20 =Weiher Gofarten.

Weiher sons : Ramsh *problematic, Meute, Hemmen (the optimist) and
Their mothers were Salina and Fakar, both of them thirty six years
now, and very attached to Weiher.

J erifordians in the new planet:
Mr. Lasima, the Vice President, the second chief of J ustice, Mr. Dolie.
Ladushe, Gofopra, Sugape, Terbio, Tiozalu, Tiacien; Gusvarogy,
Tumfur, Tuxuse, Golie, Xiredi, Tiolade, Tumpicor.

Chapter . Flight to J enifordion
In the Orb: Weiher, AB 0361, 9300, 3430, 2303, 8631, 2020, ABCDB
05 and 04, AB 6357, AB 3286, and other five more, plus the pilot
Copilot 0361, Radio AB 9300, Radars AB 3430, Engines AB 2303, AB
8631, AB 2020

Major Forkan Colonel Sluin
J osiah Infigo, lawyer and fucker of Miss Schwalbe Glacis
Miss Schwalbe Glacis (Golondrina helada).
Weiher with ABCDB 04 and AB 4226 assistants while on the satellite B

Star Knapp, four planets: I. II, Knapp (III), Pedisequus (IV) has 4
satellites: A,B.C.D.
Star J erifordion, four planets. Planet III with sentient beings. Planet IV
a big planet, with four satellites: A,B,C,D. At satellite B there are some
mining operations being doed by the Knappian.

People from the government of Knapp=
King XXXI of the Realm of Knapp
Minister of the InteriorMr. Duke Tadius

Mr. Vondergeust, Vendor of Easy People Company
Felldon Sak, Vendor of Easy People Co. Chile Earth
Oscar the Vendor at Easy People Co. Chile (deliverer).
Kurt Vondergeust, Oredloro, Knapp. Vendor.

Mr. Fogbort, gen. manager of Ghostfore Knapp Soc. Limited.(Used
spaceship division)
AB 9033 and AB 9090, Vendors of spaceship from the Ghostforce
Lufor, muscle man on route to Oredloro from the Semihora.
Mr. Fergulies, Radio man from the Semihora.
Mr. Kampmein, First officer at Semihora
Captain Praeditus from space freighter Semihora.

AB 8393 is the Commercial Manager of Gorfarten Hardware at the
shop in Earth
AB 7074 is the General Manager of Gorfarten Explosives, Earth
AB 8630 Commercial Manager at Gorfarten Explosives. Earth
AB 8393 are the Director of Gorfarten Orphanage Earth
AB 2478 is General Manager at Gorfarten Mining at satellite B of IV
Pedisequus planet
AB 6329 is General Manager at mine DSDG Mining in Knapp planet

Workers at the Gorfarten Enterprises =
ABCDB 04 and AB 4226, the 2 Weiher assistants while on the satellite
B IV planet
Pilot for the Orb=AB 3330, Copilot AB 3286 (e-females).
The miners: Mr. Ashkor the Foreman, Mr. J aime Gonzalez the
Engineer Mr. Dlirion, the expert in explosives, and Mr. Riviar, Chief of
Security & technical in electricity.
Mr. Dalton Covarrubias , Geologist.
Pilot for the Orb=AB 3330, Copilot AB 3286 (e-females).
The miners: Mr. Ashkor the Foreman, Mr. J aime Gonzalez the
Engineer Mr. Dlirion, the expert in explosives, and Mr. Riviar, Chief of
Security & technical in electricity.
pilot of the Flier at the Gorfarten Explosives: Miss Rouana.
Employees at site in Island =3 guys: Riet, Mokran and Larson Rieta
InventorWeiher Gorfarten
FianceMelisa Fagor
Chief of acquisitions at the Explosives factory.. Nungoff
Secretary of the Chief of Acquisition at the Explosives
Associated miners: Durthen, Simpson and DelPozo
Lawyers of the DSDG Asoc miners=Mr. Roberto Pozo
Accountant of the DSDG Asoc miners= Mr. Renfeld Toro.

ORB 634- W4

Earth to J erifordion : six months, Warp 6, crossing the Branas.
Sivle, town near Oxiborion , to the East, by a dirt road.


In Spaceship Standard Model :
Knapp to Aurean 2 months
Knapp to Suyam 3 months
Knapp to @ Eridani 20 months
Knapp to Reticule B 12 months
Knapp to @ Centaury 10 months
Knapp to 935 star 3 months
Knapp to Earth 3 months
Aurean to Knapp 2 months
Aurean to Suyam 2 months
Aurean to Earth 2 months
Aurean to @ Eridani 2 months
Aurean to Reticule B 2 months
Aurean to @ Centaury 2 months
Aurean to M23 5 months

Al chocar dos universos (se tocan golpeando) se produce un big bang
que contruye un Nuevo universo.
Los universos que chocan probablemente quedan hechos trizas.

Los quarks tienen capacidades de transformacin de la materia; lo que
toquen se transformara en otra cosa . Pero, el quark se encuentra en
poca cantidad dentro de las estrellas.


