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Byzantine Empire and Constantinople

As the Roman Empire

grew, it became more
and more difficult to
control and govern.
In 285AD Emperor
Diocletian divided it into
western and eastern
halves. The western
empire was centered in
Rome, while the east was
ruled from the city of
Byzantium, which was
renamed Constantinople
in honor Emperor
Constantine the Great.
The dividing line was
chosen because most
territories to the west of
the line spoke Latin and
followed Roman culture,
while those to the east
spoke Greek and
maintained less
traditional Roman ways.

The close up view of Constantinople to the left shows
how its location made it easy to defend. It was
surrounded on water by three sides, which created
natural barriers for invaders. Point A shows walls that
were built on the western edge of the city to defend
against invasion by land. It was the combination of
natural and man-made defenses that made
Constantinople a safer location for the capital of the
Roman Empire. The pictures below show an artists
view and a diagram of the walls that protected the city.


Directions: Use the reading and illustrations from the front to answer the following questions.

1. Why did Emperor Diocletian divide the empire?

2. Name four regions/countries found in the Western Empire.

3. Name three regions/countries found in the Eastern Empire.

4. List two rivers that were used as natural boundaries of the Roman Empire.

Use the scale of miles:

5. Rome was approximately __________________ miles from Constantinople..

6. The Western Roman Empire was approximately ________________ miles wide.

7. The Eastern Roman Empire was approximately________________ miles wide.

8. The walls built to protect Constantinople were approximately __________ miles long.

Use the compass rose:
9. Spain was (northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast) of Gaul.

10. Gaul was (north, south, east, west) of Britain.

11. Constantinople was in the (northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast) section of Europe.

12. Constantinople was mostly in Europe, but had a small section in _______________. It is the only
in the world with land on two different ________________________.

13. How can you tell that the people of Constantinople felt threatened by outside invaders? Give at
least two pieces of evidence from the front page.

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