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How to learn vocabulary

Porntip Bodeepongse
Which words to learn
learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying
learn the words that you read or hear again and again
learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself
do not learn words that are rare or not useful (your teacher can help you with this)
Types of vocabulary
How to learn words
write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions)
write the words and definitions on small cards
say the words many times (if you have an electronic dictionary you can hear how the word is
put the words into different groups
write them in a file for use with a computer program (http://quizlet.com/)
make associations (in pictures or with other words)
ask someone to test you
use the words in your own speaking or writing
Things to know about the words you learn
how it is spelled
how it is pronounced
how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb noun or adjective)
other grammar information about it
how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
! words which typically "go together" as in #perform a task$ #make a suggestion$ and #do one$s
homework$ etc.
%. & did / made my homework on the bus.
'. (y grandmother is a tall / high woman.
). *he +errari is a very quick / fast car.
,. -hen does your sister make / take her driving test.
/. & need a strong / powerful computer. *his one is too slow for games.
0. 1he2s a heavy / strong smoker. 3o wonder she coughs so much.
4. 5ou are making a very big / large mistake.
6. (y grandfather is a beautiful / handsome man7even at the age of 48.
9. *here was only a light / weak wind but it still blew a tree down in my garden.
%8. :verest is the tallest / highest mountain on earth.
;hair bench armchair stool rocking<chair and deck<chair are all types of seat. *hey are related to
each other as e=amples of a type and have a one<way relationship with the head<word
>earners may find it useful to store words with words that convey an opposing concept for e=ample:
cheap ! e=pensive
wide ! narrow
rich ! poor
(any adjectives/ adverbs though close in meaning are not synonyms but are related through
degree with their meaning e=pressing a greater or lesser degree of a particular concept. ?nce again
learners may find it helpful to store words in this way. @aps in the diagrams can be filled as new
words are learnt. +or e=ample:
Phrasal erbs

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