1. Weiher Gorfarten, 66, owner of Gorfarten Explosives, Santiago
Chile. Dealing with some merchants (Durthen, Simpson and
DelPozo) he offers explosives to mine at Knapp in the Second
2. Riet, Larson and Mokran Rieta sells him a field at the Eastern
Island. Weiher boughts it.
9. In 9000 Credits cash.
12 He goes to Buenos Aires with Melissa. At his return, he
organizes and funds a Philantropic Orphanage.
17 Weiher bought Synthetic Females Assistants
27 Weiher and Wakarussa and AB 7074 organize the Orphanage
28 The Orphanage receives official agreements to work.
29 The Orphanage is managed by AB 6329 and AB 0361
30 AB 7074 offers herself as fiance. Shes accepted by Weiher.
38 The merchants DSD offers him the post of manager at the mining
operation in the planet Knapp (North of Oredloro).
48 A Synthetic person mimicking Weiher will be ruing things when
he is away.
61 Weiher takes AB 0361 as his woman
62 Weiher on a spaceship traveling to Knapp
65 Crossing boundaries and unto the Hakenkreuzflagge Galaxy.
Captain Praeditus arriving with Weiher to Knapp
67 They descend on shuttles to the surface of Knapp planet.
69 Explosives downloaded to the site.
71 Praeditus leave mine passengers at the site.
72 83 km to Oredloro- they walked on foot to that city.
73 Teinurosaurus on the road. Bath with AB 0361 while escaping
by the river.
75 Oredloro city planet Knapp. Veranderun Clinic to revitalize
77 Rights on the mine, officially. Living at Oredloro with AB 0361.
The Orb. Private spaceship bought Ghost Force Co. (Used
81 Flight test. Aodmore the vendor.
82 AB 0361 has pilot license.
85 The mine at the north mountains of Oredloro. DSDG Mining Co
(Durthen, Simpson, Delpozo, Gorfarten).
86 Orb is bought. AB 0361 the pilot. From Constellation Swastika.
88 To Milky Way and back. Fogbort owns Ghost Force Spaceship
90 Weiher bought four more Synthetic Assistants.
92 The copper is sold to the Knapp Copper Mining Co.
AB 7074 runs things at the Gorfarten Explosives in Earth. The Orb
is cleaned and its interior decorated. AB 6329 is in charge of the
DSDG mine.
93 AB 2478 is bought and she maed the Orb.
95 Durthen visits the mine with the other associated persons.
Natural people at the mine=Ashkor the Foreman, Shager the
Engineer, Dlirion expert in Explosives, Mr. Riviar the Security Chief.
96 The miners speak in behalf of Weiher.
97 AB 6329 gives full report on the DSDG miner to the associates.
98 Weiher keeps on being the mines Administrator.
99 Durthen dies on the mine while visiting it. The Associates leaves
to Earth. Injured miners are paid.
101 The fourth planet on the Knappian planetary system.
102 They orbited the fourth Knappian planet. They dig at the South
Pole (another 21 mining compounds are already on that planet).
103 Weiher bought machinery and Synthetic miners for that mine of
his. Some ancient ruins serve them as storage facilities.
104 Working at the ruins.
107 AB 2478 drivers the Orb; AB 0361 did it also.
108 The alien ruins on planet Pedisequus (IV).
109 The mine and the ruins are separated by 32 kilometers.
110 LASER weaponry to defend the mins is bought. Back to Knapp
3, Weiher bought three more Synthetic Assistants: AB 9300, AB
3430, AB 2303. AB 6329 in charge of DSDG mine.
111 Oredloro space field. Weiher went to dance with AB 6329.
Trouble with a guy on the ballroom.
112 New machines to the DSDG mines.
114 Weiher worried about AB 6329 machinery bought requisitions.
115 ABC model to help AB 6329 is recommended, so Weiher
bought AB 8630 and she begin working with AB 6329.
Mr. Vondergeust from EasyPeople Co. offers more Synthetic
Assistants at lower prices. Bought included AB 8631.
119 Romance between Weiher and AB 8631.
120 ABR (Reinforced) models, two meters in blue shades. Six
million Credits.
121 ABD (Digger) like slughs with arms and no legs to start
searching for metal veins.
122 Some AB with only metallic appearance, no sex. Weiher bought
four ABM (metallic). Warrior two meters AB are shown by Vendor
Vondergeust. Others transluced AB RF (formerly made to man
hunter spaceships). Weiher bought 50 of them.
129 Weiher at the Easy People Co. to pay for those acquisitions.
130 21 million Credits for the lot. Vondergeust thanks him. AB 8630
worked at the mine (Administrative job) as the Commercial
The W.G Mining is set at the south pole in the IV planet of Knapp.
At the Gorfarten Mining. AB 2478 Manager of the mining. Copper
134 The sky is black on Pedisequus, no atmosphere. AB 8393 runs
the Orphanage in Chile. AB 2478 brunette. AB 8631 pilot, ABC 2020
copilot, ABSM (three of them) as crew on the Orb One.
136 Weiher went to the DSDG mine in Knapp 3. AB 6329 informed
that military meddling is over the DSDG mine.
137 Knapp Kingdom in a war against J erifordian natives.
138 AB 6329 bought some more Synthetic miners.
141 Dier with the Synthetic; he speaks about the Knappian Army
offering more money to produce more copper for them.
144 The AB 2020 offered advice, saying not to be too much
involved with the Army persoel or hell loose control
145 Oredloro city- Weiher talks with Mr. Fordon to obtain more
mining machinery. AB 6329 goes with Weiher.
146 They visited the toolmaker plant installations.
147 AB 6329 said only 33 natural beings works at the mine, not to
be syndicated as homophobic.
Weiher calls to the Gorfarten Explosives factory in Earth, AB 8393
responded. She said all is fine there.
149 The Orphanage is working well. AB 6329 with Weiher at the
151 A commission visits Weiher at his mine DSDG. Commander of
the Royal Army Depot Xordon; Oredloro; Major Forkon, colonel
Sluin. The war is against the Neongos, J erifordion Star, Brana 2.
Sluin offered help to increase copper production.
152. Major Forkon asks explosives from Gorfarten explosives
factory. Also offers money to expand the factory in Earth.
153. Weiher said he wants not military men at his plants nor at his
offices. Commander Xordon said money will be provided in
advance, all buitldings made will be left for the Gorfarten Explosives
after the three years contract.
154. Weiher said hell think about it. Later AB 6329 approved it.
Weiher travels to Earth in the Orb with AB 9300, AB 3430, AB 2303,
AB 8631 and ABC 2020.
Arrival to planet Earth. Three months 20 days later Weiher arrives
from Knapp to Earth using WARP 6 on the Orb. Landing at Santiago
Space port, pole 39. AB 8631 calls AB 7074; they arrive. AB 7074
receives the news happily.
156. Works begins. Weiher moves to an Hotel. 20 days later, he
visits the factory, new buildings are now in place.
157. Weiher decided to buy and work in another location, the new
building is to be purchased.
162 Weiher designs a new stun gun for sell.
164 400 tons of explosives are sold to the KM Forces that month.
Commander Xordon congratulates him.
166 Weiher had an interview with Xordon. AB 4226 goes with him
(She knows chemistry and will record the conversation).
167. Xordon said the Knappians are inside the J enifordion Planetary
System. They had a base on satellite B planet IV J erifordian.
168 Xordon offers him to work for the Knappian Army at a chemical
base plant on enemy territory: satellite B planet IV J erifordian
planetary system.
169 Xordon wants to start a bio chemical warfare at J erifordion,
bioweapons, viruses, sickness to the enemy.
AB 4226 said to accept the post, asking for high wages.
171. Xordon accepts everything Weiher wants.
172 AB 7074 was not as much pleased. She was afraid Weiher
could die.
174 AB 7074 keeps in charge of the factory again. Mr. Vondergeust
is called to deliver a strong reliable extra powerful AB Synthetic
person that looks like a fine woman: model ABDB 04. 90-60-90
176 Vondergeust make jokes. Xordon sent to pick up Weiher, who
went with ABD 04 and AB 4226.
178 Weiher aboards a Knappian military shuttle craft Malaponge
Cruiser in Earth orbit. Xordon receives him there.
182 All mammal natives are cryiogenized, travel between Earth and
J erifordian last six months at Warp 6.
Satellite B planet IV J enifordion Planetary system, 30 spy satellites
circling planet 4. They went down to site 8, on the ground. Weiher
appointed as Director of the compound.
186 Huge laboratory, sealed chambers, anthrax begin to be worked
on. Forat, University of Oredloro; scientist Otto Coterbio from
187. Several levels, cabins for the persoel.
188 Anthrax the first production.
190 Another AB (180) is got to work as Scientist.
191 Antidotes were also produced. AB 4226 helps.
192. 8 moths later, Xordon said the project is over. The facility will
be shut, scientist returned to their places. He gives 3 valises to
Weiher, saying it was money= the wages for the whole persoel.
And a spaceship will take them out in two hours elapsing time, and
left after opening one valise full of money.
AB 4226 takes a valise to see why its ticking. ABDB 04 takes the
other to be examined- only the first had money, the second had
anthrax and the last one has a neutron bomb set to explode.
220. Weiher takes the money to the surface, there are 2 trucks- he
escape in one of them with the money and the synthetic persons,
after telling the scientist to escape as they could. AB 180 remains
with the scientists to help.
221. The bomb exploded.
222 Weiher is far off but just the same keeps going away from the
after effects (if any).
223. AB 0361 appears piloting the Orb to the rescue, guided by the
radio signals both Synthetic persons had been sending since the
begiing of the escapade.
224. AB 0361 was told to come to the rescue by the colonel Sluin.
She had a pilot built in (CH RLG, or Charles) bought second hand,
Starfleet surplus, originally located on the Orb 332. (Weiher Orb
serial number is 634 W4).
225. They leave the J enifordion satellite. Time to arrival to Knapp is
95 days 20 hours Warp 6.
226. The synthetic pilot maed the Orb. Warp 6.
227 When arriving, a frigate from Knappian origin approach and
soldiers revise the cargo hauls.
229 LASER rifles found, they are escorted to Oredloro spacesport.
230 On Knapp, a lawyer resolves the problem when informing they
worked for the Army on J erifordion planetary system.
231 The Orb landed near the DSDG mining Company. AB 6329
receives him.
232. AB 6329 afraid of his security on Knapp.
233 Mr. J aime Gonzalez is appointed Administrator of the DSDG
mine, due to the fact the Knapian military could attent against his life
Weiher hires a detective to know if he was in some black list. Mr.
Piron Wolfendorfenburger investigate.
234 And he also think he was in some kind of danger.
235 Weiher went to live at Island 20 with AB 0361, AB 4226 and
236 The remorse begins.
237 An apatosaur appears near his place at Island 20.
238 Piron W. calls him, saying colonel Xordon disappears in action.
Theres no sign about chemical compounds, scientists or the name
Weiher Gorfarten in the Army Files.
239 A submarine from the Royal Knappian Navy appears near his
place. They escape from Island 20 in the Orb.
241 They leave the planet Knapp, leaving J aime Gonzales, a
natural man, in his post as Administrator; and AB 8630 is the
Commercial Manager of the DSD Mining Company. AB 6329 was
the old general manager.
244 Weiher takes some more Assistants into the Orb.
245 Weiher went to the Gorfarten mine at the south pole of
Pedisequus planet, Knappian planetary system. There, AB 2478 is
in charge that will keep on delivering copper to the Knappian Mining
Co. Weiher takes the gold into the Orb.
247 Ball at the Gorfarten Mine
250 They arrive to Earth
251 AB 7074 informs him that King Knapp XXXI is dead.
252 Weiher visits the factory with AB 7074
253 AB 7074 rests with him at the Orb.
254 They went to Mars in a test flight. Then to the Knappian environ
testing Charles abilities to drive the Orb.
They landed on the South Pole Pedisequus planet.
258 2478 salutes them, They visited the mine. Nest day
259 there were Knappian Hunter spaceships landing there. Charles
receives orders and departs. Weiher gets hide in the mine. The
officers said no mine could esist without a natural person in charge.
AB 2478 replied that shell inform the proprietor.
262 The Orb returns after the Knappian Fighters were gond.
263 They fly to Earth, Weiher search for a Rieta Brother to be
appointed at the Gorfarten mine at Pedisequus.
265 Gorfarten Explosives factory, Rieta brothers arrives.
266 Rieta Brothers accept the nominal management of the
Gorfarten mining.
267 They bough personal objects for the stay.
269 AB 2478 at the Gofartne mining said another envoyee from the
Knappian Fleet told her the mine was no more permitted there.
Weiher takes the miners inside the Orb.
272 Departure from Pedisequus planet.
273 At Knapp, he visited the DSDG mining Company, and talks with
J aime Gonzales, who ask for vacations.
274 Weiher on route to Earth.
275 They landed on the Moon.
276 Weiher walks on the Moon
277 Arrival to Earth. AB 7074 salutes him.
278 His associates on the DSDG mine visits him at his office. Miss
Schawlbe Glacis being the inheritor of the deceased Mr. Durthen.
278 Weiher explains again and in person about his departure from
Knappian territory.
279 Schwalbe lady speaks about gold missing.
Weiher gives a report, after reducing the gains from 0.3 ounces of
gold per ton, to 0.1 ounce per ton, giving sixty seven millions and
taking a hundred and fifty millions for himself.
281 Mis Schwalbe wants more contro over the mine. She also
speaks about a post on the mine for herself.
282 Weiher just didnt declare gold to authorities, so they didnt pay
taxes for it.
283 At the next meeting, Schwalbe brought a lawyer (Salustio
Vargas) but it wasn not permitted by Weiher. She went out of the
reunion very enraged.
284 Weiher explains his reasons to the other associates.
286 Weiher gives the gold to the Assosiates; they went to Miss
Schwalbe apartment to give her share of the gold.
287 As Miss Schwalbe was making love with his lawyer, they left
only a short message on a table.
288 Miss Schwalbe talks with Weiher at a Restaurant. He mentions
the gold; she talks about a trip to Knapp.
290 She wants to build a city around their mine in Knapp.
291 Later, she receives his share of the gold six million Credits.
292 Lady Schwalbe visits Weiher at his factory.
293 They went to eat and dance at places. To an hotel too.
294 Miss Schwalbe refuses to keep the adventure, saying she ahs a
295 They tied the lawyer to a chair, so when he didnt appear at
Schwalbe apartment, she accepts Weiher s invitation. But they just
slept together at her apartment.
296 At the next day, Schwalbe calls him saying Salustio beats her.
He went to her place, she was slapped already by the lawyer
Vargas. He went out to chastise the guy.
297 They lawyer was butchered and burned. Schwalbe goes to a
Schwalbe Glacis then recuperated, keep on working at the
University of Renca, living now with Weiher at the same apartment.
As she has too many friends, Weiher leaves the apartment three
months later. Schwalbe also said shell be not going to the mine at
all. And then, she went to U.S. to work at another University.
365 Weiher returns to his business.
366 AB 0361 told him that Tolien, the son of King Knapp 31, was
officially crowned as King Knapp 32.
367 A year later, Weiher goes to Knapp again in his Orb.
369 They landed on the deserted Gorfarten mine, on Pedisequus.
AB 0361 worked finding a renewal of authorization to start mining
370 A the Gorfarten Mine, Colonel Sluin arrives in another
spaceship, to say Xordon is not a problem any more.
371 With new authorizations, AB 0361 went to Earth to fetch the
Rieta Brothers- they are appointed as legal Administrators , AB
2478 at the General manager, AB 8630 the Financial maager and a
number of Synthetic miners and hard labor synthetic workers. A new
Orb spaceship is purchased.
They stayed at Pedisequus working for three months, then the Rieta
brothers keeps there in charge, as Weiher and his persoel
assistants visited Earth.
AB 7074 is happy learning they opened the Gorfarten mining again;
she said the government was trying to move Neptune out of its orbit.
He stayed at the factory for half a year.
377 Back to Pedisequus planet. AB 2478 greets him there. There is
gold to smuggle but there is no trouble because the Orb has a lot of
hideouts in its chambers.
381 Staying at Rixiaberg; Knapp planet for a month. The gold is sold
382 At a party he meets Mr. Agoustin Charmand, jeweler. That man
gives him a ring and later invites him to a place with women. Weiher
386 Ingrid, a natural woman.
Weiher and AB 0361 visited one of Charmands jewelries but didnt
390 Charmand appears late at his office and gives them both what
they looked the most at his J ewelry shop.
391 Invited to Charmands house, th shows them beautiful stones,
gems very valuable.
392 Lisa Marnog the film star, is Charmand s fiance.
393 Later, Weiher shows his factory to Charmand.
394 Charmand has a treasure map where to find jewels. Weiher
offered a bargain, Charmand offers him the 20 per cent of it all.
395 The map shows tat Hydra T1 is the spot where to look, 45 light
years away. Charles uses a shortcut- a week instead of five months
of travel.
397 Using jumps through Branas, they arrive ins cant days to Hydra
31. They search for the asteroid but wasnt at the exact position
given by the map, so they begin exploring in every asteroid
402 They return to Earth bared handed. No diamonds no easy
403 Charmand said he was not responsible for the accuracy of that
404 Charmand invites them to a party.
405 AB 7074 is making artifacts in bronze to sell, choosing
Benvenuto Cellinis models, and also doing pictures with Durers
drawings. Later, Charmand takes them to a party given by one of
his friends.
Lord Bobgoten is presented to Weiher. The Lord wants explosives
to buy.
Lord Bobgoten shows a rock saying it ahs copper in it, but Weiher
looks at it and there wasn none- also, in some other samples,
copper wasnot present and he said it. Lord Bobgoten was
disappointed and cancelled the party. They went out. They enter a
place of merriment- Ingrid again. And she told him Charmand loose
Lord Bobgoten as a client, and being an important one, it was a real
disgrace the whole affair.
413 AB 7074 informs him that Lord Bobgoten was the manager of
300 supermarkets and shops where Charmand sell his jewels.
414. To help Charmand, Weiher offers to sell jewels at his shop.
Charmand refuses.
In a trip to the mine at Pedisequus, Weiher find AB 2478 has gold
for him- 5.400 kilos.
416 Weiher had AB 2478 has a woman.
417 Mr. Charmand calls him.
418 Mr. Charmand in bed, receives Weiher with feeble voice.
419 Mr. Charmand gives half his pertinences to Weiher and to his
fiance, Lady Lisa Marnog. Then he died in his bed, possibly
420 Charmands jewelry shop I snow Weiher possession.
421 There are lots of jewelry and Weiher is astounded.
423 Weiher takes possession of the jewelry and post guards at the
big shop. There are some warehouses full of artifacts too.
425 A lawyer is in charge of to collect money from Charmands
debtors. Weiher remodeled the J ewelry shop.
427 They move jewels to the factory while
428 in redecoration.
429 Remodeling keeps on.
430 Remodeling keeps on
431 Gala dier for the J ewelry old workers.
432 AB 0361 appointed General Manager of the J ewelry shop (she
asks for it).
433 AB 8250 takes the management of the J ewelry shop, due to the
need of Weiher that cant be happy without AB 0361 around.
434 AB 8250 gives information about finances after a month of
work, and profits are good.
435 Weiher has 8 billion credits and some more money in his
possession, plus the buildings, machinery and terrains, and
vehicles, that amounts for a lot more.
436 Weiher surrounds himself with e-women, joy and dances every
437 Lawyer Farrand invited to the dier, who said to Weiher that
Charmand lost the friendship with Lord Bobgoten the night Weiher
told that noble that the rocks were devoid of copper.
438 Farrand believes Lord Bobgoten poisoned Mr. Charmand out of
439 Weiher begin to revenge Charmands death.
440 Gustavo Alanga, private detective, begin studying Charmands
death, hired by Weiher.
443 Colonel Sluin calls, saying Lord Bobgoten poisoned Mr.
Charmand sure thing.
444 Sluin carries Mr. Weiher to the Bar Restaurant where the Lord
Bobgoten was having dier. Weiher killed him at the bathroom using
a china top.
Weiher leaves Earth on the Orb, with AB 0361.
445 Weiher arrives to Knapp Planetary system. AB 2478 welcome
him at the mining facility at Pedisequus. Weiher takes the mineral
on board and also some minres; among them, AB 2478, leaving AB
1965 in charge of it.
446 Weiher and cargo arrives to Earth. AB 7074 welcomes them at
the factory. She asks to produce fiber optics and its allowed. Weiher
meets Mr. Sluin at an Hotel in Cartagena city, asking for the
whereabouts of Mayor Xordon.
448 Sluin says he disappeared in action. And gives some
coordinates where to locate the site where they last knew about
449 Weiher wants to visit that place. Flight to J erifordion star.
450 They traveled though Branas.
451 They arrive to J enifordion III planet. An Army Space Station
from Knapp is in orbit. Colonel Sharfir is in charge. He authorized
452 Searching at the coordinates given by Sluin, nothing is found.
Weiher begin searching for debris in another places.
They found native survivors, disease has almost eliminated
J erifordians. Askron, a native, talks with Weiher. Smallpox being the
worst scenario there.
453 Weiher begin by giving water and food to the survivors.
454 They found a terraformed planet, Weiher decided to move
J erifordians there.
458 Weiher visiting the new planet.
466 Weiher back to Earth. The Suenigorion, a new discovered
humanoid race, is in town.
474 Weiher rents a Liner spaceship to move J erifordians to their
new place- a star in Aquarri, number 91, or Psi Aquarii, Brana I,
Orange giant, it has several big planets and one of them is orbited
by a Earth size planet, who is suitable for life. Home now of the
J erifordians.
475 Trips with immigrants begins aboard liner Epopee, Captain
Faundes, in command.
478 84 million Credits is the cost of the operation.
482. Weiher goes to J erifordion, helping with the process.
483 Askron and others rescued.Food processors downloaded to
J erifordion, to feed natives.
486 Old J erifodian politics are taken to the new planet at Psi Aquarii
planetary system.
491 Weiher very repented to have been producing bio weapons.
The carrying of J erifordians keeps on.
492 Captain Faundez takes more trips.
497 Weiher traveled to Earth. Vacations in Chicago.
499 AB 7074 visits him and said the Captain Faundez, crew and
passengers are dead of a virus on the trip to Aquarii 91.
500 Weiher travels to Aquarii 91 right away. Planet Aquarii 91 is
502 Hundreds of Synthetic people are brought to help J erifordians in
their toils. A mine (copper) begins to be worked by J erifordians and
Synthetic workers.
506 J erifordians begin to have work and wages on that planet.
507 Weiher made gold coins as currency.
508 After seven years in Aquarii planet, Weiher has already four
sons from two different women from the J erifordians. They are the
new kings.
510 More years passing, Weiher works at the planet organizing
512 Palaces are going to be build.
522 The J erifordians at Aquarii 91 are now in the Industrial Age.
524 Four mayor cities are already set and working :Domicilium,
Defensio, Contexo, Confessus, Cautes, to be governed by
525 Kings: Ramsch, Meute,Hemmen, and Dach.
Ramsch didnt want to stay in Aquarii 91 planet, and departed not
wanting to lead a life organized by his father.
Weiher was so disappointed that his son was not willing to be a
king, that he had a stroke and died looking the departure of

The End.

2 months and 3 weeks writing it.
Revision begins 20 October, ends 23 October 2010.

From J uly 28, 2010
7366 words 7/30/2010...736
14957 words 8/11/2010 .1068
16197 words 8/13/2010.. 1012
17287 words 8/14/2010...1016
19521 words 8/21/2010.............813 per day.
24016 8/23/2010.. 889
313978/27/2010 ..1046
39029 ...9/1/2010.or 35 days =1115 average
43522 .9/2/2010.div x 36.. .1208
47036.9/3/2010..div x 37.1271
48179.9/4/2010.div x 38..1267
48796 9/5/2010.. div x 39. 1251
51092. 9/6/2010.x 40....1277
53599. 9/7/2010. ..x 41.1307
63782. 9/9/2010x 43. . 1483
65338..10/9/2010. x44.1484
68174..12/09/2010... x45.1514
70774. 9/13/2010.. x46.1538
73333 9/14/2010... x47.1560
83095..9/15/2010 x 48.1731
85812...9/18/2010 x 51.1682
86504...9/19/2010.x 52.1663
913189/20/2010.x 531722
915849/22/2010.x 541696
949909/25/2010...x 57..1666
106574..10/4/2010x 64.1665
121058...10/20/2010x791532 average

Knapp 20 - Weiher Gorfarten .-


Domicilium satellite, home of the Neongos.
J urgens Hidler, president of Domicilium, declare J erifordion vergeltung.
Doctor Slater, Solar System medic.
Professor Moria Feneloden
EC 40 to 50 maed the Gula.
Freighter Gula.
Negraler the Subrogate, Dean Kgronk, Treasurer Mr. Finlant,
University of Domicilium.
Daron Hinauer, spaceship pilot; Eyeela, Biologist; J ohard, Domicilium
Citys Major; Shanak Hinauer, sister of Daron, wife of J ohard, Senator.
Senator Shungirk, President of Domicilium planet=J urgens Hidler;
Mr. Kgronk, the Dean of Domicilium city
Mr. Negraler the subrogate of the Dean
the Neongos has a species of cows- laleas
Neongos now all dead: Ladushe, Gofopra, Sugape, Terbio, Tiozalu,
Tiacien; Gusvarogy, Tumfur, Tuxuse, Golie, Xiredi, Tiolade, Tumpicor.

