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Student Name: MAYA AIRANI BINTI ASPAR Student ID Number: PLPPIP2011/102/KIC

Lecturer Name: SARADA NAIR

Tutor Group: A3

Assignment No./Name: 2

Due Date: 10
MARCH 2014

Date Submitted:10
MARCH 2014
Word Count:

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Student Signature:

Date: 10
MARCH 2014


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The selected text that I have chosen is The Ungrateful Dragon. This story is
suitable for standard five children because it has storyline, characters and picture
which can attract them to read. The language structures are simple and complete
which can easily understand. In order to, enhance their English level, the writer was
provided the simple ideas and use various types of English components such
grammar and vocabulary. This story is folk tales, so children can improve their
imagination and thinking skills by relating this story with their daily life.
The Ungrateful Dragon is a story of a dragon that live in the mountains and
all the villagers afraid with his roamed. All of them was digging a deep pit to trap the
dragon. The villagers left the dragon in a deep pit for a few days. One day came a
traveller who passing through the area and he has helped the dragon. The dragon
begged and promised that he would reward the traveller if he is helping him out from
the deep pits. After the dragon had climbed out, he suddenly wants to kill the
traveller because he is seeking a revenge. The traveller was shocked and wants
other people judge them. Most of the judges agreed want the dragon to kill the
traveller. The traveller finally safe from the dragon with the helper from wise judge.
This story would appeal to children for many reasons such as the plot and the
characters. There are three types of characters in this story which are human, plant
and animal. Children would enjoy if there are animal and plant characters because
children can easily utilize their own knowledge and imagination while reading the
story. Furthermore, the story has a simple storyline and unique characters. This story
uses specific names of animals and plant such as dragon, hare, ox and pine tree. All
these characters are not familiar with children in Malaysia. Therefore, by reading this
story they will learn new vocabulary, animals and plant. In fact, they can wider their
general knowledge.
The sentence and grammatical structures in this story is highly suitable for
year 5 children. The writer uses complete sentence to improvise childrens English
level. For example the people there were always afraid of the dragons that roamed
in the mountains nearby. In this sentence there are adjective, noun and prepositions
which they can use in their writing. In addition, this story focuses on speaking in term
of punctuations. So, children can use this story to read aloud with correct intonations.
Other than that, this story also focuses on moral values. In this story, the
dragon wants to kill the traveller without judgement because of hatred towards the
human. We need to thank and be grateful to people who help us in order to
appreciate their kindness. Besides that, it also have values of tolerance and
kindness. Tolerance shown when the dragon agreed with the travellers suggestion
to get a few opinions to judge. Meanwhile, kindness had been portrayed by the
travellers character because he is willing to help the dragon even he does not know
who the dragon is.
Furthermore, the story can be used as teaching material because it can easily
be exploited. The teacher can conduct a variety of activities in class such as role
play, spelling, grammar, reading comprehension and vocabulary. For instances,
there are many characters in this story, so the teacher can ask students to do a role
play. During the activity, teacher can correct the students pronunciations and
enhance their speaking and reading skills. After role play, the teacher can give
worksheet about reading comprehension. The teacher can evaluate students
understanding after they complete their individual task.
Teachers can conduct many activities in the classroom by using this story.
The teacher can conduct readers theatre and role play to enhance students
pronunciation. The children would absolutely enjoy taking a role of different animal
character. Besides, the teacher can change the animal character which is close with
culture children in Malaysia. Other than that, teacher can give a listening test to
them which is spelling. Teacher will read the words meanwhile, students will spell the
words. If the students failed to spell correctly, it implies that their listening and
remembering skills are low. Another activity is discussion, teacher can encourage
students to speak and think. For example teacher can ask what happen to dragon
after being left by the traveller and the hare. The children will give positive feedback
if the teacher knows how to tackle their attention by doing two way interactions and
add humour while discussing.

There was once a village near Nagoya. The people there were always afraid of the dragons
that roamed in the mountains nearby.
One day, the villagers finally decided to dig some deep pits around the village to trap
the dragons. Everyone in the village turned up to help.
A few days later, a traveller passing through the area, heard some strange groaning
sounds. He walked towards the sound and found that a dragon had fallen into a pit. When
the dragon saw the traveller, it pleaded for help. I will reward you if you help me out of
here. The kind traveller dragged a big tree trunk and lowered it into the pit.
After the dragon had climbed out, he said, Thank you for your help, but because the
humans made this trap to catch me and you are a human, I have to kill you!
The traveller was terrified and quickly said, Wait a minute, Dragon-san. It is very
unfair for you to kill me after u have helped you. I think we should get a few opinions to
judge who is right. The dragon agreed and they both walked on till they met an ox.
After listening to them, the ox said, it is the fault of the humans. They make us
work. Lets go to the pine tree and see what he says.
The pine tree listened to them and said, Humans cut us down for firewood. Of
course they are always wrong. They are heartless!
After listening to the second opinion, the dragon was ready to attack the traveller
when suddenly a hare appeared. Please judge our case, pleaded the traveller.
After listening to him, the hare said, before I make any judgement, I must first see
the place where it happened.
The traveller, the dragon and the hare went to the pit where the dragon was
trapped. The hare asked the dragon to show where he was when the traveller came to
rescue him. Eager to show what had happened, the dragon jumped right in.
The hare asked, was the tree trunk in the pit when you fell in?
No, said the dragon, so the traveller and the hare pulled it out.
The hare then turned to the traveller and said, Traveller-san, you may now go
anywhere you wish safely. The traveller quickly left and the hare hopped away.

From English Year 5 KSSR ( ), Title: The Ungrateful Dragon, Page 113 - 114

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