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Angol llsinterj




Online angol magntanr skype-n (tercsike76)
2012. FEBRUR 21., KEDD

lls interj krdsek s vlaszok- llsinterj angolul

Felkszls az angol llsinterjra

llsinterj angolul krdsek vlaszok

Alap krdsek

1. What's your name? / Mi a neve?
My name is Lajos Nagy. / A nevem Nagy Lajos. (angolban ell van a keresztnv!)
2. Where were you born? / Hol szletett?
I was born in Budapest. / Budapesten szlettem.
3. When were you born? / Mikor szletett?
I was born on the 2nd of February 1973. / 1973. februr 2-n szlettem.
4. How old are you? / Hny ves?
I am 32 years old. / 32 ves vagyok.
5. What's your marital status? / Mi a csaldi llapota?
I am married. / Hzas vagyok.
I am single. / Egyedlll vagyok.
I am divorced. / Elvlt vagyok.
6. Do you have children? / Vannak gyerekei?
Yes, I do. / Igen, vannak.
No, I don't. / Nem, nincsenek.
7. Where did you study? / Hol tanult?
I studied at .......... school. / ...... iskolban tanultam.
I graduated at ELTE University in 1998. / Az ELTE-n diplomztam 1998-ban.
8. What languages do you speak? / Milyen nyelveket beszl?
I speak Hungarian and English. / Magyarul s angolul beszlek.
9. How long have you been learning English? / Mita tanul angolul?
I have been learning English for 2 years. / 2 ve tanulok angolul.
10. Where did you study English? / Hol tanult angolul?
I had some private teachers and I studied autodidact. / Volt nhny magntanrom s autodidakta.
I have learned from Teach Yourself books with cassettes and CDs. / A Tanulj magad knyvekbl
tanultam kazettkkal s CD-kel.
I also use the Internet for learning English. / Az internetet is hasznlom az angoltanulsra.
I have an online English teacher, who lives in Budapest. We have 4 lessons a week. / Van egy online
angol tanrom, aki Budapesten lakik. 4 rnk van hetente.
11. Where do you live? / Hol lakik?
I live in Budapest. / Budapesten lakom.
12. What is your address? / Mi a cme?
My address is 25 Petfi street, Pcs. / A cmem Pcs, Petfi u. 25. (angolban fordtott a sorrendje!)
The postal code is: 8174 (egyesvel) / Az irnytszm: 8174.
12. What's your phone number? / Mi a telefonszma?
My phone number is / A telefonszmom: ........ (egyesvel kimondva! a nullt ""-nak

13. What's your mobile phone number? / Mi a mobil szma?
My mobile phone number is: 06 20 ....................... (egyesvel)
14. What's your e-mail address? / Mi az e-mail cme?
My e-mail address is: ........
@= at
.= dot

15. How do you spell it? / Hogyan betzi?
angol abc
16. What are your personal particulars? / Mik a szemlyes jellemzi? (bels tulajdonsgok)
I am smart and punctual. I am a good team member.
17. What do you know about IBM / our company? / Mit tud az IBM-rl/ a cgnkrl?
IBM is an abbreviation of International Business Machine.
18. Firstly, would you introduce yourself shortly? / Elszr is bemutatkozna rviden?
Yes, of course. My name is....... I have a wife and two sons. My wife is a teacher. My sons are
students. They are 15 and 8 years old. We live in Budapest. I am an economist. I am 38 years old.
19. Could you tell me what kind of a person you are? / Elmondan milyen szemlyisg n?
I am clever, intelligent, patient, hard-working. / Okos, intellingens, trelmes, kemnyen dolgoz

diligent= szorgalmas
punctual, sharp= pontos
smart= okos
polite= udvarias
kind, nice= kedves, rendes
enthusiastic= lelkes
energetic= energikus
20. Why did you choose this profession? / Mirt vlasztotta ezt a szakmt?
I didn't choose it, it chose me. I chose this profession because it is interesting, challenging and well
21. Where did you work? / Hol dolgozott? (before= ezeltt)
I worked at................After that I worked for....... Later........
22. How many workplaces did you have? / Hny munkahelye volt?
I am between two jobs at the moment.
I had a lot of workplaces.
23. Why did you have so many workplaces? / Mirt volt olyan sok llsa?
I had a lot of workplaces because I wanted to have experience in different fields.

24. Why should we choose you? / Mirt kne nt vlasztanunk?
Because I am your man. I can start immediately. / Mert n vagyok az nk embere. Azonnal tudok
25. What makes you the right person for the job? / Mi teszi nt a megfelel szemlly erre az
I am your best candidate because... / n vagyok a legjobb jellt, mert....