Beta Aquarius.
Is a triple star in the constellation Aquarius. This star is known in Earth
lore as Sadalsuud, The luck of lucks. Or Lucida Fortunae Fortunarum,
meaning the brightest of luck of lucks.
It appearance coincides with the begiing of spring in Earth.
It is a member of class star yellow super giants. Similar to the sun, with
a surface temperature of 5.600 Kelvin. Total bolometric luminosity is
2.200 times solar, 50 times more radius than the Sun. It is 610 light
years from the Sun.
Spectral class G0lb.
Rotation 8 km/s
From the Earth it is similar to one star, but at that point there are 3
stars: A, B and C. The first B Aquarius B has a magnitude of 11.0; the
second B Aqr C has a magnitude of 11.6. The third has a magnitude of
Mundifico is located on Star A Aquarius. At Star B and C there are no
terraformed planets, with gaseous planets and several small satellites
with ice formed by solidified water.
Beta aquarii = HR 8232
When turning to blue is when this kind of stars begin to die; after the
blue sun follows the explosion=novae. Photo evaporation of planets
while in blue color, due to the extreme heat.


1.- Domicilium, satellite of planet IV at Aquarii 31 b, brana 01, home to
refugees from J erifordion planet in Brana 2, is where Captain Daron
Hinauer arrives with his space freighter Gula to deliver a science
team from a voyage of exploration into the J erifordion planet.
2.- He lodges on her sister Shanak home, Domicilium city, populace 2
million people.
3.- At the Space freighter Gula, the Electronic Creatures (ECs) works
making repairs.Daron needs another sponsored trip from the University
of Domicilium, in order to make money.
4. Mr. Negraler is in charge now instead of the Dean Ngrok, so he had
a hard time convincing the guy he needs another voyage.
5.He accepts after much arguing.
6. He hired him for another scientific voyage.
15 Mr. Negraler asks to be cryogenized on that trip, Daron accepts.
16 They arrive to J erifordion planet with a team of scientists and Mr.
Negraler, who is now on the run after killing the Dean, who was
refusing to accept the voyage.
The planet has lots of dangerous bacteria and viruses .The ECs
explore the ground.
Miss Moria Feneloden (From the Science team) asks permission to
descend with her group. Daron authorized.
18 At their return, some of them are sick. Negraler wants to be landing
on Earth planet. They went there.
20. With almost everyone very ill, Daron dumped Mr. Negraler to the
sea (he was threatening him with a pistol), then they traveled to Aurean
planet where they call for medical assistance. They were all taken to
the Hospital .Darton gets well, but Dr. Slater and Miss Moria dies.
26.Daron returns to the Gula freighter.
27In a visit to the city of Aurea, Daron meets Chancellor Tupine, who is
interested on the ECs and he invites him to a dier party to show the
ECs to his guests. Daron accepts.
30The Chancellor dier. He shows the ECs ,Daron receives lodging for
the night plus a woman. At the next day, Tupine insist on another
reunion for the evening. In that day, Daron receives more cargo for his
spacefreighter to carry out. At the next dier, Tupine offers him a trip to
Domicilium but he refuses due to have already cargo to deliver to
Knapp planet.
40He arrives, delivered the goods and rent a room at an Hotel, as a
short Vacation. With Tawa, a woman, has a night of pleasure and
many days of trouble- he changes to a cheaper hotel.
51Daron returns to the Gula freighter, and departs to Aurean planet
with several politician in disguise.


01 Domicilium Satellite of planet IV at Aquarii 31b star, Brana 1, home
to the refugees from J erifordion planet of Brana 2. Captain Daron
Hinauer arrives with his space freighter to deliver a scientific team who
studied the J erifordion planet.
2* He lodges on her sister Shanaks home at the Domicilium city.
3* AT the space freighter Gula the electronic creatures (ECs) works
making repairs. Daron needs another voyage sponsored by the
Domicilium University, so he went to ask for it.
4* The Dean is absent. Mr. Negrales is in office, and Daron convinced
him he was already booked for a second trip ( its a lie)
6* Mr. Negraler authorized it and also choose another team for the
expedition, under professor Basmussen.
15* 23 Students , Moria Rasmussen the teacher, among them.
16* Daron paid the crewmen before departure.
17* Negraler appears saying the Dean is back and refuse to back up
the voyage- also saying he must pay the total amount for the trip from
his pocket; when arguing with the Dean, they fought and the Dean
18* The subrogate wants a place on the spaceship
19* Negraler pays 2 million Credits for his place on the Gula, Daron
accepts and departed to J erifordion planet.
21* A Knappian Cruiser patrolling the Knappian planetary system asks
what their route is, and after hearing explanations, they permit the
freighter to continue.
22* They landed on J erifordion . The site is poisoned with viruses; they
search for less contaminated sites using Fliers.
23* Negraler wants to travel to Earth.
25* The scientific team on the ground, taking samples.
26* Miss Moria exultant
27* Miss Moria discovers that the woods are much less contaminated.
28* The scientific team ends his work some weeks later. A man is
poisoned with anthrax.
29* Negraler pays for a trip to Earth. Miss Feneloden is ready to
30* Negraler is happy to go.
31* The natural men goes to the cryogenic pods and gets the deep
sleep. The spacecraft makes the jump to Brana 1, destiny=the Earth.
32* The appearance to the Brana 1 was made but a two years voyage
rest to do- Daron was mad at it. He went to the cryopod to wait.
Another year was used in the voyage, due to numerous changes of
course, avoiding meteors.
33* Daron and the passengers were awaken by the ECs; he saw that
several persons were very sick. He calls for help to the Pluto Base ; a
spaceship arrives with Doctor Slater and some other medics, and his
spaceship is locked unto the freighter. He quarantined everyone and
said they must be transported to the Pluto Clinic.
34* Dr. Shalter asks where they had been, and Daron mention
J erifordion. Dr. Slater informs him that J erifordion was forbidden for
astronauts to visit.
35* Negraler appears with a gun, asking to flee from the Solar System,
afraid he could get in jail for the murder of the Dean.
37* Daron gives orders to be carried to the Brana 2, planet Aurean.
They did the traversing and appears next to their destination point.
38* Negraler asks for a Flier to descend.
39* Negraler departed with his valises ,and the EC #49 was ordered to
open hatch, in order to kill the man with the decompression forces. He
did it and return to the Freighter without the man.
40* Dr. Slater asked why they were kidnapped to Aurean planetary
system. Daron explains it was a mistake made by the ECs. (A lie).
Soon another medical team, this time from Aurean planet, arrives and
they were all carried to an Hospital, Doctor Slater and medics included.
43* Dr. Slater died of the Evola virus, his Assistants were sane, also
Daron, who went to an Hotel, and from there to the spacefreighter in a
44* He was told by the ECs to buy Dylithium Crystals .
45* He returns to Aurean city with 2 ECs.
46* A person asks him to lend his 2 ECs for money, but Daron said no.
47* Then that man invites him to a party, and with the ECs to be
shown. Daron accepted Chancellor Tupine offer.
48* They went to Tupines whereabouts on a building
49* Daron sleeps while waiting at Chancellor Tupines office.
50* The Chancellors assistant Mr. Makubelo carries them to the
Chancellor home in a Flier
51* The Chancellors dier.
52* After a while, the ECs were asked a few questions by the amused
53* Then they get the meal.
54* They danced. Chancellor Tupine gives him a bedroom to sleep,
plus a woman to relax.
55* In the morning he takes tea with the Chancellor.
56* From the spacefreighter the ECs called on Daron to say they have
cargo to carry. Chancellor Tupine asks him to stay for a talk in the
57* He accepts and departed in a Flier with the 2 ECs
58* with whom he revise the cargo in orbit. He returns to the
Chancellors home and meet Gregoria at his appointed bedroom.
59* At dier he was presented to important people among them Miss
Eggiga Ministry of Mines from Aurea 1.
60* Asked Daron to serve with his space freighter he refuses saying he
was already commited to travel far.
61* Chancellor Tupine presents both ECs for the amusement of his
62* From there, Daron went to the Freighter and once leaving the orbit,
Chancellor Tupine calls to offers him a job at his return to Aurean
63* Then he went to the cryogenizing pod, for the travel from Aurean to
64* Once arriving at Knappian planetary system, a team from a Frigate
revised the cargo bays.
65* They arrive to Knapps orbit and delivered all the cargo.
66* Daron delivers the cargo in orbit.
67* Daron booked at an Hotel in Oxiborion city and then to another
71* The fares were high.
72* Everything is extra paid.
73* Raneton is at the same hotel (Twin Towers).
74* They meet girs by the night.
76* They went with them to dance.
77* Then to their Hotel.
78* Tawa, Darons acquaintance, asks a log of lended money and he
gives it just to enjoy the woman.
79* Afterwards, Daron recuperate the money from her purse and
leaves the Hotel
80* Daron asks the management to take the woman out, but the
management said that he invites her- or else, to pay 500 Credits to
shoo the woman out. He refuses and went out the street.
81* He booked at another smaller and cheaper Hotel (Hibm).
82* Sam the owner, talks with him
83* The coectionist theory . Elfis (son of Sam) went to collect Darons
valises at the Twin Towers Hotel.
84* Daron explains about that woman.
85* Elfis complies but was scratched by the woman.
86* Elfis said the woman accussed him of robbery.
87* Daron pay Elfis for his favor.
88* Raneton find out where Daron has moved and arrives to stay.
89* Raneton asks Daron to authorize him to take his newly female
Shera on board the freighter.
90* Daron and Raneton keeps on chasing women for dancing and
romancing. Afterwards they get cargo and leaves the planet with eight
passengers and tons of cargo (engines) on route to Aquarii 31 b
91* Everyone (natural people) to the cryio pods except Daron.
92* They traverse from Brana 2 to Brana 1 successfully.
93* Approaching Aquarii B. They arrives to Domicilium Satellite.
Daron delivers the cargo and went down to the Domicilium city. He
bought some clothes.
95* Daron bought some more clothes.
96* Drinking in a Tavern, they meet Tobor, a gigantic robot.
97* Daron speak and Tobor gets enraged with them. They escape to
the street and when Tobor was about to kill them, a person appears
and immovilize the mechanical creature.
98* Tobor The great and Doctor Taylor Kolmer.
99* Doctor Taylor Kolmer invites them to see their inventions at a
101* Kolmer invites them to dier. They accept.
102* The food is provided by an near-by Restaurant.
103* Kolmer explains about Tobor.
104* Kolmer has invented a new super radio
105* with whom its possibly to see the distant past.
106* A new motorcycle
107* They went to the space port and bought souvenirs.
108* Some politicians asks for places at the Freighter in order to
voyage to Aurean planet brana 2 from Domicilium
110* They present themselves to Daron
111* Chapter 4. The trip to Aurean from Aquarii 31b (Domicilium).
112* They remember that if not by Weiher Gofarten, their race would
have perished on J erifordion.
Two months and 20 days takes the trip among Aurean and Aquarii 31b
and the Dylithium crystals are almost exhausted on the Gula Freighter.
113* Arrival to Aurean orbit. Mr. Roll prepares the descend.
114* All passengers are grounded.
115* The cargo its downloaded to shuttle crafts .Chancellor Tupine
was called.
116* Daron went to the surface for a talk with Chancellor Tupine,
carrying crewman Foren and two ECs.
117* Tupine explains hes no longer a Chancellor but a private citizen.
The promised job is no more available.
119* Daron gives shore leave to Foren
120* Daron stays at Tupines home ,under assistant J aivorss care.
Again he receives a bedroom and a woman to rest- this time the
woman is called Fania.
121* Daron spent the night in those arms, and in the morning Mr.
Tupine said he was to attend a ceremony to give his post to somebody
else. He said the Neongos wants weapons.
124* And Daron could carry the weapons to Domicilium on the Gula
125* Daron accepts to carry the weapons to Domicilium for a lot of
126* Chancellor Tupine told Daron that his assistant will answer for
anything he should need.
Chancellor Tupine gives his post to the President Magofa of Aurean,
and the new appointed Chancellor is Mr. Rocko Vincitape.
128* Mr. Orson represents the Organization that is sending weaponry
from Aurea to Domicilium; Mr. Tupine asks him for money.
130* Daron receives more favors from Mr. Tupine.
132* who receives the money from the Organization, and paids Daron
for the trip.
134* Daron bought Dylithium crystals for the Gula Freighter.
135* Mr. Hanshu sold Daron two Dylithium crystals in 1,9 million
136* Mr. Tupine will not be on that trip due to some diligences he must
comply with.
137* and gives him some more money.
138* Another reunion with members of the Organization that are
sending the weapons.
140- 142* At Tupines house, women and gambling.
144-145* Traveling to Domicilium from Aurean. 2 months at the least.
Onare Felton from the Organization Return welcomes him when
arriving to Domicilium, and discharge the cargo immediately.
147* He discovers the Organization belongs to the Government of
148* Daron heard President Hidler speeches, full of energy and
149-161* Shore leave, women and booze.
162* Mr. Tupine arrives to Domicilium he present him 2 military men=
Colonel Tyfo and General Taklas.
163* He is offered to help on the invasion of Knapp, carrying weapons.
164- 168* Daron accepted.
169* A C Beam caon is going to be attached to the Freighter.
171* 32.000 spaceships and 17240 warships became the Army of
172* Colonel Tyfo and general Taklas are very sure to succeed in
173* The C Beam caon delay the Gula departure.
174- 175* President Hidler will be a passenger of the Gula freighter.
177* The President Hidler arrives to the Gula.
178* Warp 5 the most the Gula could achieve in velocity.
179* After the Branas jump, they appear at 5 months distance of the
Knappian territory.
180* President Hidler awakes.
181* A fast spaceship takes Hidler away, with Mr. Tupine and the high
182* A bell-shaped spaceship appears, and gets locked to the
freighter- Mr. Martin Gomez and family travels in it.
183* They are in a scientific voyage.
184* A distress call is received. The battle had begun. President
Hidlers spaceship is missing . Great losses. Tupine says in that
message to turn around and flee.
Daron turns unto Aurean 6 star.
186* The Gomez family keeps on traveling with Daron. The bell-
shaped spaceship is attached to the Gula.
187* The women are Myrna (the mother) and Mariella & Tina. The men
are Martin Gomez (the father) and a scientist Mr. Sylvio Stephens and
Doctor Farthom Climbor 8.
188* They all have reprocessed food to eat.
191* They arrive to Star Aurean 6 and his three planets: I and II big
giants, III is a terra like planet covered mostly with ice.
192* They find theres people living in the III planet, called the Albrasa,
from Knappian stock. Their country is called the Yield.
193* They communicate by radio, the Gula descended , breathable air.
194* They were received by Administrator Sukor from that walled city.
195* They told Daron that they are not receiving visitors from space
since five years hence.
196- 197* They visited the city. Fanar Tarra, Director of Flora and
Fauna, said there are dangerous animals around, thats why they built
the walls.
198* Feathered reptiles. Scant Flier machines.
199-201* They departed giving what could spare, and return to the sky,
202* Traveling in a Wagon Flier to explore , they find a friendly vessel
that approaches to ask for ammunition; so they return to the Aurean VI
planet and delivered the weaponry. Now on the Freighter, they arrive to
a battle.
205* Treaveling slow, they approach Knappian planetary system, and
fired on planet IV orbital station, destroying it.
They fired and destroyed 2 Cruisers.
209* They run jumping to Brana 1, and arrives to Domicilium
210* They give the news about the battle on Knapp.
211* Daron descended on Domicilium planet using a Wagon Flier.
212* Governor Urotong receives them at the Administration Building.
214- 215* At a reunion, he was told President Hidler is dead.
216-217* He is chosen to carry reinforcements to the battle with the
title of Admiral of the Second Fleet.
219* Daron accepts- Raneton is now captain of the Gula Freighter with
Arkilo as First officer. Feron goes with Daron to a Cruiser, Captain
Furak as first officer.
221* Daron is on the Cruiser Intractatus, captain Lerche.
222* Daron calls for a meeting with the seven captain of the remaining
Cruisers and the Freighter- he asks for heroism.
223* Fight near planet V Knappian planetary system (Or Delta
Swastika , planet V).
224* They defeat two enemy battleships and finds Captain Shobaro on
the Cruiser Nullum as sole survivors of the entire Domicilium First
228* Four enemy battleships destroyed, 2 cruisers from the Second
Fleet damaged, Sponcio cruiser destroyed,
229* 6 cruisers against 9 Federation battle cruisers.
230* Daron visits Island 20 ,Porton Vordelm the administrator.
231* Back to space. Daron fights the enemy, destroying them thanks to
the ECs that keeps fighting when the ABs were in control of Federation
234* They had air control but not on the cities or the fields.
235* Sending radio waves, they induce Knappians to reduce their
violence and resistance upon Neongo fleet.
236* Governor Boseri from Knappian city of Oxiborion.
237- 240* Daron visits again Island 20, while radio waves are on the
Knappian populace.
241* Captain Ofter on the Cruiser Tremendus arrives to Domicilium to
get repairs They are told that 3 Federation cruisers are in a political
visit. The Tremendus some days later, receives the visit of Governor
Urotong , Admiral Toronkei , Major Alparme and even President
241* Corber praises Hidler (RIP) .He said, that the spatial forces of
Federation has coe to ask to stop invasions and forget revenges. He
said a MNT machine is going to set in place on the Tremendus, to stop
enemy crossing by Wormholes. And that 2 new Cruisers are in use:
The Azag and the Pazuzu.
243* The MNT is placed on the Cruiser Tremendus.
Mr. Martin Gomez on the Bell spaceship arrives to enemy lines again,
seeking for Daron: their objective now is to make a report on the war.
Using the Bell spaceship, Daron visits Secretary Rak Vorg from the
War Ministry. There are Aurean envoys visiting the city of Domicilium.
247* At the meeting Mr. Tupine is the Plenipotenciary member of
Aurean P.System The entire Alliance Fleet is composed of
Place Number of Cruisers
Aurean 1 302
Aurean 7 2
Moll 13 13
Moll 23 6
Spoon Beta 101
Spoon Alfa 84
In all, 518, plus the Domicilium satellite .
248* Vice President of Domicilium , Mr. Vortelgungen, ask how many
Cruisers has the Domicilium government- the answer was six plus the
Freighter Gula.
Chancellor Orson Corvallan said they should build Stations where
wormholes had their ends. (Or entrances).
253* They all wanted to support the welfare of the Alliance of Planets.
Daron has Myrna Lower for himself.
254* President Corber of Domicilium reaffirms his desire to have
control over the Wormholes.
255* And wants to straighten ties among Alliance planetary
256* Martin Gomez departed on the Bell shaped spaceship with his
two daughters, Dr. Farthom Climbor 8 and Mr. Sylvio.
257* Myrna Lowell lives now with Daron.
President Corber joins Brana 1 Star Fleet and Federation of Planets
,based on the Location Domicilium satellite was posed: the First Brana.
258-261* Daron on Knappian planetary system with his occupation
Forces. He had an encounter with Professor Kolmer, who is traveling
on a spaceship made by himself. Tobor is also there.
263* Daron offers him aid through technical ECs working to repair
Professor Kolmer spaceship.
264* Daron arrives to Twenty City on Island 20. (Knapp).
265* Daron visits cruiser Intractatus in orbit, and forbids aerial traffic
among Knappian cities while the government didnt pay contributions,
taxes to the Domicilium Starfleet.
268* The knappians accept to pay taxes .The baning of air lift is
269-270* Ministers of King Knapp 32 offers peace and to pay taxes.
Daron accepts, knowing he has no Army enough to occupy the cities.
271* But the Knappians from Oredloro city fired a C Beam caon
against the cruiser Generose, that went away badly damaged, not
before release a series of photon torpedoes against the caon and the
surrounding area, that was flashed out of existence.
272* King Knapp 32 signs a treaty where Knappian Kingdom adheres
to the Alliance of planets from here on. C Beam cannons are handled
to the Second Fleet.
Daron sent the Cruiser Directus for aid to Domicilium territory.
274* Captain Goburt , of theDirectus, while in transit, saw a Starship
from Federation lore traveling to Knappian territory- he fought, and the
Directus receives several hits- he made a J ump unto Brana One, to
avoid being destroyed.
276* They landed on a planet with the spaceship in flames. Breathable
atmosphere, they landed under the yellow star.
278* A giant robot appears to smash the Cruiser; they flee on foot.
279-281* Waling among beasts by the forest.
285* The ECs disappear.
289* They return to the wrecked spaceship to lie on the safe remaining
292* Dinosaurs are seen on the forest.
293-295* With a LASER rifle, they hunt for food.
297* They sent radio distress calls to the void.
298* A truck appears- they trapped the occupants- three women.
303* Ofucosaurus called so by their discoverer, Doctor Ofuco.
305* Captain Goburt deserted by his crewmen who also takes the truck
and the three women.
A spaceship appears after the distress radio call- its Mr. Martin
Gomez, on his Bell spaceship, that rescued him from the planet.
The End.
Wednesday 12. J anuary 2011.
Facts: Domicilium government allies with the Federation of Planets on
view that they were at the Brana One.
King Knapp 32 accepts to joing the Alliance of Planets (brana 2).


Comentario. Hay un Knapp 21 Daron Hinauer #1 que esta en ingles.
La continuacin perfecta de ese cuento es Daron Hinauer #2 (este)
pero que esta en castellano.
Para hacer un solo Knapp 21 Daron Hinauer habria que traducir el
Knapp 22 al ingles y asi tendriamos un Knapp 21 completo, pero un
Knapp 22 contando la mitad del cuento en castellano.
Por lo tanto, pretendo unir Knapp 21 y 22 en ingles, y dejar este Knapp
22 suelto, y tal como esta (en castellano).

Ahora, sigamos con este resumen de lo que es Daron Hinauer #2.


1.- Alarma de Aproximacin
2.- Ronger Barros, el Regente.
3.- Apertura del comercio interestelar
4.- El viaje del Regente Barros a Aurea.
5.- Alianza de Sistemas planetarios Brana 2.
6.- La llegada a Domicilium
7.- Daron en Aurea.
Otros datos =

Delta de la Swastica- sol de Knapp.
Sistema planetario Acuario 31d (Domicilium).
Carguero Gula, capitan Raneton.
Crucero Intractatus: Durgen, el ingeniero maquinas, Retboke oficial de
esclusas,Capitan = Lerche
Mirna Lowell, esposa de Martin Gomez , luego mujer de Daron
Feron, Edecan mayor del Almirante de la Segunda Flota.
Daron Hinauer, capitan de carguero espacial y luego Almirante de la
Segunda Flota de Domicilium (Estacionado en Knapp).
Primer presidente de Domicilium: J urgen Hidler (fallecio en la Batalla
del Sistema planetario de Knapp).
Segundo Presidente de Domicilium=Sr. Corber.
Gobernador de la ciudad Domicilium: Sr. Urotong.
Idem de Oxiborion=Boseri
Idem de Oredloro =Luntner
Idem de Rixiabert = Mioral
Idem de 20 Island city= Profesor Kolner y su asistente Tobor.
Compra de navios Tholianos. Igual a un prisma conico. Son rapidos, y
hay que artillarlos. Longitud 22 metros, para 2 o 3 tripulantes.
Ministro de Rel. Exteriores =Lord Triufeco, liaison entre el Rey Knapp
XXXIII y el Almirante Daron

Resumen de Daron Hinauer 2 en castellano.
Pagina 1.- Daron y Mirna en el crucero Intractatusde Domicilium; hay
ataque enemigo. El crucero Directus entra en contacto primero con
una nave enorme AS 93, por lo que tras recibir y enviar misiles, huye
usando el salto entre Branas. Quedan los cruceros Intractatus ,
Corono, Nullum y el carguero Gula ,mas el Generose en orbita de
Knapp por falla de motores. El Nullum es destruido por misiles foton.
Pagina 2.- El regente Ronfer Barros avisa que los tributos desde
Knapp son muy exiguos.
3.- En el ministerio de Finanzas se ve movimiento extrano. Daron
descubre que es dinero que estan trasladando y lo coge. Lo deja en el
edificio del Ministerio de Hacienda custodiado por cuarenta ECs
(Criaturas humanoides electronicas).
9.- Siguen cobrando tributos de los derrotados Knappianos y a veces
requisando por la fuerza.
11.- Se firman convenios con Knappianos para administrar los cobros
y se ejecutan reuniones con los gobernadores de ciudades
12.- Daron cree en informaciones de Domicilium que dicen estan
haciendo Cruceros para reforzar su Segunda Flota Espacial.
13.- Daron quiere integrar a los gobernadores de Knapp en asambleas
14.- El regente Barros edifica en Isla 20 el edificio de la gobernacin,
con alas para el y Daron.
15.- Mioral , gobernador de Rixiaberg, pide levantar la prohibicin de
comerciar en forma interplanetaria.
18.- Pagos bimensuales de contribuciones a la flota Neonga.
19..- Cena con los gobernadores de ciudades.
20.- El Regente Barros.
21.- Se decide cobrar impuestos y autorizar comercio espacial .
Tambien se construye edificio gubernamental en Isla 20 con dos alas.
22.- Con el dinero se pagara a mercenarios.
23.- Comercio estelar abierto.
24.- Gobernador Rixiaberg pide periodo sin pago, para atraer
25.-Apertura del comercio interestelar- salen los cargueros de Knapp.
26.-Daron patrulla el sistema planetario de Knapp.
27.- Knapianos pagan al regente el tributo.
28.-Edificio gubernamental Isla 20 esta terminado.
29.- De Rixiaberg le invitan a reunion almuerzo. Asiste con Mirna su
mujer. Gobernador Mioral le homenajea.
30 Al volver a la nave descubre ,tras examenes fisicos, que se le
hicieron preguntas sobre composicin de su Flota Espacial y luego le
borraron de la memoria ese momento.
37 EC#93 recomienda tener futuras reuniones en la nave principal o
asistir con guardias electronicos. El Regente Barros le reconviene y se
ofrece para acompanarle en lo sucesivo.
3. 38
Daron se concentra en cobrar impuestos, contribuciones y peajes.
El regente Barros dirige sus asuntos financieros desde la Isla 20.
4. 39 El Regente tiene a Yanira, mujer joven y caprichosa. 738.000
Creditos se reciben de parte de knappianos por mes de tributos .
Se halla que es poco.
5. 40 Barros paga salarios a funcionarios knappianos que llevan los
cobros y la administracin. Zeron y Lokerno (quienes le roban
parte de ese dinero). Regente Barros parte de Vacaciones al
planeta Aurea con la mujer Yanira.
6. 41 Barros lleva tambien a 3 asistentes ECs. Capitulo IV. El viaje
del retente a Aurea. Barros a bordo de navio de pasajeros
Emprendedor es identificado como el Regente por Knappianos
que le provocan.
7. 42 Comentarios de pasajeros es que Neongos son una invasin
8. 43 El capitan Yopar envia a todos los pasajeros a las camaras
de hibernacin por el resto del viaje dos meses.
9. 44 Capitulo V. Alianza de sistemas planetarios Brana 2. La
Alianza hace una asamblea general y se eligen Presidente y
Senadores por sistema planetario. Alianza de Sistemas
Planetarios. Zeron y Lokerno entregan recaudaciones a Daron.
10. 45 El Presidente de Domicilium Sr. Corber llama a la flota
Neongo a casa.
11. 46 Preparativos para ese viaje.
12. 47 La Segunda Flota Neonga.
13. 48 Daron permanece en Isla 20.
14. 49 Se reune la Segunda Flota Neonga en orbita alrededor de
Knapp. Capitan Raneton de la Gula pide permanecer en Delta
Swastica . El Intractatus y el Generose son los cruceros que les
15. 57 Capitulo 6. La llegada a Domicilium Se le presentan honores
por el almiranta Alparme del crucero Azag. Luego el presidente
Corber les recibe en tierra.
16. 58 Avisa el Presidente Corber que ahora Domicilium pertenece
a la Federacin de Planetas de brana 1. La ocupacin de Delta
Swastica se da por terminada.
17. 59 El gobernador Urotong le entrega medallas al merito a Daron
y sus hombres.
18. 60 Daron rechaza seguir en Domicilium
19. 62 Daron regresa al Crucero Intractatus.
20. 63 Llegan al crucero en orbita.
21. 64 Salen de la orbita.
22. 65 Oficial Foren acelera la nave. Tras un tiempo, llegan a Delta
Swastica y se comunican con Raneton en la Gula.
23. 68 Mirna pide a Daron olvidarse de ser otra cosa que J efe de
las FF AA de Knapp.
24. 69 Tienen cargueros artillados resguardando el sistema
planetario. Pide reunion con el rey Knapp 33 y gobernadores en
su nave.
25. 70 El rey Knapp 33 envia en su reemplazo a Lord Triufeco.
Daron les dice que ya no habra invasin de neongos a Knapp.
26. 71 Daron pide ser el general en jefe de las FF AA del reino
27. 72-73 Se acepta su peticin con consulta al rey Knapp 33.
28. 74 Se le cita a Oredloro.
29. 75 Daron, Mirna y Feron en la Corte. El rey ofrece titulo de
Almirante de las Reales Fuerzas Espaciales.
30. 77 Daron rapta al rey.
31. 78 En el crucero Intractatus, el rey Knapp 33 sigue negando ese
32. 80 84 El rey ve llegar a su esposa y dos hijas a la nave. Se
33. 88 Mirna cree que la reina convencera al rey de entregar ese
titulo a Daron.
34. 89 El rey se entera de que la Fota espacial cuenta solo con dos
cruceros y un carguero espacial artillado. El resto es
35. 90 El rey le da el titulo anhelado. Ya tiene Daron 38 millones de
Creditos y el Regente no regresa.
36. 92 Los tributos no le corresponderia recibirlos ahora que no es
flota invasora, pero Daron decide seguir obteniendolos. No es
posible comprar cruceros pues valen mucho mas de lo que se
puede juntar.
37. 93 Daron iria a pedirle al rey Knapp que comprara un Crucero.
38. 94 Va a esa reunion pero no es recibido.
39. 95 Se hace recuento de tripulantes.
40. 97 Llega una nave del espacio exterior. Es lenticular y luego se
sabe que es Martin Gomez, quien trae al rescatado capitan
41. 99 Le informan a Goburt que finalmente derrotaron a la nave de
la Federacin, pero con graves perdidas (Capitan Sobaro y su
crucero Nullum). Goburt cuenta sus vivencias.
42. 101 Mirna sufre el rechazo de sus hijas en la nave hacia Knapp.
43. 102 Regresa el Regente Barros.
44. 103. Barros llega en lujoso crucero (cual pasajero) y entrega a
Mirna algunos regalos en joyas.
45. 104 Barros cuenta de que le abandono Yanira en Aurea.
46. 105 Agrega que le falta dinero en Caja que perdio en ese viaje.
Daron le explica que ya no representan a Domicilium.
47. 106. Barros considera los cambios habidos como un desastre.
48. 107 Daron cree que el presidente Corber y los neongos fueron
tratados con ondas de radio que les hicieron adherir a la
49. 108 Mirna pide algn titulo para el Senor Barros, a fin de
recolectar tributos. Barros opina que el rey Knapp 33 le dio titulo
pero sin poderes.
50. 111 Vuvelven al crucero Intractatus. El titulo para Barros es J efe
Colector de Tributos de las Fuerzas Armadas, o jefe de Finanzas
de las Fuerzas Armadas.
51. 115 Fakur Lemare le da la bienvenida a nombre de la Central
de Aviacin. Daron quiere reorganizar la Real Fuerza Espacial,
Coronel Cafot encargado de la Coheteria Fuerzas Armadas
Misiles Interncontinentales en Oxiborion.
52. 118 Daron y Mirna Exploran y hallan a un Tarbosauro en viaje
personal. EC #104 y EC #71 les ayudan a regresar al Flier y
volver a la ciudad.
53. 120 Daron planea ver Bases Aereas y recibir juramento de
54. 121 Raneton rie al oirle hablar de la Flota espacial. Daron
invita a jefes knappianos a visitar la Intractatus.
55. 125 El general Ravor indica que anteriormente se compraban
Cruceros de batalla en Aurea.
56. 126 Raneton avisa de la proximidad de catorce naves de
batalla. Daron cree que pueden ser de la Alianza, ya que envio
mensajes con ese motivo. Pero son enemigos.
57. 127 Raneton comienza la batalla.
58. 128 La Gula es destruida. El Intractatus destruye tres
cruceros enemigos, gracias tambien a la accion de los ECs. Se
supone que el rey Knapp 33 llamo a la flota espacial de la
Federacin, para seguir unido a esa organizacin de la Primera
59. 130 La Intractatus escapa usando paso a la Brana Uno.
Regresan a la Brana Dos y se dirigen a Aurean.
60. Capitulo 7. Daron en Aurea. Es bien recibido. Presidente del
Senado de Aurea, Lecron Rytosi, presenta al espia Maximo
Clavijo, quien informa del poder que tiene la Federacin con su
Flota Espacial Estrella=18.000 naves de batalla, SE 6, R50,
naves LNCER 4 de 30 tripulantes; canones C, misiles de
fotones, Aspas Voladoras, naves Vulcano esparcidoras de minas
(SPK 30).
61. 135 Prektobed, Secretario del Senado, les da alojamiento en
hotel de lujo, a nombre del gobierno.
62. 136 El presidente de Aurea, Malur, le recibe en Salon Dorado.
Es alto y huesudo. Le agradece su lealtad ,le ofrece sueldo
vitalicio, e indica que una guerra contra la Federacin es
impensable. Daron le entrega el Crucero Intractatus al gobierno
de Aurea.
63. 138 El presidente Invor Malur ,de Aurea, le otorga sueldos al
personal de la nave Intractatus y continuacin en sus puestos
64. 139 El canciller Tupine informa a Daron que no habra
recuperacion del reino Knappiano.
65. 142 Daron se resigna a vivir como pensionado y con la bella
Mirna a su lado.