26. Why do you want to work here? / Mirt szeretne itt dolgozni?

I enjoy working in my field. I see myself growing in it and contributing to the growth of the company I
am working for.

27. What qualifications do you have for this job? / Milyen kpzettsge van erre az llsra?

I have the necessary qualifications for this job. I am experienced and honest.
I have a business degree, 5 years experience in business administration, and I am familiar with all
phases of this job.

28. I see from your application that you have not done this kind of work before. / Azt ltom a
plyzatbl, hogy mg nem vgzett ilyen fajta munkt ezeltt.
I have a few years experience in this field and I accept the going rate.

29. Why did you leave your last job? / Mirt hagyta ott az utols munkjt?

I was hired on contract for 9 months which ended last month.

30. What kind of salary do you expect? / Milyen fizetst kpzel el?

I expect about 2-300,000 gross salary per month.

31. How many days did you miss in your last job? / Hny napot hinyzott az utols munkahelyn?

I hardly miss work. I only missed 2 days last year.

32. Tell me about your strengths. / Mesljen az erssgeirl!

I am hardworking, reliable, accurate and punctual.

33. Do you have any weaknesses? / Vannak gyengesgei?

I need to brush up on my typing skills. I have bought a typing software package and I plan to practise
it regularly to gain speed.

34. What hours can you work? / Hny rt tud dolgozni?

I am available to work any time and day. I can also work overtime with a days notice.

35. What are your long-term goals? / Mik a hossz tv cljai?

I have found the customer service personnel very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. I would like to
be part of such a team.

Halad rsz:

Typical interview questions:
1. What are your long-range goals and objectives? / Mik a hossz tv cljai s tervei?
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives? / Mik a rvid tv cljai s tervei?
3. How do you plan to achieve your career goals? / Hogyan tervezi elrni a karrier cljait?
4. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career? / Mi a legfontosabb
eredmny amit elvr a karrierjben?
5. Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing? / Mirt vlasztotta ezt a
karriert amire kszl?
6. What are your strengths, weaknesses, and interests? / Mik az erssgei, gyengesgei,
7. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? / Mit
gondol, egy bartja, professzora, aki ismeri nt hogyan jellemezn?
8. Describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person (another student, co-
worker, customer, supervisor, etc.). How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you would
have done differently in hindsight?
rjon le egy szitucit amikor egy nehz emberrel kellett dolgoznia ( msik dik, munkatrs, kliens,
ellenr, stb.) Hogy kezelte a szitucit? Tenne valamit mskpp?
9. What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort? Describe a situation in which you did
Mi motivlja arra, hogy a legnagyobb erfesztst megtegye? rjon le egy szitucit, amikor gy tett.
10. In what ways have your college experiences prepared you for a career?
Fiskolai tapasztalatai hogyan ksztettk fel a karrierjre?
11. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Hogyan hatrozn meg s rtkeln a sikert?
12. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
Mit gondol, milyen mdon tudna hozzjrulni a szervezetnkhz?
13. Describe a contribution you have made to a project on which you worked.
rja le hogyan jrult hozz egy project-hez amin dolgoztak.
14. What qualities should a successful manager possess?
Milyen tulajdonsgokkal kell rendelkeznie egy sikeres manager-nek?
15. Was there an occasion when you disagreed with a supervisor's decision or company
policy? Describe how you handled the situation.
Volt olyan alkalom, hogy nem rtett egyet a fnke dntsvel vagy a cg filozfijval? rja le
hogyan kezelte a helyzetet!
16. What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? Why?
Mondjon 2-3 olyan eredmnyt ami a legnagyobb megelgedssel tlti el! Mirt?
17. Describe your most rewarding college experience.
rja le a legeredmnyesebb fiskolai tapasztalatt!
18. What interests you about our product or service?
Mi rdekli nt a termknkben vagy szolgltatsunkban?
19. Why did you select your college or university?
Mirt ezt a fiskolt vagy egyetemet vlasztotta?
20. What led you to choose your major or field of study?
Mi vezette arra, hogy ezt a szakot vlassza?
21. What college subjects did you like best? Why?
Melyik fiskolai tantrgyat szerette a legjobban? Mirt?
22. What college subjects did you like least? Why?
Melyik fiskolai tantrgyat szerette a legkevsb? Mirt?
23. If you could do so, how would you plan your academic studies differently?
Ha megtehetn, hogyan tervezn meg mskpp a felsfok tanulmnyait?
24. Do you think your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?
Gondolja hogy a jegyei jl tkrzik a tanulmnyi eredmnyeit?
25. What have you learned from participation in extracurricular activities?
Mit tanult az iskoln kvli tevkenysgei sorn?
26. In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
Milyen munkakrnyezet az n szmra a legmegfelelbb?
27. How do you work under pressure?
Hogyan dolgozik nyoms alatt?
28. Describe a situation in which you worked as part of a team. What role did you take on?
What went well and what didn't?
rjon le egy szitucit amikor egy csapat tagjaknt dolgozott. Milyen szerepe volt? Mi ment jl s mi
ment rosszul?
29. In what part-time, co-op, or summer jobs have you been most interested? Why?
Milyen rszmunkaids, alkalmi s nyri munkkat vgzett? Mirt?
30. How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation?
Hogyan jellemezn az idelis llst a diplomzsa utn?
31. Why did you decide to seek a position with this organization?
Mirt dnttt gy, hogy llst keres ennl a szervezetnl?
32. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
Mi a 2-3 legfontosabb dolog nnek egy llsnl?
33. What criteria are you using to evaluate the organization for which you hope to work?
Milyen kritriumok alapjn rtkeli a cget ahol dolgozni szeretne?
34. Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
Elkltzne? Zavarja, ha kltznie kell?
35. Are you willing to travel?
Hajland utazni?
36. Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?
Hajland minimum 6 hnapot gyakornokknt eltlteni?