Cuento terminado el 24 enero 2011 01.15 horas.


Alfredo Francisco Umberto J uillet Frascara. J anuary 2011.
http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/CasaJ uilletScienceFiction/members
Words - 25728 22 February 2011

Plot=a group of actors presents several plays at Oredloro and at a
camping they were attacked by a group of Pteranodons; only three
people are saved: The Producer , the manager Digobert Farol and the
first lady, Miss Lamat Digot.
The two actors (Digobert and Lamat) opens a theatre in Rixiaberg city,
using gifts received by the dame.

Year = 4.071 E.C.
Characters =Director and general Manager plus actor Mr. Digobert
Female actresses =Lamat Digot; Nadidodula Naderin
Male actors =Sarrion Fegal, Marmachucken Fedigoifor; Latigotifor
Maginifren; Maschio Latikofagoter.
Art Producer= Boskon Korbl

Daron Hinauer (Admiral of the Second Domicilium Fleet); Foren
(Assistant to Hinauer); Myrna Lower (Darons woman)
King Knapp XXXIII, wife 2 daughters.
Governors: Oxiborion=Ravengo ; Oredloro=Ufogor; Rixiaberg=
Sufifodingo Matiforlio; City 20=Tito Chukarno.
Ministry of Foreign Relations , Duke Fotipotel.
Artculo II. Digobert Farol and a group of artists works at Oredloro
;they visit a river up the continent and are attacked by Pteranodons:
only the producer Borkon Korbl, actress Lamat Digot and Digobert
Farol escape alive. Later, she and Farol went to work at Rixiaberg
where they get married and live for ever happy.
The plays were Perion of J anarvia and the Nights of Lady Shurvana.
The End.

Federation of Planets Brana 1; the known constellations known to
Governments are Terrestrial, Klingons, Ferenge, Borg, Vulcan,
Romulan, Bajoran, Dominion, Suliban, Xindi.
YEAR 4071 =
Aliance of Planets Brana 2 ; encompasses the following planetary
Constellation of the Swastika:
Stars: Planets Governor
Swastika 1 Knapp 1 to 5 King Knapp 33 in planet 2
Swastika 2
Swastika 3
Swastika 4
Swastika 5
Aurean 1
Aurean 2
Aurean 3
Aurean 4
Aurean 5
Aurean 6
Aurean 7
Aurean 8
Aurean 9

Constellation Spoon
Spoon 1 Administrator Seredon
Spoon 2 Administrator J ohanson
Spoon 3
Spoon 4
Spoon 5
Spoon 6
Spoon 7

Constellation Moll
Moll 01
Moll 02
Moll 03
Moll 04
Moll 05
Moll 06
Moll 07
Moll 08
Moll 09
Moll 10
Moll 11
Moll 12
Moll 13 Administrator J orge Masir
Moll 14
Moll 15
Moll 16
Moll 17
Moll 18
Moll 19
Moll 20
Moll 23 Administrator Colus in planet


Knapp 24. Diforsin
Fecha = 4092 EC.
Lugares = Knapp,
Personaj es =Rey Knapp XXXIII, esposa y dos hi jas.
Gobernadores: Oxiborion= Ravengo ; Oredloro= Ufogor; Rixiaberg= Sufifodingo
Matiforlio; Ciudad 20= Tito Chukarno.
Artculo III. Ministro de relaciones exteriores = Duke
Pueblo de Lubina , poblacion 12300 hab., 840 Km. Al norte de Rixiaberg.
Secci n 3.01 Captulos
Capitulo 1 Los conjurados
Capitulo 2 El da de la rebelin
Capitulo 3 Las batallas por la libracin
Capitulo 4 Llega la democracia
Capitulo 5 La reconstruccin
Capitulo 6 Las Colonias quieren independizarse
Capitulo 7 El Ejrcito conjunto
Capitulo 8 El gran descubrimiento
Capitulo 9 El xodo

Diforsin llega al puesto de general, y traiciona al rey Knapp 33
instaurando una democracia, tras una guerra contra las fuerzas del
rey y las de la Federacin de planetas, que gana por escaso
Tras establecerse un gobierno democrtico, aparece un invento trado
desde la Brana 1, con la cual los cuerpos humanos pueden ser
modificados para respirar el gas existente en los planetas gigantes
gaseosos, con lo cual ya no necesitan ropa ni alimentarse: se
alimentan del gas. Todo aquel que puede comienza a emigrar a los
planetas gaseosos, impulsados por el deseo de vivir ms sin hacer
nada. As es como los planetas de toda la comunidad humana tanto
de Brana 1 como de Brana 2 conocidos, comienza a insertarse en el
ambiente gaseoso gigante, y los planetas terraformados se quedan
con muy poca poblacin.
Al cambiar el esquema social, vuelve el rey Knapp con una pequea
flota desde la Tierra, que no puede ser combatida y reinstaura la
Diforsin se dedica a viajar en compaa de un ser ciberntico y tras un
accidente en un planeta rocoso, fallece de hambre y sed.


2011 vi

KNAPP 25 =Akator.
Rey King Knapp 33, Reina Manulea, 2 princesas: Girardot y Nademi.
Muere el Rey Knapp 33, tras un largo gobierno, le sigue su esposa
reina Manulea por dos aos, y luego su hija, reina Girardot.
La reina Girardot viaja al pasado a ver a su padre antes de que
muera, pero el aparato dimensional del profesor Farthom falla y la
deja semanas en el pasado, cuando puede volver, no quiere saber
ms de ese invento ni del profesor Farthom.
Surtom es hijo de un minero, Falber, y ambos abren una
merceria,luego otra, y asi se hacen de dinero. Surtom se casa con
Laria hija de Lord Toxbur, y en el viaje de luna de miel huye con la
androide que llevaban de asistente. Despues de un tiempo regresa
a Oxiborion, con una nave Orbe reacondicionada.


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Knapp 26. Agoust to November 2011.
1.- Queen Girardot of Knapp sent a spaceship to Brana 1. Vulcan
planet- to buy several surplus spaceships with the spaceship NG
15,capable of Warp 4, under Captain Vocularis, lieutenant Adlara,
Colonel Rirnof, Miss Oroba, engineer Mazuela, Lascarof. They missed
the point and ends up in Brana 2, unknown location. They crash landed
on a planet and saw some Phylodons.
9. - They found another spacecraft derelict in the vicinity. They saw an
octopus killing a giant man. Rogo, Subseco, Tiasur. Insects inside the
alien vessel. They split in two groups to explore. Vocularis and 13
others: colonel Rirnof, with the rest. Subseco, Zahna, Ulma, Reiha,
Gerisena, Pigror, Rogo, Ulma. Rirnof finds humans (bluish skin) . They
arrive to a walled city. They slept at the House of the Poor. Soon they
get jobs :( sopes is the currency).
Subseco and Zahna returns to the hills to find Vocularis team to take
them to that city.
12. Chapter 3. Subseco and Zahna. Coelophysis . Mamaban city.
Celuros, Serpents, The Sea. They found fishermen, the Xarico. More
18. From there to an island with Odito and other fishermen.
Euplocephalus. Eustreptospondil. J ungle. Odito and the fishermen
goes . Coelophysis, Minmi. Centrosaur. Odito comes back and went
back to the continent. Stygilosaur, They arrive to the tribe. Avimimo.
Escelidosaur, Zahana and Subseco departed back to the city on foot.
Mamaban city, Rirnof welcome them, so Vocularis did. Soon the black
insects attack but were defeated.
23 Chapter 4.
Captain Vocularis team. Meanwhile and back in time
Vocularis on the alien spaceship. Insects inside the vehicle. Giants
corpses. Diplodocus, Coelophysis. After a walk by the mountains they
find a city on a Middle Age situation. Lodging at the House of the Poor,
Lascarof and Mazuela were there, and soon Rirnof appears. They
begin doing wine. Sopes means money. And gun powder. They bought
a farm. Lord Sufo asks for guns. Colonel Rirnof in charge now of the
fabrication of explosives for the kingdom. That is located at planet 2
Star >Marcarfo. Names given by captain Vocularis.
King Abinadaba cousin of Lord Sufo. Rirnof to make three cannons per
month. Mazuela in charge of the powder factory. Marcarfo of the
melting plant to make bronze cannons. The black alien carnivore insets
attacks the city of Mamaban.
31. Chapter V. Lord Sufo. King Abinadaba dies a year later. Queen
Rutah inherits the throne. Lord Sufo opposed. Euplocephalus. Lord
Sufo rebelled against
37 Queen Rutah. At the gates, Lord Sufo dies transposed by a lance.
Colonel Rirnof was killed by a caon ball.
39. Vocularis flee with some others: Tiasur, Zahna, Adlara, Ulma,
Oroba, _Reiha, Gerisena, Lascarof, Pigror, Subseco, Mazuela and
natives: Qulma, Imara, and others. Tiasur and Ulma in romance, Tiasur
finds the Cronomobile.
42. Tiasur on Ariabeldoom. Chapter 6.
He find people living at this new planet, civilization equals XX Century
Plenty of helicopters. He meet Lanira, others are Calire, Penigo. The
planet is called Ariabeldoom. The city is attacked by aerial vehicles
with LASER weapons. Guloon city. Yofidius the engineer. King
J olisimandus. Yofidius named the new Ministry of War. Octopus
sapiens defeated. They had human slaves to work.
45. for them but not anymore. Tiasur returns to the Cronomobile in
helicopter went to fetch people at the second planet of Marcarfo star.
He takes Reiha and
49. Ulma in this first trip. He returns to planet 2 Marcarfo star.
Arqueopterix. But hes attacked by a Stygimoloch and went back hurt.
Calire and Penigo helps him rent helicopters to fetch the
51 Cronomobile. Tiasur said to Ulma that their romance is over, so she
stabbed him. While Tiasur is in the Hospital, Lanira knifed Ulma. After
a time, Tiasur went again, for the third time, to planet 2 Marcarfo with
Lanira. Datuosaurs, Licorinos, Stygimoloch. They return to sleep (to
Ariabeldoom) and back again to planet 2 Marcarfo. This time they find
ex captain Vocularis. They went back to Ariabeldoom planet.
After some time, they bring the Cronomobile to the Nishizawa
Industries, technical section. Soon Vocularis became chief of
engineers and making a new supersonic plane.
61. Chapter 7. Vocularis bought a farm and let the Cronomobile there
while he works at the city. Tiasur and Lanira stay at the farm. Eggs and
milk is produced from Parasaurolophus Walkery.
62. Calire, Penigo, Lanira and Tiasur working at the farm.
Alaskacephale. Assistants: Lecobian, Togader, Mutubarense. Rashid
and Bellainde are the bad guys. so Tiasur fired them. Rashid and
Bellainde smashed the controls at the Cronomobile. Marcaro Figelein,
65. is hired to repair the vehicle. At a trip to the Guloon city, Tiasur and
Lanira find both Rashid and Bellainde, and they had a fight.
Figelein repairs the Cronomobile, and they hired a cryptologist (Ashana
Timefor) to translate the signs at the consoles.
69. Chapter 8. The Experiments. Ashana decipher the signs: now they
can use the Cronomobile with all it potentials!
Ashana went to work at the city (previously assigned) and deciphered
the stone discs found at the Fibobor Mountains (it was how to build
MASER driller-caon.) Dropa discs. Berther (Technician) build the
81. Ashana returns to the farm, Tiasur welcomes
82. her. Chapter X. Back to the farm
Tiasur, Lanira, Figelein, Marcaro, Ashana, Lecobian, togader,
Mutubarense. The machine is working .The farmers had gone. Money
runs short.
83. Tiasur went with Ashana to a planet they called Rock, similar to
Knapp. Figelein. Lecobian, Togader arrives. Tiasur went back to the
farm. Coelophysis. Mountains. They return after three days with
86 of value.
89. Tiasur saves Lecobian and Togader while a Carnosaur was
roaming the woods.
90. Lord Yofidius leased them a caon to hung big animals. Tiasur
send some prospectors to Planet Rock, who found emeralds that he
brought back to Ariabeldoom. Prospectors are three: J obar and two
others. He returns to the farm.
95. and Larnia was happy to see the jewels. In some helicopter Lord
Yofidius sent, they went to the far mountains to hung big dinosaurs for
meat to sell: Tiasur, Ashana, Mutubarense, three soldiers, and
Figelein. When firing to some Conchoraptors, the caon explode,
killing everyone but Ashana. She eventually returns to the field, Lanira
was very shocked to hear about it. Lord Yofidius tried to help them
stay, but Vocularis appears saying he is the sole owner, and is going to
sell the ranch.
Lanira and Ashana returns to the city in a truck, leaving all behind.
The end.
2011.11.10 Thursday.



Writen from 10 to 26th November 2011.
Science fiction written by Alfred J uillet Frascara.
44 pages.
Epoch: year 4.221 Stardate [39]98002.0123
From Knapp =
At the Government:
Queen Girardot, Count Nutrix, Lord Quam, Treasurer Worfon.
Duke Oheller, Councilor Fatomons, Chamberlains Menis, Minister of
Economy Sir Merops, Minister of Miner Preaproperus Capresur, Lord
Atern, Lord Welke, Sir Leuchte, Gomedio from the Minister of
Starfleet persoel:
Admiral Cacepi (67), Captain Commander Lacerno, Captain
Commander Gelide, First officer Otobirnio, Pilot Cepicorio, Guer
Lieutenant Commander Conus, Fleet Captain Bidens, Cadets:
Predisco, Paxillus, Inolens, Expers. Ensigns: Contuitus, Atratus,
Iniectus, Quomodo, Viviradix, Sublatu, Woola Fernan (24).
Commander Xollak, Crewman Rtol. , Commander Spotunior (98) ,
Ensigns Uribald (32) , Tuifofardo Louter (23) (musician), Doctor
Macobit (56), pilot J obaldo (25), Ensign Otobirnio (28), Cepicorio (28).

Chapters :
1.- Admiral Cacepi
2.- Voyage to the IV planet.

Queen Girardot bought several spaceships and Admiral Cacepi travels
with them to planet IV Pedisequus, where he finds several illegal
mining operations, so he takes those in custody, but in one of them he
finds machinery not of Knappian origin but alien. After some time, a
small fleet appears bringing the Coboal aliens from Kappa Hydra of
the First Brana.
The Cobolian fleet attacks but they were defeated by the Admiral
Cacepis fleet.
Cacepi had two wives in the course of the narration: Woola, who was a
pilot, and then Nedala, with whom he engendered a baby girl.
Also, they find an alien vessel and they take it to engross the Knappian
Space Fleet.
The End.

BreviarumKnappianus XXVIII. 28.

Page 01. Testis Obabus Claimbers, 39 022 20, didnt gets an Synthetic Assistant fromthe
government and Bowar , her fiance, leaves himbecause of it.
Doctor Farthon hires himto present his lectures on UFOs in town. Moe and Curly , the assistants to
the doctor, arrives and so the doctor pays himhis due and moves on.
09. Willamfor Deretak, scientist, hires himto test a submarine together with Urgo the negro man.
The Hoker Inc. installed new engines on the ship.
11. On high seas, on route to the river of the Gnomes (where Deretak believes he could find a
treasure) they find Mosassaurus.
12. Searching for the fiord.
13 Mr. Deretak went ill and they went back to Oxiborion city.
14. They get him to the Hospital.
18. Some burglars tried to rob the submarine and Urgo die fighting against them.
19. Claimbers takes the submarine out of the pier and into the sea.
22. Traveling on high seas, he landed to get fruits and water. Then he arrives to Lugner city. Some
people fromthe University of Lugner hires his services (and the submarine) to realize an
expeditionary exploration.
Mr. Shurion the Dean pays him; the teamwas composed by: Professor Gustavio, Mr. Agatob and
others. With the money they give himin advance, Claimbers hired a crew: Wanda Waage, Luani
UNBERUNT, Knopfen, Undan, Zuruck, Anlehnen, Bohren, Zange, Traube.
30. The crewmen arrives to the submarine.
31. Wanda Waage let himkiss her. Chapter 2 : Departure. FromOxiborion to the south, arriving to
the Axis Promontory. Then through a fiord. The scientists disembarked, also Bohren and Zange
went to the exploration. Claimbers and some of the crew remains at the submarine.
34. Mr. Gustavio finds some relics fromthe time of King Neito of the Gnomes.
36. A spider scared Miss Larinja the scientist.
37. Miss Larinja finds a Temple.
39. Clay figurines are found.
47. Moaning are heard coming fromthe temple.
51. Burial place of the gnomes is found.
56. Dr. Gustavio died at a tuel froma fall and Dr. Makematus died of an heart attack.
59. Walking back to the submarine, where they arrive some five days later.
63. Wanda is with Claimbers as a lover.
65. The Mosasaurus attacks.
71. They arrives to Oxiborion with Miss Luani ill. Claimbers hire some men (5) to protect the
submarine while at the docks. Wanda receives her wages and leaves the submarine with the rest,
except Bohren and Zange.
Mr. Agatob fromthe Oxiborion University hires Mr. Claimbers to take the remaining statuettes
fromking of the gnomes temple and bring it to him. He also hires synthetic men to do the digging.
In two weeks they reach the fiord and the AB 036342 (nickname ABzero) synthetic man is in
charge of the digging party of robots.
93. Finding some statuetes at a pyramid (not having found the Temple) they realize this are made of
emeralds. Some others were made of copper and emeralds.
95. At the submarine they piled more than sixty statuettes.
99. Claimbers sent the Synthetic men to dig some more, and then he leaves the fiord and into the
sea with the statuettes.
100. They traveled and arrives to Herda seaport, a nice recreational center for the rich people from
Rixiaberg city.
111. Microdontosaurs lurking at the docks. They traveled now to Rixiaberg in a Flier, and they sold
some emerald statuettes.
121. They bought a Synthetic assistant second hand, made entirely of metal (cheap), and a plastic
model. Zange calls themHugh and Verdin.
122. Zange returns with the money and the two robots to the submarine.
123. Claimbers rents his submarine to a teamof hunters, who brought some women on board.
125. Mr. Hoppir is the chief of the hunting expedition.
126. To the ancient place of the gnomes.
129. Women on board, a good sight. The hunters team: Mr. Hoppir, Mr. Harken, mr. Regenwuran,
Mr. Groll, Mrl Umweg, Miss Lenda Miss Pedisa, Miss Inedia, Miss Asina, Miss ovolva, Mr.
Taxaten, Mr Kotobo, Mr. Mouker, Mr. Sutog, Mr. memir, Miss Anilad, Miss Lalada, miss Nilassa,
Miss Reaba, Miss Ayala.
135. Mosasaurus lurning in the sea.
137. Claimbers frolicked with two ladies on board.
140. The synthetic persons helps man dthe submarine.
141. The hunters go hunting, and Verdin goes with themto keep on with the communication. They
saw Guanlongs and Paranicodons.
149. The Dicreosaur eats the barbecue.
152. Hunters going for an Ornitolestes.
160. The hunters goes into a ravine.
171. Mr. Hoppir finds a land crashed Orb spaceship. They saw a Masosaur, a Saltopo. Mr, Haker
miss the shout but hit Verdin instead.
180. Returning to the submarine they saw a Distilosaur.
186. They saw a Dacentrurus. They arrives to the submarine. Claimbers asks 709.000 sopes for the
loss of Verdin.
192. They traveled back to Oxiborion. Paid, Claimbers gives only a small amount of money to his
crew. Only Bohren and Zange remains aboard.
204. They decided to went back to the fiord of the Gnome, for to rescue the Orb Spaceship.
Claimbers hired an expert on machines: Dr. Shimine.
230. On route to the fiord.
232. At the site, the doctor walked into a Ceratosaurus and was eaten.
Inside the hundred in diameter Orb, Hugh repairs it and they flew to Oredloro, where Claimbers
sold the submarine in eight million sopes but the crew (Zange and Bohren) defected, hired to man
the submarine.
Mr. Nestor Alvarez, a merchant, hired the Orb to transport goods to Aurea 2 planet 3, paying three
million sopes. Claimbers hired some people to man the Orb: Miss Kretiana, Mrs. Ordok, Claio, and
They arrived to Aurea 2 planet 3 with the captain Claimbers dead because of alcohol abuse on a
283. Hugh finds Mr. Samrog Claimbers and Miss Regina Claimbers. When giving some of the
inheritance to Mr. Samrog, that man gets an overdose of liquor and died.
Miss Regina refuses to accept the inheritance.
299. Hugh takes the Orb to the south pole on Knapp , landed and shut off all systems- including
The end.
2/11/2012 3:16:13 AM

]] ^


11/26/2011 2:37 P.M. to 2/10/2012 11:39:37 P.M.

(a) Epoch: year 4.221 Stardate [39]98002.0123
(d) Mr. Testis Obabus Cl aimbers, Miss Bowar, Mr. Domerge the
Concierge, Doctor Farthon Cl imbor VII, Presi dent Alfredo
from the Phil ocosmic Club,
(e) Assi stants to the Doctor Farthon: Moe, Curl y, Joe.- Inventor
Mr. Williamfor Deretak.
(f) Miss Wanda Waage (21), Miss Luani (19), Mr. Bohren (24),
Mr. Zange (30) Dr. Gustavio, Dr. Agatob, Mr. Otoburen, Miss
Lari nja. Ki ng Nei to of the Gnomes.


Chapter 1.- Claimbers lost his girl.
Chapter 2.- Departure.
Chapter 3.- Inside the Orb.
Chapter 4.- At Oredloro.
Chapter 5.- Hugh at Oredloro.


The Orb: 100 meters in diameter. Captain Claimbers and three other crewmen: Miss Kretina, Mister
Ordok, engine specialist, Mr. Clario and Mr. Defon, spaceship specialists.

The submarine: 60 meters long. Sections: Radar, engines, Passenger cabins, Tower, Control room,
Engines, Batteries, Cargo bay.
The crew of the submarine: Claimbers, Zange, Bohren. Synthetic Assistants: Verdin green plastic
synthetic person, Hugh metallic synthetic person. Doctor Shimine.
The Nurses: Sheila, Leavers, Lighter, Boxan, Suamir, Yapad, Wesfal.
The hunters party: Regenururn. Hoppir, Sutog, Groll, Umweg, Haken, Taxaten, Kotobo, Mouker,
Sutog, Memir. The hunters ladies: Anilad, Lalada, Nilassa, Reaba, Ayala, Lenda, Pedisa, Inedia,
Asina and Ovolva.
Dicreosaur carnivore, Psittacosaurus, Distilosaur, Coelophysis, Dacentrurus,

BreviarumKnappianus XXVIII. 28

Page 01. Testis Obabus Claimbers, 39 022 20, didnt gets an Synthetic Assistant fromthe
government and Bowar , her fiance, leaves himbecause of it.
Doctor Farthon hires himto present his lectures on UFOs in town. Moe and Curly , the assistants to
the doctor, arrives and so the doctor pays himhis due and moves on.
09. Willamfor Deretak, scientist, hires himto test a submarine together with Urgo the Negro man.
The Hoker Inc. installed new engines on the ship.
11. On high seas, on route to the river of the Gnomes (where Deretak believes he could find a
treasure) they find Mosasaurus.
12. Searching for the fiord.
13 Mr. Deretak went ill and they went back to Oxiborion city.
14. They get him to the Hospital.
18. Some burglars tried to rob the submarine and Urgo die fighting against them.
19. Claimbers takes the submarine out of the pier and into the sea.
22. Traveling on high seas, he landed to get fruits and water. Then he arrives to Lugner city. Some
people fromthe University of Lugner hires his services (and the submarine) to realize an
expeditionary exploration.
Mr. Shurion the Dean pays him; the teamwas composed by: Professor Gustavio, Mr. Agatob and
others. With the money they give himin advance, Claimbers hired a crew: Wanda Waage, Luani
UNBERUNT, Knopfen, Undan, Zuruck, Anlehnen, Bohren, Zange, Traube.
30. The crewmen arrives to the submarine.
31. Wanda Waage let himkiss her. Chapter 2 : Departure. FromOxiborion to the south, arriving to
the Axis Promontory. Then through a fiord. The scientists disembarked; also Bohren and Zange
went to the exploration. Claimbers and some of the crew remains at the submarine.
34. Mr. Gustavio finds some relics fromthe time of King Neito of the Gnomes.
36. A spider scared Miss Larinja the scientist.
37. Miss Larinja finds a Temple.
39. Clay figurines are found.
47. Moaning are heard coming fromthe temple.
51. Burial place of the gnomes is found.
56. Dr. Gustavio died at a tuel froma fall and Dr. Makematus died of an heart attack.
59. Walking back to the submarine, where they arrive some five days later.
63. Wanda is with Claimbers as a lover.
65. The Mosasaurus attacks.
71. They arrives to Oxiborion with Miss Luani ill. Claimbers hire some men (5) to protect the
submarine while at the docks. Wanda receives her wages and leaves the submarine with the rest,
except Bohren and Zange.
Mr. Agatob fromthe Oxiborion University hires Mr. Claimbers to take the remaining statuettes
fromking of the gnomes temple and bring it to him. He also hires synthetic men to do the digging.
In two weeks they reach the fiord and the AB 036342 (nickname ABzero) synthetic man is in
charge of the digging party of robots.
93. Finding some statuettes at a pyramid (not having found the Temple) they realize this are made
of emeralds. Some others were made of copper and emeralds.
95. At the submarine they piled more than sixty statuettes.
99. Claimbers sent the Synthetic men to dig some more, and then he leaves the fiord and into the
sea with the statuettes.
100. They traveled and arrive to Herda seaport, a nice recreational center for the rich people from
Rixiaberg city.
111. Microdontosaurs lurking at the docks. They traveled now to Rixiaberg in a Flier, and they sold
some emerald statuettes.
121. They bought a Synthetic assistant second hand, made entirely of metal (cheap), and a plastic
model. Zange calls themHugh and Verdin.
122. Zange returns with the money and the two robots to the submarine.
123. Claimbers rents his submarine to a teamof hunters, who brought some women on board.
125. Mr. Hoppir is the chief of the hunting expedition.
126. To the ancient place of the gnomes.
129. Women on board, a good sight. The hunters team: Mr. Hoppir, Mr. Harken, Mr. Regenwuran,
Mr. Groll, Mr. Umweg, Miss Lenda Miss Pedisa, Miss Inedia, Miss Asina, Miss Ovolva, Mr.
Taxaten, Mr Kotobo, Mr. Mouker, Mr. Sutog, Mr. Memir, Miss Anilad, Miss Lalada, Miss Nilassa,
Miss Reaba, Miss Ayala.
135. Mosasaurus lurking in the sea.
137. Claimbers frolicked with two ladies on board.
140. The synthetic persons helps maed the submarine.
141. The hunters go hunting, and Verdin goes with themto keep on with the communication. They
saw Guanlongs and Paranicodons.
149. The Dicreosaur eats the barbecue.
152. Hunters going for an Ornitolestes.
160. The hunters goes into a ravine.
171. Mr. Hoppir finds a land crashed Orb spaceship. They saw a Masosaur, a Saltopo. Mr., Haker
miss the shout but hit Verdin instead.
180. Returning to the submarine they saw a Distilosaur.
186. They saw a Dacentrurus. They arrive to the submarine. Claimbers asks 709.000 sopes for the
loss of Verdin.
192. They traveled back to Oxiborion. Paid, Claimbers gives only a small amount of money to his
crew. Only Bohren and Zange remain aboard.
204. They decided to go back to the fiord of the Gnome, for to rescue the Orb Spaceship. Claimbers
hired an expert on machines: Dr. Shimine.
230. On route to the fiord.
232. At the site, the doctor walked into a Ceratosaurus and was eaten.
Inside the hundred in diameter Orb, Hugh repairs it and they flew to Oredloro, where Claimbers
sold the submarine in eight million sopes but the crew (Zange and Bohren) defected, hired to man
the submarine.
Mr. Nestor Alvarez, a merchant, hired the Orb to transport goods to Aurea 2 planet 3, paying three
million sopes. Claimbers hired some people to man the Orb: Miss Kretiana, Mrs. Ordok, Claio, and
They arrived to Aurea 2 planet 3 with the captain Claimbers dead because of alcohol abuse on a
283. Hugh finds Mr. Samrog Claimbers and Miss Regina Claimbers. When giving some of the
inheritance to Mr. Samrog, that man gets an overdose of liquor and died.
Miss Regina refuses to accept the inheritance.
299. Hugh takes the Orb to the south pole on Knapp , landed and shut off all systems- including
The end.
2/11/2012 3:16:13 AM

Knapp 26.
Written by Alfred J uillet Frascara.
Science fiction saga. Volume 28.
26 nov 2011 .