KIDOLGOZOTT VLASZOK A HALAD KRDSEKRE: Grgess a lap aljra a tanrhoz! (jelen cikk

Te mit krdezz?

Questions to Ask the Interviewer

1. What will be my responsibilities ?/ Mik lesznek a feladataim?
2. Where will I fit into the overall organisational structure? / Hol lesz a helyem a teljes szervezeti
3. Who will I report to? / Kinek kell beszmolnom?
4. Where does he/she fit in the structure? / Hol lesz a rendszerben?
5. Who will report to me? / Ki fog nekem beszmolni?
6. How experienced are they? / Mennyire tapasztaltak?
7. What do you expect me to do in the first 6 months? / Mit vr el tlem az els 6 hnapban?
8. What level of performance do you expect from me? / Milyen szint teljestmnyt vr el tlem?
9. Who are your customers? / Kik az gyfeleik?
10. Where is the company going? Upwards? Expansion plans? / Merre tart a cg? Felfele? Vannak
terjeszkedsi tervek?
11. What are the chances of advancement/promotion in this position? When? / Mik az
ellptetsi lehetsgek ebben a pozciban? Mikor?
12. What will be my salary, benefits and bonuses? *Do not bring this up too early in the interview
- wait until they are sold on you.] / Mennyi lesz a fizetsem, a prmium s a bnuszok? (Ezt ne hozd
fel az interj elejn, vrd meg mg k beszlnek rla.)
13. Will travelling be required in this position? / Kell utazni?
14. Will relocation be required now or in the future? / El kell kltzni most vagy a jvben?
15. What training do you provide? / Milyen kpzst biztostanak?
16. When will you decide on the appointment? / Mikor dnt az idpontrl?
17. What is the next step? / Mi a kvetkez lps?
18. When can I start? / Mikor kezdhetek?
19. How will you notice me about the result? / Hogyan fog rtesteni az eredmnyrl?

ltalnos jtancsok az llsinterjra
A CV-det (nletrajz) tudd angolul is elmondani! Legyl pontos, jl ltztt, tiszta tettl talpig. Ez
vonatkozik minden kiegsztre: tska, cip...
Folykonyan s magabiztosan beszlj. Ne lgy szerny, de ne is hazudj!
Otthon jtszd el hangosan hogy mit fogsz magadrl meslni! Egszen addig, amg ez grdlkenyen,
folyamatosan nem megy. Ehhez krheted egy bartod, vagy magntanr segtsgt is. Tudj meslni
az elz munkahelyeidrl, munkdrl, feladataidrl, cljaidrl! ltalban megkrdezik mirt hagytad
ott az elz munkahelyedet s mirt akarsz pont ennl a cgnl dolgozni? Kszlj fel a cgrl!
Nzz utna az interneten, tudjl rla adatokat! Tjkozdj a munkdrl! Vidd magaddal az
llshirdetst! Ha interneten lttad nyomtasd ki!
Keep smiling! / Mosolyogj!

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