Knapp 26. August to November 2011.
1.- Queen Girardot of Knapp sent a spaceship to Brana 1. Vulcan planet- to buy several surplus
spaceships with the spaceship NG 15,capable of Warp 4, under Captain Vocularis, lieutenant
Adlara, Colonel Rirnof, Miss Oroba, engineer Mazuela, Lascarof. They missed the point and ends
up in Brana 2, unknown location. They crash landed on a planet and saw some Phylodons.
9. - They found another spacecraft derelict in the vicinity. They saw an octopus killing a giant man.
Rogo, Subseco, Tiasur. Insects inside the alien vessel. They split in two groups to explore.
Vocularis and 13 others: colonel Rirnof, with the rest. Subseco, Zahna, Ulma, Reiha, Gerisena,
Pigror, Rogo, Ulma. Rirnof finds humans (bluish skin) . They arrive to a walled city. They slept at
the House of the Poor. Soon they get jobs :( sopes is the currency).
Subseco and Zahna returns to the hills to find Vocularis teamto take them to that city.
12. Chapter 3. Subseco and Zahna. Coelophysis . Mamaban city. Celuros, Serpents, The Sea. They
found fishermen, the Xarico. More Coelophysis.
18. Fromthere to an island with Odito and other fishermen. Euplocephalus. Eustreptospondil.
J ungle. Odito and the fishermen goes . Coelophysis, Minmi. Centrosaur. Odito comes back and
went back to the continent. Stygilosaur, they arrive to the tribe. Avimimo. Escelidosaur, Zahana and
Subseco departed back to the city on foot. Mamaban city, Rirnof welcome them, so Vocularis did.
Soon the black insects attack but were defeated.
23 Chapter 4.
Captain Vocularis team. Meanwhile and back in time
Vocularis on the alien spaceship. Insects inside the vehicle. Giants corpses. Diplodocus,
Coelophysis. After a walk by the mountains they find a city on a Middle Age situation. Lodging at
the House of the Poor, Lascarof and Mazuela were there, and soon Rirnof appears. They begin
doing wine. Sopes means money. And gun powder. They bought a farm. Lord Sufo asks for guns.
Colonel Rirnof in charge now of the fabrication of explosives for the kingdom. That is located at
planet 2 Star >Marcarfo. Names given by captain Vocularis.
King Abinadaba cousin of Lord Sufo. Rirnof to make three cannons per month. Mazuela in charge
of the powder factory. Marcarfo of the melting plant to make bronze cannons. The black alien
carnivore insets attacks the city of Mamaban.
31. Chapter V. Lord Sufo. King Abinadaba dies a year later. Queen Rutah inherits the throne. Lord
Sufo opposed. Euplocephalus. Lord Sufo rebelled against
37 Queen Rutah. At the gates, Lord Sufo dies transposed by a lance. Colonel Rirnof was killed by a
caon ball.
39. Vocularis flee with some others: Tiasur, Zahna, Adlara, Ulma, Oroba, _Reiha, Gerisena,
Lascarof, Pigror, Subseco, Mazuela and natives: Qulma, Imara, and others. Tiasur and Ulma in
romance, Tiasur finds the Cronomobile.
42. Tiasur on Ariabeldoom. Chapter 6.
He find people living at this new planet, civilization equals XX Century Earth.
Plenty of helicopters. He meet Lanira, others are Calire, Penigo. The planet is called Ariabeldoom.
The city is attacked by aerial vehicles with LASER weapons. Guloon city. Yofidius the engineer.
King J olisimandus. Yofidius named the new Ministry of War. Octopus sapiens defeated. They had
human slaves to work.
45. for thembut not anymore. Tiasur returns to the Cronomobile in helicopter went to fetch people
at the second planet of Marcarfo star. He takes Reiha and
49. Ulma in this first trip. He returns to planet 2 Marcarfo star. Arqueopterix. But hes attacked by a
Stygimoloch and went back hurt.
Calire and Penigo helps himrent helicopters to fetch the
51 Cronomobile. Tiasur said to Ulma that their romance is over, so she stabbed him. While Tiasur is
in the Hospital, Lanira knifed Ulma. After a time, Tiasur went again, for the third time, to planet 2
Marcarfo with Lanira. Datuosaurs, Licorinos, Stygimoloch. They return to sleep (to Ariabeldoom)
and back again to planet 2 Marcarfo. This time they find ex captain Vocularis. They went back to
Ariabeldoomplanet. Omeisaurs.
After some time, they bring the Cronomobile to the Nishizawa Industries, technical section. Soon
Vocularis became chief of engineers and making a new supersonic plane.
61. Chapter 7. Vocularis bought a farmand let the Cronomobile there while he works at the
city. Tiasur and Lanira stay at the farm. Eggs and milk is produced from Parasaurolophus Walkery.
62. Calire, Penigo, Lanira and Tiasur working at the farm. Alaskacephale. Assistants:
Lecobian, Togader, Mutubarense. Rashid and Bellainde are the bad guys. so Tiasur fired them.
Rashid and Bellainde smashed the controls at the Cronomobile. Marcaro Figelein, engineer
65. is hired to repair the vehicle. At a trip to the Guloon city, Tiasur and Lanira find both Rashid
and Bellainde, and they had a fight.
Figelein repairs the Cronomobile, and they hired a cryptologist (Ashana Timefor) to translate the
signs at the consoles.
69. Chapter 8. The Experiments. Ashana decipher the signs: now they can use the Cronomobile
with all it potentials!
Ashana went to work at the city (previously assigned) and deciphered the stone discs found at the
Fibobor Mountains (it was how to build MASER driller-caon.) Dropa discs. Berther (Technician)
builds the caon.
81. Ashana returns to the farm, Tiasur welcomes
82. her. Chapter X. Back to the farm
Tiasur, Lanira, Figelein, Marcaro, Ashana, Lecobian, togader, Mutubarense. The machine is
working .The farmers had gone. Money runs short.
83. Tiasur went with Ashana to a planet they called Rock, similar to Knapp. Figelein.
Lecobian, Togader arrives. Tiasur went back to the farm. Coelophysis. Mountains. They return after
three days with nothing
86 of value.
89. Tiasur saves Lecobian and Togader while a Carnosaur was roaming the woods.
90. Lord Yofidius leased thema caon to hung big animals. Tiasur send some prospectors to
Planet Rock, who found emeralds that he brought back to Ariabeldoom. Prospectors are three: J obar
and two others. He returns to the farm.
95. And Larnia was happy to see the jewels. In some helicopter Lord Yofidius sent, they went to the
far mountains to hung big dinosaurs for meat to sell: Tiasur, Ashana, Mutubarense, three soldiers,
and Figelein. When firing to some Conchoraptors, the caon explode, killing everyone but Ashana.
She eventually returns to the field, Lanira was very shocked to hear about it. Lord Yofidius tried to
help themstay, but Vocularis appears saying he is the sole owner, and is going to sell the ranch.
Lanira and Ashana returns to the city in a truck, leaving all behind.
The end.

Written from10 to 26
November 2011.
Science fiction written by Alfred J uillet Frascara.
44 pages.
Epoch: year 4.221 Stardate [39]98002.0123
From Knapp =
At the Government:
Queen Girardot, Count Nutrix, Lord Quam, Treasurer Worfon.
Duke Oheller, Councilor Fatomons, Chamberlains Menis, Minister of Economy Sir Merops,
Minister of Miner Preaproperus Capresur, Lord Atern, Lord Welke, Sir Leuchte, Gomedio fromthe
Minister of Economy.
Starfleet persoel:
Admiral Cacepi (67), Captain Commander Lacerno, Captain Commander Gelide, First officer
Otobirnio, Pilot Cepicorio, Guer Kinsber.
Lieutenant Commander Conus, Fleet Captain Bidens, Cadets: Predisco, Paxillus, Inolens, Expers.
Ensigns: Contuitus, Atratus, Iniectus, Quomodo, Viviradix, Sublatu, Woola Fernan (24).
Commander Xollak, Crewman Rtol. , Commander Spotunior (98) , Ensigns Uribald (32) ,
Tuifofardo Louter (23) (musician), Doctor Macobit (56), pilot J obaldo (25), Ensign Otobirnio (28),
Cepicorio (28).

Chapters :
1.- Admiral Cacepi
2.- Voyage to the IV planet.

Queen Girardot bought several spaceships and Admiral Cacepi travels with them to planet IV
Pedisequus, where he finds several illegal mining operations, so he takes those in custody, but in
one of themhe finds machinery not of Knappian origin but alien. After some time, a small fleet
appears bringing the Coboal aliens fromKappa Hydra of the First Brana.
The Cobolian fleet attacks but they were defeated by the Admiral Cacepis fleet.
Cacepi had two wives in the course of the narration: Woola, who was a pilot, and then Nedala, with
whomhe engendered a baby girl.
Also, they find an alien vessel and they take it to engross the Knappian Space Fleet.
The End.

KNAPP 29 Y 30

Knapp 29.
KNAPP 29. Ultor.
Epoch: 4231 EC.
Tale of science fiction written by Alfred Juillet Frascara.
29 feb 2012- April 27, 2012.
48560 words.


Mr. Ultor Bogson, lather operator and Film Producer.
Mr. Beedix, photographer.
Miss Andaria, Beedix fiance.
Ministry of Education: Lord Terobindo.
Miss Tesara, neighbor to Ogbort Bogson.

Manager at the Holofernes Co. : Mr. Tasara.
Photo model: Miss Valia.
Tech. at Holofernes Co.: Mr. Masoper.
Ogborts friend: Miss Ahara.
Model AB 730 synthetic e-woman Gretchen.
Easy People Technical man: Atoren Gibbons.

Doctor Farthon Climbor, Ufologist
Space adventurer: Sonmar, Omarion, Miss Fewa.

Second Spaceship crew: to Aurea Constellation.
Nurse on the Flier: Miss Neeren.
Technical persoel to man the Flier: Miss Klara, Miss Zelda, Mr. Aris, Mr.
Allan, Raberio.

Spatial liner Wings of Heaven.
Captain Wollen
Second officer Baverdio.

Aurea 2 planet 2:
Dictator Lluidenbengens Verande (Trichter (Embudo)).
Coins: Aurea.
Millionaire collector : Mr. Awtawnerius.
Secretary of the collector: Miss Louise.
Doctor of the collector: Miss Llewefar.

Aurea 1, planet 2.
Crew on the Flier: Miss Klara, Miss Zelda
Doctor Miss Llewefar,
Mr. Anur (plus 2 hit men).
Miss Neeren, Dr. Farthon C., Mr. Saris, Mr. Rabiero, Mr. Allan.

In Rixiaberg.
Detective Kratories.
Films made by Ultor : 1) Creatures of the jungle on Zvei continent. 2) The
forgotten ancients. 3) RON23, 4) Ogbort in Peril. 5) The General Hospital.

First film: Creatures of the jungle on the Zvei continent.
Film Editor: Mr. Rowald.
Distributor : Mr. Vongord, CP Productions
Producer: Mr. Ultor Bogson.
First film crew:
Lighter: Togamber, Tech film: Hackenfleisch.
Hair Stylist: Mr. Fleuredon.
First Film Cast:
Actors: Lummel, Werft.
Starlett: Miss Drera.
Film Editor: Mr. Rowald, Mr. Rotrabor, Mr. Akula, Mr. Shingee, Mr. Kieper.

Second film: The Forgotten Ancients.
Film Producer: Mr. Ultor Bogson.
Director: Mr. Relodon.
Cast: Malona Marie, Ferdie Wolf
Film crew: Rotber, Helldon
Production manager: Miss Gretchen

Third Film: RON23.
Producer: Mr. Ultor Bogson.
Film Director: Mr. Charesse
Film Editor: Mr. Rowald.
Film crew: Rotber, Helldon.
Script: Mr. Telliuj.
Chief lightning: Hanro.
Lightning technician: Walvis, Feylin
Camera operator: Alfodier Gurusaga
Cast: Malona Marie, Ferdie Wolf.
Hair Dresser: Mary Follo.

Fourth Film: Ultor in peril:
Film Crew:
Chief lightning: Hanro,
Lightning technician: Walvis, Feylin.
Camera operator: Saumer, Uribal.
Cast: Mr. Tallain, Mr. Tibayan, Ogbort.
Actresses: Rusalka, Tilal, Ubrica, Siona.
Assistants: Four AO Translucent Synthetic persons.
Film Editor: Mr. Rowald.
Producer: Mr. Ultor Bogson.

Fifth film: Nights at the Hospital General.
Director: Mr. Charesse.
Editor: Mr. Warfor.
Film crew: Hanro, Walvis, Feylin. Cameraman: Saumer, Assistant Mr.
Cast of the film: Actors Tallain, Tibayan. Actresses: Rusalka, Tilal, Ubrica,
Attending at the premiere: Lord Enwhom (Ministry of Public Health).
Producer: Mr. Ultor Bogson.


1.- The Bag
2.- Constellation Aurea.
3.- Landing on Aurea II
4.- Herda Seatown.
5.- On to Aurea Constellation
6.- Landing on Aurea.
7.- Onto the Zvei continent.
8.- In Rixiaberg.
9.- Herda seatown.
10.-Klara in Rixiaberg.

Films made by Ultor: 1) Creatures of the jungle on Zvei continent. 2) The
forgotten ancients. 3) RON23, 4) Ogbort in Peril. 5) The General Hospital.

*1.- standing but bent slightly to the back, and with the right arm to the
front and the other to the rear, face up and to a side.



Ultor Bogson se roba un dinero y con este viaja al continente Zvei, y filma
el documental educativo de la flora y fauna : Las criaturas de la Selva,
en que se narran las aventuras de un grupo de exploradores en la selva
knapiana. Filmando, se encuentra con su socio Beedix, quien tambin ha
llegado con el similar propsito.
Mas tarde filma Nasosauros, Un Ceratosauro se come a Lummel. Drera y
el peluquero Fleuredon se extravan, son abducidos y muertos. Ultor
trata de rescatarles pero no lo logra pues los clorillendes son muy tenaces
y de sociedad avanzada en ciencias. Tenchala es una biloga Clorillendes
que, atrapada, les ayuda a huir de la nave nodriza, pero Togamber muere
en el intento.
Se encuentra con el aventurero Sonmar, msico que viaja con Fewa y otro
hombre, escapando de la justicia terrestre.
Filman Avalonias, dinosaurios grandes. Hackenfleisch termina con una
rodilla rota, producto de ese encuentro con un dinosaurio, y
posteriormente muere de sus heridas.
El Sr. Rowald , editor de cine, dice que salvara la pelcula al editarla , pero
cobra mucho y es desechado. Gretchen sirve de pareja a Ultor, quien
contrata al Sr. Rotrabor, quien termina editando la pelcula por menor
precio. Y el fime lleva por titulo Criaturas de la selva en el continente
Zvei. Se efectua otra edicin con el material bsico, por el Sr. Akula, y
otra edicin se hace por Gretchen, la cual se vende a la Universidad de
Ultor viaja a la constelacin Aurea a vender sus pelculas, y adems de
una tripulacin va el doctor Farthon Climbor . La tripulacin consiste en
la Srta. Neeren, los tcnicos Allan, Raberio, Anur y las Srtas. Zelda y Klara.
En viaje, disfrutan de tres das a bordo de un crucero de lujo y luego
prosiguen , llegando a Aurea 2 planeta 2, en donde gobierna el dictador
Lluidenbengs. Alli venden la pelcula Criaturas de la selva en el
continente Zvei .
El millonario Awtawnerius invita al Dr. Farthon a una velada en su casa y
lo clona, devolviendo el Clon! La doctora Llewefar , del staff medico de
Awtawnerius, ayuda a recuperar al Dr. Farthon Climbor, quien estaba
esperando aun al Sr. Awtawnerius por esa entrevista.
Como Awtawnerius es muy poderoso, Ultor prefeire irse y con Llewefar
llega a Aurea 1 Planeta 2, en donde departen , para luego regresar a
Knapp y hacer otras pelculas: Los Antiguos Olvidados (sobre ruinas del
planeta Knapp), Ron 23 (Esas son las aventuras de Alfredonius); Ultor
en peligro (Del propio Ultor al filmarse RON 23); Noches del hospital
general (En que se narran operaciones del turno de urgencia).
Ultor organiza otro equipo y se va a Nibisarr, planeta 2 de la estrella
Serpago; all filma escenas en un bosque usando el ambiente saurio de
El Dr. Farthon Climbor narra sus ultiomas aventuras en un libro, en que
primordialmewnte habla de los trabajos flmicos de Ultor, en los cuales ha
sido testigo. La pelcula filmada en Draco se titula: Traicin en Draco,
pues una mujer de un hombre se va con otro.
Regresan a Knapp, y venden esa pelcula.
Comienza a filmar otra pelcula en la selva de Knapp, y el equipo de
actores es atacado por dinosaurios y mueren varios de ellos, engullidos
por Syntarsius . (Podurano y Sabander, y la actriz Verfugar son los
El director Nilian Bouk y los camargrafos Hakel, actor Atoilo, y la actriz
Regie. La pelcula muestra escaramuzas ; luchas entre facciones humanas
enemigas; Ultor se enamora de Diana, otra AB, que es mas humana (o
fogosa) que AB Gretchen.
Inicialmente el editor es Ramon Vernales, msica de Marco Stretenfeld,
fotografa de Vosker, montaje del Rixiabergbiano Pedro Escalante.
Glomula, una joven conocida en Rixiaberg, pide ayuda pues le raptaron a
su madre. Ultor encuentra que los Saurios de Draco tienen un edificio en
que hacen sopa de seres humanos para el consumo. Destruye el lugar de
los Dracos.
La edicin de Ramon Vernales demora mucho y es dilatada a propsito
con fines comerciales (esta haciendo documentales del film); Gretchen
recupera el filme a golpes.
Se edita en viaje a Aurea 2; van con una tripulacin de personas sintticas.
Glomula quiere volver a Rixiaberg y actua de modo prepotente, pero
Gretchen la neutraliza, y la cohersiona para que acepte a Ultor de pareja;
ella no lo quiere por ser viejo, pero termina dndole relaciones sexuales.
Glomula canta y toca en un instrumento: Ultor la filma y hace una pelcula
con su actuacin. Ya en Aurea 2 planeta 2 , venden ambas pelculas ;
Glomula desembarca y sigue su vida all como cantante de moda.
Con actores de Aura 2 Planeta 2, viajan a Knapp a filmar otra pelcula, en
el continente Zvei, en donde hay Otniellos; se disfraza un grupo de homo
Erectus y aterran a las actrices, mientras se filman las escenas.
Ultor compra a un medico sintetico (AB 631) hecho en Aurea (Nabarone
IV, en el ao 6.341 EC.)
Lustige, una directora de cine, se preocupa de las escenas en interiores y
el director Ramato de las exteriores. Se trata de aparentar una expedicin
por tierras peligrosas y se filman escenas con fondos reales.
Los camargrafos Tamxixi y Carobaldo comienzan la filmacin en
direccin al rio Lumberto. Los actores Zufunftig y Elocutrix fingirn
pelear por los amores de AB 1911, quien represetara a una natural en el
Elocutrix se toma el papel en serio y le quiebra un brazo a Zufunftig, el
cual es llevado a un hospital en la ciudad.
Siguen luego marchando , ven a un grupo de Yunasauros. Ahora Elocutrix
ataca a Ramato, por igual motivo: celos de la AB 1911,, quien no le acepta.
Ramato ladinamente hace que les filmen, y termina con una rotula
Ultor les lleva de regreso a la ciudad de Oxiborion, para que se
recuperaran. Los artistas rebeldes tratan de ganarse a Ramato en contra
de Ultor, pero no lo consiguen. Regresa Ramato tras su descanso con los
actores Leregio, Custos, Atoilo, Occa, Armiger, Ditigo, y Miniode.
Capitulo 8: De vuelta a la selva.
Algunos Coelphysis atacan a la vanguardia y son rechazados. Ven
Lufengosauros; un par de Sarcosaurios atacan; dos asistentes son
daados. Casi dos horas dura la refriega y los Sarcosaurios huyen.
Tamxixi y Bluhena copulan. Se ven Jirafatitanes, Pokipleuron. Se hacen
balsas para viajar por el rio.
Un Emosaurio hunde una balsa y en la otra huyen Leregio y AB 6612. Se
arma otra balsa con los restos y prosiguen hasta considerar que la labor
esta cumplida.
Gretchen embarca al Flier en el carguero Lisitsa con rumbo a Aurea 2
Planeta 2. Se pagan sueldos y se pide a los Aureanos embarcar.
Los que regresan son: Leregio, Custos, Atoilo, Occa, Armiger, Ditigo,
Miniode. Actrices: Regie, Nelka, Gelubde, Bluhena, Deionara, y Eiklang,
que fue siempre la mas cooperadora y tambin la mas talentosa.
Por tres meses el carguero viaja . Gretchen edita la pelcula en viaje y la
compra la Ca . Distribuidora Musimer.
La pelcula es llamada Pasion entre Dinosaurios. El presidente Tiburce
Trebinac asiste a la premiere.
Tras un tiempo, los actores Aureanos intentan enjuiciar a Ultor por
descuidos en la seguridad laboral.
Ya vendida la pelcula, Ultor deja ese planeta.
Capitulo 9. En la constelacin de la Cuchara (Spoon).
Tras dejar a Aurea 2-2, Gretchen pilotea hasta llegar a Spoon 2 y aterriza
en el planeta 2. Alli la nica moneda oficial y autorizada es el Erbo.
Sehan, un cirujano del planeta, visita la nave Flier, tras contactarse con
Ultor en un bar! Se le muestra el sistema de Desfasador dimensional, y
como ese sistema es desconocido en el planeta, Sehan, quien es
funcionario de gobierno, da cuenta al comandante de la polica secreta del
El dictador de origen rumano (como todos en ese planeta) llamado El
Cuervo, tiene oposicin guerrillera y por tanto, desconfia de todos y no
tiene escrupulos para allegarse novedades tecnolgicas. Es asi como
envan a quitarle el Flier a Ultor, y cuando se les baja, el doctor AB 631
huye a perderse, no asi Gretchen, quien trata de impedir el atropello y es
baleada y cae al suelo, deshabilitada por el rayo LASER.
El grupo es dejado en un departamento y se les pasa un Flier corriente; el
doctor AB 631 llama por radio a Diana, y les rescata usando el Flier de
Ultor, que ha recuperado tras colgarse de el al ser transladado a una base
militar, desde donde lo saca aprovechando un descuido.
Se van de Spoon 2- 2 antes de que otra cosa mala les suceda, con el doctor
Viajan a Spoon 5-2
Llegan al segundo planeta, el cual tiene mares y selvas, colonizado por
Mundifico y sus knapianos. Gobierna ahora el rey Forzan.
En la fabrica RSS recuperan a Gretchen de su dao. Vendieron la pelcula
Traicion en Draco con el nombre de Intriga en el pas de los
Sauriomanos!, en ocho millones de sopes.
Se vendieron copias del resto de los filmes producidos por Ultor:
Canciones de Glomula, y Pasion entre dinosaurios.
Proyectan una nueva pelcula: Dias en Spoon 5 planeta 2.
El tema es : una pareja de amantes se pierde en el mar al desatarse una
tormenta; naufragan cerca de una isla, a la que llegan sin nada y deben
sobrevivir para tratar de volver a la civilizacin. Hallan a los Tripetos, y
son aceptados en un comienzo, pero luego los ancianos les rechazan y
deben volver al mar en una lancha, en la cual llegan a otra isla con muchos
tuneles. Alli hayan a un anciano que les da un globo y en el vuelven a la
Para desarrollar el tema contratan al Director Zoguarbengo.
Filman en el continente deshabitado: la mujer Sierra y extras
protagonizan a una tribu salvaje, abandonando la idea de que fueran las
criaturas de tres patas (Tripetos) pues no logran dar la imagen creible de
seres con tres piernas. Tras varios meses de filmacin, el film es
terminado y es editado por el Sr. Arcader (nombre artstico).
Tras un corto descanso, viajan hacia Knapp, en busca de huevos de
dinosaurio, con la idea de construir zoolgicos temticos y ganar dinero.
En Knapp leen libreto de Jules Vermouten, que se reproduce integro en
esta narracin, pero que no se filma.
Capitulo 15.- El zoolgico de Ultor. Hallan huevos de varios dinosaurios y
los congelan y trasladan a Spoon 5 -2. En cinco aos ya es un xito su
zoolgico de Cuchor, y despus construye otros zoolgicos en las
restantes ciudades.
Ultor se renueva orgnicamente, con un tratamiento de rejuvenacin de
clulas. Viaja a Spoon 6 , planeta 4. Alli hay un gobierno democrtico
socialista, con un presidente y senadores. Tienen cuatro ciudades
principales: Purete, Luire, Grossik y Diaphane, y una poblacin
descendiente de Knapp y Aurea 2.
La ciudad de Purete en el continente Pallium. Se construye otro zoolgico
en Spoon 6.
Enamora a la mujer Sierra, con quien engendra a una hija, Erina, en el
viaje de diez aos a una estrella fuera de la constelacin de Spoon.
Encuentran una estrella azul, con once planetas (cuatro gigantes gaseosos
y siete menores rocosos, habiendo uno habitable que tiene dos satlites.
La temperatura es de catorce grados en el ecuador y menos siete grados
centgrados en las zonas templadas, habiendo menos ochenta grados
centgrados en las zonas circunpolares, lo cual es muy helado para los
dinosaurios que traen en las bodegas.
Salen al espacio nuevamente y hayan que la estrella mas cercana queda a
38 parsecs de distancia. Descubreb un agujero de gusano cercano, y tras
estudiarlo con satlites pequeos, se aventuran a pasar, hallando que
pueden viajar a la estrella mas cercana demorando un ao de viaje.
Es una estrella con seis planetas, RTGGGG. En el segundo planeta (T)
descienden, hallando temperaturas calidas: cincuenta grados centgrados
en el ecuador, menos treinta centgrados en las zonas polares. El aire
tiene menos oxigeno por lo que usaran mascaras: los dinosaurios pueden
resistir esa deficiencia con sus pulmones diferentes .
Capitulo 20. El planeta de los dinosaurios.
Se procede a descongelar los huevos y a incubarlos. Otros dinosaurios
vienen en las cmaras de frio, hibernados, y son revividos y mantenidos
en las bodegas de la nave hasta los tres meses de edad; entonces fueron
sacados fuera a los corrales.
La lista de las especies de dinosaurio puede ser hallada en la pagina 342
del cuento.
Erina , hija de Ultor, pone nombre a la estrella: Se llamara Erina, por tanto
ese planeta es Erina- 2. El agujero de gusano es llamado Diana.
Encuentran oro y Ultor autoriza sacarlo siempre que le den un diez por
ciento del total.
Regresan tras ocho aos de permanencia all, total de la ausencia es de 28
aos. Aterrizan en Spoon 6- 4. Sierra y Erina bajan del Flier y habitan en
un hotel hasta que Ultor les da una hacienda y un ser sintetico, AB 397
Median, para pilotear un Flier nuevo que le ha dado a Erina, quien sin
embargo quera un Flier plateado con el sistema Desfasador dimensional.
Capitulo 22. Pag. 350.
Retorno a Knapp desde Spoon 6- 4.
Llegan el ao 4.283 EC. Intenta comprar un navio Flier tipo Gusoff, pero
no estn en venta ni construccin. Decide sacarlo de una base militar, en
donde estn en desuso.
Se llevan uno tamao mediano NB 4419, con tres Flier Gussoff en su baha
de carga, y tres Flier Gusoff en vuelo (Total 1- 6). Se suma el de Ultor.
Vuelven a Spoon 6 4 y Ultor entrega un Flier Gusoff a su hija Erina ,
ahora de alrededor de sesenta aos de edad (Sierra ha muerto ya.).
Erina tiene un hotel en terrenos de la hacienda, y vive en Purete. Ultor le
regala a AB 878 .
Median AB 397 aun conservada bien, quien le cuenta que Erina esta
casada conel medico Genjur Semel.
Ultor dedica sus _Flier a usos comerciales excepto el propio.
Muere rodeado de sus tres sintticos de confianza: Gretchen, Diana, y el
doctor AB 631.
13-Agosto-2012 22:20:49


Knapp 31. Erina (Castellano).

Knapp 32. Aventuras Sintticas (Castellano).

Knapp 33. Gretchen (English)

Knapp 34. Volker. (English)

Knapp 35. Norton I & II. (English)

Knapp 36. Flordon. (English).

Knapp 37. Skizler. (English)

Knapp 38. Tolobar. (English).

Knapp 39. Erson. (English).

Knapp 40. Dante (English) (2014 and in edition).
9/ 6/ 2014 2:32:48 AM

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